Do you want to pronounce words correctly? By the end of this lesson, you will even be able to correct native speakers! I’ll teach you some very commonly mispronounced English vocabulary.
You’ll learn some words that English students mispronounce, other words that native speakers pronounce incorrectly, as well as some general pronunciation rules in English, so that you can speak English correctly and confidently. To keep learning English for free, subscribe to my YouTube channel, EnglishByJade!
hey guys who want to skype for english add me: abdell.jones1
Useful tips on pronunciation Jade.As far as I can tell, there are a couple of practical ways to overcome pronunciation problems.
First,try to be exposed to proper input or rather pronunciation patterns.
Second, once you have picked up the correct pattern, seize every opportunity you have at hand to put it into real practice.
Practice makes a big difference.
Ok, done
Hey Abdell!! I cannot add you. Would you like to send me a request back? frailyn_guzman on skype and on facebook.
I request all English Teachers at EngVid and Those who graduate and the the other students of this courses to help me the learning English because I have many problems of speaking English and writing paragraphs so again i request all of you to help me and I haven’t any one that I can make English conversation. please contact me my Privet Email : and my Facebook user
Thanks Jade.It was helpful.I got 7 out of 7.
Nice lesson. Thanks!
Thanks Jade…
Thank you so much, it was a great and useful lesson.
Thank you for correcting the common mispronunciations. Is “mispronunciation” a real word?
Thank you it was great, there is just a mistake for the word “Viscount”, the correct French word is : “Vicomte” [V]+[Count].
;), i like when English people use French word, it’s so sexy. Oups sorry.
I love this videos, are good for practice and continue learning a bit every day! :D thank you so much. Greetings from México.
I was confused. But I got 5 correct out of 7. Good for me :) Pronunciation is difficult. So, thank you for your lesson, Jade :)
I really love this kind of lessons. Please do more. Thank you a lot.
Thank you, Jade. I always enjoy your lessons.
I got 100 but I still have some confusions.. should we pronounce the ‘W’ in sword or not? :D
would you like to subtitle your video please ?
You rule!Thank you very much.
Thanks for this nice and useful lesson.I really enjoyed it.7 out of 7
thank u . but what do
haitch and dubya mean ?
tasneemmohsen hamoda
They’re just the ways to spell the letter ‘h’ and ‘w’ and they must be aitch and double-u
‘Haitch’ woul be the wrong way to say the letter H, and ‘dubya’ a wrong way to W.
I hope it helps you.
Hello …
Thank you Prof. Jade for this valuable lesson. firstly I would like to propose a lesson on describing apartment or a room in a house correctly. Secondly, in case of investigation for example, how to describe someone’s body and personality. Finally, I would thank EngVid Group for their appreciated efforts.
Best regards and thanks in advance.
majed havey you facebook
Hi how are you my friend
It’s a big surprise is’t it
mohamad hallak
I was wrong, I’ll have to repeat this lesson :(
Thank you Jade. I got 7 out of 7.
Jade! Are you hungry? At time 17:24, sound like you are hungry.
This lesson was very well explained, examples very well explained to me, the questionnaire was very easy to answer, thanks teacher Jane
I got 4 out of 7.Without watching the video.
I got 4/7 but your site its very helpful. Thanks
People from EngVid, is it ok to pronounce the word ‘Suit’ like this: /sjuːt/ ? Because I’ve always done so! Thanks a lot…
Perfect, Thanks a lot.
Thank you Jade for the lesson, but why do you say
height is spelled like width, length and death?
the placement of the T and the H is different.
The lisping sound comes when the H is after the T.
Am I wrong?
I agree
thank you dear jade
Could you help me to state the difference between the modal verbs MUST and SHOULD, and come up with a single context to explain both of them to lower intermediate students?
Hi paujorgel,
I can’t give you a complete answer but i can tell you what i know.
MUST, is a stronger modal. It is used while giving orders and is used by people, who can enforce the order i.e. teacher, judge, boss, parents e.t.c.
SHOULD, is a weaker modal. It is used in advice and is used more by people, who care about you i.e. friends, your own conscience, siblings e.t.c.
