Stative verbs can be confusing, but not after this lesson! I’ll explain what they are, how to use them, and how not to use them. You’ll learn the most common verbs that are ALWAYS stative, so there’s no confusion in your mind. You’ll master verbs like love, hate, need, know, understand, appreciate, prefer, realize and more. Then, download my free, full list of stative verbs for reference in the future!
You’re welcome, Oyunchimeg Shagdarsuren. Glad to know you found the lesson helpful. Mistakes with stative verbs are very common so it’s important to take the time to get them right. All the best to you!
Thanks dear teacher REBECCA
i got 10/10 the lesson was very fanstatic ???
I got 10/10 thanks a lot mam
Yeahhh! Good for you, Shariukh2727. I wish you all the best with your English. Stay enthusiastic, motivated, and happy, as you are. All the best to you.
It is better to use ma’am, then mam. :-)
ma’am = madam
mam = shorter for mama, which is lovely name for mother
mom = mother
Nice I got 90%, thanks teacher
Thanks I got 100.
Understanding your lesson helped me to answer the quiz
Thanks lot
abdul qader dashti
hy miss rebicca thanks about this lesson, i’ve a question about this topic, in the song of brianna adams said ” I’m still loving you”
This is poetic, but from grammar aspect is wrong.
thank you
100%. Thank you Rebecca. Nice lesson!
Merci Rebecca.
My wife is an English teacher just as perfect as you. So you both are the best teachers that I ever had in English. I’m so glad for having you both.
Nice tactic dude. :-)
I got 10 correct out of 10 thanks teacher its great explanation ❤
I got 10/10 ,Thank you Rebecca.
I got 10/10, you explained very easily to understand and the lesson is very useful, thank Rebecca and hope see you in nextweek
nguyen van long
Why McD said “I’m lovin’it”?
Because advertisers, musicians, poets, and creative people do whatever they want, and that’s a good thing. It makes our world more interesting. However, if you want to appear for an exam, or speak and write correctly for work, then you need to use the correct form! All the best to you, Astri.
yes today in morning i also swotted slogan.. but i had forgot company name.
Hello, Rebecca. I hope you are fine. Could you make a lesson explaining how to use Onward, Onwards, Forward, and Forwards? I want to know the difference between the above, and I didn’t find any lesson on YouTube. Thank you!
Words forward, onward etc are used with combination of nouns, so they are used as adjectives. But words forwards, onwards are used with combination of verbs, so they are used as adverbs.
Be careful with forward passes in football, because you can get into offside position.
You are smart, you are moving forwards and not looking back into the past anymore.
In first sample “forward passes”: passes is noun, so forward is adjective, so without “s”.
In second sample “moving forwards”: moving is verb; forwards is adjective.
This is official British English, but in American English they sometimes use without “s” e.g. moving forward.
Excellent explanation. Thank you ~)
Tatjana D. Smit
I like and appreciate your lessons.
Thank you, the explanation was clear
Another brilliant lesson by my best and favorite Teacher ever! Very grateful to your existance since I’m pretty sure you’ve contributed tremendously in the field of education with such great lessons and ways of teaching! Not only do you help English students but also Teachers. Couldn’t thank you more. Best regards from your biggest bolivian fan!
Wow, thank you so much for your kind and generous words. Based on your writing, I would say you could certainly become an excellent English teacher. I wish you all the best, my friend.
P.S.: Unable to download or print the file :/ same happened to your previous lesson on “How to pronounce the ‘ON’ sound in English”. Please, fix it!
Use google chrome browser. In the resource page, tap (click) three dots on right corner of app, and tap share. Then tap print and choose save as PDF.Then tap save. Good luck
Thank you, teacher…!!
Jakub Alvarez
Hi Astri! The expert Mignon Fogarty said:
“I’m loving it” does sound slightly off, and that draws attention. Perhaps that’s why McDonald’s chose it for their slogan, which launched in September 2003. None of the dictionaries I checked sanction “loving” as a form of the verb “love,” but the McDonald’s slogan isn’t the only instance where this sentence has been used in popular culture. Justin Timberlake has a 2003 song called “I’m Loving It”, and earlier the Scorpions put out a song called “Still Loving You”, which contains the lyric “I’m loving you.” …
We all know that advertisements, song lyrics, and fashion headlines aren’t the places to turn for examples of good grammar, but we also know that native speakers of English can get creative with traditional grammar, and that sometimes grammatically iffy phrases catch on. Language is constantly changing. Enough people seem to be using stative verbs in progressive tenses that we can probably say it’s becoming more accepted in popular culture to use them that way. That said, it’s still probably best for ESL* teachers to continue to advise their students not to say, “I’m loving it” or to use other potentially incorrect stative verbs in progressive tenses.
This StackExchange user also points out that using “loving” and not “love” implies that it’s an ongoing activity—it’s something the speaker is doing right now. It sounds more immediate and dynamic than just “I love it”. The people at McDonald’s definitely took this into account.
engVid Moderator
Thank you Rebecca. I love your lessons!!!
This lesson is really wonderful! Thanks a lot.
Can you please make a lesson on confusing spelling ..whether ieve or eive..such as believe and perceive. How to memorise correct spelling.
thank you I appreciate your awesome explanation!
