When to use was and when to use were. Learn about the past tense of to be — the most important verb in English! I talk about normal sentences, negatives, and questions. I cover the grammar, but also the correct pronunciation.
I’m learning well! Thank You so much for this site English now is made easy for me. God Bless!
I was delighted to discover this site, you certify professionals in ways Altric, you are an excellent \ Ronnie .
thank you very much !!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi rizza
hello risa now we are on 2019 how you find yoyr self in english ? did you feel better
What’s an amazing website is it!
Good design.
This lecture teach very clearly in this video!
Thanks a lot!
Ronnie, you are the best teacher! I learned a lot from you today. Thank you so much! I needed it. :)
Ronnie, really you’re the best.Thank you so much
oh..its great i m doing well..its gud site..i was confused to use was/were but now i think i learn well..
it was good and clear!
we were watching Engvid
Thanks a lot for teaching.
Thank Ronnie .I learning a lot with your lessons.
Thank you Ronnie very much for this lesson!!! I have one question about this: Why we say, for example “if I were you”, and not “If I was you”? According to this lesson, we should say “Ïf I was you”. Please help me to see the difference here :)
We say “if I were you”… It doesn’t fit with this lesson because it is a different grammar point (conditionals)!
many thanks !
I watched a lesson about conditionals, and now I see… Thank you Ronnie immensely for your explanation, you are, without doubt the best teacher on Engvid, and at all :)
so mom…teach me about tht” different grammar point” such if i were u…cuz when i listen to beyonce song with title if i were a boy…i really wanna know..why if i were not if i was
Because songs never have correct grammar!
Happy to hear that, I needed to know about learning by listening to songs. Thank you for clear explanations always, and I love your style, you are a very nice teacher.
i am very happy with you.your teaching style is very clear .thank you so mouch.
oh dear, songs will never be the same if they used correct grammar.
if i were a boy –> conditional if
exception for I, we should use were.
all ‘was’ should be replaced with ‘were’ because we are imagining.
hope it helps.. ;)
Hi dear Ronnie. Can i have your Email address? Please If u don’t mind…?
Hi Ronnie
Will appreciate if you can upload any lesson on effective articulation.Thanks
You could see James’s lesson on
If + Will & If + Would
on this website
i have the same doubt :/
Thank you teacher!God bless you!
this lesson is very helpful me thanks a lot.
Hi Rohnie,
I am new for the site.I am having some questions.
1. How and when to you the supporting verb “ask”,”asked”.
eg:I have asked him to drop you mail.
I will asked him to communicate with you regarding this and asked him to send you an email.
I have asked him about this ,he asked me to call you or email you.
I asked him about this,but he asked me to give the exams.
I have not found any related topic about this.If you are having any video related to this please share the url.
I am not so good at english, but I will try to explane you a little bit. You mentioned three verb tenses in english: Present perfect, Past simple and Future simple. Try to see the difference in some english book, but you use Past simple when you talk about action which is finished. For example: I watched the movie which was very interesting. We use Present perfect when we talk about action that began in the past and still lasts or action was finished at some point in the past. This verb tense is the most difficult because many languages don’t have this tense, and it is complicated to comprehend. And finaly future tense we use when we talk about our intentions, what we are planing to do in the future. This is very similar with Going to, but however there is a big difference. For example: I think we will go to the party tonight. And you never use past form after verb Will, remember, never. After Will you always use the basic form of the verb. I hope this helps, bye ;)
ask is present tense, asked is past tense, have asked is present perfect!
I will ask him to communicate with you regarding this and ask him to send you an email. (future= will+base)
I have asked him about this ,he asked me to call you or email you. (have asked = present perfect, he asked= past)
I asked him about this,but he asked me to give the exams. (asked = past).
Great. I love the way to teach. <3
So “was” is the past form of the verb to be used in the singular person and “were” is the form which we use in the plural person except of the pronoun “you” where we use “were” as well.
thankful my teacher :)
thanks…..this lesson hlep me alot :D
thanks a lot for lesson. i am very poor in preposition plz teach me all preposition time place and manner.
There is already a video on the site for this!!!
nice teacher
jasser selmi
My dear teacher Ronnie your teaching is very nice Thanks for it
Very good =)
great service which you offered
it was very nice lesson . thank you Ronnie.
it’s very nice teching
Tks Ronnie!!!
it was so easy lesson,thanks anyway Ronnie take care funny, cute, blonde woman.
Thanks but I am not blonde. I am a redhead!
redhead or red-haired? or can we say both? n it reminds me also with redneck. would be interesting if u put these slangs into ur collections of video, or should i say collection of videos.. heheee.. just a thought ;)
p.s. also brunette, buffy, chubby, n so on.. i hope it’s not too much.. :P
i like ur style, ronnie.. cheers
I think Redhead it’s true because it means : someone who has red hair !
red-haired. i certain
Mizun Hayato
Hi Ronnie
Could you tell me how do I know correct sentences like sometimes people says
Where is the library?
Where the library is?
Who broke the T.V.
Who did break the T.V.
Because I think when we use verb we place do/did/is/am/are/was/were before the verb or it depends upon our tone/situation.
“Who did break the T.V.” is just wrong!
“Could you tell me where the library is” is the only way that “Where the library is” could be correct.
great lesson ^^
now i want to teach
peter chang
Hi Ronnie.
I hope you are Ok, again very basic but useful grammar lesson,thanks and continue with your good enthusiasm and motivation
i can understand it clearly….. thanks
what does lfmao mean?
Sorry I don’t know!
LMFAO = Laughing My Fat xxx Off
thank you very much, good explaining,
Thanks Ronnie ,But actually my question was when to use ‘ask’ and when to not.like i have asked you the question.I have asked someone to do this task and he replied me to do another task or try this way.
eg.I have asked him about this ,he asked me to call you or email you.
In the above sentence I am talking with the second person about the third person(to which i have asked something).and the third person again replied me to do another task ,like call the second person or email him.
It will be great ,if we can have it’s video.(When to use ask)
those were confused to me
but after your lesson, all those become very claer
so,thank you so much
hello all . my teacher ronnie i am a new student, and i need your help to guide me to know if there any quiz for english languge levels?
i need to know what is my level ???
thnx for Great lessons..
Hi….Ronnie could i get the lesson…how about if we want to buy an item on the market or shops,,,please
Ok I will try to make a lesson for you!
thank you very much,,,ronnie,you’re the best teacher ever.
grande ronnie!
HI ,teacher your lesson era good .is really helpful .thanks for you help .
how do we form a negative question ?
Weren’t +sub
or Wasn’t + sub.
good lesson teacher Ronnie funny lesson
dear teacher
the lesson was very interest but i am so sorry bi question so diffiucant EX it wasn
dear teacher
the lesson was very interest but bi questions is difficult for me, Ex. it wasn’t sunny today/ it rained all day so i was not understand it how to join these two sentence.
many thanks
rashid Somali
It wasn’t sunny today, it rained all day.
alhamdulillah… thanks Mam,,
Just curious, I got the last Q wrong.
Why can’t we say “Weren’t you at the pool today?” ?
To me, it’s a negative question.
You can say it is just strange (too formal/old/British English). We say “Were you at the pool today?”
Thank you Ronnie.
hi i really like this site!! it’s awesome! I’m learning.
Oh this is very nice class
This is first lesson for me, i understand very easy.thanks
i like this video. helpful !
Thanks ronnie,today classe was so interesting
i am very happy to visit the site and getting clarifications to some of my doubts / questions on the topis.
Thanks you Ronnie
Best regards
Thanks ronnie
i watch this program in the Afghanistan its very interesting
we love u and this program
how i can learning grammar
Adnan from Afghanistan
great (^_^)
dear teacher i need spelling the English alphabet i meant how to say them thank so much
Your explanation is really helpful to me to understand well. love much your teaching and wish you happy and healthy in your day to day life.
Nothing to add, all is said :)
Thanks for your lesson. I request you to take class on following topics. This helps me to clear myself in tenses.
1. Was/Had/did
2. Is/Have/do
3. Could/Should/Would
ALL of these lessons are already on engvid……just type in the words in the search area of the page!
Thank you Ronnie you’re the best
thanks for your wonderful lesson..
plz convert these 2 sentences into 2nd person & 3rd person
I´m not beauty queen,
I´m just beautiful me.
thank you teacher!!
Dear Roniee! I love the way you teach! Thank you ery much for your lesson! Your clear English makes everythig easier!
Sally S
Hey Ronnie! Thanks very much for this lesson!!
Thank you, Ronnie:))) You are wery goog teacher:)))
Hi Ronniee i like your lesson,can you tell me about all tense use in a chart
Thanks a lot
thanks ! for teaching me english ,and god will always bless you in your life.
arlette sanon
thanks, for the help!
Hi Ronni!
First of all thanks for your Liston!
I have a question for you if don’t mind!
what is the different at these sentence and which one is correct?
I was jog every day.
I used to jog every day.
I had jog every day.
Thank you for your time,
I used to jog every day.
Dear Mam,
Thank you very much for this lesson.
the lesson was very informative.
Thanks& regards,
thank you very much for your lesson!! you are so good.I would like to do other lesson about of pronunciation of irregular verbs. thank you!!
Thank you Ronnie!
คุณเป็นครูที่ยอดเยี่ยมมากครับ (Thai language): you are the best teacher.
Thank you Ronnie. I think you’re the best teacher. I wish you were my English teacher. English is my second language so I’m learning slowly. Please correct my grammar. Thank you again.
hi,how r u?Its really nice lecture and u r a wonderful teacher.
This lecture really superb and fantastic ….. any one can understand very easily……Thank you
hi Ronnie
i’m quite a bit confused which one of all of these sentences is grammatically correct? is there any difference? or they have exactly the same meaning?
1.I never should’ve told you
2.I should’ve never told you
3.I should never have told you
hope you can halp…thanks
There are basically all the same! BUt #1 is a little stronger!!!
I got 5 out 5 so I’m learning well. Ronnie is such a nice person. She teaches english pretty well.
Anand Devdhare
hi roonie
can you please make a video on use of could and would ?
you are a great teacher Ronnie, thanks so much
Thank you ronnie, I love you so much, you are a lovely person and a very good teacher
thank you so much!
Congratulations and respect for you, Teacher. I don’t have a job, I need a new one and for that I need english language. I want to learn, read and write english language in a good way and this kind of lessons are very useful. Thank you, sincerely.
I love your lessons!! I am learning english with you!! thank you so much!!! xoxo
Thank you very for teaching me about english grammar.
Ronnie you so very kind teacher…
Take care…
thanks ronnie =)
Thank you. I have learned a lot. But, is it correct about the title of the song “If I
Were a Boy”?
hey dear,u said usually with I WE USE was,but the song is if i were a boy!then here y we r using were,instead of was?
don’t worry, there’s a bad grammar, like in many other songs
i also asked this question to my school teacher,and she said,when we r supposing then we can use were with I,like here we r supposing if i were a boy,or may be we r using were,for making rythum in the song,,hope it will help u
if i were a boy –> conditional if
exception :
all ‘was’ should be replaced with ‘were’ because we are imagining.
isn’t it so, ronnie?
i hope u don’t mind me clearing this up.. cheers
Hey ronnie !I took your quiz ,I get it .But I got one of them wrong.Anyways we both did a good job .keep up
jenel sanon
Prof.Ronnie I love his classes congratulations. I can not afford to learn English so I use this site to learn thank you very much for real.