Hope it helped,
Help me about reading and writing,spenking
Hi! May I be helpful?
Hello Enzino. Is there any way to contact you and practice. I am trying to understand italian english speakers but I cant.
Well done. Thanks a lot Jade.
really good work guys thank you so much for your helpful videos thank you again
thx James Interesting lesson , I haven’t heard about the word history I just learn them by practice ;)
i got six correct answer out of seven questions thanx Jade.
This lesson has been a magnificent one. Thank you Jade and keep teaching us!
Thanks Jade!
Thanks a lot! =)
I have question. I did not known any of that french words. How often english speaking people use them?
7/7 but the true is that the quiz has nothing to have with the lesson, besides how can we make a quiz about pronunciation? Thank you, Jade very very good lesson, thank EngVid.
Jorge Pedroso
Very interesting lesson, thanks a lot!
I have just realized that the way I’ve always pronounced “iRon”, “iRoning” is actually wrong.
And also for “espresso” , my “eXpresso” had to sound a little weird, since I’m Italian and I should just pronounce it as in my native tongue to be correct (but I changed it, ’cause it sounded “more English” in the other way).
For “lieutenant”, I only knew the US pronunciation and still the “f” in Britain sounds quite odd to my ears.
Well, thanks again! I just hope I remember your advise!
Well done!
what does mean haitch and dubya?
It’s how you say the names of the letters “H” and “W”. If you prefer IPA, “H” is /eɪtʃ/ and “W” is /ˈdʌbl̩.juː/.
engVid Moderator
I Got 7 of 7. Thanks you for the explanation it’s awesome
I’ve one mistake No.6. Thank you Jade :)
Not Yet
Could you do videos like that more often? For me they are very,very useful. I’ve seen a lot of videos about pronunciation but this I like the most. Thank you so much!
Hi TJDMBA,can you add my Whatsapp ID +86 13036782755 to help me the pronunciation.thank you.
Eric Chan
Thanks Jade. Nice lesson. :)
I’m loving this site! Thanks Jade! You’re a excellent teacher! I got 6 of 7! I´m almost coming there! ;)
Nina Forever 4@
Hi Nina
I want to speak with you and improve my speaking. If you are interested in, please tell me.
very nice….thanks for your time
It a heaven on Earth, EngVid. I do love here!!
Thank you a million dear Teacher Jade. :)
I am one of the dare-devil fan of you and your lessons.
It is very good and useful, especially I like explanation for words with French origin.
hi thanks jade
wow yeahhh 5 / 7 so close thx for the lesson :3
This part of the lessons is very helpful. Keep up the good work. Thanks Jade! I got 7/7 too. Yey!
Jaecee Sponge
Thank you Jade
thanks jade
Thank u so much
Thank you Jade
Thank you
Useful lesson :)
Khiem An
you look like a filipino
Joseph Anthony
Excellent lesson!
Dear Jade, it’s awesome how I can understand your British English, first time I heard you, I really couldn’t understand you. British accent is amazing!!
greetings from Brazil.
No bad, no good
Angel W. Diaz
Thank you
I’ve got the wrong answer about the egg on his face. :( short term memory..
yea……….v good lecture even short but I was delight dear……..thx
rafi ghan
Prostate is not balls. It is a gland that produces fluid for sperm to travel in.
Great lesson Jade
I have a teacher who is name Jade as well.She is from London.She does not use her real accent.She said that if she used her real accent we could not understand her easily.I wondered that where you are from.Your accent sounds a little bit different to me .Would you mind telling us where you are from ?
Thanks Jade your accent is amazing, it was a nice lesson
i want to be friend those who can speak english. if anybody want to talk to me they are welcome,,
7/7 Your pronunciation is very important for me!It is your native language if I am not mistaken.
The rule in French is that the stress is on the last syllable. But in English, the rule is that the stress is in the first syllable.
By the way, “marqués”, Spanish word, is the origin of the word. In the Spain of the XIV century, the territorial division were based in “marks”.
Even Catalonia was the earlier ‘Spanish Mark’ ( Marca Hispánica).
