Imagine a cute guy walks into your class or work. Do you like him? You might think he is good-looking, and want to tell your friends about him. In this lesson, I’ll teach you English expressions to describe the guy you like. What is a mama's boy? What does it mean when a guy is sensitive, or has a killer body? Learn these expressions and many more in this lesson on everyday spoken English. Take our quiz at the end, so you will be ready the next time you see a cute guy!
How about learning some expressions to describe the girl/woman someone likes; it would’ve been a bit much more interesting for me.
That’s not a bad idea, isn’t it?
Anyway, this is something we – students of English – also need to know.
Thanks a million Emma.
hhhh yes iam olso
amgad ajloni
Hi don’t be jealous Hamy. I am just kidding
You welcome my dear friend
hamy alferjany
You are welcome
haha you got only that haha
What can we say to the guy how is always angry?
hamy alferjany
. . . well, I advise that you follow EngVid viewers’ advice . . .
If that guy knows how to make life miserable for you, you should give him some pieces of your mind:
For example . . .
“You ARE a miserabe old devil!” (LOL)
In our country..we call this kind of guy..”ANGRY YOUNG MAN”..:):)
hi my friend,we call it grouchy or grumpy,as simple as that.
For example: My boyfriend is grouchy/grumpy
Hope this helps clarify XD
I’m commenting a lonely , that’s not good ^_^
hamy alferjany
I got a 100 :) an interesting topic Miss Emma, I think it will be useful in the future.
thanks a lot!
I got a 100 too Carmen912 indeed I love Mexico city,and this lesson is very useful
thanks a lot Emma god bless you
I’m sure it will be useful for you :D
very useful, thank Emma :)
Great lesson Emma, I discovered a lot of new words! By the way, I was wondering about your accent, are you American? Thanks!
Very good lesson, She’s the best teacher!
thx Emma , I like the lesson and practice with the guys around me :)
Tnx Emma, it´s wonderful lesson :)
i like to have killer abs hhhh
the worst kind is the mama’s boy..
Lucky me, because I’m not a mama’s boy and I live in Rio as you. Don’t you think? Sorry, YasmimC. :) I’m joking! I’m just trying to be flirty as our teacher, Emma, taught us.
10/10 Thank you teacher! What about about describing the woman you are looking for?
That’s coming too! Just wait :)
engVid Moderator
I had a lot of fun making the thumbnail image for that lesson today… you’ll see it in a little while!
Thanks!!! You´re great…
will you have a baby?
Great lesson Emma!!! Thanks
Keizy Stoner
Thanks Emma!!! =D
Hi Ester, could you leave me your facebook , I wanna add you as friend.
thanks Emma
i am manly
Cool lesson.
How to talking about girl I like?
Wonderful lesson.Thanks Emama.
thanks emma . it is wonderful lesson. how to talk about girls
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
I got 9 correct out of 10 :) BTW I might like manly, handsome and thoughtful guys. Thank you for your interesting lesson, Emma :)
are you describing your husband?
Hi no7kai :)
haha…actually no. Not manly and not handsome. I think he is thoughtful but sometimes mean one :P
are you serious haha? btw i love Japan and Japanese,im learning Japanese. Do you use facebook?
Thank you very much for the lesson Emma, I love the way of your teaching. Really it is very useful.
Thanks Emma! Now I am able to describe in English the man I most loved! ^_^
thank you so much Emma…I answered the quiz and got score 100..
I hope you post some video again on FB.
:) 100%
Thanks Emma
Thank you very much Emma, I am very gateful to you for this good lesson and I got 90%.
Abdul Qayum
Sorry I got 80
9/10 this is the result of pure distraction the theme was boring. By the way Emma you asked me about a I guy I would like!? Well, I thought for a while and you know what? Yes you are right. My type of guy is Mahatma Ghandi….?! hihihihihi
Jorge Pedroso
I love a badboy LOL hahaha
I am a nice guy but if u like i become bad guy
add me on scype for english practice “skmjhon552”
Thanks Emma, Now I know I’m hot. :)
Thanks, Emma. I really love this!
I liked this lesson
by the way, nice image for the lesson :D
Thanks Emma ! I got 10/10
Good job emma
that’s is very tremendous lesson of you so when are u going to teach about to women
i will keep waiting …
Pleeeeease Emma When?? When w`ll discuss and learn about that subject?? Wilya, Emma??
Jorge Pedroso
Hello Emma is first time I write you. I love your class you are beautiful and respect for you ah by the way I got 100.
have someone here who can communicate with me only in English?
My exbf is a flirt. he is bad boy and he is a smooth talker with other girls!
hahah ….. are you serious .that is why you guys break down?
Tell me what he is like?
Is it correct? I think: what is he like? because it is question. Right?
A mistake has been made by the question mark because this is an interrogative sentence, so a dot should be placed at the end of it. I you want to ask, then you need two sentences. “Tell me. What is he like?” The original sentence is correct if you write that: “Tell me what he’s like.” In that case you don’t ask a question but give a command.
thank you :)
I have got 100 marks . thanx mam .I want to ask that do you like hairy boy ?
This is a place of learning and the site also has some young members. Set a good example.
you are a student.
hi ranu can u interested friendship with me just behalf on improving english …
inderpreet singh
i am a man and i got 100, i think we need another lesson which girl you like
I got 90 because I don t know what kind of manner is mean that is not for men to have please answer me thanks beautiful Emma!
Thank you very much for the lesson. I got 100 marks.
Hi Emma, i loved this lesson.
I got 10.
Well, talking about men i like..
i like men as my husband is.
He’s romantic and has sense of humor.
He makes me smile and happy.
He doesn’t look muscular, but it is not important to me.
that’s why i love him so much!