Thank you so much .
really i like your lesson
so thank you so much i really like your lesson so esye…
Thank you my gorgeous Ronnie, thanks for everything I learned a lot from specially when it comes of correct use of grammar, ma’am Ronnie i have a question to you, if don’t mind, This is my question! IN WORD ANGRY there are so many synonyms like- annoy/ irritate/fuming/ mad/ livid/ heated.
It is correct instead I Use the word ANGRY!
I change it Annoy or Irritated….
here’s my example….
which one is correct?
you reply is my highly appreciated.. thanks and god bless.
Reynaldo Q Paquingan
RONNIE GOT MAD WITH ME…. is ok but I would say Ronnie got mad AT me!!!
Fuming is a verb so you have to say Ronnie was fuming at me.
Hey Ronnie! Thanks very much for this lesson!!
Thanks Maam Ronnie, I really really understand your way of teaching, I am extremely happy from the bottom of my heart…. a million thanks to you!
Reynaldo Q Paquingan
thanks a lot for teaching it’s very well i liken this <<<<<<<<
Thanks for all you lessons Ronnie I like you and I learn a lot of you! ThxThxThx!
I’ve two little questions:
You’ve teach as: Was he happy?
Can you say also: Wasn’t he happy?
(I think yes)
The other question:
You say: mostly you say: ‘wasn’t’ not ‘was not’
On school I’ve learn that you in a formal lettle never use the short way. Is that only in British English or also in Canada and USA?
Yes, you can say “Wasn’t he happy”! We use this when we here shocking or surprising news……Eg. He won the lottery then killed himself. “What! Wasn’t he happy?
You are correct, when we write a FORMAL letter we shouldn’t use contractions!
Thanks for answer Ronnie!
hi roonnie,thank you about lessons you are intelligent,god bless you.
thanks ms. ronnie:)
very good lesson and it’s have some fun thanks …
very good lesson teacher we need moor
hi my teacher .. how are you .. ?
i just wanna ask you a question and i’m sure you have an answer for it .. the question is what is the difference between was-were .. and did ..
i don’t get it .. but i hope you make me understand it ..
like when i say ..
you did help me a lot in learning English ..
you helped me a lot in learning English ..
you were helping me a lot in learning English..
and all thanks and appreciation to you ..
trakiko mrajijo
thank you :-)
Hi Ronnie maam, I am from India, yesterday I visited this wonderful site. It is very helpful me to clear my doubts. Among all Teachers you are simply superb. ThankQ
Irappa Talawar
hello, I am from Kurdistan ,you are very nice person thanks for yours lectures.
can you give us lesson about ,will,shall,would,should,could plzzzzzzzzz
Thank you
Thanks a lot Ronnie , you have a sense of humor
Thanks Lv for was and were but what about been???
Nice website, great lessons. I like Ronnie as an English teacher.
thzzzzzzz u so much Ronnie :-)
Hello Ronnie
Could I ask something to you?
It’s right to say, “Definetly I have to do Advanced again! I got stuck in a rubbish percentage.”
It is British English…..I’m not sure if it is 100% correct….sorry!
I can understand what you mean though! I just don’t know if it is grammatically correct!
hi teachers
i think im very lucky to find this site,it is really very useful,just one request ,could u plezzzzzz teach us all types of tenses wid the examples.plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
thankksssssssssss a looot
Love this site….thanks to the teachers and managing director of this site..
Thanks for support
Dear teacher Ronnie I am so happy when I listen to your lesson but I have very probleme tous prononciation in English but i speak smoll french
thx for the lesson
i wish the best for u
i have great pleasure to join your lesson so please give me a chance
dear teacher Ronnie first of all i congratuate for west your time for us but i have some problem could you help me pls? about wich right way when i say I BOUGHT A NEW CAR AND IWAS BOUGHT ANEW CAR
i was bought a new car: positive
Mizun Hayato
thank you so much,I’ve learned alot from you..please try explain what is the difference of WANT and LIKE…and how to use it in a sentence thank you so…take care always…
Want = desire. I want a hot dog.
Like = choice/preference. I like blue. I like boys.
hi teacher i am from kurdistan in north of iraq iam english teacher iwant you som advice me because i cant speak very well iam very happy if you answer me iam sorry if ihave same mistake
Hi Ronnie
You’re the best teacher, thanks a lot.
Hi again, Ronnie.
How you could not understand as your teaching skills are so great….Thanks…See you again tomorrow…Bye..bye…
Jesus Enrique Camaran
Hi Ronnie
I am from Pakistan
you are the best teacher
Muhammad Sohail
that nice thanks teacher
Hallo, I am Heru from Indonesia, it’s spectacular lesson..
Hi Ronnie,
You’re the best teacher I even known. Thanks a lot agian.
thank you very much, What a nice teacher you’re !!!
Ahmed Ibrahim
i can’t open the quiz
Hmmm. Is your browser up-to-date? That may be the problem.
engVid Moderator
thank u madam..for giving valuable grammar..
Thank you soo chuch God Bless you!!!
thanks, for giving opotunaty to learn english
scored a perfect 5. thanks…
hai ronnie, this is karthick. i am from india. i can unterstand english, but i am not able to speak .please give any idea to improve my english speak
hi ronnie! u help me a lot *is this right? LOL. thanx :D
hi Ronnie is my sentence for this correct? “Finally my question was answered!” plz give ur response.
VERY VERY USEFUL THIS LESSON for me teacher thank you well i am watching all the lessons since the biginner lesson i want to get a job in a call center thats what i need a lot of grammar thanks greet from Nicaragua
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you very much for the valuable knowledge.
To understand news from the newspaper, little tough,Can you advise to make easy?
Most newspapers are AWFUL!!! The vocabulary can be very difficult sometimes and the sentence structure is HORRIBLE!!!!!
I advise you to read magazines or look at news stories on the internet!
Thanks Ronnie!
Thankyou very much.
Thank you so much, it really helps a lot.
good lesson.
Judah fish
I love it so much bcz i learn it
Very, very Thank you! from Russia :) it helps me, I understand all.
I’m a English Learner and Your video is very helpfull to me also I like to know the different
went is telling another person for example
life and alive and how is use in past / present?
thank you for you lessons i had learn a lot with them x x x x
thank you ronnie you are the best teatcher
it’s so hard to me
thank you ronnie for you lesson. but should be a little more detail. ;)
ex: Did , Didn’t or Verb+’ed’ ‘can-could’ they should be together.
Thank you, Ronnie. ;)
Thank you, It’s a very good lesson.
Thank you Ronnie very much for this lesson it’s helful, I think we Arabs are facing more difficult in English than the rest of the other languages i don’t know why but this is a fact thank you again you ‘re the best teacher
thank you so much :)
Hiii Ronni It is really good and nice I am new in this site but I wanna know how to use either-neirher in sentence.
Either/neither we use when we agree with a negative sentence that we agree with. Ex…I don’t like fish. Neither do I…..or I don’t either. Either comes at the end of the sentence, neither is at the beginning! Check out the lesson on engvid…search for either/neither by Alex!
Ronnie, when do you use “it” and “its” also “lot” “a lot.” Thanks
thank u ms. Ronnie
can you teach me about countable and uncountable nouns,pleas
Search the site for that lesson!
Thank Ronnie .I learning a lot with your lessons.
Thank you Ronnie
You are an artist in teaching
I understand all you say but i’can not able to speak Like you.
Thanks Ronnie , I’ve learned a lot since i started watching your lessons, you make english easy and funny ! Great teacher
Hector R.
‘I was sad yesterday ‘.Is this sentence correct?
thnaks Ronnie i understand very well…
really nice lecture Ronnie I enjoyed it a lot. Well now I have a question. for your and yours which can be used was/were?
Ayaz Ali
Hi Ronnie! What about with this sentence “If I were you, I’d rather stay away from her”. Could you explain why “I were you” and not “I was you”? Is it possible to use both?
We do use both. IF I were you is formal and used in writing/business/school. If I was you is casual = used to talk to friends.
However, I always say If I were you…….. When we use subjunctives (wish, possibility, judgement, opinion), we use “were” in the past for I,he,she,it,they,we,and you!!!
so sorry to disagree, ronnie..
i think we never use ‘if i was you’ – more possible to say ‘if it was you’.
as i mentioned before, n actually u did mentioned it at 1st above :
if i were you –> conditional if
then i agree with replacing ‘was’ with ‘were’ for wish, possibility, judgement, opinion, etc according to the function of conditional itself.
i hope this little clarification won’t confuse students anymore.
keep up the good work, ronnie..
u did great.. ;)
thnz engvid you are the best now in school i am coming first in test in my school in trinidad
Thank you very much! :)
thanks from Kazakhstan
thank you ,Ronnie i love you so much <3
thany you ronnie , this lesson is very helpful for me because i’m studying english for my work :)
Thank you for the response Ronnie! Have a nice day!
thnaks Ronnie i understand very well
Thank You Ms Ronnie for the video.
I got a question here.
In this video, you said that “We were happy”.
Were – past tense.
So, is it more correct if we write “we were happy at that time.” ??
No, it is not “more correct”. When you add at that time, it just tells me when you were happy!
O boy
Thanks to you
thank u
praise God…i got it now! Thanks for teaching, teacher! God bless you!
Thank you mam..
Ms ronnie how are you? , my name is ahmad , I am from Jordan , but I live in the UAE. and Iam studying there.I am in tenth grade. actually I Learnt so much things from you. I don’t know how to thank you.
ahmad fouad
i am not watched other teachers but valen and ronnie is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your teaching…
i ______at school yesterday.
they __not milk before June.
thank you very much
I’m learning from you
thank you so much.you are great
Thank you teacher, it´s clear
María Cristina
hello Ms. Ronnie. i was bit confused because i’m having a hard time when or where will i’m going to use these tense. well i understand your discussion you explain it briefly in fact i got 4 out of 5. is just that when i browse my notes about your lessons and also with ms. Rebecca about her lesson on simple past tense especially the DID,it feels like i didn’t get it again. well i’m hoping you would answer my question.But, all of you guys doing such a great teaching i admire you all. thank you very much. God bless you all;)
roselle fajardo.
thanks my dear mam!!!
Hi Ronnie,
I was so excited after watching your lecture and the way you expressed about grammar it’s funtastic. can you provide more objective question for was and were lesson so can practice much and more to become fluent writer as well as speaker.
Thanks a lot once again!!
Warm regards,
Mohammed Shahith (India)
Mohammed Shahith
i m soo exited for watching your lecture …thanku soo much
thank you
Hi Miss Ronnie , the thing which makes your presentation so lively is your accent and your presenting style………… Thank you Miss Ronnie, my internet Teacher
Thank you Ronnie I wish I met you some day.