Later, we may discuss about Plantagenet, Motemart and many other things, don’t we?
I’d like to be polite, but…
HI everyone I am going take IELSTS Exam in upcoming month anyone who want to improve English language please add me my Skype ID Rahimullahakbari33
thanks jade really nice
I did not know the W in sword is silent.
Yeah, live and learn.
hey Zoran ..
I’m kinda interested about learning Japanese and stuff … would you like to help ?! :D
Anfal Khadidja
Hi Jade
Good Job
By the way you said /vaɪkaʊnt/ and wrote on the board /vaɪkəʊnt/.
Arbab 110
Could you please help me to improve my English,
in a ordered manner or which lesson should I start first and how to go further?
Hi everybody. but why pronounce iron as ion, and is there any difference between the English and American Pronunciation. I feel the difference same as between the the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox church.laughter)) and honestly , I’d like to be milked from the both sides…. thank you Jade, and btw. I’m single with a big heart)))
Hello everyone , hello Jade .
Nice lesson , I thank you for that but I must rectify something . If you mean balls , as the slang word for testicles , is prostate , sorry to say that but you are wrong . Prostate is a gland beneath the bladder in a male body which is used to urinate and to product male semen . I hope you will appreciate my comment . I learn so many things from you and all engvid teachers that I can’t help correcting this mistake . Maybe a lesson on the names and locations of human body organs would be interresting .
Thank you Jade and carry on
Nice lesson jade and Thank u very much.
Kamil 321
Ya….we love jade
Thanks teacher… you’re a very nice girl!
Eder L.
Thanks lecture
i got score 100
bryan gtg
Thank you, i got 100 marks
Thanks a lot. That was gr8
i decided to join after watched your videos on YouTube. thanks jade. you give a lot practice in listening and any words of English.
I got a little confused with those french words… I need to practice
Thank you so much Jade. This is the first time i know French words, they really makes me confused and very diffuclt to pronounce.
Kong Huynh
Got 7/7 wow … I’m not that bad after all!
Thanks Jade! :)
Anfal Khadidja
“I want to sharpen my brain by drinking a triple…”
Espresso or vodka. That’s a tricky question =D
Emil Vakhitov
Hi Jade! Thank you so much for this useful lesson!
As to the person who was mean, I passed a huge amounts of moments like that, and I would say people like them are being envy when someone’s speech is smart or interesting ;)
You are great! Just laugh at them, because you are better, but don’t become insensible like them, because they just need care.
Best wishes to you!
well..7 is
Great video and I loved the quiz! Thank you!
6/7 :D
Thanks Jade!I need to practice more to avoid this mispronounced English vocabulary!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Thank you very much, Jade!
Thank you Jade. It’s funny because I’ve always said ‘haitch’, not ‘atich’ because I’m from London innit and our teachers told us off for dropping our hatiches, LOL. According to Longman’s Pronunciation Dictionary, da Irish say ‘haitch’. Good for dem! Also, you can say ‘sjuit’ in British English, although this is dying out. Here’s another interesting thing: you pronounced ‘prescription’ and ‘prerogative’ with a schwa in the prefix (‘pruh’) but transcribed it – correctly – with a short [i]. I agree with you but it just shows you that there is often discrepancy between the dictionary and reality. One final thing: the prostrate is a gland, not balls! Women, lol. :-)
thanks Jade!!!
Simona Santostasi
Thanks madam your teaching is nice
Hi Jade, you are just awesome and I’m hoping to teach you after learning from you. Hehehehe.
I am Prince David from Nigeria, aka PRINCE OF PHONETICS. I love you so much!
Prince David
very useful video
prima as in german :D thanks Jade
Thanks. I am looking forward to improving my accent especially in those case where I need to speak in longer sentences. I request you to deliver something more on this.
ok jade ,i love you ,that`s it ,i said that.fiuuuu
raul fagundez
7 out of 7. Thanks Jade.
love it.
Thank you Ms. Jade. My apologies, I cut the chase, and got only 7.
