The secret to a rich vocabulary is to remember words and not just recognize them. I’ll teach you a practical, easy way to increase your active vocabulary. Understand the difference between your productive and receptive skills. Find out why multiple-choice questions are easier than fill-in-the blank questions. Use these tips to boost your vocabulary for everyday life and get higher grades on the IELTS, TOEFL, TOEIC, SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, and other exams.
Useful tips on how to expand our passive/ active vocabulary. Unusual lesson, but it allowed me to see vocabulary learning from a different angle.
The distinction between productive and receptive skills also helps to understand the process of learning and using new words.
Engaging lesson Rebecca. Thanks for this great lesson.
Thanks, Regino. Glad you found it helpful. There are useful strategies here which can help everyone. All the best.
thanks rebecca .. its very useful
Thank you very much Rebeca
Hello Rebecca
thank you very much about this lesson that is about how to remember the english vocabularies but i want to tell you about my suggestion here on engvid, my suggestion is to open a video conference with you as a teachers and us as students as i think this will be very useful and of significant value so we can communicate with each other.
thanks Rebecca
Andrew Adel
great advice Rebecca! Thank you
hahaha there is something in your nose
Thank you very much
Noe Jung Ho
Very useful technique. Thanks!
nice technique, Rebecca. Thanks you
Thanks for the lesson Rebecca!
Thank you for improving my vocabulary.
Actually, you are improving your vocabulary by yourself but thank you for the feedback anyway. Happy to be your partner in this learning adventure, my friend. My best wishes to you.
Teacher Rebecca, I love your lessons. I’ve been watching all of them! Thank you very much!
Thanks for your feedback and thanks for watching. My best wishes to you.
Thank you so much, you’re doing a very good job, wish you good luck :)
Thank you. My best wishes to you too.
Rebecca,today,sunday,march,22,2015.I start your class/lesson. I had finished: Ronnie,jade,emma;classes.
chakim hamzah
im not sure if this is the right place to ask questions but i hope it is…
i’d like to confirm the sentences below:
your hair is too long. tie it up.
your hair is too long. tie them up.
which one is correct and why because i’ve seen both.
thank you.
Tie it up.
This is the correct expression. All the best to you.
very useful lesson! Thanks
carlos 2138
Excellent advice. Thank you !
Yeison Sotelo
Thanks for your lesson that I didn’t know before.
John Kim
Rebecca,Thanks for the lesson.
Interesting lesson and quiz! Thank you, Rebecca :)
Thank you for the lesson. I’ve heard another good tip how to improve active vocabulary. Thinking in English as often as you can. What can you tell about it?
Yes, of course, that is the ideal goal. I have also heard people saying you have really learned a language when you dream in that language! In order for all that to happen, it is useful to have a lot of common and uncommon vocabulary available to your mind and heart! The exercises I have recommended in this lesson will help you achieve your goals. All the best to you.
Thank you very much, I got 100% and I feel happiness when get 100%. Again thanks for your lesson and in your lectures I often get maximum marks and that’s why I respect teachers like you.
Abdul Qayum
Glad to hear it, Abdul. Thank you. My best wishes to you.
80%, not bad
Thank you Rebecca!
Thanks a lot!
Rebecca. Thanks for the lesson.
Thank you Rebecca!
It was really helpful
thank you
mohamad abdelwahab
thank you teacher for the lesson i have got 80%
sousou @milly
Thank you very much !
I learned a lot of good tips .
Interesting lesson.
Thank you Rebecca.
hi, Rebecca. good lesson. may I know where you’re from? coz you speak with different accent than the others teachers…
I will try to guess: She is from Canada
I don’t thank so.
all of them are canadian dude, except “Jade” i thought … :)
Not only Jade, but Benjamin too, they are British.
Gill too is English
Yeah ! I got 100. Baguette is good.
Yeap, 100! nice Teacher ;-)
Thank you Rebecca. this is so funny.
Yes, you are right. And you are so beautiful!!
Hello how are you dear can we have chance to help each other in speaking with Skype or any software like that? It’ll be much funnier if you accept my request so email me on this address if you decide to be a learner partner:
Thanks a lot. It is nice video that I could necessary data. Please if u will explain about REduplication words I would be so happy
10/10 Thanks!
thank you very much, it will help me so much!
victor igor
I have got 10! thanks
victor igor
Hi Rebecca. I’ve got 9 out of 10, I’ve just haven’t noticed the second question. but that is not the main purpose of my comment, well, my question is why do I understood you so easily and clearly in every single word, while I had problems with Jade videos. e.g as in this video ( I hope to get an answer back from you. Thanks.
Jade has a British accent and I have more of a North American / Canadian accent. It could be that you are more used to hearing North American accents and that you have watched more American shows, listened to more American music, etc. It’s all a matter of practice and habit. If you start listening to only British shows tomorrow or if you were to live in England for some time, then of course you would understand the British accent more easily. After some time, you would also start speaking like them because we copy those we listen to most often. I hope this helps and wish you all the best.
Interesting idea Rebecca, Thx.
Nice day…how’s english in sao Paolo
robecca you speak very clearly and i love you :)
Thank you for your kind words. I wish you all the best.
This is very useful Rebecca,Thanks…
Good tips to improve our active’s also a big problem for those who study foreign language so it might be quite useful.Thanks a lot.
Yes, these techniques will work to improve your vocabulary in any language. Thanks for your feedback and all the best.
Thanks you so much!
Very nice
Shatrughan Kumar
Awesome tips
I am going to use it for IELTS preparation
Najm Saleh
That is an excellent idea. I am sure you will see a big difference when you start writing your IELTS essay as you will have more vocabulary available to you. MY best wishes to you.
thanks for the lesson Rebecca
I like this, Thanks a lot
Eti Supriati
Thanks I’m now registered…..Thanks Rebeccaa, I am learning more
Thank you Rebecca. I got 10 correct out of 10.
your exercise is very useful .
Thanks Rebecca. Very useful lesson!
Thank you all. You are good people
Like so many of our viewers, you are clearly a good, determined student who wants to take control of your English learning, your career and your future. Thank you kindly for your feedback and my best wishes to you.
thank you. very useful advice
sh*t, i got 9 of 10,
the last one is a trap. Holly crap
Thank you teacher.
thank you so much
Thank You, this is great!
So glad you find the techniques helpful. There is no limit to how much you can expand your vocabulary this way. Thanks and my best wishes to you.
Very interesting lesson.Thank you)
Thanks a lot, I think it’s very essential technique and very useful. The main idea – practice, practice and practice.
Yes, you are right and these techniques will enable you to do exactly that, in an interesting way. The key to developing your language skills is to practice in useful, enjoyable ways so you don’t get bored and keep expanding. Thank you for your feedback, my friend and all the best to you.
7/10. Thanks
thank you for the class
Ruben Ortiz
Excellent! Very good lesson, nice tips
Thanks a lot Rebeca, I need to improve my vocabulary, so, I could obtain a better job.
Rebecca you’re just amazing! I gotta say that actually I am taking french lessons now and I came up here just to see how my English was doing anyway I found those tips amazing and it’s gonna help me a lot to learn new vocabulary as you said this exercise is helpful for any language decide you study :) thanks a lot!!!
