Let’s cut to the chase — we all love movies. We love to talk about our favorite movies, but don’t have the right words. In this lesson we’ll go over some common movie vocabulary that you regularly hear, as well as some slang and Hollywood lingo that will help you understand your favorite stars talk about what they do.
hi franobre . why i am unable to leave a comment directly on the blog??
good lesson and outstanding teaching..
I agree with you))
I desagree with you.
100% – That’s a wrap
Thank you very much Mr Adam.It is useful lesson
Tarek Radman
What a fantastic lesson!
Ebrahim Elafifi
I’ve just subscribed in order to show how much I’m grateful for this. Thank you so much.
Hicham Wazen
Thank you very much for you efforts, we appreciate it,indeed.
I got 9/9 :)
Very interesting lesson!Thank you Mr.Adam.
I like movies :) I didn’t know some idioms about movies.
Thank you for your interesting lesson, Adam :)
I didn’t know the difference between a box office success and a blockbuster, now I got it.
Josue Ribeiro
Thanks so much! I have learned a lot.
It is a very good lesson and you are an excellent teacher. Thank you for it
Aasal Aad
It was very good. Congratulations.
Like it! thanks a lot for the new vocabularies. God bless!
aileen saligan
first off all thank you very much for the great lesson. I’d like to ask you to make a complete lesson about court of law, I mean the expressions like file lawsuit, prosecutor and etc if is it possible.
thank you very much.
I’ll see what i can do Suyseen :)
Thanks a lot. I have learnt interesting words..I would like to know the following words as well- a boner, a nyquil..
nyquil is not a movie word. it is a medicine to treat cold.
Hey Adam! I would like to appreciate if you prepare a lesson about medical stuff, such as different kinds of specialities, diseases or even part of the bodies and organs. Thank you
Your video is very good, but please don´t generalize, I don´t like chick flick I prefer fiction movie. Women are not the same.
He said “women usually and men not so much” and not “all the women love….”
Wow ,you are really versatile .
hi dear I try to improve my English.Also I want to meetperson who lives anywhere on the word. If you want I want to talk you so my mail account is mayavuz06@hotmail.com.
Have a nice day with health
Hi Grazisil,
By no means did I intend to do suggest that women are all the same. However, terms like ‘chick flick’ appear because they reflect on real life situations.
I hope i did not cause you offense.
‘chick’ – it is woman …. mmm… sounds not very nice… :-/ thanks for your apologizing Adam… :-)
Lana Laguz
Great tip as always….love it.
Nice lesson. Thank you so much, Adam.
I usually read English, and sometimes I try to read aloud.
But I need to listen more; the word “genre”, I would never pronounce this one right by just reading…
Evaldo Mendes
HAHA! Excellent explanation Mr. Adam! thank you very much :)!
luigi Doganieri
Nicely made lesson, and interesting quiz. Thank you so much.
very good!, Thanks Adam!
:-O… I didn´t know it!!!! thanks!!!
can u do vocabulary lesson about all kind of natural disaster..thank u adam
I’ll see what i can do Agatha :)
Thanks I got 78%.
Abdul Qayum
Hi everybody! I want to get some conversation practice in English. And I’m glad to talk everyone who is learning English or Russia (is my mother’s language) languages. My Skype is liashns79, write me, please.
Nikolay Petrov
Hi Nikolay Petrov!
I want to do the same conversation practice in English. Here is my Skype ID.
I hope it would help.
very useful lesson, thank you teacher, and i got 89%
Mmmmmmmmm speaking in French, sooooo cute, in books we say chick lit =) I like that. Thanx for the lesson!
thanks that was great ! thank you Adam
It’s the first time i see your video , it was fantastic and i have learned things i didn’t know before ,your way of explaining is so clear, thank you for this video.
Welcome Zoaldyeck :)
I think I’m not a beginner in English anymore. But this clip video teached me a lot of new thing. And It was easy to understand; ) Thank you!
Again perfect Adam, slam is very usual and very useful. Thanks.
Thank you.
Thanks Adam. I just had to check “a delusional pervert” as an answer, for it was so funny. My favourite for Oscar is “American hustle”.
Thank you very much Mr. Adam! You have a very polite, calm and clear way of teaching. It is always a big pleasure to watch your lessons. Thank you for the work you’re doing for us.
u r g8 teacher Mr.Adam but I suggest u to write what you explain not only the main ideas or make pdf files for your lessons and thank u so much
thank u very much u are great teacher and i love ur lesson………
yousuf sufi
Thanks a lot Mr. Adam.
It’s really was a very useful lesson.
This is very helpful for me!:):)
stephen lee
it was excited, but I got 78 points. Thanks a lot.
thanks a lot !
I suppose they use the word “cast”, because the screenwriter ask for character and the casting guys have to “cast” someone “in the shape” imagined by the screenwriter. In Romanian the word for cast is “turna”. I suppose we have to use in English “Brad Pitt was cast in a movie”.
Interesting point Geotip. Thanks :)
Thank you Adam. Love your vocabulary lessons. They always very clear. I’m not perfect at grammar but my vocabulary is like my own Achilles’ heel. My 4year-old niece reminds me of myself speaking English when she eagerly wants to say something momentous. It’s like her every second word is …ammm:-)
how are you so nice writing.i like to learn also
ali mirzai
I have a 9/9 very useful lesson. I really didn’t know the difference between the director and producer. I think it will be useful, especially for me because I want to become an actor. Thank you very much
Hello Mr Adam, Thank You so much,I have got 100 % and I am so happy,
I just need your advice, I will enter the Ilets Test after 3 Months, please give me an advice
Thank You so much indeed :)
Hi Asmaasaad14,
In such a short note, the best advice I can give you is to read as much as you can from now until then and build your vocabulary. But also look online for IELTS sites with exercises.
Good luck
Thank you Adam, It’s helpful God bless you!
Tu est formidable ! Je t’adore toujours; jusqu’à respirais …
Hi Emanuela. Nice compliment to Adam who deserves it and thanks for using French, nice language for love ;-).
Adam should be a A-list teacher.
It’s my pleasure , I love french !
Oh yeap he should be an A-list teacher because he is the best one :), also is my favorite teacher.
Quand’il parle d’amour <3 tu me comprends tres bien… (le FranÇais mon ami est toujours romantique ;))
Hi Emanuela Papazisi!
I am unable to understand your compliment which is in French for Adam. From my perspective, If you had given your compliment in English all of us would have understood that nice compliment.
Moreover I don’t know about Adam either he understand french or not. If he doesn’t then… Would you please translate it into English for my SWEEEEEETT Teacher ADAM??
By the way I am not against french… I love french Kkkk…sss.
I don’t know but it seems you’ve fallen in love with Adam and you’re right. “Quand’il parle d’amour <3 tu me comprends tres bien… “ I didn't understand what you wanted to say, particularly “<3“. Do you think Adam is speaking about love? I thought is was speaking about…English ;-) but I'm sure he's very pleased with your love!!!!
By the way we're all talking about Adam, he's the only one who doesn't.
Merci patple 13 :). I know you’re a great friend! I was thinking about what you wrote…
You know ,here the most important thing is learning english!(the other things are just topics,which make english more interesting… that’s all)
Voila, je suis ici :)
Sorry it took so long.
English can be quite a romantic language as well if you know how to weave it well.
Thank you Emanuela,
I love French as well. I wish I could speak it better, but I only have the French I learned in school (in Canada… so Quebecois– not the same :( )
You are great, clear and polite as usual! Love it, thanks.
