This lesson is the ONLY lesson of its kind! I will do more than JUST teach you English vocabulary. You MERELY need five minutes and will BARELY have to do any work to understand how to use these new words.
Thanks, James ;) Besides, I’m wondering is there any difference between odd/weird/strange/bizarre?
yeah this is JAMES and this is engvid and right here is mr E these all mean that we are going to have fun study …. damn i wrote rap song lol……. James prize my effort
Good lesson, two yesrs ago I could not barely understand you, it is just to say you are a good teacher, the only good teacher ?, of course not your colleages are also great. Thanks a lot
Hey machacao, hope things are doing great! In your sentence you can’t use “barely” with a negative modal verb, so you have to say: Two years ago I could barely understand you!
Best regards, see ya!
10 out of 10! I am merely a genius, aren’t I?))))))))))))))))))))))))
It’s “am not I?” ;)
I’m an English student too, I’m not showing off.
Hey JAMES, I guess (merely, barely) not common words in the US, I always watching movies and TV serial with the sub titles but I haven’t heard these words before never!! they made me kinda confused.
Hey Taha, I couldn’t disagree more! I can assure you that that’s pretty used in American speech, you will now notice that!
Yah maybe .. thanks for your comment ..
wish you the best.
James, your amazing!
Thank you!
James, you’re amazing.
Thank you!
thank you :)
Thanks James!You just know how to teach!
Thank you :)
it´s great !! thanks :)
80 % ok it’s difficult
Hi James,where is your magazines or newsper @ this time?May be you forget to buy it.
You rock man, an so does Mr E!
Thanks Mr James
James. give us many lessons only you Thx
Oh yeh!Finally I’m a member here.Thank you so much for helping us learn so easily .I look forward to comment more!
Thank you James
I loved your way to explain it! Thanks
its great lesson but I wanna know about usages of (also,too,either,neither). non native English speakers get puzzle while using these words.
“Also” is used in positive sentences to add an agreeing thought.
Jane speaks French. Sam also speaks French.
I love chocolate. I also love pizza.
Frank can come with us. Nancy can also come with us.
“Also” comes after “to be.”
I am also Canadian.
I was also there.
With verbs other than “to be,” “also” comes before single verb forms.
I also sing.
He also helped us.
In verb tenses with many parts, “also” comes after the first part and before the second.
I have also been to Hong Kong.
I am also studying economics.
Similarly, since modal verbs are usually followed by a second verb, “also” comes after modal verbs.
I can also speak French.
I should also be there.
“Too” is used in positive sentences to add an agreeing thought. It has the same meaning as “also,” but its placement within the sentence is different.
Jane speaks French. Sam speaks French too.
I love chocolate. I love pizza too.
Frank can come with us. Nancy can come with us too.
“Too” usually comes at the end of a clause.
I am Canadian too.
I can speak French too.
I am studying economics too.
If he wants to go too, he should meet us at 8:00.
Although “too” is usually placed at the end of a clause, it can sometimes be used with commas after the subject of the sentence. This is usually only done in formal speech.
Mr. Jones wanted the contract. Ms. Jackson, too, thought it was necessary.
Donna is working on a solution to the problem. I, too, am trying to find a way to resolve the conflict.
“Either” is used in negative sentences to add an agreeing thought.
Jane doesn’t speak French. Sam doesn’t speak French either.
I don’t love chocolate. I don’t love pizza either.
Frank cannot come with us. Nancy cannot come with us either.
“Either” usually comes at the end of a clause.
I cannot speak French either.
I am not studying economics either.
I don’t want to eat either.
I didn’t like the movie either.
Good job thalinho! i appreciate the way you teach are also a good teacher who always ready to assist others..
could i get your email id so that i can learn from you..i would be very graetful if you have a time for me.
It is great
Thanks a lot Thalinho! I’m skimming the chat before to watch this lesson, and I stopped in a long comment, than I find you. Very nice. Good job. Lydia
i got 9 out of 10….
not bad for my first day at engvid…thanks a lot :)
Thank you James! I’ve got 9 of 10, so close.jpg
thank u James!
thank you james
Thank you James!
