Superlative adjectives are used to talk about the most extreme of something. “Brad Pitt is the most handsome actor.” “Justin Bieber is the worst football player.” Learn all about superlative adjectives in this grammar lesson! I’ll teach you what they are, how and when to use them, and give you some important exceptions to the rules.
Good lesson.
Ronnie,would you tell me the meaning of “after”.He runs after me.My name is Lulu,thanks
To “run after” means to chase.
thank you Ronnie:)
What about “far”? Don’t you want to include this exception to your list?!
dont worry you must have confidence and everything it will be ok.learning a foreign language might be difficult but not must have confidence in you and dont worry about mystakes.good luck:)
very well<
your advice is very good
Good lesson
Very good lession. Thanks Ronnie
I like the way you teach. It is the most fun ever. ;D
thank you :)
Hey, Ronnie !
I guess, The question number 9 has a wrong answer. Check this if u can !
Seems correct to me!
I’m enjoying this new way of learning English
Congratulations! I learned with the rules and I did get grade 10 on exercises!! Thanks
Keliton Santos
thank you but alitet defecalt for me .sorry abut my spelling
Thank you! Good lesson.
hi you can taking me one lesson today
The most fun…..
I didn’t know this rule before!
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Hi, do Americans use to say “the funniest”? I saw lots of example of such usage on Google.
hello my neighbour
look closer at the word you used and see ‘the funnIest’ – that’s an example of funny, not fun.
And a note:
She’s funny (=ridiculous, comical).
She’s fun (you have a good time with her)
“the most fun” the correct answer n
I like the way you teach. It is the most fun ever.
Hello Ronnie,
all lessons you teach are of great help to us.i have a question for you. Isn’t funniest the superlative adjective of the word fun.please do reply.regards.
NO, funny is an adjective. So you have to say the + funny + i + est.
Fun is also an adj. but they mean different things!
alright i got it.thank you:)
Hi Ronnie! Could you explain what’s de different between “fun” and “funny”? I thought “fun” was a noun and not an adjective. I’m lost :O
Thank youuuu!
Hi @crispoke, I think the difference between (funny) and (fun) is:
funny is an adj. and it’s a situation when someone or something make you laugh. like a comedian is funny because he tell you jokes make you laugh.
fun is also an adj. and it’s when you enjoy yourself and have a good time. likes visiting new places is fun.
Absolutely right!
engVid Moderator
thanks a lot
Ronnie, the most amazing English teacher I’ve ever encountered!Thank you
WOW 10/10 !!
the funniest teacher is Ronnie. thank u Ronnie come back 4 another class, as soon as possible, be nice with us.
Thanks for this useful clas
Ty for the answer, Ronnie !! But You wrote in the video “the worst” as superlative adjective of “bad”, and the correct answer of the quiz is “the worse”. May you explain it to me, please ? :(
Hi Ronnie,
I had never heard of ‘Most fun’ before. I always thought superlative of fun is funniest same as ‘funny’. I must say, I had most fun while watching this video. :D.
Sorry, I made a mistake. I should have wrote ‘ I had the most fun while watching this video ‘.I missed ‘the’. Am I right?
thank you good lessons
8/10 is my score, NOT good. I need to study hard, hard, HARD.
Yanny Seyer
Ronnie, thank you. I enjoy watching this funny and fast-learning video.
Yanny Seyer
Now I am 10/10! Yehey!! Thanks to the questions of EngVid.
Yanny Seyer
Roses are red, violets are blue. is the best english site for you!( A quote for EngVid)
Yanny Seyer
Perphaps the best poem I’ve ever heard. )
That’s nice poetry.
thanks so much dear Ronnie…..
and please teach comparative adjectives too…..
i wait for it :)
Old man said-you know,you can just believe in yourself.You are right.Have a nice day Ronnie.
Hi Ronni . I’d like to ask you about some words .what is the difference between the word discover and explore . And error & mistake . How can I compare between them .
Discover means to find.
Explore means to look for/at.
Error and mistake are the same!
Hi ronnie.
You are a very funny teacher.
I enjoy follow your lessons,you involve me very much in every lessons.
Wow, jason statham is my favourite actor me too.
Hi mh the words explore and discover and error and mistake means the samething you choose what you wanna use,are sinonymous look the sentences:
the men discover the florest/the men explore the florest
you’re doing a error for your life/you’re doig a mistake for your life.
^.^ that’s so easy!!
but is a intelligent question!
same thing !!
But is a intelligent ask !
how are you?
i m very much confuse as i want to learn English but how can i start it from where please help me, specially i am very much weak in writing peaking spelling please help me.
hope you help me.
Spelling is just remembering words! Speaking is difficult to practice if you cannot speak to others in English SO>>>>>leave your Skype name on the website and invite others to chat and or have video chats with you!!! This will help you with writing and speaking!!
I also have never heard “the most fun”.
Only “the funniest”.
Dut now I discovered that there are an adjective “fun” apart fron the “funny” and the noun “fun”!! Cool!
By the way, what is the difference between adj.-s “fun” and “funny”?
She’s funny. = ridiculous, comical, strange or even foolish
She’s fun. = you have a good time with her
Thank Ronnie….I got 9 correct out of 10.
Ronni you are a good teacher in my life
Thank you
Thank you !
how a good teacher you are,Ronnie
I am so happy being here .. thanks a lot sweet
Adam Egy
i have a question for you that why you used “the more wonderful” instead of “the most wonderful”.thank Ronnie!!
Hi, Ronnie! I have a question for you
must an “noun” follow after “the + superlative adjective” ?
thanks a lot!
I think a noun is not required. You can say “She’s the best”, can’t you? And there’s no noun after superlative there)
Pani Alinka
Thanks . Ronni and brazilian . brazilian I hope to add me in this email .. alharbi_mh22@
hi…i really got confused about the word ‘busy’ is it 1 or 2 syllables coz when we make comparative we say busier not more busy! thnx
Busy is 2 syllables.
Thank you!! I need learn english this page is wonderfulll!!
