I get off a train, bus, or subway. But: I get out of a car or taxi. I ride a bike and a motorcycle. How do you get to work or school? Learn how to use phrasal verbs to talk about transportation!
A very spirited lesson. Before I watch this video, I heard so many people used to say something like:”Get into the bus”, so now let me look back this phrasal and I think it should be “Get onto the bus”… Thanks, Ms.Ronnie
Damn ..0/8 in the quiz ..I think I have to a private lessons.
Good luck to u
Good review on phrasal verbs related to transportation.
Many thanks for it Ronnie.
very useful, special thank to teacher :)
I recommend you to go over the lesson and take the quiz again. Believe it or not, making mistakes helps you learn difficults lessons; even in life.
Do not worry .
Wanna knowledge
In question number 6, the correct answer was shown to be get on/get off, where in the video you said get on is for big and public. could you clarify this for me.
Yeah I was confused too!
yes this question confused me too
razan kh
good luck
You are on top, you are not inside. I guess that’s why “got ON”
Fleuve de l@ vie
yes i agree…according to what you explained us , if u have a bike or motorcycle, u ride them…
but remember small or private you get in/ out and ride on maybe has another meaning i don’t know
yes plz clarify!
MohaMmed A BaSiM
yes please clarify this. i confuse
i was confused too :(
yes,me too. i was incorrect lesson 6 and i don’t understand
hung dang
I am confused to. it showed incorret but i don’t thing so.
Hi guys, she said “I rode a bike/ …” NOT ride on/off. “Ride on/off”, so get on/get off I think is most suitable answer :)
get on/off use for publik or big transportation..i think ride on/off is nearly with Ronnie explanation. So i think if we chose ride on/off is corect, except the theacher give another explanation, please Ronnie?? :)
Gibson Tambunan
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
(x)ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
I made mistake this quentions,too.
I am going to ride my bike not get in my bike
Same here , i’m confused too! i answered ride on/ ride off
I thought I could ride on my bike
it`s my mistake as well
Maybe, because you’re on top, you’re not inside
Fleuve de l@ vie
yes, i was also so much confused.
Yes,I am very confused too.
Me too
hi Mohamed can i talk with you
Mohamed Elhrazy
Me too. The question number 6. I was confused.
I agree with you
Ph. Nour
ronnie reply to this person pleeeeease ??
saren choi
I am not Ronnie, but I tried!
engVid Moderator
Hello Ehab and everyone who has been confused by this question over the years!
You are right, get on/get off is used for big, public vehicles like buses or trains. But it is also used for small vehicles that you ride (sit on top of), like bikes and motorcycles.
“Get in/get out of a bike/motorcycle/scooter” is wrong because you can’t go inside of a bike the way you can go inside a car. You are always outside!
“Ride on/ride off a bike/motorcycle/scooter” is wrong because ride is only used when you are sitting on the bike and it is moving. When you sit on a bike right before riding it, you get on the bike. When you are finished riding and stand up, you get off the bike.
(You can ride off on a bike, but that means “travelling away”—not when you start sitting on the bike.)
I hope this helps!
engVid Moderator
saren choi
I usually walk. Because I don’t have bike. So when I move farther away, I take on the subway. I used to say “by foot.” But I should say just “walk,” shouldn’t I. And I used to say “ride on,” but I should say “take” or “get on/in/off/out,” shouldn’t I. I imaged I were surfing. How dangerous!! I should be careful. Thank you for your lesson, Ronnie :)
I liked this lesson
How about some expressions such as:
. . . by car
. . . on foot
. . . drove to . . .
. . . came on/by
Useful lesson; I love your sense of humor that makes learning more fun.
Oh Thank you, Ronnie!
Hi. Thanks for this lesson.
Ronnie, please make some more pronunciation lessons.How to pronounce sw like sweet, sweet heart, … .
Thank you Ronnie, I love your lessons))
Dear Ronnie why 6th question answer is get on the bike/get off?Isn’t it ride on /off?Please answer.
Hi Ronny,
Thank you for the lesson :)
But, like others I didn’t understand number 6 : why am I going to get on my bike ? A bike is small and not public. So ?
And what about the new ways of going somewhere. Can I say I crawl to your lesson if I found it with google ? Or just I click on ?
Oh I am so sorry I can’t modify my previous message Ronnie with ie !
Thank you very much
Thanks Ronnie!
could you explain 6th question? as per your explanation in your video, the answer is ride on/off. but in quiz it is get on/off
Rajender Gannu
Rajender, Ronnie said “I rode a bike/ …” NOT ride on/off. “Ride on/off”, I think, is a phrasal verb with another meaning. So, cause you cannot get in a bike, you get on it…
Thanks Andrey!
now, i got it.
Rajender Gannu
but the answer i think get in/off because it is small or private
sorry get in/out
Hi , How about Get on/Get off .Is that useful for big & public transportation?
Hi Rejender,
You get on a bike/motorcycle or get off a bike/motorcycle.. . but you ride a bike/motorcycle. Here you do not need a preposition (or rather a particle).
Hope this may help.
Thank you for the lesson my dear Ronnie, but bike is private and small, why did you use get on/off instead of get in/out?
Today I “get on” this English Lesson, and I raid towards knowledge. I know. My English is still poor. Thank You Ronnie.
Thank you for today’s lesson today I learned proper english sentences
Rohini bharathi
Hi Roonie,
Thank you very much for your exciting lessons.
According to your lesson, the test number 6 supposed to be “ride on / ride off”. Could you please explain which of us is mistaken?
Can please write more example which i can more understand
can i see can i ride woman
Maybe if you consider her like a horse…
Thank you
thnx alot
WOW, WOW , WOW, I´m really improving me English. Thanks¡¡¡
can u teach me spain ?
Thanks Mam Ronnie, I got 63%.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks a lot. It is very informative.
Very useful video. Thank´s
Before I hear many people who they have English use it a lot
Thank you Ms Ronnie for a new information which will help me
i have a doubt …
if somebody asking how do you go office?
my suggestion:
1.by walk.
2.on foot.
which one is correct?
awaiting your reply.
thanks in advance.
I walk to go to the office.
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
i have problem with this ….can you explain it please ???
I have the same doubt.
Why it can not be ride on/ride off?
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
A Ship has lots of people in it.
Do I still use get on/off? Or in this case would be get in/get out?
Get on my bike….will dont you think is’s too weird?
you can ride on your bike,motor,scooter even horse but car :)
Thanks, Ronnie. I really had trouble with get on/off and get in/out. But know I got it.
I also had trouble with question 6 do the quiz. HELP, Ronnie
Its a good lesson
Get “in/on” 100% clear to me
thnx for nice tutorial
Thank you very much
Ronnie you are grate and your sense of humour is fantastic. Do you want to get off sth really big? ;) ;) ;) Thanks for your time ;)
Great not grate; sorry for that mistake ;)
Seemingly easy subject but…
on foot = walking
e.g. Are you going by bike or on foot?
I have been on my feet(=standing) all day and I’m exhausted?
And of course that question no 6!;)
Thanks a lot Ronnie!!! your sense of humor is wonderful!! ñ_ñ
Thanks mam ronni
nice & useful
but i have proplem num 6 why said get on/get off why dont say get in/grt out
I’ve never paid attention in the difference of GET ON/GET OFF and GET IN GET OUT now I know use them
OMG thank so mush for this quiz!
Thanks Ronnie
Carmen picker
Hi teacher and dear Ronnie ! This is an awsome lesson ! But is confussing nº 6. Get on / get off ? Why not get in/ get out ? Thank you
You are a very good teacher ! Thanks again!
Carmen picker
I liked the lesson, thanks ;)
I can get out the taxi or ican get out of the taxi.Which one is correct?
I would like to know that how could i talk to native English speakers.
kindly suggest me….
I learn a lot to you miss Ronnie.
very tanks it is very great for me
thank you for teaching .it seems easy but complicated so appreciate your help
Teacher Ronnie, can you please clarify to me question number 6. It is a bit confusing. Thanks for the lesson by the way.
Lydia Thomas
Teacher Ronnie, can you please clarify to me question number 6. It is a bit confusing. Thanks for the lesson by the way.