Thanks teacher, your lessons are always very useful.
Thanx James :)
Great lesson.
Can I request a lesson about the difference between “die of” and “die from”? Thanks a lot.
Die of indicates an internal cause (such as a disease)
Die from indicates an external cause (such as an accident).
Its just wonderful session James
I get it and I passed the test!
Thanks Mr. E
im a new user here , i thin it is very great
thank you so much )))
thank’re so friendly
thank you so much )))
Thanks a lot!
Hey James, your explanation are very clear…tks From Brazzzzzilllll
I just like you. I had barely understood everyting you told about and made only one mistake.
Hey James, your explanation are very clear… You know, it was a great fun to study with you… Thank you so much :))
the difference between my or mine ?
yours sincerely
Thank you! :)
useful lesson
My brother is not very tall. He is _________ tall enough to go on the adult roller-coaster ride at Disneyland.
In this question of the quiz I put “only”… afterwards I realized the right answer was “barely”. Alright, that makes sense though I think “only” also fits in there. It would totally change the meaning of the sentence.
So, what do you think?
thank you james !
thanks James, it was an useful topic.
just a question:
can we use ‘Only’ instead of ‘Just’ at question number 5 too?? (interchangeable in this form?)
9 out of 10…ONLY and JUST one mistake! Thank you for the lesson, James!
8 out of 10….ONLY…..:(
Dear friends,
I am from Iran; so I have to download all these lessens then listen. Recently some of the lessons with MP4 formatted (5 Native English Speaker Mistakes / IELTS Speaking Task 1 – How to get a high score / “AT ALL!” – How to make a strong point in English! / 5 Phrasal Verbs with GET – get up, get along, get ahead, get by… / Vocabulary: ONLY, JUST, BARELY, MERELY) have no sound or voice. I wish admin could change the formats of them or find a solution for me.
Thank you teacher James you are good teacher
Hello ….. Can we help each other in English language
thank you james, you are amazing teacher.
the same 8/10 =(
but anyway, nice class! really enjoyed it.
Great lesson, James! I could watch your videos for a long time, they’re very funny! (:
Here is a sugestion: make videos teaching about common academic vocabulary. That would be great! Greetings from Brazil!
thnak you, I have learnt a lot
Elmer Merino
thank you so much. I found a lot of page to learn E but I found this page and I think I had a page to learn E well. Thank you so much again.
One thing I know guys,English takes time and patient.Sometimes I feel like I realy speak English,but than the next day I realize that I still have to learn.The only thing that help you to learn English quickly is your confidence.I am advising you to do like this and I don’t do so.It is what it is,the most important thing is your health.Don’t make pressure on you :)
Hi James,
Thank you so much for the lessons, I am enjoying and have so much fun learning from you.
You have a great personality and you are a great teacher I have to admit that! and thanks to all teachers from you guys are all great teacher.
please any comment in my writing paragraph I would be really happy, so I can learn and improve my skill.
Thank you.
Good… Thanks
Thanks James.
Thank u fr this good lesson
What are mere and bare?
100% again! Thank you James!
Sally S
Thanks :) Very useful indeed.
10 out of 10!
Thank you a lot!
it’s kind a confused to me.. but nice subject, good explain from you James.. thx
100%. Thanks James you´ve taught me an easier way to pass the information on to students…You are brilliant!
Thank You
“the two ideas go together” exactly our privious teacher taught us ONLY one meaning for a word but that was wrong it s not JUST that
Excellent lesson!
I´am really enjoying to learn english now!! .. Thanks ¨Mr´s E”
I scored 6 in 10 at first watch, and from second watch I scored 9 in 10>>>>>
it’s amazing….
was awesome lesson, just now i got the difference among those words .. plenty thanks ,, :)
It’s is excellent, but just one thing, would be possible don’t rub out anything.Cos some students take screen shot and study it again latter .
thanks a lot .
Thank you, James!
But what about “hardly”? Can it be used in the way as “barely”, or there is some difference between them?
James, thank you so much!