Ronnie can i speak well in English? b’coz I’m not good in English. :(
thank you very much ronnie, I Would like to appreciate you for three resin cause solving big problems to me
1- you have spoken so slowly inorder to fix tenses
2- your prononucetion and spelling word such as ran ,run ,walk ,work in simple way
3- allways using spoken language
I’m sorry to tell you This Ronney but to be honest with you: you look so stupid and idiot! That’s the truth! And especially with the lesson about sounds of the body and so on and so forth etc.
hi ronni
issam boumaraf
ronni Do you agree to be friends ???
issam boumaraf
Do you agree to be friends ???
issam boumaraf
hi Ronnie
My vocabulary is very boor please help me i am engneer
“something fun”. Is it correct?
“something funny”. Is it also correct but means … a litle crazy? thank you for answering me.
You have to say the something is fun or funny!
fun = good time
funny = makes you laugh
Hi Ronie,
thank you alot because you help me to understand the superlative-adjectives lesson.keep on the good work!
Boby Renodin
I learned a lot. Thank you. I’m happy. I tink that, I’m the happiest.
4. If a word has two syllables, we usually use the THE + MORE + ADJECTIVE form to make it into a superlative.
confusing … USUALLY it ist true!
Happy Teacher’s Day Mam.All the Best .
I need to learn more… i got 70%..i think i need extra help…
I got 70%, I still have confused about “Fun” and “Funny” . Why aren’t they same?
Fun = is an exception to the rules = the most fun. BUT, a lot of people say the funnest!
Funny = 2 syllables, ends in a “y” = the funniest.
hi Ronnie,
it is very nice to watch your classes……… is really useful…… I’m a Ph.D student and I am facing too much difficulty while writing a scientific paper…….could you please suggest how should I improve it……it is a big pain for me………. I’ll wait or your kind reply……… thank you….. have a good day..
Sorry, scientific papers are something I do no t know how to write.
Happy Teacher’s Day Mam.All the Best .
howdy Ronnie,
it`s really awesome lesson,but there is some thing <> what is the superlative for it ?
and also there is <>
hopping if u reply ??
howdy Ronnie,
it`s really awesome lesson,but I`ve Q for you ?
well what is the superlative for it ?
and also far !
is it the same rule or there is an exception
hope if u reply :D
Sorry I don’t understand your first question but the superlative for “far”….the farthest/ the furthest!
Dear Ronnie I mean by my question what is the comparative and the superlative for this word ^^well^^ I think its wrong to add er & est to the word ^^well^^
thank for your attention
adios ^^
.’well’it isn’t adj
Nawal mohamed
Thank you Ronnie for your help>
I am such a good student i’ve got 10 out of 10
Thank you, Ronnie. You are very positive!
Thanks a lot Ronnie. I have a question. How can I memorize words? :(
The best way is to get a big paper and write a few new words each day. Hang the paper in your room/house so you can see it everyday…it will help you to review new vocab.!
Hi Ronnie ;-)
I would like ask you , its possible make video about :
– too
– as well
This is very confused how work – as well , its more difficuld than … -too
Hi Ronnie,I’ve two request one for all engvid teachers and one for you.Basically I want all teacher to add subtitles in every video of Engvid atleast in upcoming videos because sometimes teachers pronounce and speak words or sentences very fast it’s not so easy for every buddy to understand that kinda words and If all teachers are not agreed so atleast you do it If it’s possible for I’ll be thankfull to you.Thanks to being with us..
Muhammad Fahim
Sorry, I personally cannot subtitle the lessons as I don’t know how to do it! I will have to talk to the editor of the site!
hi ronnie thank you very mauch…
I want to chat with you via Facebook please do not stop me this
hi Ronnie im imarwan / would you maind tilling me how can i emprove my reading / everyday i read but sometimes i fuond some words diffcolt to say it
To help with reading, try to find children’s or teenage/young adult books. The vocabulary is much easier than “adult” books!
Ronnie eu amo suas aulas!
Ronnie I love your lessons!
you are the most fun teacher in thank u soooooo much for the best lesson
Hi Ronnie! Thanks a lot! I do love your classes!!!!
hi ronnie
syed muhammad mohsin
hi ronnie do you know about valen where is valen she is very good teacher
syed muhammad mohsin
you’re the most idiot and stupid teacher i ever met in my entire life and sorry by the way
It should really be “most idiotic”…
engVid Moderator
thank u very much for your replay i m happy
anwarali_nizamani at skype
Hello, my name is Edison and I’m from Brazil. Today I was doing some research on the internet and found The videos are wonderful, but your tips and explanations are very good and the main thing is that I can understand almost 100% of what you speak. I believe that with your help my English skills will improve greatly, and much faster than I expected. Thank you very much.
hi Ronnie i wanna to ask a question please ….what is the difference between SINCE and FOR when we talk about time ? wait for your answer thank you
Since we use with a date/time/month/year/age.
For we use with a number/a short time/a long time.
hi ronnie what can i do to improve my language ? to be bad-ass language , really i want to learn , please help me and give me any way to contact you
The best way to learn “bad ass” language is to watch movies/tv shows with subtitles in your language, then with English subtitles to learn the slang words!
wow nice lesson and the most funniest i ever hardthanxs ones again
thanks teacher
Thank you for lessons
You are not teacher only
You are angel
God bless you
Thank you very much! I’d love to watch your lessons! Everything is simple and clear! Now you are my favorite teacher! =)
Ronnie, you are the most wonderful teacher I have ever known. thank you very much)
thank you Ronnie XD
Rebbic: Hi my name is Rebbica and on today’s lesson…etc
Jon : Hi there , jon again or hellooo jon here again(with strong jump):P
Alex : hi this is alex thanks for clicking
James : … reading newspaper or book
Ronnie: ..appers from under the camera with a big smile .. HOW AWSOOOOOME U R
How We can identify syllables ?..
There is a lesson on how to count syllables! Search for it on the site!!!
shaik Abdul Mujeeb
HI ^^ RONNIE I have a question. funnest and the most fun is both correct??
oh im sorry funniest and the most funny ^^
In proper grammar, it is the most fun. However, when we talk, we say the funnest! A lot of times when we talk, we ignore grammar rules!
And which variant is more common? In daily usage I mean. “The most fun” is grammatically correct, but maybe “the funnest” is more preferable when you speak? Oh, and a mangled comparative form of “fun” is “funner”, right?
would you please explain how we can change helpful into the superlative?
