Vowel sounds in English are very confusing! In this video, learn the difference between the “oo” and “u” sounds. You’ll learn the difference in sound between words like: full & fool, pull & pool, Luke & look, and more.
WoW i get 10 over 10 ,, i think some of them by luck
mohamad dableh
As a grown person I need help with my English, I am very happy to find this programme. Any special assistance I welcome it. Thanks
there is no quiz
their is no quiz
Could you help me to have a good conversation with my boss. I’m from Vietnam. My boss is an Australian.
Tín Nguyễn Thành
Thank you………….
Thank you for your lesson.
Cuong ta
I was so interesting and I will be practicing as much I can. Blessing profesor
Muchísimas gracias!! De gran utilidad para nosotros los principiantes.
¡De nada!
engVid Moderator
Dear noderator are you Alex..? I bet you are…
marc anthony
I’m actually not! I am a whole different person :)
engVid Moderator
Mmmm OK I accept it
marc anthony
Good lesson.
lin siew ong
Thanks Mrs Ronnie for explanation ^_^ . hope you the best .
Love life
Thank you , i love this lesson.
Hi, Ronnie! you are great!
I have a big problem with pronunciation.. but not with English, I know its off topic but still I believe you guys would help me anyhow. I’m learning dutch and I am not able to pronounce G in dutch. For example.. “dag” it means -> day. If you have any suggestion for that please reply.
Short U and long U like u: Is this the correct phonetic symbol?
Cuong ta
really funny and usefull lesson was…thank you
It was very beautiful and Amazing Lesson. I want another)) Please Ronnie…Di It For Us)
Many Thanks
thank you ronney, i love your theaching.
sorry for my fault about your name dear ronnie.
many thanks but could explain lake like lick
thanks teche very very goog !
Thank you so much for the lesson. It was very helpful, clear and understandable.
it was very good lesson thanks
Thank you Ronnie for the lesson. Now I have to practice.
ahahahahah I love this woman … fun lesson
Thank you Ronnie for the lesson. I need more and more lesson.
I never stopped listening the way i was saying these words: Could, Should & Would, i was saying them wrong, but now i’m ok, thanx Ronnie. Amazing lesson and you funny as always =)
this video is cool! thanks
adorable!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! :) :) :)
Fine, thanks. :)
helpful, I can’t say the u long, I feel a fool but thank you again n’ again lovely Ronnie.
Efrain Dominguez
ms ronnie u r wonderful teacher and i really like your way of teaching lot of thanks to you…
how is the best linguist ever now?
Where is the test?
Nice lesson, thank you.
Thanks a lot Ronnie. I really like to watch your lessons. These lessons are very usefull for me. Thanks to all engvid.com team.
Mehmet Can
nice :)
I love watching your videos. Thank youuuuuuuuuuu very much indeed !!
Thank You,Ms Ronnie, for your interesting lessson! You are real Teacher! You are native Teacher. So sorry, that I have no met You earlier.
In fact, the difference or the pronunciation is difficult rather,however, this’s teacher is so nice and that still possible !
very nice lesson,thanks
very good lesson!thanks all teacher I wish all teacher lucky for ever!!!
lon sunlim
gr8 lesson for me……..ronnie thx…
Hi, Ronnie! Thank you for your lesson! It was really great, actually as usual))) Please could)) you make a vidio about words that are used for diffetent degree of some personal strains. E.g. when someone says that he/she is confident, does it mean that the person has a good strain or bad? cause as I know this word in English may mark either bad and good strain…Please halp!
gr8 frm me…thx
Hi dear Ronnie
i think pronunciation is really important in English learning too and it’s good that have more pronunciation lessons….
and where is quiz????? :D :D
thank u so much Ronnie.
good lesson thanc you ronnie
As far as I remember the Return of The Jedi had such a line of Han Solo: Luke, look :-)
Good lesson! Thank you very much!
I have a question.
When we talk about plural of nouns and verbs in 3rd person after which consonants when we should pronounce /z/ and when /s/. For example: “knuckles”?
thank you very much please help me I have a problem with I,E,O,A ALSO PLEASE HELP ME
Ronnie, THANK YOU very much for this lesson !!
I was waiting for this lesson for quite a moment and now I discovered that it was right here on my favorite “language learning website”. (I’ll need a correction for this formulation for sure ^^)
This was the first time I showed this website to my girlfriend and she loved it all: the website, the lesson and without a surprise you and your funny way of teaching. Although we had two different theories of how to pronounce the first sound we could see and make the sound correctly. I’m learning and learning with you and all the teachers in this website. I hope that you will continue to make videos about pronunciation in special vowel’s. Example that can be used ɒ vs ɔ.
Thank you very much again and merry christmas in advance ^^.
Hi, thanks for making these videos, they’re really helpful. I’ve got a question, one day I was watching this tv serie and in one moment someone said that isn’t grammatical correct to put a preposition at the end of a phrase, but I don’t get it, because according to this the sentence… What are you talking about? would be wrong but it’s not! Please, help me.
It’s a common, but false, belief. As you point out, there are plenty of obviously correct sentences that end with prepositions. Here’s a longer post on it, if you’d like to learn more.
engVid Moderator
Thanks a lot :)
Hi Ronnie ! Marry X-mas and happy New year for all Engvid members :) Please can you give us a lesson dealing with the vocabulary needed when going to a store or a mall (to buy something) …
This lesson is great but I’ve a special request
can u pls. make us a lesson on the comparison degrees esp. things that can clear the confusion i have e.g
i like more english than french
or i like english more than i like french
which one is correct? pls. help me
ahmed muwafaq
It is always “I like noun MORE/LESS than noun”.
So, I like French more than English.
Hi Rooney! i consider myself a good English speaker (I’m from Argentina so my first language is Spanish) but when it comes to pronunciation I just can’t say these two words: “mountain” “To Focus” … just cant, please help! :)
You guys are all just awesome but Roonie you’re my favorite.
“Mawn-tin”. Whenever you have -tain in English, we always say “-tin”.
TO foe-kus….. jajjajaaj becareful, it may sound like fuk-us!!!!!!
