In English, we often need to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of something. You will definitely need to do this at work, on tests such as the IELTS and TOEFL, and also in everyday conversation. In this lesson, you will learn words that have the same meaning as advantage and disadvantage, such as drawback, downside, positive aspect, benefit, and many more. After watching, take our quiz to make sure you understood. There are many advantages to watching this video!
Hi teacher,as usually this lesson is very useful,with your good explanation….in fact,Engvid is a precious site web that teachs English Language to students worldwide.
Big thanks for you Emma and for all Engvid’s teachers.
That’s true Fatihaeng! EngVid is a priceless website that teaches the English language to people from practically every corner of the globe.
Thanks very much Emma for your kind suppor.
All the best.
Hi teacher, I want to give you thanks for teaching english and all lessons are very useful, when I learn more english i will explain it
Henriette Barbara
Hi dear Emma, I have been carrying on your studies since when I was in my homeland, I migrated to Canada 9 months ago and i am resided in Toronto right now. Toronto is one of the terrible cities that I know for getting a job. Thank you for teaching us. I wish to see you one day in this big city.
Welcome to Toronto! I’m sorry you’re having trouble finding a job, it’s pretty difficult here right now. One upside: in a big city there’s lots of stuff to do for free!
engVid Moderator
A benefit of studying English on that is we can study every time and everywhere. A drawback of this one is we don’t know how to practice these knowledge without negative speaker. Thank Emma for your lesson!
Thanks you Emme! :)
Very useful lesson, Emma! It was the first time I see you on, but Sure not will be the last. Greetings from México!
Mario CE
I think an argument in favour of living in the countryside is that’s quiet. Thank you, Emma. Useful lesson :)
I got 90. Very usefull ! Thanks a lot EMMA.
I got 100. It’s very helpful
Chau Le
than a lot EMMA
alhassan selim
Would it be possible to produce a video about: ” When do we use UPON versus ON “
thanks a lot. i got 80, not bad :)
i am watching your videos about ielts and i am glad to meet you
i am preparing the exam and i wiil take it 28th of march.
i have some problems for writing. i am not sure what i wrote,i mean these are true or false.
can you help me please?
thanks, very useful words!
carlos 2138
I realized that my grammar ability is too weak through today’s lesson. I will try the quiz again.
Thank you Emma so much.
Yutaka Endo
Thanks a lot for your lesson!
Hi Adam, i really have problem with my oral english. I need your help!
Our strong side is advantage , our weak side is frequent criticism. Thank you Emma!
thanks alot
Thanks Emma, and you are right regarding the Brazilian pronunciation over the word “criticism”, very nice tip.
Thanks Emma, good lesson. I came from Brazil and a positive aspect of living in my country is The people, great beaches,special food and drinks.
Hi everyone! This is my first time when i’m writting here and it’s very exciting for me!!!))) Well, that’s because in my poinion my English skill is not good enought and I need to learn a lot of things!!)) However, I’d like to say to Emma: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WHAT YOU DO ON ENGVID.COM!!!!)))) Your lessons is always useful and interesting. I hope someday I will pass IELTS or TOFIL or something like that, with your great help!!)))
P.S.: also I’d like to say: It’s really cool that you like STAR WARS and comics!!!)))) I like them too)))
Efim Golovin
helo sir,
i have a suggestion for you, that if you ever want to clear the IELTS or TOFEL* exam, then you should stop using contractions in your sentences. try to avoid these contractions as much as you can. For instance, can’t, don’t, won’t, etc.
because, this will help you alot in passing out these tests.
have a nice day. :)
I understood, thank You!)))
Efim Golovin
hahah you are very funny))))
TuTu Shahzade
Efim Golovin
Thank you Emma for this awesome lesson!There are many advantages, but also have many disadvantages where I live.
By the way, thanks for remind us about correct pronunciation of the word “criticism”.
Wellington Porto Brito
i can say english depends on pronunciation for being understandable!!!!!
Thanks Emma for this lesson!
Hello Emma ,
Lack of vocabulary is a huge drawback for those who want to speak a foreing language . A frequent cristisism I have in mind is that traditional english courses often teach not enough synonyms . This leads to many negative aspects in conversation as stumbling over words and monotonous speeches . Your lesson ,Emma , makes a real benefit , here is the ultimate argument in favour of watching Engvid’s vidéos .
Thanks Emma and carry on .
wow,you did a great job
Thank you very much.
It was really good and auxiliary.
thank you emma .gracias mi amor
Hi, Emma, Nice to seeing you. Thank you for teaching us and thank very much ENGVID.COM to give us to learn English.
Hi teacher Emma
Please i need your help here. Can you please explain in brief what is the difference between the verb “Curtail” and the verb “Minimize”. Thank You!
Yazeed Alsahafi
A hugs thank you for this lesson. It is very beneficial to me for my exams..:)
Figen As
Thanks Emma.
Thanks Emma. This lesson was amazing and helpfull. Congratulations for your teaching skills. Bye
Cléber Jorge
I think EngVid is a great web to learn English; it’s useful and it’s an advantage to us who are trying to improve our second languaje. Plese correct me if I made any mistake.