Same here. My husband is also romantic and thoughtful. I guess I’m a little spoiled thanks to him:-)
I’m a man & I have strong abs)
i am very happy to hear this lesson and you are a good teacher i like the way you teaching thanks you for all and stay like that
Nice. ^^ . So that’s how are man rated by woman. : D… ahaaa…
…but… in case, a male has mostly everything positive on his side, only muscles are missing, i would double-facepalm myself into the ground as a girl/woman. Muscles are just muscles (easy to archieve, if wanted). The rest is mostly not like this.
Anyways thank you for the lesson.
Got 10/10. : ]
*<( : ]
Hello what do you mean musculus are just musculus I did not understand you as a man !
I see no reason why i should click on the play button at all :P
100 :D
thanks Emma :)
That was a cool lesson thanks Emma !
Well if you guys wanna talk to me so we can all improve our English just send me a mail ( ~~~> or kik me (~~~> TheRealFasha_) Thanks ^^
hi my friend,please add me in skype to talk in english so that we can pratice raul.rojas220 greetings from peru and blessings
I like a joker guy and cute.
hi jemima, you can improve your english only speaking a lot , so add me on scype to talk each other, “skmjhon552”
Great lesson (:
Thanks Emma. I got 10 out of 10…
Thanks Emma
Mahmood ali
Thank you Emma
Great page with very useful lessons. I´m glad I found it.
Thanks Emma! I loved this class. Great! :)
It was interesting lesson) Thanks a lot!
Thank you Emma…I love this class too (:
Thank you for this very interesting lesson.)
It’s very helpful to know how describe people)
and I think, mama’s boys it’s something strange)
Thank you Emma :)
Thank you so much, Emma! You’re so good at explaining and so well-prepared!
Nice expressions Emma but don’t tempt me, I am a married woman :) (just jogging)
Thanks for this lesson.
hello, i am glad to be here i took my quiz and i liked it so i think i will stay here for along time.
tks Emma, very clear explanation
Ricky Fiebig
Thanks a world Emma!
you are really distinguished and outstanding teacher.
Hi all my dear friends here.
if someone wants to talk on skype with me in order to improve our English Knowledge.
this is my Skype: aliakbar.modabber
100 percent
Great video Emma :-)
As far as nature is concerned i like a guy who is smooth talker and thoughtful as well and when it comes to looks i like a guy who is manly and handsome :0)
I am looking forward to get a video on talking about girl you like ;-)
yessss,please we all guys waiting for it.
Thanks Emma
Hello, Emma! Thanks a lot for your lesson, I really loved it! I decided to follow your advice and describe the guy I like.
Talking about his looks, he is tall and lanky and has a hairy chest, which I personally find hot and cute:) He’s got muscular arms and a killer smile. He doesn’t have a six pack, but he wants to look manly so he is working on it. So I think my boyfriend is very handsome. Being a little bit mama’s boy, he is very thoughtful and charming. I love his good sense of humor
I got 10/10 .. when will there be a lesson about the girls? :)
Got 10 Out of 10. Looking Forward to NexT VID :) Thanks ENGVID.
The lesson is awesome! Thank you Emma.
Who is the guy on the video??
i got 100!Emma you are adorable and very very clear.I listen to other teachers too and i like the way you teach.I have only a question for isn’t possible to see the transcripts of the lessons?only on you tube is possible..but not for the whole lessons
We put the transcripts in the descriptions, but often there isn’t enough room for the whole ones! I’ll look into whether we can put the whole transcript up somewhere.
engVid Moderator
i heard on the tv . she says he is a pig ,a snake , a creep , it depends on culture . the place where you are . over the last 50 years ,lifestyles have changed . Emma is talking about young lady . what about an old lady ? she is 70 years old. she retired . she has a partner . neither boyfriend nor fiance . i think so. do you aggree with me?
Wow.. This is so ridiculous. 70 years woman without a fiance or husband? Well, i think maybe she is widow or divorced.
thank you Ms emma I really love your teachings
nasiru munkaila
Thanks Emma .. Good Lesoon ^_^
Mohamed Z
i got 100%, thanks teacher Emma, you have a nice smile
It’s A extremely useful lesson, I always see a lot of these expressions on comments of you tube
ok I want a guy who has all these things .except to be hairy I mean eww
I know someone, he’s a very manly guy and handsome. I like him very mach.
guys are not mean..:P
Tks Emma, I learned a lot with these expressions.
My boyfriend is very patient and a good smooth talker where he can talk with me or anyone easily. He’s not muscular, neither hairy. I believe He’s lanky, but still handsome. Those pretty eyes make me feel better and I am happy in having someone like him who is very romantic and take care of me as well. Kisses
Ms.Emma, why you say “stomach” instead of the word “belly”? All these two word are completely same meaning? Personally I think “belly” is much accurate for describe a 6 pack. :p Anyway, good lesson, thanks!
i’ve got a lot of new words from this videos, thanks Ms. Emma very much
Thanks Emma .
We are waiting the same subject about women .
Regards .
Hassan hamoud
Thanks a lot!
Thank you for the lesson, Emma!
Thanks Emma ! This lesson very useful . I really understand you talk , it very easily understand
I just read the teacher’s test and got 100% :p
Thank you Emma
I got 100%..Thanks
thanks a lot for your explaining.
okka chit
Thanks Emma. I like a gentleman. ^__^
Hi Malisaa, I agree although it’s increasingly rare to meet a real gentleman!Isn’t it? Anyway good luck!…..
However, thinking about it … a gentelman a little bit manly… is not so bad! ;))
Hi teacher Emma! Thank you very much for the useful lesson!! :))
Thank you very much. I got 70 :(( hahaha
hi emma thank you for lesson it’s so useful for me :))
hei emma iam Manly and handsome, my personality are suave, romantic, thoughtful but not loaded. hahahahaha… nice lesson emma thank a lot.
Thanks emma !! so funny lol
This lesson was funny and informative, thanks! :)
She has killer presentation:)
The great lesson!