1- ok, i’m trying
2- that’s wh I asked, I always make it sound like the F work … but the Foe part cleared it up – Love from Neuquen Argentina! Thanks so much!
Roberto Fernandez
I like your way of teaching madam. Thank you for your wonderful teaching.
Dear Ronnie,
You know, then you teach us. I don’t konw, then I learn and clap my hands to you. Congratulations for this helpfull lesson. How about another lesson with bad words and slangs. We don’t have opportunities to learn these stuffs in the schools Happy new year.
You are great!!! Thank you! Happy New Year!
sorry can’t understand why we Pronounce soot like (suht) why we didn’t Pronounce these two words fool ,food like (suht) because spelling is same with double OO
Please explain It
Please, pretty make a lesson about going to a hair\nail salon >> please please
Sorry I don’t get my hair/nails done so I cannot make a lesson on something I don’t know about!
Okay :(
honorable teacher, you are my best teacher. all of your class are really extra ordinary than all of teachers.
gOOd lesson!!! :D
hi every body .
i want to download these videos but i cant !
pls help me .
Thank you for your lesson. :)
thanks so much
it’s very good
you are great keep teaching . it is a gift from God .
Ronnie, If i had a daughter,I’d name her after you.
What a nice compliment to our teacher Ronnie :D
Very good lesson
Abd EL-rahman
Hello, could you please make a video with difference between lack, look, lock, luck in pronunciation ?
hello ,thank you so much .this lessons are very useful for me & my friends. I hope you continue this lessons.
She deserves sir and you too Jimmy
Thanks Jimmy
Hello teacher Ronnie could you please do a video showing how to pronounce the word Toronto correctly, because some people say that people from Toronto pronounce this word different from other people so I’d like to clarify this.
Khpalwak "NAZIMI"
Thank you so much Ronnie :-)
Ronnie you are a great teacher,you makes me laugh,and learning with you is awesome thanks
thanks to you
You are an excellent teacher!!!
Thanks Teacher :)
Many thanks,
I hope if you explain another examples.
Zakaria Tarawneh
Thanks,but a question still. How can I know whether i should pronounce uh or oo.
Thank you so much for the lesson, it was very helpful.anyway, could u plz ur next lesson be about when the letter T in some words pronounced D. Usually when it comes in the middle like “water'”waDer” but also in some words like “about””abouD”. could u plz help us with this?
Thank you so much again
I love the way to teach us..thank you, happy new year Ronnie
Hello Yudelrosales,
My name is Marcelo,
Nice to meet you,I would like to get new friendships for improve my english,if haven’t problem to you,of course,
I’m student here in Brazil and working with maintenance of crane.
good i like
Thank you very much!
I’m beginner in english. So, was too utility for me. Thanks.
Marcio Ferreira Couto
dear Roonie . .. I use to watch ur video. . I like yr teaching so much. .. I m running my school. .. I wanna knw wat would i say the students those r studying in my school. my skool name is ST. BERNADETTE’S SCHOOL. …. as students of st. Francis college are called Franciscan. . Wat would i call my students? ????
Dear Roonie … I used to watch ur videos., I would like to join as a teacher in any school in India but i feel I’m a little bit bit week in grammer plea suggest me to improve
I want to ask you some questions. Now I’m selling products on internet.I’m Asian and sometimes receive the letters from my worldwide customers (mostly from US).It’s not easy for me to reply them because English isn’t our language and I want to know about basic writing of business letters.Can you help me?
now i can disting between uh and oo thank ronnie and engvid.com
Thank you so much Ronnie!
I have been studying for a long time but I never realized that I was speaking “could/should” wrong! Thank you for helping me, dear Ronnie!
Sally S
You are very nice , thank you Ronnie
Check your email for an email from Engvid and click the link in it!
engVid Moderator
you are so good at teaching Ronnie, every teacher should be like you!
Thank You so much Ronny
Very good, It’s perfect. Funy and very good hear a native explain this sonds.
Thank very much
thank you. it’s usefull things
Thanks Ronnie ,I really appreciate it.My best wishes to you.Have a great New Year .
u r amazing
you are awesome, I love the way you taught.
very good
i like Ronnie too much
Please Ronnie can you do a video explaining the difference between think about/think of and other phrasal verbs please!!! :D
I’m adding it to the list of suggestions! In the meanwhile, have you seen our other lessons on phrasal verbs? Here’s a beginner lesson and an intermediate lesson to start.
engVid Moderator
Gracias Ronnie!, me encanto tu clase. :)
thank you very much
Could you tell me the difference lack, lock, look, luck in pronunciation please!!
please do pronunciation lesson on contraction like i`ve or i`m etc
nice lesson!
you are the best i am a beginner nice too see you thanks
u no what i like ur lessons and ur way to teach thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx alot mwa
Hi Ronnie, thanks and congratulations to your method of teaching, i hope to could use this method as a lecturer of the university.
I like , I am new in this blog sorry for my bad english
hi madam, your funny teaching style is excellent.
Hi Ronnie ! i loved your method of teaching, let me know you that i learning !! thanks
Dear Ronnie, thanks for this lesson.
Hi Ronnie, could you tell me if the first above shown symbol sound is like the “u” in cut ?
perfect perfomance! thnx Ronnie :)
Awesome lesson very helpful, very interesting and very funny all at the same time, your commentaries are excellent , you seem to understand exacly how a non-native english speaker could thinks…..thanks a lot Ronnie
Thank you very much
teacher. thank you for your lessons.
I have a question..
I think the pronunciation of ‘COULD’ sounds different.. in compared to ‘uh’ sound…
hey my name is yussuf mohamed i spek engilsh
but i can,t red
I signed up this site 2 days ago,and since this time i had listen all teachers here.I don`t know why but i liked Ronnie`s lessons more then other.She can explane all so easy way and her lessons very funny.Thanks Ronni!!!
This is Abdus Salam from bangladesh. i want to learn english languse & lenses,please need your kind cooperation.
Abdus Salam
it’s really difficult….. :(
Hi: Ronnie is there any tricks where I can make spelling easily
I know you may not read my comment , but I like you and your way of Explanation, thank you sooooo much for helping us learning English to be like native speakers
I have read your comment! Thanks!!