Thank you teacher.This lesson is very helpful for me because i’m studying english for my free time
Ronnie Thanks Alooooot the english is very easy with you ;)
thank you ronnie.:) you are very great teacher. and it very easy to learn at http://www.engvid.com :D thank you again :)
You are very welcome!
If I said ‘My mother _______ in the shop’
Which do I use were or was and how?
I don’t really get it
was…because “my mother” is she.
Ok, I’m so ….tomorrow I going to have a TEST ON ENGLISH :(And I SO BAD at it
And Irish I wish you teach Irish
I am not Irish. I cannot teach you Irish. Sorry.
thanks a lot
ok you ”was” so pretty and i ”was” loving you ronnie :)
Good evening My teatcher and all members .
Firstly , I wana aplogise to you my teacher Ronnie for some student going far beond thier limt of comment ( some of them say some word which are out of lesson – brnde and … ) , Ihope every members focus on the vedios in his comment so as to gona alarge knowlege in the subject .
Secondly , when members write out the subject that let us think that it ashat room , that is not true , as we are in aclass room .
Finaly , I hope administration of the site remmmber all member about the rules and privicies .
Thank you My teacher Ronnie
Hi, sorry for my stupid question but i want to know is this British or US pronunciation? Is the pronunciation of “was” different in British and US English? When is pronounced as “wuhz” and when as “woz”? Thank you.
Yes, all pronunciation is different from British and American. “woz” may be more British.
when should I use in the question was,were and did I mean if i want talk about the past should use did …… or was,were …… thanks alot
Thank Yoy Ronnie , You Make English Language Very Easy.
Thank you, now I know English better!
You are good teacher! ;)
Thank you, You are good teacher
all the best for you and your family
thanks Ronnie :)
thanks teacher, good work
jin wook HONG
Ronnie you’re the best theacher…. tanks i love u…. =D
Hi Maam ronnie, your great and very humble teacher that I’ve ever seen!
Maam please correct If I’m wrong.
My question is this?
1) Request issue statement of service in favor of Mr Jhon Armstrong.
2) Request issuance of statement of service to Mr Jhon Armstrong.
Maam what’s the correct grammar Paragraph 1. or 2.
your reply is highly appreciated thanks and god bless.
Reynaldo Q Paquingan
HI RONNEI thax so much
Hi ronnei u r awsome….thanks a lot
Perfection is your name.
thank you very much for the lesson Ms. Ronnie.
Hi Miss Ronnie, how will i know my score from these quiz? Thank you.
i like this lesson.
hi :) Thanks for teaching and god bless you <3
Great lesson
hai mam h r u.i have small dought.It ______ sunny today. It rained all day this is question. you told was,were means past.today means present.how was is came at this blank.plz replay to my questipn
past – It wasn’t sunny today (because it rained all day!)
hai.plz tell me the differences between tell ,told.say,said.when we use .in which tense which one is used
Thank you so much Teacher.I’m starting to feel so much better about myself and the English grammar.You have shade light on so much for me :-)
please give some more examples….now only i am learning english……
Hi.. I got your point.. were is used for plural.. But “You were correct” .. Here You can be singular… Suppose.. I am telling my friend(singular).. “You were correct”.
hy teacher i m ur new student
and thankx alot
thanks my best teacher ;)
Hi Ronnie
I am a big fan of you….
You teach great….
Could you please post some lessons in regard with understanding complex or hard sentences, which has twists in meaning, especially from newspapers, Bible etc. I really like it taught by you
Leo Franklin
hi ronnie :)
first of all…thanks a lot for the lesson…and i have question…i really confused how and when to used ‘died’ and ‘dead’???…
Hi Ronni!
I have a question not about this lesson.
What is correct for of this:
1.Who I am?
2.Who am I?
I heard somewhere, that’s THIS question to myself (from me to me) can be like #1. Is it true?
Only #2 is correct!
Thank you very much for prompt answer!
Is the site have lessons for reading rules? Like “ie” “u” “oo” “ou” etc. I found just pronunciation for “e-i” and “a-e”, but it not that what I need (want?) exactly.
Not yet, but keep on watching!
This Canadian has been teaching young and old for ages. Formy students i explain that Present Perfect is a very personal “feeling” tense. The speaker may feel the connection between past and present which may not be felt by the listener – so he may use past simle to repeat this information!
Paul Neuwelt
Hi man,
Thank you so much for spent the time for us it’s great
Good going
wawwww ronnie thanks for ur lesson
Please correct me if am wrong. I am an Indian, i have being with Intelenet global services for the past 18 months. I
was started my career with intelenet as a customer service executive. As a CSE we do account opening, Account closing, fund transfer, ordering debit card, issuing pre – notification charges for UK customers alone. In the mean time of 6 months, i have been upgraded as a Sr customer service executive. Then after establishing my skills for the team i was selected as a Quality Analyst, As a QA i can able to learn to do reports based on the application MS access. As a QA, Repair Analysis and Client Sampling was the major working that we have in a regular basis.
Hi Ronnie, this is my work experience. Right now i am going for an interview, If they ask,” TELL ME ABOUT YOUR WORK EXPERIENCE”, What needs to be explain, Kindly do the favour to myself, Ronnie
Thanks for your assistance
I am from India. I have been with Intelenet global services for 18 months. I started my career with Intelenet as a customer service executive. As a CSE we do account opening and closing, fund transfers, ordering debit card, issuing pre–notification charges for UK customers. In the past 6 months, I have been promoted to a Sr. Customer Service Executive. Then after establishing my skills for the team I was selected as a Quality Analyst. As a QA, I do reports based on the application MS access, repair analysis and client sampling that we have on a regular basis.
Kindly reply to my passage….
Dear ronnie thanks for ur lesson and u r so full energetic teacher for me. do u think I can learn english by Engvid?
Yes you can!!!
Hey Ronnie
I am going to high school
But I do not understand my english teacher
signed up for this site
You’re perfect.
Thank you. I hope my exam is a good :)
Dear Ronnie Teacher I like very much the way you teach .I am not good in English i hope i will improve if regular watch and teach your lesson.
God bless you teachers who opened my head with your lessons.thank you so much for this website.
thank for the website that you have made for us because it is so helpful.God bless you all,thank you again.
Im so happy that i got perfect score..hehehe..Thanks Ronie..i learned alot..God bless
Thanks for the lesson :)
is this a correct grammar? * i thank you lord because i have him or you gave him?
Both are correct.
hi dear techer i am abdul halim i have a lot of problem with gramer i am at dli so i am looking foarward to rech my inquire esl scor that is 85 but i mack alwayes 75 77 69 i cant what shud i do
abdul halim
Please explain the use of speak, spoke and spoken
Present tense = speak.
Past tense = spoke
Past participle = spoken.
additional knowledge for me, thanks a lot.
can you help me about my english
please teach me English anyone u did not teach i lost my life.
Thank you Ronnie for this lesson.I have one question: can we ask a negative questions? For example: Wasn’t she the person I know yesterday?
Franco from Italy
We usually use negative questions when we are suprized at the answer to a positive quesiton or like a tag question.
Ex. A) Do you like pasta?
b) No.
A) You don’t like pasta????
b) No, I don’t like pasta!
A) Wow! You are strange!
You can ask a negative question but the problem is how to answer it! Wasn’t she the person I KNEW yesterday? yes = you agree with the speaker saying yes, she wasn’t the person I knew yesterday.
A NO answer means you disagree with the comment. No – she was the person you knew yesterday.
English is very confusing and differs from most languages with negative questions. This is why we usually as positive questions!
hi ronnie ,plz tell me if i’m wrong or right,( what i understand it )
the “first they” use for people and the “second they” use for animals ??????????
They we use for ALL plural nouns. It does not matter if they are animals, humans or objects!
plz can u teach us the date and the time :D
OK! Great idea! I will make a lesson for you!
Do I say ,for example : ” once or twice (was) enough .” or do I say : once or twice (were) enough . ”
thank you in advance
it was very amazing lerning for me
I like your teach methode learning Miss Ronnie
thanks alot
hello ms. ronnie!
might I ask you something?
why is it some people tend to say
“A 5 year old boy jumped into the pool”
instead of saying, “A 5 years old boy jumped into the pool”
what is the difference between 5 years old and 5 year old?
shouldn’t we must use 5 years old than using 5 year old?
hi im enjoying all of videos…. can you please do a video lesson about how to use IS, ARE,
Thanks a lot.
heh ronnie ur the greatest teacher i have a question for u that mostly i read in grammer books that we use “shall with i and we” but in ur lesson u said we use will with i and we so could u pls explain it ?
heh ronnie ur the greatest teacher i have a question for u that mostly i read in grammer books that we use “shall with i and we” but in ur lesson u said we use will with i and we so could u pls explain it ?
Shall is too old – we never use it anymore.
thank you so much !
ronnie how sahl iget ur whole grammer teaching
can i learn
muhammad yasin
Hi dear Ronnie:
Can I have your email address?I would like write somethink private about my english study if not problem please let me know your emaill address.
thank you
Thanks alot
i got perfect score on quiz! Thanks, i learned!
Thank you for giving a good lecture.
Hi Ronnie, how are you?
I’m brazilian and it was in Brazil where I’ve started my English lessons. Now I’m living in the second hispanic country and I’m still studing English.
Here in Chile, the teachers has a peculiar pronunciation and I have a problem to agree with them. For example, WERE and WHERE are the same pronunciation, but to me, WERE sounds different, like a WORE. When I listen you speaking the first E is closed, almost an O. Exactly the same how I have learnt in Brazil.
Let me know your opinion, ok?
Bye, Marcio
Sorry Ronnie, the teachers have. They have.
thank very much for the lesson .
heyy Roniee,
Hope you are well.I have a request that If you can make a video on different sentence structure and noun and verb agreement.I can speak good english but have some serious problems with grammar.
Maria Nadeem
i want to ask u when we use was were do did does had had been ,have,have been in a question….
ur video clip was cool n also easy to learn. Before i’m not very well in english , but now somewhat good. thank u so much ronnie :)
this is pretty awesome teaching,hi ronnie i don’t have no word’s which is more than the best your way of teaching is wise
You are A great teacher
zien ali
i learned well. Thank you! :)
Thank you so much.
Hi, I’m learning english at school and I have an exercise about wishes. The only example they give is this one; I wish I were bilingual. Can you explain me why they wrote were for I? I’m learning english since 9 years now and I’ve never seen this before… Thank you!
thank. please help me solve the question below?
“I were rich” or I was rich??
“If I were younger, I would go.” or “If I was younger, I would go.”??
thank you so much
thank you ronnie , you are a best teacher
hi teacher Ronnie,good afternoon.I would like to ask,for your own opinion where i start to be fluent in english and using proper grammar.How much time will spend for studying english.think u for ur time and understanding..
Wow – no one can answer that question as we all learn at different rates! It is impossible for anyone to tell someone how long it takes to become fluent!
Just keep on practicing and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
we are group of student from want to thank for your lectures via which we can able study…
there are many student that cannot pay for there extra class for certain courses. You are making it easy for all of those…thank a lot
hello,teacher ??
i just wanna ask you..my teacher ask me to write a story about ‘ME, MYSELF AND I”.what is different of this words?? thanks…
You are really best teacher
Thank a lot!