Isaac Miranda
Rebecca you’re just amazing! I gotta say that actually I am taking french lessons now and I came up here just to see how my English was doing, anyway I found those tips amazing and it’s gonna help me a lot to learn new vocabulary as you said this exercise is helpful for any language you decide to study :) thanks a lot!!!
Isaac Miranda
Yes, Isaac, these techniques are useful tools that can certainly help you with French or any other language because they help you understand what you know and what you don’t know. Then, you can spend more time on what you really need to learn! My best wishes to you and thank you for your feedback.
Thank you dear
If the theme would have a title, it could be “USE YOUR BRAIN”
Jorge Pedroso
Yes, and these techniques help you know what’s inside your brain and what you need to add! All the best to you.
10/10! wow Im getting more improved because of! thankyou and looking forward for ur next lesson.
Glad to hear it. Thanks for your feedback and my best wishes to you.
Thank you for your lession!
Dich Anh
Good lesson, thanks for your tips
And thanks for your feedback. I wish you all the best.
Thanks, Rebecca.
I would like to ask a question.
In the following sentence, we should use “are located” or “locate”? Which one is right?
“Tropical rainforests are located near the equator.”
“Are located” is correct.
All the best to you.
Could you tell me why, please?
Is it because passive voice? Then if yes, why is it passive voice?
Thanks so much.
Thank you so much, teacher!
Xan San
Thank you, Rebecca. It was very useful.
thanks Rebecca
alaa jaber
Thanks Rebeca
Thanks, that´s a very productive lesson.
Glad you found it to be so. Any techniques that help us know the truth of where we are can be helpful in expanding where we are and who we are! All the best to you.
too complicate, but this lesson in informative, thanks a lot Rebeca
I done it! 80
I got 9 correct out of 10
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thank you so much l’ll try
hello,can anyone please help me in tellinin telling me where i should go to request a lesson….thank you
You can leave suggestions for lessons here. We do read the comments, though we are unable to answer all of them. All the best to you.
ok :)
Gianluca Argiolas
I got 10 correct answer out of 10
Great job! My best to you.
You are really good at explaining, thanks Rebecca
Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for having the desire and motivation to learn and grow. I wish you all the best.
Dear Rebecca,
This is very interesting. There are no more secrets.
Faithful students, we have to implement this lesson.
Good luck.
Best Regards.
Thank you, Peter. That was very kind of you. Actually, the secret is that there are many secrets, my friend! This is just one particularly useful one. By implementing one vocabulary key at a time, we expand our communication skills and also our thinking skills. All the best to you, Peter.
thank a lot!
Very useful way to remember all we learn. Thank you teacher!
Do try it. I am sure it will help you realize a lot about your vocabulary. All the best to you.
thank you, it is very useful. God bless you and the all the theachers in engvid…
Fatih Burak
very useful
thanks a lot :)
safa mohammed
thank you very much Dear Teacher, how you done the Work.
i will Quint you all the time.
mohamed Abdulkadir
Thanks Rebecca!
Chau Le
It’s awesome way to learn English .
Thanks. All the best to you.
Thank you so much.
Tanks dear teacher Rebeca actually it was so useful for me and I have a this particular area how about picture dictionary’s is it worth to learn one of those page by page I mean like a book worm?
Yes, you could certainly use a visual dictionary to learn if you enjoy that method. The best way to learn is the way that is most interesting to you and which you will continue to use. I often suggest that students read or listen to magazines, stories and articles about topics that interest them, such as cricket or politics or technology, because then they have the motivation to persist, understand and expand. Language is all around us and we can pick it up in so many ways. All the best to you.
this is good idea , i’m going to try it
Good! All the best. Let me know how it goes.
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you, Rebeca!
Ten Yevgeniy
Thanks alot Rebbaca
hoda berzan
Very good lesson, thanks
thank you very’s very helpful
yara muhamed sakr
All the best using the vocabulary techniques!
thankyou Rebeca for nice lesson
Happy to be among you.
Thank you all for your feedback and sorry I cannot answer each one of you. I am so glad that many students found these vocabulary techniques helpful. When we say that someone speaks or writes well, it is because they have a large active vocabulary, so that is your goal. Memory is like a muscle and the more we exercise it, the more it grows. So have fun expanding your active vocabulary and watch it grow day by day. I wish you all the best.
Rebbaca thank you very much. But I look for lessons for beginners.If possible, help me e-mail please.
thanks for you
Egberto Reynaldo
thank you Rebeca! Good lesson
sinki lee
It’s very helpful.. thanks
thanks Rebecca.
thanks alot Rebecca it was useful lesson
Thank you very much, that really help me to improve my vocabulary , I will try to do that
thanks for your useful lesson, Rebecca.But i think the quizz should give something…you know, like you teach us in your lesson to expanding our active vocalbulary…
P/s: If somthing wrong with my gramma,pls let me know ^^
I learned something else that English with the first part of the explanation about skills. Really good class. Thank you.
I learned something else that English on the first part of explanation about skills. Really good class.
Thank you.
Thank you Rebecca
thanks for your lessons , they are very cognitive and informative
nice brain workout! thanks engvid!
I got 100. This way is great for every language leaners.
thanks for this lesson. I have learned very much!
Madam, I like your way of teaching. Thanks for your help and support to improve my English. Can u explain how to identify the difference between ‘s’ and ‘z’ sounds when we transcribe words in English. Thanks in advance.
kezia victor
i’m very proud to be your student i have never met like you,you have an exceptional sort of explanation,thank you.
Got 10/10,Rebecca.Thanks again!
You know, that’s the kind of “strategy” I used to
study Geography, History and languages growing up.
Good teacher, good quiz.
Hello, Rebecca !
Thank you very much for this lesson !
Thank you very much Teacher for the Good tips and awesome video. it’s very useful to me :D
Suvit Kingtion
Great lesson, teacher. I really love all you teach, thank you for all!!
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson
it’s an amazing tip.Thank you so much.It will really work for me.:))
i got 10 correct out of 10
Thank you very much Teacher
Thank you! Good idea! Fabulous Teacher!
Good explaination !!
thank you very much
Thank you! Why don’t you make a kind of exerciser to remember new word. It will help us to move some words from passive into active vocabulary.
It is very interesting idea. I will definitely try it in my learning Enlish. Thank you for your clear pronunciation, it is very important for me.
Thank you
Thank you for your marvelous lesson ..
thank you very much for your support learning english simple ways to remember the Vocabulary. Good job! God bless you. !
i wish Miss Rebecca and Mr.Adam were my teachers
Thank you very much
Hi Dear Rebecca
Many thanks for this great lesson. that is ultimately what I’m looking for… thanks once again
my best wishes to you
Thank you, Rebecca.
Excellent Video
andres felipe guerra
I like it. Thank you, Rebecca
Luiz Moreira
Thanks,you are a good person
Sophea Phon
thanks rebecca .. its my first lesson, my test result is 10 of 10, I’m very happy!
thankyou Rebecca for nice method of teaching
Thank you
Diana Makbeina
Excellent tips !
Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you so much
Thank you very much with this lesson, i am realy need to lern how can i remember or improve more words in my vocabulary. Thanks teacher Rebecca and Regards.
Onesimo Joao
it is a great way to learn, thank you verry much, Rebecca
Good 100!
Wow it’s good strategy so I can to learn more vocabulary. Thank u Rebeca.
Kamil 321
thanks so much!
thanks rebecca i found it great work
amr namky
Hi Rebecca, I just wanna ask for more tips on how to enhance my active skills aside from making a list. I grew up in the Philippines and moved to Canada a few years ago. I badly wanna improve my English especially when it comes to speaking. what else can I do to practice how to speak like a native Canadian? Hoping for your response. Thank you in advance.
It is very useful for me. Thanks Rebecca.
It is very nice tips. Thanks Rebecca
Hi Rebacca. First of all I would like to thank you for all the effort you are doing. In my opinion you are the best English teacher I have ever seen. Could you do a lesson on the past and present perfect. I’m really struggling to master it.
YESS 10/10 thank you
Good Job Rebecca, I’m appreciated with you.
Anil Gharti
Very good and helpful lesson. Thank you very much Rebecca.
Thanks..I got 90%
this is great lesson
3li oman
Thank you.
How wonderful such technique I love it. thank you teacher Rebecca.
danny perez
Thanks Rebecca :)
thanks…it is very useful for me ^^
sohn ieva
Cheers, Rebecca. I got 100%. So nice and useful, especially the part about active and passive vocabulary. I’ll think about it and work on it. Thanx a lot.
Thank you nice class, this is my first comment in Engvid. I´m from Venezuela, i got 9 of 10
Thanks! It’s great
Thank you Rebeca for nice lesson!!
Thank you rebecca, that is my problem. I´m totaly passive, and it is to me dificult to pronunce some think.
Thank you very much Rebeca
thanks very much for all your lesson, I do not leave à comment each time and all are interesting.
I share them with my daughter who take her “Bac” in Toulouse in June ; it is a nice way to learn and nice for me to be able to bring some new light on her lesson.
All my ” considération” Mathilde
Hi Rebeca ,you are wonderful teacher so I am glad to listening ur lessons.
Thanks very much. I’ve got 10/10
Good topics as always
I got 100% :) Thank you Rebecca for your lesson, I’m going to put this technique into practice. Best wishes to you
I’m interested in your lecture. Constructive tecnique to expand the vocabulary power.
It’s very good. Thank you verymuch.
thank you very much Rebecca
oh. I got perfect (1oo%).You’re very good teacher.I got understood clearly your lesson.Thank you teacher Rebecca.
Great lesson as ususal .
Dear Rebeca,
I like you a lot bacause you are a very nice teacher. How I would like talk with you one time on line. If it is possible It will be fanatastic for me.
Thank you so much for your English lesson! Much appreciated! Actually my English is very bad, I hope to improve it as soon as possible because is very important for have a better job than now. :-)
Thank you very much rebecca, nice tips
sarah sara
thank you very much Ms Rebecca, good lesson
It’s so interesting. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Rebecca, this is a great lesson.
:D Like it!!!
Thank you Rebecca , you were born to be a teacher.
I’ve got 10/10. Thanks!
90% not bad. thanks very much.
Thanks EngVid for making easier learning process.
Great Rebecca. I will practice it.
thanl you so much Rebecca
This vedio is very very useful but I need a source to get more vocabulary related a lot of fields
Mohamed abdelraof sobeh
Rebecca, thanks for this interesting (may be not usual)vocabulary method!
And thanks alot for all of yours lessons (I like aspecially about chiken without leg ;-)
alexander ka
Thank you very much for the advices to improve
my active vocabolary
This lecture is very informative but I don’t understand receptive skill and how to improve it?
Sang-Jun Lim
I got 100/10 Appreciate That Ms.Rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
You are on the top of the world,
Also I think the world of you,
Best Regards,
100% by the way ;)
Very good explanation. I will practice. Thank You.
Thanks Miss Rebecca, My level of English is very low, and my goal is to learn the language and achieve communicate with. It is my goal. Thank you.
Angel Guerrero Serrano
thanks, it’s a really good technique….
^^ so good.
Jutarat Sanghirun
very useful lesson. and i got 10/10 for quiz. thanks
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much for the lessons, its very helpful. However, i did my EILTS test few months ago, and i got 4 on my writing test, but 7 on my speaking. I have huge problems of how to write proper English grammar and vocabulary. Do you have any idea how to improve my writing skills? do you give any private tutorial in order to improve academic writing skills?
Thank you.
Thx for the tip !
Great! I’ll try!
Thank u I think the world of u |:)
Zainab Awni
Thank you for this class. It helped me a lot!
Thanks a lot for your guidance
Thanks for a great lesson!
I’d like to ask a question.
What is the opposite of the word postpone?
Can I say:”I’d like toreschedule at an earlier time”?
Thank you
Thank you Rebecca, a very instructive lesson!
I enjoy your way of teaching very much!
hi rebecca can you tell me the best way to teach englsih is what ??
behzad ali
Thanks, Rebecca!
So surprise! I have got 9/10. I had thought that my listening skill was bad. Thank you so much for your helpful lesson, Rebecca.
A great thank you for your lesson! I’ll try to find a little time to realise the idea.
10/10 thanks Rebecca, a very fun way to improve my vocublaries
Ibraheem Atef
Thank you
omg this is exactly what i need , thanks a lot
Good tips Rebbecca, thanks for teaching us.
Thank You teacher :)
Grace Mee
8/10 Thanks
Ahmed Badwi
I got 8 out of 10. Thank you Teacher… :)
Tx Rebecca. I understood I should be more attentive… The last question: does not…)))
it’s a unusual lesson, but very nice, thanks.
thanks, it’s a unusual lesson, but very nice.
Very useful tips,Rebecca…Thank you.
Thank you so much, Rebecca.
Thank you for the technique.
hi Rebecca, thank you for this interesting lesson, now i know that my vocabulary is passive, but i will work on it,
i have a question not about this lesson but i saw the words and would like to know the difference. when do we us learn and when study? i mixed them all the time.
thank you.
Lucie AR
Thank you a lot! Rebecca.
Walquiria Arantes
I need to learn english Quicly because I have a promotion on my work and I need 100% speak and listen English. Thanks Rebeca
Awesome :-)
Amazing tips!!!
thanks Rebecca! =)
Thank you. Very interesting the video.
Ms. Rosy
Many thanks Rebecca! This lesson very inspare me!
Otto Sanolog
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!!
I got 10/10, but still feeling more thirsty to other techniques :)
THX Rebecca , it’s very intresting method, I have to try it.
Not too bad i got 8
Thanks teacher.
Thanks for the good information about vocabulary tip.
Realy awsome and usefull method ,thank you such a great lesson .
Very very nice lession thank you for share this method with us
Thank you very much, I enjoyed the lesson.
Anilde Hossi
Thank you so much, Rebecca. So usefull idea! I had a lot of fun.
But for the Election from the quiz, i would choose – dogs and cats)))))
thank’s for the lesson :)
Thank you so much Mam :-)
This site is doing great job.