Very nice and if you can please make a quiz for this lecture.
My Best Regards
thank you Ronni for the lesson it was helpeful but, i still have qouition about the diferent between the pronuncition of the foot wich pronunce with uh the short one and the food with long oo ,to me both has the oo in the meddil , so they have to be same prounucition plz would you clear this to me thanks
Fut = foot
foooood = food
thank you Ronni for your help
Thanks you can me.
María Isa
What’s the difference between these 3 letters when pronunciating?: Ʊ, U, W
I’ve found them in phonetic dictionaries, so I don’t know how the last letter sounds like.
Very nice teaching
it was a very good lesson thanks too much.
i already know this. i love english language but i can’t speak. i hope this site will be halpful for me.
you’re simply The best!!!!! I learn for plesure with you Ronnie…
enjoy,,,, thanks teacher ronnie:-)
thanks for the great lesson.
I have a question How to improve from my pronunciation of English language?
what is the best sites which present good lessons? teacher Ronnie:)
Is this site contain all pronunciation rules for British English Mrs: Ronnie?
Thank you with professor Ronnie respect
I feel he studied directly :)
what is the best way for improving my English pronunciation?
Is there in engvid all lessons of british accent rules ? Mr: ronnie
Roonie, she’s funny and I like you!!!
Roonie, thank u so much for your time (:
that was amazing!
hah but I need to still practice it.
We need more academic vocabulary
And how to can spill correct
Thank you so much
thanks so much
Would you please teach us to pronounce l and n?
I have some difficulties to tell them apart. And also I want to learn the pronunciation of “-ear””-or” in different words. If you could teach us, that would me great! I really appreciate your help.
Your teaching is amazing!
Ronnie! You are the best teacher! I love you so much! Thank you very much!
Thank you my teacher, I love you very much Ronnie
Ronnie you are amazing teacher,i love you ,i love your way about teach,great respect to you,and i hope one day i can speak and write well english. Big Thanks dear.
Thank you.
Hello Teacher Ronnie,
You’re very funny,love your method….but
I was a little confused,but I’ll go to try.
Take care
thanks alot…………..
I had fun learning this lesson Ronnie.
thank you Ronnie
hi Ronnie please tell me more about “cooed” meaning
thank you very nice teaching
Hi Ronnie! Thanks for your lesson! We learn and smile equally at your videos! You are great! :)
i have a little prob on the usage of ”where”..i know how to use it with all other ways besides this rule please help me..
I wanna know how to use ”where” with these words and what the grammar rule is..pls give me a few examples of your own ones..
1 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the emails where the answer can be found on our web site itself
2 If you have gone to a website where you have to create an account for yourself..
3 This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.
4 I heard a strange noise from the upstairs where the children were playing.
5 There is a stage in life where you can’t even hold a cup of tea.
Thanking you
Hi Ronnie, you’re my favorite teacher, thanks to Engvid I’m improving my English because I want to go to Miami on vacation and need to understand and speak enough to survive without help from anyone. Thank you.
Hi Ronnie! I love your lessons,Could you give information for Skype lessons?. Thank you very much =)
Dear Ronnie, you are the best teacher. Thank you. Now I know how awful is my pronunciation.
Hi Ronnie! Thank you for your lessons. They are great! I’d like to ask you something. Could you make a lesson to explain the difference between the sound of “pleaSure” and “pledGer”? I’m not talking about these specific words. I’m talking about the sounds. I’m a Spanish speaker, and is really difficult to disting between them. Other examples: “meaSure” and “maJor”, or “verSion” and “virGin”.
Thank you and I’ll continue learning with your excellent videos.
Horacio (from Uruguay)
Everyday, I’m learning with your videos.
You sometimes do funny action and it makes videos very funny and not boring.
I expect you to make more lessons here.
Hi Ronnie!Your way of teaching is splendid.I am big fan of you.Thank you so much for your lessons.My problem is I can’t speak English fluently because of less confidence in me.I want to learn tenses and speak English fluently.Can you please help me.Hope you will.
thank you Ronnie
Hi, Ronnie !
I am waiting your answer about my subscription. I love your class. You are the best! thank you.
Dear Ronnie,
Thanks for your help.
Another great day, breaking walls.
Good day.
thank you ronny
Hi Ronnie!
I just want you to know I am a big fan of yours. I also teach English but as a foreign language. I have recentely engaged in a discussion with a “fake teacher” who has been deceiving many people here in my country (Brazil). He claims to have discovered a “formula” to learn how to pronounce English words through the representation of sounds with the portuguese spelling. In other words he tries to write English words with portuguese phonetic sounds. Example he says we can learn how to pronounce house by writing hause. It’s ridiculous! He has no idea what he is saying but he’s been supported by many politicians in our states and federal governement. Rio de Janeiro state is using his mathods in public schools! This is outrageous!
In my effort to expose him I have engaged in a discussion with him on a magazine website. http://veja.abril.com.br/blog/radar-on-line/congresso/aplicaram-o-golpe-em-delcidio/
I have used THIS video as an argument to expose him.
I hope you don’t mind me using your class to teach some REAL English and expose this “danger to real teaching” in my country. This guy (Dangello Ciccarini) should be exposed!
People will end up talking like “the Italian man who went to Malta”.
Thank you Ronnie
Peace on you!
it’s good…understandable…thanks Ronnie
thanx :D
thanx ronnie but i wonder if there is arule make me distinc btween the two vowel sound
thanks Ronni you very good
Hi.. it’s very confusing to me how to pronounce these words: miTTEN, wriTTEN, kiTTEN…those words have something in common in their pronunciations…. I speak spanish….it’s difficult to me..
I like your lessons.
thank you I’m learning with your videos.
Nice Vid3o
Thanks. It is difficult, but very useful.
Ronnie, you’re great! I love your lessons. Thanks a lot.
Can you please teach us about the “ʌ” sound as in Sun. I have had difficulty with that sound, specially to say the word “done” , sometimes i say something like “dawn” or “Dan” or “Don” instead of “done” but i really don’t know where or how to put my tongue. I would really appreciate it. :)
thank you Ronnie.