Thanks a lot!
I wanna know how to get phrases please, thank you.Maybe some book?
so for the 1st time i did 8 out of 10 :)
thanks for all teachers and web site builders
Thanks Emma! I really love you and your lessons!
9/10 I miss the point on the fifth, I thought that I have to use “an argument in favour about” instead “in favour of”. Well this are the advantages and disadvantages of learning English so late, oh if I had be more focus in the high school ….!
Jorge Pedroso
Thanks Emma.After your lesson i’m going to estimate all things i face today.and find out their advantages and disadvantages.
Thanks Emma, this gives me a lot of benefit
Faris Budiman Annas
hello emma im very glad to join your website it helpful
Thank you for your lessons!!
What does “get to” mean in this lesson “you get to visit or eat food all over the world ? Answer please. I think it’s similar to “can” , isn’t it?
THanks for lesson, i think this should be useful,like the others obviously…
If anyone thinks that he/she needs a little bit of speaking practise, cause i need it too, could add my skype mdln97, i won’t be able to stay daily,but i will try to answer at any kind of question.It could be interesting for you guys
Hi, this video is useful .we learn a lot and practice our understanding skills
Hello Emma this’s first time for me to see a lesson, I find it very informative, thank you so much.
Francesco Caporali
thank you :)
Naazneen R
thank you Emma,
i got 100 marks in this quiz. it is really helpfull for me, because i had always been finding diffrent synonyms for advantages and disadvantages to use in my IELTS academic writing.
thank you very much.
Very good, thank you!
Thank you Emma for this informative lesson.Thanks to your lesson I will not have to use the phrase that start with There are many advantages and disadvantages of or pros and cons about when I need to write any essay I would like to use there are many upside and downside of or about which preposition should I use for this of or about ?
Useful lesson!
i really lke this text
thank u for help
Thanks a lot, the lesson was awesome. I will try to remember when giving the IELTS exam.
Kevin Calvay
Thanks a lot!
thanks a lot it´s very helpful I got 80 again thanks
Alejandro Arteaga
Thank you so much emma
Thank you Emma :)
It is very useful for IELTS and casual situation. Cheers!
Ray Kwan
Thank you for your fantastic lesson.
I think an argument in favour of living in a big city is that you can have a better environment of education. Thank you, Emma. Useful lesson :)
I think an argument in favour of living in a big city is that you can have a better environment of education. Thanks, Emma.
ty very much
I am feeling changes in my english.So, it is a good point of watching your engvd lessones.
kumar shyam
Thank you Emma for these very useful lessons!
Thanks Emma, you’re amazing! :)
An argument in favour of you is you teach so well.
i am very happy to learn and make some test, it is my first time here, but not the last! thank!
spike valentine
Thanks for the usefull lesson Teacher.
Hi , im get 50% :(
I loved it thanks a lot :*
Thank you Emma,
it’s grate to learn even one word but the most important lesson I learnt from you was that “mistakes could be our teachers” so I’m trying not to be shy by my mistakes because I am not gonna let my mistakes do stop my growth.
Thank you and Thanks Engvid
HI EMMA, just i want to ask you becase i am a little confused, is there any rule when we transfer words from singular to plural in pronunciation like comment- parent- etc..
in plural comments, parents i am not sure if we pronunce T letter or not could you help me.
thanks and i look forward to your replay.
thank you too much emma . really I do make use from your lesson.
i learent a lot its too nice
M. Zulkifal
Thanks, it´s a great class. I improve my English with you!!
HI teacher it is a great class i realy enjoyed .i love to improve my English with you.
I am going to study more. It seems very important for my communication! I have sure!
Thank you too much Emma!
Thanks Emma
thank you a lot, Emma
izum is the new thing I learnt.
I love listening of your lessons! Thank you Emma!
Thanks Emma,i got 80.but i am going to try different way of expressions.thanks a lot ,take care.
Eric Chan
Its easier to choose the correct phase but while making a sentence i get confused and speak very poor English. Please help me with it.By the way the quiz was easy.. 10/10 i.e.100%
good teacher! if someone want to practice just fell free to request me my skype is student6003!!!
i just wanna start with this.. hope that this can help me a lot.. the starting video that i’ve watched is just nice..
Nice class thanks
Eliana gentil
Thanks Emma.
good one. thanx Emma
Tanvirul Islam
Hello everyone how are you doing?
would you like to practice english with me ?
Send me request friend on Skype : azooom24
thank you
so helpful, thank you
Clover Le
Thanks :)
Still 9/10
Thanks! Marvelous Lesson!
Thank you Emma, as always I learn something new on every teacher’s class.
You’re also a very good teacher.
It is really helpful. I got 100. thanks a lot.
Thank you dear Emma
Thank you emma.
Thank you Emma
Mr. Alsayed
Thanks, Ms. Emma. I got a score of 10! If you were my teacher when I was still a grade school pupil, perhaps I’m an English teacher like you today!