I have one query actually I done my schooling from English medium but my base is not strong in English.I don’t easily get words while speaking where I seen people speak fluent without taking a pause.
I need your suggestions how I can attend my goal to speak English there any brain power increasing exercise for this purpose??
Awaiting for your reply.
Dear, I would suggest to listen lot of different English materials will solve your problem and you will make you more fluent than any one.Good luck ahead.
thank you!
Thanks for you lessons Rebecca :)
Rebecca, you are a great teacher!!! Thank you so much
The video on how to develop and remember vocabulary is exactly what the learners identified as one of their needs. This strategy to expand one’s active vocabulary will be very useful and i can’t wait to share it.
Nancy Carey
1st quiz i get 10 out of 10 from the 1st time thanks a lot dear Rebecca really your way of teaching this lesson is fantastic
I’ll use these tips for my students in technology. Tnx Rebecca.
This is very useful lesson. Thanks Rebecca.
it is an interesting technique..thanks
It’s very useful. Thank you so much Rebecca!
thanks rebeca.. for usefull topic
nice rebeca thanks a lot!
eliegina silva costa
thanks Rebeca
Ib man
ann ann
I’m really impressed on the way you perform your class Rebecca, so clear, so interesting and always capturing my attention.
Thanks for this excelente tip to improve vocabulary.
Zé Geraldo
I forgot to say that once agaln I got 100% of the questions.
Zé Geraldo
It’s a great lesson.
Useful strategy to differentiate between active & passive vocabulary. THANKS a lot my DEAR TEACHER
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much
Thank s rebbeca I got 10/10
Very useful! Well done!
I enjoyed while watching the lesson. Frankly speaking , you are fabulous .Thank you Maam!
Still the best, thank you Rebecca
Thanks, I think it’s useful.
thanks for the lession
Thank you Rebecca, thank you so much.
Marta Lopez
Very nice, thank you Rebeca. I love your lessons.
Thanks for the tips. Rebeca !!
I´m amazed by this lesson! What an amazing way to expand vocabulary! I´ll try it with my students. I´m sure they´re going to love this subject as a game. Thanks a lot, teacher Rebecca.
Emanoel Pereira
thank you mrs Rebecca!!i’m really hopeful that you could do a lesson on how to get rid of laziness please!! :( :(
i am so lazy to do these things!!
anyway: thanks again. you speak very clearly !!
hope to see more lesson of you
Nguyen Van Hau
thank you so much! I really appreciate this lesson!
Hi rebecca, this video stop after 3 secondm only this video !
Rebecca, thanks you so much for this lesson!
Actually a lot of all lessons but in special this one helped me a lot and gave us many tipa. Thanks Rebecca!!
Leandro Alves Nunes
Really goods your tips. I’m starting to use this habits now. Thank you Rebecca
Tiago Infante
Dear teacher, this was one of the best tips I ever had for improve my english! Tank you so much for your generosity! kisses from Brazil!
You are wonderful teacher Rebecca! Thank you.
I liked this quiz!!!
I Loved it Rebecca, thank u
Marta Mendes Valadades
Thanks alot Rebeca.. I love you and your lessons…
Saba hassan
is important for me thank you rebeca
Nice work all the best
Thanks Rebecca, very useful lesson.
I think I need ten or fifteen minutes English every day to improve my skills.
Carla Letizia
10/10 wow this is too ezy..and thanks for tough,
Thanks for bringing new fresh way to improve our english.Thanks a lot
i got 90%
awesome teacher
thank you very much. Rebecca your lessons are helpful
Thank you very much Teacher , it was really very helpful courses , I have got 100 % I am really satisfy :)
It was a good lessen. Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you sooo much Rebecca.
Free Engineer
thank you so much.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks my master. useful lecture. I’ll use this method
Mr. Rebecca thank you for this thoughtful lesson. Now I realize that my receptive skill is way above my productive skill. From this lesson I now come to realize that I need to wider my productive skill. thanks again.
Kemar Pounall
Your courses are so efficient, I am pleased to congratulate You ebecca.
Dear teacher this lesson was absolutely tremendous,a good vocabulary is fundamental in order to speak fluently and the way you just taught us how boost up our productive and respective skills is from another level.I ain’t got no words to thank you enough.
Tony joao
I got 9/10! Thanks, good lesson!
10/10 Madam Rebecca ,thank u for this lesson i really need to work on my productive skills more specially in writing .
Amir Loucif
Thank you for useful lesson.
I got 10. I will try that way to improve my English skills.
Young Kyung Lee
Thank you so much Rebbeca, your lessons help me a lot… I got 10 again
Aierdna Bandeira
Thank you so much, you’re doing a very good job, wish you good luck :)
Asmaa Ibraheem Hamad
Thank you, Rebecca!!
10 out of 10, thank you dear teacher for explaining in a simple way since it is easy to understand.
someone to practice my skype account is sisas van
fernando triana
thanks rebecca, you are amy best teacher
oday david
thanks rebecca, you are my best teacher
oday david
Hi Rebecca, it’s most useful for enhancing vocabularies.In sort of technique can more helpful to memorize more vocabularies. It’s may say it’s sort of automatic way of le a learning vocabularies.
Thank You ,, Your Lessons Are Always Informative & Interesting . Could you Make More Vocabulary Lessons ?
Thanks Rebecca, this lesson is very important. see you
Wonderful!! Thanks Rebecca for your advices.
Thank you so much,Rebecca! It was magnificent lesson! You are the best one. I got 10 correct because of you…
Sahra biologist
Thank you Rebecca
aurea almada
you got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you…
M kartal
It’s ana excellent idea. Thanks
Thanks Rebecca with this excelent work that you are doing !
Kiss from Spain ❤️
Thanks dear teacher
I’m happy to learn with Revecca, on EngVid.
Hello Rebecca
Could you tell me your Youtube channel name
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much, I was looking on how to improve writing skills, this has
come for help.
Thanks Rebecca!
Hello, Rebecca! You are right, it is difficult for me to transform the passive vocabulary in active vocabulary, but I try every day to keep contact with English. Your lessons help me a lot and each day I learn something new and I strive to use it, just to get the right fluency. Thank you!
Irina 894
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much.Engvid lessons help me a lot thank you, thank you⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Not only five starts I can give you a thousand ?
hello Rebecca its nice too see you screen i like your way of teaching ..
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
Yumi 1988
I got a perfect score again hehe
Yumi 1988
This is one area in need to improve in speaking and writing English. Thank you very much, this lesson has helped me to understand how to go about it.
Thank you! I love your strategy in how to remember words. I think most of my words are in the passive part of my brain. I have learnt lots of words, and understand them in their totality but when speaking I’m not able to include any in my conversation. So, my conjecture is that something is wrong with my brain. I’m not sure what else to do to assimilate the new words in my conversation.
Thank you very much!
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much!
Thanks a bunch!
very good technic .I love your way of teaching.
I scored 10/10 …wow feeling amazing..and confident…
Sylvia Jayakumar
thank a lot
Thanks miss Rebecca
Thank you for your kind words. I wish you all the best.
Dewan Md. Rajib
I got perfect score! Thanks for this technique I have learnt a lot from you teacher Rebecca. what a great idea. It makes my learning more interesting. More videos to watch, learn, and do some activities afterwards.