Lydia Thomas
Teacher Ronnie, can you please clarify to me question number 6. It is a bit confusing. Thanks for the lesson by the way.
Lydia Thomas
Thank you engvid
I use print screan ( cupture) from your videos
Can I share that picture+ test on instagram ???
I usually get on a subway to go to work. ^.^
Thanks Ronnie i get 88/100 but i want ask u about question number 6 “. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I” why the correct answer is ” get on / get off” isn’t bike/motorcycle/scooter a privet ??? why we shouldn’t say get in/ get out ????
thanks a lot i got 75% marks on my first attempt
Very useful lesson,thanks!! But..the sixth question a little bit confusing me..why a “ride on/of” it’s not correct?
Abisso Rain
hey abisso how long have you been studying english?
Hi,approximately a half year.
Abisso Rain
keep going just like that
well do you speak russiano?
I will try…
Yes I speak russian
Abisso Rain
Hi, Abisso,
In the earlier comment said “ride” should not follow with “on” or “off” and sicne we can’t get in/ out a bike, so we use get on/ off. Just for our reference!
Oh, thank you!Now I am understand!
Abisso Rain
No problem at all!
Hey Ronnie! Thanks for teaching us! But, could you please tell us more about the question # 6? I have doubt about it.
Hi Ronnie!
Thanks a lot for your all lessons!
For this one I don’t understand the answer of the 6th question.
I answered ‘I ride on’ and the correction is:”I am going to get on my bike.”
Thank you!
My question is about 6th question… Is the answer correct? Thanks…
Hi Ronnie good lesson!But i have a question about “ride”. Why in song
Weezer – I’m A Robot
I ride the train to work every day,
I reach my cubicle about 9 AM,
I have to earn money to pay my bills,
But I don’t know how my life turned out this way
USE “I ride the train”
I don’t understand about quiz number 6, why the answer is “get on/off”??? are you sure that’s the right answer?
Useful lesson. Before, I used to made a lot of mistakes, principally when I say that I walked or I rode a bike. Thanks, I didn’t undertand Number 6, can you explain that ?
Useful lesson.
I wanna ride u.. ;)
Hi teacher, Thanks for this video again, but I have one question :
what about ships ? can we use the same rules used for train and plane ??
Hi Ronnie…I Love the way you teach…Nice lesson..Thank you.
Thank you so much, but could you explain the item 6
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
Why that use get on / get off
thank you teacher
I like your way in teaching
razan kh
thank u Mrs.Ronnie that was so usefully
and for Que #6 guys how u can get in the bike its
impossible if u remember what she said about bike that u ride on it because we up on it not in a bike
Hussain gazy
Thanks my beloved teacher for your good lesson.
I have the same question as UPSTAIR Hussain gazy!
Hi Ronnie, how r U? :)
Could you please tell me which of these 2 sentences is more appropriate?
Instead of saying: I was an English teacher for the last year. –I should pick—
a) I was teaching English / I was giving English lessons fot the last year.
b) I gave English lessons / I taught English for the last year.
Which one is more natural and grammatically correct if you hear it? :))
Take care,
Alice :))
Hi Alice!
If I were you I’d pick option B, I guess Past simple tense matches more than past continuous, besides, past continuous is used for recent actions and you’re talking about last year.
I hope it’ll help
sorry *it helped
thank you
you learning very well
Thank u very much teacher :D simply u r the best english teacher i’ve ever seen :) .. our teachers in iraq with their stupid textbooks just making us worse in english :(
Anyway i have question that i asked all people i knew actually LoL about it and no one answered me :( it Not related to the lesson By the way .
in one of english songs that called ” Nobody Compares – one direction ” the singer said “You’re so London, your own style, your own sty
” what does london means ! he is clearly not mean the british capital ?!
and thank u a lot again ^_^
your own stlye *
what does london mean*
Sorry :D
Thank you.
Oh. 88%, I don’t understand why number 6 uses words “get on/get off” with a bike/motorcycle/scooter. Can you explain it for me, please!
Wondereful, thank you Ronnie.
hi Ronnie
i wana know that what is the deffrence between the activator and the synonym of a word?
thanks in advance.
The correct answer is Ride, because you can’t be “IN”.. just, over the Bike, or motorcycle… you can´t be go “in” the horse! ,, you can RIDE the Horse..!! but yes the answer it’s wrong
this is very useful
i liked it
it is not easy at all i have gotten confused sorry dear * RANNOSH*
I like your lessons. Thank you Ronnie.
thank you
very good thanks Ronnie
Thanks a lot ronnie :)
Hi, How about this? i want to tell the driver when my stop has reached then,
I want to get off from the bus
I want to get down the bus
Please tell me Ronnie
which one is correct?
I have some question unanswered in mind
1) What does language mean to you?
2) How can student articulate their thinking in writing?
3) What is the difference between language and speech?
4) What is PLS or pictological system?
5) I have heard that we have some formula to creat iiregular verbs in English I want know how a verb changes to be an irregular one.
6) what is the defference between the activator and the synonym of a word?
thanks in advance
thnx mrs ronnie
ahmed mohsen
Ronnie. I got confused with this question=
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
I choose ride in/out because I thought bicycle is private and small, then why I got it wrong?
thnx Ronnie you’re amazing ! :D
saloua tachrift
Merry Christmas, Ronnie :)
How and when do I use this structure?
” I look forward to seeing you”
Are prepositions followed by gerunds?
Thank you so much! it was really helpful
I am _______ the train at 8am tomorrow.
riding on
going in
The answer is taking and I wanna ask that I can also using “take”, is it?
Hi Mam!You are a splendid teacher I ever seen…Mam I have a request that please upload each and every Tense in separate video…I get confuse on tenses part…when and where to use….please reply me mam….
Hi Mam…please upload videos on future tense separately…
About question number 6:
Get on = count on; trust
Get off = recede
I RODE a bike NOT I rode on a bike
Thanks for help me with your class!!! I love it.
Thank you Ronnie, I love your lessons
Thank you :)
thanks Ronnie .
thanks teacher ronnie…. this is a excelent lesson
Question No.6 answer is confusing. It says get on/off not ride on/off. Please clarify.
thankyou mamadam for wonderful lesson
thanks Ronnie
I understand
anuj sharma
Teacher I loved this lesson, I’ll start learn about Phrasal Verbs, because it’s difficult at begginer, but before is easy, thx so much! :)
Hello Ronnie.
I hope so every think is gone be ok .
I have a questions.I can’t understand very well about this questions. may you tell me?
With a bike/motorcycle/scooter.I
get on/get off
get in/get out
ride on/ride off
7 out of 8
7 out of 8 .. :|
” I am going to Get On my bike “
Question number 6 make me confused
I get 7
Hi Ronnie, how r u?! I like your teaching style very much, thank you. In this lesson, like almost everyone else, I’m feeling confused. Many have asked you for more detailed explanation, why didn’t you reply?
Please, let us know you care about us. We appreciate. Thank you.
yaa me too :-(
anusha pamu
Thank you, Ronnie!
yes i got 88%,thanks Ronnie i like your way of teaching.
I got 88
Hello Ronnie !In question 6 the correct answer is shown as “get on/get off”.Many of us pointed out at “ride on / ride off”. In the famous carol song “Jingle bells” there are such words:
” Oh! what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh”.
Can we say in this case as
“to ride on a one-horse open sleigh”.
Thank you.
Hi, I had a doubt about item 6! Why get on and not ride on?
And what should I say if I was in a friend’s car but didn’t drive?
thank you
thank you teacher
6/8 .. not bad .. thanks mrs Ronnie.. :)
Hello, Ronnie. Thanks!!!
prive transportation(small) = get in/out
public transportation(large) = get on/off
bike/motorcycle/horse (on over)= ride in / off
Take is a verb you know it describes the action I take a taxi. its simple. Don’t give up!
Edit : private transportation(small) = get in/out
Thnx Ronnie
Thanks,question 6 is confusing:)
hi everybody.thank you so much teacher for this video i like it
thanks teacher, now I know how to say : going to work, studying, church and more thing =)
Difficult to get it ..thank ssss
Could you please explain “I took my feet to Oxford Street…” Does it mean “I walked to…”?