Hi Ronni… Can you make a video about rules of plural nouns?
Ronnie! You’re such a cool person! Never stop admiring the way you teach us English! Your friends and family must be so blessed with you, you bring joy and humor in people’s lives :)
I found 2 new vocabularies for me; “soot” and “cooed.” But I understood the meaning because of your fun gestures. “Soot” is black ashes, and “cooed” is pigeon’s voice…right? Thank you for your intelligible lesson. I had fun :D
how to pronounce suggestion and involved
yara ashraf
Very nice!
luke it´s a name or means luck like when you say hey good luck I´m confused
this is one of the best lessons I’ve ever seen, but I still have a doubt, the words you listed aren’t all the words with the “uh” “oo” sound, like if I say: troop, coop, took, loop etc, so how do I understand when I have to use the “uh” sound and the “oo” sound?? its not like every word with the double “o” is pronounced “oo” and every word with the “u” letter is pronounced “uh”!
Hi Ronnie;
I really thank you about your great effort.Regarding this lesson I do know the different in pronunciation between foot and food but my problem is both have the same form so could you tell me if I saw a word like cool which sound I give it uh or oo .
I also want to speak English to native speakers to improve my language but by voice not written could you help me?
Thank you very much)
Thank you very much!! God bless you .
perfect , but when i should say oo or uh?
mariam fawzy
Hi Ronnie,
Can you help me with the pronunciation of “t” and “d” at the end of the word, especially for verb.
Thank you so much.
hi Ronnie,
I am really happy to watch your vidio and it helps me a lot.
but i am just wondering one thing that..
like.. ” soot “, ” cook ”
first one also has two ‘ O ‘,
and second one also has two ‘ O ‘.
but why is it different long and short??
do you understand what i mean?
thank you!
Could you please help me the different sound of “O”
Bhavna Chaudhary
Hi, Ronnie! I recognize A as in CAT sound easily. But I have some troubles in distinguishing A as in CAR, AU/AW as in CAUGHT AUTHOR AWE, O as in DONE COT OR, U as in BUT. Examples: CAT CUT COT CAUGHT/ CARD CORD/ AUTHOR OTHER/ DAN DON DONE DON’T DAWN/ BAT BOUGHT BUT(T)/ BART BORD/ COFFEE COUGH/ CAP COP CUP/ CAB COBB CUB/ Does the A sound in WHAT WATCH WAS WAR sound same? Do they rhyme with ALL and OR? This is tricky for me. :/
thank you very much teacher ronnie
thanks a lot
Hi Ronnie, thanks for the lessons, you have to be the best English teacher in the world! That would be nice to have more words in u. For example, what’s the difference between look and luck in terms of mouth position?
Could pronunciation is “Kud”, however, you had pronounced “khud” and same for Pool (Ph-ool)and Fool (Ph-ool). I am confuse, please do the need full. You are awesome teacher.
good lesson! =)
Please Ronnie Please make a video about uh vowel pronunciation uh as in cut, cousin, fun explaining lips place, tongue placement. I’m really struggling with this sound. I will really appreciate it.
ann ann
Thank you Ronnie.
During watching your video I realize that now I need your help how to distinguish the ‘uh’ sound(in ‘soot’) from ‘ə’ sound( in ‘sir’) – because in the way, how I’m now trying to pronounce the ‘uh’ sound, it sounds more like ‘ə’sound, so my ‘look’ sounds like [lə:k].
Thank you for your help.
you are very fun,i love to watch your lessons!!!!!!!!!
Ronnie, I really love you, you are the best English teacher that I have ever encountered during the 32 years of my life. I have a challenge with the pronunciation of words like “Southern”, “Northern”, “rather”, etc. Will be great if you can help in this area. Thanks.
hello ronnie
i actually love the way you explain your lessons.
you are giving us the information in a funny way that why we can keep’em in mind.and i wanna ask u a question about how we can use *get to know something or the similar expressions*
Rahaf karta
Thank you very much
Hi Roonie, great lesson. By the way, I have this big problem when I try to pronounce words with “au” like automatic, or with z or v. For us (spanish speakers the letters “b and v” and “s and z” sound exactly the same).I hope you can help me..thanks..
i don’t see any quiz and this repeated in many lesson
fady 99
Thenk you very much, very usefull class.
Hey. does u in bus and pull have the same sound? when i say them they are slightly different. i guess… bus is more like buhs, pull has a bit ‘oo’ sound.
thanks for the lesson >you are amazing
Hi Ronnie, you’re so far awesome! I got the sounds, but my problem is how can I identify what sound say? The spelling are totally different! Please help me! Have a nice day!
Glau Wertz
Thank you so much Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, I have a questions, my teacher gave me a topic about IPA ” long u (oo) and short u (U) . I’m confused about what it is, help me please to discuss this. Thank you!
I would like to ask a lessen…
for writing, how can I know when use “-sion” instand “-tion”
or on my writing, how do I know which vowel put?
thanks Ronnie!! I love your lesson so much.
Nguyen Van Hau
thank you so much Ronnie, got yourself one more fan :)
you made the lesson really enjoyable and proficient. I wished I had learned this at school in Spain….we learned to read before we could speak!
Thank you so much Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie!You are so funny!!?
hey Ronnie can i ask you to made video for all tenses in english please thank you..
I like your lesson because my pronunciation is not
good but now its better
Thank you im weak in listening
Thank you teacher.
hii my amazing teacher im fadi from syria I have problem with my spelling is horrible I have a lot of spelling mistakes please can you offer any kind of lesson or materials etc… its would be help full for me
withe my love
Fadi Naanaa
Hi, Fadi! Maybe Rebecca’s list of 240 common spelling mistakes will be useful? At the bottom of the page there is a list of related lessons that are also about spelling.
engVid Moderator
Thank you, im just searching of useful technic to learn how to spell correctly I have already seen this videos :)
Fadi Naanaa
Thanks Ronnie.
Amazing class dear Ronnie but tell us what happened with the test of this class……. I don’t mind it’s enough with your clear explanation…..anyway bye and many greetings from surco
marc anthony
Thanks for your clear explanation.