Thanks a lot
But what is the meaning of these dubya and haitch
They are how the names of the letters “W” and “H” are pronounced in English.
engVid Moderator
Thank you Jade
Cogratulations Jade. it was very “refreshig” to see you have fun at the end of the lesson. I’ve learnt a lot today!
Freddy Navas
Thanks Ms. Jade!
Thanks for your lovely sweet British accent , much useful
great lesson, it is exactly what I need for to improve quickly my English. Very useful lesson and fantastic teacher.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
hey guys who want to skype for english add me: abdell.jones1
Useful tips on pronunciation Jade.As far as I can tell, there are a couple of practical ways to overcome pronunciation problems.
First,try to be exposed to proper input or rather pronunciation patterns.
Second, once you have picked up the correct pattern, seize every opportunity you have at hand to put it into real practice.
Practice makes a big difference.
Ok, done
Hey Abdell!! I cannot add you. Would you like to send me a request back? frailyn_guzman on skype and on facebook.
I request all English Teachers at EngVid and Those who graduate and the the other students of this courses to help me the learning English because I have many problems of speaking English and writing paragraphs so again i request all of you to help me and I haven’t any one that I can make English conversation. please contact me my Privet Email : and my Facebook user
Thanks Jade.It was helpful.I got 7 out of 7.
Nice lesson. Thanks!
Thanks Jade…
Thank you so much, it was a great and useful lesson.
Thank you for correcting the common mispronunciations. Is “mispronunciation” a real word?
Thank you it was great, there is just a mistake for the word “Viscount”, the correct French word is : “Vicomte” [V]+[Count].
;), i like when English people use French word, it’s so sexy. Oups sorry.
I love this videos, are good for practice and continue learning a bit every day! :D thank you so much. Greetings from México.
I was confused. But I got 5 correct out of 7. Good for me :) Pronunciation is difficult. So, thank you for your lesson, Jade :)
I really love this kind of lessons. Please do more. Thank you a lot.
Thank you, Jade. I always enjoy your lessons.
I got 100 but I still have some confusions.. should we pronounce the ‘W’ in sword or not? :D
would you like to subtitle your video please ?
You rule!Thank you very much.
Thanks for this nice and useful lesson.I really enjoyed it.7 out of 7
thank u . but what do
haitch and dubya mean ?
They’re just the ways to spell the letter ‘h’ and ‘w’ and they must be aitch and double-u
‘Haitch’ woul be the wrong way to say the letter H, and ‘dubya’ a wrong way to W.
I hope it helps you.
Hello …
Thank you Prof. Jade for this valuable lesson. firstly I would like to propose a lesson on describing apartment or a room in a house correctly. Secondly, in case of investigation for example, how to describe someone’s body and personality. Finally, I would thank EngVid Group for their appreciated efforts.
Best regards and thanks in advance.
majed havey you facebook
Hi how are you my friend
It’s a big surprise is’t it
I was wrong, I’ll have to repeat this lesson :(
Thank you Jade. I got 7 out of 7.
Jade! Are you hungry? At time 17:24, sound like you are hungry.
This lesson was very well explained, examples very well explained to me, the questionnaire was very easy to answer, thanks teacher Jane
I got 4 out of 7.Without watching the video.
I got 4/7 but your site its very helpful. Thanks
People from EngVid, is it ok to pronounce the word ‘Suit’ like this: /sjuːt/ ? Because I’ve always done so! Thanks a lot…
Perfect, Thanks a lot.
Thank you Jade for the lesson, but why do you say
height is spelled like width, length and death?
the placement of the T and the H is different.
The lisping sound comes when the H is after the T.
Am I wrong?
I agree
thank you dear jade
Could you help me to state the difference between the modal verbs MUST and SHOULD, and come up with a single context to explain both of them to lower intermediate students?
Hi paujorgel,
I can’t give you a complete answer but i can tell you what i know.
MUST, is a stronger modal. It is used while giving orders and is used by people, who can enforce the order i.e. teacher, judge, boss, parents e.t.c.
SHOULD, is a weaker modal. It is used in advice and is used more by people, who care about you i.e. friends, your own conscience, siblings e.t.c.
