"What do you do?"
This is one of the most common questions in English conversations. Use the right phrases, expressions, and prepositions to answer. If you’re a beginner, you’ll learn to answer this question correctly and easily. Advanced English speakers will learn to answer by talking about their industry and by using expressions and phrases to describe their work. Whether in social situations, at work, or during a job interview, knowing how to answer this question confidently will help you make a good impression. In addition to this lesson, you can also study our free printable resource page with 100+ basic business questions. Improve your business English by learning how to answer all these questions.
That was very interesting lesson.
Thanks, Rebecca!
Yep! I agree with you freemahn; apart from being interesting, it provided a useful resource list of business questions.
Well, I need to take a close look at that list right away to complete today’s lesson.
Have a nice day!
Thanks to Freemahn and Regino for your early comments! You can customize the last part of the resource with your personal information so you are confident answering basic business questions:
All the best to both of you.
Thank you very much Rebecca
hania a 3chiri
you’re welcome
good teacher
Thank you Rebecca
hello, guys! I’d like to practice my english via skype, preferably with a native speaker for the best results. If you’re interested – please reply my comment:)
I’m in the IT industry.
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks for introducing yourself so clearly. The best way is always to apply what you have just learned to make it stick! My best wishes to you, Atari.
+1 to gansukh
Rebecca, thank’s for an interesting lesson. It’s quite simple and well-remembered.
Thanks. Simple and useful.
Thank you, Rebecca :) BTW I’m a housewife.
Which means you’re probably also a chef, an accountant, a psychologist and more…!
All the best to you, Happy04.
Thank you Rebecca I got 10 correct out of 10.
Your lesson is very useful and I want to use communication right.
Thank you very much Rebecca!!
Hope to see you again soon ;)
Thank you very much, your lessons are useful and informative; any way, I m an engineer, I work in the private sector.
So useful, Thanks again-you always do great at EngVid
Greetings :)
We can skype and make practice some time PENOLEPE:) I LOVE TURKEY ESPECIALLY BODRUM!!!!
for practise – a.faxa – my skype – note from engvid
Hi there.
I have already sent you a request on Skype.
if you accept my request, It would be happy.
Thank you keep on learning English together.
As far as I’m concerned u r not an native english speaker :) Bodrum is really wonderful place, the city of love :)
I also greeting you dear Penelope :)
The video is really useful, thanks)
Very well. Thanks you Rebecca!
Thank you, Rebecca!
It’s really simple and useful)
Thanks, Rebecca.
But can I say
‘I work for a hospital.’
‘I work for a store.’ rather than say
‘I work in a hospital.’
‘I work in a store.’?
Sorry, get one more question.
‘opposed’ and ‘opposite’ what is the difference?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you could say you work for a hospital but it is more common to say you work in a hospital. Of course, it depends on the job and position you have. This is more common when you don’t want to draw attention to the actual position. If you’re a doctor, director, etc then it is better to simply state that up front. All the best!
thanks rebecca
Thanks Rebacca for this video, I saw all of your videos on Engvid.com. and all of them’re very useful for me.
Wow, Cody, I’m so honored I could help you. I wish you all the best and am sure you will succeed in your goal of speaking English well, as you have a powerful positive attitude, and know how to take control of your life. My best to you!
thank you for your lesson, it’s very useful
Super useful, Rebecca!
I agree with you, Alex!
Hey Alex! Nice to see you here! Love your lessons too. You’re a great teacher.
Thank you for this lesson!
6/8 …still optimist
Yes, optimistic is the only way to be! Good for you. All the best.
Tks!! I got 100%
we’re smart
Good lesson Rebecca. Thank you.
She speaks so purely! I get all inf. I like Her lessons.
Thank you Rebecca. Can I say, I work for self employer. This sentence correct or incorrect ?
You could say this instead:
I am self-employed.
I have my own business.
Either of these would work! All the best with your English and your work.
Thanks Rebecca for this interesting lesson!