But I want to know if “bull” pronunciation is like “full” and “pull” too?
Thanks for your clear explanation.
But I want to know if “bull” pronunciation is like “full” and “pull” too?
When you say “suit” and “Luke” I hear a small “ɪ” before the “u”: where does this “i” come from? Looks like a different way to pronunciate the “u”.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
WoW i get 10 over 10 ,, i think some of them by luck
As a grown person I need help with my English, I am very happy to find this programme. Any special assistance I welcome it. Thanks
there is no quiz
their is no quiz
Could you help me to have a good conversation with my boss. I’m from Vietnam. My boss is an Australian.
Thank you………….
Thank you for your lesson.
I was so interesting and I will be practicing as much I can. Blessing profesor
Muchísimas gracias!! De gran utilidad para nosotros los principiantes.
¡De nada!
Dear noderator are you Alex..? I bet you are…
I’m actually not! I am a whole different person :)
Mmmm OK I accept it
Good lesson.
Thanks Mrs Ronnie for explanation ^_^ . hope you the best .
Thank you , i love this lesson.
Hi, Ronnie! you are great!
I have a big problem with pronunciation.. but not with English, I know its off topic but still I believe you guys would help me anyhow. I’m learning dutch and I am not able to pronounce G in dutch. For example.. “dag” it means -> day. If you have any suggestion for that please reply.
Short U and long U like u: Is this the correct phonetic symbol?
really funny and usefull lesson was…thank you
It was very beautiful and Amazing Lesson. I want another)) Please Ronnie…Di It For Us)
Many Thanks
thank you ronney, i love your theaching.
sorry for my fault about your name dear ronnie.
many thanks but could explain lake like lick
thanks teche very very goog !
Thank you so much for the lesson. It was very helpful, clear and understandable.
it was very good lesson thanks
Thank you Ronnie for the lesson. Now I have to practice.
ahahahahah I love this woman … fun lesson
Thank you Ronnie for the lesson. I need more and more lesson.
I never stopped listening the way i was saying these words: Could, Should & Would, i was saying them wrong, but now i’m ok, thanx Ronnie. Amazing lesson and you funny as always =)
this video is cool! thanks
adorable!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! :) :) :)
Fine, thanks. :)
helpful, I can’t say the u long, I feel a fool but thank you again n’ again lovely Ronnie.
ms ronnie u r wonderful teacher and i really like your way of teaching lot of thanks to you…
how is the best linguist ever now?
Where is the test?
Nice lesson, thank you.
Thanks a lot Ronnie. I really like to watch your lessons. These lessons are very usefull for me. Thanks to all engvid.com team.
nice :)
I love watching your videos. Thank youuuuuuuuuuu very much indeed !!
Thank You,Ms Ronnie, for your interesting lessson! You are real Teacher! You are native Teacher. So sorry, that I have no met You earlier.
In fact, the difference or the pronunciation is difficult rather,however, this’s teacher is so nice and that still possible !
very nice lesson,thanks
very good lesson!thanks all teacher I wish all teacher lucky for ever!!!
gr8 lesson for me……..ronnie thx…
Hi, Ronnie! Thank you for your lesson! It was really great, actually as usual))) Please could)) you make a vidio about words that are used for diffetent degree of some personal strains. E.g. when someone says that he/she is confident, does it mean that the person has a good strain or bad? cause as I know this word in English may mark either bad and good strain…Please halp!
gr8 frm me…thx
Hi dear Ronnie
i think pronunciation is really important in English learning too and it’s good that have more pronunciation lessons….
and where is quiz????? :D :D
thank u so much Ronnie.
good lesson thanc you ronnie
As far as I remember the Return of The Jedi had such a line of Han Solo: Luke, look :-)
Good lesson! Thank you very much!
I have a question.
When we talk about plural of nouns and verbs in 3rd person after which consonants when we should pronounce /z/ and when /s/. For example: “knuckles”?
There is already a lesson on that for you!
thank you very much please help me I have a problem with I,E,O,A ALSO PLEASE HELP ME
Ronnie, THANK YOU very much for this lesson !!
I was waiting for this lesson for quite a moment and now I discovered that it was right here on my favorite “language learning website”. (I’ll need a correction for this formulation for sure ^^)
This was the first time I showed this website to my girlfriend and she loved it all: the website, the lesson and without a surprise you and your funny way of teaching. Although we had two different theories of how to pronounce the first sound we could see and make the sound correctly. I’m learning and learning with you and all the teachers in this website. I hope that you will continue to make videos about pronunciation in special vowel’s. Example that can be used ɒ vs ɔ.
Thank you very much again and merry christmas in advance ^^.
Hi, thanks for making these videos, they’re really helpful. I’ve got a question, one day I was watching this tv serie and in one moment someone said that isn’t grammatical correct to put a preposition at the end of a phrase, but I don’t get it, because according to this the sentence… What are you talking about? would be wrong but it’s not! Please, help me.
It’s a common, but false, belief. As you point out, there are plenty of obviously correct sentences that end with prepositions. Here’s a longer post on it, if you’d like to learn more.
Thanks a lot :)
Hi Ronnie ! Marry X-mas and happy New year for all Engvid members :) Please can you give us a lesson dealing with the vocabulary needed when going to a store or a mall (to buy something) …
This lesson is great but I’ve a special request
can u pls. make us a lesson on the comparison degrees esp. things that can clear the confusion i have e.g
i like more english than french
or i like english more than i like french
which one is correct? pls. help me
It is always “I like noun MORE/LESS than noun”.
So, I like French more than English.
Hi Rooney! i consider myself a good English speaker (I’m from Argentina so my first language is Spanish) but when it comes to pronunciation I just can’t say these two words: “mountain” “To Focus” … just cant, please help! :)
You guys are all just awesome but Roonie you’re my favorite.
“Mawn-tin”. Whenever you have -tain in English, we always say “-tin”.
TO foe-kus….. jajjajaaj becareful, it may sound like fuk-us!!!!!!
1- ok, i’m trying
2- that’s wh I asked, I always make it sound like the F work … but the Foe part cleared it up – Love from Neuquen Argentina! Thanks so much!