Could you add me on Skype as a friend, I would like to be your friend , to practice our English.
my Skype :mahfuz_shawyar
please add mee on skype,to practice our english
sameer mian
my skype is daovansone. please add me! i wanna practice English :) tks!
thanks daer Emma
thanks dear Emma
please gide me how i can watch vedio . youtube is banned here in pakisatan
sameer mian
Through proxy browsers like school tunnel etc.
Zafar Ali Khan
This lesson is very helpful. I love your topics, and your way, Emma!
My BF is a mama’s boy.. ^^’
(but cuz of his culture)
Since he has MANY other positive points (listed by Emma).. so.. He’s a real worth dating boy..
[I’m so so lucky!] :p
I love this video thank you Emma :)
Thank you for this lesson, it was very cognitively)
what about suave ?
i am trying to be a suave .
Thank you Emma, you are a such helpful teacher
very good
Mr.hany physics
Thank you very much Miss Emma
Mr.hany physics
I don’t like any guy actually
you should click on the video to play it then apearing dl option so you can dl…
Greatest hate springs from greatest love. so you have loved most. hahaha ;-)
Zafar Ali Khan
my husband is a mix of some characteristics… but the three most important are: he is a hairy and a suave man, which is sexy for me. And he is a joker and I think this is a very important characteristic not only for a woman but for life… His jokes are never rude… they are smooth … Thank you Emma… you are a great teacher..
I don’t like mama’s boy
How can i downlod this vidue ??
Raneem Ahmed
Hi there.
thanks dear Emma.
Nice lesson Emma,you know what? I used to be a mama’s boy by the time I was 20 but not now anymore,24 now and yes most girls don’t like it.I’m not muscular neither lanky,just normal.I consider myself as a suave and romantic guy when I’m really in love,not a flirt because I think that if I had a girlfriend she would get jealous in the same way I would with her.Sometimes I’m a joker too,a person who never laugh is a living dead XD.I don’t wanna sound arrogant by saying I’m handsome but something that I can say for sure is that I’m not ugly.bye,greetings from peru.
Skype: raul.rojas220 to practice english speaking
I love expression of”mama’s baby ”
Many thanks Emmy
rejoo s kamel
Mama’s boy, we have this expression in all countries, and i hate it;)
Thank you Emma
I have test soon i hope i will do good, just four days left for me. I have to watch all videos just to improve my writing, and vocabulary. Thanks a gain
yeah nine in the ten i didnt remember what was the mean and charity.
thanx 4 courses.
Thank you for your lession
Seokjun Je
Hi… I’m sauve, laoded, so, it’s better to find me…. hehehehehehe
It’s a very excited lesson. It’s useful for me. Thanks you.
thank you for the lessons. It’s really helpful
hi are you? The lesson is great . add me guy to improve English (askar.khalelov) skype
V.Nice thx Emma
Mohammed Hessen
Before a marriage women look for bad boys but after divorce they look for suave ones.
Hi guys, I’ve found a way to practice my english by looping these videos. I’ve uploaded them onto this site + cut into smaller bits :
Tks for share..
Hi Skschmidt I hope you are fine. Here is my Skype account sallah.daud1 if you feel like to add me as a friend in order to practice our English Language.
And even for those who want to improve his/her language above is my Skype account.
I’ve made the error about a man is smooth
Another subject ‘talking about women you like’….
It’s coming up!
engVid Moderator
very useful emma :) and i got 100 :D thanks ..
Vajira jira
Thank you, Emma. you are cool)
First lesson.thanks
My husband is romantic ,muscular,hairy,and hot
zaynab Rafiq
Hooray! I got 100 from this lesson.
On my vacation I met with a guy who is cute and thoughtful.He has killer hair and smile.But on the other hand he seems flirty most of the time
Thank you, Emma! I adore your lessons!)
hi everybody…. I m new student
I,m hairy man :p.Thanks Emma for your lesson.
I have got one comes boy boyfriend…she courses devorse me and he
thanks Emma :
thx for such nessecary branch of useful words and expressions ;)
Hi Emma I’m not a fluent English speeker but I can understand you very well, it makes me happy tks
Thanks Emma , it was so useful leson again :))
hi there
shamilmamedov91 – this is my skype address i think , we can do it together.
your real good u made my day. thanks so much
yeeei!!! i did it 10 out of 10 :)
I know someone who has a killer abs hahaha thank Emma
very very good lessons
I really love this video.. But on the other hand, it’s hard for me to approach to a guy and talk to him, because i’m really interesting on having a guy of my dream. With this lesson, it’s very helpful for me to start learn how to talk to a guy.. Thanks so much for the video
wow, the lesson talking about the man you like. but i’m a man, so i want to talk about the girl i like. she is my girl friend now,we went to high school together. i loved her not because she beautiful, not because she sexy, it’s because the way she cheat me :D .
i do really appreciated your a fort you have done a great job as usual thank you so much
the rebal
My boy is a thoughtful and charming one :).
Khiem An
Emma, You are a good teacher. I just love the way you teach us through Thanks a lot.
When I was younger I liked a bad boys :) Now I am not :)
Which of the following is not a good characteristic for a guy to have?
mean what you mean in this situation t . Emma??
Bakri Sh
I have to get killer abs
Mahmoud Tyseer
Cool! Thank you!
Thank you
You are charming
mhd habib
Thank EMMA
Thank you Emma!
It’s great!! Thanks Emma ^_^
It was good experience of my first class and I’m satisfied with Emma… mam. :)
Thank you Emma :) it’s useful ^.^
Fantastic class! I like it. Thank You.
Hi all my email who wants to chat with each other and learning English
thank you Emma
osama osama
i am a bad boy…
cuong nee
I’m the funny guy.
Ghalib Bin Talib
nashat anwar tawadrous
Thanks a lot Emma !
That was a great lesson !
By the way, I got 100 ! ;-)
Reza Badr
hii emma,
thank you for the lesson.
my point 90
100 % ,,, I am knowing more about boys lol.