Hi teacher, I are so great, but
Can you explain this:
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
Please it didn’t mach to yor lesson :(
thanks for everything though
Thanks so much 10/10
Tarek Radman
6/8 . haha I Wan’t you to be my Teacher , Laughing while Learning :D
How can be this possible?? I’ve got 88% I did the number 6 well.
Look, I think there is a mistake in quiz #6
Correct: “ride on / ride off”, isn’t it?
You wrote:
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
7 of 8 haha i need more practice
Hi Ronnie, when use “ride” i don’t understant…
exellent video!!
hi ronnie, this topic is bad ass
well its good to watch the lesson it helps me to correct my grammar Thank you.
Deepak Lama
I always had problem with in, on, at and I still do plz help. you are the best Ronnie.
Hello Ronnie! Help me this case :Can I use “got in” and “got out” with motobike. Thanks
Very nice lesson. Thank you Ronnie.
Marize Mori
Hey ronnie , thats really amazing lesson , but can you please tell me why do we use get on /off with bike/motorcycle/scooter ? is it irregular rule or something ? i can’t really understand
thank you
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
why the answer is A??
The question 6 is weird, I didn’t understand why I was wrong If you said for bike, scooler, etc, is ride.
Sorry my comment was for teacher Ronnie
Thanks for lesson. Very interesting. =)
Thank you, Ronnie!
In spite of having studied english for so long, I still mix those words.
Scored 4/8
i scored 4/8.
thanks ronnie, your good sense of humor , make us leanr easier—
thank u ronnie
There’s something I don’t understund with the cars.
“I drove to the school” – Ok if you are the driver.
but, if you are not the driver ?
If you go with another person who is driving
“You go by car” ?
thanks to Ronnie
Helena Zu
Hello Ronnie.I am still gaining momentum for TOEFL Exams.Although,I got one answer incorrect.
Hi! Ronnie,I like your lesson but I am a bit confusing.I want to ask you a question.
for example: How did you get here?
1.I drove my car
2.I drove
Please tell me the correct.
Thank you Ronnie
how can i download this video??
get it on youtube guy,
I ride my bike on Sundays. I take a taki on weekdays if it’s raining, but when I don’t have so much money I rather get on the train or the subway. I’d like to drive my own car, but I don’t have one, but that’s sometimes good because I’m getting used to walking to get where I want to go.
Just Practice. xD
Could anybody explain if I go ( or what??) by car as a passenger, I also have to say that I drive the car or????
Elen Sheff
It is very nice prices for learning.Thank,s
About the question number 6:
Before starting the riding, I have to get on the bike, when I get my destination I may get off it.
I also may say sentences like ” I ride my bike ” and ” I drive my car”. Am I right?
Thanks a lot Ronnie! Its very helpful and I love your ways of teaching. Keep it up Its cooooooool 100000000000000Q :)
Very useful, thanks a lot :)
thanks a lot ronnie you are amazing teacher
Sara Hassan
thank for funny lesson
Teacher , I have difficult to understand got on , got in , they are not clear . Thanks .
The only thing I can not understand is why the authors do not answer or give a feedback to the audience. I think it is quite important.
what the… I got 75
this is confusing xO
Amr Mustaf
hello ma’am. this question (You ride on an airplane) incorrect. so please tell me correct question.
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
is it true?????
Muhammad Taha
Hi I’m pretty sure the answer for question 6 is wrong, according to the results the right answer is “get on / get off” for question 6 but that’s not right, we must use “get on / get off” only for big/public transportantion not for “bike/motorcycle/scooter”, the right answer must be “ride on / ride off” because we are talking about “bike/motorcycle/scooter”(Ronny said that on the video ^_^), I can’t “get on / get off” the “bike/motorcycle/scooter”, I can “ride on / ride off” the “bike/motorcycle/scooter”.
PD: I know, you know the right use of those verbs but let me practice my english LOL and as always any english mistake in my comment please correct me :)
Thank You so much for everything EngVid Staff :).
nice lesson but a little bit confusing
the question number six was a little confusing.i take my kids to the park on the weekends and they dont say that they want to get on their bike.the say ride my bike.im confused righ now.
Thank you very mush.
Thank you!
Ronnie, i was confused the answer of number 6. pls. kindly explain.
If you don’t reply, then please skip the comment for your lessons.
I confussed number 6, but thaks
you are best I’ve ever seen.
I got 7 correct out of 8
Thank you Ronnie:)
fulla Rz
Thank Ronnie I have only one mistake about bike.
Ronnie! Please explane question N6!
Ronnie i got 4 out of 8.
Can i have another quiz=(
thanks you…..
Hi Ronnie,I really would like to know about the differences between weird and strange.
On the other hand, I would like to know about the correct pronunciation of: bird, bear, beard, board.
Thank you very much
Luisa Prieto
sometimes I’m very confused about the words,but after watched the video its help me to understand more..thank you Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, You are wonderful. I loved your presentation. Bravo ! …and Thank you very much
Del Carmen
Than you for the awesome online lesses Ronnie.
I want to point out one thing in the lesson. As far as I learned, if there is a aisle or hallway in which people can walk, we say, “get on/off” and if there is no aisle or hallway, we say, “get in/out” in transportation. Actually, size doesn’t matter. If the size determine the expression, for a really big truck, people should say get on/off? No, we say “get in/off” even for a big truck.
The expression, get on/off, is originated from the expression, “the get on the board”, this means getting on the boat. Trains, planes, buses, and boats/ships have a big board(s) on the floor where people can walk on it. Cars, trucks, taxi, do not have a board, but just seats. People cannot walk or stand up in a car. there is no space, like aisles or hallways to walk or stand on.
It is hard to explain in English, but you guys may get the point.
in sum, size is not the matter in choosing the expressions, but whether it has a(n) aisle or board so that people can stand or walk on it.
Thank you.
I got to know for sure..
the difference between (get on/off) and (get in/out)
eunjung hong
I say everytime “I go by bus” is not correct what the correct sentence?
Ma’am ,is it sufficient to listen your lecture or I should note it down
Hello dear Ronnie
please, give us some more examples about getting around and it will be your kindness, and also a special thanks for you and EngVid.com.
Dost Mohammad
Hi Ronnie
Please, give examples about getting around in present and past tense.
Thank you
Dost Mohammad
Student. silva
7/8 :)) thanks a lot Ronnie.
Ronny, you´re great, i just sign up to Englishvid because of you and james, I like your methods of teaching English.
mario rincon
Oh Ronnie, I am confused..
Thanks.I have only one mistake with Q number 6.My answer was “get in/out”, but the right answer is “get on/off.” Can you explain?
Ronnie, I understood that I ride or rode a bike, motorcycle or scooter. My one mistake was the 6th question of the quiz, where the right answer is “get on/ get off”. Help me understand, please!
Thanks Ronnie, It was a great lesson. :)
Ronnie, I got 88… in question 6 I forgot that we have a particular means of transportation like a motorcycle, bike and others we need to use ride.
But, thanks for all.
I RIDE my bike everyday means that I move to one place to another. But when I say “I GET IN my bike” it means I decide to use my bike and I have sat on it to star my ride. :)
start, sorry
For everyone confused about question 6, you ride a bike, but you don’t ride ON a bike, you just RIDE, so you either RIDE or GET ON a bike/horse, etc… Pretty simple
Thanks XD
Ronnie I didnt understand why the question number 6! I thought the correct answer was ‘ride’ but it said that was got on/got off, why??
I am confused about number 6, I imagined that the correct answer was “ride on” and not “get on”.
thnk youuu my dear ..
Ronnie it is an excellent lesson but I have a doubt, I do not understand about “I am going to get on my bike” in the quiz. I think the correct answer is using “ride on” because is a private and small thing like a bike. Please explain me and please correct mi grammar in this comment because I am a new student and I try learn English with your videos. I love It!!! You are awesome! Thanks Ronnie!
Great teacher, Good luck to u Ronnie in your life!
best reagrds!
For me, we use get on/off with sth that we have to climb onto it (or climb down) eg. using stairs or a bridge. So, I get on a plane/ship/bike or sooter. I don’t climb onto my car… I don’t know if my explanation is correct but it works for me. :-)
The question 6 is confusing .