Hasan Jahanifar
Helpful is 2 syllables = the most helpful!
Thank you very much Ronnie!!!!!
Thanks Ronnie. Nice Lesson….
Newbie here. Thank you. Im learning :)
the exercise number 8 = the superlative of fun = the most fun? Is the answer correct on the web?
Hi Ronnie thanks you are a very nice teacher also ur funny
Many thanks to Ronnie. I am writing from Mongolia. Your many lessons are interesting and fun. I would like your teaching method. Good luck in your career. I hope that you can travel to Mongolia.
u describe urself as ‘nutter’
I like t way how u make fun of English :)
Hi Ronnie
When You explained this lesson &you say (fun) will be (the most fun), but in the quiz the true answer is the (funniest).
Which one is correct?
Thanks a lot..
Thank you very much Ronnie!!!
I am your fan!!!
you’re the best! hehe
Hi Ronnie. thank you for your lossons. i hope to learn me how can i improve my acsent?
thanks for your support
Hello Ronnie, there’s something I didn’t understand, it was about the word “fun” because in the quiz it says that you cannot say “the most fun” as you taught us, so I got confused, what is the correct form to say this superlative form, please replyyyyyyy :D
is it correct to say “the most fun”?? or “the funniest”??
Fun is an irregular adjective. If you look in grammar books, they tell you that you have to use the most fun. However, when we speak, we use both!
Perfect! Thank you very much for replying, you are the best!! <3<3
Hello darling, what the difference for worst and worse? bye bye
Worse = comparative. He is worse than his sister.
Worst = superlative. He is the worst.
I’ve just found your website and YOUR lessons Ronnie. You are great ! funny and efficient (always confused between effective and efficient; one of them being with effort I think… nevermind)thak you so much for what you do…
Hello Ronie
Is Smart 2 syllables adj ? So It has to change the most smart ?
NO! Smart is one syllable (one vowel sound) so the smartest!
why the answer smartest is wrong in the quiz.
M kartal
Thanks Ronnie a lot.
I started to follow your classes about one year ago, without know how many things in english. Today I can understand better the language and this is help me alot in my job and my friends relationship.
God bless you!
hi, i have a question, it is not connected to the topic but i did not know where to post it, please help. I need to know what is the difference between to bloom, to blossom and to flower? I have read different opinions and some people say blossom refers only to flowers found in the trees.
You can use “to blossom” to refer to girls who have become woman. But to flower or to bloom is usually used for plants. However, if you said flower, or bloom, people would understand you!
Thank you very much :))
perfect thanks alot
Good lesson, Good teacher, Good web site,
hey Runnie. what about gorgeous.. like this the most gorgeous ?
YES! 2 syllables that do not end in Y = the most!
hii ronnie , i love you , you are ( the best) teacher in the world , i’m Egyptian and i feel the most difficult thing in this language The Grammer , iam good in writing , notbad in speaking , very good understanding , if here be a live lessons , please tell me how can i share it with you .
Can the word “funny” change to “the funniest”? Cause the word “fun” can´t change and it has to be “the most fun”, like you said.
dear teacher i would like to know the difference in comparative and superlative of the adjective “new” it is one syllable adj but the “w” doesn’t get dabbled, as it does in big or sad. how can i explain this. and one more thing is if you can make another video like this for the comparative forms.
thank you
I have no idea why we do not double the w (hehhehe) in newer or newest. There is a CVC (consonant vowel consonant) rule but there ALWAYS exceptions to EVERY rule in English! This is why learning English is so hard!
I like You Ms :Ronnie
Thank you so much Ms.Roonie .. You are the best teacher i’ve ever seen <3
Thank you.Ronnie
Ronnie you are the most wonderful teacher in the world.
dear Mrs Ronnie
I’m happy to see your skills, thanks for your works. I have a problem of speaking english, can you help me? please?
I enjoy your teaching method
thank you
hi my ronnie
may i get your email address ??
Thanks Ronnie!!!
My English teacher @ the university in Brasil used to say that to do the double letters it will always be a ” sandwich “‘, one vowel in the middle of two consonants.
Ex: big, thin, fat…so on
Double the last letter
Bigger, thinner, fatter…
The same apply for the verbs
Ex: run ( running)
Get ( getting)
thank you
thanks Ronnie u r the best an the most telented teacher i am very happy and satisfy!With ur lesson thanks!
Thank you Ronnie! You are THE BEST!
Hi Ronnie thanks for your help, but I have a problem for the word fun.
You said I can’t say funniest, I should say the most fun for superlative,so in the quiz I used the most fun the computer marked as a mistake, the computer said funniest that was the best answer.I am very confused
I am waiting for your feedback thank you.
Dear Ronnie, Can you pleas etell me when to use
fully like beautifully, wonderfully,faithfully… ect and I’d like to know what’s the superlative or comparative of well.please reply me as soon you can.Thank you
That was a good lesson. Thank you Ronnie. Could you help me to understand the following sentence.. “The snow was taking hold…” Does it mean that the snow fall was becoming stronger or it means that the snow fall was stopping?
thank u but how to compare between tow things?
Ronnie – You are Supper.
9 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
hi Ronnie. thank you for your lessons,but I remark.
the word fun is a noun and the adj is funny, so the comparative is funnier and the superlative is funniest and excuse me if I am mistaken.
thank you Ronnie. you are the best teacher ever
Hello Ronnie. What About The Word Dry ??
Thank you…..Ronnie
good lesson
Ms.Ronnie u are the coolest teacher that i really adored:)thank u so much 4 the great lessons that u cared to teaches 4 us:)
Hi Ronnie
word beautiful has 4 syllables not 3 is it right?
Ronnie is the best teacher of all! HUMMMHUM!
Thank you! Good lesson.
Hello Ronnie,
the funniest and the most amazing English teacher.
Good day.
Hi, Ronnie !
I have difficult on the superlatives. I need more more and more practices. But you are the best. Thank you!
Hi, Beatiful teacher Ronnie!
When I say that you have learned my comments?
Hi, Beatiful teacher Ronnie!
When I say that you have learned my comments?