I’m so happy that I found this website, it’s really awesome. Your lecture was great, but I think more examples about a new word make it more clear.
Thank you Adam ! I have learned new words about cinema ! Thats cute !
Hi, I want to start from the beginning to study the lessons in English, I may say that I follow order of the lessons, I do not understand very well by the lessons or find them?
I agree with you. I would like to start from the beginning also.
thank you
Hi Adam! Thank for another great lesson. Tell me. What do you think about create lesson about difficult pairs like “stuff vs. thing”, “stuff vs staff”, “see vs. look” and so on….. (“and so on” I heard in Yours lesson in 2012). Often this pairs are very confusion for students.
Good ideas here Euro,
I’ll see what I can do about getting some of them up here.
Ah Adam. Je t’aime beaucoup, mais je t’amorai jamais. “Amore” is italian, I think ;)
Thank you for this usefull vocabulary lesson. Helps to understand TV show comments on fan pages ;)
thanks so much Adam , i have got 89 ,i am spending nice time here .
thank you Mr.Adam, it’s a useful lesson
Thanks Adam
Mehran Sky
i got 100%
really enjoyed it..
Je t’aime, dear Adam! :)
i like this teach
Thank u Adam.It was really useful lesson.I got 100 score !!
I like animation movies . why you don’t tell us about them . thank you
thank ronnie
I’ll get to them next time :)
thank you. That was a great lesson!
william figueroa
Thank you ,for the lesson learnt
Has anybody ever seen a purple ferrari?? :-D It made me laugh :-D …. Very nice lesson.
I’m glad :)
Wow, thank you
This Lesson is very interesting and funny .. thanks very much!
Hello ALessandro. Is there any way I can contact you so that we can practice. I cannot understand italian speakers so I would like if you can help me out.
Tks so much. It was a “cut to thae chase” in the movies world
My favorite grammar teacher. I like his serious “lets get down to the business” attitude.. Why are all canadian ppl so nice and polite?
Are we? :) why not?
Thank you for the lesson Adam :)
Thank you for the lesson Adam :)
thanks Adam :D
Adam, what is the difference between “part of” and “a part of”. Just look at the following text:
“When this option is on, if a simple command fails for any of the reasons listed in Consequences of Shell Errors or returns an exit status value >0, and is not part of the compound list following a while, until, or if keyword, and is not a part of an AND or OR list, and is not a pipeline preceded by the ! reserved word, then the shell shall immediately exit.”
I’m not sure whether the letter “a” is missing because I’ve seen both “a part of” and “part of” many times.
Hi Morfik,
I was hoping to give you a more definitive answer, but after searching around the net and in some books, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no real difference and they can be used interchangeably.
That being said, the article (a), to me, suggests an individualizing element, such that ‘a’ part of is a distinct part that can later be referred to as ‘the’ part. Part of, therefore, would be an element in the whole.
This does not necessarily help you here anyway, because in the example you gave, both terms refer to the same thing — a simple command’s place in some list.
So, where does that leave us? being frustrated by, yet loving this language ( but that might just be me again ;) )
Part of, therefore, would be an abstract element in the whole
thanks a lot for you about this lesson
also but i do not got it what is the mean chick and flick and when i can say thats can you explain more please
Very helpful lesson! Thanks!
that was a bluckbuster but with a low budget and thank you
Very very good way 4 knowledge about a particular thing
…thank you 4 the lession adam..
pravin browne
Bonza :) and Viva 70’s giallo movies ^^
Thanks so much, Adams!!! It’s very useful and really exciting!
thank you so much… ‘Adam you’re a wonderful teacher , i have learnt alot from you .daily i watch yours videos today i got 10/10 :) and it’s so helpful .once again thank you soooo much :)
I got 5 correct out of 9.
I’ll try again , thanks teacher .
Very nice lesson. It’s simple and easy for beginner
Diomedes De La Rosa
Thanks for the good lesson adam sir…
thank very much
i only read not listen much, your explaination is easy to understand
Hi Adam!
please come soon to comment box….
we are missing you….
Nice, a very useful lesson :D
Thx u its useful for foreigner practice listening
Thank you very much Mr.Adam …
Tasneem Allam
Thanks Adam for the class..
Could you please tell me the difference here,which one is correct?
Frightful incident/frightening incident
Terrific attack/terrifying attack
horrible accident /horrifying accident/horrific attack
Hi Pinyuk,
In all the examples, the adjectives ending in -ing describe the feeling that the noun instills in the observer.
So, a terrifying attack, means that those who witnessed the attack (not necessarily the victims) were terrified.
The other adjectives describe the noun itself, in strong emotional characterizations.
Does that help?
Many thanks Mr Adam for this useful lesson.Frankly,I have never heard these expressions before.
Marwa salama
So clear. Have someone ever told you that you transmit confidence and god vibrations ?
That’s nice to hear. Thank you Thinopar
You talked clearly, and the lesson is very useful
Very good lesson, i love cinema and movies.
Thank you very much for the explanations teacher Adam.
thanks very much you have a good bible name which is I very like . I`m going to see pastor Paul in Russia so your lessons is a blessing to me
Thanks a lot.
Very nice, thanks!
Very intersting lesson. Great Adam. Thanks a lot
Hello teacher
Hi teacher how can I do know?
Hi Solhy?
How can you know? ask :)
Thanks Adam.
I would like to ask you a question, though not regarding the lecture but related to my English learning.
Problem is, when I write English essays or write on any topic, I can write long and even complex sentences very easily with out making mistakes of grammar and can use strong or high level words But while speaking, either on phone or face to face I cannot speak even a very short sentence correctly. I forget even low level words to complete my conversation.
This is very serious problem for me. kindly guide me through this and tell me how to tackle such conditions……..
Hi Naveed,
Yours is not an uncommon problem. From my experience, the main issue is time. When you write, you are in a quiet place and in no hurry. When you speak with someone, you have to construct your sentences quickly while at the same time preparing for the response. This can be distracting.
Try reading out loud what you write, and record yourself. Listen to your good English and remember that you can construct good sentences. Then, when you speak with someone, don’t be in a hurry. If they want the conversation, they will wait for you.
Mostly, though, just practice speaking every chance you get. This problem will eventually go away.
I hope this helps a little
Thanks Adam,
one thing I must ask you, why I always used to be in hurry while speaking?? I really don’t know…
Oh beleive me Naveed, you are not alone, as Adam said. My writting his much better than my speaking and I have the same feeling as yours. When I forget the “s” whith he, or she at the present, that hurts my hears as soon as it comes out of my mouth. I am so annoyed by this ;)But it has to be practice, practice and pratice, the only things which can fix it. Oral language and written one are not at the same level though. Nobody speaks like the way he writes. The opposite happens : peole writting like they are speaking. But usualy it is not considered that good ;)
wow, it is a surprise!
Ivo Crifar
Hi Adam, how are you today? About film I know a word I’ve be long to look for (laziness) which is “footage“. Before I new what it meant I thought it was related to soccer :-). One grammatical question I could also ask Rebecca: I read many English books (I love this language) and I have remarked there were very few punctuation marks which renders reading quite difficult above all in the very long sentences. Also, watching again your lesson about “How to use etc., …, and so on, etc., I noticed you didn’t like some food such as pizza, hamburgers, pita, etc., you called “junk food“ and I agree with when you get them in supermarkets, fast-food restaurants… . However, when you cook them
However, when you cook them at home, le result is quite different since you use excellent and fresh products and no the junk products we are served in McDonald’s and similar. I remind you that you are welcome in Avignon to share with us splendid meals I am sure you will love.