Lively, energetic! Perfect video lesson! James, you’re heaven-born teacher! (if it could be told so)
Once saw your video on the other website, and here I am :) having great pleasure watching your and your colleagues’ lessons.
Thank you indeed!
Tahnks James
Hey James ;) Thanks a lot! You’re like an english teacher, only better !
Great teacher!!
Mr. E is a lucky guy :)
thank you James, this is the best class ever
That’s just amazing!
10/10! yay!
Thank you, James!
Thank you
Thanks a lot!
james Iliked the way you explain it great
thank you
thank you! I have a new words: berely and merely!I hope that they will not leave my mind fast.
what about these words
and I have choices ,I didn’t find them in the dictionary
a-copying tracks to CDs from online music sites
b-recording your CDs and enconding them into MP3 or other digital files
c-broadcasting files, mainly audio, on the internet for others to download
d-adding extra information about artists,albums,and songs to tracks on your MP3 collection
Abdullah Rashed
…We will not do your homework for you.
engVid Moderator
he is just asking mr james not you
abduullah 1
thank you, but I was looking to find out how to use commas. your lesson are so funny I can not stop watching them
Thankyou ,Sir…
Moe Ko
tks teacher, i’ve got 9/10 :P
dan kaito
Hi James
That was a very good and useful lesson teaching us how to use these verbs. Interesting it was to hear the justice explanation about using the word ‘just’ there.
Great study with you James and little student Mr. E .. :-)…
I liked a question about a russian person/ =) Thank you for that =)
I got only 6/10 . I barely have enough punctation. Would you give us more examples?
Thanks Mr. James, I got only 70%, is it correct?
Abdul Qayum
Hi, “Mr James”. I have heard lots of using “I am just ….” in movies and from native speakers. What does it means in here.
Good tips!
Thank you for giving me opportunity to watch your video. This is awesome to affect a lot that learning English by myself.
Your class is better than other classes which one I’v been.
I really wanna be a student of you even though that won’t be.
Plz keep this classes as long as possible.
Thank you teacher James.
I paid reverence to you.
SooJung Yu
Very useful lesson James, thank you!
This is just an amazing lesson.. Thanks a lot.
I had a doubt with these words, as they are very similar each other..
Thx a lot
Your class is so useful and interesting!!
I love it *^_______________^*
Thank you~
great teacher!
These four vocabularies are also similar, though you gave us nice explanations. In most context, I think they can use interchangeablely
Sallon yu
I cannt how to thank you , Mr.E
This lesson helps me more understanding
This was a good lesson…thanks.
Hey James thank you for your good lessons.
Please, can you tell me if you speak as you do in your daily life or if you speak slowly here to let us understanding better the lesson?
thank you.
i barely have enough time to do my homework
I merely finished from lesson and a girl phoned me to go outside
but she’s only 13 years old
and i only go with my girlfriend cause i love her
thank you James. You helping a lot to improve me English…sincerely edgar !!
I want to know the place of “Just” and “only” in the exact place in the sentence.
please .
Hussein from Iraq
james…you explained those words really well…we love you also if possible explain the correct usage of word “LITERALLY”……THANX
lucky sharma
thank you :)
Thanks James, although I also loves Valen ( can kill for her )!!!
sorry love not loves
MOD-BOT has detected a death threat. This comment has been forwarded to the local authorities, who will be in touch with you shortly.
engVid Moderator
is this real!!!, it was just linguistic expression , which means to much love !!, not real kill!!
Calm down! It’s just a joke. :P
engVid Moderator
ok ok ..great, I though it programmed bot that reports predetermined words, regardless double and hidden meaning !!! thanks Mod for declaring…hehe
Great lesson, James, as usual.
One question,though: When we use barely the verb
is in the affirmative or negative?
I’m asking you this because I saw in a movie,
a comedy actually, a scene in which the guy was
learning how to dance. Dancing was his worst
And a man said: ” You can do it. Go! Think of
Edward Swatzneger(I don’t know how to spell this name)he can BARELY walk!
It was funny, but my doubt is, can I say:
” He can’t barely walk”?