Thank you for the lesson . Thank you very much.
Ronnie you are the most fun english
teacher of ever.
Thank you so much.
hello. thank you
i like your way
when you shenge your sound
it’s was woooooooooooow
Thanks… Very helpful!
Thank you teacher . You ‘ re the best
Thank you. :)
Thank Ronnie i got this lesson and got 100 marks thank you again keep going teaching and take care wish you to be healthy and good time.
Thanks Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie, you’re the best, ever!
please tell me how to download any chapter of eng grammer of roonie
this year(2013) is busiest in my life what is learning english in the best site :D.
Thank you Ronnie~
Hi Ronie! Can you make a video on “when/how to use ‘is’ and ‘are’.” Thanks!
I’m going to have the best grade for the test;
thk ronnie
Thanks. I think that was very good lesson
Hello Ronnie I’ve heard in some movies ,the words “bader” and “the badest” , is that correct or not ?
Lots of thanks.
Shouldn’t I to use adj+est for two syllables ended by ER, LE and OW too?
hey can u tell me how to download this videos……
You´are the best English´ teacher that i’ve seen on the internet. The most fun.
Hello Ronnie , thank you for this lesson . It was helpful for me because i had an exam for two days ago . I hope to improve my english by watch your videos they are very easy to understand and your style is very fun , thanks again ..
Raed La
This is the most interesting, funniest, easiest lesson that I have ever teach :)
Thanks I got 80%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi, Ronnie. I’m a new comer here…so, thanks to God finally, I found the greatest website to study English. Thanks so much.
Dika Pramana
wow Great lesson i love it (:
Thanks for the lesson. I m leaving here my skype contact …
Thanks .
thanks, my Score is 70% =)
Thanks it helped a lot to me.
Hi Ronnie
Could you please explain to me, when can I use much better in the same sentence? since, to me use much better in the same sentence is incorrect, exa. last car is much better than the new car, that is wrong due to according to my learning, to say “better” it’s enough, we don’t need the word “much” .
Please help me to clarify when is appropriate to use these words
Fun –> The most fun. Funny –> Funniest. Ok, I’ve gotten that. But bad –> worst NOT worse?
The best…I mean,u are the best one!o.O!?
It is useful and good Ronnie
Someone here would like to do a chat in skype to improve the english?
Add me on skype:
Thanks Ronnie, you’re the best teacher!!
Pedro Nicacio
hi..can u please explain me the last question…i got it wrong but am not able to understand why..the question goes like this,”that is the _______ cow i have ever seen. and it runs so fast! so my question is in this sentence what do we have to look at for syllable..? like u gave beautiful we had to count syllable in it..but here do we have to count syllables in “THAT” or “COW” or “FATTEST”? please help.
Hello!!!! I do not understand why if you explain than FUN is an exception and we have to add THE MOST FUN why on this question is FUNNIEST???
90 . I answer the first one wrong .
i wrote the most fun the answer was wrong?
Very good! Ronnie
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
Thank you Ronnie. You’re the best!
Kayk Carvalho
Danke Ronnie. :P
thank you Ronnie:) this lesson was very basic but most important to me…
And “new”? , It’s an other exception?
Good leasson Ronnie! (:
Thanks by the way my favorite actor Scarlett Johansson
hello all , especially Mis ronni , really i get confused of that lesson even , i can’t count the syllables how many they are , i am a new learner ronni so give me advice that i am study english at home ..
Ronnie, you are helping me a lot, thanks…
God bless you
verg good lesson, you’re the best.
Anna Maria de Paula
Ronnie you teach me a lot of
wish u good time
That is the most fascist cow I have ever seen!
The most beautiful teacher taught the most useful lesson.
M’y first lesson with you teacher, thank you :)
I like the way you teach.I got 100%. Thank you very much.
Thank you teacher.
I got 90/100.
Hi Ronnie! What about titles “The funniest video in YouTube ” is it correct?
Thanks you so much
Marta Lopez
Nguyen Van Hau
Thank you Ronnie,you are the best~
hello! Ronnie thank’s for your effort which u do want to aske u for one question is occupes my mind what’s the differnce between who and when i can one of them pleas and thak’s other times
hello! Ronnie thank’s for your effort which u do want to aske u for one question is occupes my mind what’s the differnce between who and whom, when i can one of them pleas and thak’s other times
Thanks Ronnie, that was fun and help me very much
thank you
Hi Ronnie
Would you mind helping me?
“Mary is the smartest student in our class” or “Mary is our smartest student in the class”
Which one is correct?
Ronnie is the best teacher in the world. I love her.
paulo ramirez
Thank you Ronnie.
I am not the best, only 9/10 do not mind, thanks Ronnie you are the funniest teacher of EngVid
Im still confuse on 10th question. How could fat become “the fattest” ? It was not same with “the bigger” in the video ?
I got 100%!!! :D XD
Thank you! :)
Ronnie is the best :)
I love your lessons
Ronnie u are the best.
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie, I got wrong for Fun -the most fun from quiz. plz clarify.
thanks Ronnie you helped me today
can you help me revise for my SATs please :)
you will help me pass pls :)
thank you.
Hi! I come from Hong Kong! I wonder whether there is any difference between “This is the best website ever” and “This is the best website” ! If so please explain such difference to me ! Also please explain the meaning of “ever” in This is the best website ever”! Thank you! By the way, your video is quite good ! ??
The first query “We use superlatives for comparing two things”. Actually, you need to compare! The best, the worst and so on are compared to something!
The best cant be the best´, if there not something else “not that good” Right?
Wowww Full
Shahzadi Hafsa
Hi mam i am wondering if make a video on common use words like increase ,decrease in IELTS test thanks
Amandeep Ghanaur
the best teacher i have ever seen ! Thank you <3
thank you Ronnie …you are rhe best
thank you Ronnie! you are the best teacher.
thank you teacher
my dear Ronnie. thank you.
I have doubt about fun and funny. I thought funny was alread a superlative form of fun. I´m wrong?
Bebel Nepomuceno
the best lesson.
thank you Ronnie…It was a very pleasent lesson
I don’t understand n.8 sentence. During the lesson you said THE MOST FUN…so…
I’m confusing
thanks you are the best teacher
The test has a mistake.