Hi Patple,
Thank you :) To tell the truth, I make very tasty pizza at home.
I forgot to mention before that I have been to Avignon once. Too bad I didn’t know you 10 years ago. I went there to the arts festival.
Anyway, when I return there, I’ll be very happy to share a meal with you :)
100 :D thank you.
Adam, could you tell me if the word “shutdown” may be used as a gerund, or does it have a continuous form — shutdowning? I wanted to write “while rebooting or shutdowning my pc”, but my dictionary underlined the word in question. So, there’s “reboot”, “rebooting”, “shutdown”, but no “shutdowning”? I’ve been seeing the word “shutdowning” all the time, but it looks like the word doesn’t exists at all. I even came across the following statement: “This site is dedicated to educating people about the common misuses of words like “shutdown.” It is meant for both non-native speakers who may not know any better, and for native speakers who should know better but don’t.” . I’m wondering if I can say “Shutdowning a pc via the power button isn’t a good idea.”. Adam, what would you say about the sentence? :)
Hi Morfik,
I’m a little surprised when you say you’ve seen the word shutdowning all the time. It isn’t a word. Shutdown is a joined phrasal verb to create a noun or adjective. As a phrasal, it’s ‘shut down’, so the gerund would be shutting down. So: “Shutting down the PC via the power…,” is the correct way.
Hope this helps.
Thanks :)
Thanks Adam.
IT’s first time to learn English in engvid.com.
Kim Yong-beom
Welcome Yong-beom :0
That’s cool. If say about last Oscar ceremony, i was disappointed that Di Caprio didn’t get one.
the lesson was great XD
Thank you Sir, your lesson was really helpful :)
Very good lessons!
Hi Adam. Thank you for sharing these effective lesson to us. Truly I like and prefer American English than British English and Unfortunately in my country most of the vocabulary English books cover British English not American English. Now I need your advice. would please introduce some vocabulary and idioms books for Intermediate level to up to buy them.
May the Force be with You
Thanks Sunflower.:)
To be honest, wouldn’t recommend vocab books. I’d prefer you read newspapers, magazines, online articles, and so on. It’s much more valuable in vocab building.
If you still want some books, I’ll do some research and recommend some
Thanks Adam, I like your idea and I’m sure it works better than vocabulary books, I love Britannica articles and sometimes I read some articles and learn new words and phrases. but I think I read more and more especially mag and articles as you said.
Thanks again and good luck
Hi Everybody,
Sorry for the (very late responses this time. I had some family issues to take care of, and then my internet went down.
No worries, though. All is well now.
See you soon.
I hope everything goes well
Hi Adam,
Better late than never ;) => Is this expression correct in English ? That is what we would say in French – mieux vaut tard que jamais.
Hi Annie,
yes… well said :)
Thanks a lot
Hi Adam,
First of all I’m so glad to know this web site and great teachers as you.Thank you for this lesson because it is difficult for us to find the meaning of these words togheter in some minutes.Then would you please tell me the address of canadian sites where I can see movies
in english without registration.My problem is when I want to speak english,I forget all .
Hard to find these sites Mahroo. If i find out, I’ll let you know.
Good job Mr.Adam,it was amazing!
Thank you
It was useful
falah tawfeeq
abdulrahman mahrous
You’re Awesome !!!!!!
I really Enjoyed your Video keep on Doing videos <3
i got 9/9 in the test but i ticked one by a luck :P (The Actor Name!)
You catch me napping!) I was really thinking, that Brad Pitt will appear in this video, but it is just his “cameo”)).
Very good lesson. I’ve liked it!
very useful lesson and sympathetic teacher :) thank you!
I look forward to seeing new video lessons.
It was very interesting lesson for me, thank You.:-)
Very interesting lesson. i’ve learned much new. Thank you.
Hi Adam, thank you very much! I’ve just signed up in this website and I’m so happy. Thanks for your accent that make me understand everything :)
I get 100,I’m so happy,it’s my debute)
this man is the best teacher! Congratulations, Congratulations.
Abdirahman haydra
Thank you Very much Adam :)
I’ve just signed up in this website and I’m really happy to watch this video :) :)
but can I ask you question .. what is the difference between “prequel” and “sequel”? sorry I can’t get it :\
The prequel is about things that happened before the original movie; the sequel is about things that happened after. For example: the 1979 movie Alien was set in the year 2122. The next movie, Aliens (1986), was set in 2179 — it is a sequel. The 2012 movie Prometheus is part of the same story, but takes place in 2093 — that makes it a prequel.
engVid Moderator
And Mr. engVid also thinks that Prometheus is better than Alien and Aliens, though engVid Moderator I’m sure will disagree :)
100% :))))))))) Great lesson!! Mamy thanks!!
Hi Mr. Adam, my name is Dianaliz, and I live in Unite States but I am from Cuba, I wouldlike to know, how I can improve my English , I need more vocabulary.Thanks for your class, I liked it.
Sorry if I was wrong writing
Thanks Adam. You are a good teacher. The lesson is very easy to remember. Can you teach me how to change to a passive tense? . Thanks.
thank you teacher. i got 89 point
bilguun mgl
ooh no…
I got score fifty six ,
Thank you Mr.Adam
I think my English not too strong and I will improve in English course.
Thank you very much for your lesson and I subscribed your lessons in YouTube.please let me know how will I explain movie story if IELTS examiner ask me? .which tense should I use for explaining story?
i got 67. its amazing :v
“A List Teacher”!!! Thanks a lot!
Ofelia Espinosa
I would like watch pictures about the vocabulary….
Ana Milena Herazo
Thank you) very interesting lesson)
I thought I am the first one from Kazakhstan in here. I am glad to see my countryman
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
This was the first time I saw your video. Mr. Adam, it’s great! I am sure that your videos would help me to pass exams and to work as an English teacher in Belarus :)
perfect done man
Thank you. The lesson is really great,Adamazing
Good to be a director. You can get a Ferrari of any colour lol
Hi Adam. I have an idea for new topic about more sophisticated vocabulary – how to say simple things in a more advanced way. What do you think about it? I Think it would help me and others during oral exam.
Great lesson. I hope that I will learn from you even more.
The chick flick,I like it. Do you know any site address where I can watch the Bevearly hills 90210 in English?
Anuar is from Kazakhstan
Thank you, this is great.
WELL I just got 7 correct out of 9 for this lessons, not bad anyway! But I’m still trying to get 9 yeah!i’ll never give up to study in this engVid Learn English, thanks teacher
8 out of 9 :( the second question is difficult , i guess :)
Dinh Quoc Lap
It is fantastic! Thank you!
Except the second question, I answered 8 correct out of 9.
I really to learn many word and sentens, and really enjoy this site, thanks for all videos. I love this lenguage.!
Hello! It is my first time on the http://www.engvid.com. Adam, you are magical! Absolutely!:) I have never heard such understandable explanations! Thank you:)
Hi Adam!
I didn’t know that english speakers use French words like genre, debut and premiere to speak about films! Merci beaucoup! :)
Hi Adam,I like your lessons and your presenting style.Thanks
Mr. Adam , thank you very much for your lessons. I like the way you teach. It’s very easy to understand. I try to learn all of your lessons because it help me to improve my English. Thanks again
I really like your lessons! your accent is perfect for me I understans everything!
thank you so much!
I know this question is not about movies but I am regularly confused when to use :
me and I in a sentence.
I would be grateful,for your answer
This lesson was so COOL!