The dancers____ very experienced.
a)is b)are c)was d)were
i doknow how to anwers such like this question..
when have to use those words ? is are were was…
I know Thank you is not enough but i learned with your lesson Mam Ronnie:D.
he also doesnt know? or he also dont know
which one is correct?
He + doesn’t!
I am very happy.because the second exisesice i have got 5 ocorrect out of 5..i didn”n have a misetake
my English is so poor and it’s make me down and lack of confidence to face many people out there. hope can learn more with your lesson after this. thanks..
thank you so much ronny, i really want to learn english… i hope someday i am going to speak english well like others… BUDI FROM INDONESIA
I like your lesson
can you teach us about conditional sentence? I confuse of it
thanks a lot |we need more of your videos
Okay Thanks fo ur lesson Ronnie, always I’ve been confused with meaning of was and were! Bu now I’m gonna say nite! God Bless!
I get it !
Thank so much.
This website is very important, for the people that want learn English, Thanks a lot for your explanation the topic. I am interest learn English, Can you help me.. Thanks
I’m so thank you to this website because this website and also the teacher is very helpful to teach anyone that don’t understand about this grammar
Roth sokrethvitou
my English is very bad plz any one help me out this my email madiha_abbas@live.com how interested add me
Thanks teacher.
how about this?
you are doing a good work on this site
I love it !!! I hope some day can speak English like you teacher , thanks for all.
Reyes Gerardo
Every parent in the village wished she were their child. Please is this sentence correct?
John Abato
it is amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing lesson thanks
Hi ronnie, your lessons was awesome..still Iam confusing with was,were.. My doubt is.. Is was comes with wash+ed and were+verb…
Ex: he was shouted
They were shout
Hello, I sow you in the video and I understood you very well, thanks you so much for the explanation.
HI ronnie your lesson was awesome… But still iam confusing with was,were… My doubt is.. The was and were come with wash+ed and were+verb??
Ex: He was shouted
They were shout.. Pls answer me to this question ronnieand any one know this pls answer me..
The was/were only changes with different subjects (he/she/it + was)
(I/you/they/we + were) the verbs NEVER changed with was/were. He was shouting. They were shouting.
hello teacher plz reply for my msg too…
Hi Ronnie!In want to ask you :when use was/where to put a guestion is corect only in this form?Was he happy?until now when I asked I used the form He was happy?You where there?Is wrong like me?Or I can use in both form?Thank you and Happy holidays!
very good techer so please can you tell me about; what they drefernd between TO BE verb and BE. I saw many use to be tens thank you
Thanks you Ronnie.
Thanks u teacher.
thank you with my best regardes
hi ronnie have a nice day!!! could you make a video of how using these words … (despite and inspite) please… because im always confused with these.. thanks
Thanks Ronnie!
could to clarify on below question?
People use frequently in their conversation like
is it grammatically correct?
If yes ,how ?
if not ,what is correct?
Thanks again my beloved virtual English teacher.
What if were/was does not come around he/she/I/they…
That was magnificent!
If I were (see here were is used instead of “was”, no?) to use was/were in other ways, what are the rules?
I have trouble using was and were, but not really in the forms that you explained.
hope madam u will be safe and sound madam i want to become your student i want to improve english laungauge so plz content me when ever u got a time so plz contact me
it was good lesson, thank you!! i used “it with was” in a sentence ^_^
which one is correct as grammatical below sentences? could you explain me, thank you
I’d rather She was sleeping
I’d rather She were sleeping
can demircioğlu
hi teacher,i’m a new student in English and i want improve myself but i don’t know from where i start i want know more about grammar know when i use simple past or because i found soo difficult because i don’t know when i use simple past or present continuous and other tenses and also i want improve myself with pronunciation.
thank you.
thanks for the lesson..now i learned a lot
i am very happy when i saw that topic thank you!
hello teacher, i m new student of urs n i m very bad in English plz can u make more videos for grammar ? i m preparing GRE … my maths section is excellent but in verbal and non verbal section i made so much mistake…. plz help me for better in eng. section..
that video is very helpful for me i m always having doubt in was and were thanks a lot teacher….. n some day i definitely meet u… u r fantastic teacher … plz reply byee
Hi madhvi.. If u have any question ask me .. Now Iam clear with all there lols:))
Wow!!!! It was amazing I had been confusing about Was &Were and now totally understand it thank for your helping ~ ^^
Thanks Ronnie
My Best Regards
hai dear….
which one is correct? ex: the children WERE excited yesterday or the children WAS excited yersterday? can u explain it…
Were. Children are ALWAYS plural!!!
Child = singular.
<3 you teacher ronnie! you're amazzziiinnnggg :)
your way of teaching is good
Thank you Ronnie.
Thanks, Ronnie. ;)
5 correct out of 5 – Thomas from Poland thx
i dont know where 2 use could,would,should
thank u ronnie
Still don’t ! did she explained it ?
ooo my god > its cool ! thanks a lot
i have got only one incorrect answer))
thanks ronnie but i have a question:
it wasnt my bag or it wasnt your bag
Hi Ronnie,
I saw this phrase in one blog at Harvard Business Review: “I remember the day as if it were yesterday.” Notice the verb is here?! It should be “it was”!!
Thank you for your comment.
Thank you Ronnie! My Best Regards!
thanx alot
Hi Ronnie, how are you doing? I have a question for you. I usually apply the “to be” verb formula (sub + verb + etc) like everyone who studies English, that is quite mechanistic in my opinion, but I get confused while reading something in Internet I found phrases like “If I were President, if I were rich” and others like that that confuse me ’cause in my mind is too much predominant the “to be” formula, and I assume that the correct form is “If I was…” but, I’m afraid not. Can you help me with this problem? Thx.
Ronnie you are the best
I’ll do TOEFL test next week so I need your help please.
witch sentence is wright
1- I WAS GOING TO buy the book but when I heard what the critics said I changed my mind.
2- I WAS BUYING the book but when I heard….
Thank you so much.
Thank you ms.ronnie.. Now i can learn grammar with your help.. two thumbs upfor you..
oh my G! I got perfect score! Thanks…Love it! God Bless!
Hi Ronnie : Is it right to use she for female animals for example ” she was friendly ” she = queen: female cat ????
is it right way??? because American people use this way in their movies.
Very Clear…Thank you Ronnie…
that’s good
it’s very good
Ronnie you are the best teacher and i like the way to teach
Thanks you so much Teacher. :)
Hi teacher, i understand the video a lot and thanks. i have a question when do we use IS and ARE? like He is, She is, it is, we are, they are, you are. you said that was and were are past tense then is’t IS and ARE are present tense? whats the difference if you used it like this Ex. He is and He was?
thanks teacher. i just wanted to ask whats the difference of IS and ARE from WAS and WERE? if i used it like this. Ex. He is, She is, It is, We are, They are, You are, They are ?
Thank you again!! :)
I’m trying to leave a comment every lessons in English.
I like your lesson !
if there a verb after “was” it’s gonna change into “were” ??
when was change into were ?
yeah.. it is very useful i scored 10/10. thanks for your basic importance.
Thank you so much my teacher
Thanks a lot Ronnie, it’s better than thank you so much, because it’s a good noun :)
hi thankfulness
for the this lessons
Hi Ronnie!!
I love your lessons.
so now i learned how to use was and were and i will never be confuse again..thank you teacher ronnie!loveya!
Hi Ronnie!! I confused about when to use was/were and do/did in sentences. thanks
You are the best teacher I saw in my life Ronnie
I have a question about fifth question in quiz:
In my language (Polish), I can say: Were you at the pool today? I didn’t see you! but also Weren’t you at the pool today? I didn’t see you!
What about English? Can I use both or only one (were) in this example?
Thank you so much, that was a very good lesson I understood the grammar better than before :)
I’m good at this lesson, :)
Nguyên Cát
HI Ronnie,
Appreciate your patience to teach on this.
Could you please provide how we can use “was” and “were” .
Thank you
Thanks, Ronnie! I love your lessons!!!!
Wotila Carneiro
i love this! thanks for teaching us. my grammar was suck before
fai ruz
I want to ask why they used “This was” in this sentence.
Mum looked left and right. “This was the right station, wasn’t it?”, she asked. Across the road was a soggy field and a river, and not much else.
that’s good
Adnan Ahmed
It Was a Good Presentation Indeed. I’m Loving It!
Hi, nice flag :)
My dear Ronnie You are realy great person/teacher.
Could You tell me why many people use if I “was” you…. It. is correct? It will not be “série”. Sorry but my English is not very good . I would be very happy if you answer me. Thank you very much.
who s bad
* “were”
who s bad
Hi Ronni,
thanks for your lesson.
take care
Now I discover this website, learn English is easy as a pie!
Thanks Ronni!
100% Thank you :)
Rafi The Witcher
sujiithwith english
thanks ronnie for your explanations
Harling Jimenez
Hi Ronnie! I am really feeling comfortable with your lessons.Can you please explain me which of these sentences are correct and why?
1.Cartoon serials are watched for a long time by the children.
2.Cartoon serials are watched by the children for a long time.
Please answer and I am very much waiting for your reply
Aarthi K
Hi Ronnie!
I love your corrector and your body language during your teaching .It seems that you are very insensitive .
Thank you Ronnie
I like it soooo much
You were the best!
Thank you
Thank you!!!!
it was useful .
i love this site, it helps me to improve my english grammar
hey ronnie ! first of all the lessons are great… my question is, how can i learn the vocab..
Ronnie! I attend your was/were quiz. In this quiz, the one of the option i was saw, that is “Ain’t” meaning for Ain’t please?
I love you teacher thank you very much
I like your teaching
I like you a lot, I mean the teacher who teaching us here, you are so hilarious. Thank you so much too I’m learning well more.
You are one of the reasons why I love watching engvid’s videos.
5/5 :) … I was sad before, but now I’m happy with our teacher Ronnie ^_^
thank you !!
It was a good lesson.
Thank you teacher.
Farooq Qu
It was-They were as plural but can be plural-Those were?
Hi! Is this correct?
The pain had came and gone.
or is it
The pain came and gone.
Neither, actually. The first should be *the pain had come and gone* and the second *the pain came and went*.
engVid Moderator
im new here
and im a teacher
im from kurdistan of iraq
thanks for all videos you did
i shared many of them to our people
what happened friends ??
ronnie you are a good teacher
thanks dear
Hello how i start beginner from this site ? when i click open the same page. and in u tube have all videos ?
Thank you Ma’am Ronnie the best teacher I ever had and thank you engVID… The Best! from the Philippines.. :)
Cherry Ann
thank you very much
can you teach me private
my Skype ( ha_am215 )
please respond me
it was good
Thanks So much! Your the way are teaching is excellent…
It was interesting lesson Ronnie.
Thank a lot, to teach us.
Best wishes
Qtr Net
Thanks alot
Hatim Tafrih
thak u my teacher ,it was a verry good lesson
Hi Ronnie,
I am wandering if you would be able to make a video on the complex use of was and were. For example: If I were to win a lottery, I would buy a house. My question is would you use were in the above sentence even though you are supposed to use was with “I”. I am not sure if question is making any sense but I would really appreciate if you can enlighten me on this matter.
well done , need to more study :( !! THANK YOU!