The correct answer for the 10 question is supposed to be “fastest”, not “fattest”.
Ronnie which one is correct the funniest or the most fun cause you said the most fun correct on the video but ıt didnt like that on test
I am the happiest because you are the most incroyable teacher.
9/10! I miss the question: funny. It’s a two syllables word finish with “y”. Funny needs to change to funniest.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Good lesson.
Ronnie,would you tell me the meaning of “after”.He runs after me.My name is Lulu,thanks
To “run after” means to chase.
thank you Ronnie:)
What about “far”? Don’t you want to include this exception to your list?!
dont worry you must have confidence and everything it will be ok.learning a foreign language might be difficult but not must have confidence in you and dont worry about mystakes.good luck:)
very well<
your advice is very good
Good lesson
Very good lession. Thanks Ronnie
I like the way you teach. It is the most fun ever. ;D
thank you :)
Hey, Ronnie !
I guess, The question number 9 has a wrong answer. Check this if u can !
Seems correct to me!
I’m enjoying this new way of learning English
Congratulations! I learned with the rules and I did get grade 10 on exercises!! Thanks
thank you but alitet defecalt for me .sorry abut my spelling
Thank you! Good lesson.
hi you can taking me one lesson today
The most fun…..
I didn’t know this rule before!
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Hi, do Americans use to say “the funniest”? I saw lots of example of such usage on Google.
hello my neighbour
look closer at the word you used and see ‘the funnIest’ – that’s an example of funny, not fun.
And a note:
She’s funny (=ridiculous, comical).
She’s fun (you have a good time with her)
“the most fun” the correct answer n
I like the way you teach. It is the most fun ever.
Hello Ronnie,
all lessons you teach are of great help to us.i have a question for you. Isn’t funniest the superlative adjective of the word fun.please do reply.regards.
NO, funny is an adjective. So you have to say the + funny + i + est.
Fun is also an adj. but they mean different things!
alright i got it.thank you:)
Hi Ronnie! Could you explain what’s de different between “fun” and “funny”? I thought “fun” was a noun and not an adjective. I’m lost :O
Thank youuuu!
Hi @crispoke, I think the difference between (funny) and (fun) is:
funny is an adj. and it’s a situation when someone or something make you laugh. like a comedian is funny because he tell you jokes make you laugh.
fun is also an adj. and it’s when you enjoy yourself and have a good time. likes visiting new places is fun.
Absolutely right!
thanks a lot
Ronnie, the most amazing English teacher I’ve ever encountered!Thank you
WOW 10/10 !!
the funniest teacher is Ronnie. thank u Ronnie come back 4 another class, as soon as possible, be nice with us.
Thanks for this useful clas
Ty for the answer, Ronnie !! But You wrote in the video “the worst” as superlative adjective of “bad”, and the correct answer of the quiz is “the worse”. May you explain it to me, please ? :(
Hi Ronnie,
I had never heard of ‘Most fun’ before. I always thought superlative of fun is funniest same as ‘funny’. I must say, I had most fun while watching this video. :D.
Sorry, I made a mistake. I should have wrote ‘ I had the most fun while watching this video ‘.I missed ‘the’. Am I right?
thank you good lessons
8/10 is my score, NOT good. I need to study hard, hard, HARD.
Ronnie, thank you. I enjoy watching this funny and fast-learning video.
Now I am 10/10! Yehey!! Thanks to the questions of EngVid.
Roses are red, violets are blue. is the best english site for you!( A quote for EngVid)
Perphaps the best poem I’ve ever heard. )
That’s nice poetry.
thanks so much dear Ronnie…..
and please teach comparative adjectives too…..
i wait for it :)
Old man said-you know,you can just believe in yourself.You are right.Have a nice day Ronnie.
Hi Ronni . I’d like to ask you about some words .what is the difference between the word discover and explore . And error & mistake . How can I compare between them .
Discover means to find.
Explore means to look for/at.
Error and mistake are the same!
Hi ronnie.
You are a very funny teacher.
I enjoy follow your lessons,you involve me very much in every lessons.
Wow, jason statham is my favourite actor me too.
Hi mh the words explore and discover and error and mistake means the samething you choose what you wanna use,are sinonymous look the sentences:
the men discover the florest/the men explore the florest
you’re doing a error for your life/you’re doig a mistake for your life.
^.^ that’s so easy!!
but is a intelligent question!
same thing !!
But is a intelligent ask !
how are you?
i m very much confuse as i want to learn English but how can i start it from where please help me, specially i am very much weak in writing peaking spelling please help me.
hope you help me.
Spelling is just remembering words! Speaking is difficult to practice if you cannot speak to others in English SO>>>>>leave your Skype name on the website and invite others to chat and or have video chats with you!!! This will help you with writing and speaking!!
I also have never heard “the most fun”.
Only “the funniest”.
Dut now I discovered that there are an adjective “fun” apart fron the “funny” and the noun “fun”!! Cool!
By the way, what is the difference between adj.-s “fun” and “funny”?
She’s funny. = ridiculous, comical, strange or even foolish
She’s fun. = you have a good time with her
Thank Ronnie….I got 9 correct out of 10.
Ronni you are a good teacher in my life
Thank you
Thank you !
how a good teacher you are,Ronnie
I am so happy being here .. thanks a lot sweet
i have a question for you that why you used “the more wonderful” instead of “the most wonderful”.thank Ronnie!!
Hi, Ronnie! I have a question for you
must an “noun” follow after “the + superlative adjective” ?
thanks a lot!
I think a noun is not required. You can say “She’s the best”, can’t you? And there’s no noun after superlative there)
Thanks . Ronni and brazilian . brazilian I hope to add me in this email .. alharbi_mh22@
hi…i really got confused about the word ‘busy’ is it 1 or 2 syllables coz when we make comparative we say busier not more busy! thnx
Busy is 2 syllables.
Thank you!! I need learn english this page is wonderfulll!!