I’m a student at EngVid and work for the people (no, I’m not being demagogic, I’m a public servant :-)
Thank you very much, Rebecca! It was a very interesting lesson. I’ve made only one mistake, I got 88.
It was sort of lesson It was new for me this lesson and It was very good challenge to know something new and learn something from you at every time.. .
you are my favorite teacher too so never never I got bore on your lesson.. .
I hope it will help me a lot..
more over should know everybody who are all member when new lesson updated in Engvid by appropriate teacher..
Good Explanation Thank you Dear Ms.Rebecca….
thank you Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca, this lesson is going to help me a lot!
thanks rebecca for bright n clear lesson…:)
If he hadn’t eaten so much,he’d not be in bed now.
If he hadn’t eaten so much, he’d not have been in bed now.
which one is correct? And why?
Thanks Rebecca,
You teached so easy to understand.
So now i really understand how to talk about my Job… thank you, Rebecca…
Thank you. Please refer to the resource, which you can customize as well:
All the best, Joseph.
Thank you, Rebecca useful lesson, I work in the medical device company.
Great! It’s best to say:
I work in a medical device company.
I work for a medical device company.
Avoid using “the” because we do not know which company. All the best to you.
how i can communicat with you by phone i from palestin
I admit: It’s really a good video.
Hi Rebecca!
I am a nurse. I work in a hospital.
I’ve got a deep understanding of this lesson, and surely I think I am able to ask and answer basic business questions correctly and confidently. :)
Thank you for this super useful lesson, Rebecca. You are my favorite teacher! :))
Thank you very much. I am so glad I could help you, Chloe. Your answers are wonderful. I wish you all the best with your English and your very worthy work.
10/10,i feel good :)
Thanks Rebecca,congratulations for the explanation!
And thank you for your comment! All the best.
very god site
its a nice work
thanks teacher Rebeca. this is useful video helping me understand more way of speaking about working. I am a doctor, I am in pharmaceutical. more specific one is in the pharmaceutical industry. i am in the tranning deparment. before when i just graduated university, I work in a hospital. on date very far from now, I was born in a countryside province where I help my parent as working on a farm.
yours sincerely.
Congratulations on applying what you have learned right away. The very best way to improve your English communication skills.
Instead of saying, “on date very far from now” we would usually say, “a long time ago”.
Please watch some of our lessons on using the simple past tense, they will help you improve further.
I wish you all the best.
Thanks. 8/8
Very intersting lesson!
Thanks Rebecca
I got 7 out of 8.It’s pretty good,isn’t it Rebecca?
Yes, that’s a great score, Katerina. Congratulations and all the best to you.
Very nice and useful as usual. Cheers))
Oh~ Thanks a lot.
I’m very interested and excited.
Thanks, Rebecca.
great lesson. Thanks.
Thank you very much, Rebecca. It’s a great lesson.
8/8, Thanks Rebecca,It’s Good to know how to tell their professions
Thank you very much Rebecca!
I got 8 correct out of 8 :)
Hello Rebecca which one is true? in a hospital or at the hospital I heard both of them
thanks in advance
1. work in a hospital: I work in a hospital(you are a staf of this hospital)
2. I am at the hospital (you are sick, you are treated at hospital)
Thank you very much . it’s rely nice.
Thank you ma’am Rebecca…
This is very easy and simple to remember.Thank you for this interesting topic.
Thank you :)
Thank you, it’s a very useful lesson)
Thank you Rebecca, I’m learn a lot with you!
thanks i like lesson!
I liked the way for teaching but all of those teachers are quickly i need someone speak slowly coz i want to understand clearly .
It might be helpful for you to switch on the captions in order to follow what the teachers are saying. All the best!
Maybe these advice would be useful for you. Regards!
Thanks, this section is important for me
Thank you for the lesson. I got 8/8.
Dear Mrs Rebacca,
I like your lesson, thank you.
thanks for sharing information :) your lessons have helped me a lot :)
I’m in education business, but I’m not a teacher.