I enjoy the lecture as well as the quiz, 9/10 because I did not able to answer the 2nd question. not bad.
Great learning and superb experience for me. This way of teaching very interesting for me and It will encourage me to learn more from here. you are doing great service for English language and also me and kind of students
I found this totally helpful, amazingly the idea given a lot of direction to where and how to improve vocaburies inside of my head. Thank You for this technique.
Great topic, thank you
10/10 september 7,2021
i’m happy to learn with Revecca
Critical momentsmakes much harder.
10/10 thank you ma’am Rebecca almost there..
I watched this video twice on January 26, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of 10.
Thank Rebecca. You helped a lot. I was having trouble with my English grammar was not able to make the material easy to understand. You helped me better understand the core concepts for the course. Thanks
Rishita K
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
Thank you so much Mam
Thanks a lot Rebecca, you are amazing. (Azores Islands, 29Dec2023);
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Nice tips, Rebecca. Thanks for the lesson.
Useful tips on how to expand our passive/ active vocabulary. Unusual lesson, but it allowed me to see vocabulary learning from a different angle.
The distinction between productive and receptive skills also helps to understand the process of learning and using new words.
Engaging lesson Rebecca. Thanks for this great lesson.
Thanks, Regino. Glad you found it helpful. There are useful strategies here which can help everyone. All the best.
thanks rebecca .. its very useful
Thank you very much Rebeca
Hello Rebecca
thank you very much about this lesson that is about how to remember the english vocabularies but i want to tell you about my suggestion here on engvid, my suggestion is to open a video conference with you as a teachers and us as students as i think this will be very useful and of significant value so we can communicate with each other.
thanks Rebecca
great advice Rebecca! Thank you
hahaha there is something in your nose
Thank you very much
Very useful technique. Thanks!
nice technique, Rebecca. Thanks you
Thanks for the lesson Rebecca!
Thank you for improving my vocabulary.
Actually, you are improving your vocabulary by yourself but thank you for the feedback anyway. Happy to be your partner in this learning adventure, my friend. My best wishes to you.
Teacher Rebecca, I love your lessons. I’ve been watching all of them! Thank you very much!
Thanks for your feedback and thanks for watching. My best wishes to you.
Thank you so much, you’re doing a very good job, wish you good luck :)
Thank you. My best wishes to you too.
Rebecca,today,sunday,march,22,2015.I start your class/lesson. I had finished: Ronnie,jade,emma;classes.
im not sure if this is the right place to ask questions but i hope it is…
i’d like to confirm the sentences below:
your hair is too long. tie it up.
your hair is too long. tie them up.
which one is correct and why because i’ve seen both.
thank you.
Tie it up.
This is the correct expression. All the best to you.
very useful lesson! Thanks
Excellent advice. Thank you !
Thanks for your lesson that I didn’t know before.
Rebecca,Thanks for the lesson.
Interesting lesson and quiz! Thank you, Rebecca :)
Thank you for the lesson. I’ve heard another good tip how to improve active vocabulary. Thinking in English as often as you can. What can you tell about it?
Yes, of course, that is the ideal goal. I have also heard people saying you have really learned a language when you dream in that language! In order for all that to happen, it is useful to have a lot of common and uncommon vocabulary available to your mind and heart! The exercises I have recommended in this lesson will help you achieve your goals. All the best to you.
Thank you very much, I got 100% and I feel happiness when get 100%. Again thanks for your lesson and in your lectures I often get maximum marks and that’s why I respect teachers like you.
Glad to hear it, Abdul. Thank you. My best wishes to you.
80%, not bad
Thank you Rebecca!
Thanks a lot!
Rebecca. Thanks for the lesson.
Thank you Rebecca!
It was really helpful
thank you
thank you teacher for the lesson i have got 80%
Thank you very much !
I learned a lot of good tips .
Interesting lesson.
Thank you Rebecca.
hi, Rebecca. good lesson. may I know where you’re from? coz you speak with different accent than the others teachers…
I will try to guess: She is from Canada
I don’t thank so.
all of them are canadian dude, except “Jade” i thought … :)
Not only Jade, but Benjamin too, they are British.
Gill too is English
Yeah ! I got 100. Baguette is good.
Yeap, 100! nice Teacher ;-)
Thank you Rebecca. this is so funny.
Yes, you are right. And you are so beautiful!!
Hello how are you dear can we have chance to help each other in speaking with Skype or any software like that? It’ll be much funnier if you accept my request so email me on this address if you decide to be a learner partner:
Thanks a lot. It is nice video that I could necessary data. Please if u will explain about REduplication words I would be so happy
10/10 Thanks!
thank you very much, it will help me so much!
I have got 10! thanks
Hi Rebecca. I’ve got 9 out of 10, I’ve just haven’t noticed the second question. but that is not the main purpose of my comment, well, my question is why do I understood you so easily and clearly in every single word, while I had problems with Jade videos. e.g as in this video ( I hope to get an answer back from you. Thanks.
Jade has a British accent and I have more of a North American / Canadian accent. It could be that you are more used to hearing North American accents and that you have watched more American shows, listened to more American music, etc. It’s all a matter of practice and habit. If you start listening to only British shows tomorrow or if you were to live in England for some time, then of course you would understand the British accent more easily. After some time, you would also start speaking like them because we copy those we listen to most often. I hope this helps and wish you all the best.
Interesting idea Rebecca, Thx.
Nice day…how’s english in sao Paolo
robecca you speak very clearly and i love you :)
Thank you for your kind words. I wish you all the best.
This is very useful Rebecca,Thanks…
Good tips to improve our active’s also a big problem for those who study foreign language so it might be quite useful.Thanks a lot.
Yes, these techniques will work to improve your vocabulary in any language. Thanks for your feedback and all the best.
Thanks you so much!
Very nice
Awesome tips
I am going to use it for IELTS preparation
That is an excellent idea. I am sure you will see a big difference when you start writing your IELTS essay as you will have more vocabulary available to you. MY best wishes to you.
thanks for the lesson Rebecca
I like this, Thanks a lot
Thanks I’m now registered…..Thanks Rebeccaa, I am learning more
Thank you Rebecca. I got 10 correct out of 10.
your exercise is very useful .
Thanks Rebecca. Very useful lesson!
Thank you all. You are good people
Like so many of our viewers, you are clearly a good, determined student who wants to take control of your English learning, your career and your future. Thank you kindly for your feedback and my best wishes to you.
thank you. very useful advice
sh*t, i got 9 of 10,
the last one is a trap. Holly crap
Thank you teacher.
thank you so much
Thank You, this is great!
So glad you find the techniques helpful. There is no limit to how much you can expand your vocabulary this way. Thanks and my best wishes to you.
Very interesting lesson.Thank you)
Thanks a lot, I think it’s very essential technique and very useful. The main idea – practice, practice and practice.
Yes, you are right and these techniques will enable you to do exactly that, in an interesting way. The key to developing your language skills is to practice in useful, enjoyable ways so you don’t get bored and keep expanding. Thank you for your feedback, my friend and all the best to you.