Abu Sattam
hello I dont understand the question 6 is very confusing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she said that ride going with bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi ronnie first of all thank you so much for this lesson. i have a bit confusion in question no 6. you told in your lesson that if you going by bike scootor and horse then we should use ride on or ride off then why my ans is incorrect. pls make it clear
karan chand
I got 6 out of 8, i have to improve more i guess
Yeah,,, I made the same mistakes about bike… It is hared…. English is a crazy language. It has more exceptions than rules.
I mean it is hard… But I did it 7/8
Anyway thanks Ronnie.. You’re good.
thanks Roonie but i don t unders.. number /6/ :3
4/8 I’m confused.
⅞ =)
Thanks Ronnie
Hello. I am from Puerto Rico. Thank you for the lesson. It was great. Ronnie, I like your style.
7 on 8
thanks Ronnie good lesson :) :) :) :) :D
I got 7 correct answers from 8. That’s wonderful.
Thanks teacher Ronnie.
Qtr Net
Ronni, please check the answer of question 6. I think is wrong. Bye!!!
yes. 8 answer correct. very good. Add skype to train pronunciation. thanks. diego.brito13
6/8 not bad :) I have to focus more
thanks Ronni :)
Hi Ronnie, I need more lesson about this topic. I am confused or will watch the video again and again and again.
A very good lesson! )
Great lesson. It helped me correct many mistakes.
i got 7 out of 8. not bad.
please im from perú and could you teach how to use turn rigth, go ahead, into , give a directions
judith parodi rojas
I used the search engine to find this video and It is exactly what I was looking for. Good teaching! Thanks Ronnie, I loved the funny way to teach this lesson! Good job!!
i could not understand why i must use “get on/off when the transportation is bike or motorcycle.
thanks a lot.
quiz number 6. can you explain me plz should it not be i ride on ?
thank you so mmuch I like your methode and humour
nassima kadari
plaese check out 6. question….
“I going by foot” – Well you are saci-pererê haha. Thanks Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie. This lesson was quite useful to me. You just taught me something I didn’t know before.
i got 7 out of 8, great lesson Ronnie/
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike is the correct answer according to the answer’s key and I got wrong with my answer”I ride on”?????????—Pls ckeck Ms Ronnie.
thank u Ronnie :) these question are very useful
there’s some kind of problem in this quiz. in the sixth question: “6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I: ” if you choose the alternative “ride on / ride off” (the correct answer) the system take ” get on / get off ” as your answer and mark it as incorrect.
Hi Ronnie
Many thanks for you
I want to know if I have a car and I want to invite my friend to my car to go to our job
What can I say ?
I want to invite my friend to go to our job in my car
Guys, I’m reading now on the Cambrigde Dictionaries online.
Ride: to sit on a horse or a bicycle and travel along on it controlling its movements:
I learned to ride a bike when I was six.
I ride my bicycle to work.
I ride to work on my bicycle.
So Ride a bike is correct according Dictionaries
Rogerio Firmino
thank you so much for lesson Ronnie. But I think the sixth quiz is wrong.
thanks Ronnie! I have horses and now I know as to tell – I ride a horse
Awesome class. Ronnie you´re the best.
I liked the explanation with big-small and public-private. Easy to remenber, thanks Ronny.
I hope I am not wrong,but i think question number 6 is not correct because the response is “ride on/ride off”a bike and i chose this answer and it was not correct and it said that “get on/get off”was the correct answer….Is there anybody that can give me an explanation?
Luminita Lumy
If I want to say I came here in a friends car I need to say:
“I got in a friend’s car”
It is?
QUESTION number 6!!!Wrong??!
thank you teacher
but I don’t understand number 6
Sadeq 91
thank u
Hi Ronnie, please me too i need an explanation about the question number six, i’m a little confused ! Thanks a lot.
Rosa Casiero
Thank you for this lecture. I really wanted to know about “ride”, “take”, “get on”, “get in”.
Video lectures helps much more my English.
And I like this teacher’s teaching. She looks humorous.
Thank you!
Oh, Excuse me but I have a question.
I understood the lecture except below.
Q) With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
My answer was “ride on / ride off” but I was wrong.
I watched the lecture repeat but don;t understand. Please help me,,
Nice lesson!
I was confused on #6 question, please explain that Ronnie. Thank you
Nice. Thank you.
Hi, Ronnie!Could you please clarify 6th question answer?ride on bike or get on bike?
To whom it may concern,
Based on my understanding, the answer to question no, 6 is “get on / get off”. You can either say:
I rode my bike. (not rode on / rode off)
I put on my helmet before I got on my bike.
The preposition “on” here is used to show that you are above the bike and touching it.
Thanks Ronnie, you are the Best.
I’m quynh anh and nine years old.Thank you for your helpful lesson
To whom it may concern,
Based on my understanding, the answer to question no, 6 is “get on / get off”. You can either say:
I rode my bike. (not rode on / rode off)
I put on my helmet before I got on my bike.
The preposition “on” here is used to show that you are above the bike and touching it.
“You can get off something that is very big.” I see what you did there, lady!
But hey, what do I say if I was in a car but was the passanger and not the driver? Is it still “drove”?
Also, “You ride on an airplane” incorrect? Just you watch!
Hi Ronnie,
How’s everything ? Now in São Paulo are 22H18, 17º C.
My doubt is: If I get in my car but i’m not a driver, I’m a passenger, I drove? Thank you very much !
Toodles !
Del Carmen
Thanks Roniee…but ques. No.6 was confusing me
Rajdeep shergill
Wow! very useful lesson. Thank you.
I did not unterstand the Question 6.
I choose the answer “ride on/ ride off”, but the correct answer is “get on/ get off”.
thanks ronnie!
Hi, Ronnie, thanks for the lesson,…. I think the question 6 is bad too, the correct answer is ride on/off.
Dear Ronnie, you’re the best, funny and temperament :) I like this kind of teaching even I prefer British accent.
Thank you a lo t for this lesson, it was really useful. I didn’t know that go by foot is wrong, we learned like your phrase… So thank you for actualization. :)
to all of you guys… just to remember RIDE the bicycle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GugsCdLHm-Q :) have fuuun!
Hi Ronnie very nice lesson thank you but something is bothering me : Why get on/off mean the same thing although on and off are opposite I guess ? (the same goes for get in/out) Thank you
yes sir!!! i love this website
Great lesson!
Many thanks!
quiz #6: I am going to get on my bike.
OR I am going to ride my bike.
Both of them seems to be correct.
With bicycle, motorcycle scooter, why we use get on/off it is public transports?
Thanks Ronnie for the lesson but can u explain 6th question??
number 6 is incorrect, isnt it?
El papi
I was confused with the question number 6. Can you explain to me?
Nilza Regina Martins
with a bike, i get on ? why get on?
Wow I got 100 !!
Could you help me understand the difference between
go in a car / go on a car / go by car ?
Thank you!
#6. I don’t get it
As many do ….even i didn’t get the 6th one!
but….your class was awesome madam Ronnie!
Ohh..I am a beginner..I want to learn moreeee. And thank you for this video.
Wina sianipar
thank you!
I found the answer for confusive question #6. In thus case correct answer is get on/get off. Because we can use just “ride” with bike etc. not ride on/off
Hi all!
When you choose your transportation, you can say: i’m going to get on (or off) my bike. There is no answer
I ride my bike
Andy Dixi
I’ve done the quiz but I think there’s a mistake in the question 6.After I watched the video, I thought that when we say bike we use “ride” with it but the answer was “get on”,so now I’m confused.
Is there anyone can help me to understand???
Mohamed Houman
Thanks alot Ronnie
Sherifa Ahmad
Kanimambo! which meanings thanks in Ronga in Maputo/Mozambique
Bush Emilvas
excuse me, the answer from test six is correct?
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
Thank you very much.
I got 7 correct out of 8, thank Ronnie
Dung Hoang
This is wonderful test.
You got 7 correct out of 8.
M kartal
Can u explain me the answer of 6
Nargiz Nurayeva
thank you. I got 7 out of 8 … !’m so excited
Jullio Pacheco
this lesson IS very interesting and important, thank Ronny.