Thank you, Rebeca. I just made sentences using your lesson.
So glad I could help you. Yes, you can still say, “I’m in the education business”, even if you’re not a teacher. You can also make more sentences about your professional life by referring to my latest resource on 100+ Basic Business Questions. I wish you all the best.
Dear Rebecca,
Simple and very useful lesson. Thank you.
thanks a lot rebecca
hi miss Rebecca
Is it possible that I study all levels of English from beginner to advanced level for any teacher or teachers for each of your Web site? How can I study English from beginner to advanced level from your Web site?
thanks for the lesson.
Thank you very much,Rebecca
Thank you very much Rebecca!
You got 7 correct out of 8.
ˉ̞̭ ( ›◡ु‹ ) ˄̻ ̊
thanks a lot rebecca mam
Congrats Rebecca,very useful lesson.
I am a petroleum geologist and I work in energy sector.
That’s great! Isn’t it a pleasure to be able to state this important information confidently? You sound like a true professional with these simple sentences. Just remember to say: I work in THE energy sector.
Congratulations and all the best, Marcelo.
Hello Mrs Rebecca,
What is the difference between monument and memorial?
Are they both interchangeable in a sentence?
Thank you Rebecca
Great lesson Rebecca, very useful for me.
Hi Mrs Rebecca,
It is hard for me to …
It is difficult for me to …
Is there any difference between them?
Are they both interchangeable in a sentence?
Yes, both sentences are correct.
“Difficult’ is a slightly more advanced and formal word than “hard”. All the best to you.
thanks Rebecca ,that was useful
No bad for the fist time Rebbeca
Thank very much. Teacher.
very interesting lesson.
Thanks, Rebecca!
I got 8 out of 8….☻
Thanks Rebecca, I am applying for a College abroad and this class will help me talking with my visa analyser.
thank you dear rebecca
thanks a lot Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca! Good to learn different ways to say what i do.
Thanks Rebecca!!!! I’m a geologist. My question is if Can I say: I work in the private sector or I’m in the private sector?
Both are correct, Paulo. Thanks for your feedback and all the best!
I’m an IT Graduate, I work for Pepsi Cola and I got a perfect score in this lesson. ^_^
Thanks Teacher!
We want more Resource Rebecca. Your resources are very useful Thank you :)
Thank you Rebecca :)
i am a credit specialist of a bank. i graduated last year and now i want to improve my english to speak fluently and listen correctly. Your accent is clear and i can listen all what you said. Thank you very much for this lesson Rebecca!
I’m impressed, to be subscribed to this channel because I have searched a hundreds of times the channel which can help me to improve my English, So, I thank you for your commitment to our society.
I wonder if is possible you can open an account on skype which can help us to share different view and as well as experience from our countries on different topics you have been setting.
I have register now
Therefore i can not use this site usefuy
Pls advise me
Dear Rebecca:
Thanks for the useful lesson.
Dear Rebecca:
Thanks you very much for this lesson.
As always simple and professional material from Rebecca. I work on a site construction and this work very interesting.
Thank you Rebecca. My favourite is you.
I work in construction too.
Do you know particular lesson in used wards in the site ?
I got full mark.. thnx a lot Rebecca for useful & intersting lesson.
It’s very useful.
Thank you Rebecca.
i am a nurse
thanks a lot rebecca
thank you Rebecca
thanks you teacher, i understood, i`m a student, a mechanical engineer student
Thanks Rebecca, It’s very helpful :)
Hi Rebecca! Thanks so much for the help.
Thanks Rebecca for your very good lesson.
By applying your lesson :
– ” I’m a Civil Engineer. ”
– ” I work in Saudi Arabia government projects. ”
:) :)
Thanks ma’am Rebecca.
You are a very good theache, I understand all, and have 100 in the quiz.
Thanks you all.
I got 8 correct out of 8 answers! It mean the teacher was awesome. That drive me feel really happy!
thank you Rebecca
Iam 63%
Thank you Rebecca for the support. 7/8.