King Henry V
Thankyou Miss for lesson today, I realy-realy love and interesting with you lesson :)
thank u for ur valuable suggestions@Emma
thankyou very much for lesson
big thanks to all the teacher here.. <3
Thanks !!!!
This Website doesn´t have not even a single Drawback………. I mean,it´s perfect !!!
Tks, Emma! I finally learned to pronounce “criticism”.
tks emma :)
hi all :) i really wanna practise English. please add me. my skype is daovansone. tks all :)
A benefit of listening this video will improve your English
it is awesome topic , vidio and test but i wish the test will be come a voice
hisham kasem
the benefit of learning new vocab is to is improving your productive skills like writing and speaking, on the other hand the drawback of not using new vocab is forgetting these words
Thanks Emma. I got 8 of 1 :) This is really useful for me. I’m gonna apply this to the next meeting with my client on this Monday :D
Thanks as always,
Nam Huynh
Thanks Emma
I want to communicate native canadian people or any other people who speak english well to improve my English
my account on skype :mohamed.aboufoul
thanks all
a upside of being learning english here is you´re always upploading new videos and i can learn better everyday but a drawback is that i´k always busy and i cant get in here often
Dear Ms.Emma,
thank you kindly, it has been an interresting lesson. I should like to wish you and your family a nice happy Easter. I pay my respect to you wonderful Prof. H
Briklend Handersson
a great lesson thanks emma
A benifit studying with this website is the contents are unbelivably good!
an advantage a disadvantage
a benefit a drawback
an upside a downside
positive aspect negative effect
Thank you Emma! I loved your video.
Thanks Emma for the lesson!
thank you .
Hi Emma nice to meet you here
glad to see you here because you are a native english speaker.
i am reall happy when my teacher is from british
because i love english very much
best regards
Wonderful class as always Emma, thankyou! (Whenever i have time with people I was about to pronunciate the word criticism in the wrong way, now I know how to say that :) )
Thanks Emma, Learned some Well words of Advantage and disadvantage.
The good point about your Engvid lecture is they are very practical.
Thank you Emma.
I have good reasons to study and have learned a lot with you. About the end of the words that end in (ism)I had heard some people saying and I got surprised about the sound, beacause in Brazil words ended in (ismo)sounds like (izmu): Example : fanatísmo
Not much different of english.
Thanks Emma, got 80%.
Abdul Qayum
thanks for the best explanation.
thanks a lot
Thanks, Emma. A positive aspect of this video is, now, I know how to properly pronounce the word “criticism”. Hehehe.
Yep! It’s difficult to pronounce this word. Well, at least you learned something from this video.
All the best with your English Tharcy.
To learn English with you has double benefit for me improvement of my vocabulary and solving of my listening problem.
Thanks a lot Emma.
Can I download your videos in order to watch them every time?
I learn something useful I will see the positive aspect
Of it in my everyday life.
Abdoulaye Diogo Balde
Hi Emma, my question is not regard to this video. I have read your history and I have liked too much. Congratulations!!! In fact I would like to ask you if you know if there is a site on the internet like this to learning french also because I have thought very good the purpose from this site. sorry to bother you.
Yeah I got it! You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you for the help.
You are a very good Teacher, Emma! Thank you!
Thanks! I liked the explanation about the correct pronounce of the word “criticism”
carlos 2138
really you the beast instructor in this website
Thanks you so much Emma!
thank you emma for your videos!! best teacher ever…
Good teacher! loved it!
Hi,Emma! Thank you! Very useful video. But I didn’t understand the question 3,about the word upside. We can use this word as well as other words in the category of advantages?? For example: An upside of living in Kyiv(I’m from Kyiv) is you get to visit many interesting places.Right?
My name is delwar hosan .I would be glad if someone wants to do practice in English with me. My skype name id sony.hasan5
You are explaining very well. Thank you very much. Can you help me have and,has to different for that Emma
vaany 7
Thank you for your enjoyable lessons.
Hi Emma
Thank you for your support.
I’m glad to know help in teaching .I’m new one.therefore there are many things i don’t know in English i hope you’ll arrange these for me thanks.
Please! Help me to know meaning of all of me john legend’s song.
thank you so match mis,emma thes lesson was very helpfull to me personaly and i want to take the ielts if you have any advice a will be more than happy to hear it
hashim ali
Thanks Emma.A good point of watching this video was I can’t find an objection in it.
saeed manzari3
Thanks Emma for the video. It’s really useful to me. I killed the quiz.
Kongtho Imarith
not bad 8/10, but need to more try to
Lam Thi Hang
Thank you, Emma! Very useful lesson.
Thanks mam Emma .I like very much your teaching .You are the best teacher for me.
Please give me some tops as my teacher .
As I am new learner.
thanks a lot
10/10 thanks Emma for the video, i loved the quiz.
very useful lesson , god bless you Emma.
Ahmad qouzah
very useful lesson thanks
anish chowdary
thank you so much. Best regards…
only 90%, i am so upset of me.
very good ….it’s more benefit for me
Thank you ..Thank you Emma
Thank you!