Hanaa khalaf
Klara Nurseitova
Thank you mom, I got 100% in Quiz
Mohamed Ali12
So great to have usefulness lessons we could understand; I recognize that I like grammar now (in the way you mad at, and understand more how to speak English without making too much basic mistakes. Thanks (to be there after so many years!)
Glad to hear you have come to enjoy grammar, marienba. It can, indeed, be a lot of fun! Enjoy your English learning journey, my friend.
thank you I appreciate your awesome explanation!
I had 100% thanks!
Hi and thank alot. How can I find a specific lesson?
You can use the search box at the top of the page! You can also filter lessons using the lesson finder in the sidebar here, if you want to see lessons on a particular topic or by a particular teacher.
engVid Moderator
Thank you!
Hello, Rebecca! Could you please explain if the verb “want” belongs to the category “both”. I haven’t found it in your additional material, but I suppose this word is normally used as a stative verb. However, I’ve seen the usage of this verb in continuous form. Could you elaborate on that, please?
The verb “Wait”. Not want.
The verb “wait” can be used with the progressive tenses.
I am waiting.
I was waiting.
I will be waiting.
I have been waiting.
….and so on.
You can also say:
Every day, I wait for the bus.
All the best to you, Anton91.
Thanks a lot Rebeca. You are a great teacher!
So if I say:” I’m still loving you”, as the famous Scorpion’s song, is it not correct?
Ricardo PD
See Andy Dixi’s excellent explanation above. I have also responded to Astri above, on a similar point. All the best to you, Ricardo.
Thank you so much Rebecca. You are a great teacher.
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!We all appreciate this lesson ;)
Great lesson! I’m looking forward to your next lesson about Stative Verbs.
First of all I want to thank you for your lessons, your knowledge and for all your inspiration!
Pavel Yurievich
As for this lesson – can we expect the second part of it with examples like: “knowing, that I am with her…”
Pavel Yurievich
Good job! Crystal clear. You really have a gift as a teacher by making difficult things easier
Dear Rebecca,
thank you for a valuable lesson. I have a suggestion for the topic of the next one. Would you make video about sentences ending with prepositions?
I like watcheing rebecca’s lessons
Insafe el-merahy
it’s very helpful lesson
Thanks Rebbeca great lesson.
finally oh gott
Thanks for a good lesson.
Glushchenko Anatol
Thanks very much for teaching.
I got 100/100 thanks
Super! Congratulations, and all the best to you, IGF.
Thank you for a nice lesson.
Ruslan Riznyk
I got 10/10 ,Thank you Rebecca.
i cant find video in your site for rebeca
I like Rebecca the way she teaches. She makes it easy to understand. Beside that she always give a friendly smile. Thank you very much Rebecca.
Thank you very much for your generous feedback, Shashall. I wish you the very best going forward.
I understand completely what Rebecca said so all I need to do is rememberer all the words and use correctly when I write sentence.
Thank you Rebecca I appreciate your hard working for us.
Have a wonderful night :D
Thank you for your kind words, Tammyjang1. I wish you all the best with your English.
100% Thank you
Hello dear teacher why I can’t get the quiz?
I got 10/10 Thanks.
Hi Rebecca! Thank you for this video. Can you also please teach us when and how to use the “have had” and “had had” in writing and conversation? Thank you!
May I jump in.
“have had” is Present Perfect tense
“had had” is Past Perfect tense
I have had a headache for two days now.
I had had a headache before I took a headache pill.
First sample “have had” is present perfect tense, that is expressed as some action that started in the past and continues to the present.
Second sample “had had” is past perfect, some action in the past that happened before some other action in the past. Having a headache is action in the past before another action in the past: taking a pill.
Harjeet Yadav
Wonderful teacher indeed.
Muhammad Yousaf 1234
Thank u. I got 100% mark.
Thanks Rebaca, Yes you make my life easy.
Wonderful lesson. Thanks a ton. Keep up the good work.
Arieh Dorjee
My sincere thanks to each of you for taking the time to share your comments. Understanding this important topic well can help you avoid many common mistakes when speaking and writing in English. My best wishes, always. Stay strong, happy, and enthusiastic!
Yeah did it 100%. Thanks Rebbeca Ma’am.
I got 100% for fisrt time tell me some thing Rebecca
Thank you very much, Ms. Rebecca. You are one of the best English teacher. looking forward to your new lessons.
I like it , you explain very well .
i very happy to listen yours class
Thank you, Rebecca! You are a great teacher. So glad to find you.
I’ve learned my English mostly by listening to and translating songs. Could you please explain the phrase “I’ve been loving you too long” ?
.. that I use a lot, actually due to this song:
I like it, Thanks!
Thank you mam, your sessions are very helpful to understand better.
You are the best teacher I have ever come across till now.. After your class my score is always 10 or 9. Thank you so very much rebecca
Fadhloon Salih
Thanks a lot, mam. I secured full marks.
Thanks a lot, mam. I secured full marks. Your videos are quite helpful.
Very good lesson
Thank you Rebecca.
Abdirahman Hassan Hussein
I love the lesson! Thank you Rebecca. 10/10 correct!
Igot 80% thank you Rebecca 8/10
For me you’re the best teacher !!! Thanks a lot!
Congrats to me! I studied about stative verb and I don’t believe that I got the perfect score. I know it very well. Thanks, teacher for all your effort.
10 out of 10
thank you, Rebecca. I love your classes…
Ma’am would it be incorrect to say”I am lonivg it”?