I´m an Engineer and I work in a mobile phone operator.
Thanks for this video… I appreciate it.
Hi Teacher, thank you for a great lesson! I have 1 thing could not understand.
That is: I’m working ON THE farm and I’m working IN the library.
What’s the different? Does it mean we are working ON THE farm because we STAND ON ground to work, and we working IN the library because we sitting inside a building?
Please explain for me. Sorry because my bad English.
Thank you so much!
Regards excellent class
Thank you your wonderful lecture!
Thanks Rebecca! its informative session..
Hello Rebecca first of all thanks alot for ur awesome lesson but i have a question can i say i work a lab technecian as a profession and i work in medical center as a field or i work in a medical center. Thank you ????????
Thanks rebecca.. i’m a student from saudi arabia
Thanks Rebecca :D
Thank you so much for a great lesson!
waw, an believable i got 100, and i am not an advanced learner, thanks my teacher
it’s the first time that i use engvid and i find that is a good method to learn a language, very simply and clear
thanks Rebecca I follow you and you wish for me chance.because I need learning English. all the best rebecca
Hi Ms Rebecca! amazing lesson as always i’ve seen this website no much, i have to say that i’m wasted my time if i don’t continuo over here to improve my English skills…By the way… I am in education,i mean I am a biologist teacher, I work for a private high school i love my job as you! My new goal will be to write any comment because I consider that i’m not so good for that, I mean, for the writing and grammar… Thanks for all your knowledge!
Thank you Rebecca! Great lesson….I’m an engineer ;-)
waw, an believable i got 100 even I hate this grammer for “in,a,an,the,on” sometimes I get confused how or when I use them.
I hope you can help me understand this topic.
Thanks Rebecca.
Thank you. Teacher– I’m a student.
Hi Rebecca, This a really helpful lesson. Thank you! And wanna asking that if it is a right way to make a sentence as below?
“Before he got fired he was a consultant in the IT industry. “
Thanks Rebecca!
Hello to the loveliest teacher mrs. Rebecca.
I have to thank you for spending your time and preparing these useful lessons on engvid,
”””””””””””””””””””’NO PAIN,NO GAIN””””””””””””””””””’
thank you! miss rebecca
thank you! mrs Rebecca
Hi Rebecca!
Very good, clear and useful explanation about these ways we use to talk about our professions, companies or fields that we work on.
The “free printable resource page with 100+ basic business questions” isn’t available to print or download, but just to share. Is there anything to do about it?
Dear Rebecca it’s necessary for me to improve my english language give me please the best way et think’s
Thanks, Rebecca! :) My english is not good, but now I’m working to improve it! Your lesson was a big step in my study
this lesson is very simple and succesfull. thanks for your works.
awesome!!! Rebecca. i need more videos of you ,how do i get those???
thank you teacher rebecca .
Very good and helpful lesson, thanks.
Rebecca thank you, the leason was easy way to understand a simple question.
Thank you.I’m a programmer.I work in a software company.
thanks a lot,wonderfull lesson(Rebecca)
I’m a web developer , I am in web development , I work for 2windesign company , I am the php team leader in this company. I work on my home.
Rebecca thank you. This lesson was very useful to me
Thank you Rebecca.It’s very useful.
Let me introduce my self, my name is andreas wijaya , im from indonesia and this is my first time join in this website, this website is very helpfull for me to know about english, and in this website i can practice my skill to get better than before,, very very nice
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thank you so much for your very clear explanation.
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca
thank you >>>>>
Very clear lesson. Thank you Rebecca!!
it is very useful, thank you Rebecca… :)
thank’s for everything.
it’s help me a lot.
Hi Rebecca, your lessons are very helpfull and this in particularly we use every time.
I wish a happy new year and thanks for everything.
thank you Rebcca,its very useful lesson
I am an entrepeneur
I am a principle of my own company
I work from 8am to 6pm
I work in the automotive industry
easy lesson ) thanks a lot
Thank you Rebecca. I’ve got 8 correct out of 8.