Hi, Adam!
I was pleased to here about “War & Peace” by Leo Tolstoy from you :) Do you like Russian literary classics?
By the way, “Anna Karenina” was called the best roman about adultery in the world ;)
It was very useful , thank you Adam
THANK YOU ADAM. I love your teaching.
Amazing lesson. Very good idea for a video, Adam. Thanks!
hi every one
pleas i want to make sure if i under stand this idioms prequel that’s mean the first part of the movie – sequel the second or third part of the movie please adame tell me if it right or no if it false give me an example
amroo 046
Hi adam ; Thanks for this video ; honestly am an actor and i need this words in my work ; thank you a lot and i’m so happy because i have a Prof like you <3
please,mrs Adam :why did you say at the first of explanation “am loves”?.
Rabee yassin
I should have found this site earlier. I have been looking everywhere on the internet. I am so happy to have finally found your site. It’s like being in a classroom, free of charge. Thank you and more blessings to come so you can share more!
thank you very much !
it’s a flopped movie…. 0$
dilbag italy
I really like your lessons! Thanks a lot! Your video is really interesting and I don’t feel myself stupid becouse I understood everything :)
White rabbit
So am I :-)
So interesting!!! Thank you!
Thanks Adam for your lessons!
you are a clear teacher…
i’m really crazy about good movies! Very usefull lection for me)
tnQ Adam,so helpful
very useful lesson for me.
beautifully put… Congratulations … :)
i love movies
thank you.
Thanks ADAM.Its very useful
Thank you Adam!I like your teaching style very much.Especially Brad Pitt came out,haha~Anyway,I learned a lot fom this video.
Ashley Apple
Thank you Adam ,really useful
great !!
dear Adam
i like ur teaching and follow ur lessons!
an iranian Girl
Hola!Teacher Adam,it’s the first time I write to you.Iwant to tell you that you are”THE’ English teacher!You’re unique!You help so many people in this world to better communicate through your language.completely OVERJOY!From Montevideo,URUGUAY,GRACIAS!THANK YOU!!!!
Maria de Magdala
good job adam
good lesson from great teacher.
Aya Omara
Thanks a lot Adam :)
Good explanation, thank you adam.
osman Barrie
Thank you T.Adam
This lesson is good but I have doubt about SEQUEL AND PREQUEL I didn’t understand it.
Thanks a lot for your effort and your fantastic teaching method
Thank you so much!
It’s very useful. I love every VDOs <3
Perla Pearl
Hi Adam :)
Can you do vocabulary lesson about television series ? What´s the meaning of the word spin-off (or spinoff)? How do you explain it?
Thank you so much :)
That’s a good idea!
In the meanwhile: a “spinoff” is a new TV show about a supporting/side character from another show. For example, the character Jack Harkness, who appeared a few times in Doctor Who, became a main character in a new show called Torchwood.
engVid Moderator
I love movies. I not only see a movie. I study it, copy vocabulary, slangs, and most of all
I repeat what the actor/actress says a zillion times.
I’m not a showing off kind of person but, believe me, I know some movies by heart.
” This is the beginning of a beautiful frienship.” Bogart Casablanca.
” Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
Clark Gable Gone with the wind.
” He even took the gramophone on safari. Two
rifles, suplies for a month and Mozart. He
started our friendship with a gift….”
Meryl Streep Out of Africa.
The sign of a true movie lover! (Also, Meryl Streep is one of my favourite actresses.)
engVid Moderator
Wow!!! I’ve finally got my comment approved and
you’ve responded me…to me it’s like my first
Christmas present!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Meryl is your favorite actress too.Welll, she
is the best actress of course,and I’ve read
somewhere she is the best actress to reproduce
any kind of accents.
I do thank you a lot for being so kind as
responding to a comment that isn’t about the
most beautiful language in the entire world:
Thanks again.
…I think I should have written..” so kind as
to responding” if it’s wrong, when possible,
correct it, okay?
Thanks again.
Thank you for the lesson!!!!
now, I can go to the cinema)
HI Mr. Adam,could you plz upload a video of how to talk with your colligues in office or in organisation.
Thank Adam
thank you so much Adam,
You are explaning very well,
i am following for conversation practise.
Greetings from Ankara(Turkey)
Thanks Adam, It’s a good lesson!
aleen hossam
Thank you so much! You are the best teacher!
Thank you
Hello, I like the video about going to the movies but still I’d like more examples on how to use verbs and other expressions. For example is it watch or see? Also, I’d like to know about other phrases and slangs specially american ones. Thank you teacher you are really good and I understand all you say it is really well explained.
Nice lesson.
cameo means only for 5 mins in movie. right?
plz sir can u give some more examples for cameo
It’s a very interesting lesson. thank you.
Pallabi 786
Thank you!!!
Hi Adams, thanks for this lesson. And for the two French phrases. The speaking is almost perfect, maybe “je t’aime” is more as : “je them” with “th=t”
I love movies. Thanks you for the lesson.
I like the way that you explained the pronunciation of the word genre. Very wit.
Hi Adam ..
Thank you alot for your lessons .. am a beginner in english and i really want to learn it but i want to ask you is there a certain laying like 1 2 3 for your videos for the beginner’s level ?
Amany shketa
Great lesson!
Thank you Brad Pitt!
now I’m an expert about movie speaking
I got 10, great lesson.
Thank you Adam.
Thank you, Adam!
I got 100%!
It is very funny quiz, especially answer about Jennifer Lawrence husband!
It was so interesting,thank you very much.
good lesson. thanks a lot.
Good Lesson Adam. Thank so much
love your lessons, thanks for helping us.
Thank you Adam i got 8 out of 9
Marwa anas me
thank you!!!!
awesome Adam . I’m grateful to you . so go on you are a good teacher
abdelrhman mans
Really thank you Adam!!! I learned a lot of new words about movies. I hope you always keep on making these useful videos on learning english.
cameo = ponta in portuguese.
Brad Pitt fez uma ponta no vídeo do Adam.
thanks for good lesson mr. Adam
Otajonov Asadbek
I got 8 out of 9… thanks for this lesson adam, i really like wathcing movies especially action movies…
Thanks. It is a good lesson. I got 8 out of 9.
love your classes thank you !?????
Thanks for the lesson Adam
I would like to say what genre of movies I love to watch…
i like to watch drama, suspense and
Science fiction….
What kind of genre do you like to watch teacher?
Mr. Adam is a very good teacher .Thanks for your teach.
Taimi Hsieh
Thanks! =D
Thanks a lot! Adam is perfect!
thank you very much.
You are amazing… Thank a lot
Thank you Adam… very good lesson
thank you adam. very nice.
rocky tomar
Teacher, you reminds me a soldier. Have you ever been in the army?
Awesome lesson btw!
It’s an A list for me. Thank you for you efforts.
I liked this lesson :) Thanks Adam!
Very well explained :) Thanks Adam!
Nice explanation Adam Thanks!
Easy lesson.
One of the multipe-choises says “Jennifer Lawrence’s husband” cracks me up as well as this lesson’s opening “CAMEO.” I can see you disguised as Brad Pitt :)
Thank you so much. Mr. Adam
SangHoon OH
Thanks.good lesson to improve a lot movie vocabs.
Dear Adam,
I need your advice. I want to train my writing and speaking skills by listening your lessons then write down what i understand and retell what I wrote. Should I use your every lesson to do this steps? Ot its better to find short stories or articles from magazines and etc.?
Thanks beforehand.