I like this expresions and I’m going to use it when I see a handsome guy.
emmaa i admire you as a teacher, i’ve learned a very usefull word. thank u <3
Nice lesson, Emma. Thank you!
I asked my wife “What kind of man did you see me when you met first?”. She said “I have already forgotten such a old thing!” :-(
Very interesting lesson. Thank you Emma!
Yutaka Endo
thank you for your different comment
nice lesson the man of my dreams have to be manly and also many of the personalities you wrote haha
100/100 ^^
Thanks Emma, i m ur new student..
I wish i would get a thoughtful gentleman in my life :P
i want mu husband to be ambitious
thanks Emma.
i like a handsome guy, smart and romantic
thanks mrs emma for the lesson
adelina eka permanawati
I really love this lesson
how can i improve my speaking
so funny! i get many expression!! thank u so much teacher~
thx you emma you’re so good teach :)
Thank’s Emma.
I’m a mama’s baby.
thank’s Emma. I like you lessons.
This lesson is very useful)))
I like differense men and I like talk about them.
I love it!
Thank you so much Emma
You’re a great English teacher!
He has a killer smile, and hes so cute.
I hope he is thoughtful as well.<3
I get 100%……And I hate a mama’s boy.
It is a great lesson.I found out a lot of interesting information.Thanks,Emma!
P.S.I think that my boyfriend shouid be thoughtful and have a good sense of humor.
Kate Iv16
Thanks Emma for such an interesting lesson.
Thanks,Emma, once again. So interesting and exciting lesson. If you ask me, I like a really joker and “bad boys”. I hate mama`s boy. These expressions are really useful!
very very useful lesson. thank you.
thanks for teaching
Nice lesson..
thank you emma .good lesson
i dont like amam<s boy
iwant him muscular and has a six pack
asmaa yassin 7
Thank you Teacher Emma,this video is very useful.
And I got 10/10 :D
Emma’s awesome.
I think first of all girls like the loaded man.
Interesting, and very useful :).
Abs is contraction for abdominals.
Thanks, Emma!
Angela M.
I love a handsome and hairy guy. Thank you, Emma!
hi iam mukesh i need to friend who i talked to me in english
mukesh mishra
Hi!Ms.Emma as usual thx to your beautiful lesson , i got 9 out of 10
A man I like is the best friend of mine.
He is handsome and well-dressed, hot and athletic (with killer abs also)!
He’s a skilled joker and smooth talker! Sometimes he behaves like a bad boy, mama’s boy or gentlman, and all these roles are charming! He always makes me laugh. But the best thing about him is being thoughtful.
He also learns English here on EngVid. So I hope he’ll find this comment and smile. Happy birthday!
Yulya Prok
Nice well done
thoughtful = forever alone
thanks Emma, I got 10 correct out of 10. :)
thank you very much dear teacher Emma. you’re very good teacher even if i’m till now bad student. for this i got 80/100
Thx Emma I like the lesson.
Hisham Alsuiss
Thanks Emma, the lesson was interesting.
Emma i want to say that you have a killer smile ,really , you are very beautiful, it’s a enjoyment to see your vedio, tks for your excellent teaching.
My senior in high school likes me. He’s loaded, he drives cars, he paid my lunch. He’s a mama’s boy, he doesn’t have a brother or sister.
Now there are many lanky boys,I like the manly and muscular once~
Caroline King
Hello Emma I have a lot of videos of you and I really like them I made download of almost all of them. Well, I would like you record a video about the sound of ‘Th’ in Brazil where nowadays I live there is a difficulty about this sound of TH. In University I and my friends are afraid of speak it for everybody in class. Please I expect your answer. Take care!
Wallace David
Hello Emma,
i really like your way. i am enjoying with English when i watch you.
Also, i wanna say something about you. you have a killer eyes. don`t understand me right it is kind of flirting. :) :)
thanks Emma so much from your student Ahmed the Egyptian pharaoh
Egyptian Pharaoh
Hi Emma, I really like your explanation and I can see some improve in my speaking. I also tried the quiz I have got 90/100 which is okay. How ever I need to know the difference between suave and gentleman is it has the same meaning or different ? Thank you again.
Thanks Emma
100% thank you Emma.
Hi, Emma. Could you please teach me how to make a sentence with verb ending an “en”? I know there are many verbs with “en” and the real meaning.
Thank you.
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson.I got 100.
Hi Emma I wanna thank u for the way u r teaching to us ,really i appreciate it , and thanx amillion Again
This website is so awesome and useful , i learnt alot here and still working on. To do my exam IElts but still preparing myself i hope so i can reach it . i will InshaaAllah ( by the way last word is Arabic and religious word to donot missunderstand ) thnx
Thanks Ms/Emma, I learned a lot from you.
Mina Nazeer
Thanks Ms.Emma,I love man killer body ;)
i have this luanda.
Akib hossain
Thank you so much teacher Emma.
Talking about deam guy:
I will like a Guy who is a manly. He is thoughtful and well-dressed. He’s also joker. I don’t worry about anything or I will never be angry Because He always makes me laugh when I have stress in my work and life. I hope I meet the guy I dream. (- “).
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much teacher
i really enjoy this class.thank you emma.
Akib hossain
Just for practice))
I have a boyfriend) He`s tall and muscular. Also he`s thoughtful and flirty ONLY with me:D
I’m into this lesson. Thank you.
Thanks teacher
IF he is loyal to his mother, he will be loyal to his girl’s friend
“smart male” unprocessed!
Mmm interesting class,dear emma full of new vocabulary mmmm unfortunately i ve got to tell You that i m a mama’s hoy proudly and i’ll be all my life mmmyep thanks emma ,greetings from surco
marc anthony
me I’m loaded and bad
al willis
How to talk about a ladyboy?
Mas Athif is a flirt but I also am
what is lanky?