Hope it helped,
Help me about reading and writing,spenking
Hi! May I be helpful?
Hello Enzino. Is there any way to contact you and practice. I am trying to understand italian english speakers but I cant.
Well done. Thanks a lot Jade.
really good work guys thank you so much for your helpful videos thank you again
thx James Interesting lesson , I haven’t heard about the word history I just learn them by practice ;)
i got six correct answer out of seven questions thanx Jade.
This lesson has been a magnificent one. Thank you Jade and keep teaching us!
Thanks Jade!
Thanks a lot! =)
I have question. I did not known any of that french words. How often english speaking people use them?
7/7 but the true is that the quiz has nothing to have with the lesson, besides how can we make a quiz about pronunciation? Thank you, Jade very very good lesson, thank EngVid.
Very interesting lesson, thanks a lot!
I have just realized that the way I’ve always pronounced “iRon”, “iRoning” is actually wrong.
And also for “espresso” , my “eXpresso” had to sound a little weird, since I’m Italian and I should just pronounce it as in my native tongue to be correct (but I changed it, ’cause it sounded “more English” in the other way).
For “lieutenant”, I only knew the US pronunciation and still the “f” in Britain sounds quite odd to my ears.
Well, thanks again! I just hope I remember your advise!
Well done!
what does mean haitch and dubya?
It’s how you say the names of the letters “H” and “W”. If you prefer IPA, “H” is /eɪtʃ/ and “W” is /ˈdʌbl̩.juː/.
I Got 7 of 7. Thanks you for the explanation it’s awesome
I’ve one mistake No.6. Thank you Jade :)
Could you do videos like that more often? For me they are very,very useful. I’ve seen a lot of videos about pronunciation but this I like the most. Thank you so much!
I got 7 out of 7 jjejejeje
In American English, we pronounce the “r” in “iron.” See, (click on the US pronunciation).
Hi TJDMBA,can you add my Whatsapp ID +86 13036782755 to help me the pronunciation.thank you.
Thanks Jade. Nice lesson. :)
I’m loving this site! Thanks Jade! You’re a excellent teacher! I got 6 of 7! I´m almost coming there! ;)
Hi Nina
I want to speak with you and improve my speaking. If you are interested in, please tell me.
very nice….thanks for your time
It a heaven on Earth, EngVid. I do love here!!
Thank you a million dear Teacher Jade. :)
I am one of the dare-devil fan of you and your lessons.
It is very good and useful, especially I like explanation for words with French origin.
hi thanks jade
wow yeahhh 5 / 7 so close thx for the lesson :3
This part of the lessons is very helpful. Keep up the good work. Thanks Jade! I got 7/7 too. Yey!
Thank you Jade
thanks jade
Thank u so much
Thank you Jade
Thank you
Useful lesson :)
you look like a filipino
Excellent lesson!
Dear Jade, it’s awesome how I can understand your British English, first time I heard you, I really couldn’t understand you. British accent is amazing!!
greetings from Brazil.
No bad, no good
Thank you
I’ve got the wrong answer about the egg on his face. :( short term memory..
yea……….v good lecture even short but I was delight dear……..thx
Prostate is not balls. It is a gland that produces fluid for sperm to travel in.
Great lesson Jade
I have a teacher who is name Jade as well.She is from London.She does not use her real accent.She said that if she used her real accent we could not understand her easily.I wondered that where you are from.Your accent sounds a little bit different to me .Would you mind telling us where you are from ?
Thanks Jade your accent is amazing, it was a nice lesson
i want to be friend those who can speak english. if anybody want to talk to me they are welcome,,
7/7 Your pronunciation is very important for me!It is your native language if I am not mistaken.
The rule in French is that the stress is on the last syllable. But in English, the rule is that the stress is in the first syllable.
By the way, “marqués”, Spanish word, is the origin of the word. In the Spain of the XIV century, the territorial division were based in “marks”.
Even Catalonia was the earlier ‘Spanish Mark’ ( Marca Hispánica).
Later, we may discuss about Plantagenet, Motemart and many other things, don’t we?