My answer is wrong for no.6
Dr. Myo Thu Aung
Thanks Ronnie, it was a great lesson. However, i still dont understand why i got question six as wrong. My answer was ride on/ride off but the correct answer was get on/get off and according to the lesson we usually use ride on/ride off when use bikes or motorcycle to transportation.
I didn’t get the answer six. Why it is “I am going to get on my bike” and not “I am going to ride my bike” if you are in top of the bike?
7/8! Good! I made the 6th quiz wrong.
Jerry Gu
Sad, I got only 4 p0ints out of 10.
Hi, can anyone tell me why “get on / get off” is the correct answer with “a bike/motorcycle/scooter” in 6th question?
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
A very spirited lesson. Before I watch this video, I heard so many people used to say something like:”Get into the bus”, so now let me look back this phrasal and I think it should be “Get onto the bus”… Thanks, Ms.Ronnie
Damn ..0/8 in the quiz ..I think I have to a private lessons.
Good luck to u
Good review on phrasal verbs related to transportation.
Many thanks for it Ronnie.
very useful, special thank to teacher :)
I recommend you to go over the lesson and take the quiz again. Believe it or not, making mistakes helps you learn difficults lessons; even in life.
Do not worry .
In question number 6, the correct answer was shown to be get on/get off, where in the video you said get on is for big and public. could you clarify this for me.
Yeah I was confused too!
yes this question confused me too
good luck
You are on top, you are not inside. I guess that’s why “got ON”
yes i agree…according to what you explained us , if u have a bike or motorcycle, u ride them…
but remember small or private you get in/ out and ride on maybe has another meaning i don’t know
yes plz clarify!
yes please clarify this. i confuse
i was confused too :(
yes,me too. i was incorrect lesson 6 and i don’t understand
I am confused to. it showed incorret but i don’t thing so.
Hi guys, she said “I rode a bike/ …” NOT ride on/off. “Ride on/off”, so get on/get off I think is most suitable answer :)
get on/off use for publik or big transportation..i think ride on/off is nearly with Ronnie explanation. So i think if we chose ride on/off is corect, except the theacher give another explanation, please Ronnie?? :)
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
(x)ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
I made mistake this quentions,too.
I am going to ride my bike not get in my bike
Same here , i’m confused too! i answered ride on/ ride off
I thought I could ride on my bike
it`s my mistake as well
Maybe, because you’re on top, you’re not inside
yes, i was also so much confused.
Yes,I am very confused too.
Me too
hi Mohamed can i talk with you
Me too. The question number 6. I was confused.
I agree with you
ronnie reply to this person pleeeeease ??
I am not Ronnie, but I tried!
Hello Ehab and everyone who has been confused by this question over the years!
You are right, get on/get off is used for big, public vehicles like buses or trains. But it is also used for small vehicles that you ride (sit on top of), like bikes and motorcycles.
“Get in/get out of a bike/motorcycle/scooter” is wrong because you can’t go inside of a bike the way you can go inside a car. You are always outside!
“Ride on/ride off a bike/motorcycle/scooter” is wrong because ride is only used when you are sitting on the bike and it is moving. When you sit on a bike right before riding it, you get on the bike. When you are finished riding and stand up, you get off the bike.
(You can ride off on a bike, but that means “travelling away”—not when you start sitting on the bike.)
I hope this helps!
I usually walk. Because I don’t have bike. So when I move farther away, I take on the subway. I used to say “by foot.” But I should say just “walk,” shouldn’t I. And I used to say “ride on,” but I should say “take” or “get on/in/off/out,” shouldn’t I. I imaged I were surfing. How dangerous!! I should be careful. Thank you for your lesson, Ronnie :)
I liked this lesson
How about some expressions such as:
. . . by car
. . . on foot
. . . drove to . . .
. . . came on/by
Useful lesson; I love your sense of humor that makes learning more fun.
Oh Thank you, Ronnie!
Hi. Thanks for this lesson.
Ronnie, please make some more pronunciation lessons.How to pronounce sw like sweet, sweet heart, … .
Thank you Ronnie, I love your lessons))
Dear Ronnie why 6th question answer is get on the bike/get off?Isn’t it ride on /off?Please answer.
Hi Ronny,
Thank you for the lesson :)
But, like others I didn’t understand number 6 : why am I going to get on my bike ? A bike is small and not public. So ?
And what about the new ways of going somewhere. Can I say I crawl to your lesson if I found it with google ? Or just I click on ?
Oh I am so sorry I can’t modify my previous message Ronnie with ie !
Thank you very much
Thanks Ronnie!
could you explain 6th question? as per your explanation in your video, the answer is ride on/off. but in quiz it is get on/off
Rajender, Ronnie said “I rode a bike/ …” NOT ride on/off. “Ride on/off”, I think, is a phrasal verb with another meaning. So, cause you cannot get in a bike, you get on it…
Thanks Andrey!
now, i got it.
but the answer i think get in/off because it is small or private
sorry get in/out
Hi , How about Get on/Get off .Is that useful for big & public transportation?
Hi Rejender,
You get on a bike/motorcycle or get off a bike/motorcycle.. . but you ride a bike/motorcycle. Here you do not need a preposition (or rather a particle).
Hope this may help.
Thank you for the lesson my dear Ronnie, but bike is private and small, why did you use get on/off instead of get in/out?
Today I “get on” this English Lesson, and I raid towards knowledge. I know. My English is still poor. Thank You Ronnie.
Thank you for today’s lesson today I learned proper english sentences
Hi Roonie,
Thank you very much for your exciting lessons.
According to your lesson, the test number 6 supposed to be “ride on / ride off”. Could you please explain which of us is mistaken?
Can please write more example which i can more understand
can i see can i ride woman
Maybe if you consider her like a horse…
Thank you
thnx alot
WOW, WOW , WOW, I´m really improving me English. Thanks¡¡¡
can u teach me spain ?
Thanks Mam Ronnie, I got 63%.
Thanks a lot. It is very informative.
Very useful video. Thank´s
Before I hear many people who they have English use it a lot
Thank you Ms Ronnie for a new information which will help me
i have a doubt …
if somebody asking how do you go office?
my suggestion:
1.by walk.
2.on foot.
which one is correct?
awaiting your reply.
thanks in advance.
I walk to go to the office.
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
i have problem with this ….can you explain it please ???
I have the same doubt.
Why it can not be ride on/ride off?
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
A Ship has lots of people in it.
Do I still use get on/off? Or in this case would be get in/get out?
Get on my bike….will dont you think is’s too weird?
you can ride on your bike,motor,scooter even horse but car :)
Thanks, Ronnie. I really had trouble with get on/off and get in/out. But know I got it.
I also had trouble with question 6 do the quiz. HELP, Ronnie
Its a good lesson
Get “in/on” 100% clear to me
thnx for nice tutorial
Thank you very much
Ronnie you are grate and your sense of humour is fantastic. Do you want to get off sth really big? ;) ;) ;) Thanks for your time ;)
Great not grate; sorry for that mistake ;)
Seemingly easy subject but…
on foot = walking
e.g. Are you going by bike or on foot?
I have been on my feet(=standing) all day and I’m exhausted?
And of course that question no 6!;)
Thanks a lot Ronnie!!! your sense of humor is wonderful!! ñ_ñ
Thanks mam ronni
nice & useful
but i have proplem num 6 why said get on/get off why dont say get in/grt out
I’ve never paid attention in the difference of GET ON/GET OFF and GET IN GET OUT now I know use them
OMG thank so mush for this quiz!
Thanks Ronnie
Hi teacher and dear Ronnie ! This is an awsome lesson ! But is confussing nº 6. Get on / get off ? Why not get in/ get out ? Thank you
You are a very good teacher ! Thanks again!
I liked the lesson, thanks ;)
I can get out the taxi or ican get out of the taxi.Which one is correct?
I would like to know that how could i talk to native English speakers.
kindly suggest me….
I learn a lot to you miss Ronnie.
very tanks it is very great for me
thank you for teaching .it seems easy but complicated so appreciate your help
Teacher Ronnie, can you please clarify to me question number 6. It is a bit confusing. Thanks for the lesson by the way.
Teacher Ronnie, can you please clarify to me question number 6. It is a bit confusing. Thanks for the lesson by the way.