Farzul Azam
Hi Rebecca, this is Zihao from China. I got 100. Thank you so much for your grammar lessons. You helped me a lot. I believe I can improve my English if I finished yours all lessons.
Hello Rebecca,
So “Have” can be use in both ways?
“I’m having a baby” is the right way to say it ?
I enjoy watching your video!
“You got 10 correct out of 10”. Than you VERY much!!
Thanks for your video I love it. ??❤️
Puangpaka yopinta
Hi Rebecca, the way you teach is really awesome it makes us very easy to understand and to help us to improve our English.
after watching your videos I got the confidence.
thanks a lot.
Truly I APPRECIATE your effort, we always NEED you to refine these vagua subject:) …
(If I’m wrong my example sentence, can you correct it).
once again, your lesson is very clear ! thanks Rebbeca !
Hi “Linda”! I liked a lot your lessons. I really need to learn a lot about grammar to avoid mistakes during a conversation. Thank you so much!
Hello, Rebecca.Thanks for your 80/20 English Method that helps us to achieve dramatic results in the shortest time.
100. Thank you so much Rebecca!
Jizel Montalan
I’m believing you Last Time.
Is this correct?
Thank you so much ma’am Rebecca.. I always learn English a lot from you..:-)
Hi,Rebeca ma’am. I got’s really helpful to upgraded me and potentially increased my confidence. Today I participate a meeting with regional managers with free of mined that much you motivated me. So you are my ever love and respected teacher,,,,, Thank you so much,,,, God bless you.
Thank, Rebecca. This lesson lerns me a lot of possibles weys to exprese my ideas in English. Also I rewiew the -ing form. For another hand, I expect to use more often the setative verbs in my writing.
Pablo Apy
10/10. thanks
Mohammed ammouri
Hello, Rebecca! Thank you for amazing lessons! I’ve got a question for you, if you don’t mind? I found that verb “love” can be used in present continuous form, when we want to emphasise that a situation is temporary or for a period of time around the present (ex. Ella stays with us quite often. The children love gaving her here. And Ella’s with us at the moment. The children are loving gaving her here) To be honest, I was confused with it. Help me understand, is it possible or no. Thank you:)
thanks for your wondeful lesson Rebecca mam . This lesson is very helpful for my O/L examination.
Thank you Rebecca
amelia candra
I dislike McDonald’s)
I got 10/10. yay
Husna Abdulrahiman
I’m getting better and understand each lesson thoroughly…
thanks Rebecca :)
I got 10/10 thanks a lot mam
I got 10/10 thanks
Rebecca, you teachs very well. Thank you!
I appreciate your English lessons!
Approachable, as usual.
Thanks Rebecca
Why did you use,understanding in a comment? It makes me confused, Rebecca!
I appreciate this part of your lesson. I now understand how to use the Dynamic verbs and Stative verbs. Thanks.
It was good and I scored 10/10
Very good lesson Mam. There are so many things to learn in English Grammar. We are glad you are there to clear the doubt and help us. Thank you so much for your effort.
Thank you for clear explanation. I do like your lessons.
One tip, found in a book English Grammar in Use by Cambridge University Press. Present tenses in future meaning.
“When we are talking about what we have already arranged to do, we should use Present Continuous.
example: Ann is coming tomorrow.
When we are talking about timetables, programmes etc. we should use Present Simple.
example: The flight leaves at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
For personal arrangements Present Simple is not using.
example: I am meeting Ann at 8 a.m. tomorrow”
This explanation helped me a lot, as far as my native language (Russian) is not so reach with tenses.
Thank you teacher.
Thanks miss Rebecca.
Thank you! I love the way you explain and teach the lesson.
tsmith 5262
Thanks! Your lessons are excelent.
carmen froes
Thank u
al willis
Thank you Rebeca , you ‘re the best teacher
Hi , how can I get the free video on website? thanks!
Isaac Wu
Our videos are on YouTube, so if you are viewing the site from China, the videos will be blocked. However, you can also watch some of our videos on Bilibili.
engVid Moderator
Thank you!
Thank you Ma’am Rebecca for this lesson, I’ve got 100% score. all the way from Philippines.
Thank you mam.
Gangadhara Rao
Hello Rebecca! I highly appreciate your kindness. You’re a great teacher! May I ask you something? What’s the difference between
Please enlighten me.
ruby rose
Hello Rebecca
Thanks tremendously,your way of explaining lessons really appeals me.Wish you the best and more success.
Dear Ma’am English is my second language, I learned it just in a way of copy and past meanwhile doing good enough with writing my strongest point is listening.
if you heard a native speaker saying (I’m believing him)or(she is believing me) still it’s incorrect.
I grow or I’m growing?
Thank you! I got perfect score! I need to do complicated exercises to learn more.
Geraldine Trajano
the full list of stative verbs isn’t downloadable!
I got 9/10 thanks a lot.
Olbirat Hika
You are amazing!
Great lessons! Thank you so much.
Just a couple of doubts:
1) can we say all copula verbs are intransitive?
2) can we say both copula and stative verbs are just the same? If not, how can we differentiate them?
I am getting lot of engvid but i am very weak in English reading please ma’m help me get out of this
When i read short sentences i can understand them well but with long sentences i couldn’t understand the whole sentences
Priyanshu hariyale
I appreciate you way of explanation.Thanks a lot.
thank u! you are helping me a lot.