“Lanky” means tall and skinny!
engVid Moderator
Thank you Ms. Emma.
My boy friend is flirty?
He is a bad boy !
Thanks for the lesson, apart from video lessons do u have any other means to asses the documents without video?
10/10!I’m maybe a smooth talker and joker. Thanks, Emma! Your lessons always give me good English tips.
Jerry Gu
10/10!I’m maybe a smooth talker and joker. Thanks, Emma! Your lessons always give me good English tips.
Jerry Gu
nice work
The beauty of the body is a gift of nature, but you must have a goodsoul to be cute and respectedby others.
Excellent lesson sweet Emma as usual thanks for that
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I hate a mama’s boy hahahahahaha
I do really know what you mean.
How about learning some expressions to describe the girl/woman someone likes; it would’ve been a bit much more interesting for me.
That’s not a bad idea, isn’t it?
Anyway, this is something we – students of English – also need to know.
Thanks a million Emma.
hhhh yes iam olso
Hi don’t be jealous Hamy. I am just kidding
You welcome my dear friend
You are welcome
haha you got only that haha
What can we say to the guy how is always angry?
. . . well, I advise that you follow EngVid viewers’ advice . . .
If that guy knows how to make life miserable for you, you should give him some pieces of your mind:
For example . . .
“You ARE a miserabe old devil!” (LOL)
In our country..we call this kind of guy..”ANGRY YOUNG MAN”..:):)
hi my friend,we call it grouchy or grumpy,as simple as that.
For example: My boyfriend is grouchy/grumpy
Hope this helps clarify XD
I’m commenting a lonely , that’s not good ^_^
I got a 100 :) an interesting topic Miss Emma, I think it will be useful in the future.
thanks a lot!
I got a 100 too Carmen912 indeed I love Mexico city,and this lesson is very useful
thanks a lot Emma god bless you
I’m sure it will be useful for you :D
very useful, thank Emma :)
Great lesson Emma, I discovered a lot of new words! By the way, I was wondering about your accent, are you American? Thanks!
Very good lesson, She’s the best teacher!
thx Emma , I like the lesson and practice with the guys around me :)
Tnx Emma, it´s wonderful lesson :)
i like to have killer abs hhhh
the worst kind is the mama’s boy..
Lucky me, because I’m not a mama’s boy and I live in Rio as you. Don’t you think? Sorry, YasmimC. :) I’m joking! I’m just trying to be flirty as our teacher, Emma, taught us.
Thanks, teacher!
haha And the best type are the funny guys.
=] If you need someone to practice English, You can find me on facebook:
10/10 Thank you teacher! What about about describing the woman you are looking for?
That’s coming too! Just wait :)
I had a lot of fun making the thumbnail image for that lesson today… you’ll see it in a little while!
Thanks!!! You´re great…
will you have a baby?
Great lesson Emma!!! Thanks
Thanks Emma!!! =D
Hi Ester, could you leave me your facebook , I wanna add you as friend.
thanks Emma
i am manly
Cool lesson.
How to talking about girl I like?
Wonderful lesson.Thanks Emama.
thanks emma . it is wonderful lesson. how to talk about girls
100You got 10 correct out of 10.
I got 9 correct out of 10 :) BTW I might like manly, handsome and thoughtful guys. Thank you for your interesting lesson, Emma :)
are you describing your husband?
Hi no7kai :)
haha…actually no. Not manly and not handsome. I think he is thoughtful but sometimes mean one :P
are you serious haha? btw i love Japan and Japanese,im learning Japanese. Do you use facebook?
Thank you very much for the lesson Emma, I love the way of your teaching. Really it is very useful.
Thanks Emma! Now I am able to describe in English the man I most loved! ^_^
thank you so much Emma…I answered the quiz and got score 100..
I hope you post some video again on FB.
:) 100%
Thanks Emma
Thank you very much Emma, I am very gateful to you for this good lesson and I got 90%.
Sorry I got 80
9/10 this is the result of pure distraction the theme was boring. By the way Emma you asked me about a I guy I would like!? Well, I thought for a while and you know what? Yes you are right. My type of guy is Mahatma Ghandi….?! hihihihihi
I love a badboy LOL hahaha
I am a nice guy but if u like i become bad guy
add me on scype for english practice “skmjhon552”
Thanks Emma, Now I know I’m hot. :)
Thanks, Emma. I really love this!
I liked this lesson
by the way, nice image for the lesson :D
Thanks Emma ! I got 10/10
Good job emma
that’s is very tremendous lesson of you so when are u going to teach about to women
i will keep waiting …
Pleeeeease Emma When?? When w`ll discuss and learn about that subject?? Wilya, Emma??
Hello Emma is first time I write you. I love your class you are beautiful and respect for you ah by the way I got 100.
have someone here who can communicate with me only in English?
I hope we be friends in fb my fb is :
My facebook is :
My exbf is a flirt. he is bad boy and he is a smooth talker with other girls!
hahah ….. are you serious .that is why you guys break down?
Tell me what he is like?
Is it correct? I think: what is he like? because it is question. Right?
A mistake has been made by the question mark because this is an interrogative sentence, so a dot should be placed at the end of it. I you want to ask, then you need two sentences. “Tell me. What is he like?” The original sentence is correct if you write that: “Tell me what he’s like.” In that case you don’t ask a question but give a command.
thank you :)
I have got 100 marks . thanx mam .I want to ask that do you like hairy boy ?
This is a place of learning and the site also has some young members. Set a good example.
you are a student.
hi ranu can u interested friendship with me just behalf on improving english …
i am a man and i got 100, i think we need another lesson which girl you like
I got 90 because I don t know what kind of manner is mean that is not for men to have please answer me thanks beautiful Emma!
Thank you very much for the lesson. I got 100 marks.
Hi Emma, i loved this lesson.
I got 10.
Well, talking about men i like..
i like men as my husband is.