Your lesson is usefull for me.
Thank you,
love it, thank you Rebecca
Thank you so much, It’s a very useful lesson.
This video is real easy to understand and helpful. It is great! Thank you all for the great job you done! Thanks again!
Very nice!
thank’s rebecca for the lesson it was a pretty nice video
Yuuupi 8/8. Very interesting lesson. Thank you
Thans, Rebecca!
Hello I’m in landscape engineering . thank you a lot :)
Very good lesson.Thanks my teacher
Thank you so much, Rebecca!
Hi! Ms. Rebecca, I saw a presentation Yesterday. There you had make correct a sentences that was “i am in London, I’ll call you”. My question is why “I am” because still i am not in London, I am on the way. Please tell me the answer and give a good tips for good writing. waiting for your reply.
Thank you so much, Rebecca!
Thank you so much, Rebecca!
Thank you, Rebeca, it’s very useful.
Thank you, Rebeca. Simply,correctly and usefully
There are very useful phrases!Learning with you was a pleasure.
Thank you so much.
Thank you, Rebecca ) 100 from 100 ^)
I am a programmer. I work for Velmax.
Thank you, Rebecca,I will continue with your classes, I need to learn more English
I enjoyed this lesson, thanks a lot.
Thank you, Rebecca
Rebecca, good lesson!
Before your class I got a 6 of 8.
After the lesson I got an 8.
There are grammar mistakes on the next short text. Can you find them?
Rebecca starts the lesson teach us three different ways to respond when other people ask you ‘What do you do?’. You can respond to this one give information about your career, your field or the company that you are working in. Depends on that, you can say “I’m” in the first two options, and ‘I work’ to refer to the company that you are working. Furthermore, if you want to give more information with specific details, for example, your position, the industry or maybe the general name of the kind company, you can use ‘the’ for first one, ‘in the’ for the second one and “in/on” in the third one. For example, you can say I am the CEO of this company, or I am in the science industry, or I am working in a hospital. Keep in mind, if you are working outside of the door, you should use ‘on’, and not ‘in’. Thanks, Rebecca!
Thank you very much Rebecca!!
Hello I have a question, when sb asks tell me aboutyour experience… Whan could we say? :/
that is amazing lessons
one mistake Rebecca thanks for your advice :)
Thanks for the lessons…..God Bless..
Hi Rebecca! I am a taxi operator. Is it correct if I say: “I work in the service industry” ?
That was very interesting.
Thanks, Rebecca!
Great, I got 8 out of 8 thank you, Rebecca, it was very useful to me.
Thank you Rebecca! Your lesson is great and useful. :)
thank you madam this is valuable lesson
thank u Mm this is very useful
Thank you Rebecca. What Can I say, I work for a financial institute? People in our region normally introduced us banker.But I do not work in a bank.
Thanks Rebecca! I’ve got 10.
i got 8 correct out of 8. thank you teacher
Please tell me. Madam how to talk with you ?
I’m starting in the English and did not know how to use them .
Detail, for now use the speed ( 0.5 ) to be able to follow the talks because the English spoken is very fast.
I enjoyed the class!
I’m in ; from; for; for; in. field; in agriculture. What do you do? Print; print. inside.
In the first test , I managed to note : 75. Thanks for the lesson , for me was very important!
thank you
Thanks alot
I came across your website yesterday and I am so glad to have found such an interesting opportunity to learn English. Thank you so much!
Thanks you
I am an administrator and I work for the maritime administration. Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you Rebecca! Great video!
Who wants to chat, skype please – sky-dos!
Good luck!
I cann’t belive in my ayes, 7/8))) thank you; teacher?
Thanks a lot Miss Rebecca. It was a excellent lesson.
So easy) thanks a lot
Thanks a lot,Rebecca!
Thanks, Rebecca. Good lesson. I got 100
Tx Rebecca!