Love it Ronnie!
Yoona 13
Thanks a lot
Hadeel aljabri
i got 4 out of 5. i hope you make much the quiz :)
quy cody
100 :D
thankyouu Ronnie!
i got 80 XD
80 , hhhhh it was stupid mistake
Youness Baassou
thank you ^_^
israa afandi
Rommie, you are Best teacher! Tanks!
Maicon Marden
Ronnie is always amazing teacher hope u long life
abdirahman adam
Excellent Ronnie!
I got the perfect score, yehey! :)
Mary Acel
Thanks Ronnie.
Kayk Carvalho
I stay awake all night to learn,i don’t know how to thanks y’all.
Young Cliff
Thank you teacher Ronnie for teaching us.
Thank you!
Nao Tsuboya
hahaha great style of teaching! i enjoyed it…yehey 5/5 :)
Hey Thank you so much
You make me laugh haha
Thanks you so much
Hey Thank you so much
You make me laugh haha
Thanks you so much !
Thank you so much!!
misheel valentina
thank you
hasna beauty
it’s a great lesson, many ppl have this doubt between these words!! thank you :)
They were sad because the clown died ;(
Really very good TEACHER.
Fish and chips (is/are) ready to have.
What’s the answer and why????
Really very good TEACHER.
Fish and chips (is/are) ready to have.
What’s the answer and why????
fish are or chips are good.because that plural friend!!!there are diferent types of fish,so when you mean only chrimps ,for example,you just use is not are.and the same for chips
Hi Ronnie your a great teacher,but I’m still confused with the word were. You said we used it with singular subject but sometimes I heard people say ” if I were you, I wouldn,t done that blah blah blah ” Is it right?
that is right because you use i were (you) u know were when is use just for we. you . they . they and was use for i he she it so its true word
i love u ronnie you re a great teacher every day my teacher tech me i cant undrestand but when i see your video i see this so easy cause u can learn us easy tanks ronnie
Ronnie, thanks for teach me!
hi, good explanation, it’s very easy understand!! thank U Ronnie!!
It was really easy lesson 10/10 of course. I like you Ronnie very much, you’re great teacher and good people I think.
Hi ronnie did you know this lesson has a problem because it wasen’t working?
Thank you
Hi Ronnie. I used to think that Jim Morrison of The Doors was using bad grammar when he sang, “If I WAS to say to you…”. I thought the lyrics he wrote should have been, “If I WERE to say to you…”. Your answer to Mark mentioned a future lesson regarding the “Conditional”. I THINK the conditional might just apply here because of the word “If”. I hope so, because I need to salve my huge, wounded male ego. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and champing at the bit impatiently for that lesson to come up. :-) Best Regards Ronnie, Richard456
I am happy to study English
Theragene Roberson
Hi, Ronnie! Which is correct? If I was rich, I would buy a big house. Or If I were rich, I would buy a big house. I learned that the second one is the correct, but some native speakers use the first one. Thank you! Júlio César from Fortaleza CE, Brazil.
Júlio César L Sousa
thank you very much, the video is helpful
Your the best Ronnie… :)
You’re the best Teacher ever!
some time we use “were” with I
Eg: I wouldn’t drink that if I were you.
can any one please explain above sentence
Good lesson!
Tks Ronnie
Darihel Sousa
Thank your very much Good lesson!
Irina Bondareva
Hey Ronnie, I’ve heard from a lot of people who speak proper English that, when it comes to using i was and we were,it is more correct to say we was , not we were, even tough I use we were !
I did the quiz well. i did understand very well. thanks roonie :).
you are my best teacher
Thank your very much.
I’m happy to study English.
I love the way you teach ,you are amazing.
Ronnie i love you…. you’re the best teacher!
Thank you very much Ronnie.
Thanks you so much.
Marta Lopez
Thank you Ms. Ronnie! I love the way to teach. It was very clear on how to use WAS and WERE. As a result, I got perfect score of 100%. Thank you!
Thank you
Great! :D
hi ma’m…
how are you doing… ma’m as a tense meanse time and when ever we want to talk about an event that happened in an iterval of time then we always mention that period as today yesterday in time to come…
i mean we give a refrence of tense that when did this action took place…
just like this was and were also show some states or existances or positions in past time so can we call it as past to be tense…
my question is just that can we call all tobe verbs as tobe tenses,,,
it was amazing I got 100%, thank you very much
thank’s Ronnie it’s was very useful lesson for me <3, i have request if you don't mind, i need to explain me some phrasel verb like ( look ahead / cheer up / bring up /dress up/down .. etc ) i confused for the meaning of them
Thank you Ronnie.., I like you so much,and I like how you teach me..! You are the best teacher.., I understand your lessons 100%…, I have much to learn about English language, but , you have made that for me very easy. And hopefully you will make it in the future…, thank you so much !
thank’s Ronnie it’s was very useful lesson for me <3, i have request if you don't mind, I need to explain me some phrasal verb like ( look ahead / cheer up / bring up /dress up/down .. etc ) I confused for the meaning of them
zeyado viutsamh
thanks Ronnie & you’r very funny too bless you
Thank you so mach. Mybtecher ???
ali adil hussein
Hello! Please i want to know if this is correct: “where were we?”
going to be better
wow.My teacher Ronnie is awesome.
Joselyn Ayaay
great lesson,thanks.
duarte rogerio
thanks a lot
i din”t get the last answer
zeeshan awan
Thank You I make Doua For U
I am not sure that I have understood. It was the past continues or simple past (to be verb)?!
Thank you Ronnie i love your class so much
iam just join in this site, but i am so very happy, because now i can learned a lot of from Ronnie as my private englsih teacher, Please coreect my santenses. thank you Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you ?????
are these sentence right? (they are all in past):
it was raining.
it was’nt raining.
It was sunny
It was’nt sunny
thank you so much!
this was very helpful. thank you!
Very Helpful . Thank you Ronnie for teaching us ! :)
very helpful.. It would be better, to give much more practice exercises, under every session.
Manasa Maddali
Hi Ronnie,
May I ask, what is the present tense of was/were?
Thank you
Lix Nuel
You learned that when you say “they were”
“we were”
“you were”
but then why is it right to say “everybody was?”
Because everybody means many persons. so why we use was with everybody and not were?
Thanks miss Ronnie. I learned a lot.
thankyou Ms.Ronnie ?
Danica Justo
I do not like this teacher because she always laughs and does not approach the lesson seriously.
Thank you , I got full markes
Abdulaziz alaql
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
Hi Ronnie. I have a question. is this correct .
“If I were you….”
thank you for the help
Came here after hearing a woman on television say, “We was going together.”
I was pretty sure that was incorrect.
Hi. Thank you so much.
Ghadah aw
you are just good Ronnie!
thank you!
You are a good teacher Ronnie
Good,Filing Good.
Md. Alamgir Hossain
Ronnie. you are the best!
if any one want to improve
we can make a grop in whatup
Ronnie is very nice teacher. I have learn english. Ronnie is easy and understandable English topic
Thank you Ronnie..
Thank you Ronnie :)
why we said
2. She were a good girl
ont 2. She was a good girl.
She was a good girl
Tamer Favas
The lesson was so buetuful. Thank you ☺☺
Hi teacher. What the different bring and take
Really really, you the best of them all, thank you
Really really, you are the best of them all, thank you
Really really, you are the best of them all, thank you
Thanks. Appriciate your support
You got 5 correct out of 5.
M kartal
hey my teacher you are really best teacher because know how teach me so very thank you and also i hope i will became like you on the conservation,wright and all about on english language.
haile zenebe
i got 4 .. but i could get it perfect as well if i’ve read it very well. haha i cant read it well haha
I got 5/5 it was nice lesson
Ola Sarhan4
Thank you Ronnie! : )
thank you very much teacher i got 100 at the quiz
Muhd Faiez
it was the best lesson. Wasn’t it?
wow, thank you
mohamed fathy abdelaal
Is one of my big headaches! Sometimes I´m confused! Tks again! You are Great !
Learn English for free with 2162 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I’m learning well! Thank You so much for this site English now is made easy for me. God Bless!
I was delighted to discover this site, you certify professionals in ways Altric, you are an excellent \ Ronnie .
thank you very much !!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi rizza
hello risa now we are on 2019 how you find yoyr self in english ? did you feel better
What’s an amazing website is it!
Good design.
This lecture teach very clearly in this video!
Thanks a lot!
Ronnie, you are the best teacher! I learned a lot from you today. Thank you so much! I needed it. :)
Ronnie, really you’re the best.Thank you so much
oh..its great i m doing well..its gud site..i was confused to use was/were but now i think i learn well..
it was good and clear!
we were watching Engvid
Thanks a lot for teaching.
Thank Ronnie .I learning a lot with your lessons.
Thank you Ronnie very much for this lesson!!! I have one question about this: Why we say, for example “if I were you”, and not “If I was you”? According to this lesson, we should say “Ïf I was you”. Please help me to see the difference here :)
We say “if I were you”… It doesn’t fit with this lesson because it is a different grammar point (conditionals)!
many thanks !
I watched a lesson about conditionals, and now I see… Thank you Ronnie immensely for your explanation, you are, without doubt the best teacher on Engvid, and at all :)
so mom…teach me about tht” different grammar point” such if i were u…cuz when i listen to beyonce song with title if i were a boy…i really wanna know..why if i were not if i was
Because songs never have correct grammar!
Happy to hear that, I needed to know about learning by listening to songs. Thank you for clear explanations always, and I love your style, you are a very nice teacher.
i am very happy with you.your teaching style is very clear .thank you so mouch.
oh dear, songs will never be the same if they used correct grammar.
if i were a boy –> conditional if
exception for I, we should use were.
all ‘was’ should be replaced with ‘were’ because we are imagining.
hope it helps.. ;)
Hi dear Ronnie. Can i have your Email address? Please If u don’t mind…?
Hi Ronnie
Will appreciate if you can upload any lesson on effective articulation.Thanks
You could see James’s lesson on
If + Will & If + Would
on this website
i have the same doubt :/
Thank you teacher!God bless you!
this lesson is very helpful me thanks a lot.
Hi Rohnie,
I am new for the site.I am having some questions.
1. How and when to you the supporting verb “ask”,”asked”.
eg:I have asked him to drop you mail.
I will asked him to communicate with you regarding this and asked him to send you an email.
I have asked him about this ,he asked me to call you or email you.
I asked him about this,but he asked me to give the exams.
I have not found any related topic about this.If you are having any video related to this please share the url.
I am not so good at english, but I will try to explane you a little bit. You mentioned three verb tenses in english: Present perfect, Past simple and Future simple. Try to see the difference in some english book, but you use Past simple when you talk about action which is finished. For example: I watched the movie which was very interesting. We use Present perfect when we talk about action that began in the past and still lasts or action was finished at some point in the past. This verb tense is the most difficult because many languages don’t have this tense, and it is complicated to comprehend. And finaly future tense we use when we talk about our intentions, what we are planing to do in the future. This is very similar with Going to, but however there is a big difference. For example: I think we will go to the party tonight. And you never use past form after verb Will, remember, never. After Will you always use the basic form of the verb. I hope this helps, bye ;)
ask is present tense, asked is past tense, have asked is present perfect!