I don’t know if I’ve made myself clear but that’s my doubt.
Please, help me James. ( it’s not a command).
James, could you please explain to me which one is the correct sentence?
It’s about about the adverb: Hardly.
Can I say: “I can hardly stand up” or “I can’t hardly stand up.”
Got 9 out of 10. It’s really confusing.
thank you so much you are best titches
cool!! i got 9 of 10.
Thank you James and Mr.E
Great Lecture like always you make! So helpful. Thank you.
You mentioned that you are in Toronto.
Have you ever heard about Celpip which is Canadian English Test. Could you make some videos about that if you know about it…
cool lesson from a cool teacher.
One of your examples of the use of ‘barely’ is incorrect. You wrote, “I barely have enough $ for food.” You wanted ‘barely’ to act as an adverb for ‘enough’. Instead, in this context, ‘barely’ is an adverb for the word ‘have’, as in “I barely have food.” What your example SHOULD read is, “I have barely enough $ for food.” In THIS context, it means, “I have enough $, but barely.”
By the way, I am neither an English student, nor an English teacher. I am MERELY an advocate for proper grammar.
Thanks James for this incredible lesson.
This was an excelent lesson. thanks teacher.
Thank you very much sir you are very valuable for us
I got 8/10, great result!
Icchariya Nani
My last one was incorrect as I am little bit confused b/w merely and only
Shailja jain
I got 100, ten out of ten. Thank mate for your teaching and your originality!
Hey guys could anyone please tell me the meaning of this statement ‘she has her name after her father’
Hey, James!
I heard sometimes that word “just” means “simply” or translated like that (into Ukrainian or Russian)
e.g “you just press the button, and the machine will do all the work” – is that correct?
You got 7 correct out of 10.
thank you.
M kartal
Hi!Sir James i have a question! Which one will be most correct?
A)As she said,the computer was programmed by Mona.
b)As like she said the computer was programmed by Mona.
c)Just like she had said the computer was programmed by Mona. correct ans given to be is b but i want to check its grammar and reply me soon as you can
Wow this test is pretty good! 10 out of 10.
Thanks for that lesson.
Thank you. Still confusing though. I think I need more examples to understand the use of them.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
That what i was looking for. Thanks James.
Always the best
Thank my teacher
Thanks, James ;) Besides, I’m wondering is there any difference between odd/weird/strange/bizarre?
yeah this is JAMES and this is engvid and right here is mr E these all mean that we are going to have fun study …. damn i wrote rap song lol……. James prize my effort
Good lesson, two yesrs ago I could not barely understand you, it is just to say you are a good teacher, the only good teacher ?, of course not your colleages are also great. Thanks a lot
Hey machacao, hope things are doing great! In your sentence you can’t use “barely” with a negative modal verb, so you have to say: Two years ago I could barely understand you!
Best regards, see ya!
10 out of 10! I am merely a genius, aren’t I?))))))))))))))))))))))))
It’s “am not I?” ;)
I’m an English student too, I’m not showing off.
Hey JAMES, I guess (merely, barely) not common words in the US, I always watching movies and TV serial with the sub titles but I haven’t heard these words before never!! they made me kinda confused.
Hey Taha, I couldn’t disagree more! I can assure you that that’s pretty used in American speech, you will now notice that!
Yah maybe .. thanks for your comment ..
wish you the best.
James, your amazing!
Thank you!
James, you’re amazing.
Thank you!
thank you :)
Thanks James!You just know how to teach!
Thank you :)
it´s great !! thanks :)
80 % ok it’s difficult
Hi James,where is your magazines or newsper @ this time?May be you forget to buy it.
You rock man, an so does Mr E!
Thanks Mr James
James. give us many lessons only you Thx
Oh yeh!Finally I’m a member here.Thank you so much for helping us learn so easily .I look forward to comment more!
Thank you James
I loved your way to explain it! Thanks
its great lesson but I wanna know about usages of (also,too,either,neither). non native English speakers get puzzle while using these words.
“Also” is used in positive sentences to add an agreeing thought.
Jane speaks French. Sam also speaks French.