Ronnie can i speak well in English? b’coz I’m not good in English. :(
thank you very much ronnie, I Would like to appreciate you for three resin cause solving big problems to me
1- you have spoken so slowly inorder to fix tenses
2- your prononucetion and spelling word such as ran ,run ,walk ,work in simple way
3- allways using spoken language
I’m sorry to tell you This Ronney but to be honest with you: you look so stupid and idiot! That’s the truth! And especially with the lesson about sounds of the body and so on and so forth etc.
hi ronni
ronni Do you agree to be friends ???
Do you agree to be friends ???
hi Ronnie
My vocabulary is very boor please help me i am engneer
“something fun”. Is it correct?
“something funny”. Is it also correct but means … a litle crazy? thank you for answering me.
You have to say the something is fun or funny!
fun = good time
funny = makes you laugh
Hi Ronie,
thank you alot because you help me to understand the superlative-adjectives lesson.keep on the good work!
I learned a lot. Thank you. I’m happy. I tink that, I’m the happiest.
4. If a word has two syllables, we usually use the THE + MORE + ADJECTIVE form to make it into a superlative.
confusing … USUALLY it ist true!
Happy Teacher’s Day Mam.All the Best .
I need to learn more… i got 70%..i think i need extra help…
I got 70%, I still have confused about “Fun” and “Funny” . Why aren’t they same?
Fun = is an exception to the rules = the most fun. BUT, a lot of people say the funnest!
Funny = 2 syllables, ends in a “y” = the funniest.
hi Ronnie,
it is very nice to watch your classes……… is really useful…… I’m a Ph.D student and I am facing too much difficulty while writing a scientific paper…….could you please suggest how should I improve it……it is a big pain for me………. I’ll wait or your kind reply……… thank you….. have a good day..
Sorry, scientific papers are something I do no t know how to write.
Happy Teacher’s Day Mam.All the Best .
howdy Ronnie,
it`s really awesome lesson,but there is some thing <> what is the superlative for it ?
and also there is <>
hopping if u reply ??
howdy Ronnie,
it`s really awesome lesson,but I`ve Q for you ?
well what is the superlative for it ?
and also far !
is it the same rule or there is an exception
hope if u reply :D
Sorry I don’t understand your first question but the superlative for “far”….the farthest/ the furthest!
Dear Ronnie I mean by my question what is the comparative and the superlative for this word ^^well^^ I think its wrong to add er & est to the word ^^well^^
thank for your attention
adios ^^
.’well’it isn’t adj
Thank you Ronnie for your help>
I am such a good student i’ve got 10 out of 10
Thank you, Ronnie. You are very positive!
Thanks a lot Ronnie. I have a question. How can I memorize words? :(
The best way is to get a big paper and write a few new words each day. Hang the paper in your room/house so you can see it everyday…it will help you to review new vocab.!
Hi Ronnie ;-)
I would like ask you , its possible make video about :
– too
– as well
This is very confused how work – as well , its more difficuld than … -too
Thanks you :)
Look at that link to help you with too/as well!
Hi Ronnie,I’ve two request one for all engvid teachers and one for you.Basically I want all teacher to add subtitles in every video of Engvid atleast in upcoming videos because sometimes teachers pronounce and speak words or sentences very fast it’s not so easy for every buddy to understand that kinda words and If all teachers are not agreed so atleast you do it If it’s possible for I’ll be thankfull to you.Thanks to being with us..
Sorry, I personally cannot subtitle the lessons as I don’t know how to do it! I will have to talk to the editor of the site!
hi ronnie thank you very mauch…
I want to chat with you via Facebook please do not stop me this
hi Ronnie im imarwan / would you maind tilling me how can i emprove my reading / everyday i read but sometimes i fuond some words diffcolt to say it
To help with reading, try to find children’s or teenage/young adult books. The vocabulary is much easier than “adult” books!
Ronnie eu amo suas aulas!
Ronnie I love your lessons!
you are the most fun teacher in thank u soooooo much for the best lesson
Hi Ronnie! Thanks a lot! I do love your classes!!!!
hi ronnie
hi ronnie do you know about valen where is valen she is very good teacher
you’re the most idiot and stupid teacher i ever met in my entire life and sorry by the way
It should really be “most idiotic”…
thank u very much for your replay i m happy
anwarali_nizamani at skype
Hello, my name is Edison and I’m from Brazil. Today I was doing some research on the internet and found The videos are wonderful, but your tips and explanations are very good and the main thing is that I can understand almost 100% of what you speak. I believe that with your help my English skills will improve greatly, and much faster than I expected. Thank you very much.
hi Ronnie i wanna to ask a question please ….what is the difference between SINCE and FOR when we talk about time ? wait for your answer thank you
Since we use with a date/time/month/year/age.
For we use with a number/a short time/a long time.
hi ronnie what can i do to improve my language ? to be bad-ass language , really i want to learn , please help me and give me any way to contact you
The best way to learn “bad ass” language is to watch movies/tv shows with subtitles in your language, then with English subtitles to learn the slang words!
wow nice lesson and the most funniest i ever hardthanxs ones again
thanks teacher
Thank you for lessons
You are not teacher only
You are angel
God bless you
Thank you very much! I’d love to watch your lessons! Everything is simple and clear! Now you are my favorite teacher! =)
Ronnie, you are the most wonderful teacher I have ever known. thank you very much)
thank you Ronnie XD
Rebbic: Hi my name is Rebbica and on today’s lesson…etc
Jon : Hi there , jon again or hellooo jon here again(with strong jump):P
Alex : hi this is alex thanks for clicking
James : … reading newspaper or book
Ronnie: ..appers from under the camera with a big smile .. HOW AWSOOOOOME U R
How We can identify syllables ?..
There is a lesson on how to count syllables! Search for it on the site!!!
HI ^^ RONNIE I have a question. funnest and the most fun is both correct??
oh im sorry funniest and the most funny ^^
In proper grammar, it is the most fun. However, when we talk, we say the funnest! A lot of times when we talk, we ignore grammar rules!
And which variant is more common? In daily usage I mean. “The most fun” is grammatically correct, but maybe “the funnest” is more preferable when you speak? Oh, and a mangled comparative form of “fun” is “funner”, right?
would you please explain how we can change helpful into the superlative?
Helpful is 2 syllables = the most helpful!
Thank you very much Ronnie!!!!!
