Going to get a haircut? In this lesson, I will teach you expressions and vocabulary to use at the hair salon or barbershop. What is the difference between a barbershop and a hair salon, anyway? What are dreads, braids, ponytails, up-dos, and pigtails? What is dandruff? How do I ask to get my hair cut? Watch this lesson for the answers to these questions and more!
Hi Emma!
My question is wether you say ‘ironing’ to straighten one’s hair?!using an electronic machine…thanks
This has been one of my favorite lessons. I’m amazingly thankful :)
its good lesson, is`nt it?
Emma, you look lovely with a pony tail :-)
Dear Emma,
Thanks for amazing lesson )
I would like to ask about word – BANGS.
I haven’t found it in my dictionary. As I got you – you meant FRINGE, didn’t you?
So which of 2 words is more common?
I knew word “fringe” and I’ve never heard about “bangs” before…
suraj [INDIA]
Thank you very much! ;)
Hi Kenzoll , in my opinion “fringe” is more common in GB and “bangs” in North America
Thanks, probably )) I’ll ask my friend from USA.
I think you’re right Kroy. In Canada, “bangs” is more common than “fringe”, but “fringe” means the same thing.
You used the word “inch” instead of “centimetre”, but I thought that in Canada you guys used the international metric system, don’t you??
You’re right Tiago. In Canada, we do most things in metric, but people often use inches when they go to the hairdressers.
Also, we often use feet in Canada when we’re talking about height and pounds for weight.
wow it was very interesting
I’d like to get my hair banged and straight.
Is this correct?
Nice lesson Emma, thank you *
yes you are right Sofia!k_dzhusupov@mail.ru send me a message and lets practice our english skills
“Bangs” is a noun. You can say “I’d like to have bangs, and I’d like to get my hair straightened.”
Okay! thank you very much.
thank you Emma!very useful :)
Hi Emma,
Thank you for the comprehensive lesson about my job daily words. I use Engvid.com lessons on a daily basis. I’d like to recommend a haircut for you too :). If you are going to cut your hair, since you have a round face a pixie haircut (short in the back) with longer side-swept bangs will look great on you. I actually liked to upload some pics for getting the idea.but If you had any question you can contact me. anyway, thank you for the lesson and hope to see you in your new haircut!
Thanks Hossein for the tip! I prefer having shorter hair and plan to cut my hair soon!
I am happy that you are using my tip. Can’t wait to see your new haircut. :)
WOW!,Emma,How kind you are!!!!!!!
you respect to others opinion,
personally I would say your, hair is heavenly and you do not need to cut it,and you look very beautiful.I LIKE YOU. take care,
Hamid Reza
Yeah, you look fabulous with a pony tail, don’t shorten it though; this is quite moderate, any shorter and you’ll look like my grandma :)
This is very useful and interesting video.
when to use have+ had and had + had(both)?
you do a great work thnx very much everbody
Wonderful lesson, thank you very much!
Hi Emma,
thanks a lot for this lesson!
I already feel like going to the hairdresser’s:)
Couple of questions, though.
First of all, you said sth about bangs and I’m not sure if I should use are or is. My bangs is or are too long. I’m pretty certain you said are, but I’m just making sure.
Secondly, can I say I want to wear A bun?
Also, how can I say a sentence with volume? I’d like to have a volume hair as in opposite to flat?
And the last thing, you said sth and this one I didn’t catch at all :( that you want your ends off/of?
Can you please help me?
Thanks a million!
Hi Comellie,
“Bangs” are plural, so use “are”, for example, “My bangs are too short.”
You can definitely say “I want to wear a bun”.
For “volume”, your sentence is correct. Here are some more examples:
I want my hair to have more volume.
Hair with volume is better than flat hair.
How can I add volume to my hair?
For your last question, we often say “I want a little off the ends.” This means we want the hairdresser to cut a little bit of hair off from the bottom.
Cheers Emma!:)
Another great lesson, well structured and with a teacher with a knack for teaching.
Definitely ponytail. The teacher stays glamorous.
Can Emma do a lesson about the terms of construction works(rebars, concrete, tunneling, etc)?
Thank you Emma , very useful lesson . I got 10 correct out of 10 .
i have dandruff, so what shampoo should i use?
Give me advice, please?
Great lesson,Emma!I had the opportunity to learn some useful vocabulary about hair.
Thanks Emma, very clear your explanation.
Thanks Emma.you taught this lesson in a very impressive way, in simple language,adding new words to our vocabulary.braids and buns are common hairstyles but i did not n
know the names.peally helpful
Hi. Emma this is very useful for all students especially for girls thanks
Thanks for this lesson really is excellent.
wow good lesson
babibabooba emma
I has been quite interesting lesson mam. It would have been much better if we had some picture clips of various hairstyles while explaining them. I suppose, It would make our understanding much better. I was more related with ladies hair styles. I hope we have some more hairstyles with gens as well.. Overall, I Love this lesson. Thanks
I have some special request to engvid. I request for special class on various body languages like wiping ones forehead, winking ones eyes etc. I know only few of them. Its gonna be very beneficial to us.
thanks mam for this lesson,can you teach when we use have+had and had +had means both together in a sentence?
It is funny.
Even if I had 90 scores to the quiz, I can,t know vocabularies about hair dressing well. Because I am a man and old.
Thank you for your good teaching.
it seems fantastic,unfortunately i cant download its video.would u tell me how can i?
Hi galawizh,
It is not downloadable.
Thank you. It’s very usefull for me :)
thanks for good teaching.
which one is the phrase correct?:
“i’d like to have my hair permed curly” or
“i’d like to have my hair curled”
Hi Emma!
I have a question. Im 29 old. I have no any education and Im beginner. So is it possible for me to become as translator(interpreter) without studying at university? what chances? what I must do to reach my target?