I`m sure that there are a lot of advantages in watching your videos. An arguments in favour of this is that I notice that my skills in writing, talking, grammar is better than month ago…
Thank you teacher.
Yasmin Alo
u r so good an nice
mohamed nasser
your accent is very very good. Thank you Emma.
an argument of doing the quiz is that you can practive and learn more (vocabulary in context), and, in this one, is that you have to pay attention of the spelling.
thank you very much for this lesson.
thanks emma ;)
thanks Emma
Thanks a lot dear teacher Emma . I’ll be always a follower and fun of you and your teaching system to improve what we need…I’m eagerly watching your videos completed here…
thanks for teaching
An argument favour of this lesson is going to help somehow to speak naturally with others I hope that..
Nice lesson Ms.Emma…..
Hi Teacher. It’s been amazing learning with you. A friends of mine said about the engvid and I AM enjoying só much. Many subjects to learn. Thanks you to the skills, and your directives havê been soooo usefull.
Thanks Emma. It is very useful
I got 8 out of 10 because I was inattentive :(
Hi Emma! Your lesson is very interesting as usual. Engvid is my favorite English website. I can learn a lot of things from it and feel more fun,excited about learning English because of experienced teachers it’s got here.Thanks so much Emma. Have a nice day!
suong mai
Thank you teacher. Hope to see you in Thailand
Thank you,Emma. I’m a stranger here. And it’s the first for me to leave a message here. I think a positive aspect of living in a big city is that you may have more opportunities to work and pursue a better life.
Victory Zhang
Thank you,Emma
Abdulaziz alrabai
Emma awesome!
you speak very clearly and i understand you thank you Emma teacher
TuTu Shahzade
What should I write:”an argument in favor (or favoUr) of…”?
Helen Kalinina
in British English favour
in American English favor
I know like this.
But I would like to know more about “An argument against”it’s not clear to me.
I would like to speak well
thanks you emma!
Thanks Emma, u are nice and my favorite teacher, :p
Ehrlich Montero
Thanks a lot! It really help very much )
*helps ))
I enjoyed to study here
Thanks Emma for this lesson!
Thank You, Emma. Very usefull lesson.
Thank You,Emma
Thank you for the lesson Emma! Your lessons are very benificial!
Thanks a million Emma :)
10 out of 10
I’m too happy of that
Emma, Is it correct to say “Thanks a million” ?
thank you, emma.
Emma commands on teaching of English.
Zafar Ali Khan
Thanks for this lesson!
Hoo!, I will try it one more time.
Yay!! first time scored 100
Thanks a lot Emma! You are the best one
I got 80 , i feel good .
First of all , I myself came across this website. I’m glad to join your lesson of studing. By the way, EngVid is a priceless website.
thanks for lesson Emma :) I love Canada
Hi emma. Thanks for your lessons. I got 90 out of 100 marks. I’m from Malaysia, and the good point of living in Malaysia is you can easily find variaties of delicous food to eat! :D
Wow ! I have got 90
Great lesson! Thanks a lot!
it was very beneficial lesson :)
Jihad Alam
A good point about … or a good point of … or both are correct?
Thank you Emma,
I think that this is a very useful lesson, I hope that you make a Complete Toefl IBT test preparation so we can take advantage of your excellent teaching and explanation , we will be grateful to you
Motasem Khader
Thank’s Emma was useful lesson, Engvid it’s really precious website and rarely find such this website
Driving instead of walking is beneficial to hot weather. Thank you Emma. :D
When did you speak about “upside”?
thanks Emma
even though i had geten 8|10 in my quiz,but i’m so happy.
A good lesson thanks Emma.
thanks Emma good session.
Islam Massoud
Thank you Emma
yahia zarik
thank you very much Emma, the advantage of your lesson is that they are very easy ton understand, please what is your secret ?
Many thanks for this Emma :)
Emma your lesson were amazing.
Drinking water insted of soda is beneficial to the body. Is that right,Emma?
Government corruption has ruined our future society.
Thanks Emma.
i hope engvid will be my cornerstone to accomplish the tofel. thanks great teachers!
I passed the test by the skin of my teeth,luckly,i have not flunked the quiz
I got 100 without going through the video. I still want to learn more though towards my IELTS exam, and based on the reviews of others, I think this would be a good place to improve upon my command of English.
Merci beaucoup Emma, J’ai beaucoup apprécié cette leçon!c’est très aidant! :)
Sonia B
i got 6 out of 10
how sad
Thanks Emma. Very helpful and short !
Very useful lesson!
A piece of cake. ‘ v ‘
Thank you!
10/10. Thank you Emma.
ann ann
Emma’s support for english learners is really immeasurable. I’m thankful for all the effort you put in the process.
By the way if anyone wit at least upper-intermediate levels wants to practice the language feel free to contact me. Skype :
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you
Great Emma , thaks
I thought upside is not one of advantages xD
Ahmad Enaam
the good point of this video is very useful.
i love your voice!
Thank you.
Thank you, Emma!!!
thanks a lot :)
Thanks Emma, it is quite useful lesson in order to use synonym to enhance work of various vocabularies in use
i got 100/100
Emma, Thanks so much.