I studied for 6 months in NZ. But I still made some mistakes like this. Well I must fix my English skill.
Julia Hissatomi
Hello Rebecca
I hope that you are and will always be fine.
I just wanna thank you for your great efforts. You are one of the best teachers I have ever known in my entire life. I had and still have an interesting journey with your professional classes.
Millions of students all over the world will never forget what you have done for them.
Best of luck,
Mohammed Al Juraib
Hi Rebecca,
Is the word “hope” a stative verb?
Thank you…
Thanks a lot for your beneficial and useful explanation.
Arafat Jarwan
Dear Rebecca! You are fantastic teacher! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing with us your knowledge, experience, wisdom and great personality!
Thanks Teacher This is a good lesson.
Ramkrishna Chhetri
Really very good lesson. I also like your way of teaching. It’s superb. May God bless you, Rebecca Mam.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Thank’s to our great teacher
Thanks a lot, I appreciate your class.
Thank you very much, I have appreciated your lesson
Thanx ?
Thank you so much
Really love this lessons. Good teaching Got all correct. Thank you very much.
hi REBECCA i got 10 out of 10 your explaination is clear to undestance thank you.
I’ve just found your videos while looking for some english learning videos on youtube and yours are very well-made videos. Keep it up
I watched this video twice on June 27, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
I love the way of your teaching. Because i understand each and everything from your lecture..
I guess,I will have passed the ‘ILETS’ till december 2021…
Love from pakistan
Jahanzaib baloch
Thankyou so much Ma’am
Thanks dear teacher REBECCA!
I got 10/10 the lesson was very fantastic.
Abdul Salam Qaderi
Hello Rebecca. Thank you very much for your help. I really enjoy your classes. I need to be ready for the TOEFL test let me know if you have any classes for it.
Karla Chavez
100.Thanks a lot Rebecca
Elena Vinogradova
Thanks , you teach form is clearly an dinamic.
I got 100% thanks teacher
othman yacoubi
today september 6 2021
10/10 quiz
this lesson makes my English skill better
i enjoy the website engvid.
thanks Rebekka
i’m sorry REBECCA
Thanks so much teacher Rebecca , I love your wonderful tutorials ,you make such a confusing lesson very easy to understand .❤️
Rebecca, thanks a bunch for this significant lesson. What about the verb “enjoy”? Is it ok to use it with -ing ending?
Zhanna Maltseva
10/10 Thank you today also, Rebecca. I decided to see you everyday. hehe
ken kurihara
first of all thanks to you, I saw on youtube channel very very helpful for me. The main reaction for I’m middle-class family I only learned my mother tongue(TAMIL) after school days I’m going to college but not fulfill my English knowledge, then join the job English knowledge not improved these days, one day I found your youtube channel I saw your videos very very interesting for me that reason for your way of style and your expression (speech) then decided I will improve my English knowledge 100%. Once again Very much thank you (My best English tutor).
Note This content type using google translate but I will create my journey detail without other helping (Goole translate) before Jan ‘2022.
Thank you
Ahmad Abushawish
Rebecca thanks for the lesson!
Is it possible to use the continuous form “recognition” if we are talking about the rather long process in OCR (optical character recognition) software?
For example: When I looked at my laptop, I saw that the application was recognizing text and the progress was 42%.
great , i got 10.
pardon, i have a question:
does the explanation about words ” forward and onward” is right?
thankyou for your answe.
Thanks Rebecca, this website is good, but the Teacher is the best than any other inthe world
I admire you
Thanks a lot …. I like it
Thank you too much for your lesson. I’m so happy to have you as a teacher.
I really appreciated you, I am so glad that found this web. I really like this web, I need to improve my English skills. This web gave me an opportunity to improve my skills. I have known this web for 2 years, all of the teachers speak very clearly I can understand we will. By all means, I love this web. I prefer for IELTS exam by using this web. There is nothing that I don’t like about this web. I recognize this web is the best in the world. By the way, I belong to a football club in Turkey, at the same time I have own a construction company.
I’m very glad to meet you here.
I’m always gratitude you lessons.
Thank you very much teacher
Rasika Sampath
very helpful lesson
Hi Rebecca, You teach very clearly. So I appeciated. I know that my english not enough but I understand you. Thank you.
I got 10/10. Thanks so much!
Thank you teacher for the class and the time you take for prepare the information. Im happy to found this page you explain so clearly.
I GOT %100. You are my favorite teacher. I like how you explain English. I so happy with this channel.
Thanks teacher Rebecca I got 10/10 I like your way of teaching.
you are the best thank you
thank you so much for this lesson I got 100 percent on the quiz it’s amazing. I’m grateful to you.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca. I got 100.
Amira Abdulaziz
Thank you for your clear explanation.
thank you so much, i got 10/10
osama mohammed
I have heard that this rule often violated in the songs
Goryanchik Maxim
100/100 thanks for that lesson.
Thank you so much. It’s very interesting
I got 100% right
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
thank you so much I got 10/10 it’s fantastic
Boujemaa DIDI
Rebecca, thanks a lot! Luckily, I understand the lesson and managed to pass this test 10/10)
Natalya Malginova
Hi! I am sorry. I can not download PDF file of full list of stative verbs. could you please send PDF file to my Email? TNX
Thank you Rebecca ! Got it !