I’m trying to learn englishe, I like to have more lessons. thank you
Thaks for the lesson, Emma! You look great with your neither too long nor too short hair cut:)
thank you for all lessons.
why my comments have been deleted it’s not good.
i’m very unhappy.
Chances are, I just haven’t approved them yet :)
I rarely delete comments, unless someone 1) posts the same comment several times, 2) leaves a one-word comment, or 3) talks about how beautiful the teacher is and how they would like to marry them.
engVid Moderator
Dear Emma!
Thank you so much!
One day I’ll move to America; one day I will want to have my hair cut. I will remember you lesson!
Dear Emma,
Thank you very much for your lesson.
What about a haircut ,a fringe or highlighed hair?
i’d like to tell u Emma… the way u teach was perfect im very thank full to u n the web maker who doing sport ALL THAT GOD BLESS U ALL.
Thanks Emma
It would have been better if had Shown some pictures.
thanks again
thanks alot I like it
dear emma. thanks for your teaching. In the past i just say get a cut for when i went to bardershop. Now i can say more and let hairdresser give me more cool style.
hm nice one,thanks
emma i want to know how can i ask for a cut in the barbershop, cause you didn’t explain that. thanks
many thanks to you .. it was very helpful
Thanks, Emma, this lesson is very useful. I have a doubt about when should use “it” or “that” as the subject of a sentence. For example, what’s the difference between “it’s cool” and “that’s cool” or “don’t do it” and “don’t do that”?
I’m lookin forward your reply.
Great lesson dear teacher…..very helpful…thanks so much!!
Jesse María
thanks emma i will tell my gf to cut her hair done immediatly lol
tnx. so useful and amazing. tnx for it.
Thank you very much, It helped me a lot!
Emma, thank you so much, that is so useful. Your way in teaching is very nice :)
I adoro their classes Emma! Congratulations and you have always a superb day!
Thank Emma! This lesson is very benificial. I have not known these words until now. I think it is essential for us in the daily life ^^
We usually use Foil don’t use Streaked….but this good movie
eu chen
Thank you ,it contain a lot of information and new vocabularies,Fully
I need to review.I liked your lesson It was perfect and very useful .Thanks again
realy i like it and i passed the quiz 1oo per
You hair look lovely Emma! I like you to make lesson for other kind of hair which we need when we go to spa.
thank you Emma. it was useful.
and i wish you had some real pictures for your lesson too.
by the way Emma, you look really beautiful and different with a ponytail.
Hi there :)
Hi dear Fatiima, welcome back…:D
Dear Emma,
I have been watching your lessons from a pretty long time.Also,I am in 12th standard and i am having problem in note making,could you please,give a lesson on note making?I shall be greatful to you if you do so.
Hi dear Emma,
I don’t know to describe the question of math,
For example: multiplication (*), division (/), subtraction (-) ,addition(+)
Please make video to solve our problem.
Thanks you so for kindly help
Sher M Akbar from Afghanistan Kabul
Again Dear Emma,
Please we need your help about the quition i tking its usefull for must of your students
Thanks again I am waiting for your kindly respose.
sher M Akbar
nashat anwar
many many thans, i have learned a lot in this section.
Besides beeing a good teatcher, You’re a very good hairdresser Emma :)
Thanks alot
In my opinion, I suggest you to change the style of your hair to a ponytail. I have to admit it, you look so gorgeous on that style :)
BTW, I suggest that for Ronnie before to make a lesson for “airport & airplane” in her lesson “Vocabulary – Renting an Apartment”, but NO Response :S
for that I will be very grateful if you make a lesson for “Going to the Airport & airplane”
– The vocabularies and expressions that we need to use in those areas such like “check-in desk, duty free, boarding card, departure board, carousel, etc.” “the kind of questions that we might face” Moreover the traveling word that we need to know whether you’re traveling by plane, bus, train, yacht, metro,etc. ;)
Thanks Emma
Hi Emma
I want let you know as well all the guys that I love poney tailed girls
very good lesson thanks alot I would like to download this lesson but I unable how can I do ? pls advice
..very nice and useful lesson…but,in case Mary can’t have any hair, she could buy a wig :)…thanks Emma…
Very good! I’v got a perfect score. Thank you!
perfect video. Congratulations
Francisco Sousa
Mary seemed to enjoy it :)
YooHoo, got all correct! All set to get set for english
Hey Emma,
one more time a great lesson, but it is too long (23 m) I would divide those videos into two separate parts next time. In this way you could have more dynamic lesson and focus on a narrow topic =) thanks for the awesome lesson
You’re right! This lesson was a little long, and I got a bit carried away. Two shorter segments would’ve been a better idea!
thanks Emma
Very useful lesson
hello, Emma.
the video was so great.
the pictures you drew on the whiteboard help me to understand easier :)
No, ather videos are too short
woah ~ 10/10 ^^ thank you very much,Emma
Thank you very much. I got new words and ready for hair salom lol
Really, thanks
Thank you very much…excellent helpful lesson
It was very good and useful for me because I am improving my listening.
Maria do Rozário
I would like 2 see ur hair 2 inches off, that would be great n’ thank u 4 this long lesson. just u need a trim lol. so long Emma.
Efrain Dominguez
Hahaha, thank you for the advice. I read in an article that people should trim their hair every three months to help it grow better. I need a trim!
6/10 :(
hi Emma. You are an hair expert.
Have all weekend good and funny ;)
It’s a friend of my who suggest me the site a day i looked a view i saw engvid.com, that sound great, thank you Emma i louve your course, i’m a Haitian i live petion-ville. take care!
Hi, it’s so helpful.
thank you Emma for this lesson
thank you for intereting lesson my theacher,,,I started to learn english ,I like you all lesson
i’m wilguy i follow you in Haiti, i would like to congratulate you on discriminating between barber and hairdresser,and additionally would you mind differentiating hairdo for haircut?