Done, february 2019
al willis
5/10 was very difficult
al willis
what does have an objection to V-ing mean? thank you teacher
Trung Master
I got score 90, i made a mistake on this question “Upside” is another word for “advantage” a. True b. False… Ty emma
Thanks Emma,i got 7 out of10
Thank you teacher for the lesson
Asery Omega
Hi, Emma…….nice lesson, kindly add more quizes
Thanks a lot Ms. Emma.
7/10! These days I got a terrible network! I’ve stopped learning Emma’s Video three days. Today I come back! Keep fighting!
Jerry Gu
4/10 (Kazakhstan, 23Sept2021);
i must to study a lot
Thank you,Emma. You are great.
Good one
Kate Ramishvili
This lesson was very useful and beneficial for me.
Thank you
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi teacher,as usually this lesson is very useful,with your good explanation….in fact,Engvid is a precious site web that teachs English Language to students worldwide.
Big thanks for you Emma and for all Engvid’s teachers.
That’s true Fatihaeng! EngVid is a priceless website that teaches the English language to people from practically every corner of the globe.
Thanks very much Emma for your kind suppor.
All the best.
Hi teacher, I want to give you thanks for teaching english and all lessons are very useful, when I learn more english i will explain it
Hi dear Emma, I have been carrying on your studies since when I was in my homeland, I migrated to Canada 9 months ago and i am resided in Toronto right now. Toronto is one of the terrible cities that I know for getting a job. Thank you for teaching us. I wish to see you one day in this big city.
Welcome to Toronto! I’m sorry you’re having trouble finding a job, it’s pretty difficult here right now. One upside: in a big city there’s lots of stuff to do for free!
A benefit of studying English on that is we can study every time and everywhere. A drawback of this one is we don’t know how to practice these knowledge without negative speaker. Thank Emma for your lesson!
Thanks you Emme! :)
Very useful lesson, Emma! It was the first time I see you on, but Sure not will be the last. Greetings from México!
I think an argument in favour of living in the countryside is that’s quiet. Thank you, Emma. Useful lesson :)
I got 90. Very usefull ! Thanks a lot EMMA.
I got 100. It’s very helpful
than a lot EMMA
Would it be possible to produce a video about: ” When do we use UPON versus ON “
thanks a lot. i got 80, not bad :)
i am watching your videos about ielts and i am glad to meet you
i am preparing the exam and i wiil take it 28th of march.
i have some problems for writing. i am not sure what i wrote,i mean these are true or false.
can you help me please?
thanks, very useful words!
I realized that my grammar ability is too weak through today’s lesson. I will try the quiz again.
Thank you Emma so much.
Thanks a lot for your lesson!
Hi Adam, i really have problem with my oral english. I need your help!
Our strong side is advantage , our weak side is frequent criticism. Thank you Emma!
thanks alot
Thanks Emma, and you are right regarding the Brazilian pronunciation over the word “criticism”, very nice tip.
Thanks Emma, good lesson. I came from Brazil and a positive aspect of living in my country is The people, great beaches,special food and drinks.
Hi everyone! This is my first time when i’m writting here and it’s very exciting for me!!!))) Well, that’s because in my poinion my English skill is not good enought and I need to learn a lot of things!!)) However, I’d like to say to Emma: THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR WHAT YOU DO ON ENGVID.COM!!!!)))) Your lessons is always useful and interesting. I hope someday I will pass IELTS or TOFIL or something like that, with your great help!!)))
P.S.: also I’d like to say: It’s really cool that you like STAR WARS and comics!!!)))) I like them too)))
helo sir,
i have a suggestion for you, that if you ever want to clear the IELTS or TOFEL* exam, then you should stop using contractions in your sentences. try to avoid these contractions as much as you can. For instance, can’t, don’t, won’t, etc.
because, this will help you alot in passing out these tests.
have a nice day. :)
I understood, thank You!)))
hahah you are very funny))))
Thank you Emma for this awesome lesson!There are many advantages, but also have many disadvantages where I live.
By the way, thanks for remind us about correct pronunciation of the word “criticism”.
i can say english depends on pronunciation for being understandable!!!!!
Thanks Emma for this lesson!
Hello Emma ,
Lack of vocabulary is a huge drawback for those who want to speak a foreing language . A frequent cristisism I have in mind is that traditional english courses often teach not enough synonyms . This leads to many negative aspects in conversation as stumbling over words and monotonous speeches . Your lesson ,Emma , makes a real benefit , here is the ultimate argument in favour of watching Engvid’s vidéos .
Thanks Emma and carry on .
wow,you did a great job
Thank you very much.
It was really good and auxiliary.
thank you emma .gracias mi amor
Hi, Emma, Nice to seeing you. Thank you for teaching us and thank very much ENGVID.COM to give us to learn English.
Hi teacher Emma
Please i need your help here. Can you please explain in brief what is the difference between the verb “Curtail” and the verb “Minimize”. Thank You!
A hugs thank you for this lesson. It is very beneficial to me for my exams..:)
Thanks Emma.