7/10. Thanks
thank you for the class
Excellent! Very good lesson, nice tips
Thanks a lot Rebeca, I need to improve my vocabulary, so, I could obtain a better job.
Rebecca you’re just amazing! I gotta say that actually I am taking french lessons now and I came up here just to see how my English was doing anyway I found those tips amazing and it’s gonna help me a lot to learn new vocabulary as you said this exercise is helpful for any language decide you study :) thanks a lot!!!
Rebecca you’re just amazing! I gotta say that actually I am taking french lessons now and I came up here just to see how my English was doing, anyway I found those tips amazing and it’s gonna help me a lot to learn new vocabulary as you said this exercise is helpful for any language you decide to study :) thanks a lot!!!
Yes, Isaac, these techniques are useful tools that can certainly help you with French or any other language because they help you understand what you know and what you don’t know. Then, you can spend more time on what you really need to learn! My best wishes to you and thank you for your feedback.
Thank you dear
If the theme would have a title, it could be “USE YOUR BRAIN”
Yes, and these techniques help you know what’s inside your brain and what you need to add! All the best to you.
10/10! wow Im getting more improved because of! thankyou and looking forward for ur next lesson.
Glad to hear it. Thanks for your feedback and my best wishes to you.
Thank you for your lession!
Good lesson, thanks for your tips
And thanks for your feedback. I wish you all the best.
Thanks, Rebecca.
I would like to ask a question.
In the following sentence, we should use “are located” or “locate”? Which one is right?
“Tropical rainforests are located near the equator.”
“Are located” is correct.
All the best to you.
Could you tell me why, please?
Is it because passive voice? Then if yes, why is it passive voice?
Thanks so much.
Thank you so much, teacher!
Thank you, Rebecca. It was very useful.
thanks Rebecca
Thanks Rebeca
Thanks, that´s a very productive lesson.
Glad you found it to be so. Any techniques that help us know the truth of where we are can be helpful in expanding where we are and who we are! All the best to you.
too complicate, but this lesson in informative, thanks a lot Rebeca
I done it! 80
I got 9 correct out of 10
Thank you very much Rebecca
Thank you so much l’ll try
hello,can anyone please help me in tellinin telling me where i should go to request a lesson….thank you
You can leave suggestions for lessons here. We do read the comments, though we are unable to answer all of them. All the best to you.
ok :)
I got 10 correct answer out of 10
Great job! My best to you.
You are really good at explaining, thanks Rebecca
Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for having the desire and motivation to learn and grow. I wish you all the best.
Dear Rebecca,
This is very interesting. There are no more secrets.
Faithful students, we have to implement this lesson.
Good luck.
Best Regards.
Thank you, Peter. That was very kind of you. Actually, the secret is that there are many secrets, my friend! This is just one particularly useful one. By implementing one vocabulary key at a time, we expand our communication skills and also our thinking skills. All the best to you, Peter.
thank a lot!
Very useful way to remember all we learn. Thank you teacher!
Do try it. I am sure it will help you realize a lot about your vocabulary. All the best to you.
thank you, it is very useful. God bless you and the all the theachers in engvid…
very useful
thanks a lot :)
thank you very much Dear Teacher, how you done the Work.
i will Quint you all the time.
Thanks Rebecca!
It’s awesome way to learn English .
Thanks. All the best to you.
Thank you so much.
Tanks dear teacher Rebeca actually it was so useful for me and I have a this particular area how about picture dictionary’s is it worth to learn one of those page by page I mean like a book worm?
Yes, you could certainly use a visual dictionary to learn if you enjoy that method. The best way to learn is the way that is most interesting to you and which you will continue to use. I often suggest that students read or listen to magazines, stories and articles about topics that interest them, such as cricket or politics or technology, because then they have the motivation to persist, understand and expand. Language is all around us and we can pick it up in so many ways. All the best to you.
this is good idea , i’m going to try it
Good! All the best. Let me know how it goes.
Thanks Rebecca
Thank you, Rebeca!
Thanks alot Rebbaca
Very good lesson, thanks
thank you very’s very helpful
All the best using the vocabulary techniques!
thankyou Rebeca for nice lesson
Happy to be among you.
Thank you all for your feedback and sorry I cannot answer each one of you. I am so glad that many students found these vocabulary techniques helpful. When we say that someone speaks or writes well, it is because they have a large active vocabulary, so that is your goal. Memory is like a muscle and the more we exercise it, the more it grows. So have fun expanding your active vocabulary and watch it grow day by day. I wish you all the best.
Rebbaca thank you very much. But I look for lessons for beginners.If possible, help me e-mail please.
thanks for you
thank you Rebeca! Good lesson
It’s very helpful.. thanks
thanks Rebecca.
thanks alot Rebecca it was useful lesson
Thank you very much, that really help me to improve my vocabulary , I will try to do that
thanks for your useful lesson, Rebecca.But i think the quizz should give something…you know, like you teach us in your lesson to expanding our active vocalbulary…
P/s: If somthing wrong with my gramma,pls let me know ^^
I learned something else that English with the first part of the explanation about skills. Really good class. Thank you.
I learned something else that English on the first part of explanation about skills. Really good class.
Thank you.
Thank you Rebecca
thanks for your lessons , they are very cognitive and informative
nice brain workout! thanks engvid!
I got 100. This way is great for every language leaners.
thanks for this lesson. I have learned very much!
Madam, I like your way of teaching. Thanks for your help and support to improve my English. Can u explain how to identify the difference between ‘s’ and ‘z’ sounds when we transcribe words in English. Thanks in advance.
i’m very proud to be your student i have never met like you,you have an exceptional sort of explanation,thank you.
Got 10/10,Rebecca.Thanks again!
You know, that’s the kind of “strategy” I used to
study Geography, History and languages growing up.
Good teacher, good quiz.
Hello, Rebecca !
Thank you very much for this lesson !
Thank you very much Teacher for the Good tips and awesome video. it’s very useful to me :D
Great lesson, teacher. I really love all you teach, thank you for all!!
Thank you Rebecca for this lesson
it’s an amazing tip.Thank you so much.It will really work for me.:))
i got 10 correct out of 10
Thank you very much Teacher
Thank you! Good idea! Fabulous Teacher!
Good explaination !!
thank you very much
Thank you! Why don’t you make a kind of exerciser to remember new word. It will help us to move some words from passive into active vocabulary.
It is very interesting idea. I will definitely try it in my learning Enlish. Thank you for your clear pronunciation, it is very important for me.
Thank you
Thank you for your marvelous lesson ..
thank you very much for your support learning english simple ways to remember the Vocabulary. Good job! God bless you. !
i wish Miss Rebecca and Mr.Adam were my teachers
Thank you very much
Hi Dear Rebecca
Many thanks for this great lesson. that is ultimately what I’m looking for… thanks once again
my best wishes to you
Thank you, Rebecca.
Excellent Video
I like it. Thank you, Rebecca
Thanks,you are a good person
thanks rebecca .. its my first lesson, my test result is 10 of 10, I’m very happy!
thankyou Rebecca for nice method of teaching
Thank you
Excellent tips !
Thank you, Rebecca.