Thanks Ronnie. Nice Lesson….
Newbie here. Thank you. Im learning :)
the exercise number 8 = the superlative of fun = the most fun? Is the answer correct on the web?
Hi Ronnie thanks you are a very nice teacher also ur funny
Many thanks to Ronnie. I am writing from Mongolia. Your many lessons are interesting and fun. I would like your teaching method. Good luck in your career. I hope that you can travel to Mongolia.
u describe urself as ‘nutter’
I like t way how u make fun of English :)
Hi Ronnie
When You explained this lesson &you say (fun) will be (the most fun), but in the quiz the true answer is the (funniest).
Which one is correct?
Thanks a lot..
Thank you very much Ronnie!!!
I am your fan!!!
you’re the best! hehe
Hi Ronnie. thank you for your lossons. i hope to learn me how can i improve my acsent?
thanks for your support
Hello Ronnie, there’s something I didn’t understand, it was about the word “fun” because in the quiz it says that you cannot say “the most fun” as you taught us, so I got confused, what is the correct form to say this superlative form, please replyyyyyyy :D
is it correct to say “the most fun”?? or “the funniest”??
Fun is an irregular adjective. If you look in grammar books, they tell you that you have to use the most fun. However, when we speak, we use both!
Perfect! Thank you very much for replying, you are the best!! <3<3
Hello darling, what the difference for worst and worse? bye bye
Worse = comparative. He is worse than his sister.
Worst = superlative. He is the worst.
I’ve just found your website and YOUR lessons Ronnie. You are great ! funny and efficient (always confused between effective and efficient; one of them being with effort I think… nevermind)thak you so much for what you do…
Hello Ronie
Is Smart 2 syllables adj ? So It has to change the most smart ?
NO! Smart is one syllable (one vowel sound) so the smartest!
why the answer smartest is wrong in the quiz.
Thanks Ronnie a lot.
I started to follow your classes about one year ago, without know how many things in english. Today I can understand better the language and this is help me alot in my job and my friends relationship.
God bless you!
hi, i have a question, it is not connected to the topic but i did not know where to post it, please help. I need to know what is the difference between to bloom, to blossom and to flower? I have read different opinions and some people say blossom refers only to flowers found in the trees.
You can use “to blossom” to refer to girls who have become woman. But to flower or to bloom is usually used for plants. However, if you said flower, or bloom, people would understand you!
Thank you very much :))
perfect thanks alot
Good lesson, Good teacher, Good web site,
hey Runnie. what about gorgeous.. like this the most gorgeous ?
YES! 2 syllables that do not end in Y = the most!
hii ronnie , i love you , you are ( the best) teacher in the world , i’m Egyptian and i feel the most difficult thing in this language The Grammer , iam good in writing , notbad in speaking , very good understanding , if here be a live lessons , please tell me how can i share it with you .
Can the word “funny” change to “the funniest”? Cause the word “fun” can´t change and it has to be “the most fun”, like you said.
dear teacher i would like to know the difference in comparative and superlative of the adjective “new” it is one syllable adj but the “w” doesn’t get dabbled, as it does in big or sad. how can i explain this. and one more thing is if you can make another video like this for the comparative forms.
thank you
I have no idea why we do not double the w (hehhehe) in newer or newest. There is a CVC (consonant vowel consonant) rule but there ALWAYS exceptions to EVERY rule in English! This is why learning English is so hard!
I like You Ms :Ronnie
Thank you so much Ms.Roonie .. You are the best teacher i’ve ever seen <3
Thank you.Ronnie
Ronnie you are the most wonderful teacher in the world.
dear Mrs Ronnie
I’m happy to see your skills, thanks for your works. I have a problem of speaking english, can you help me? please?
I enjoy your teaching method
thank you
hi my ronnie
may i get your email address ??
Thanks Ronnie!!!
My English teacher @ the university in Brasil used to say that to do the double letters it will always be a ” sandwich “‘, one vowel in the middle of two consonants.
Ex: big, thin, fat…so on
Double the last letter
Bigger, thinner, fatter…
The same apply for the verbs
Ex: run ( running)
Get ( getting)
thank you
thanks Ronnie u r the best an the most telented teacher i am very happy and satisfy!With ur lesson thanks!
Thank you Ronnie! You are THE BEST!
Hi Ronnie thanks for your help, but I have a problem for the word fun.
You said I can’t say funniest, I should say the most fun for superlative,so in the quiz I used the most fun the computer marked as a mistake, the computer said funniest that was the best answer.I am very confused
I am waiting for your feedback thank you.
Dear Ronnie, Can you pleas etell me when to use
fully like beautifully, wonderfully,faithfully… ect and I’d like to know what’s the superlative or comparative of well.please reply me as soon you can.Thank you
That was a good lesson. Thank you Ronnie. Could you help me to understand the following sentence.. “The snow was taking hold…” Does it mean that the snow fall was becoming stronger or it means that the snow fall was stopping?
thank u but how to compare between tow things?
Ronnie – You are Supper.
9 correct out of 10 – Thomas from Poland thx
hi Ronnie. thank you for your lessons,but I remark.
the word fun is a noun and the adj is funny, so the comparative is funnier and the superlative is funniest and excuse me if I am mistaken.
thank you Ronnie. you are the best teacher ever
Hello Ronnie. What About The Word Dry ??
Thank you…..Ronnie
good lesson
Ms.Ronnie u are the coolest teacher that i really adored:)thank u so much 4 the great lessons that u cared to teaches 4 us:)
Hi Ronnie
word beautiful has 4 syllables not 3 is it right?
Ronnie is the best teacher of all! HUMMMHUM!
Thank you! Good lesson.
Hello Ronnie,
the funniest and the most amazing English teacher.
Good day.
Hi, Ronnie !
I have difficult on the superlatives. I need more more and more practices. But you are the best. Thank you!
Hi, Beatiful teacher Ronnie!
When I say that you have learned my comments?
Hi, Beatiful teacher Ronnie!
When I say that you have learned my comments?
Thank you for the lesson . Thank you very much.
Ronnie you are the most fun english
teacher of ever.
Thank you so much.
hello. thank you
i like your way
when you shenge your sound
it’s was woooooooooooow
Thanks… Very helpful!