Narmina P
Fantastic lesson..Thanks Adam
Thanks for the lesson.
Thank you for this lesson, seriously amazing.
good job. it’s excellent video.
Thanks a lot, Adam
that’s a very good lesson for the movie freaks.
Great Lesson. thank you!!!
Adicto English
Cinta Kiehl just had a cameo in the movie “Tiga Pilihan Hidup” and she wasn’t paid for acting in that movie.
Great teacher
Sherif Kamal
hind rashwan
9/9! Full mark I got! Fantastic! I love to watch the movie. Once the great Hollywood movie comes out, I will buy the ticket immediately. The TENET was watched just a few days before.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Very well explained lesson. Congratulations.
thanks a lot mr. Adam. that was really useful!
hi franobre . why i am unable to leave a comment directly on the blog??
good lesson and outstanding teaching..
I agree with you))
I desagree with you.
100% – That’s a wrap
Thank you very much Mr Adam.It is useful lesson
What a fantastic lesson!
I’ve just subscribed in order to show how much I’m grateful for this. Thank you so much.
Thank you very much for you efforts, we appreciate it,indeed.
I got 9/9 :)
Very interesting lesson!Thank you Mr.Adam.
I like movies :) I didn’t know some idioms about movies.
Thank you for your interesting lesson, Adam :)
I didn’t know the difference between a box office success and a blockbuster, now I got it.
Thanks so much! I have learned a lot.
It is a very good lesson and you are an excellent teacher. Thank you for it
It was very good. Congratulations.
Like it! thanks a lot for the new vocabularies. God bless!
first off all thank you very much for the great lesson. I’d like to ask you to make a complete lesson about court of law, I mean the expressions like file lawsuit, prosecutor and etc if is it possible.
thank you very much.
I’ll see what i can do Suyseen :)
Thanks a lot. I have learnt interesting words..I would like to know the following words as well- a boner, a nyquil..
nyquil is not a movie word. it is a medicine to treat cold.
Hey Adam! I would like to appreciate if you prepare a lesson about medical stuff, such as different kinds of specialities, diseases or even part of the bodies and organs. Thank you
Your video is very good, but please don´t generalize, I don´t like chick flick I prefer fiction movie. Women are not the same.
He said “women usually and men not so much” and not “all the women love….”
Wow ,you are really versatile .
hi dear I try to improve my English.Also I want to meetperson who lives anywhere on the word. If you want I want to talk you so my mail account is mayavuz06@hotmail.com.
Have a nice day with health
Hi Grazisil,
By no means did I intend to do suggest that women are all the same. However, terms like ‘chick flick’ appear because they reflect on real life situations.
I hope i did not cause you offense.
‘chick’ – it is woman …. mmm… sounds not very nice… :-/ thanks for your apologizing Adam… :-)
Great tip as always….love it.
Nice lesson. Thank you so much, Adam.
I usually read English, and sometimes I try to read aloud.
But I need to listen more; the word “genre”, I would never pronounce this one right by just reading…
HAHA! Excellent explanation Mr. Adam! thank you very much :)!
Nicely made lesson, and interesting quiz. Thank you so much.
very good!, Thanks Adam!
:-O… I didn´t know it!!!! thanks!!!
can u do vocabulary lesson about all kind of natural disaster..thank u adam
I’ll see what i can do Agatha :)
Thanks I got 78%.
Hi everybody! I want to get some conversation practice in English. And I’m glad to talk everyone who is learning English or Russia (is my mother’s language) languages. My Skype is liashns79, write me, please.
Hi Nikolay Petrov!
I want to do the same conversation practice in English. Here is my Skype ID.
I hope it would help.
very useful lesson, thank you teacher, and i got 89%
Mmmmmmmmm speaking in French, sooooo cute, in books we say chick lit =) I like that. Thanx for the lesson!
thanks that was great ! thank you Adam
It’s the first time i see your video , it was fantastic and i have learned things i didn’t know before ,your way of explaining is so clear, thank you for this video.
Welcome Zoaldyeck :)
I think I’m not a beginner in English anymore. But this clip video teached me a lot of new thing. And It was easy to understand; ) Thank you!
Again perfect Adam, slam is very usual and very useful. Thanks.
Thank you.
Thanks Adam. I just had to check “a delusional pervert” as an answer, for it was so funny. My favourite for Oscar is “American hustle”.
Thank you very much Mr. Adam! You have a very polite, calm and clear way of teaching. It is always a big pleasure to watch your lessons. Thank you for the work you’re doing for us.
u r g8 teacher Mr.Adam but I suggest u to write what you explain not only the main ideas or make pdf files for your lessons and thank u so much
thank u very much u are great teacher and i love ur lesson………
Thanks a lot Mr. Adam.
It’s really was a very useful lesson.
This is very helpful for me!:):)
it was excited, but I got 78 points. Thanks a lot.
thanks a lot !
I suppose they use the word “cast”, because the screenwriter ask for character and the casting guys have to “cast” someone “in the shape” imagined by the screenwriter. In Romanian the word for cast is “turna”. I suppose we have to use in English “Brad Pitt was cast in a movie”.
Interesting point Geotip. Thanks :)
Thank you Adam. Love your vocabulary lessons. They always very clear. I’m not perfect at grammar but my vocabulary is like my own Achilles’ heel. My 4year-old niece reminds me of myself speaking English when she eagerly wants to say something momentous. It’s like her every second word is …ammm:-)
how are you so nice writing.i like to learn also
I have a 9/9 very useful lesson. I really didn’t know the difference between the director and producer. I think it will be useful, especially for me because I want to become an actor. Thank you very much
Hello Mr Adam, Thank You so much,I have got 100 % and I am so happy,
I just need your advice, I will enter the Ilets Test after 3 Months, please give me an advice
Thank You so much indeed :)
Hi Asmaasaad14,
In such a short note, the best advice I can give you is to read as much as you can from now until then and build your vocabulary. But also look online for IELTS sites with exercises.
Good luck
Thank you Adam, It’s helpful God bless you!
Tu est formidable ! Je t’adore toujours; jusqu’à respirais …
Hi Emanuela. Nice compliment to Adam who deserves it and thanks for using French, nice language for love ;-).
Adam should be a A-list teacher.
It’s my pleasure , I love french !
Oh yeap he should be an A-list teacher because he is the best one :), also is my favorite teacher.
Quand’il parle d’amour <3 tu me comprends tres bien… (le FranÇais mon ami est toujours romantique ;))
Hi Emanuela Papazisi!
I am unable to understand your compliment which is in French for Adam. From my perspective, If you had given your compliment in English all of us would have understood that nice compliment.
Moreover I don’t know about Adam either he understand french or not. If he doesn’t then… Would you please translate it into English for my SWEEEEEETT Teacher ADAM??
By the way I am not against french… I love french Kkkk…sss.
I don’t know but it seems you’ve fallen in love with Adam and you’re right. “Quand’il parle d’amour <3 tu me comprends tres bien… “ I didn't understand what you wanted to say, particularly “<3“. Do you think Adam is speaking about love? I thought is was speaking about…English ;-) but I'm sure he's very pleased with your love!!!!
By the way we're all talking about Adam, he's the only one who doesn't.
Merci patple 13 :). I know you’re a great friend! I was thinking about what you wrote…
You know ,here the most important thing is learning english!(the other things are just topics,which make english more interesting… that’s all)
Voila, je suis ici :)
Sorry it took so long.
English can be quite a romantic language as well if you know how to weave it well.