He’s romantic and has sense of humor.
He makes me smile and happy.
He doesn’t look muscular, but it is not important to me.
that’s why i love him so much!
Same here. My husband is also romantic and thoughtful. I guess I’m a little spoiled thanks to him:-)
I’m a man & I have strong abs)
i am very happy to hear this lesson and you are a good teacher i like the way you teaching thanks you for all and stay like that
Nice. ^^ . So that’s how are man rated by woman. : D… ahaaa…
…but… in case, a male has mostly everything positive on his side, only muscles are missing, i would double-facepalm myself into the ground as a girl/woman. Muscles are just muscles (easy to archieve, if wanted). The rest is mostly not like this.
Anyways thank you for the lesson.
Got 10/10. : ]
Hello what do you mean musculus are just musculus I did not understand you as a man !
I see no reason why i should click on the play button at all :P
100 :D
thanks Emma :)
That was a cool lesson thanks Emma !
Well if you guys wanna talk to me so we can all improve our English just send me a mail ( ~~~> or kik me (~~~> TheRealFasha_) Thanks ^^
hi my friend,please add me in skype to talk in english so that we can pratice raul.rojas220 greetings from peru and blessings
I like a joker guy and cute.
hi jemima, you can improve your english only speaking a lot , so add me on scype to talk each other, “skmjhon552”
Great lesson (:
Thanks Emma. I got 10 out of 10…
Thanks Emma
Thank you Emma
Great page with very useful lessons. I´m glad I found it.
Thanks Emma! I loved this class. Great! :)
It was interesting lesson) Thanks a lot!
Thank you Emma…I love this class too (:
Thank you for this very interesting lesson.)
It’s very helpful to know how describe people)
and I think, mama’s boys it’s something strange)
Thank you Emma :)
Thank you so much, Emma! You’re so good at explaining and so well-prepared!
Nice expressions Emma but don’t tempt me, I am a married woman :) (just jogging)
Thanks for this lesson.
hello, i am glad to be here i took my quiz and i liked it so i think i will stay here for along time.
tks Emma, very clear explanation
Thanks a world Emma!
you are really distinguished and outstanding teacher.
Hi all my dear friends here.
if someone wants to talk on skype with me in order to improve our English Knowledge.
this is my Skype: aliakbar.modabber
100 percent
Great video Emma :-)
As far as nature is concerned i like a guy who is smooth talker and thoughtful as well and when it comes to looks i like a guy who is manly and handsome :0)
I am looking forward to get a video on talking about girl you like ;-)
yessss,please we all guys waiting for it.
Thanks Emma
Hello, Emma! Thanks a lot for your lesson, I really loved it! I decided to follow your advice and describe the guy I like.
Talking about his looks, he is tall and lanky and has a hairy chest, which I personally find hot and cute:) He’s got muscular arms and a killer smile. He doesn’t have a six pack, but he wants to look manly so he is working on it. So I think my boyfriend is very handsome. Being a little bit mama’s boy, he is very thoughtful and charming. I love his good sense of humor
I got 10/10 .. when will there be a lesson about the girls? :)
Got 10 Out of 10. Looking Forward to NexT VID :) Thanks ENGVID.
The lesson is awesome! Thank you Emma.
Who is the guy on the video??
i got 100!Emma you are adorable and very very clear.I listen to other teachers too and i like the way you teach.I have only a question for isn’t possible to see the transcripts of the lessons?only on you tube is possible..but not for the whole lessons
We put the transcripts in the descriptions, but often there isn’t enough room for the whole ones! I’ll look into whether we can put the whole transcript up somewhere.
i heard on the tv . she says he is a pig ,a snake , a creep , it depends on culture . the place where you are . over the last 50 years ,lifestyles have changed . Emma is talking about young lady . what about an old lady ? she is 70 years old. she retired . she has a partner . neither boyfriend nor fiance . i think so. do you aggree with me?
Wow.. This is so ridiculous. 70 years woman without a fiance or husband? Well, i think maybe she is widow or divorced.
thank you Ms emma I really love your teachings
Thanks Emma .. Good Lesoon ^_^
i got 100%, thanks teacher Emma, you have a nice smile
It’s A extremely useful lesson, I always see a lot of these expressions on comments of you tube
ok I want a guy who has all these things .except to be hairy I mean eww
I know someone, he’s a very manly guy and handsome. I like him very mach.
guys are not mean..:P
Tks Emma, I learned a lot with these expressions.
My boyfriend is very patient and a good smooth talker where he can talk with me or anyone easily. He’s not muscular, neither hairy. I believe He’s lanky, but still handsome. Those pretty eyes make me feel better and I am happy in having someone like him who is very romantic and take care of me as well. Kisses
Ms.Emma, why you say “stomach” instead of the word “belly”? All these two word are completely same meaning? Personally I think “belly” is much accurate for describe a 6 pack. :p Anyway, good lesson, thanks!
i’ve got a lot of new words from this videos, thanks Ms. Emma very much
Thanks Emma .
We are waiting the same subject about women .
Regards .
Thanks a lot!
Thank you for the lesson, Emma!
Thanks Emma ! This lesson very useful . I really understand you talk , it very easily understand
I just read the teacher’s test and got 100% :p
Thank you Emma
I got 100%..Thanks
thanks a lot for your explaining.
Thanks Emma. I like a gentleman. ^__^
Hi Malisaa, I agree although it’s increasingly rare to meet a real gentleman!Isn’t it? Anyway good luck!…..
However, thinking about it … a gentelman a little bit manly… is not so bad! ;))
Hi teacher Emma! Thank you very much for the useful lesson!! :))
Thank you very much. I got 70 :(( hahaha
hi emma thank you for lesson it’s so useful for me :))
hei emma iam Manly and handsome, my personality are suave, romantic, thoughtful but not loaded. hahahahaha… nice lesson emma thank a lot.