Dear Emma, your hair is perfect. You don’t need to change anything. Thank you so much for this lesson!
Thanks a lot Emma. Very well done.
Zeinab Pahlavan
Emma is great. If there is anyone who wants improve his english through skype conversation then mail me because I want it too.shiplu.f@gmail.com
Hi Emma,I am from Brazil,but I live in Boston for almost 14 years…I usually study English online,and today for the first time,I watched your class,and I really loved it!I just want say something about to learn English,it is watching TV with the captions on…this worked a lot to me!I think when you LISTEN the word and SEE it at the same time,you are able to write also.I am going back to my country,but from now,I will be watching your class everyday .You are very good teacher!
Thank you!!!!
Marisa Quinn
Wow, Emma looks so good with ponytail!
Thank you,Emma! I got 10/10.
Emma , You will look good in pigtails.
Thank you for this wonderful lesson !! Your haircut is usually nice ! We’re looking forward to next videos !
Dear Emma!
This lesson is amazing and very useful.
Someone said it was too long; I think it’s informative. I’ve watched it two times, and learned vocabulary.
I’d like there to be some more lessons like this one and like Rebecca’s lessons about shopping or renting an apartment. I’d like these lessons to cover different life aspects like waiting in a queue (what should I say when I want to occupy a place in a queue? Or someone asks me who is the last in the queue), going to bank, or other services. Of course, you may have other plans; implement them first!
Best Regards
Hi Emma,
I really enjoyed this video. You are one of my best Teacher. I really like your teaching style.
Here I request you to make one video on ” Elder vs Older”, I want to know the difference between these two and use.
Thank You
Best regards,
Riaz Noor Afridi
Riaz Noor
Hi Emma,
First of all I want to say you big thanks for this lesson! :)
I have few question:
1)How can ask hairdresser to dry my hair to get volume hairstyle?
2) Is it correct to say ?: “I would like to have a part on left side of my face”.
Thank you in advance
thank you very much your lesson very usefulCan you Taidon write the contents of the lesson
In the text of a PDF
So I can review the lesson and how to write the words spoken
Thank you
thank you so mutch u are the best
thank you Emma very much
you have a nice smile
thank you Emma i am newcomer and i am here for one month and i want to go barbershop and it was hard what should i say ? i decide to fallow your class and try to be better
Hi, enjoy your video’s you do not say okay when you are giving a lesson. That makes the lesson enjoyable because it shows you are confident in what you are teaching.
it was a fantastic lesson thanks so much.
thank you
Great lesson, Emma. First time I got in touch with “hairdresser vocab”. Anyway, I think the length of the video is not a problem at all since you’re charismatic. Truth is I didn’t even noticed the time. Take care.
thanks for the lesson dear emma. but i have a question. first of all, i often practice about listening. And i bealive that i improve my listening skills. however,there is a problem about speaking. there is no one that i can speak to english and practice. So, my writing and listening skills are not bad. but speaking is slowly. finally, how can i solve this problem? :(
hello sheyma; me too have the same probleme to improve my spocken english.may be our firend emme have a solution or an idea .
me too
thank you
thanks for your lesson
Dear Emma,
This is very useful and interesting your lesson.
This lesson is useful.I learned many new words.By the way,is there someone knows anything about OOPT .
Why don’t i see subtitle in English on this video anymore?
Try clicking the “CC” button at the bottom of the video? That turns the subtitles off and on.
engVid Moderator
yeah, Thank you so much. I got it
Thank you so much.
Thanks a million, Emma! Can you please do a second part for us guys?! I really have no idea how I can ask the barber for a certain hair cut or some other specific details like sideburns for example. Actually, you can introduce some other good vocabulary as well, like beard, stubble…etc. one more thing, is there a name for the line of hair that links the back of the neck with the rest of your hair? Thanks again!
hi Emma !
This lesson is very fun. So ıt was marvellous. but
If you ask me this lesson for the girls. :((
tanku so mach EMMA
hello Emma,
Thank you so much.I learn from you a lot. i have a question, “which word suitable for conversation (shaved hair/bold headed)?”
many thanks
Thank you.
the ponytail fit you Emma :)
100% and now I’d like my hair streaked :)
Emma your voice have most sensation….
Hi Emma, I really liked you. It’d be great if you do a live twittcam someday.
i want my hair the part on the left side, in the middle. he has bold headed. without the part. i want to comb my hair backward . i need grease for hair.
very useful .. thanks a lot Emma :)
thank you emma for this lesson, however , i think that you are a very good english teacher , but also a great drawer.lol
Awesome lesson to solve all problems in salon. Thanks a lot!!
I don t have much hair, but I liked this lesson. Thank you very much indeed…
Thank you Emma……
Tank u very much.
Emma thanks so so helpful!!
I want to know that how can I say this word “Volume”
I not sure that it say “Voo-lume” or “Voo-yume”
I heard you said “Voo-yume” is that right?
I don’t dare to say a word because I`m just learning, but I really like engVid .
Thank you guys , you really do it good
thanks dear Emma it was absolutely new for me with a new vocabulary as well and useful off course thanks again .
This is very useful. Thank you Emma.
I should have taken this lecture before I went to Australia XD
Thank u so much.i will go out to do my hair
Thank u , 90% :)
hi emma
i live in IRAN .i’m going to europe for continue eduction.
i dont understand english.i’m very english poor.
can i do it ????
i like learning english.but i speak very slow.
can youy heip me???…i want to go Danmark.there take continue eduction.
realy i’m studing IT.i’m about 23.
help me.
i love you bye
Thank you Emma, that was amazing, I’m a men so I never heard than vocabulary before. Thanks a lot, and you have a really cute hair too.
Thank u very much it was fantastic
thanks Emma ^^
thank you so much
thanks emma and you will be awesome with pouytail
thank you for useful information.
Thanks a lot Emma. I really like your long curly hair.
Very good Emma.
