engVid quiz

Test your understanding of this English lesson

Test your understanding of the English lesson by answering these questions. You will get the answers and your score at the end of the quiz.



A superb lesson on advanced idioms. If I want to use them naturally, I may have to make a lot of effort.

Insoo Yeo

We agree because we see eye to eye
i wanted to meet face to face
we put our heads together so we could solve the problem.
Dear James , could you explain to me the difference between (neck to neck ) and (head to head), thank you


    I agree with you


Your lessons are always fun, James. You haven’t been making videos for days, so I’m glad to see you. You are my favorite teacher. Fun and useful.THANKS :)


For one second, I thought it was Tom Jones teaching us!!!Where´s your hairdresser James???
Thanks a lot for the lesson! ;)
Answer of question number 6 is wrong by the way.
It must be solve a problem together.
Check it out!!


    You’re dude!


    “Where´s your hairdresser James???”
    — in quarantine, I think…


      loooool XD


      I would say answer to question number six is wrong. Am I right?


Is the sixth question right? I think the correct answer would be “Let’s solve a problem together”. Thanks.


    So do I.


    So do I


      So do I


    so do I


      I also think so.

      AKM Mostafa

Great lesson!

One point: I think that the correct anwser for the question number six is “let’s solve a problem together” (out our heads together). Am I wrong?

Thanks, James!

Isaias Menezes Silva

Thank james for this lesson but some phrases is difficult for using


I got 30 points.


    like me

    gana abderahim

1. eye to eye
2. face to face
3. put our heads together


Is the answer key for no. 6 right?


Dear James! Thank you for your lesson! It is really fantastic, especially your way of explanation. You are really GREAT!!!
1. eye to eye
2. face to face
3. put our heads together
Best wishes from Russia
P.S. In Quiz point 6 is not correct. Put your heads together means to solve the problem together, not to compete. Please correct


Hi James, a great lesson, you are a really creative and funny teacher. I´am taking my hut off to you today. Thank you very much for your great effort, I have been having so much fun today. :-)


I think the answers are:

1. We agree because we see eye to eye.
2. I wanted to meet face to face.
3. We put our heads together so we could solve the problem


Betty had an intimate relationship with John. They usually sit cheek to cheek silently and romantically as meeting. Even John had two left feet, she enjoyed dancing with him. Because John was on the edge of society, when Betty’s father knew that they wanted to marry, he told her tongue in cheek that she would have what a fantastic life with him. Then, her father wanted to meet him face to face so he could make him give up that decision, but it did not pan out. They married in two weeks. Because John did not have fixed income, they were living hand to mouth every month, and they also had a lot of debt. One day, Betty caught some short messages on John’s phone. She realized her husband did some dirty works. One message said “You have to come to the bar for a business tonight.” As john was set to go out, Betty locked the door and said “I am putting my foot down. You cannot go to that damn meeting. I put my neck on the line for you. How can you do this to me?” Finally, she said she was expecting a baby. John was surprised. Because he would become a father, he had to think his child too. So, he quit the dirty works. John and Betty put their heads together to figure out a solution for their debt. They saw eye to eye about getting help from Betty’s father. On the meeting day Betty’s father was ready to go eyeball to eyeball with them. When he learned he would become a grandfather, he was delighted and said that all my wealth was yours.
Thanks James!


Thanks a lot, James, for your wonderful lesson.
This is fantastic. You’ve made it tongue in cheek as always.
If I put my handicaps points obtained while watching the video and the quiz points together, it will be 110 despite Number Six.


Hi James,
This is my first time here and you make English so fun to learn. I also learn new words today with the score of 9/10 its a great start for me and thanks again.


    1.eye to eye
    2.face to face
    3.put our heads together

    Amna shahid

Hi James,
Thanks a lot, I love your way.
– we agree, because we see eye to eye.
– I wanted to meet face to face.
– we put our heads together so we could solve th problem.
Thanks again.


put our heads together should mean work together instead of Let’s compete.

Can you help to clarify the answer of the Quiz ? thanks!


30iam very weak but i work and learn
thanks for all teacher

gana abderahim

Hi James! I didn’t understand why in the 6 question “Let’s put our heads together” the answer is “Let’s compete”. Explain please.


You are a wonderful teacher, and lively. My second lesson with you and not the last. Thanks James.


Thanks, great lesson.

Jorge Sanchez

In lecture put head together, we understood as cooperate or consult. But in Q-6, it was stated as “compete”. What’ s the actual meaning of ” put the head together”?

AKM Mostafa

Bad score 7 out 10 !!!!!
Need to work again and again on this subject


We agree because we see eye to eye.

I wanted to meet face to face.

We put our heads together, so we could solve the problem.


    Good explanation thank you so much

    Meza 97

Thanks a lot….same question for number 6?

Veronique roxane

We agree ,because we see eye to eye
I wanted to meet you face to face

khadim toure

we put our heads together so we solve the problem

khadim toure

It’s superb lesson and it was not pretty dull tho (not stupid) it was amazing

Mohammed Elshiekh

James, thanks for this video!


100 points. Im the boss but i keep modest.


why my number six on the quiz is incorrect? hihi but it’s okay. I love that there is a comment section in this site!




You are a star. Thank you


7/10 not easy for me I should practice practice and practice


Thank you Mr. James. eye to eye, face to face, put our heads together.


1. eye to eye
2.Face to face
3.Put our heads together
For the phrase game:
1.Two left feet
2.Eye to eye
3.Face to face
4.Tongue in cheek
5.Neck and neck
for James, #6 is wrong am I correct?
Thanks James you are my favourite teacher in EngVid.

Hannah Igwubor

9/10 90% not bad for me but I still need to practice a lot more

Hannah Igwubor

10/10. I’m a genius (from Luis Suarez 442oons)

Hannah Igwubor

We agree because we see eye to eye

I wanted to meet him eyeball to eyeball

We need to put heads together so we could solve the problems.


Thanks for lesson


1. We agree because we see eye to eye.
2. I wanted to meet face to face.
3. We put our heads together so we could solve the problem.


Answer to Q-6 seem confusing. Probable right answer: let’s consult and work together. Not: • Let’s compete. What’s your decision?

AKM Mostafa

Hi James, thank you for your amazing lessons: it’s your style to try to let the English learner study with great fun.
1. We agree because we see EYE TO EYE.
2.I wanted to meet FACE TO FACE.
3. We PUT OUR HEADS TOGETHER so we could solve the problem.


Answer asap. Is there online class here? Zoom or google class? I want to attend


We are agree because we see eye to eye.
I wanted to meet face to face.
We put our heads together so we could solve the problem.


today is 17 Nov2021 (Kazakhstan)
best regards, James


Number 6, i thought the answer is Let’s solve a problem together. Could you please explain it to me. Thank you!!


Marcio, Palmerense,blza… tb pensei o mesmo. Confesso que fiquei confuso, mas so vendo na prática. A língua é viva e cheia de interpretação. Living and learning!


Mr. James, thanks for your fantastic lesson.
I must confess I got a little confused by quiz #6.
Best regards,


This is so cool


it is good knowing this site where learning English tools if effective and helpful

Kittie Mangkia

Great Lesson although question number 6 I think the right answer is solve a problem.

Erik Palacios

Thank you james

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