Thanks Emma. This lesson was amazing and helpfull. Congratulations for your teaching skills. Bye
I think EngVid is a great web to learn English; it’s useful and it’s an advantage to us who are trying to improve our second languaje. Plese correct me if I made any mistake.
Thanks a lot!
I wanna know how to get phrases please, thank you.Maybe some book?
so for the 1st time i did 8 out of 10 :)
thanks for all teachers and web site builders
Thanks Emma! I really love you and your lessons!
9/10 I miss the point on the fifth, I thought that I have to use “an argument in favour about” instead “in favour of”. Well this are the advantages and disadvantages of learning English so late, oh if I had be more focus in the high school ….!
Thanks Emma.After your lesson i’m going to estimate all things i face today.and find out their advantages and disadvantages.
Thanks Emma, this gives me a lot of benefit
hello emma im very glad to join your website it helpful
Thank you for your lessons!!
What does “get to” mean in this lesson “you get to visit or eat food all over the world ? Answer please. I think it’s similar to “can” , isn’t it?
THanks for lesson, i think this should be useful,like the others obviously…
If anyone thinks that he/she needs a little bit of speaking practise, cause i need it too, could add my skype mdln97, i won’t be able to stay daily,but i will try to answer at any kind of question.It could be interesting for you guys
Hi, this video is useful .we learn a lot and practice our understanding skills
Hello Emma this’s first time for me to see a lesson, I find it very informative, thank you so much.
thank you :)
thank you Emma,
i got 100 marks in this quiz. it is really helpfull for me, because i had always been finding diffrent synonyms for advantages and disadvantages to use in my IELTS academic writing.
thank you very much.
Very good, thank you!
Thank you Emma for this informative lesson.Thanks to your lesson I will not have to use the phrase that start with There are many advantages and disadvantages of or pros and cons about when I need to write any essay I would like to use there are many upside and downside of or about which preposition should I use for this of or about ?
Useful lesson!
i really lke this text
thank u for help
Thanks a lot, the lesson was awesome. I will try to remember when giving the IELTS exam.
Thanks a lot!
thanks a lot it´s very helpful I got 80 again thanks
Thank you so much emma
Thank you Emma :)
It is very useful for IELTS and casual situation. Cheers!
Thank you for your fantastic lesson.
I think an argument in favour of living in a big city is that you can have a better environment of education. Thank you, Emma. Useful lesson :)
I think an argument in favour of living in a big city is that you can have a better environment of education. Thanks, Emma.
ty very much
I am feeling changes in my english.So, it is a good point of watching your engvd lessones.
Thank you Emma for these very useful lessons!
Thanks Emma, you’re amazing! :)
An argument in favour of you is you teach so well.
i am very happy to learn and make some test, it is my first time here, but not the last! thank!
Thanks for the usefull lesson Teacher.
Hi , im get 50% :(
I loved it thanks a lot :*
Thank you Emma,
it’s grate to learn even one word but the most important lesson I learnt from you was that “mistakes could be our teachers” so I’m trying not to be shy by my mistakes because I am not gonna let my mistakes do stop my growth.
Thank you and Thanks Engvid
HI EMMA, just i want to ask you becase i am a little confused, is there any rule when we transfer words from singular to plural in pronunciation like comment- parent- etc..
in plural comments, parents i am not sure if we pronunce T letter or not could you help me.
thanks and i look forward to your replay.
thank you too much emma . really I do make use from your lesson.
i learent a lot its too nice
Thanks, it´s a great class. I improve my English with you!!
HI teacher it is a great class i realy enjoyed .i love to improve my English with you.
I am going to study more. It seems very important for my communication! I have sure!
Thank you too much Emma!
Thanks Emma
thank you a lot, Emma
izum is the new thing I learnt.
I love listening of your lessons! Thank you Emma!
Thanks Emma,i got 80.but i am going to try different way of expressions.thanks a lot ,take care.
Its easier to choose the correct phase but while making a sentence i get confused and speak very poor English. Please help me with it.By the way the quiz was easy.. 10/10 i.e.100%
good teacher! if someone want to practice just fell free to request me my skype is student6003!!!
i just wanna start with this.. hope that this can help me a lot.. the starting video that i’ve watched is just nice..
Nice class thanks
Thanks Emma.
good one. thanx Emma
Hello everyone how are you doing?
would you like to practice english with me ?
Send me request friend on Skype : azooom24
thank you
so helpful, thank you
Thanks :)
Still 9/10
Thanks! Marvelous Lesson!
Thank you Emma, as always I learn something new on every teacher’s class.
You’re also a very good teacher.
It is really helpful. I got 100. thanks a lot.
Thank you dear Emma
Thank you emma.
Thank you Emma
Thanks, Ms. Emma. I got a score of 10! If you were my teacher when I was still a grade school pupil, perhaps I’m an English teacher like you today!
Thankyou Miss for lesson today, I realy-realy love and interesting with you lesson :)
thank u for ur valuable suggestions@Emma
thankyou very much for lesson
big thanks to all the teacher here.. <3
Thanks !!!!