Teacher Ronnie, can you please clarify to me question number 6. It is a bit confusing. Thanks for the lesson by the way.
Thank you engvid
I use print screan ( cupture) from your videos
Can I share that picture+ test on instagram ???
I usually get on a subway to go to work. ^.^
Thanks Ronnie i get 88/100 but i want ask u about question number 6 “. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I” why the correct answer is ” get on / get off” isn’t bike/motorcycle/scooter a privet ??? why we shouldn’t say get in/ get out ????
thanks a lot i got 75% marks on my first attempt
Very useful lesson,thanks!! But..the sixth question a little bit confusing me..why a “ride on/of” it’s not correct?
hey abisso how long have you been studying english?
Hi,approximately a half year.
keep going just like that
well do you speak russiano?
I will try…
Yes I speak russian
Hi, Abisso,
In the earlier comment said “ride” should not follow with “on” or “off” and sicne we can’t get in/ out a bike, so we use get on/ off. Just for our reference!
Oh, thank you!Now I am understand!
No problem at all!
Hey Ronnie! Thanks for teaching us! But, could you please tell us more about the question # 6? I have doubt about it.
Hi Ronnie!
Thanks a lot for your all lessons!
For this one I don’t understand the answer of the 6th question.
I answered ‘I ride on’ and the correction is:”I am going to get on my bike.”
Thank you!
My question is about 6th question… Is the answer correct? Thanks…
Hi Ronnie good lesson!But i have a question about “ride”. Why in song
Weezer – I’m A Robot
I ride the train to work every day,
I reach my cubicle about 9 AM,
I have to earn money to pay my bills,
But I don’t know how my life turned out this way
USE “I ride the train”
I don’t understand about quiz number 6, why the answer is “get on/off”??? are you sure that’s the right answer?
Useful lesson. Before, I used to made a lot of mistakes, principally when I say that I walked or I rode a bike. Thanks, I didn’t undertand Number 6, can you explain that ?
Useful lesson.
I wanna ride u.. ;)
Hi teacher, Thanks for this video again, but I have one question :
what about ships ? can we use the same rules used for train and plane ??
Hi Ronnie…I Love the way you teach…Nice lesson..Thank you.
Thank you so much, but could you explain the item 6
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
Why that use get on / get off
thank you teacher
I like your way in teaching
thank u Mrs.Ronnie that was so usefully
and for Que #6 guys how u can get in the bike its
impossible if u remember what she said about bike that u ride on it because we up on it not in a bike
Thanks my beloved teacher for your good lesson.
I have the same question as UPSTAIR Hussain gazy!
Hi Ronnie, how r U? :)
Could you please tell me which of these 2 sentences is more appropriate?
Instead of saying: I was an English teacher for the last year. –I should pick—
a) I was teaching English / I was giving English lessons fot the last year.
b) I gave English lessons / I taught English for the last year.
Which one is more natural and grammatically correct if you hear it? :))
Take care,
Alice :))
Hi Alice!
If I were you I’d pick option B, I guess Past simple tense matches more than past continuous, besides, past continuous is used for recent actions and you’re talking about last year.
I hope it’ll help
sorry *it helped
thank you
you learning very well
Thank u very much teacher :D simply u r the best english teacher i’ve ever seen :) .. our teachers in iraq with their stupid textbooks just making us worse in english :(
Anyway i have question that i asked all people i knew actually LoL about it and no one answered me :( it Not related to the lesson By the way .
in one of english songs that called ” Nobody Compares – one direction ” the singer said “You’re so London, your own style, your own sty
” what does london means ! he is clearly not mean the british capital ?!
and thank u a lot again ^_^
your own stlye *
what does london mean*
Sorry :D
Thank you.
Oh. 88%, I don’t understand why number 6 uses words “get on/get off” with a bike/motorcycle/scooter. Can you explain it for me, please!
Wondereful, thank you Ronnie.
hi Ronnie
i wana know that what is the deffrence between the activator and the synonym of a word?
thanks in advance.
The correct answer is Ride, because you can’t be “IN”.. just, over the Bike, or motorcycle… you can´t be go “in” the horse! ,, you can RIDE the Horse..!! but yes the answer it’s wrong
this is very useful
i liked it
it is not easy at all i have gotten confused sorry dear * RANNOSH*
I like your lessons. Thank you Ronnie.
thank you
very good thanks Ronnie
Thanks a lot ronnie :)
Hi, How about this? i want to tell the driver when my stop has reached then,
I want to get off from the bus
I want to get down the bus
Please tell me Ronnie
which one is correct?
I have some question unanswered in mind
1) What does language mean to you?
2) How can student articulate their thinking in writing?
3) What is the difference between language and speech?
4) What is PLS or pictological system?
5) I have heard that we have some formula to creat iiregular verbs in English I want know how a verb changes to be an irregular one.
6) what is the defference between the activator and the synonym of a word?
thanks in advance
thnx mrs ronnie
Ronnie. I got confused with this question=
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
I choose ride in/out because I thought bicycle is private and small, then why I got it wrong?
thnx Ronnie you’re amazing ! :D
Merry Christmas, Ronnie :)
How and when do I use this structure?
” I look forward to seeing you”
Are prepositions followed by gerunds?
Thank you so much! it was really helpful
I am _______ the train at 8am tomorrow.
riding on
going in
The answer is taking and I wanna ask that I can also using “take”, is it?
Hi Mam!You are a splendid teacher I ever seen…Mam I have a request that please upload each and every Tense in separate video…I get confuse on tenses part…when and where to use….please reply me mam….
Hi Mam…please upload videos on future tense separately…
About question number 6:
Get on = count on; trust
Get off = recede
I RODE a bike NOT I rode on a bike
Thanks for help me with your class!!! I love it.
Thank you Ronnie, I love your lessons
Thank you :)
thanks Ronnie .
thanks teacher ronnie…. this is a excelent lesson
Question No.6 answer is confusing. It says get on/off not ride on/off. Please clarify.
thankyou mamadam for wonderful lesson
thanks Ronnie
I understand
Teacher I loved this lesson, I’ll start learn about Phrasal Verbs, because it’s difficult at begginer, but before is easy, thx so much! :)
Hello Ronnie.
I hope so every think is gone be ok .
I have a questions.I can’t understand very well about this questions. may you tell me?
With a bike/motorcycle/scooter.I
get on/get off
get in/get out
ride on/ride off
7 out of 8
7 out of 8 .. :|
” I am going to Get On my bike “
Question number 6 make me confused
I get 7
Hi Ronnie, how r u?! I like your teaching style very much, thank you. In this lesson, like almost everyone else, I’m feeling confused. Many have asked you for more detailed explanation, why didn’t you reply?
Please, let us know you care about us. We appreciate. Thank you.
yaa me too :-(
Thank you, Ronnie!
yes i got 88%,thanks Ronnie i like your way of teaching.
I got 88
Hello Ronnie !In question 6 the correct answer is shown as “get on/get off”.Many of us pointed out at “ride on / ride off”. In the famous carol song “Jingle bells” there are such words:
” Oh! what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh”.
Can we say in this case as
“to ride on a one-horse open sleigh”.
Thank you.
Hi, I had a doubt about item 6! Why get on and not ride on?
And what should I say if I was in a friend’s car but didn’t drive?
thank you
thank you teacher
6/8 .. not bad .. thanks mrs Ronnie.. :)
Hello, Ronnie. Thanks!!!
prive transportation(small) = get in/out
public transportation(large) = get on/off
bike/motorcycle/horse (on over)= ride in / off
Take is a verb you know it describes the action I take a taxi. its simple. Don’t give up!
Edit : private transportation(small) = get in/out
Thnx Ronnie
Thanks,question 6 is confusing:)
hi everybody.thank you so much teacher for this video i like it
thanks teacher, now I know how to say : going to work, studying, church and more thing =)
Difficult to get it ..thank ssss
Could you please explain “I took my feet to Oxford Street…” Does it mean “I walked to…”?
Hi teacher, I are so great, but
Can you explain this:
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
Please it didn’t mach to yor lesson :(
thanks for everything though
Thanks so much 10/10
6/8 . haha I Wan’t you to be my Teacher , Laughing while Learning :D
How can be this possible?? I’ve got 88% I did the number 6 well.