I love chocolate. I also love pizza.
Frank can come with us. Nancy can also come with us.
“Also” comes after “to be.”
I am also Canadian.
I was also there.
With verbs other than “to be,” “also” comes before single verb forms.
I also sing.
He also helped us.
In verb tenses with many parts, “also” comes after the first part and before the second.
I have also been to Hong Kong.
I am also studying economics.
Similarly, since modal verbs are usually followed by a second verb, “also” comes after modal verbs.
I can also speak French.
I should also be there.
“Too” is used in positive sentences to add an agreeing thought. It has the same meaning as “also,” but its placement within the sentence is different.
Jane speaks French. Sam speaks French too.
I love chocolate. I love pizza too.
Frank can come with us. Nancy can come with us too.
“Too” usually comes at the end of a clause.
I am Canadian too.
I can speak French too.
I am studying economics too.
If he wants to go too, he should meet us at 8:00.
Although “too” is usually placed at the end of a clause, it can sometimes be used with commas after the subject of the sentence. This is usually only done in formal speech.
Mr. Jones wanted the contract. Ms. Jackson, too, thought it was necessary.
Donna is working on a solution to the problem. I, too, am trying to find a way to resolve the conflict.
“Either” is used in negative sentences to add an agreeing thought.
Jane doesn’t speak French. Sam doesn’t speak French either.
I don’t love chocolate. I don’t love pizza either.
Frank cannot come with us. Nancy cannot come with us either.
“Either” usually comes at the end of a clause.
I cannot speak French either.
I am not studying economics either.
I don’t want to eat either.
I didn’t like the movie either.
Good job thalinho! i appreciate the way you teach are also a good teacher who always ready to assist others..
could i get your email id so that i can learn from you..i would be very graetful if you have a time for me.
It is great
Thanks a lot Thalinho! I’m skimming the chat before to watch this lesson, and I stopped in a long comment, than I find you. Very nice. Good job. Lydia
i got 9 out of 10….
not bad for my first day at engvid…thanks a lot :)
Thank you James! I’ve got 9 of 10, so close.jpg
thank u James!
thank you james
Thank you James!
Thanks teacher, your lessons are always very useful.
Thanx James :)
Great lesson.
Can I request a lesson about the difference between “die of” and “die from”? Thanks a lot.
Die of indicates an internal cause (such as a disease)
Die from indicates an external cause (such as an accident).
Its just wonderful session James
I get it and I passed the test!
Thanks Mr. E
im a new user here , i thin it is very great
thank you so much )))
thank’re so friendly
thank you so much )))
Thanks a lot!
Hey James, your explanation are very clear…tks From Brazzzzzilllll
I just like you. I had barely understood everyting you told about and made only one mistake.
Hey James, your explanation are very clear… You know, it was a great fun to study with you… Thank you so much :))
the difference between my or mine ?
yours sincerely
Thank you! :)
useful lesson
My brother is not very tall. He is _________ tall enough to go on the adult roller-coaster ride at Disneyland.
In this question of the quiz I put “only”… afterwards I realized the right answer was “barely”. Alright, that makes sense though I think “only” also fits in there. It would totally change the meaning of the sentence.
So, what do you think?
thank you james !
thanks James, it was an useful topic.
just a question:
can we use ‘Only’ instead of ‘Just’ at question number 5 too?? (interchangeable in this form?)
9 out of 10…ONLY and JUST one mistake! Thank you for the lesson, James!
8 out of 10….ONLY…..:(
Dear friends,
I am from Iran; so I have to download all these lessens then listen. Recently some of the lessons with MP4 formatted (5 Native English Speaker Mistakes / IELTS Speaking Task 1 – How to get a high score / “AT ALL!” – How to make a strong point in English! / 5 Phrasal Verbs with GET – get up, get along, get ahead, get by… / Vocabulary: ONLY, JUST, BARELY, MERELY) have no sound or voice. I wish admin could change the formats of them or find a solution for me.
Thank you teacher James you are good teacher
Hello ….. Can we help each other in English language
thank you james, you are amazing teacher.
the same 8/10 =(
but anyway, nice class! really enjoyed it.