Thank you so much
Thank you very much with this lesson, i am realy need to lern how can i remember or improve more words in my vocabulary. Thanks teacher Rebecca and Regards.
it is a great way to learn, thank you verry much, Rebecca
Good 100!
Wow it’s good strategy so I can to learn more vocabulary. Thank u Rebeca.
thanks so much!
thanks rebecca i found it great work
Hi Rebecca, I just wanna ask for more tips on how to enhance my active skills aside from making a list. I grew up in the Philippines and moved to Canada a few years ago. I badly wanna improve my English especially when it comes to speaking. what else can I do to practice how to speak like a native Canadian? Hoping for your response. Thank you in advance.
It is very useful for me. Thanks Rebecca.
It is very nice tips. Thanks Rebecca
Hi Rebacca. First of all I would like to thank you for all the effort you are doing. In my opinion you are the best English teacher I have ever seen. Could you do a lesson on the past and present perfect. I’m really struggling to master it.
YESS 10/10 thank you
Good Job Rebecca, I’m appreciated with you.
Very good and helpful lesson. Thank you very much Rebecca.
Thanks..I got 90%
this is great lesson
Thank you.
How wonderful such technique I love it. thank you teacher Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca :)
thanks…it is very useful for me ^^
Cheers, Rebecca. I got 100%. So nice and useful, especially the part about active and passive vocabulary. I’ll think about it and work on it. Thanx a lot.
Thank you nice class, this is my first comment in Engvid. I´m from Venezuela, i got 9 of 10
Thanks! It’s great
Thank you Rebeca for nice lesson!!
Thank you rebecca, that is my problem. I´m totaly passive, and it is to me dificult to pronunce some think.
Thank you very much Rebeca
thanks very much for all your lesson, I do not leave à comment each time and all are interesting.
I share them with my daughter who take her “Bac” in Toulouse in June ; it is a nice way to learn and nice for me to be able to bring some new light on her lesson.
All my ” considération” Mathilde
Hi Rebeca ,you are wonderful teacher so I am glad to listening ur lessons.
Thanks very much. I’ve got 10/10
Good topics as always
I got 100% :) Thank you Rebecca for your lesson, I’m going to put this technique into practice. Best wishes to you
I’m interested in your lecture. Constructive tecnique to expand the vocabulary power.
It’s very good. Thank you verymuch.
thank you very much Rebecca
oh. I got perfect (1oo%).You’re very good teacher.I got understood clearly your lesson.Thank you teacher Rebecca.
Great lesson as ususal .
Dear Rebeca,
I like you a lot bacause you are a very nice teacher. How I would like talk with you one time on line. If it is possible It will be fanatastic for me.
Thank you so much for your English lesson! Much appreciated! Actually my English is very bad, I hope to improve it as soon as possible because is very important for have a better job than now. :-)
Thank you very much rebecca, nice tips
thank you very much Ms Rebecca, good lesson
It’s so interesting. Thanks a lot.
Thank you Rebecca, this is a great lesson.
:D Like it!!!
Thank you Rebecca , you were born to be a teacher.
I’ve got 10/10. Thanks!
90% not bad. thanks very much.
Thanks EngVid for making easier learning process.
Great Rebecca. I will practice it.
thanl you so much Rebecca
This vedio is very very useful but I need a source to get more vocabulary related a lot of fields
Rebecca, thanks for this interesting (may be not usual)vocabulary method!
And thanks alot for all of yours lessons (I like aspecially about chiken without leg ;-)
Thank you very much for the advices to improve
my active vocabolary
This lecture is very informative but I don’t understand receptive skill and how to improve it?
I got 100/10 Appreciate That Ms.Rebecca
Dear Rebecca,
You are on the top of the world,
Also I think the world of you,
Best Regards,
100% by the way ;)
Very good explanation. I will practice. Thank You.
Thanks Miss Rebecca, My level of English is very low, and my goal is to learn the language and achieve communicate with. It is my goal. Thank you.
thanks, it’s a really good technique….
^^ so good.
very useful lesson. and i got 10/10 for quiz. thanks
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much for the lessons, its very helpful. However, i did my EILTS test few months ago, and i got 4 on my writing test, but 7 on my speaking. I have huge problems of how to write proper English grammar and vocabulary. Do you have any idea how to improve my writing skills? do you give any private tutorial in order to improve academic writing skills?
Thank you.
Thx for the tip !
Great! I’ll try!
Thank u I think the world of u |:)
Thank you for this class. It helped me a lot!
Thanks a lot for your guidance
Thanks for a great lesson!
I’d like to ask a question.
What is the opposite of the word postpone?
Can I say:”I’d like toreschedule at an earlier time”?
Thank you
Thank you Rebecca, a very instructive lesson!
I enjoy your way of teaching very much!
hi rebecca can you tell me the best way to teach englsih is what ??
Thanks, Rebecca!
So surprise! I have got 9/10. I had thought that my listening skill was bad. Thank you so much for your helpful lesson, Rebecca.
A great thank you for your lesson! I’ll try to find a little time to realise the idea.
10/10 thanks Rebecca, a very fun way to improve my vocublaries
Thank you
omg this is exactly what i need , thanks a lot
Good tips Rebbecca, thanks for teaching us.
Thank You teacher :)
8/10 Thanks
I got 8 out of 10. Thank you Teacher… :)
Tx Rebecca. I understood I should be more attentive… The last question: does not…)))
it’s a unusual lesson, but very nice, thanks.
thanks, it’s a unusual lesson, but very nice.
Very useful tips,Rebecca…Thank you.
Thank you so much, Rebecca.
Thank you for the technique.
hi Rebecca, thank you for this interesting lesson, now i know that my vocabulary is passive, but i will work on it,
i have a question not about this lesson but i saw the words and would like to know the difference. when do we us learn and when study? i mixed them all the time.
thank you.
Thank you a lot! Rebecca.
I need to learn english Quicly because I have a promotion on my work and I need 100% speak and listen English. Thanks Rebeca
Awesome :-)
Amazing tips!!!
thanks Rebecca! =)
Thank you. Very interesting the video.
Many thanks Rebecca! This lesson very inspare me!
Thanks a lot Rebecca!!!!
I got 10/10, but still feeling more thirsty to other techniques :)
THX Rebecca , it’s very intresting method, I have to try it.
Not too bad i got 8
Thanks teacher.
Thanks for the good information about vocabulary tip.
Realy awsome and usefull method ,thank you such a great lesson .
Very very nice lession thank you for share this method with us
Thank you very much, I enjoyed the lesson.
Thank you so much, Rebecca. So usefull idea! I had a lot of fun.
But for the Election from the quiz, i would choose – dogs and cats)))))
thank’s for the lesson :)
Thank you so much Mam :-)
This site is doing great job.
I have one query actually I done my schooling from English medium but my base is not strong in English.I don’t easily get words while speaking where I seen people speak fluent without taking a pause.
I need your suggestions how I can attend my goal to speak English there any brain power increasing exercise for this purpose??
Awaiting for your reply.
Dear, I would suggest to listen lot of different English materials will solve your problem and you will make you more fluent than any one.Good luck ahead.
thank you!