Thanks emma !! so funny lol
This lesson was funny and informative, thanks! :)
She has killer presentation:)
The great lesson!
Could you add me on Skype as a friend, I would like to be your friend , to practice our English.
my Skype :mahfuz_shawyar
please add mee on skype,to practice our english
my skype is daovansone. please add me! i wanna practice English :) tks!
thanks daer Emma
thanks dear Emma
please gide me how i can watch vedio . youtube is banned here in pakisatan
Through proxy browsers like school tunnel etc.
This lesson is very helpful. I love your topics, and your way, Emma!
My BF is a mama’s boy.. ^^’
(but cuz of his culture)
Since he has MANY other positive points (listed by Emma).. so.. He’s a real worth dating boy..
[I’m so so lucky!] :p
I love this video thank you Emma :)
Thank you for this lesson, it was very cognitively)
what about suave ?
i am trying to be a suave .
Thank you Emma, you are a such helpful teacher
very good
Thank you very much Miss Emma
I don’t like any guy actually
you should click on the video to play it then apearing dl option so you can dl…
Greatest hate springs from greatest love. so you have loved most. hahaha ;-)
my husband is a mix of some characteristics… but the three most important are: he is a hairy and a suave man, which is sexy for me. And he is a joker and I think this is a very important characteristic not only for a woman but for life… His jokes are never rude… they are smooth … Thank you Emma… you are a great teacher..
I don’t like mama’s boy
How can i downlod this vidue ??
Hi there.
thanks dear Emma.
Nice lesson Emma,you know what? I used to be a mama’s boy by the time I was 20 but not now anymore,24 now and yes most girls don’t like it.I’m not muscular neither lanky,just normal.I consider myself as a suave and romantic guy when I’m really in love,not a flirt because I think that if I had a girlfriend she would get jealous in the same way I would with her.Sometimes I’m a joker too,a person who never laugh is a living dead XD.I don’t wanna sound arrogant by saying I’m handsome but something that I can say for sure is that I’m not ugly.bye,greetings from peru.
Skype: raul.rojas220 to practice english speaking
I love expression of”mama’s baby ”
Many thanks Emmy
Mama’s boy, we have this expression in all countries, and i hate it;)
Thank you Emma
I have test soon i hope i will do good, just four days left for me. I have to watch all videos just to improve my writing, and vocabulary. Thanks a gain
yeah nine in the ten i didnt remember what was the mean and charity.
thanx 4 courses.
Thank you for your lession
Hi… I’m sauve, laoded, so, it’s better to find me…. hehehehehehe
It’s a very excited lesson. It’s useful for me. Thanks you.
thank you for the lessons. It’s really helpful
hi are you? The lesson is great . add me guy to improve English (askar.khalelov) skype
V.Nice thx Emma
Before a marriage women look for bad boys but after divorce they look for suave ones.
Hi guys, I’ve found a way to practice my english by looping these videos. I’ve uploaded them onto this site + cut into smaller bits :
Tks for share..
Hi Skschmidt I hope you are fine. Here is my Skype account sallah.daud1 if you feel like to add me as a friend in order to practice our English Language.
And even for those who want to improve his/her language above is my Skype account.
I’ve made the error about a man is smooth
Another subject ‘talking about women you like’….
It’s coming up!
very useful emma :) and i got 100 :D thanks ..
Thank you, Emma. you are cool)
First lesson.thanks
My husband is romantic ,muscular,hairy,and hot
Hooray! I got 100 from this lesson.
On my vacation I met with a guy who is cute and thoughtful.He has killer hair and smile.But on the other hand he seems flirty most of the time
Thank you, Emma! I adore your lessons!)
hi everybody…. I m new student
I,m hairy man :p.Thanks Emma for your lesson.
I have got one comes boy boyfriend…she courses devorse me and he
thanks Emma :
thx for such nessecary branch of useful words and expressions ;)
Hi Emma I’m not a fluent English speeker but I can understand you very well, it makes me happy tks
Thanks Emma , it was so useful leson again :))
hi there
shamilmamedov91 – this is my skype address i think , we can do it together.
your real good u made my day. thanks so much
yeeei!!! i did it 10 out of 10 :)
I know someone who has a killer abs hahaha thank Emma
very very good lessons
I really love this video.. But on the other hand, it’s hard for me to approach to a guy and talk to him, because i’m really interesting on having a guy of my dream. With this lesson, it’s very helpful for me to start learn how to talk to a guy.. Thanks so much for the video
wow, the lesson talking about the man you like. but i’m a man, so i want to talk about the girl i like. she is my girl friend now,we went to high school together. i loved her not because she beautiful, not because she sexy, it’s because the way she cheat me :D .
i do really appreciated your a fort you have done a great job as usual thank you so much
My boy is a thoughtful and charming one :).
Emma, You are a good teacher. I just love the way you teach us through Thanks a lot.
When I was younger I liked a bad boys :) Now I am not :)
Which of the following is not a good characteristic for a guy to have?
mean what you mean in this situation t . Emma??
I have to get killer abs
Cool! Thank you!
Thank you
You are charming
Thank EMMA
Thank you Emma!
It’s great!! Thanks Emma ^_^
It was good experience of my first class and I’m satisfied with Emma… mam. :)
Thank you Emma :) it’s useful ^.^
Fantastic class! I like it. Thank You.
Hi all my email who wants to chat with each other and learning English
thank you Emma
i am a bad boy…
I’m the funny guy.
Thanks a lot Emma !
That was a great lesson !
By the way, I got 100 ! ;-)
hii emma,
thank you for the lesson.
my point 90
100 % ,,, I am knowing more about boys lol.
I like this expresions and I’m going to use it when I see a handsome guy.
emmaa i admire you as a teacher, i’ve learned a very usefull word. thank u <3
Nice lesson, Emma. Thank you!