Thank you ma’am for this quiz session
I got 10/10. Thanks, Rebecca, for this excellent lesson.
I got 10. thank you teacher Rabecca.
thank you teacher
thank you so much I really enjoy with your videos.
Thank you. It’s useful information.
I really appreciate your lession.
thank you so much , i easiliy get the lesson please can i know how to download this lesson??
Sorry, our lessons are only available to watch on YouTube.
engVid Moderator
Thank you, that was very helpful
Thankss alot miss rebeca
Sarwan mustafa
Hello Rebeca, your class are amazing. tks
edi wilson
Thanks Rebecca, i love your class!
thank you so much you are my best teacher
Thank you
Naveedullah Azizi
Thanks a lot!! You rock! ♥
He prefers walking to the workplace rather than taking a taxi because it is not very far.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
You’re welcome, Oyunchimeg Shagdarsuren. Glad to know you found the lesson helpful. Mistakes with stative verbs are very common so it’s important to take the time to get them right. All the best to you!
Thanks dear teacher REBECCA
i got 10/10 the lesson was very fanstatic ???
I got 10/10 thanks a lot mam
Yeahhh! Good for you, Shariukh2727. I wish you all the best with your English. Stay enthusiastic, motivated, and happy, as you are. All the best to you.
It is better to use ma’am, then mam. :-)
ma’am = madam
mam = shorter for mama, which is lovely name for mother
mom = mother
Nice I got 90%, thanks teacher
Thanks I got 100.
Understanding your lesson helped me to answer the quiz
Thanks lot
hy miss rebicca thanks about this lesson, i’ve a question about this topic, in the song of brianna adams said ” I’m still loving you”
This is poetic, but from grammar aspect is wrong.
thank you
100%. Thank you Rebecca. Nice lesson!
Merci Rebecca.
My wife is an English teacher just as perfect as you. So you both are the best teachers that I ever had in English. I’m so glad for having you both.
Nice tactic dude. :-)
I got 10 correct out of 10 thanks teacher its great explanation ❤
I got 10/10 ,Thank you Rebecca.
I got 10/10, you explained very easily to understand and the lesson is very useful, thank Rebecca and hope see you in nextweek
Why McD said “I’m lovin’it”?
Because advertisers, musicians, poets, and creative people do whatever they want, and that’s a good thing. It makes our world more interesting. However, if you want to appear for an exam, or speak and write correctly for work, then you need to use the correct form! All the best to you, Astri.
yes today in morning i also swotted slogan.. but i had forgot company name.
Hello, Rebecca. I hope you are fine. Could you make a lesson explaining how to use Onward, Onwards, Forward, and Forwards? I want to know the difference between the above, and I didn’t find any lesson on YouTube. Thank you!
Words forward, onward etc are used with combination of nouns, so they are used as adjectives. But words forwards, onwards are used with combination of verbs, so they are used as adverbs.
Be careful with forward passes in football, because you can get into offside position.
You are smart, you are moving forwards and not looking back into the past anymore.
In first sample “forward passes”: passes is noun, so forward is adjective, so without “s”.
In second sample “moving forwards”: moving is verb; forwards is adjective.
This is official British English, but in American English they sometimes use without “s” e.g. moving forward.
Excellent explanation. Thank you ~)
I like and appreciate your lessons.
Thank you, the explanation was clear
Another brilliant lesson by my best and favorite Teacher ever! Very grateful to your existance since I’m pretty sure you’ve contributed tremendously in the field of education with such great lessons and ways of teaching! Not only do you help English students but also Teachers. Couldn’t thank you more. Best regards from your biggest bolivian fan!
Wow, thank you so much for your kind and generous words. Based on your writing, I would say you could certainly become an excellent English teacher. I wish you all the best, my friend.
P.S.: Unable to download or print the file :/ same happened to your previous lesson on “How to pronounce the ‘ON’ sound in English”. Please, fix it!
Use google chrome browser. In the resource page, tap (click) three dots on right corner of app, and tap share. Then tap print and choose save as PDF.Then tap save. Good luck
Thank you, teacher…!!
Hi Astri! The expert Mignon Fogarty said:
“I’m loving it” does sound slightly off, and that draws attention. Perhaps that’s why McDonald’s chose it for their slogan, which launched in September 2003. None of the dictionaries I checked sanction “loving” as a form of the verb “love,” but the McDonald’s slogan isn’t the only instance where this sentence has been used in popular culture. Justin Timberlake has a 2003 song called “I’m Loving It”, and earlier the Scorpions put out a song called “Still Loving You”, which contains the lyric “I’m loving you.” …
We all know that advertisements, song lyrics, and fashion headlines aren’t the places to turn for examples of good grammar, but we also know that native speakers of English can get creative with traditional grammar, and that sometimes grammatically iffy phrases catch on. Language is constantly changing. Enough people seem to be using stative verbs in progressive tenses that we can probably say it’s becoming more accepted in popular culture to use them that way. That said, it’s still probably best for ESL* teachers to continue to advise their students not to say, “I’m loving it” or to use other potentially incorrect stative verbs in progressive tenses.
Thanks, andixi! I was about to link to the same piece.
This StackExchange user also points out that using “loving” and not “love” implies that it’s an ongoing activity—it’s something the speaker is doing right now. It sounds more immediate and dynamic than just “I love it”. The people at McDonald’s definitely took this into account.