I can teach some person here.
Thank you.
Thank you so much my teacher!I learn new vocabulary because of you.
thanks so much !Emma
Thank you Emma. Your picture is so good !!
Thank you Emma, it’s so good and useful. Can you please give some haircut vocabularies for male? i really confused how to describe it to barber.
Frank WU
This is a great lesson, but I can’t find vocabulary related with the items we usually put on our hair, must of all young girls; and I miss them in your explanation.
Could you please tell somewhere to find it and how we could use it?
Thank you
Hi from Russia to you,Emma!
You’re the best teacher and beautiful girl,too! :)
Thank you very much
thank U very much
tomorrow I’m going to barber shop, and I want normal cut hair. means just cut my hair and keep it on same style,
could I say
I’d like to get my hair trim…
thank you for your explnitoin. i don’t have any hiar.i’m bald.lovely teacher.tttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaannnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk’ssssssssssssssssss
Thanks I got 70%
Abdul Qayum
Thank you! i just realize what is a perm in my own language haha, women stuff :P
Nice lesson. This lesson have been increased my knowledge when i talked to ladies.
water meter check please
haha,thank u emma,this was undoubtedly a great lesson,you know what? I have frizzy hair since I was born XD so I’ve always coped with that,that’s why everytime I go to the barber I don’t go for a trim,I get crew cut and it really fits me XD,now I would like to see you in a lesson having pigtail hairstyle,It would be awesome and funny at the same time and yehaa pigtail is most for kids but do it please XD.
Another anecdote I have as a child was when I got my hair streaked them my mom hit me with the broom for doing that XD.She thought I was gay XD.
Seriously a ponytail fits you,thank u and greetings from peru,the country of the best food ever.
great lesson especially for girls who like hairdresser salon more than their homes
thank you very much, emma
Hi,Emma,the subject that you teach is very useful.
I like it very much.
Thank you.
And you got a nice hairstyle.
Thanks Emma
Very usefull lesson specail for the ladies the love these kind of lessons, hahah Thans Emma :)!
Aced it.! Thanks Emma.
Hi Emma Mam, I am masum, new student, I try to learn English by you. your teaching very well and clear way.
Hi Emma,
Thanks, it is really useful lesson. Tour teaching is excellent.
Thank you!
very useful lesson. I have learned a lot
Sallon yu
This is the best lesson with me.Thanks!
I have dandruff, I would like to get my hair dyed black ;)That’s wonderful lesson. Thanks a lot Emma ;)
Emma!Emma, I like you very much,and your videos are very attractive to me.
I can not watch the video, please someone help me.
very good-structured information with nice explanation.thanks a lot.
Nikita Chizhik
Emma, this video is amazing. I’d like to know if you can give me the video with the subscript instead of to be whatching a 100 times using my bad internet connection? lol.My wife is a herdresser, and this is really usefull for her. She is going to cut hair in miami in a few days.
Herdresser* Hairdresser instead. Sorry
thanks emma .
A cool and different video! my mom is a hairdresser and I can teach her all these things! thanks Emma!
Thank you very much! ;)
Hi Ema thanks for the class, I have a doubt, I am not sure about the meaning of ends. is It a kind of decoration or ornament for the hair?
Thanks a lot!
Hi,Emma.Thanks for your lesson and I want to ask a question. I have a short haircut style. Last time when I got my hair cut, it was cut to too chopped. I don’t know how to explain it to the hairdresser. Do you understand what I mean?
Not Emma, but jumping in anyway—do you mean it was too short? Or did they add texture by cutting different lengths when you wanted it all the same length?
If you’re in doubt about the best way to explain what you want, it’s a good idea to find a photo of someone with the haircut you want, and show that to the hairdresser.
engVid Moderator
thanks emma .
Thanks for the great lesson, but this video is too long ;(
I think you look so beautiful in each hair style.Although I guess it must be fun seeing you with dark streaked,curled hair.
saeed manzari3
hopefully a man has not so many problems with hairy styles :D
100 like always. :) Dear Emma i think ponytail would be a good hair style for you. i highly recommend it to you. you will be more beautiful. try it once. and thanks for the lesson.
Mohsen Barati
I have a question: what different between start and began ,’the class began or the class start?
Wonderful lesson! Thank you.
it was useful to understand that “A ponytail is a hairstyle in which the hair is tied up at the back of the head. Pigtails are two ponytails that are on the sides of the head.” what a shame for me…I am bald no shaved, I have alopecia..¡¡
Hi, Emma. What if I would like to have a U Shape hair, should I tell them to trim it into U shape? But I also want to trim it shorter. So should i say to trim a few inches off then cut it into U shaped?
Thanks you so much
Marta Lopez
Thanks Emma. I got 8/10.
Thank you Emma. I loved your lessons because you are very understandable. In my opinion you should use two braids with the same beautiful colour of your hair. It would be amazing.
i got 100 haha…i think i ‘d like to get a cut now.
Very nice, nice teacher!
Thank you so much! Very useful lesson!
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. This is very useful for women.I got 100
I got 8/10! Thanks for the lesson!
Its very nice lesson thanks a lot Emma
Thank you Emma :)
Cindy Venisia
Dear Emma
Most of your vocabularies have to do with women.Would you please let us know more about men haircut and styles. Thanks for your help.
Thank you Emma. Yours lessons are very good for my learning. I have a question. If I want to redo my coloration, what is the best formule for to use?
Thanks Emma… you are the best teacher with nice method. Really i enjoy with your Videos…? and i am passionate about your engvid…??
Thank you so much…
I’m into this lesson. Thank you Emma.
I’m into this lesson. Thank you Emma.
Abrar Ahmed Dadan
Thanks Emma!
Thank you Emma!I enjoyed this lesson!
Horacio Miranda
Thank you Emma for all your lessons, by the way you look so pretty with your hair-style, no bangs, no ponytails and no braids, have a nice day.