Thank you teacher . You ‘ re the best
Thank you. :)
Thank Ronnie i got this lesson and got 100 marks thank you again keep going teaching and take care wish you to be healthy and good time.
Thanks Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie, you’re the best, ever!
please tell me how to download any chapter of eng grammer of roonie
this year(2013) is busiest in my life what is learning english in the best site :D.
Thank you Ronnie~
Hi Ronie! Can you make a video on “when/how to use ‘is’ and ‘are’.” Thanks!
I’m going to have the best grade for the test;
thk ronnie
Thanks. I think that was very good lesson
Hello Ronnie I’ve heard in some movies ,the words “bader” and “the badest” , is that correct or not ?
Lots of thanks.
Shouldn’t I to use adj+est for two syllables ended by ER, LE and OW too?
hey can u tell me how to download this videos……
You´are the best English´ teacher that i’ve seen on the internet. The most fun.
Hello Ronnie , thank you for this lesson . It was helpful for me because i had an exam for two days ago . I hope to improve my english by watch your videos they are very easy to understand and your style is very fun , thanks again ..
This is the most interesting, funniest, easiest lesson that I have ever teach :)
Thanks I got 80%.
Hi, Ronnie. I’m a new comer here…so, thanks to God finally, I found the greatest website to study English. Thanks so much.
wow Great lesson i love it (:
Thanks for the lesson. I m leaving here my skype contact …
Thanks .
thanks, my Score is 70% =)
Thanks it helped a lot to me.
Hi Ronnie
Could you please explain to me, when can I use much better in the same sentence? since, to me use much better in the same sentence is incorrect, exa. last car is much better than the new car, that is wrong due to according to my learning, to say “better” it’s enough, we don’t need the word “much” .
Please help me to clarify when is appropriate to use these words
Fun –> The most fun. Funny –> Funniest. Ok, I’ve gotten that. But bad –> worst NOT worse?
The best…I mean,u are the best one!o.O!?
It is useful and good Ronnie
Someone here would like to do a chat in skype to improve the english?
Add me on skype:
Thanks Ronnie, you’re the best teacher!!
hi..can u please explain me the last question…i got it wrong but am not able to understand why..the question goes like this,”that is the _______ cow i have ever seen. and it runs so fast! so my question is in this sentence what do we have to look at for syllable..? like u gave beautiful we had to count syllable in it..but here do we have to count syllables in “THAT” or “COW” or “FATTEST”? please help.
Hello!!!! I do not understand why if you explain than FUN is an exception and we have to add THE MOST FUN why on this question is FUNNIEST???
90 . I answer the first one wrong .
i wrote the most fun the answer was wrong?
Very good! Ronnie
Thank you!
Thank you Ronnie. You’re the best!
Danke Ronnie. :P
thank you Ronnie:) this lesson was very basic but most important to me…
And “new”? , It’s an other exception?
Good leasson Ronnie! (:
Thanks by the way my favorite actor Scarlett Johansson
hello all , especially Mis ronni , really i get confused of that lesson even , i can’t count the syllables how many they are , i am a new learner ronni so give me advice that i am study english at home ..
Ronnie, you are helping me a lot, thanks…
God bless you
verg good lesson, you’re the best.
Ronnie you teach me a lot of
wish u good time
That is the most fascist cow I have ever seen!
The most beautiful teacher taught the most useful lesson.
M’y first lesson with you teacher, thank you :)
I like the way you teach.I got 100%. Thank you very much.
Thank you teacher.
I got 90/100.
Hi Ronnie! What about titles “The funniest video in YouTube ” is it correct?
Thanks you so much
Thank you Ronnie,you are the best~
hello! Ronnie thank’s for your effort which u do want to aske u for one question is occupes my mind what’s the differnce between who and when i can one of them pleas and thak’s other times
hello! Ronnie thank’s for your effort which u do want to aske u for one question is occupes my mind what’s the differnce between who and whom, when i can one of them pleas and thak’s other times
Thanks Ronnie, that was fun and help me very much
thank you
Hi Ronnie
Would you mind helping me?
“Mary is the smartest student in our class” or “Mary is our smartest student in the class”
Which one is correct?
Ronnie is the best teacher in the world. I love her.
Thank you Ronnie.
I am not the best, only 9/10 do not mind, thanks Ronnie you are the funniest teacher of EngVid
Im still confuse on 10th question. How could fat become “the fattest” ? It was not same with “the bigger” in the video ?
I got 100%!!! :D XD
Thank you! :)
Ronnie is the best :)
I love your lessons
Ronnie u are the best.
Thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie, I got wrong for Fun -the most fun from quiz. plz clarify.
thanks Ronnie you helped me today
can you help me revise for my SATs please :)
you will help me pass pls :)
thank you.
Hi! I come from Hong Kong! I wonder whether there is any difference between “This is the best website ever” and “This is the best website” ! If so please explain such difference to me ! Also please explain the meaning of “ever” in This is the best website ever”! Thank you! By the way, your video is quite good ! ??
The first query “We use superlatives for comparing two things”. Actually, you need to compare! The best, the worst and so on are compared to something!
The best cant be the best´, if there not something else “not that good” Right?
Wowww Full
Hi mam i am wondering if make a video on common use words like increase ,decrease in IELTS test thanks
the best teacher i have ever seen ! Thank you <3
thank you Ronnie …you are rhe best
thank you Ronnie! you are the best teacher.
thank you teacher
my dear Ronnie. thank you.
I have doubt about fun and funny. I thought funny was alread a superlative form of fun. I´m wrong?
the best lesson.
thank you Ronnie…It was a very pleasent lesson
I don’t understand n.8 sentence. During the lesson you said THE MOST FUN…so…
I’m confusing
thanks you are the best teacher
The test has a mistake.
The correct answer for the 10 question is supposed to be “fastest”, not “fattest”.
Ronnie which one is correct the funniest or the most fun cause you said the most fun correct on the video but ıt didnt like that on test
I am the happiest because you are the most incroyable teacher.
9/10! I miss the question: funny. It’s a two syllables word finish with “y”. Funny needs to change to funniest.
thanks Ronnie
Thank you!