Look, I think there is a mistake in quiz #6
Correct: “ride on / ride off”, isn’t it?
You wrote:
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
7 of 8 haha i need more practice
Hi Ronnie, when use “ride” i don’t understant…
exellent video!!
hi ronnie, this topic is bad ass
well its good to watch the lesson it helps me to correct my grammar Thank you.
I always had problem with in, on, at and I still do plz help. you are the best Ronnie.
Hello Ronnie! Help me this case :Can I use “got in” and “got out” with motobike. Thanks
Very nice lesson. Thank you Ronnie.
Hey ronnie , thats really amazing lesson , but can you please tell me why do we use get on /off with bike/motorcycle/scooter ? is it irregular rule or something ? i can’t really understand
thank you
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
why the answer is A??
The question 6 is weird, I didn’t understand why I was wrong If you said for bike, scooler, etc, is ride.
Sorry my comment was for teacher Ronnie
Thanks for lesson. Very interesting. =)
Thank you, Ronnie!
In spite of having studied english for so long, I still mix those words.
Scored 4/8
i scored 4/8.
thanks ronnie, your good sense of humor , make us leanr easier—
thank u ronnie
There’s something I don’t understund with the cars.
“I drove to the school” – Ok if you are the driver.
but, if you are not the driver ?
If you go with another person who is driving
“You go by car” ?
thanks to Ronnie
Hello Ronnie.I am still gaining momentum for TOEFL Exams.Although,I got one answer incorrect.
Hi! Ronnie,I like your lesson but I am a bit confusing.I want to ask you a question.
for example: How did you get here?
1.I drove my car
2.I drove
Please tell me the correct.
Thank you Ronnie
how can i download this video??
get it on youtube guy,
I ride my bike on Sundays. I take a taki on weekdays if it’s raining, but when I don’t have so much money I rather get on the train or the subway. I’d like to drive my own car, but I don’t have one, but that’s sometimes good because I’m getting used to walking to get where I want to go.
Just Practice. xD
Could anybody explain if I go ( or what??) by car as a passenger, I also have to say that I drive the car or????
It is very nice prices for learning.Thank,s
About the question number 6:
Before starting the riding, I have to get on the bike, when I get my destination I may get off it.
I also may say sentences like ” I ride my bike ” and ” I drive my car”. Am I right?
Thanks a lot Ronnie! Its very helpful and I love your ways of teaching. Keep it up Its cooooooool 100000000000000Q :)
Very useful, thanks a lot :)
thanks a lot ronnie you are amazing teacher
thank for funny lesson
Teacher , I have difficult to understand got on , got in , they are not clear . Thanks .
The only thing I can not understand is why the authors do not answer or give a feedback to the audience. I think it is quite important.
what the… I got 75
this is confusing xO
hello ma’am. this question (You ride on an airplane) incorrect. so please tell me correct question.
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
is it true?????
Hi I’m pretty sure the answer for question 6 is wrong, according to the results the right answer is “get on / get off” for question 6 but that’s not right, we must use “get on / get off” only for big/public transportantion not for “bike/motorcycle/scooter”, the right answer must be “ride on / ride off” because we are talking about “bike/motorcycle/scooter”(Ronny said that on the video ^_^), I can’t “get on / get off” the “bike/motorcycle/scooter”, I can “ride on / ride off” the “bike/motorcycle/scooter”.
PD: I know, you know the right use of those verbs but let me practice my english LOL and as always any english mistake in my comment please correct me :)
Thank You so much for everything EngVid Staff :).
nice lesson but a little bit confusing
the question number six was a little confusing.i take my kids to the park on the weekends and they dont say that they want to get on their bike.the say ride my bike.im confused righ now.
Thank you very mush.
Thank you!
Ronnie, i was confused the answer of number 6. pls. kindly explain.
If you don’t reply, then please skip the comment for your lessons.
I confussed number 6, but thaks
you are best I’ve ever seen.
I got 7 correct out of 8
Thank you Ronnie:)
Thank Ronnie I have only one mistake about bike.
Ronnie! Please explane question N6!
Ronnie i got 4 out of 8.
Can i have another quiz=(
thanks you…..
Hi Ronnie,I really would like to know about the differences between weird and strange.
On the other hand, I would like to know about the correct pronunciation of: bird, bear, beard, board.
Thank you very much
sometimes I’m very confused about the words,but after watched the video its help me to understand more..thank you Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, You are wonderful. I loved your presentation. Bravo ! …and Thank you very much
Than you for the awesome online lesses Ronnie.
I want to point out one thing in the lesson. As far as I learned, if there is a aisle or hallway in which people can walk, we say, “get on/off” and if there is no aisle or hallway, we say, “get in/out” in transportation. Actually, size doesn’t matter. If the size determine the expression, for a really big truck, people should say get on/off? No, we say “get in/off” even for a big truck.
The expression, get on/off, is originated from the expression, “the get on the board”, this means getting on the boat. Trains, planes, buses, and boats/ships have a big board(s) on the floor where people can walk on it. Cars, trucks, taxi, do not have a board, but just seats. People cannot walk or stand up in a car. there is no space, like aisles or hallways to walk or stand on.
It is hard to explain in English, but you guys may get the point.
in sum, size is not the matter in choosing the expressions, but whether it has a(n) aisle or board so that people can stand or walk on it.
Thank you.
I got to know for sure..
the difference between (get on/off) and (get in/out)
I say everytime “I go by bus” is not correct what the correct sentence?
Ma’am ,is it sufficient to listen your lecture or I should note it down
Hello dear Ronnie
please, give us some more examples about getting around and it will be your kindness, and also a special thanks for you and EngVid.com.
Hi Ronnie
Please, give examples about getting around in present and past tense.
Thank you
7/8 :)) thanks a lot Ronnie.
Ronny, you´re great, i just sign up to Englishvid because of you and james, I like your methods of teaching English.
Oh Ronnie, I am confused..
Thanks.I have only one mistake with Q number 6.My answer was “get in/out”, but the right answer is “get on/off.” Can you explain?
Ronnie, I understood that I ride or rode a bike, motorcycle or scooter. My one mistake was the 6th question of the quiz, where the right answer is “get on/ get off”. Help me understand, please!
Thanks Ronnie, It was a great lesson. :)
Ronnie, I got 88… in question 6 I forgot that we have a particular means of transportation like a motorcycle, bike and others we need to use ride.
But, thanks for all.
I RIDE my bike everyday means that I move to one place to another. But when I say “I GET IN my bike” it means I decide to use my bike and I have sat on it to star my ride. :)
start, sorry
For everyone confused about question 6, you ride a bike, but you don’t ride ON a bike, you just RIDE, so you either RIDE or GET ON a bike/horse, etc… Pretty simple
Thanks XD
Ronnie I didnt understand why the question number 6! I thought the correct answer was ‘ride’ but it said that was got on/got off, why??
I am confused about number 6, I imagined that the correct answer was “ride on” and not “get on”.
thnk youuu my dear ..
Ronnie it is an excellent lesson but I have a doubt, I do not understand about “I am going to get on my bike” in the quiz. I think the correct answer is using “ride on” because is a private and small thing like a bike. Please explain me and please correct mi grammar in this comment because I am a new student and I try learn English with your videos. I love It!!! You are awesome! Thanks Ronnie!
Great teacher, Good luck to u Ronnie in your life!
best reagrds!
For me, we use get on/off with sth that we have to climb onto it (or climb down) eg. using stairs or a bridge. So, I get on a plane/ship/bike or sooter. I don’t climb onto my car… I don’t know if my explanation is correct but it works for me. :-)
The question 6 is confusing .
hello I dont understand the question 6 is very confusing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! she said that ride going with bike!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi ronnie first of all thank you so much for this lesson. i have a bit confusion in question no 6. you told in your lesson that if you going by bike scootor and horse then we should use ride on or ride off then why my ans is incorrect. pls make it clear
I got 6 out of 8, i have to improve more i guess
Yeah,,, I made the same mistakes about bike… It is hared…. English is a crazy language. It has more exceptions than rules.