Great lesson, James! I could watch your videos for a long time, they’re very funny! (:
Here is a sugestion: make videos teaching about common academic vocabulary. That would be great! Greetings from Brazil!
thnak you, I have learnt a lot
thank you so much. I found a lot of page to learn E but I found this page and I think I had a page to learn E well. Thank you so much again.
One thing I know guys,English takes time and patient.Sometimes I feel like I realy speak English,but than the next day I realize that I still have to learn.The only thing that help you to learn English quickly is your confidence.I am advising you to do like this and I don’t do so.It is what it is,the most important thing is your health.Don’t make pressure on you :)
Hi James,
Thank you so much for the lessons, I am enjoying and have so much fun learning from you.
You have a great personality and you are a great teacher I have to admit that! and thanks to all teachers from you guys are all great teacher.
please any comment in my writing paragraph I would be really happy, so I can learn and improve my skill.
Thank you.
Good… Thanks
Thanks James.
Thank u fr this good lesson
What are mere and bare?
100% again! Thank you James!
Thanks :) Very useful indeed.
10 out of 10!
Thank you a lot!
it’s kind a confused to me.. but nice subject, good explain from you James.. thx
100%. Thanks James you´ve taught me an easier way to pass the information on to students…You are brilliant!
Thank You
“the two ideas go together” exactly our privious teacher taught us ONLY one meaning for a word but that was wrong it s not JUST that
Excellent lesson!
I´am really enjoying to learn english now!! .. Thanks ¨Mr´s E”
I scored 6 in 10 at first watch, and from second watch I scored 9 in 10>>>>>
it’s amazing….
was awesome lesson, just now i got the difference among those words .. plenty thanks ,, :)
It’s is excellent, but just one thing, would be possible don’t rub out anything.Cos some students take screen shot and study it again latter .
thanks a lot .
Thank you, James!
But what about “hardly”? Can it be used in the way as “barely”, or there is some difference between them?
James, thank you so much!
Lively, energetic! Perfect video lesson! James, you’re heaven-born teacher! (if it could be told so)
Once saw your video on the other website, and here I am :) having great pleasure watching your and your colleagues’ lessons.
Thank you indeed!
Tahnks James
Hey James ;) Thanks a lot! You’re like an english teacher, only better !
Great teacher!!
Mr. E is a lucky guy :)
thank you James, this is the best class ever
That’s just amazing!
10/10! yay!
Thank you, James!
Thank you
Thanks a lot!
james Iliked the way you explain it great
thank you
thank you! I have a new words: berely and merely!I hope that they will not leave my mind fast.
what about these words
and I have choices ,I didn’t find them in the dictionary
a-copying tracks to CDs from online music sites
b-recording your CDs and enconding them into MP3 or other digital files
c-broadcasting files, mainly audio, on the internet for others to download
d-adding extra information about artists,albums,and songs to tracks on your MP3 collection
…We will not do your homework for you.
he is just asking mr james not you
thank you, but I was looking to find out how to use commas. your lesson are so funny I can not stop watching them
Thankyou ,Sir…
tks teacher, i’ve got 9/10 :P
Hi James
That was a very good and useful lesson teaching us how to use these verbs. Interesting it was to hear the justice explanation about using the word ‘just’ there.
Great study with you James and little student Mr. E .. :-)…
I liked a question about a russian person/ =) Thank you for that =)
I got only 6/10 . I barely have enough punctation. Would you give us more examples?
Thanks Mr. James, I got only 70%, is it correct?
Hi, “Mr James”. I have heard lots of using “I am just ….” in movies and from native speakers. What does it means in here.
Good tips!
Thank you for giving me opportunity to watch your video. This is awesome to affect a lot that learning English by myself.
Your class is better than other classes which one I’v been.
I really wanna be a student of you even though that won’t be.
Plz keep this classes as long as possible.
Thank you teacher James.
I paid reverence to you.
Very useful lesson James, thank you!
This is just an amazing lesson.. Thanks a lot.