I like your way of teaching madam. Thank you for your wonderful teaching.
Dear Ronnie,
You know, then you teach us. I don’t konw, then I learn and clap my hands to you. Congratulations for this helpfull lesson. How about another lesson with bad words and slangs. We don’t have opportunities to learn these stuffs in the schools Happy new year.
You are great!!! Thank you! Happy New Year!
sorry can’t understand why we Pronounce soot like (suht) why we didn’t Pronounce these two words fool ,food like (suht) because spelling is same with double OO
Please explain It
Please, pretty make a lesson about going to a hair\nail salon >> please please
Sorry I don’t get my hair/nails done so I cannot make a lesson on something I don’t know about!
Okay :(
honorable teacher, you are my best teacher. all of your class are really extra ordinary than all of teachers.
gOOd lesson!!! :D
hi every body .
i want to download these videos but i cant !
pls help me .
Thank you for your lesson. :)
thanks so much
it’s very good
you are great keep teaching . it is a gift from God .
Ronnie, If i had a daughter,I’d name her after you.
What a nice compliment to our teacher Ronnie :D
Very good lesson
Hello, could you please make a video with difference between lack, look, lock, luck in pronunciation ?
hello ,thank you so much .this lessons are very useful for me & my friends. I hope you continue this lessons.
She deserves sir and you too Jimmy
Thanks Jimmy
Hello teacher Ronnie could you please do a video showing how to pronounce the word Toronto correctly, because some people say that people from Toronto pronounce this word different from other people so I’d like to clarify this.
Thank you so much Ronnie :-)
Ronnie you are a great teacher,you makes me laugh,and learning with you is awesome thanks
thanks to you
You are an excellent teacher!!!
Thanks Teacher :)
Many thanks,
I hope if you explain another examples.
Thanks,but a question still. How can I know whether i should pronounce uh or oo.
Thank you so much for the lesson, it was very helpful.anyway, could u plz ur next lesson be about when the letter T in some words pronounced D. Usually when it comes in the middle like “water'”waDer” but also in some words like “about””abouD”. could u plz help us with this?
Thank you so much again
I love the way to teach us..thank you, happy new year Ronnie
Hello Yudelrosales,
My name is Marcelo,
Nice to meet you,I would like to get new friendships for improve my english,if haven’t problem to you,of course,
I’m student here in Brazil and working with maintenance of crane.
good i like
Thank you very much!
I’m beginner in english. So, was too utility for me. Thanks.
dear Roonie . .. I use to watch ur video. . I like yr teaching so much. .. I m running my school. .. I wanna knw wat would i say the students those r studying in my school. my skool name is ST. BERNADETTE’S SCHOOL. …. as students of st. Francis college are called Franciscan. . Wat would i call my students? ????
Dear Roonie … I used to watch ur videos., I would like to join as a teacher in any school in India but i feel I’m a little bit bit week in grammer plea suggest me to improve
I want to ask you some questions. Now I’m selling products on internet.I’m Asian and sometimes receive the letters from my worldwide customers (mostly from US).It’s not easy for me to reply them because English isn’t our language and I want to know about basic writing of business letters.Can you help me?
now i can disting between uh and oo thank ronnie and engvid.com
Thank you so much Ronnie!
I have been studying for a long time but I never realized that I was speaking “could/should” wrong! Thank you for helping me, dear Ronnie!
You are very nice , thank you Ronnie
Check your email for an email from Engvid and click the link in it!
you are so good at teaching Ronnie, every teacher should be like you!
Thank You so much Ronny
Very good, It’s perfect. Funy and very good hear a native explain this sonds.
Thank very much
thank you. it’s usefull things
Thanks Ronnie ,I really appreciate it.My best wishes to you.Have a great New Year .
u r amazing
you are awesome, I love the way you taught.
very good
i like Ronnie too much
Please Ronnie can you do a video explaining the difference between think about/think of and other phrasal verbs please!!! :D
I’m adding it to the list of suggestions! In the meanwhile, have you seen our other lessons on phrasal verbs? Here’s a beginner lesson and an intermediate lesson to start.
Gracias Ronnie!, me encanto tu clase. :)
thank you very much
Could you tell me the difference lack, lock, look, luck in pronunciation please!!
please do pronunciation lesson on contraction like i`ve or i`m etc
nice lesson!
you are the best i am a beginner nice too see you thanks
u no what i like ur lessons and ur way to teach thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanx alot mwa
Hi Ronnie, thanks and congratulations to your method of teaching, i hope to could use this method as a lecturer of the university.
I like , I am new in this blog sorry for my bad english
hi madam, your funny teaching style is excellent.
Hi Ronnie ! i loved your method of teaching, let me know you that i learning !! thanks
Dear Ronnie, thanks for this lesson.
Hi Ronnie, could you tell me if the first above shown symbol sound is like the “u” in cut ?
perfect perfomance! thnx Ronnie :)
Awesome lesson very helpful, very interesting and very funny all at the same time, your commentaries are excellent , you seem to understand exacly how a non-native english speaker could thinks…..thanks a lot Ronnie
Thank you very much
teacher. thank you for your lessons.
I have a question..
I think the pronunciation of ‘COULD’ sounds different.. in compared to ‘uh’ sound…
hey my name is yussuf mohamed i spek engilsh
but i can,t red
I signed up this site 2 days ago,and since this time i had listen all teachers here.I don`t know why but i liked Ronnie`s lessons more then other.She can explane all so easy way and her lessons very funny.Thanks Ronni!!!
This is Abdus Salam from bangladesh. i want to learn english languse & lenses,please need your kind cooperation.
it’s really difficult….. :(
Hi: Ronnie is there any tricks where I can make spelling easily
I know you may not read my comment , but I like you and your way of Explanation, thank you sooooo much for helping us learning English to be like native speakers
I have read your comment! Thanks!!
Very nice and if you can please make a quiz for this lecture.
My Best Regards
thank you Ronni for the lesson it was helpeful but, i still have qouition about the diferent between the pronuncition of the foot wich pronunce with uh the short one and the food with long oo ,to me both has the oo in the meddil , so they have to be same prounucition plz would you clear this to me thanks
Fut = foot
foooood = food
thank you Ronni for your help
Thanks you can me.