Thank you Rebecca. I love your lessons!!!
This lesson is really wonderful! Thanks a lot.
Can you please make a lesson on confusing spelling ..whether ieve or eive..such as believe and perceive. How to memorise correct spelling.
thank you I appreciate your awesome explanation!
Thank you mom, I got 100% in Quiz
So great to have usefulness lessons we could understand; I recognize that I like grammar now (in the way you mad at, and understand more how to speak English without making too much basic mistakes. Thanks (to be there after so many years!)
Glad to hear you have come to enjoy grammar, marienba. It can, indeed, be a lot of fun! Enjoy your English learning journey, my friend.
thank you I appreciate your awesome explanation!
I had 100% thanks!
Hi and thank alot. How can I find a specific lesson?
You can use the search box at the top of the page! You can also filter lessons using the lesson finder in the sidebar here, if you want to see lessons on a particular topic or by a particular teacher.
Thank you!
Hello, Rebecca! Could you please explain if the verb “want” belongs to the category “both”. I haven’t found it in your additional material, but I suppose this word is normally used as a stative verb. However, I’ve seen the usage of this verb in continuous form. Could you elaborate on that, please?
The verb “Wait”. Not want.
The verb “wait” can be used with the progressive tenses.
I am waiting.
I was waiting.
I will be waiting.
I have been waiting.
….and so on.
You can also say:
Every day, I wait for the bus.
All the best to you, Anton91.
Thanks a lot Rebeca. You are a great teacher!
So if I say:” I’m still loving you”, as the famous Scorpion’s song, is it not correct?
See Andy Dixi’s excellent explanation above. I have also responded to Astri above, on a similar point. All the best to you, Ricardo.
Thank you so much Rebecca. You are a great teacher.
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!We all appreciate this lesson ;)
Great lesson! I’m looking forward to your next lesson about Stative Verbs.
First of all I want to thank you for your lessons, your knowledge and for all your inspiration!
As for this lesson – can we expect the second part of it with examples like: “knowing, that I am with her…”
Good job! Crystal clear. You really have a gift as a teacher by making difficult things easier
Dear Rebecca,
thank you for a valuable lesson. I have a suggestion for the topic of the next one. Would you make video about sentences ending with prepositions?
I like watcheing rebecca’s lessons
it’s very helpful lesson
Thanks Rebbeca great lesson.
finally oh gott
Thanks for a good lesson.
Thanks very much for teaching.
I got 100/100 thanks
Super! Congratulations, and all the best to you, IGF.
Thank you for a nice lesson.
I got 10/10 ,Thank you Rebecca.
i cant find video in your site for rebeca
I like Rebecca the way she teaches. She makes it easy to understand. Beside that she always give a friendly smile. Thank you very much Rebecca.
Thank you very much for your generous feedback, Shashall. I wish you the very best going forward.
I understand completely what Rebecca said so all I need to do is rememberer all the words and use correctly when I write sentence.
Thank you Rebecca I appreciate your hard working for us.
Have a wonderful night :D
Thank you for your kind words, Tammyjang1. I wish you all the best with your English.
100% Thank you
Hello dear teacher why I can’t get the quiz?
I got 10/10 Thanks.
Hi Rebecca! Thank you for this video. Can you also please teach us when and how to use the “have had” and “had had” in writing and conversation? Thank you!
May I jump in.
“have had” is Present Perfect tense
“had had” is Past Perfect tense
I have had a headache for two days now.
I had had a headache before I took a headache pill.
First sample “have had” is present perfect tense, that is expressed as some action that started in the past and continues to the present.
Second sample “had had” is past perfect, some action in the past that happened before some other action in the past. Having a headache is action in the past before another action in the past: taking a pill.
Wonderful teacher indeed.
Thank u. I got 100% mark.
Thanks Rebaca, Yes you make my life easy.
Wonderful lesson. Thanks a ton. Keep up the good work.
My sincere thanks to each of you for taking the time to share your comments. Understanding this important topic well can help you avoid many common mistakes when speaking and writing in English. My best wishes, always. Stay strong, happy, and enthusiastic!
Yeah did it 100%. Thanks Rebbeca Ma’am.
I got 100% for fisrt time tell me some thing Rebecca
Thank you very much, Ms. Rebecca. You are one of the best English teacher. looking forward to your new lessons.
I like it , you explain very well .
i very happy to listen yours class
Thank you, Rebecca! You are a great teacher. So glad to find you.
I’ve learned my English mostly by listening to and translating songs. Could you please explain the phrase “I’ve been loving you too long” ?
.. that I use a lot, actually due to this song:
I like it, Thanks!
Thank you mam, your sessions are very helpful to understand better.
You are the best teacher I have ever come across till now.. After your class my score is always 10 or 9. Thank you so very much rebecca
Thanks a lot, mam. I secured full marks.
Thanks a lot, mam. I secured full marks. Your videos are quite helpful.
Very good lesson
Thank you Rebecca.
I love the lesson! Thank you Rebecca. 10/10 correct!
Igot 80% thank you Rebecca 8/10
For me you’re the best teacher !!! Thanks a lot!
Congrats to me! I studied about stative verb and I don’t believe that I got the perfect score. I know it very well. Thanks, teacher for all your effort.
10 out of 10
thank you, Rebecca. I love your classes…
Ma’am would it be incorrect to say”I am lonivg it”?