I will ask him to communicate with you regarding this and ask him to send you an email. (future= will+base)
I have asked him about this ,he asked me to call you or email you. (have asked = present perfect, he asked= past)
I asked him about this,but he asked me to give the exams. (asked = past).
Great. I love the way to teach. <3
So “was” is the past form of the verb to be used in the singular person and “were” is the form which we use in the plural person except of the pronoun “you” where we use “were” as well.
thankful my teacher :)
thanks…..this lesson hlep me alot :D
thanks a lot for lesson. i am very poor in preposition plz teach me all preposition time place and manner.
There is already a video on the site for this!!!
nice teacher
My dear teacher Ronnie your teaching is very nice Thanks for it
Very good =)
great service which you offered
it was very nice lesson . thank you Ronnie.
it’s very nice teching
Tks Ronnie!!!
it was so easy lesson,thanks anyway Ronnie take care funny, cute, blonde woman.
Thanks but I am not blonde. I am a redhead!
redhead or red-haired? or can we say both? n it reminds me also with redneck. would be interesting if u put these slangs into ur collections of video, or should i say collection of videos.. heheee.. just a thought ;)
p.s. also brunette, buffy, chubby, n so on.. i hope it’s not too much.. :P
i like ur style, ronnie.. cheers
I think Redhead it’s true because it means : someone who has red hair !
red-haired. i certain
Hi Ronnie
Could you tell me how do I know correct sentences like sometimes people says
Where is the library?
Where the library is?
Who broke the T.V.
Who did break the T.V.
Because I think when we use verb we place do/did/is/am/are/was/were before the verb or it depends upon our tone/situation.
“Who did break the T.V.” is just wrong!
“Could you tell me where the library is” is the only way that “Where the library is” could be correct.
great lesson ^^
now i want to teach
Hi Ronnie.
I hope you are Ok, again very basic but useful grammar lesson,thanks and continue with your good enthusiasm and motivation
i can understand it clearly….. thanks
what does lfmao mean?
Sorry I don’t know!
LMFAO = Laughing My Fat xxx Off
thank you very much, good explaining,
Thanks Ronnie ,But actually my question was when to use ‘ask’ and when to not.like i have asked you the question.I have asked someone to do this task and he replied me to do another task or try this way.
eg.I have asked him about this ,he asked me to call you or email you.
In the above sentence I am talking with the second person about the third person(to which i have asked something).and the third person again replied me to do another task ,like call the second person or email him.
It will be great ,if we can have it’s video.(When to use ask)
those were confused to me
but after your lesson, all those become very claer
so,thank you so much
hello all . my teacher ronnie i am a new student, and i need your help to guide me to know if there any quiz for english languge levels?
i need to know what is my level ???
thnx for Great lessons..
Hi….Ronnie could i get the lesson…how about if we want to buy an item on the market or shops,,,please
Ok I will try to make a lesson for you!
thank you very much,,,ronnie,you’re the best teacher ever.
grande ronnie!
HI ,teacher your lesson era good .is really helpful .thanks for you help .
how do we form a negative question ?
Weren’t +sub
or Wasn’t + sub.
good lesson teacher Ronnie funny lesson
dear teacher
the lesson was very interest but i am so sorry bi question so diffiucant EX it wasn
dear teacher
the lesson was very interest but bi questions is difficult for me, Ex. it wasn’t sunny today/ it rained all day so i was not understand it how to join these two sentence.
many thanks
rashid Somali
It wasn’t sunny today, it rained all day.
alhamdulillah… thanks Mam,,
Just curious, I got the last Q wrong.
Why can’t we say “Weren’t you at the pool today?” ?
To me, it’s a negative question.
You can say it is just strange (too formal/old/British English). We say “Were you at the pool today?”
Thank you Ronnie.
hi i really like this site!! it’s awesome! I’m learning.
Oh this is very nice class
This is first lesson for me, i understand very easy.thanks
i like this video. helpful !
Thanks ronnie,today classe was so interesting
i am very happy to visit the site and getting clarifications to some of my doubts / questions on the topis.
Thanks you Ronnie
Best regards
Thanks ronnie
i watch this program in the Afghanistan its very interesting
we love u and this program
how i can learning grammar
great (^_^)
dear teacher i need spelling the English alphabet i meant how to say them thank so much
There is already a lesson on this – check out my video
Your explanation is really helpful to me to understand well. love much your teaching and wish you happy and healthy in your day to day life.
Nothing to add, all is said :)
Thanks for your lesson. I request you to take class on following topics. This helps me to clear myself in tenses.
1. Was/Had/did
2. Is/Have/do
3. Could/Should/Would
ALL of these lessons are already on engvid……just type in the words in the search area of the page!
Thank you Ronnie you’re the best
thanks for your wonderful lesson..
plz convert these 2 sentences into 2nd person & 3rd person
I´m not beauty queen,
I´m just beautiful me.
thank you teacher!!
Dear Roniee! I love the way you teach! Thank you ery much for your lesson! Your clear English makes everythig easier!
Hey Ronnie! Thanks very much for this lesson!!
Thank you, Ronnie:))) You are wery goog teacher:)))
Hi Ronniee i like your lesson,can you tell me about all tense use in a chart
Thanks a lot
thanks ! for teaching me english ,and god will always bless you in your life.
thanks, for the help!
Hi Ronni!
First of all thanks for your Liston!
I have a question for you if don’t mind!
what is the different at these sentence and which one is correct?
I was jog every day.
I used to jog every day.
I had jog every day.
Thank you for your time,
I used to jog every day.
Dear Mam,
Thank you very much for this lesson.
the lesson was very informative.
Thanks& regards,
thank you very much for your lesson!! you are so good.I would like to do other lesson about of pronunciation of irregular verbs. thank you!!
Thank you Ronnie!
คุณเป็นครูที่ยอดเยี่ยมมากครับ (Thai language): you are the best teacher.
Thank you Ronnie. I think you’re the best teacher. I wish you were my English teacher. English is my second language so I’m learning slowly. Please correct my grammar. Thank you again.
hi,how r u?Its really nice lecture and u r a wonderful teacher.
This lecture really superb and fantastic ….. any one can understand very easily……Thank you
hi Ronnie
i’m quite a bit confused which one of all of these sentences is grammatically correct? is there any difference? or they have exactly the same meaning?
1.I never should’ve told you
2.I should’ve never told you
3.I should never have told you
hope you can halp…thanks
There are basically all the same! BUt #1 is a little stronger!!!
I got 5 out 5 so I’m learning well. Ronnie is such a nice person. She teaches english pretty well.
hi roonie
can you please make a video on use of could and would ?
you are a great teacher Ronnie, thanks so much
Thank you ronnie, I love you so much, you are a lovely person and a very good teacher
thank you so much!
Congratulations and respect for you, Teacher. I don’t have a job, I need a new one and for that I need english language. I want to learn, read and write english language in a good way and this kind of lessons are very useful. Thank you, sincerely.
I love your lessons!! I am learning english with you!! thank you so much!!! xoxo
Thank you very for teaching me about english grammar.
Ronnie you so very kind teacher…
Take care…
thanks ronnie =)
Thank you. I have learned a lot. But, is it correct about the title of the song “If I
Were a Boy”?
hey dear,u said usually with I WE USE was,but the song is if i were a boy!then here y we r using were,instead of was?
don’t worry, there’s a bad grammar, like in many other songs
i also asked this question to my school teacher,and she said,when we r supposing then we can use were with I,like here we r supposing if i were a boy,or may be we r using were,for making rythum in the song,,hope it will help u
if i were a boy –> conditional if
exception :
all ‘was’ should be replaced with ‘were’ because we are imagining.
isn’t it so, ronnie?
i hope u don’t mind me clearing this up.. cheers
Hey ronnie !I took your quiz ,I get it .But I got one of them wrong.Anyways we both did a good job .keep up
Prof.Ronnie I love his classes congratulations. I can not afford to learn English so I use this site to learn thank you very much for real.
Thank you so much .
really i like your lesson
so thank you so much i really like your lesson so esye…
Thank you my gorgeous Ronnie, thanks for everything I learned a lot from specially when it comes of correct use of grammar, ma’am Ronnie i have a question to you, if don’t mind, This is my question! IN WORD ANGRY there are so many synonyms like- annoy/ irritate/fuming/ mad/ livid/ heated.
It is correct instead I Use the word ANGRY!
I change it Annoy or Irritated….
here’s my example….
which one is correct?
you reply is my highly appreciated.. thanks and god bless.
RONNIE GOT MAD WITH ME…. is ok but I would say Ronnie got mad AT me!!!
Fuming is a verb so you have to say Ronnie was fuming at me.
Hey Ronnie! Thanks very much for this lesson!!
Thanks Maam Ronnie, I really really understand your way of teaching, I am extremely happy from the bottom of my heart…. a million thanks to you!
thanks a lot for teaching it’s very well i liken this <<<<<<<<
Thanks for all you lessons Ronnie I like you and I learn a lot of you! ThxThxThx!
I’ve two little questions:
You’ve teach as: Was he happy?
Can you say also: Wasn’t he happy?
(I think yes)
The other question:
You say: mostly you say: ‘wasn’t’ not ‘was not’
On school I’ve learn that you in a formal lettle never use the short way. Is that only in British English or also in Canada and USA?
Yes, you can say “Wasn’t he happy”! We use this when we here shocking or surprising news……Eg. He won the lottery then killed himself. “What! Wasn’t he happy?
You are correct, when we write a FORMAL letter we shouldn’t use contractions!
Thanks for answer Ronnie!
hi roonnie,thank you about lessons you are intelligent,god bless you.
thanks ms. ronnie:)
very good lesson and it’s have some fun thanks …
very good lesson teacher we need moor
hi my teacher .. how are you .. ?
i just wanna ask you a question and i’m sure you have an answer for it .. the question is what is the difference between was-were .. and did ..
i don’t get it .. but i hope you make me understand it ..
like when i say ..
you did help me a lot in learning English ..
you helped me a lot in learning English ..
you were helping me a lot in learning English..
and all thanks and appreciation to you ..
thank you :-)
Hi Ronnie maam, I am from India, yesterday I visited this wonderful site. It is very helpful me to clear my doubts. Among all Teachers you are simply superb. ThankQ
hello, I am from Kurdistan ,you are very nice person thanks for yours lectures.
can you give us lesson about ,will,shall,would,should,could plzzzzzzzzz
Thank you
Thanks a lot Ronnie , you have a sense of humor
Thanks Lv for was and were but what about been???
Nice website, great lessons. I like Ronnie as an English teacher.
thzzzzzzz u so much Ronnie :-)
Hello Ronnie
Could I ask something to you?
It’s right to say, “Definetly I have to do Advanced again! I got stuck in a rubbish percentage.”