I had a doubt with these words, as they are very similar each other..
Thx a lot
Your class is so useful and interesting!!
I love it *^_______________^*
Thank you~
great teacher!
These four vocabularies are also similar, though you gave us nice explanations. In most context, I think they can use interchangeablely
I cannt how to thank you , Mr.E
This lesson helps me more understanding
This was a good lesson…thanks.
Hey James thank you for your good lessons.
Please, can you tell me if you speak as you do in your daily life or if you speak slowly here to let us understanding better the lesson?
thank you.
i barely have enough time to do my homework
I merely finished from lesson and a girl phoned me to go outside
but she’s only 13 years old
and i only go with my girlfriend cause i love her
thank you James. You helping a lot to improve me English…sincerely edgar !! if some want to chat and practice English please add me.
I want to know the place of “Just” and “only” in the exact place in the sentence.
please .
Hussein from Iraq
james…you explained those words really well…we love you also if possible explain the correct usage of word “LITERALLY”……THANX
thank you :)
Thanks James, although I also loves Valen ( can kill for her )!!!
sorry love not loves
MOD-BOT has detected a death threat. This comment has been forwarded to the local authorities, who will be in touch with you shortly.
is this real!!!, it was just linguistic expression , which means to much love !!, not real kill!!
Calm down! It’s just a joke. :P
ok ok ..great, I though it programmed bot that reports predetermined words, regardless double and hidden meaning !!! thanks Mod for declaring…hehe
Great lesson, James, as usual.
One question,though: When we use barely the verb
is in the affirmative or negative?
I’m asking you this because I saw in a movie,
a comedy actually, a scene in which the guy was
learning how to dance. Dancing was his worst
And a man said: ” You can do it. Go! Think of
Edward Swatzneger(I don’t know how to spell this name)he can BARELY walk!
It was funny, but my doubt is, can I say:
” He can’t barely walk”?
I don’t know if I’ve made myself clear but that’s my doubt.
Please, help me James. ( it’s not a command).
James, could you please explain to me which one is the correct sentence?
It’s about about the adverb: Hardly.
Can I say: “I can hardly stand up” or “I can’t hardly stand up.”
Got 9 out of 10. It’s really confusing.
thank you so much you are best titches
cool!! i got 9 of 10.
Thank you James and Mr.E
Great Lecture like always you make! So helpful. Thank you.
You mentioned that you are in Toronto.
Have you ever heard about Celpip which is Canadian English Test. Could you make some videos about that if you know about it…
cool lesson from a cool teacher.
One of your examples of the use of ‘barely’ is incorrect. You wrote, “I barely have enough $ for food.” You wanted ‘barely’ to act as an adverb for ‘enough’. Instead, in this context, ‘barely’ is an adverb for the word ‘have’, as in “I barely have food.” What your example SHOULD read is, “I have barely enough $ for food.” In THIS context, it means, “I have enough $, but barely.”
By the way, I am neither an English student, nor an English teacher. I am MERELY an advocate for proper grammar.
Thanks James for this incredible lesson.
This was an excelent lesson. thanks teacher.
Thank you very much sir you are very valuable for us
I got 8/10, great result!
My last one was incorrect as I am little bit confused b/w merely and only
I got 100, ten out of ten. Thank mate for your teaching and your originality!
Hey guys could anyone please tell me the meaning of this statement ‘she has her name after her father’
Hey, James!
I heard sometimes that word “just” means “simply” or translated like that (into Ukrainian or Russian)
e.g “you just press the button, and the machine will do all the work” – is that correct?
You got 7 correct out of 10.
thank you.
Hi!Sir James i have a question! Which one will be most correct?
A)As she said,the computer was programmed by Mona.
b)As like she said the computer was programmed by Mona.
c)Just like she had said the computer was programmed by Mona. correct ans given to be is b but i want to check its grammar and reply me soon as you can
Wow this test is pretty good! 10 out of 10.
Thanks for that lesson.
Thank you. Still confusing though. I think I need more examples to understand the use of them.
great lesson, 10/10 ty very much!
Every lesson gives me more desire to learn.