I asked my wife “What kind of man did you see me when you met first?”. She said “I have already forgotten such a old thing!” :-(
Very interesting lesson. Thank you Emma!
thank you for your different comment
nice lesson the man of my dreams have to be manly and also many of the personalities you wrote haha
100/100 ^^
Thanks Emma, i m ur new student..
I wish i would get a thoughtful gentleman in my life :P
i want mu husband to be ambitious
thanks Emma.
i like a handsome guy, smart and romantic
thanks mrs emma for the lesson
I really love this lesson
how can i improve my speaking
so funny! i get many expression!! thank u so much teacher~
thx you emma you’re so good teach :)
Thank’s Emma.
I’m a mama’s baby.
thank’s Emma. I like you lessons.
This lesson is very useful)))
I like differense men and I like talk about them.
I love it!
Thank you so much Emma
You’re a great English teacher!
He has a killer smile, and hes so cute.
I hope he is thoughtful as well.<3
I get 100%……And I hate a mama’s boy.
It is a great lesson.I found out a lot of interesting information.Thanks,Emma!
P.S.I think that my boyfriend shouid be thoughtful and have a good sense of humor.
Thanks Emma for such an interesting lesson.
Thanks,Emma, once again. So interesting and exciting lesson. If you ask me, I like a really joker and “bad boys”. I hate mama`s boy. These expressions are really useful!
very very useful lesson. thank you.
thanks for teaching
Nice lesson..
thank you emma .good lesson
i dont like amam<s boy
iwant him muscular and has a six pack
Thank you Teacher Emma,this video is very useful.
And I got 10/10 :D
Emma’s awesome.
I think first of all girls like the loaded man.
Interesting, and very useful :).
Abs is contraction for abdominals.
Thanks, Emma!
I love a handsome and hairy guy. Thank you, Emma!
hi iam mukesh i need to friend who i talked to me in english
Hi!Ms.Emma as usual thx to your beautiful lesson , i got 9 out of 10
A man I like is the best friend of mine.
He is handsome and well-dressed, hot and athletic (with killer abs also)!
He’s a skilled joker and smooth talker! Sometimes he behaves like a bad boy, mama’s boy or gentlman, and all these roles are charming! He always makes me laugh. But the best thing about him is being thoughtful.
He also learns English here on EngVid. So I hope he’ll find this comment and smile. Happy birthday!
Nice well done
thoughtful = forever alone
thanks Emma, I got 10 correct out of 10. :)
thank you very much dear teacher Emma. you’re very good teacher even if i’m till now bad student. for this i got 80/100
Thx Emma I like the lesson.
Thanks Emma, the lesson was interesting.
Emma i want to say that you have a killer smile ,really , you are very beautiful, it’s a enjoyment to see your vedio, tks for your excellent teaching.
My senior in high school likes me. He’s loaded, he drives cars, he paid my lunch. He’s a mama’s boy, he doesn’t have a brother or sister.
Now there are many lanky boys,I like the manly and muscular once~
Hello Emma I have a lot of videos of you and I really like them I made download of almost all of them. Well, I would like you record a video about the sound of ‘Th’ in Brazil where nowadays I live there is a difficulty about this sound of TH. In University I and my friends are afraid of speak it for everybody in class. Please I expect your answer. Take care!
Hello Emma,
i really like your way. i am enjoying with English when i watch you.
Also, i wanna say something about you. you have a killer eyes. don`t understand me right it is kind of flirting. :) :)
thanks Emma so much from your student Ahmed the Egyptian pharaoh
Hi Emma, I really like your explanation and I can see some improve in my speaking. I also tried the quiz I have got 90/100 which is okay. How ever I need to know the difference between suave and gentleman is it has the same meaning or different ? Thank you again.
Thanks Emma
100% thank you Emma.
Hi, Emma. Could you please teach me how to make a sentence with verb ending an “en”? I know there are many verbs with “en” and the real meaning.
Thank you.
Thanks, Emma. Good lesson.I got 100.
Hi Emma I wanna thank u for the way u r teaching to us ,really i appreciate it , and thanx amillion Again
This website is so awesome and useful , i learnt alot here and still working on. To do my exam IElts but still preparing myself i hope so i can reach it . i will InshaaAllah ( by the way last word is Arabic and religious word to donot missunderstand ) thnx
Thanks Ms/Emma, I learned a lot from you.
Thanks Ms.Emma,I love man killer body ;)
i have this luanda.
Thank you so much teacher Emma.
Talking about deam guy:
I will like a Guy who is a manly. He is thoughtful and well-dressed. He’s also joker. I don’t worry about anything or I will never be angry Because He always makes me laugh when I have stress in my work and life. I hope I meet the guy I dream. (- “).
You got 10 correct out of 10.
Thank you so much teacher
i really enjoy this class.thank you emma.
Just for practice))
I have a boyfriend) He`s tall and muscular. Also he`s thoughtful and flirty ONLY with me:D
I’m into this lesson. Thank you.
Thanks teacher
IF he is loyal to his mother, he will be loyal to his girl’s friend
“smart male” unprocessed!
Mmm interesting class,dear emma full of new vocabulary mmmm unfortunately i ve got to tell You that i m a mama’s hoy proudly and i’ll be all my life mmmyep thanks emma ,greetings from surco
me I’m loaded and bad
How to talk about a ladyboy?
Mas Athif is a flirt but I also am
what is lanky?
“Lanky” means tall and skinny!
Thank you Ms. Emma.
My boy friend is flirty?
He is a bad boy !
Thanks for the lesson, apart from video lessons do u have any other means to asses the documents without video?
10/10!I’m maybe a smooth talker and joker. Thanks, Emma! Your lessons always give me good English tips.
10/10!I’m maybe a smooth talker and joker. Thanks, Emma! Your lessons always give me good English tips.
nice work
The beauty of the body is a gift of nature, but you must have a goodsoul to be cute and respectedby others.
Excellent lesson sweet Emma as usual thanks for that