It is British English…..I’m not sure if it is 100% correct….sorry!
I can understand what you mean though! I just don’t know if it is grammatically correct!
hi teachers
i think im very lucky to find this site,it is really very useful,just one request ,could u plezzzzzz teach us all types of tenses wid the examples.plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
thankksssssssssss a looot
Love this site….thanks to the teachers and managing director of this site..
Thanks for support
Dear teacher Ronnie I am so happy when I listen to your lesson but I have very probleme tous prononciation in English but i speak smoll french
thx for the lesson
i wish the best for u
i have great pleasure to join your lesson so please give me a chance
dear teacher Ronnie first of all i congratuate for west your time for us but i have some problem could you help me pls? about wich right way when i say I BOUGHT A NEW CAR AND IWAS BOUGHT ANEW CAR
i was bought a new car: positive
thank you so much,I’ve learned alot from you..please try explain what is the difference of WANT and LIKE…and how to use it in a sentence thank you so…take care always…
Want = desire. I want a hot dog.
Like = choice/preference. I like blue. I like boys.
hi teacher i am from kurdistan in north of iraq iam english teacher iwant you som advice me because i cant speak very well iam very happy if you answer me iam sorry if ihave same mistake
Hi Ronnie
You’re the best teacher, thanks a lot.
Hi again, Ronnie.
How you could not understand as your teaching skills are so great….Thanks…See you again tomorrow…Bye..bye…
Hi Ronnie
I am from Pakistan
you are the best teacher
that nice thanks teacher
Hallo, I am Heru from Indonesia, it’s spectacular lesson..
Hi Ronnie,
You’re the best teacher I even known. Thanks a lot agian.
thank you very much, What a nice teacher you’re !!!
i can’t open the quiz
Hmmm. Is your browser up-to-date? That may be the problem.
thank u madam..for giving valuable grammar..
Thank you soo chuch God Bless you!!!
thanks, for giving opotunaty to learn english
scored a perfect 5. thanks…
hai ronnie, this is karthick. i am from india. i can unterstand english, but i am not able to speak .please give any idea to improve my english speak
Thanx U Ms Ronnie
hi ronnie! u help me a lot *is this right? LOL. thanx :D
hi Ronnie is my sentence for this correct? “Finally my question was answered!” plz give ur response.
VERY VERY USEFUL THIS LESSON for me teacher thank you well i am watching all the lessons since the biginner lesson i want to get a job in a call center thats what i need a lot of grammar thanks greet from Nicaragua
Hi Ronnie,
Thank you very much for the valuable knowledge.
To understand news from the newspaper, little tough,Can you advise to make easy?
Most newspapers are AWFUL!!! The vocabulary can be very difficult sometimes and the sentence structure is HORRIBLE!!!!!
I advise you to read magazines or look at news stories on the internet!
Thanks Ronnie!
Thankyou very much.
Thank you so much, it really helps a lot.
good lesson.
I love it so much bcz i learn it
Very, very Thank you! from Russia :) it helps me, I understand all.
I’m a English Learner and Your video is very helpfull to me also I like to know the different
went is telling another person for example
life and alive and how is use in past / present?
thank you for you lessons i had learn a lot with them x x x x
thank you ronnie you are the best teatcher
it’s so hard to me
thank you ronnie for you lesson. but should be a little more detail. ;)
ex: Did , Didn’t or Verb+’ed’ ‘can-could’ they should be together.
Thank you, Ronnie. ;)
Thank you, It’s a very good lesson.
Thank you Ronnie very much for this lesson it’s helful, I think we Arabs are facing more difficult in English than the rest of the other languages i don’t know why but this is a fact thank you again you ‘re the best teacher
thank you so much :)
Hiii Ronni It is really good and nice I am new in this site but I wanna know how to use either-neirher in sentence.
Either/neither we use when we agree with a negative sentence that we agree with. Ex…I don’t like fish. Neither do I…..or I don’t either. Either comes at the end of the sentence, neither is at the beginning! Check out the lesson on engvid…search for either/neither by Alex!
Ronnie, when do you use “it” and “its” also “lot” “a lot.” Thanks
thank u ms. Ronnie
can you teach me about countable and uncountable nouns,pleas
Search the site for that lesson!
Thank Ronnie .I learning a lot with your lessons.
Thank you Ronnie
You are an artist in teaching
I understand all you say but i’can not able to speak Like you.
Thanks Ronnie , I’ve learned a lot since i started watching your lessons, you make english easy and funny ! Great teacher
‘I was sad yesterday ‘.Is this sentence correct?
thnaks Ronnie i understand very well…
really nice lecture Ronnie I enjoyed it a lot. Well now I have a question. for your and yours which can be used was/were?
Hi Ronnie! What about with this sentence “If I were you, I’d rather stay away from her”. Could you explain why “I were you” and not “I was you”? Is it possible to use both?
We do use both. IF I were you is formal and used in writing/business/school.
If I was you is casual = used to talk to friends.
However, I always say If I were you…….. When we use subjunctives (wish, possibility, judgement, opinion), we use “were” in the past for I,he,she,it,they,we,and you!!!
so sorry to disagree, ronnie..
i think we never use ‘if i was you’ – more possible to say ‘if it was you’.
as i mentioned before, n actually u did mentioned it at 1st above :
if i were you –> conditional if
then i agree with replacing ‘was’ with ‘were’ for wish, possibility, judgement, opinion, etc according to the function of conditional itself.
i hope this little clarification won’t confuse students anymore.
keep up the good work, ronnie..
u did great.. ;)
thnz engvid you are the best now in school i am coming first in test in my school in trinidad
Thank you very much! :)
thanks from Kazakhstan
thank you ,Ronnie i love you so much <3
thany you ronnie , this lesson is very helpful for me because i’m studying english for my work :)
Thank you for the response Ronnie! Have a nice day!
thnaks Ronnie i understand very well
Thank You Ms Ronnie for the video.
I got a question here.
In this video, you said that “We were happy”.
Were – past tense.
So, is it more correct if we write “we were happy at that time.” ??
No, it is not “more correct”. When you add at that time, it just tells me when you were happy!
O boy
Thanks to you
thank u
praise God…i got it now! Thanks for teaching, teacher! God bless you!
Thank you mam..
Ms ronnie how are you? , my name is ahmad , I am from Jordan , but I live in the UAE. and Iam studying there.I am in tenth grade. actually I Learnt so much things from you. I don’t know how to thank you.
i am not watched other teachers but valen and ronnie is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for your teaching…
i ______at school yesterday.
they __not milk before June.
thank you very much
I’m learning from you
thank you so much.you are great
Thank you teacher, it´s clear
hello Ms. Ronnie. i was bit confused because i’m having a hard time when or where will i’m going to use these tense. well i understand your discussion you explain it briefly in fact i got 4 out of 5. is just that when i browse my notes about your lessons and also with ms. Rebecca about her lesson on simple past tense especially the DID,it feels like i didn’t get it again. well i’m hoping you would answer my question.But, all of you guys doing such a great teaching i admire you all. thank you very much. God bless you all;)
thanks my dear mam!!!
Hi Ronnie,
I was so excited after watching your lecture and the way you expressed about grammar it’s funtastic. can you provide more objective question for was and were lesson so can practice much and more to become fluent writer as well as speaker.
Thanks a lot once again!!
Warm regards,
Mohammed Shahith (India)
i m soo exited for watching your lecture …thanku soo much
thank you
Hi Miss Ronnie , the thing which makes your presentation so lively is your accent and your presenting style………… Thank you Miss Ronnie, my internet Teacher
Thank you Ronnie I wish I met you some day.
Thank you teacher.This lesson is very helpful for me because i’m studying english for my free time
Ronnie Thanks Alooooot the english is very easy with you ;)
يابيه انت بتعلم أنكليزي ليه ماأنتو مصاروة مابهمكون غير الفسيخ ههههههه “سوري”د
I like it . thanks ranny you good thecher
thank you ronnie.:) you are very great teacher. and it very easy to learn at http://www.engvid.com :D thank you again :)
You are very welcome!
If I said ‘My mother _______ in the shop’
Which do I use were or was and how?
I don’t really get it
was…because “my mother” is she.
Ok, I’m so ….tomorrow I going to have a TEST ON ENGLISH :(And I SO BAD at it
And Irish I wish you teach Irish
I am not Irish. I cannot teach you Irish. Sorry.
thanks a lot
ok you ”was” so pretty and i ”was” loving you ronnie :)
Good evening My teatcher and all members .
Firstly , I wana aplogise to you my teacher Ronnie for some student going far beond thier limt of comment ( some of them say some word which are out of lesson – brnde and … ) , Ihope every members focus on the vedios in his comment so as to gona alarge knowlege in the subject .
Secondly , when members write out the subject that let us think that it ashat room , that is not true , as we are in aclass room .
Finaly , I hope administration of the site remmmber all member about the rules and privicies .
Thank you My teacher Ronnie
Hi, sorry for my stupid question but i want to know is this British or US pronunciation? Is the pronunciation of “was” different in British and US English? When is pronounced as “wuhz” and when as “woz”? Thank you.
Yes, all pronunciation is different from British and American. “woz” may be more British.
when should I use in the question was,were and did I mean if i want talk about the past should use did …… or was,were …… thanks alot
Thank Yoy Ronnie , You Make English Language Very Easy.
Thank you, now I know English better!
You are good teacher! ;)
Thank you, You are good teacher
all the best for you and your family
thanks Ronnie :)
thanks teacher, good work
Ronnie you’re the best theacher…. tanks i love u…. =D
Hi Maam ronnie, your great and very humble teacher that I’ve ever seen!
Maam please correct If I’m wrong.
My question is this?
1) Request issue statement of service in favor of Mr Jhon Armstrong.
2) Request issuance of statement of service to Mr Jhon Armstrong.
Maam what’s the correct grammar Paragraph 1. or 2.
your reply is highly appreciated thanks and god bless.
HI RONNEI thax so much
Hi ronnei u r awsome….thanks a lot
Perfection is your name.
thank you very much for the lesson Ms. Ronnie.
Hi Miss Ronnie, how will i know my score from these quiz? Thank you.
i like this lesson.
hi :) Thanks for teaching and god bless you <3
Great lesson
hai mam h r u.i have small dought.It ______ sunny today. It rained all day this is question. you told was,were means past.today means present.how was is came at this blank.plz replay to my questipn
past – It wasn’t sunny today (because it rained all day!)
hai.plz tell me the differences between tell ,told.say,said.when we use .in which tense which one is used
hi ronnie can i say i was in holliday thank you
Thank you so much Teacher.I’m starting to feel so much better about myself and the English grammar.You have shade light on so much for me :-)
please give some more examples….now only i am learning english……
Hi.. I got your point.. were is used for plural.. But “You were correct” .. Here You can be singular… Suppose.. I am telling my friend(singular).. “You were correct”.
hy teacher i m ur new student
and thankx alot
thanks my best teacher ;)
Hi Ronnie
I am a big fan of you….
You teach great….