I’d like to be polite, but…
HI everyone I am going take IELSTS Exam in upcoming month anyone who want to improve English language please add me my Skype ID Rahimullahakbari33
thanks jade really nice
I did not know the W in sword is silent.
Yeah, live and learn.
hey Zoran ..
I’m kinda interested about learning Japanese and stuff … would you like to help ?! :D
Hi Jade
Good Job
By the way you said /vaɪkaʊnt/ and wrote on the board /vaɪkəʊnt/.
Could you please help me to improve my English,
in a ordered manner or which lesson should I start first and how to go further?
Hi everybody. but why pronounce iron as ion, and is there any difference between the English and American Pronunciation. I feel the difference same as between the the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox church.laughter)) and honestly , I’d like to be milked from the both sides…. thank you Jade, and btw. I’m single with a big heart)))
Hello everyone , hello Jade .
Nice lesson , I thank you for that but I must rectify something . If you mean balls , as the slang word for testicles , is prostate , sorry to say that but you are wrong . Prostate is a gland beneath the bladder in a male body which is used to urinate and to product male semen . I hope you will appreciate my comment . I learn so many things from you and all engvid teachers that I can’t help correcting this mistake . Maybe a lesson on the names and locations of human body organs would be interresting .
Thank you Jade and carry on
Nice lesson jade and Thank u very much.
Ya….we love jade
Thanks teacher… you’re a very nice girl!
Thanks lecture
i got score 100
Thank you, i got 100 marks
Thanks a lot. That was gr8
i decided to join after watched your videos on YouTube. thanks jade. you give a lot practice in listening and any words of English.
I got a little confused with those french words… I need to practice
Thank you so much Jade. This is the first time i know French words, they really makes me confused and very diffuclt to pronounce.
Got 7/7 wow … I’m not that bad after all!
Thanks Jade! :)
“I want to sharpen my brain by drinking a triple…”
Espresso or vodka. That’s a tricky question =D
Hi Jade! Thank you so much for this useful lesson!
As to the person who was mean, I passed a huge amounts of moments like that, and I would say people like them are being envy when someone’s speech is smart or interesting ;)
You are great! Just laugh at them, because you are better, but don’t become insensible like them, because they just need care.
Best wishes to you!
well..7 is
Great video and I loved the quiz! Thank you!
6/7 :D
Thanks Jade!I need to practice more to avoid this mispronounced English vocabulary!
Thank you very much, Jade!
Thank you Jade. It’s funny because I’ve always said ‘haitch’, not ‘atich’ because I’m from London innit and our teachers told us off for dropping our hatiches, LOL. According to Longman’s Pronunciation Dictionary, da Irish say ‘haitch’. Good for dem! Also, you can say ‘sjuit’ in British English, although this is dying out. Here’s another interesting thing: you pronounced ‘prescription’ and ‘prerogative’ with a schwa in the prefix (‘pruh’) but transcribed it – correctly – with a short [i]. I agree with you but it just shows you that there is often discrepancy between the dictionary and reality. One final thing: the prostrate is a gland, not balls! Women, lol. :-)
thanks Jade!!!
Thanks madam your teaching is nice
Hi Jade, you are just awesome and I’m hoping to teach you after learning from you. Hehehehe.
I am Prince David from Nigeria, aka PRINCE OF PHONETICS. I love you so much!
very useful video
prima as in german :D thanks Jade
Thanks. I am looking forward to improving my accent especially in those case where I need to speak in longer sentences. I request you to deliver something more on this.
ok jade ,i love you ,that`s it ,i said that.fiuuuu
7 out of 7. Thanks Jade.
love it.
Thank you Ms. Jade. My apologies, I cut the chase, and got only 7.
Thanks a lot
But what is the meaning of these dubya and haitch
They are how the names of the letters “W” and “H” are pronounced in English.
Thank you Jade
Cogratulations Jade. it was very “refreshig” to see you have fun at the end of the lesson. I’ve learnt a lot today!
Thanks Ms. Jade!
Thanks for your lovely sweet British accent , much useful
great lesson, it is exactly what I need for to improve quickly my English. Very useful lesson and fantastic teacher.