Thank you Emanuela,
I love French as well. I wish I could speak it better, but I only have the French I learned in school (in Canada… so Quebecois– not the same :( )
You are great, clear and polite as usual! Love it, thanks.
I’m so happy that I found this website, it’s really awesome. Your lecture was great, but I think more examples about a new word make it more clear.
Thank you Adam ! I have learned new words about cinema ! Thats cute !
Hi, I want to start from the beginning to study the lessons in English, I may say that I follow order of the lessons, I do not understand very well by the lessons or find them?
I agree with you. I would like to start from the beginning also.
thank you
Hi Adam! Thank for another great lesson. Tell me. What do you think about create lesson about difficult pairs like “stuff vs. thing”, “stuff vs staff”, “see vs. look” and so on….. (“and so on” I heard in Yours lesson in 2012). Often this pairs are very confusion for students.
Good ideas here Euro,
I’ll see what I can do about getting some of them up here.
Ah Adam. Je t’aime beaucoup, mais je t’amorai jamais. “Amore” is italian, I think ;)
Thank you for this usefull vocabulary lesson. Helps to understand TV show comments on fan pages ;)
thanks so much Adam , i have got 89 ,i am spending nice time here .
thank you Mr.Adam, it’s a useful lesson
Thanks Adam
i got 100%
really enjoyed it..
Je t’aime, dear Adam! :)
i like this teach
Thank u Adam.It was really useful lesson.I got 100 score !!
I like animation movies . why you don’t tell us about them . thank you
I’ll get to them next time :)
thank you. That was a great lesson!
Thank you ,for the lesson learnt
Has anybody ever seen a purple ferrari?? :-D It made me laugh :-D …. Very nice lesson.
I’m glad :)
Wow, thank you
This Lesson is very interesting and funny .. thanks very much!
Hello ALessandro. Is there any way I can contact you so that we can practice. I cannot understand italian speakers so I would like if you can help me out.
Tks so much. It was a “cut to thae chase” in the movies world
My favorite grammar teacher. I like his serious “lets get down to the business” attitude.. Why are all canadian ppl so nice and polite?
Are we? :) why not?
Thank you for the lesson Adam :)
Thank you for the lesson Adam :)
thanks Adam :D
Adam, what is the difference between “part of” and “a part of”. Just look at the following text:
“When this option is on, if a simple command fails for any of the reasons listed in Consequences of Shell Errors or returns an exit status value >0, and is not part of the compound list following a while, until, or if keyword, and is not a part of an AND or OR list, and is not a pipeline preceded by the ! reserved word, then the shell shall immediately exit.”
I’m not sure whether the letter “a” is missing because I’ve seen both “a part of” and “part of” many times.
Hi Morfik,
I was hoping to give you a more definitive answer, but after searching around the net and in some books, I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no real difference and they can be used interchangeably.
That being said, the article (a), to me, suggests an individualizing element, such that ‘a’ part of is a distinct part that can later be referred to as ‘the’ part. Part of, therefore, would be an element in the whole.
This does not necessarily help you here anyway, because in the example you gave, both terms refer to the same thing — a simple command’s place in some list.
So, where does that leave us? being frustrated by, yet loving this language ( but that might just be me again ;) )
Part of, therefore, would be an abstract element in the whole
thanks a lot for you about this lesson
also but i do not got it what is the mean chick and flick and when i can say thats can you explain more please
Very helpful lesson! Thanks!
that was a bluckbuster but with a low budget and thank you
Very very good way 4 knowledge about a particular thing
…thank you 4 the lession adam..
Bonza :) and Viva 70’s giallo movies ^^
Thanks so much, Adams!!! It’s very useful and really exciting!
thank you so much… ‘Adam you’re a wonderful teacher , i have learnt alot from you .daily i watch yours videos today i got 10/10 :) and it’s so helpful .once again thank you soooo much :)
I got 5 correct out of 9.
I’ll try again , thanks teacher .
Very nice lesson. It’s simple and easy for beginner
Thanks for the good lesson adam sir…
thank very much
i only read not listen much, your explaination is easy to understand
Hi Adam!
please come soon to comment box….
we are missing you….
Nice, a very useful lesson :D
Thx u its useful for foreigner practice listening
Thank you very much Mr.Adam …
Thanks Adam for the class..
Could you please tell me the difference here,which one is correct?
Frightful incident/frightening incident
Terrific attack/terrifying attack
horrible accident /horrifying accident/horrific attack
Hi Pinyuk,
In all the examples, the adjectives ending in -ing describe the feeling that the noun instills in the observer.
So, a terrifying attack, means that those who witnessed the attack (not necessarily the victims) were terrified.
The other adjectives describe the noun itself, in strong emotional characterizations.
Does that help?
Many thanks Mr Adam for this useful lesson.Frankly,I have never heard these expressions before.
So clear. Have someone ever told you that you transmit confidence and god vibrations ?
That’s nice to hear. Thank you Thinopar
You talked clearly, and the lesson is very useful
Very good lesson, i love cinema and movies.
Thank you very much for the explanations teacher Adam.
thanks very much you have a good bible name which is I very like . I`m going to see pastor Paul in Russia so your lessons is a blessing to me
Thanks a lot.
Very nice, thanks!
Very intersting lesson. Great Adam. Thanks a lot
Hello teacher
Hi teacher how can I do know?
Hi Solhy?
How can you know? ask :)
Thanks Adam.
I would like to ask you a question, though not regarding the lecture but related to my English learning.
Problem is, when I write English essays or write on any topic, I can write long and even complex sentences very easily with out making mistakes of grammar and can use strong or high level words But while speaking, either on phone or face to face I cannot speak even a very short sentence correctly. I forget even low level words to complete my conversation.
This is very serious problem for me. kindly guide me through this and tell me how to tackle such conditions……..
Hi Naveed,
Yours is not an uncommon problem. From my experience, the main issue is time. When you write, you are in a quiet place and in no hurry. When you speak with someone, you have to construct your sentences quickly while at the same time preparing for the response. This can be distracting.
Try reading out loud what you write, and record yourself. Listen to your good English and remember that you can construct good sentences. Then, when you speak with someone, don’t be in a hurry. If they want the conversation, they will wait for you.
Mostly, though, just practice speaking every chance you get. This problem will eventually go away.
I hope this helps a little
Thanks Adam,
one thing I must ask you, why I always used to be in hurry while speaking?? I really don’t know…
Oh beleive me Naveed, you are not alone, as Adam said. My writting his much better than my speaking and I have the same feeling as yours. When I forget the “s” whith he, or she at the present, that hurts my hears as soon as it comes out of my mouth. I am so annoyed by this ;)But it has to be practice, practice and pratice, the only things which can fix it. Oral language and written one are not at the same level though. Nobody speaks like the way he writes. The opposite happens : peole writting like they are speaking. But usualy it is not considered that good ;)
wow, it is a surprise!
Hi Adam, how are you today? About film I know a word I’ve be long to look for (laziness) which is “footage“. Before I new what it meant I thought it was related to soccer :-). One grammatical question I could also ask Rebecca: I read many English books (I love this language) and I have remarked there were very few punctuation marks which renders reading quite difficult above all in the very long sentences. Also, watching again your lesson about “How to use etc., …, and so on, etc., I noticed you didn’t like some food such as pizza, hamburgers, pita, etc., you called “junk food“ and I agree with when you get them in supermarkets, fast-food restaurants… . However, when you cook them
However, when you cook them at home, le result is quite different since you use excellent and fresh products and no the junk products we are served in McDonald’s and similar. I remind you that you are welcome in Avignon to share with us splendid meals I am sure you will love.