What’s the difference between these 3 letters when pronunciating?: Ʊ, U, W
I’ve found them in phonetic dictionaries, so I don’t know how the last letter sounds like.
Very nice teaching
it was a very good lesson thanks too much.
i already know this. i love english language but i can’t speak. i hope this site will be halpful for me.
you’re simply The best!!!!! I learn for plesure with you Ronnie…
enjoy,,,, thanks teacher ronnie:-)
thanks for the great lesson.
I have a question How to improve from my pronunciation of English language?
what is the best sites which present good lessons? teacher Ronnie:)
Is this site contain all pronunciation rules for British English Mrs: Ronnie?
Thank you with professor Ronnie respect
I feel he studied directly :)
what is the best way for improving my English pronunciation?
Is there in engvid all lessons of british accent rules ? Mr: ronnie
Roonie, she’s funny and I like you!!!
Roonie, thank u so much for your time (:
that was amazing!
hah but I need to still practice it.
We need more academic vocabulary
And how to can spill correct
Thank you so much
thanks so much
Would you please teach us to pronounce l and n?
I have some difficulties to tell them apart. And also I want to learn the pronunciation of “-ear””-or” in different words. If you could teach us, that would me great! I really appreciate your help.
Your teaching is amazing!
Ronnie! You are the best teacher! I love you so much! Thank you very much!
Thank you my teacher, I love you very much Ronnie
Ronnie you are amazing teacher,i love you ,i love your way about teach,great respect to you,and i hope one day i can speak and write well english. Big Thanks dear.
Thank you.
Hello Teacher Ronnie,
You’re very funny,love your method….but
I was a little confused,but I’ll go to try.
Take care
thanks alot…………..
I had fun learning this lesson Ronnie.
thank you Ronnie
hi Ronnie please tell me more about “cooed” meaning
thank you very nice teaching
Hi Ronnie! Thanks for your lesson! We learn and smile equally at your videos! You are great! :)
i have a little prob on the usage of ”where”..i know how to use it with all other ways besides this rule please help me..
I wanna know how to use ”where” with these words and what the grammar rule is..pls give me a few examples of your own ones..
1 Due to the volume of emails we receive we are unable to respond to the emails where the answer can be found on our web site itself
2 If you have gone to a website where you have to create an account for yourself..
3 This procedure should be followed in cases where dishonesty has been alleged.
4 I heard a strange noise from the upstairs where the children were playing.
5 There is a stage in life where you can’t even hold a cup of tea.
Thanking you
Hi Ronnie, you’re my favorite teacher, thanks to Engvid I’m improving my English because I want to go to Miami on vacation and need to understand and speak enough to survive without help from anyone. Thank you.
Hi Ronnie! I love your lessons,Could you give information for Skype lessons?. Thank you very much =)
Dear Ronnie, you are the best teacher. Thank you. Now I know how awful is my pronunciation.
Hi Ronnie! Thank you for your lessons. They are great! I’d like to ask you something. Could you make a lesson to explain the difference between the sound of “pleaSure” and “pledGer”? I’m not talking about these specific words. I’m talking about the sounds. I’m a Spanish speaker, and is really difficult to disting between them. Other examples: “meaSure” and “maJor”, or “verSion” and “virGin”.
Thank you and I’ll continue learning with your excellent videos.
Horacio (from Uruguay)
Everyday, I’m learning with your videos.
You sometimes do funny action and it makes videos very funny and not boring.
I expect you to make more lessons here.
Hi Ronnie!Your way of teaching is splendid.I am big fan of you.Thank you so much for your lessons.My problem is I can’t speak English fluently because of less confidence in me.I want to learn tenses and speak English fluently.Can you please help me.Hope you will.
thank you Ronnie
Hi, Ronnie !
I am waiting your answer about my subscription. I love your class. You are the best! thank you.
Dear Ronnie,
Thanks for your help.
Another great day, breaking walls.
Good day.
thank you ronny
Hi Ronnie!
I just want you to know I am a big fan of yours. I also teach English but as a foreign language. I have recentely engaged in a discussion with a “fake teacher” who has been deceiving many people here in my country (Brazil). He claims to have discovered a “formula” to learn how to pronounce English words through the representation of sounds with the portuguese spelling. In other words he tries to write English words with portuguese phonetic sounds. Example he says we can learn how to pronounce house by writing hause. It’s ridiculous! He has no idea what he is saying but he’s been supported by many politicians in our states and federal governement. Rio de Janeiro state is using his mathods in public schools! This is outrageous!
In my effort to expose him I have engaged in a discussion with him on a magazine website.
I have used THIS video as an argument to expose him.
I hope you don’t mind me using your class to teach some REAL English and expose this “danger to real teaching” in my country. This guy (Dangello Ciccarini) should be exposed!
People will end up talking like “the Italian man who went to Malta”.
Thank you Ronnie
Peace on you!
it’s good…understandable…thanks Ronnie
thanx :D
thanx ronnie but i wonder if there is arule make me distinc btween the two vowel sound
thanks Ronni you very good
Hi.. it’s very confusing to me how to pronounce these words: miTTEN, wriTTEN, kiTTEN…those words have something in common in their pronunciations…. I speak spanish….it’s difficult to me..
I like your lessons.
thank you I’m learning with your videos.
Nice Vid3o
Thanks. It is difficult, but very useful.
Ronnie, you’re great! I love your lessons. Thanks a lot.
Can you please teach us about the “ʌ” sound as in Sun. I have had difficulty with that sound, specially to say the word “done” , sometimes i say something like “dawn” or “Dan” or “Don” instead of “done” but i really don’t know where or how to put my tongue. I would really appreciate it. :)
thank you Ronnie.
Hi Ronni… Can you make a video about rules of plural nouns?