This Website doesn´t have not even a single Drawback………. I mean,it´s perfect !!!
Tks, Emma! I finally learned to pronounce “criticism”.
tks emma :)
hi all :) i really wanna practise English. please add me. my skype is daovansone. tks all :)
A benefit of listening this video will improve your English
it is awesome topic , vidio and test but i wish the test will be come a voice
the benefit of learning new vocab is to is improving your productive skills like writing and speaking, on the other hand the drawback of not using new vocab is forgetting these words
Thanks Emma. I got 8 of 1 :) This is really useful for me. I’m gonna apply this to the next meeting with my client on this Monday :D
Thanks as always,
Thanks Emma
I want to communicate native canadian people or any other people who speak english well to improve my English
my account on skype :mohamed.aboufoul
thanks all
a upside of being learning english here is you´re always upploading new videos and i can learn better everyday but a drawback is that i´k always busy and i cant get in here often
Dear Ms.Emma,
thank you kindly, it has been an interresting lesson. I should like to wish you and your family a nice happy Easter. I pay my respect to you wonderful Prof. H
a great lesson thanks emma
A benifit studying with this website is the contents are unbelivably good!
an advantage a disadvantage
a benefit a drawback
an upside a downside
positive aspect negative effect
Thank you Emma! I loved your video.
Thanks Emma for the lesson!
thank you .
Hi Emma nice to meet you here
glad to see you here because you are a native english speaker.
i am reall happy when my teacher is from british
because i love english very much
best regards
Wonderful class as always Emma, thankyou! (Whenever i have time with people I was about to pronunciate the word criticism in the wrong way, now I know how to say that :) )
Thanks Emma, Learned some Well words of Advantage and disadvantage.
The good point about your Engvid lecture is they are very practical.
Thank you Emma.
I have good reasons to study and have learned a lot with you. About the end of the words that end in (ism)I had heard some people saying and I got surprised about the sound, beacause in Brazil words ended in (ismo)sounds like (izmu): Example : fanatísmo
Not much different of english.
Thanks Emma, got 80%.
thanks for the best explanation.
thanks a lot
Thanks, Emma. A positive aspect of this video is, now, I know how to properly pronounce the word “criticism”. Hehehe.
Yep! It’s difficult to pronounce this word. Well, at least you learned something from this video.
All the best with your English Tharcy.
To learn English with you has double benefit for me improvement of my vocabulary and solving of my listening problem.
Thanks a lot Emma.
Can I download your videos in order to watch them every time?
I learn something useful I will see the positive aspect
Of it in my everyday life.
Hi Emma, my question is not regard to this video. I have read your history and I have liked too much. Congratulations!!! In fact I would like to ask you if you know if there is a site on the internet like this to learning french also because I have thought very good the purpose from this site. sorry to bother you.
Yeah I got it! You got 8 correct out of 10.
thank you for the help.
You are a very good Teacher, Emma! Thank you!
Thanks! I liked the explanation about the correct pronounce of the word “criticism”
really you the beast instructor in this website
Thanks you so much Emma!
thank you emma for your videos!! best teacher ever…
Good teacher! loved it!
Hi,Emma! Thank you! Very useful video. But I didn’t understand the question 3,about the word upside. We can use this word as well as other words in the category of advantages?? For example: An upside of living in Kyiv(I’m from Kyiv) is you get to visit many interesting places.Right?
My name is delwar hosan .I would be glad if someone wants to do practice in English with me. My skype name id sony.hasan5
You are explaining very well. Thank you very much. Can you help me have and,has to different for that Emma
Thank you for your enjoyable lessons.
Hi Emma
Thank you for your support.
I’m glad to know help in teaching .I’m new one.therefore there are many things i don’t know in English i hope you’ll arrange these for me thanks.
Please! Help me to know meaning of all of me john legend’s song.
thank you so match mis,emma thes lesson was very helpfull to me personaly and i want to take the ielts if you have any advice a will be more than happy to hear it
Thanks Emma.A good point of watching this video was I can’t find an objection in it.
Thanks Emma for the video. It’s really useful to me. I killed the quiz.
not bad 8/10, but need to more try to
Thank you, Emma! Very useful lesson.
Thanks mam Emma .I like very much your teaching .You are the best teacher for me.
Please give me some tops as my teacher .
As I am new learner.
thanks a lot
10/10 thanks Emma for the video, i loved the quiz.
very useful lesson , god bless you Emma.
very useful lesson thanks
thank you so much. Best regards…
only 90%, i am so upset of me.
very good ….it’s more benefit for me
Thank you ..Thank you Emma
Thank you!
I`m sure that there are a lot of advantages in watching your videos. An arguments in favour of this is that I notice that my skills in writing, talking, grammar is better than month ago…
Thank you teacher.
u r so good an nice
your accent is very very good. Thank you Emma.
an argument of doing the quiz is that you can practive and learn more (vocabulary in context), and, in this one, is that you have to pay attention of the spelling.
thank you very much for this lesson.
thanks emma ;)
thanks Emma
Thanks a lot dear teacher Emma . I’ll be always a follower and fun of you and your teaching system to improve what we need…I’m eagerly watching your videos completed here…
thanks for teaching
An argument favour of this lesson is going to help somehow to speak naturally with others I hope that..