Hi Rebecca, this is Zihao from China. I got 100. Thank you so much for your grammar lessons. You helped me a lot. I believe I can improve my English if I finished yours all lessons.
Hello Rebecca,
So “Have” can be use in both ways?
“I’m having a baby” is the right way to say it ?
I enjoy watching your video!
“You got 10 correct out of 10”. Than you VERY much!!
Thanks for your video I love it. ??❤️
Hi Rebecca, the way you teach is really awesome it makes us very easy to understand and to help us to improve our English.
after watching your videos I got the confidence.
thanks a lot.
Truly I APPRECIATE your effort, we always NEED you to refine these vagua subject:) …
(If I’m wrong my example sentence, can you correct it).
once again, your lesson is very clear ! thanks Rebbeca !
Hi “Linda”! I liked a lot your lessons. I really need to learn a lot about grammar to avoid mistakes during a conversation. Thank you so much!
Hello, Rebecca.Thanks for your 80/20 English Method that helps us to achieve dramatic results in the shortest time.
100. Thank you so much Rebecca!
I’m believing you Last Time.
Is this correct?
Thank you so much ma’am Rebecca.. I always learn English a lot from you..:-)
Hi,Rebeca ma’am. I got’s really helpful to upgraded me and potentially increased my confidence. Today I participate a meeting with regional managers with free of mined that much you motivated me. So you are my ever love and respected teacher,,,,, Thank you so much,,,, God bless you.
Let me know how to change my profile picture??
You can change your profile picture here.
Thank, Rebecca. This lesson lerns me a lot of possibles weys to exprese my ideas in English. Also I rewiew the -ing form. For another hand, I expect to use more often the setative verbs in my writing.
10/10. thanks
Hello, Rebecca! Thank you for amazing lessons! I’ve got a question for you, if you don’t mind? I found that verb “love” can be used in present continuous form, when we want to emphasise that a situation is temporary or for a period of time around the present (ex. Ella stays with us quite often. The children love gaving her here. And Ella’s with us at the moment. The children are loving gaving her here) To be honest, I was confused with it. Help me understand, is it possible or no. Thank you:)
thanks for your wondeful lesson Rebecca mam . This lesson is very helpful for my O/L examination.
Thank you Rebecca
I dislike McDonald’s)
I got 10/10. yay
I’m getting better and understand each lesson thoroughly…
thanks Rebecca :)
I got 10/10 thanks a lot mam
I got 10/10 thanks
Rebecca, you teachs very well. Thank you!
I appreciate your English lessons!
Approachable, as usual.
Thanks Rebecca
Why did you use,understanding in a comment? It makes me confused, Rebecca!
I appreciate this part of your lesson. I now understand how to use the Dynamic verbs and Stative verbs. Thanks.
It was good and I scored 10/10
Very good lesson Mam. There are so many things to learn in English Grammar. We are glad you are there to clear the doubt and help us. Thank you so much for your effort.
Thank you for clear explanation. I do like your lessons.
One tip, found in a book English Grammar in Use by Cambridge University Press. Present tenses in future meaning.
“When we are talking about what we have already arranged to do, we should use Present Continuous.
example: Ann is coming tomorrow.
When we are talking about timetables, programmes etc. we should use Present Simple.
example: The flight leaves at 8 a.m. tomorrow.
For personal arrangements Present Simple is not using.
example: I am meeting Ann at 8 a.m. tomorrow”
This explanation helped me a lot, as far as my native language (Russian) is not so reach with tenses.
Thank you teacher.
Thanks miss Rebecca.
Thank you! I love the way you explain and teach the lesson.
Thanks! Your lessons are excelent.
Thank u
Thank you Rebeca , you ‘re the best teacher
Hi , how can I get the free video on website? thanks!
Our videos are on YouTube, so if you are viewing the site from China, the videos will be blocked. However, you can also watch some of our videos on Bilibili.
Thank you!
Thank you Ma’am Rebecca for this lesson, I’ve got 100% score. all the way from Philippines.
Thank you mam.
Hello Rebecca! I highly appreciate your kindness. You’re a great teacher! May I ask you something? What’s the difference between
Please enlighten me.
Hello Rebecca
Thanks tremendously,your way of explaining lessons really appeals me.Wish you the best and more success.
Dear Ma’am English is my second language, I learned it just in a way of copy and past meanwhile doing good enough with writing my strongest point is listening.
if you heard a native speaker saying (I’m believing him)or(she is believing me) still it’s incorrect.
I grow or I’m growing?
Thank you! I got perfect score! I need to do complicated exercises to learn more.
the full list of stative verbs isn’t downloadable!
I got 9/10 thanks a lot.
You are amazing!
Great lessons! Thank you so much.
Just a couple of doubts:
1) can we say all copula verbs are intransitive?
2) can we say both copula and stative verbs are just the same? If not, how can we differentiate them?
I am getting lot of engvid but i am very weak in English reading please ma’m help me get out of this
When i read short sentences i can understand them well but with long sentences i couldn’t understand the whole sentences
I appreciate you way of explanation.Thanks a lot.
thank u! you are helping me a lot.
I studied for 6 months in NZ. But I still made some mistakes like this. Well I must fix my English skill.
Hello Rebecca
I hope that you are and will always be fine.
I just wanna thank you for your great efforts. You are one of the best teachers I have ever known in my entire life. I had and still have an interesting journey with your professional classes.