Hi Patple,
Thank you :) To tell the truth, I make very tasty pizza at home.
I forgot to mention before that I have been to Avignon once. Too bad I didn’t know you 10 years ago. I went there to the arts festival.
Anyway, when I return there, I’ll be very happy to share a meal with you :)
100 :D thank you.
Adam, could you tell me if the word “shutdown” may be used as a gerund, or does it have a continuous form — shutdowning? I wanted to write “while rebooting or shutdowning my pc”, but my dictionary underlined the word in question. So, there’s “reboot”, “rebooting”, “shutdown”, but no “shutdowning”? I’ve been seeing the word “shutdowning” all the time, but it looks like the word doesn’t exists at all. I even came across the following statement: “This site is dedicated to educating people about the common misuses of words like “shutdown.” It is meant for both non-native speakers who may not know any better, and for native speakers who should know better but don’t.” . I’m wondering if I can say “Shutdowning a pc via the power button isn’t a good idea.”. Adam, what would you say about the sentence? :)
Hi Morfik,
I’m a little surprised when you say you’ve seen the word shutdowning all the time. It isn’t a word. Shutdown is a joined phrasal verb to create a noun or adjective. As a phrasal, it’s ‘shut down’, so the gerund would be shutting down. So: “Shutting down the PC via the power…,” is the correct way.
Hope this helps.
Thanks :)
Thanks Adam.
IT’s first time to learn English in engvid.com.
Welcome Yong-beom :0
That’s cool. If say about last Oscar ceremony, i was disappointed that Di Caprio didn’t get one.
the lesson was great XD
Thank you Sir, your lesson was really helpful :)
Very good lessons!
Hi Adam. Thank you for sharing these effective lesson to us. Truly I like and prefer American English than British English and Unfortunately in my country most of the vocabulary English books cover British English not American English. Now I need your advice. would please introduce some vocabulary and idioms books for Intermediate level to up to buy them.
May the Force be with You
Thanks Sunflower.:)
To be honest, wouldn’t recommend vocab books. I’d prefer you read newspapers, magazines, online articles, and so on. It’s much more valuable in vocab building.
If you still want some books, I’ll do some research and recommend some
Thanks Adam, I like your idea and I’m sure it works better than vocabulary books, I love Britannica articles and sometimes I read some articles and learn new words and phrases. but I think I read more and more especially mag and articles as you said.
Thanks again and good luck
Hi Everybody,
Sorry for the (very late responses this time. I had some family issues to take care of, and then my internet went down.
No worries, though. All is well now.
See you soon.
I hope everything goes well
Hi Adam,
Better late than never ;) => Is this expression correct in English ? That is what we would say in French – mieux vaut tard que jamais.
Hi Annie,
yes… well said :)
Thanks a lot
Hi Adam,
First of all I’m so glad to know this web site and great teachers as you.Thank you for this lesson because it is difficult for us to find the meaning of these words togheter in some minutes.Then would you please tell me the address of canadian sites where I can see movies
in english without registration.My problem is when I want to speak english,I forget all .
Hard to find these sites Mahroo. If i find out, I’ll let you know.
Good job Mr.Adam,it was amazing!
Thank you
It was useful
You’re Awesome !!!!!!
I really Enjoyed your Video keep on Doing videos <3
i got 9/9 in the test but i ticked one by a luck :P (The Actor Name!)
You catch me napping!) I was really thinking, that Brad Pitt will appear in this video, but it is just his “cameo”)).
Very good lesson. I’ve liked it!
very useful lesson and sympathetic teacher :) thank you!
I look forward to seeing new video lessons.
It was very interesting lesson for me, thank You.:-)
Very interesting lesson. i’ve learned much new. Thank you.
Hi Adam, thank you very much! I’ve just signed up in this website and I’m so happy. Thanks for your accent that make me understand everything :)
I get 100,I’m so happy,it’s my debute)
this man is the best teacher! Congratulations, Congratulations.
Thank you Very much Adam :)
I’ve just signed up in this website and I’m really happy to watch this video :) :)
but can I ask you question .. what is the difference between “prequel” and “sequel”? sorry I can’t get it :\
The prequel is about things that happened before the original movie; the sequel is about things that happened after. For example: the 1979 movie Alien was set in the year 2122. The next movie, Aliens (1986), was set in 2179 — it is a sequel. The 2012 movie Prometheus is part of the same story, but takes place in 2093 — that makes it a prequel.
And Mr. engVid also thinks that Prometheus is better than Alien and Aliens, though engVid Moderator I’m sure will disagree :)
100% :))))))))) Great lesson!! Mamy thanks!!
Hi Mr. Adam, my name is Dianaliz, and I live in Unite States but I am from Cuba, I wouldlike to know, how I can improve my English , I need more vocabulary.Thanks for your class, I liked it.
Sorry if I was wrong writing
Thanks Adam. You are a good teacher. The lesson is very easy to remember. Can you teach me how to change to a passive tense? . Thanks.
thank you teacher. i got 89 point
ooh no…
I got score fifty six ,
Thank you Mr.Adam
I think my English not too strong and I will improve in English course.
Thank you very much for your lesson and I subscribed your lessons in YouTube.please let me know how will I explain movie story if IELTS examiner ask me? .which tense should I use for explaining story?
i got 67. its amazing :v
“A List Teacher”!!! Thanks a lot!
I would like watch pictures about the vocabulary….
Thank you) very interesting lesson)
I thought I am the first one from Kazakhstan in here. I am glad to see my countryman
This was the first time I saw your video. Mr. Adam, it’s great! I am sure that your videos would help me to pass exams and to work as an English teacher in Belarus :)
perfect done man
Thank you. The lesson is really great,Adamazing
Good to be a director. You can get a Ferrari of any colour lol
Hi Adam. I have an idea for new topic about more sophisticated vocabulary – how to say simple things in a more advanced way. What do you think about it? I Think it would help me and others during oral exam.
Great lesson. I hope that I will learn from you even more.
The chick flick,I like it. Do you know any site address where I can watch the Bevearly hills 90210 in English?
Thank you, this is great.
WELL I just got 7 correct out of 9 for this lessons, not bad anyway! But I’m still trying to get 9 yeah!i’ll never give up to study in this engVid Learn English, thanks teacher
8 out of 9 :( the second question is difficult , i guess :)
It is fantastic! Thank you!
Except the second question, I answered 8 correct out of 9.
I really to learn many word and sentens, and really enjoy this site, thanks for all videos. I love this lenguage.!
Hello! It is my first time on the http://www.engvid.com. Adam, you are magical! Absolutely!:) I have never heard such understandable explanations! Thank you:)
Hi Adam!
I didn’t know that english speakers use French words like genre, debut and premiere to speak about films! Merci beaucoup! :)
Hi Adam,I like your lessons and your presenting style.Thanks
Mr. Adam , thank you very much for your lessons. I like the way you teach. It’s very easy to understand. I try to learn all of your lessons because it help me to improve my English. Thanks again
I really like your lessons! your accent is perfect for me I understans everything!
thank you so much!
I know this question is not about movies but I am regularly confused when to use :
me and I in a sentence.
I would be grateful,for your answer
This lesson was so COOL!
Hi, Adam!
I was pleased to here about “War & Peace” by Leo Tolstoy from you :) Do you like Russian literary classics?
By the way, “Anna Karenina” was called the best roman about adultery in the world ;)
It was very useful , thank you Adam
THANK YOU ADAM. I love your teaching.