I mean it is hard… But I did it 7/8
Anyway thanks Ronnie.. You’re good.
thanks Roonie but i don t unders.. number /6/ :3
4/8 I’m confused.
⅞ =)
Thanks Ronnie
Hello. I am from Puerto Rico. Thank you for the lesson. It was great. Ronnie, I like your style.
7 on 8
thanks Ronnie good lesson :) :) :) :) :D
I got 7 correct answers from 8. That’s wonderful.
Thanks teacher Ronnie.
Ronni, please check the answer of question 6. I think is wrong. Bye!!!
yes. 8 answer correct. very good. Add skype to train pronunciation. thanks. diego.brito13
6/8 not bad :) I have to focus more
thanks Ronni :)
Hi Ronnie, I need more lesson about this topic. I am confused or will watch the video again and again and again.
A very good lesson! )
Great lesson. It helped me correct many mistakes.
i got 7 out of 8. not bad.
please im from perú and could you teach how to use turn rigth, go ahead, into , give a directions
I used the search engine to find this video and It is exactly what I was looking for. Good teaching! Thanks Ronnie, I loved the funny way to teach this lesson! Good job!!
i could not understand why i must use “get on/off when the transportation is bike or motorcycle.
thanks a lot.
quiz number 6. can you explain me plz should it not be i ride on ?
thank you so mmuch I like your methode and humour
plaese check out 6. question….
“I going by foot” – Well you are saci-pererê haha. Thanks Ronnie.
Thanks Ronnie. This lesson was quite useful to me. You just taught me something I didn’t know before.
i got 7 out of 8, great lesson Ronnie/
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike is the correct answer according to the answer’s key and I got wrong with my answer”I ride on”?????????—Pls ckeck Ms Ronnie.
thank u Ronnie :) these question are very useful
there’s some kind of problem in this quiz. in the sixth question: “6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I: ” if you choose the alternative “ride on / ride off” (the correct answer) the system take ” get on / get off ” as your answer and mark it as incorrect.
Hi Ronnie
Many thanks for you
I want to know if I have a car and I want to invite my friend to my car to go to our job
What can I say ?
I want to invite my friend to go to our job in my car
Guys, I’m reading now on the Cambrigde Dictionaries online.
Ride: to sit on a horse or a bicycle and travel along on it controlling its movements:
I learned to ride a bike when I was six.
I ride my bicycle to work.
I ride to work on my bicycle.
So Ride a bike is correct according Dictionaries
thank you so much for lesson Ronnie. But I think the sixth quiz is wrong.
thanks Ronnie! I have horses and now I know as to tell – I ride a horse
Awesome class. Ronnie you´re the best.
I liked the explanation with big-small and public-private. Easy to remenber, thanks Ronny.
I hope I am not wrong,but i think question number 6 is not correct because the response is “ride on/ride off”a bike and i chose this answer and it was not correct and it said that “get on/get off”was the correct answer….Is there anybody that can give me an explanation?
If I want to say I came here in a friends car I need to say:
“I got in a friend’s car”
It is?
QUESTION number 6!!!Wrong??!
thank you teacher
but I don’t understand number 6
thank u
Hi Ronnie, please me too i need an explanation about the question number six, i’m a little confused ! Thanks a lot.
Thank you for this lecture. I really wanted to know about “ride”, “take”, “get on”, “get in”.
Video lectures helps much more my English.
And I like this teacher’s teaching. She looks humorous.
Thank you!
Oh, Excuse me but I have a question.
I understood the lecture except below.
Q) With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
My answer was “ride on / ride off” but I was wrong.
I watched the lecture repeat but don;t understand. Please help me,,
Nice lesson!
I was confused on #6 question, please explain that Ronnie. Thank you
Nice. Thank you.
Hi, Ronnie!Could you please clarify 6th question answer?ride on bike or get on bike?
To whom it may concern,
Based on my understanding, the answer to question no, 6 is “get on / get off”. You can either say:
I rode my bike. (not rode on / rode off)
I put on my helmet before I got on my bike.
The preposition “on” here is used to show that you are above the bike and touching it.
Thanks Ronnie, you are the Best.
I’m quynh anh and nine years old.Thank you for your helpful lesson
To whom it may concern,
Based on my understanding, the answer to question no, 6 is “get on / get off”. You can either say:
I rode my bike. (not rode on / rode off)
I put on my helmet before I got on my bike.
The preposition “on” here is used to show that you are above the bike and touching it.
“You can get off something that is very big.” I see what you did there, lady!
But hey, what do I say if I was in a car but was the passanger and not the driver? Is it still “drove”?
Also, “You ride on an airplane” incorrect? Just you watch!
Hi Ronnie,
How’s everything ? Now in São Paulo are 22H18, 17º C.
My doubt is: If I get in my car but i’m not a driver, I’m a passenger, I drove? Thank you very much !
Toodles !
Thanks Roniee…but ques. No.6 was confusing me
Wow! very useful lesson. Thank you.
I did not unterstand the Question 6.
I choose the answer “ride on/ ride off”, but the correct answer is “get on/ get off”.
thanks ronnie!
Hi, Ronnie, thanks for the lesson,…. I think the question 6 is bad too, the correct answer is ride on/off.
Dear Ronnie, you’re the best, funny and temperament :) I like this kind of teaching even I prefer British accent.
Thank you a lo t for this lesson, it was really useful. I didn’t know that go by foot is wrong, we learned like your phrase… So thank you for actualization. :)
to all of you guys… just to remember RIDE the bicycle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GugsCdLHm-Q :) have fuuun!
Hi Ronnie very nice lesson thank you but something is bothering me : Why get on/off mean the same thing although on and off are opposite I guess ? (the same goes for get in/out) Thank you
yes sir!!! i love this website
Great lesson!
Many thanks!
quiz #6: I am going to get on my bike.
OR I am going to ride my bike.
Both of them seems to be correct.
With bicycle, motorcycle scooter, why we use get on/off it is public transports?
7/8 not bad!!! Thanks Ronnie.
Very important lesson Ronnie, Thank you!
thanks ronnie
In Russia you can “Ride a car”
…Oh, Russians.
Thanks Ronnie for the lesson but can u explain 6th question??
number 6 is incorrect, isnt it?
I was confused with the question number 6. Can you explain to me?
with a bike, i get on ? why get on?
Wow I got 100 !!
Could you help me understand the difference between
go in a car / go on a car / go by car ?
Thank you!
#6. I don’t get it
As many do ….even i didn’t get the 6th one!
but….your class was awesome madam Ronnie!
Ohh..I am a beginner..I want to learn moreeee. And thank you for this video.
thank you!
I found the answer for confusive question #6. In thus case correct answer is get on/get off. Because we can use just “ride” with bike etc. not ride on/off
Hi all!
When you choose your transportation, you can say: i’m going to get on (or off) my bike. There is no answer
I ride my bike
I’ve done the quiz but I think there’s a mistake in the question 6.After I watched the video, I thought that when we say bike we use “ride” with it but the answer was “get on”,so now I’m confused.
Is there anyone can help me to understand???
Thanks alot Ronnie
Kanimambo! which meanings thanks in Ronga in Maputo/Mozambique
excuse me, the answer from test six is correct?
6. With a bike/motorcycle/scooter, I
get on / get off
get in / get out
ride on / ride off
“I am going to get on my bike.”
Thank you very much.
I got 7 correct out of 8, thank Ronnie
This is wonderful test.
You got 7 correct out of 8.
Can u explain me the answer of 6
thank you. I got 7 out of 8 … !’m so excited
this lesson IS very interesting and important, thank Ronny.
My answer is wrong for no.6
Thanks Ronnie, it was a great lesson. However, i still dont understand why i got question six as wrong. My answer was ride on/ride off but the correct answer was get on/get off and according to the lesson we usually use ride on/ride off when use bikes or motorcycle to transportation.
I didn’t get the answer six. Why it is “I am going to get on my bike” and not “I am going to ride my bike” if you are in top of the bike?
7/8! Good! I made the 6th quiz wrong.
Sad, I got only 4 p0ints out of 10.
Hi, can anyone tell me why “get on / get off” is the correct answer with “a bike/motorcycle/scooter” in 6th question?
Very cool but lollo causto said it was bad
Very cool!!