Millions of students all over the world will never forget what you have done for them.
Best of luck,
Hi Rebecca,
Is the word “hope” a stative verb?
Thank you…
Thanks a lot for your beneficial and useful explanation.
Dear Rebecca! You are fantastic teacher! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing with us your knowledge, experience, wisdom and great personality!
Thanks Teacher This is a good lesson.
Really very good lesson. I also like your way of teaching. It’s superb. May God bless you, Rebecca Mam.
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Thank’s to our great teacher
Thanks a lot, I appreciate your class.
Thank you very much, I have appreciated your lesson
Thanx ?
Thank you so much
Really love this lessons. Good teaching Got all correct. Thank you very much.
hi REBECCA i got 10 out of 10 your explaination is clear to undestance thank you.
I’ve just found your videos while looking for some english learning videos on youtube and yours are very well-made videos. Keep it up
I watched this video twice on June 27, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
I love the way of your teaching. Because i understand each and everything from your lecture..
I guess,I will have passed the ‘ILETS’ till december 2021…
Love from pakistan
Thankyou so much Ma’am
Thanks dear teacher REBECCA!
I got 10/10 the lesson was very fantastic.
Hello Rebecca. Thank you very much for your help. I really enjoy your classes. I need to be ready for the TOEFL test let me know if you have any classes for it.
100.Thanks a lot Rebecca
Thanks , you teach form is clearly an dinamic.
I got 100% thanks teacher
today september 6 2021
10/10 quiz
this lesson makes my English skill better
i enjoy the website engvid.
thanks Rebekka
i’m sorry REBECCA
Thanks so much teacher Rebecca , I love your wonderful tutorials ,you make such a confusing lesson very easy to understand .❤️
Rebecca, thanks a bunch for this significant lesson. What about the verb “enjoy”? Is it ok to use it with -ing ending?
10/10 Thank you today also, Rebecca. I decided to see you everyday. hehe
first of all thanks to you, I saw on youtube channel very very helpful for me. The main reaction for I’m middle-class family I only learned my mother tongue(TAMIL) after school days I’m going to college but not fulfill my English knowledge, then join the job English knowledge not improved these days, one day I found your youtube channel I saw your videos very very interesting for me that reason for your way of style and your expression (speech) then decided I will improve my English knowledge 100%. Once again Very much thank you (My best English tutor).
Note This content type using google translate but I will create my journey detail without other helping (Goole translate) before Jan ‘2022.
Thank you
Rebecca thanks for the lesson!
Is it possible to use the continuous form “recognition” if we are talking about the rather long process in OCR (optical character recognition) software?
For example: When I looked at my laptop, I saw that the application was recognizing text and the progress was 42%.
great , i got 10.
pardon, i have a question:
does the explanation about words ” forward and onward” is right?
thankyou for your answe.
Thanks Rebecca, this website is good, but the Teacher is the best than any other inthe world
I admire you
Thanks a lot …. I like it
Thank you too much for your lesson. I’m so happy to have you as a teacher.
I really appreciated you, I am so glad that found this web. I really like this web, I need to improve my English skills. This web gave me an opportunity to improve my skills. I have known this web for 2 years, all of the teachers speak very clearly I can understand we will. By all means, I love this web. I prefer for IELTS exam by using this web. There is nothing that I don’t like about this web. I recognize this web is the best in the world. By the way, I belong to a football club in Turkey, at the same time I have own a construction company.
I’m very glad to meet you here.
I’m always gratitude you lessons.
Thank you very much teacher
very helpful lesson
Hi Rebecca, You teach very clearly. So I appeciated. I know that my english not enough but I understand you. Thank you.
I got 10/10. Thanks so much!
Thank you teacher for the class and the time you take for prepare the information. Im happy to found this page you explain so clearly.
I GOT %100. You are my favorite teacher. I like how you explain English. I so happy with this channel.
Thanks teacher Rebecca I got 10/10 I like your way of teaching.
you are the best thank you
thank you so much for this lesson I got 100 percent on the quiz it’s amazing. I’m grateful to you.
Thank you Teacher Rebecca. I got 100.
Thank you for your clear explanation.
thank you so much, i got 10/10
I have heard that this rule often violated in the songs
100/100 thanks for that lesson.
Thank you so much. It’s very interesting
I got 100% right
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
thank you so much I got 10/10 it’s fantastic
Rebecca, thanks a lot! Luckily, I understand the lesson and managed to pass this test 10/10)
Hi! I am sorry. I can not download PDF file of full list of stative verbs. could you please send PDF file to my Email? TNX
Thank you Rebecca ! Got it !
Thank you ma’am for this quiz session
I got 10/10. Thanks, Rebecca, for this excellent lesson.
I got 10. thank you teacher Rabecca.
thank you teacher
thank you so much I really enjoy with your videos.
Thank you. It’s useful information.
I really appreciate your lession.
thank you so much , i easiliy get the lesson please can i know how to download this lesson??
Sorry, our lessons are only available to watch on YouTube.
Thank you, that was very helpful
Thankss alot miss rebeca
Hello Rebeca, your class are amazing. tks
Thanks Rebecca, i love your class!
thank you so much you are my best teacher
Thank you
Thanks a lot!! You rock! ♥
He prefers walking to the workplace rather than taking a taxi because it is not very far.