Could you please make a follow-up video on “using different verbs” that can be used for describing hairstyle?I think it would be so helpful for learners.
10/10! Summer is coming! I want shave my hair, it will make me cool.
Jerry Gu
thanks Emma. you have beautiful hair-
thanks a lot,Emma,hugs (Kazakhstan o2 Dec2o21:)
Learn English for free with 2157 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi Emma!
My question is wether you say ‘ironing’ to straighten one’s hair?!using an electronic machine…thanks
This has been one of my favorite lessons. I’m amazingly thankful :)
its good lesson, is`nt it?
Emma, you look lovely with a pony tail :-)
Dear Emma,
Thanks for amazing lesson )
I would like to ask about word – BANGS.
I haven’t found it in my dictionary. As I got you – you meant FRINGE, didn’t you?
So which of 2 words is more common?
I knew word “fringe” and I’ve never heard about “bangs” before…
Thanks in advance for feedback,
Thank you very much! ;)
Hi Kenzoll , in my opinion “fringe” is more common in GB and “bangs” in North America
Thanks, probably )) I’ll ask my friend from USA.
I think you’re right Kroy. In Canada, “bangs” is more common than “fringe”, but “fringe” means the same thing.
You used the word “inch” instead of “centimetre”, but I thought that in Canada you guys used the international metric system, don’t you??
You’re right Tiago. In Canada, we do most things in metric, but people often use inches when they go to the hairdressers.
Also, we often use feet in Canada when we’re talking about height and pounds for weight.
wow it was very interesting
I’d like to get my hair banged and straight.
Is this correct?
Nice lesson Emma, thank you *
yes you are right Sofia!k_dzhusupov@mail.ru send me a message and lets practice our english skills
“Bangs” is a noun. You can say “I’d like to have bangs, and I’d like to get my hair straightened.”
Okay! thank you very much.
thank you Emma!very useful :)
Hi Emma,
Thank you for the comprehensive lesson about my job daily words. I use Engvid.com lessons on a daily basis. I’d like to recommend a haircut for you too :). If you are going to cut your hair, since you have a round face a pixie haircut (short in the back) with longer side-swept bangs will look great on you. I actually liked to upload some pics for getting the idea.but If you had any question you can contact me. anyway, thank you for the lesson and hope to see you in your new haircut!
Thanks Hossein for the tip! I prefer having shorter hair and plan to cut my hair soon!
I am happy that you are using my tip. Can’t wait to see your new haircut. :)
WOW!,Emma,How kind you are!!!!!!!
you respect to others opinion,
personally I would say your, hair is heavenly and you do not need to cut it,and you look very beautiful.I LIKE YOU. take care,
Yeah, you look fabulous with a pony tail, don’t shorten it though; this is quite moderate, any shorter and you’ll look like my grandma :)
This is very useful and interesting video.
when to use have+ had and had + had(both)?
you do a great work thnx very much everbody
Wonderful lesson, thank you very much!
Hi Emma,
thanks a lot for this lesson!
I already feel like going to the hairdresser’s:)
Couple of questions, though.
First of all, you said sth about bangs and I’m not sure if I should use are or is. My bangs is or are too long. I’m pretty certain you said are, but I’m just making sure.
Secondly, can I say I want to wear A bun?
Also, how can I say a sentence with volume? I’d like to have a volume hair as in opposite to flat?
And the last thing, you said sth and this one I didn’t catch at all :( that you want your ends off/of?
Can you please help me?
Thanks a million!
Hi Comellie,
“Bangs” are plural, so use “are”, for example, “My bangs are too short.”
You can definitely say “I want to wear a bun”.
For “volume”, your sentence is correct. Here are some more examples:
I want my hair to have more volume.
Hair with volume is better than flat hair.
How can I add volume to my hair?
For your last question, we often say “I want a little off the ends.” This means we want the hairdresser to cut a little bit of hair off from the bottom.
Cheers Emma!:)
Another great lesson, well structured and with a teacher with a knack for teaching.
Definitely ponytail. The teacher stays glamorous.
Can Emma do a lesson about the terms of construction works(rebars, concrete, tunneling, etc)?
Thank you Emma , very useful lesson . I got 10 correct out of 10 .
i have dandruff, so what shampoo should i use?
Give me advice, please?
Try Head & Shoulders or Selsun Blue?
Definitely, Head and Shoulders shampoo!
Great lesson,Emma!I had the opportunity to learn some useful vocabulary about hair.
Thanks Emma, very clear your explanation.
Thanks Emma.you taught this lesson in a very impressive way, in simple language,adding new words to our vocabulary.braids and buns are common hairstyles but i did not n
know the names.peally helpful
Hi. Emma this is very useful for all students especially for girls thanks
Thanks for this lesson really is excellent.
wow good lesson
babibabooba emma
I has been quite interesting lesson mam. It would have been much better if we had some picture clips of various hairstyles while explaining them. I suppose, It would make our understanding much better. I was more related with ladies hair styles. I hope we have some more hairstyles with gens as well.. Overall, I Love this lesson. Thanks
I have some special request to engvid. I request for special class on various body languages like wiping ones forehead, winking ones eyes etc. I know only few of them. Its gonna be very beneficial to us.
thanks mam for this lesson,can you teach when we use have+had and had +had means both together in a sentence?
It is funny.
Even if I had 90 scores to the quiz, I can,t know vocabularies about hair dressing well. Because I am a man and old.
Thank you for your good teaching.
it seems fantastic,unfortunately i cant download its video.would u tell me how can i?
Hi galawizh,
It is not downloadable.
Thank you. It’s very usefull for me :)
thanks for good teaching.
which one is the phrase correct?:
“i’d like to have my hair permed curly” or
“i’d like to have my hair curled”
Hi Emma!
I have a question. Im 29 old. I have no any education and Im beginner. So is it possible for me to become as translator(interpreter) without studying at university? what chances? what I must do to reach my target?