Amazing lesson. Very good idea for a video, Adam. Thanks!
hi every one
pleas i want to make sure if i under stand this idioms prequel that’s mean the first part of the movie – sequel the second or third part of the movie please adame tell me if it right or no if it false give me an example
Hi adam ; Thanks for this video ; honestly am an actor and i need this words in my work ; thank you a lot and i’m so happy because i have a Prof like you <3
please,mrs Adam :why did you say at the first of explanation “am loves”?.
I should have found this site earlier. I have been looking everywhere on the internet. I am so happy to have finally found your site. It’s like being in a classroom, free of charge. Thank you and more blessings to come so you can share more!
thank you very much !
it’s a flopped movie…. 0$
I really like your lessons! Thanks a lot! Your video is really interesting and I don’t feel myself stupid becouse I understood everything :)
So am I :-)
So interesting!!! Thank you!
Thanks Adam for your lessons!
you are a clear teacher…
i’m really crazy about good movies! Very usefull lection for me)
tnQ Adam,so helpful
very useful lesson for me.
beautifully put… Congratulations … :)
i love movies
thank you.
Thanks ADAM.Its very useful
Thank you Adam!I like your teaching style very much.Especially Brad Pitt came out,haha~Anyway,I learned a lot fom this video.
Thank you Adam ,really useful
great !!
dear Adam
i like ur teaching and follow ur lessons!
an iranian Girl
Hola!Teacher Adam,it’s the first time I write to you.Iwant to tell you that you are”THE’ English teacher!You’re unique!You help so many people in this world to better communicate through your language.completely OVERJOY!From Montevideo,URUGUAY,GRACIAS!THANK YOU!!!!
good job adam
good lesson from great teacher.
Thanks a lot Adam :)
Good explanation, thank you adam.
Thank you T.Adam
This lesson is good but I have doubt about SEQUEL AND PREQUEL I didn’t understand it.
Thanks a lot for your effort and your fantastic teaching method
Thank you so much!
It’s very useful. I love every VDOs <3
Hi Adam :)
Can you do vocabulary lesson about television series ? What´s the meaning of the word spin-off (or spinoff)? How do you explain it?
Thank you so much :)
That’s a good idea!
In the meanwhile: a “spinoff” is a new TV show about a supporting/side character from another show. For example, the character Jack Harkness, who appeared a few times in Doctor Who, became a main character in a new show called Torchwood.
I love movies. I not only see a movie. I study it, copy vocabulary, slangs, and most of all
I repeat what the actor/actress says a zillion times.
I’m not a showing off kind of person but, believe me, I know some movies by heart.
” This is the beginning of a beautiful frienship.” Bogart Casablanca.
” Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn.”
Clark Gable Gone with the wind.
” He even took the gramophone on safari. Two
rifles, suplies for a month and Mozart. He
started our friendship with a gift….”
Meryl Streep Out of Africa.
The sign of a true movie lover! (Also, Meryl Streep is one of my favourite actresses.)
Wow!!! I’ve finally got my comment approved and
you’ve responded me…to me it’s like my first
Christmas present!!!!!!!!!!!!
And Meryl is your favorite actress too.Welll, she
is the best actress of course,and I’ve read
somewhere she is the best actress to reproduce
any kind of accents.
I do thank you a lot for being so kind as
responding to a comment that isn’t about the
most beautiful language in the entire world:
Thanks again.
…I think I should have written..” so kind as
to responding” if it’s wrong, when possible,
correct it, okay?
Thanks again.
Thank you for the lesson!!!!
now, I can go to the cinema)
HI Mr. Adam,could you plz upload a video of how to talk with your colligues in office or in organisation.
Thank Adam
thank you so much Adam,
You are explaning very well,
i am following for conversation practise.
Greetings from Ankara(Turkey)
Thanks Adam, It’s a good lesson!
Thank you so much! You are the best teacher!
Thank you
Hello, I like the video about going to the movies but still I’d like more examples on how to use verbs and other expressions. For example is it watch or see? Also, I’d like to know about other phrases and slangs specially american ones. Thank you teacher you are really good and I understand all you say it is really well explained.
Nice lesson.
cameo means only for 5 mins in movie. right?
plz sir can u give some more examples for cameo
It’s a very interesting lesson. thank you.
Thank you!!!
Hi Adams, thanks for this lesson. And for the two French phrases. The speaking is almost perfect, maybe “je t’aime” is more as : “je them” with “th=t”
I love movies. Thanks you for the lesson.
I like the way that you explained the pronunciation of the word genre. Very wit.
Hi Adam ..
Thank you alot for your lessons .. am a beginner in english and i really want to learn it but i want to ask you is there a certain laying like 1 2 3 for your videos for the beginner’s level ?
Great lesson!
Thank you Brad Pitt!
now I’m an expert about movie speaking
I got 10, great lesson.
Thank you Adam.
Thank you, Adam!
I got 100%!
It is very funny quiz, especially answer about Jennifer Lawrence husband!
It was so interesting,thank you very much.
good lesson. thanks a lot.
Good Lesson Adam. Thank so much
love your lessons, thanks for helping us.
Thank you Adam i got 8 out of 9
thank you!!!!
awesome Adam . I’m grateful to you . so go on you are a good teacher
Really thank you Adam!!! I learned a lot of new words about movies. I hope you always keep on making these useful videos on learning english.
cameo = ponta in portuguese.
Brad Pitt fez uma ponta no vídeo do Adam.
thanks for good lesson mr. Adam
I got 8 out of 9… thanks for this lesson adam, i really like wathcing movies especially action movies…
Thanks. It is a good lesson. I got 8 out of 9.
love your classes thank you !?????
Thanks for the lesson Adam
I would like to say what genre of movies I love to watch…
i like to watch drama, suspense and
Science fiction….
What kind of genre do you like to watch teacher?
Mr. Adam is a very good teacher .Thanks for your teach.
Thanks! =D
Thanks a lot! Adam is perfect!
thank you very much.
You are amazing… Thank a lot
Thank you Adam… very good lesson
thank you adam. very nice.
Teacher, you reminds me a soldier. Have you ever been in the army?
Awesome lesson btw!
It’s an A list for me. Thank you for you efforts.
I liked this lesson :) Thanks Adam!
Very well explained :) Thanks Adam!
Nice explanation Adam Thanks!
Easy lesson.
One of the multipe-choises says “Jennifer Lawrence’s husband” cracks me up as well as this lesson’s opening “CAMEO.” I can see you disguised as Brad Pitt :)
Thank you so much. Mr. Adam
Thanks.good lesson to improve a lot movie vocabs.
Dear Adam,
I need your advice. I want to train my writing and speaking skills by listening your lessons then write down what i understand and retell what I wrote. Should I use your every lesson to do this steps? Ot its better to find short stories or articles from magazines and etc.?
Thanks beforehand.
Fantastic lesson..Thanks Adam
Thanks for the lesson.
Thank you for this lesson, seriously amazing.
good job. it’s excellent video.
Thanks a lot, Adam
that’s a very good lesson for the movie freaks.
Great Lesson. thank you!!!
Cinta Kiehl just had a cameo in the movie “Tiga Pilihan Hidup” and she wasn’t paid for acting in that movie.
Great teacher
9/9! Full mark I got! Fantastic! I love to watch the movie. Once the great Hollywood movie comes out, I will buy the ticket immediately. The TENET was watched just a few days before.
THANK YOU Mr.Adam great lesson
It`s really useful, thanks a lot.