Nice lesson Ms.Emma…..
Hi Teacher. It’s been amazing learning with you. A friends of mine said about the engvid and I AM enjoying só much. Many subjects to learn. Thanks you to the skills, and your directives havê been soooo usefull.
Thanks Emma. It is very useful
I got 8 out of 10 because I was inattentive :(
Hi Emma! Your lesson is very interesting as usual. Engvid is my favorite English website. I can learn a lot of things from it and feel more fun,excited about learning English because of experienced teachers it’s got here.Thanks so much Emma. Have a nice day!
Thank you teacher. Hope to see you in Thailand
Thank you,Emma. I’m a stranger here. And it’s the first for me to leave a message here. I think a positive aspect of living in a big city is that you may have more opportunities to work and pursue a better life.
Thank you,Emma
Emma awesome!
you speak very clearly and i understand you thank you Emma teacher
What should I write:”an argument in favor (or favoUr) of…”?
in British English favour
in American English favor
I know like this.
But I would like to know more about “An argument against”it’s not clear to me.
I would like to speak well
thanks you emma!
Thanks Emma, u are nice and my favorite teacher, :p
Thanks a lot! It really help very much )
*helps ))
I enjoyed to study here
Thanks Emma for this lesson!
Thank You, Emma. Very usefull lesson.
Thank You,Emma
Thank you for the lesson Emma! Your lessons are very benificial!
Thanks a million Emma :)
10 out of 10
I’m too happy of that
Emma, Is it correct to say “Thanks a million” ?
thank you, emma.
Emma commands on teaching of English.
Thanks for this lesson!
Hoo!, I will try it one more time.
Yay!! first time scored 100
Thanks a lot Emma! You are the best one
I got 80 , i feel good .
First of all , I myself came across this website. I’m glad to join your lesson of studing. By the way, EngVid is a priceless website.
thanks for lesson Emma :) I love Canada
Hi emma. Thanks for your lessons. I got 90 out of 100 marks. I’m from Malaysia, and the good point of living in Malaysia is you can easily find variaties of delicous food to eat! :D
Wow ! I have got 90
Great lesson! Thanks a lot!
it was very beneficial lesson :)
A good point about … or a good point of … or both are correct?
Thank you Emma,
I think that this is a very useful lesson, I hope that you make a Complete Toefl IBT test preparation so we can take advantage of your excellent teaching and explanation , we will be grateful to you
Thank’s Emma was useful lesson, Engvid it’s really precious website and rarely find such this website
Driving instead of walking is beneficial to hot weather. Thank you Emma. :D
When did you speak about “upside”?
thanks Emma
even though i had geten 8|10 in my quiz,but i’m so happy.
A good lesson thanks Emma.
thanks Emma good session.
Thank you Emma
thank you very much Emma, the advantage of your lesson is that they are very easy ton understand, please what is your secret ?
Many thanks for this Emma :)
Emma your lesson were amazing.
Drinking water insted of soda is beneficial to the body. Is that right,Emma?
Government corruption has ruined our future society.
Thanks Emma.
i hope engvid will be my cornerstone to accomplish the tofel. thanks great teachers!
I passed the test by the skin of my teeth,luckly,i have not flunked the quiz
I got 100 without going through the video. I still want to learn more though towards my IELTS exam, and based on the reviews of others, I think this would be a good place to improve upon my command of English.
Merci beaucoup Emma, J’ai beaucoup apprécié cette leçon!c’est très aidant! :)
i got 6 out of 10
how sad
Thanks Emma. Very helpful and short !
Very useful lesson!
A piece of cake. ‘ v ‘
Thank you!
10/10. Thank you Emma.
Emma’s support for english learners is really immeasurable. I’m thankful for all the effort you put in the process.
By the way if anyone wit at least upper-intermediate levels wants to practice the language feel free to contact me. Skype :
I got 9 correct out of 10.
Thank you
Great Emma , thaks
I thought upside is not one of advantages xD
the good point of this video is very useful.
i love your voice!
Thank you.
Thank you, Emma!!!
thanks a lot :)
Thanks Emma, it is quite useful lesson in order to use synonym to enhance work of various vocabularies in use
i got 100/100
Emma, Thanks so much.
Done, february 2019
5/10 was very difficult
what does have an objection to V-ing mean? thank you teacher
I got score 90, i made a mistake on this question “Upside” is another word for “advantage” a. True b. False… Ty emma
Thanks Emma,i got 7 out of10
Thank you teacher for the lesson
Hi, Emma…….nice lesson, kindly add more quizes
Thanks a lot Ms. Emma.
7/10! These days I got a terrible network! I’ve stopped learning Emma’s Video three days. Today I come back! Keep fighting!
4/10 (Kazakhstan, 23Sept2021);
i must to study a lot
Thank you,Emma. You are great.
Good one
This lesson was very useful and beneficial for me.
Thank you
Good Lesson, keep going.