I’m trying to learn englishe, I like to have more lessons. thank you
Thaks for the lesson, Emma! You look great with your neither too long nor too short hair cut:)
thank you for all lessons.
why my comments have been deleted it’s not good.
i’m very unhappy.
Chances are, I just haven’t approved them yet :)
I rarely delete comments, unless someone 1) posts the same comment several times, 2) leaves a one-word comment, or 3) talks about how beautiful the teacher is and how they would like to marry them.
Dear Emma!
Thank you so much!
One day I’ll move to America; one day I will want to have my hair cut. I will remember you lesson!
Dear Emma,
Thank you very much for your lesson.
What about a haircut ,a fringe or highlighed hair?
i’d like to tell u Emma… the way u teach was perfect im very thank full to u n the web maker who doing sport ALL THAT GOD BLESS U ALL.
Thanks Emma
It would have been better if had Shown some pictures.
thanks again
thanks alot I like it
dear emma. thanks for your teaching. In the past i just say get a cut for when i went to bardershop. Now i can say more and let hairdresser give me more cool style.
hm nice one,thanks
emma i want to know how can i ask for a cut in the barbershop, cause you didn’t explain that. thanks
many thanks to you .. it was very helpful
Thanks, Emma, this lesson is very useful. I have a doubt about when should use “it” or “that” as the subject of a sentence. For example, what’s the difference between “it’s cool” and “that’s cool” or “don’t do it” and “don’t do that”?
I’m lookin forward your reply.
Great lesson dear teacher…..very helpful…thanks so much!!
thanks emma i will tell my gf to cut her hair done immediatly lol
tnx. so useful and amazing. tnx for it.
Thank you very much, It helped me a lot!
Emma, thank you so much, that is so useful. Your way in teaching is very nice :)
I adoro their classes Emma! Congratulations and you have always a superb day!
Thank Emma! This lesson is very benificial. I have not known these words until now. I think it is essential for us in the daily life ^^
We usually use Foil don’t use Streaked….but this good movie
Thank you ,it contain a lot of information and new vocabularies,Fully
I need to review.I liked your lesson It was perfect and very useful .Thanks again
realy i like it and i passed the quiz 1oo per
You hair look lovely Emma! I like you to make lesson for other kind of hair which we need when we go to spa.
thank you Emma. it was useful.
and i wish you had some real pictures for your lesson too.
by the way Emma, you look really beautiful and different with a ponytail.
Hi there :)
Hi dear Fatiima, welcome back…:D
Dear Emma,
I have been watching your lessons from a pretty long time.Also,I am in 12th standard and i am having problem in note making,could you please,give a lesson on note making?I shall be greatful to you if you do so.
Hi dear Emma,
I don’t know to describe the question of math,
For example: multiplication (*), division (/), subtraction (-) ,addition(+)
Please make video to solve our problem.
Thanks you so for kindly help
Sher M Akbar from Afghanistan Kabul
Again Dear Emma,
Please we need your help about the quition i tking its usefull for must of your students
Thanks again I am waiting for your kindly respose.
many many thans, i have learned a lot in this section.
Besides beeing a good teatcher, You’re a very good hairdresser Emma :)
Thanks alot
In my opinion, I suggest you to change the style of your hair to a ponytail. I have to admit it, you look so gorgeous on that style :)
BTW, I suggest that for Ronnie before to make a lesson for “airport & airplane” in her lesson “Vocabulary – Renting an Apartment”, but NO Response :S
for that I will be very grateful if you make a lesson for “Going to the Airport & airplane”
– The vocabularies and expressions that we need to use in those areas such like “check-in desk, duty free, boarding card, departure board, carousel, etc.” “the kind of questions that we might face” Moreover the traveling word that we need to know whether you’re traveling by plane, bus, train, yacht, metro,etc. ;)
Thanks Emma
Hi Emma
I want let you know as well all the guys that I love poney tailed girls
very good lesson thanks alot I would like to download this lesson but I unable how can I do ? pls advice
..very nice and useful lesson…but,in case Mary can’t have any hair, she could buy a wig :)…thanks Emma…
Very good! I’v got a perfect score. Thank you!
perfect video. Congratulations
Mary seemed to enjoy it :)
YooHoo, got all correct! All set to get set for english
Hey Emma,
one more time a great lesson, but it is too long (23 m) I would divide those videos into two separate parts next time. In this way you could have more dynamic lesson and focus on a narrow topic =) thanks for the awesome lesson
You’re right! This lesson was a little long, and I got a bit carried away. Two shorter segments would’ve been a better idea!
thanks Emma
Very useful lesson
hello, Emma.
the video was so great.
the pictures you drew on the whiteboard help me to understand easier :)
No, ather videos are too short
woah ~ 10/10 ^^ thank you very much,Emma
Thank you very much. I got new words and ready for hair salom lol
Really, thanks
Thank you very much…excellent helpful lesson
It was very good and useful for me because I am improving my listening.
I would like 2 see ur hair 2 inches off, that would be great n’ thank u 4 this long lesson. just u need a trim lol. so long Emma.
Hahaha, thank you for the advice. I read in an article that people should trim their hair every three months to help it grow better. I need a trim!
6/10 :(
hi Emma. You are an hair expert.
Have all weekend good and funny ;)
It’s a friend of my who suggest me the site a day i looked a view i saw engvid.com, that sound great, thank you Emma i louve your course, i’m a Haitian i live petion-ville. take care!
Hi, it’s so helpful.
thank you Emma for this lesson
thank you for intereting lesson my theacher,,,I started to learn english ,I like you all lesson
i’m wilguy i follow you in Haiti, i would like to congratulate you on discriminating between barber and hairdresser,and additionally would you mind differentiating hairdo for haircut?
Dear Emma, your hair is perfect. You don’t need to change anything. Thank you so much for this lesson!