Ronnie! You’re such a cool person! Never stop admiring the way you teach us English! Your friends and family must be so blessed with you, you bring joy and humor in people’s lives :)
I found 2 new vocabularies for me; “soot” and “cooed.” But I understood the meaning because of your fun gestures. “Soot” is black ashes, and “cooed” is pigeon’s voice…right? Thank you for your intelligible lesson. I had fun :D
how to pronounce suggestion and involved
Very nice!
luke it´s a name or means luck like when you say hey good luck I´m confused
greetings ronnie
youtube download mp3
this is one of the best lessons I’ve ever seen, but I still have a doubt, the words you listed aren’t all the words with the “uh” “oo” sound, like if I say: troop, coop, took, loop etc, so how do I understand when I have to use the “uh” sound and the “oo” sound?? its not like every word with the double “o” is pronounced “oo” and every word with the “u” letter is pronounced “uh”!
Hi Ronnie;
I really thank you about your great effort.Regarding this lesson I do know the different in pronunciation between foot and food but my problem is both have the same form so could you tell me if I saw a word like cool which sound I give it uh or oo .
I also want to speak English to native speakers to improve my language but by voice not written could you help me?
Thank you very much)
Thank you very much!! God bless you .
perfect , but when i should say oo or uh?
Hi Ronnie,
Can you help me with the pronunciation of “t” and “d” at the end of the word, especially for verb.
Thank you so much.
hi Ronnie,
I am really happy to watch your vidio and it helps me a lot.
but i am just wondering one thing that..
like.. ” soot “, ” cook ”
first one also has two ‘ O ‘,
and second one also has two ‘ O ‘.
but why is it different long and short??
do you understand what i mean?
thank you!
Could you please help me the different sound of “O”
Hi, Ronnie! I recognize A as in CAT sound easily. But I have some troubles in distinguishing A as in CAR, AU/AW as in CAUGHT AUTHOR AWE, O as in DONE COT OR, U as in BUT. Examples: CAT CUT COT CAUGHT/ CARD CORD/ AUTHOR OTHER/ DAN DON DONE DON’T DAWN/ BAT BOUGHT BUT(T)/ BART BORD/ COFFEE COUGH/ CAP COP CUP/ CAB COBB CUB/ Does the A sound in WHAT WATCH WAS WAR sound same? Do they rhyme with ALL and OR? This is tricky for me. :/
thank you very much teacher ronnie
thanks a lot
Hi Ronnie, thanks for the lessons, you have to be the best English teacher in the world! That would be nice to have more words in u. For example, what’s the difference between look and luck in terms of mouth position?
Could pronunciation is “Kud”, however, you had pronounced “khud” and same for Pool (Ph-ool)and Fool (Ph-ool). I am confuse, please do the need full. You are awesome teacher.
good lesson! =)
Please Ronnie Please make a video about uh vowel pronunciation uh as in cut, cousin, fun explaining lips place, tongue placement. I’m really struggling with this sound. I will really appreciate it.
Thank you Ronnie.
During watching your video I realize that now I need your help how to distinguish the ‘uh’ sound(in ‘soot’) from ‘ə’ sound( in ‘sir’) – because in the way, how I’m now trying to pronounce the ‘uh’ sound, it sounds more like ‘ə’sound, so my ‘look’ sounds like [lə:k].
Thank you for your help.
you are very fun,i love to watch your lessons!!!!!!!!!
Ronnie, I really love you, you are the best English teacher that I have ever encountered during the 32 years of my life. I have a challenge with the pronunciation of words like “Southern”, “Northern”, “rather”, etc. Will be great if you can help in this area. Thanks.
We have a lesson on just that — pronouncing ER and TH sounds! I hope it helps.
Thanks Ronnie for the great lesson
where is Quiz ?
hello ronnie
i actually love the way you explain your lessons.
you are giving us the information in a funny way that why we can keep’em in mind.and i wanna ask u a question about how we can use *get to know something or the similar expressions*
Thank you very much
Hi Roonie, great lesson. By the way, I have this big problem when I try to pronounce words with “au” like automatic, or with z or v. For us (spanish speakers the letters “b and v” and “s and z” sound exactly the same).I hope you can help me..thanks..
i don’t see any quiz and this repeated in many lesson
Thenk you very much, very usefull class.
Hey. does u in bus and pull have the same sound? when i say them they are slightly different. i guess… bus is more like buhs, pull has a bit ‘oo’ sound.
thanks for the lesson >you are amazing
Hi Ronnie, you’re so far awesome! I got the sounds, but my problem is how can I identify what sound say? The spelling are totally different! Please help me! Have a nice day!
Thank you so much Ronnie.
Hi Ronnie, I have a questions, my teacher gave me a topic about IPA ” long u (oo) and short u (U) . I’m confused about what it is, help me please to discuss this. Thank you!
I would like to ask a lessen…
for writing, how can I know when use “-sion” instand “-tion”
or on my writing, how do I know which vowel put?
thanks Ronnie!! I love your lesson so much.
thank you so much Ronnie, got yourself one more fan :)
you made the lesson really enjoyable and proficient. I wished I had learned this at school in Spain….we learned to read before we could speak!
Thank you so much Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie!You are so funny!!?
hey Ronnie can i ask you to made video for all tenses in english please thank you..
I like your lesson because my pronunciation is not
good but now its better
Thank you im weak in listening
Thank you teacher.
hii my amazing teacher im fadi from syria I have problem with my spelling is horrible I have a lot of spelling mistakes please can you offer any kind of lesson or materials etc… its would be help full for me
withe my love
Hi, Fadi! Maybe Rebecca’s list of 240 common spelling mistakes will be useful? At the bottom of the page there is a list of related lessons that are also about spelling.
Thank you, im just searching of useful technic to learn how to spell correctly I have already seen this videos :)
Thanks Ronnie.
Amazing class dear Ronnie but tell us what happened with the test of this class……. I don’t mind it’s enough with your clear explanation…..anyway bye and many greetings from surco
Thanks for your clear explanation.
But I want to know if “bull” pronunciation is like “full” and “pull” too?
Thanks for your clear explanation.
But I want to know if “bull” pronunciation is like “full” and “pull” too?
When you say “suit” and “Luke” I hear a small “ɪ” before the “u”: where does this “i” come from? Looks like a different way to pronunciate the “u”.
there is no quiz