Thanks for you lessons Rebecca :)
Rebecca, you are a great teacher!!! Thank you so much
The video on how to develop and remember vocabulary is exactly what the learners identified as one of their needs. This strategy to expand one’s active vocabulary will be very useful and i can’t wait to share it.
1st quiz i get 10 out of 10 from the 1st time thanks a lot dear Rebecca really your way of teaching this lesson is fantastic
I’ll use these tips for my students in technology. Tnx Rebecca.
This is very useful lesson. Thanks Rebecca.
it is an interesting technique..thanks
It’s very useful. Thank you so much Rebecca!
thanks rebeca.. for usefull topic
nice rebeca thanks a lot!
thanks Rebeca
I’m really impressed on the way you perform your class Rebecca, so clear, so interesting and always capturing my attention.
Thanks for this excelente tip to improve vocabulary.
I forgot to say that once agaln I got 100% of the questions.
It’s a great lesson.
Useful strategy to differentiate between active & passive vocabulary. THANKS a lot my DEAR TEACHER
Thank you so much!
Thank you very much
Thank s rebbeca I got 10/10
Very useful! Well done!
I enjoyed while watching the lesson. Frankly speaking , you are fabulous .Thank you Maam!
Still the best, thank you Rebecca
Thanks, I think it’s useful.
thanks for the lession
Thank you Rebecca, thank you so much.
Very nice, thank you Rebeca. I love your lessons.
Thanks for the tips. Rebeca !!
I´m amazed by this lesson! What an amazing way to expand vocabulary! I´ll try it with my students. I´m sure they´re going to love this subject as a game. Thanks a lot, teacher Rebecca.
thank you mrs Rebecca!!i’m really hopeful that you could do a lesson on how to get rid of laziness please!! :( :(
i am so lazy to do these things!!
anyway: thanks again. you speak very clearly !!
hope to see more lesson of you
thank you so much! I really appreciate this lesson!
Hi rebecca, this video stop after 3 secondm only this video !
Rebecca, thanks you so much for this lesson!
Actually a lot of all lessons but in special this one helped me a lot and gave us many tipa. Thanks Rebecca!!
Really goods your tips. I’m starting to use this habits now. Thank you Rebecca
Dear teacher, this was one of the best tips I ever had for improve my english! Tank you so much for your generosity! kisses from Brazil!
You are wonderful teacher Rebecca! Thank you.
I liked this quiz!!!
I Loved it Rebecca, thank u
Thanks alot Rebeca.. I love you and your lessons…
is important for me thank you rebeca
Nice work all the best
Thanks Rebecca, very useful lesson.
I think I need ten or fifteen minutes English every day to improve my skills.
10/10 wow this is too ezy..and thanks for tough,
Thanks for bringing new fresh way to improve our english.Thanks a lot
i got 90%
awesome teacher
thank you very much. Rebecca your lessons are helpful
Thank you very much Teacher , it was really very helpful courses , I have got 100 % I am really satisfy :)
It was a good lessen. Thank you Rebecca.
Thank you sooo much Rebecca.
thank you so much.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks my master. useful lecture. I’ll use this method
Mr. Rebecca thank you for this thoughtful lesson. Now I realize that my receptive skill is way above my productive skill. From this lesson I now come to realize that I need to wider my productive skill. thanks again.
Your courses are so efficient, I am pleased to congratulate You ebecca.
Dear teacher this lesson was absolutely tremendous,a good vocabulary is fundamental in order to speak fluently and the way you just taught us how boost up our productive and respective skills is from another level.I ain’t got no words to thank you enough.
I got 9/10! Thanks, good lesson!
10/10 Madam Rebecca ,thank u for this lesson i really need to work on my productive skills more specially in writing .
Thank you for useful lesson.
I got 10. I will try that way to improve my English skills.
Thank you so much Rebbeca, your lessons help me a lot… I got 10 again
Thank you so much, you’re doing a very good job, wish you good luck :)
Thank you, Rebecca!!
10 out of 10, thank you dear teacher for explaining in a simple way since it is easy to understand.
someone to practice my skype account is sisas van
thanks rebecca, you are amy best teacher
thanks rebecca, you are my best teacher
Hi Rebecca, it’s most useful for enhancing vocabularies.In sort of technique can more helpful to memorize more vocabularies. It’s may say it’s sort of automatic way of le a learning vocabularies.
Thank You ,, Your Lessons Are Always Informative & Interesting . Could you Make More Vocabulary Lessons ?
Thanks Rebecca, this lesson is very important. see you
Wonderful!! Thanks Rebecca for your advices.
Thank you so much,Rebecca! It was magnificent lesson! You are the best one. I got 10 correct because of you…
Thank you Rebecca
you got 9 correct out of 10.
thank you…
It’s ana excellent idea. Thanks
Thanks Rebecca with this excelent work that you are doing !
Kiss from Spain ❤️
Thanks dear teacher
I’m happy to learn with Revecca, on EngVid.
Hello Rebecca
Could you tell me your Youtube channel name
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much, I was looking on how to improve writing skills, this has
come for help.
Thanks Rebecca!
Hello, Rebecca! You are right, it is difficult for me to transform the passive vocabulary in active vocabulary, but I try every day to keep contact with English. Your lessons help me a lot and each day I learn something new and I strive to use it, just to get the right fluency. Thank you!
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you so much.Engvid lessons help me a lot thank you, thank you⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Not only five starts I can give you a thousand ?
hello Rebecca its nice too see you screen i like your way of teaching ..
Thank you Ms. Rebecca.
I got a perfect score again hehe
This is one area in need to improve in speaking and writing English. Thank you very much, this lesson has helped me to understand how to go about it.
Thank you! I love your strategy in how to remember words. I think most of my words are in the passive part of my brain. I have learnt lots of words, and understand them in their totality but when speaking I’m not able to include any in my conversation. So, my conjecture is that something is wrong with my brain. I’m not sure what else to do to assimilate the new words in my conversation.
Thank you very much!
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much!
Thanks a bunch!
very good technic .I love your way of teaching.
I scored 10/10 …wow feeling amazing..and confident…
thank a lot
Thanks miss Rebecca
Thank you for your kind words. I wish you all the best.
I got perfect score! Thanks for this technique I have learnt a lot from you teacher Rebecca. what a great idea. It makes my learning more interesting. More videos to watch, learn, and do some activities afterwards.
I enjoy the lecture as well as the quiz, 9/10 because I did not able to answer the 2nd question. not bad.
Great learning and superb experience for me. This way of teaching very interesting for me and It will encourage me to learn more from here. you are doing great service for English language and also me and kind of students
I found this totally helpful, amazingly the idea given a lot of direction to where and how to improve vocaburies inside of my head. Thank You for this technique.
Great topic, thank you
10/10 september 7,2021
i’m happy to learn with Revecca
Critical momentsmakes much harder.
10/10 thank you ma’am Rebecca almost there..
I watched this video twice on January 26, 2022, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got nine correct out of 10.
Thank Rebecca. You helped a lot. I was having trouble with my English grammar was not able to make the material easy to understand. You helped me better understand the core concepts for the course. Thanks
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
Thank you so much Mam
Thanks a lot Rebecca, you are amazing. (Azores Islands, 29Dec2023);
Thanks a lot for the techniques.