Thanks a lot Emma. Very well done.
Emma is great. If there is anyone who wants improve his english through skype conversation then mail me because I want it too.shiplu.f@gmail.com
Hi Emma,I am from Brazil,but I live in Boston for almost 14 years…I usually study English online,and today for the first time,I watched your class,and I really loved it!I just want say something about to learn English,it is watching TV with the captions on…this worked a lot to me!I think when you LISTEN the word and SEE it at the same time,you are able to write also.I am going back to my country,but from now,I will be watching your class everyday .You are very good teacher!
Thank you!!!!
Wow, Emma looks so good with ponytail!
Thank you,Emma! I got 10/10.
Emma , You will look good in pigtails.
Thank you for this wonderful lesson !! Your haircut is usually nice ! We’re looking forward to next videos !
Dear Emma!
This lesson is amazing and very useful.
Someone said it was too long; I think it’s informative. I’ve watched it two times, and learned vocabulary.
I’d like there to be some more lessons like this one and like Rebecca’s lessons about shopping or renting an apartment. I’d like these lessons to cover different life aspects like waiting in a queue (what should I say when I want to occupy a place in a queue? Or someone asks me who is the last in the queue), going to bank, or other services. Of course, you may have other plans; implement them first!
Best Regards
Hi Emma,
I really enjoyed this video. You are one of my best Teacher. I really like your teaching style.
Here I request you to make one video on ” Elder vs Older”, I want to know the difference between these two and use.
Thank You
Best regards,
Riaz Noor Afridi
Hi Emma,
First of all I want to say you big thanks for this lesson! :)
I have few question:
1)How can ask hairdresser to dry my hair to get volume hairstyle?
2) Is it correct to say ?: “I would like to have a part on left side of my face”.
Thank you in advance
thank you very much your lesson very usefulCan you Taidon write the contents of the lesson
In the text of a PDF
So I can review the lesson and how to write the words spoken
Thank you
thank you so mutch u are the best
thank you Emma very much
you have a nice smile
thank you Emma i am newcomer and i am here for one month and i want to go barbershop and it was hard what should i say ? i decide to fallow your class and try to be better
Hi, enjoy your video’s you do not say okay when you are giving a lesson. That makes the lesson enjoyable because it shows you are confident in what you are teaching.
it was a fantastic lesson thanks so much.
thank you
Great lesson, Emma. First time I got in touch with “hairdresser vocab”. Anyway, I think the length of the video is not a problem at all since you’re charismatic. Truth is I didn’t even noticed the time. Take care.
thanks for the lesson dear emma. but i have a question. first of all, i often practice about listening. And i bealive that i improve my listening skills. however,there is a problem about speaking. there is no one that i can speak to english and practice. So, my writing and listening skills are not bad. but speaking is slowly. finally, how can i solve this problem? :(
hello sheyma; me too have the same probleme to improve my spocken english.may be our firend emme have a solution or an idea .
me too
thank you
thanks for your lesson
Dear Emma,
This is very useful and interesting your lesson.
This lesson is useful.I learned many new words.By the way,is there someone knows anything about OOPT .
Why don’t i see subtitle in English on this video anymore?
Try clicking the “CC” button at the bottom of the video? That turns the subtitles off and on.
yeah, Thank you so much. I got it
Thank you so much.
Thanks a million, Emma! Can you please do a second part for us guys?! I really have no idea how I can ask the barber for a certain hair cut or some other specific details like sideburns for example. Actually, you can introduce some other good vocabulary as well, like beard, stubble…etc. one more thing, is there a name for the line of hair that links the back of the neck with the rest of your hair? Thanks again!
hi Emma !
This lesson is very fun. So ıt was marvellous. but
If you ask me this lesson for the girls. :((
tanku so mach EMMA
hello Emma,
Thank you so much.I learn from you a lot. i have a question, “which word suitable for conversation (shaved hair/bold headed)?”
many thanks
Thank you.
the ponytail fit you Emma :)
100% and now I’d like my hair streaked :)
Emma your voice have most sensation….
Hi Emma, I really liked you. It’d be great if you do a live twittcam someday.
i want my hair the part on the left side, in the middle. he has bold headed. without the part. i want to comb my hair backward . i need grease for hair.
very useful .. thanks a lot Emma :)
thank you emma for this lesson, however , i think that you are a very good english teacher , but also a great drawer.lol
Awesome lesson to solve all problems in salon. Thanks a lot!!
I don t have much hair, but I liked this lesson. Thank you very much indeed…
Thank you Emma……
Tank u very much.
Emma thanks so so helpful!!
I want to know that how can I say this word “Volume”
I not sure that it say “Voo-lume” or “Voo-yume”
I heard you said “Voo-yume” is that right?
I don’t dare to say a word because I`m just learning, but I really like engVid .
Thank you guys , you really do it good
thanks dear Emma it was absolutely new for me with a new vocabulary as well and useful off course thanks again .
This is very useful. Thank you Emma.
I should have taken this lecture before I went to Australia XD
Thank u so much.i will go out to do my hair
Thank u , 90% :)
hi emma
i live in IRAN .i’m going to europe for continue eduction.
i dont understand english.i’m very english poor.
can i do it ????
i like learning english.but i speak very slow.
can youy heip me???…i want to go Danmark.there take continue eduction.
realy i’m studing IT.i’m about 23.
help me.
i love you bye
Thank you Emma, that was amazing, I’m a men so I never heard than vocabulary before. Thanks a lot, and you have a really cute hair too.
Thank u very much it was fantastic
thanks Emma ^^
thank you so much
thanks emma and you will be awesome with pouytail
thank you for useful information.
Thanks a lot Emma. I really like your long curly hair.
Very good Emma.
I can teach some person here.
Thank you.
Thank you so much my teacher!I learn new vocabulary because of you.
thanks so much !Emma
Thank you Emma. Your picture is so good !!