Good Lesson Very Good teacher
Thanks rebecca! :) Im a Fresh IT Graduate
Rebeca, your lesson is very interesting, but I have a question: You told, that if we tell in general without giving the name, for example: I work in a library. Will it be correct if I say I work in the library?
Hello Rebecca , I’m a production engineer and I work for Jabil.
I am a teacher I am working for ministry of education
Thanks Rebecca!
Thanks a lot i got 100% again
Thank you Rebecca. This lesson was great as always
Thanks a lot for your lesson! I got 100%!
simple and useful
Thank you!
Thank you. Your lessons are really easy to understand.
Thank you so much engvid.its productive lecture by Rebecca.I love Quiz section as well which covers entire enough concepts delivered in the lecture.I am humbled to say, I am student at engvid.
I am a student at engvid
Thank you nice video
I’m just a student attending this engVid every day.
this video is very useful for me
but it’s not as easy as it looks.
I’ll make sure to double-check.
Thank you so much!
Many thank you Rebecca. This lesson is very interesting and useful for me.
hello, Dear Rebecca, thank you so much.
thanks a lot Rebacca, really it’s usefull for me
Awesome as usual, Rebecca.
thank you
Thanks for the great lesson that you had to teach us
this video helped a lot when I did my exam
I like it.
Thanks, Rebecca!
Interesting and useful, thanks Rebbecca.
Good lesson thanks teacher Rebecca I got 100%
Thanks you Rebecca!
Thanks Rebacca for this video, i watch all video
the best teacher
Thank you! Really helpful information )
I’m a doctor. Thanks for this course, it’s very helpful
7 of 8, it’s ok…
surprise, surprise, but good enough thanks Rebecca for useful lesson…
I’m a dance teacher. I work in a school of arts. There are many schools of arts in Moscow region, and I work in one of them.
Thanks Rebecca :-)
Excellent! Mrs Rebeca; I’m a beginner, but I have many times watches your videos; and i love how you teach! i apologize for my mistekes
Thank You ^___^
Understood, very good explanation
Thank you very much Rebecca for all lessons.
Very well explained!
I m in the Advertising Agency Rebeca
Very well explained ;thanks.
I am the Director of company.
very good leason, can i tell, I am the director of my own company, it’s specialized on it technology.
I got 6 of 8 .
I got 7 of 8
thank you , i liked that :)
Thank you, Rebecca
Nice, thank you
are you the best teacher Rebecca.Thank you
Hello Rebecca!
Will you please help me with following:
Is it correct to say – I work at the big international company ? or in the big..
thank you Rebecca
Thank you Rebecca. It was very productive.
Thank you!
Thanks a lot Rebecca! this is very useful vocabulary Ü
Thank you so much for your Fructuous lessons?
I am a marketing specialist at geoshieldarabia in the automotive industry
i got 100%
Thank you
hello MS Rebeca Iam your fan you are for me the best teacher I have ever had I want to appy a few months in a private school but they ask me for fluent English and I have a lot of problems with pronunciation, could you help me? Thanks a thousand for your help
Thank you Rebecca
thank you , you way of teaching is really nice.
thanks for your effort.
thanks, I take your class well.
Thanks, Rebeca.
Thank you Rebecca very important and useful lesson I work in the ministry of justice
with engVid my English is developing
thank you so much
you are really amazing I love all your videos
Hi Rebecca…thank you for your videos..
That was a fascinating lesson. Much thanks.
I’m a marine engineer officer.Thank you so much REBECCA.
Thank you
Thank you
Waw! Thanks for the extremely useful video for me. I’ve already tired to explain to other people what my job is. Next time I’ll just say that I work in printing industry. Let guess what I do there!
thank you
Obrigado pela aula Rebeca.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! You are amazing. (Azores islands, 16Jul2023);
I really fond of your lessons, but how to get printable resource of this lesson
Thanks Rebecca!
I got 88 % in that test and I really learned a lot in this topic
Very interesting lesson . Thanks teacher
Thanks, Rebecca!
Hi, Rebecca
I’m in finance working as a treasure technician.