Thank you Emma, it’s so good and useful. Can you please give some haircut vocabularies for male? i really confused how to describe it to barber.
This is a great lesson, but I can’t find vocabulary related with the items we usually put on our hair, must of all young girls; and I miss them in your explanation.
Could you please tell somewhere to find it and how we could use it?
Thank you
Hi from Russia to you,Emma!
You’re the best teacher and beautiful girl,too! :)
Thank you very much
thank U very much
tomorrow I’m going to barber shop, and I want normal cut hair. means just cut my hair and keep it on same style,
could I say
I’d like to get my hair trim…
thank you for your explnitoin. i don’t have any hiar.i’m bald.lovely teacher.tttttttttttttthhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaannnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk’ssssssssssssssssss
Thanks I got 70%
Thank you! i just realize what is a perm in my own language haha, women stuff :P
Nice lesson. This lesson have been increased my knowledge when i talked to ladies.
haha,thank u emma,this was undoubtedly a great lesson,you know what? I have frizzy hair since I was born XD so I’ve always coped with that,that’s why everytime I go to the barber I don’t go for a trim,I get crew cut and it really fits me XD,now I would like to see you in a lesson having pigtail hairstyle,It would be awesome and funny at the same time and yehaa pigtail is most for kids but do it please XD.
Another anecdote I have as a child was when I got my hair streaked them my mom hit me with the broom for doing that XD.She thought I was gay XD.
Seriously a ponytail fits you,thank u and greetings from peru,the country of the best food ever.
great lesson especially for girls who like hairdresser salon more than their homes
thank you very much, emma
Hi,Emma,the subject that you teach is very useful.
I like it very much.
Thank you.
And you got a nice hairstyle.
Thanks Emma
Very usefull lesson specail for the ladies the love these kind of lessons, hahah Thans Emma :)!
Aced it.! Thanks Emma.
Hi Emma Mam, I am masum, new student, I try to learn English by you. your teaching very well and clear way.
Hi Emma,
Thanks, it is really useful lesson. Tour teaching is excellent.
Thank you!
very useful lesson. I have learned a lot
This is the best lesson with me.Thanks!
I have dandruff, I would like to get my hair dyed black ;)That’s wonderful lesson. Thanks a lot Emma ;)
Emma!Emma, I like you very much,and your videos are very attractive to me.
I can not watch the video, please someone help me.
very good-structured information with nice explanation.thanks a lot.
Emma, this video is amazing. I’d like to know if you can give me the video with the subscript instead of to be whatching a 100 times using my bad internet connection? lol.My wife is a herdresser, and this is really usefull for her. She is going to cut hair in miami in a few days.
Herdresser* Hairdresser instead. Sorry
thanks emma .
A cool and different video! my mom is a hairdresser and I can teach her all these things! thanks Emma!
Thank you very much! ;)
Hi Ema thanks for the class, I have a doubt, I am not sure about the meaning of ends. is It a kind of decoration or ornament for the hair?
Thanks a lot!
Hi,Emma.Thanks for your lesson and I want to ask a question. I have a short haircut style. Last time when I got my hair cut, it was cut to too chopped. I don’t know how to explain it to the hairdresser. Do you understand what I mean?
Not Emma, but jumping in anyway—do you mean it was too short? Or did they add texture by cutting different lengths when you wanted it all the same length?
If you’re in doubt about the best way to explain what you want, it’s a good idea to find a photo of someone with the haircut you want, and show that to the hairdresser.
thanks emma .
Thanks for the great lesson, but this video is too long ;(
I think you look so beautiful in each hair style.Although I guess it must be fun seeing you with dark streaked,curled hair.
hopefully a man has not so many problems with hairy styles :D
100 like always. :) Dear Emma i think ponytail would be a good hair style for you. i highly recommend it to you. you will be more beautiful. try it once. and thanks for the lesson.
I have a question: what different between start and began ,’the class began or the class start?
Wonderful lesson! Thank you.
it was useful to understand that “A ponytail is a hairstyle in which the hair is tied up at the back of the head. Pigtails are two ponytails that are on the sides of the head.” what a shame for me…I am bald no shaved, I have alopecia..¡¡
Hi, Emma. What if I would like to have a U Shape hair, should I tell them to trim it into U shape? But I also want to trim it shorter. So should i say to trim a few inches off then cut it into U shaped?
Thanks you so much
Thanks Emma. I got 8/10.
Thank you Emma. I loved your lessons because you are very understandable. In my opinion you should use two braids with the same beautiful colour of your hair. It would be amazing.
i got 100 haha…i think i ‘d like to get a cut now.
Very nice, nice teacher!
Thank you so much! Very useful lesson!
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson. This is very useful for women.I got 100
I got 8/10! Thanks for the lesson!
Its very nice lesson thanks a lot Emma
Thank you Emma :)
Dear Emma
Most of your vocabularies have to do with women.Would you please let us know more about men haircut and styles. Thanks for your help.
Thank you Emma. Yours lessons are very good for my learning. I have a question. If I want to redo my coloration, what is the best formule for to use?
Thanks Emma… you are the best teacher with nice method. Really i enjoy with your Videos…? and i am passionate about your engvid…??
Thank you so much…
I’m into this lesson. Thank you Emma.
I’m into this lesson. Thank you Emma.
Thanks Emma!
Thank you Emma!I enjoyed this lesson!
Thank you Emma for all your lessons, by the way you look so pretty with your hair-style, no bangs, no ponytails and no braids, have a nice day.
Could you please make a follow-up video on “using different verbs” that can be used for describing hairstyle?I think it would be so helpful for learners.
10/10! Summer is coming! I want shave my hair, it will make me cool.
thanks Emma. you have beautiful hair-
thanks a lot,Emma,hugs (Kazakhstan o2 Dec2o21:)
Thank you!!!