Could you please post some lessons in regard with understanding complex or hard sentences, which has twists in meaning, especially from newspapers, Bible etc. I really like it taught by you
hi ronnie :)
first of all…thanks a lot for the lesson…and i have question…i really confused how and when to used ‘died’ and ‘dead’???…
Hi Ronni!
I have a question not about this lesson.
What is correct for of this:
1.Who I am?
2.Who am I?
I heard somewhere, that’s THIS question to myself (from me to me) can be like #1. Is it true?
Only #2 is correct!
Thank you very much for prompt answer!
Is the site have lessons for reading rules? Like “ie” “u” “oo” “ou” etc. I found just pronunciation for “e-i” and “a-e”, but it not that what I need (want?) exactly.
Not yet, but keep on watching!
This Canadian has been teaching young and old for ages. Formy students i explain that Present Perfect is a very personal “feeling” tense. The speaker may feel the connection between past and present which may not be felt by the listener – so he may use past simle to repeat this information!
Hi man,
Thank you so much for spent the time for us it’s great
Good going
wawwww ronnie thanks for ur lesson
Please correct me if am wrong. I am an Indian, i have being with Intelenet global services for the past 18 months. I
was started my career with intelenet as a customer service executive. As a CSE we do account opening, Account closing, fund transfer, ordering debit card, issuing pre – notification charges for UK customers alone. In the mean time of 6 months, i have been upgraded as a Sr customer service executive. Then after establishing my skills for the team i was selected as a Quality Analyst, As a QA i can able to learn to do reports based on the application MS access. As a QA, Repair Analysis and Client Sampling was the major working that we have in a regular basis.
Hi Ronnie, this is my work experience. Right now i am going for an interview, If they ask,” TELL ME ABOUT YOUR WORK EXPERIENCE”, What needs to be explain, Kindly do the favour to myself, Ronnie
Thanks for your assistance
I am from India. I have been with Intelenet global services for 18 months. I started my career with Intelenet as a customer service executive. As a CSE we do account opening and closing, fund transfers, ordering debit card, issuing pre–notification charges for UK customers. In the past 6 months, I have been promoted to a Sr. Customer Service Executive. Then after establishing my skills for the team I was selected as a Quality Analyst. As a QA, I do reports based on the application MS access, repair analysis and client sampling that we have on a regular basis.
Kindly reply to my passage….
Dear ronnie thanks for ur lesson and u r so full energetic teacher for me. do u think I can learn english by Engvid?
Yes you can!!!
Hey Ronnie
I am going to high school
But I do not understand my english teacher
signed up for this site
You’re perfect.
Thank you. I hope my exam is a good :)
Dear Ronnie Teacher I like very much the way you teach .I am not good in English i hope i will improve if regular watch and teach your lesson.
God bless you teachers who opened my head with your lessons.thank you so much for this website.
thank for the website that you have made for us because it is so helpful.God bless you all,thank you again.
Im so happy that i got perfect score..hehehe..Thanks Ronie..i learned alot..God bless
Thanks for the lesson :)
is this a correct grammar? * i thank you lord because i have him or you gave him?
Both are correct.
hi dear techer i am abdul halim i have a lot of problem with gramer i am at dli so i am looking foarward to rech my inquire esl scor that is 85 but i mack alwayes 75 77 69 i cant what shud i do
Please explain the use of speak, spoke and spoken
Present tense = speak.
Past tense = spoke
Past participle = spoken.
additional knowledge for me, thanks a lot.
can you help me about my english
please teach me English anyone u did not teach i lost my life.
Thank you Ronnie for this lesson.I have one question: can we ask a negative questions? For example: Wasn’t she the person I know yesterday?
We usually use negative questions when we are suprized at the answer to a positive quesiton or like a tag question.
Ex. A) Do you like pasta?
b) No.
A) You don’t like pasta????
b) No, I don’t like pasta!
A) Wow! You are strange!
You can ask a negative question but the problem is how to answer it! Wasn’t she the person I KNEW yesterday? yes = you agree with the speaker saying yes, she wasn’t the person I knew yesterday.
A NO answer means you disagree with the comment. No – she was the person you knew yesterday.
English is very confusing and differs from most languages with negative questions. This is why we usually as positive questions!
hi ronnie ,plz tell me if i’m wrong or right,( what i understand it )
the “first they” use for people and the “second they” use for animals ??????????
They we use for ALL plural nouns. It does not matter if they are animals, humans or objects!
plz can u teach us the date and the time :D
OK! Great idea! I will make a lesson for you!
Do I say ,for example : ” once or twice (was) enough .” or do I say : once or twice (were) enough . ”
thank you in advance
it was very amazing lerning for me
I like your teach methode learning Miss Ronnie
thanks alot
hello ms. ronnie!
might I ask you something?
why is it some people tend to say
“A 5 year old boy jumped into the pool”
instead of saying, “A 5 years old boy jumped into the pool”
what is the difference between 5 years old and 5 year old?
shouldn’t we must use 5 years old than using 5 year old?
hi im enjoying all of videos…. can you please do a video lesson about how to use IS, ARE,
Thanks a lot.
heh ronnie ur the greatest teacher i have a question for u that mostly i read in grammer books that we use “shall with i and we” but in ur lesson u said we use will with i and we so could u pls explain it ?
heh ronnie ur the greatest teacher i have a question for u that mostly i read in grammer books that we use “shall with i and we” but in ur lesson u said we use will with i and we so could u pls explain it ?
Shall is too old – we never use it anymore.
thank you so much !
ronnie how sahl iget ur whole grammer teaching
can i learn
Hi dear Ronnie:
Can I have your email address?I would like write somethink private about my english study if not problem please let me know your emaill address.
thank you
Thanks alot
i got perfect score on quiz! Thanks, i learned!
Thank you for giving a good lecture.
Hi Ronnie, how are you?
I’m brazilian and it was in Brazil where I’ve started my English lessons. Now I’m living in the second hispanic country and I’m still studing English.
Here in Chile, the teachers has a peculiar pronunciation and I have a problem to agree with them. For example, WERE and WHERE are the same pronunciation, but to me, WERE sounds different, like a WORE. When I listen you speaking the first E is closed, almost an O. Exactly the same how I have learnt in Brazil.
Let me know your opinion, ok?
Bye, Marcio
Sorry Ronnie, the teachers have. They have.
thank very much for the lesson .
heyy Roniee,
Hope you are well.I have a request that If you can make a video on different sentence structure and noun and verb agreement.I can speak good english but have some serious problems with grammar.
i want to ask u when we use was were do did does had had been ,have,have been in a question….
ur video clip was cool n also easy to learn. Before i’m not very well in english , but now somewhat good. thank u so much ronnie :)
this is pretty awesome teaching,hi ronnie i don’t have no word’s which is more than the best your way of teaching is wise
You are A great teacher
i learned well. Thank you! :)
Thank you so much.
Hi, I’m learning english at school and I have an exercise about wishes. The only example they give is this one; I wish I were bilingual. Can you explain me why they wrote were for I? I’m learning english since 9 years now and I’ve never seen this before… Thank you!
thank. please help me solve the question below?
“I were rich” or I was rich??
“If I were younger, I would go.” or “If I was younger, I would go.”??
thank you so much
thank you ronnie , you are a best teacher
hi teacher Ronnie,good afternoon.I would like to ask,for your own opinion where i start to be fluent in english and using proper grammar.How much time will spend for studying english.think u for ur time and understanding..
Wow – no one can answer that question as we all learn at different rates! It is impossible for anyone to tell someone how long it takes to become fluent!
Just keep on practicing and YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!
we are group of student from want to thank for your lectures via which we can able study…
there are many student that cannot pay for there extra class for certain courses. You are making it easy for all of those…thank a lot
hello,teacher ??
i just wanna ask you..my teacher ask me to write a story about ‘ME, MYSELF AND I”.what is different of this words?? thanks…
You are really best teacher
Thank a lot!
The dancers____ very experienced.
a)is b)are c)was d)were
i doknow how to anwers such like this question..
when have to use those words ? is are were was…
I know Thank you is not enough but i learned with your lesson Mam Ronnie:D.
he also doesnt know? or he also dont know
which one is correct?
He + doesn’t!
I am very happy.because the second exisesice i have got 5 ocorrect out of 5..i didn”n have a misetake
my English is so poor and it’s make me down and lack of confidence to face many people out there. hope can learn more with your lesson after this. thanks..
thank you so much ronny, i really want to learn english… i hope someday i am going to speak english well like others… BUDI FROM INDONESIA
I like your lesson
can you teach us about conditional sentence? I confuse of it
thanks a lot |we need more of your videos
Okay Thanks fo ur lesson Ronnie, always I’ve been confused with meaning of was and were! Bu now I’m gonna say nite! God Bless!
I get it !
Thank so much.
This website is very important, for the people that want learn English, Thanks a lot for your explanation the topic. I am interest learn English, Can you help me.. Thanks
I’m so thank you to this website because this website and also the teacher is very helpful to teach anyone that don’t understand about this grammar
my English is very bad plz any one help me out this my email madiha_abbas@live.com how interested add me
Thanks teacher.
how about this?
you are doing a good work on this site
I love it !!! I hope some day can speak English like you teacher , thanks for all.
Every parent in the village wished she were their child. Please is this sentence correct?
it is amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing lesson thanks
Hi ronnie, your lessons was awesome..still Iam confusing with was,were.. My doubt is.. Is was comes with wash+ed and were+verb…
Ex: he was shouted
They were shout
Hello, I sow you in the video and I understood you very well, thanks you so much for the explanation.
HI ronnie your lesson was awesome… But still iam confusing with was,were… My doubt is.. The was and were come with wash+ed and were+verb??
Ex: He was shouted
They were shout.. Pls answer me to this question ronnieand any one know this pls answer me..
The was/were only changes with different subjects (he/she/it + was)
(I/you/they/we + were) the verbs NEVER changed with was/were. He was shouting. They were shouting.
hello teacher plz reply for my msg too…
Hi Ronnie!In want to ask you :when use was/where to put a guestion is corect only in this form?Was he happy?until now when I asked I used the form He was happy?You where there?Is wrong like me?Or I can use in both form?Thank you and Happy holidays!
very good techer so please can you tell me about; what they drefernd between TO BE verb and BE. I saw many use to be tens thank you
Thanks you Ronnie.
Thanks u teacher.
thank you with my best regardes
hi ronnie have a nice day!!! could you make a video of how using these words … (despite and inspite) please… because im always confused with these.. thanks
Thanks Ronnie!
could to clarify on below question?
People use frequently in their conversation like
is it grammatically correct?
If yes ,how ?
if not ,what is correct?
Thanks again my beloved virtual English teacher.
What if were/was does not come around he/she/I/they…
That was magnificent!
If I were (see here were is used instead of “was”, no?) to use was/were in other ways, what are the rules?
I have trouble using was and were, but not really in the forms that you explained.
hope madam u will be safe and sound madam i want to become your student i want to improve english laungauge so plz content me when ever u got a time so plz contact me
it was good lesson, thank you!! i used “it with was” in a sentence ^_^
which one is correct as grammatical below sentences? could you explain me, thank you
I’d rather She was sleeping
I’d rather She were sleeping
hi teacher,i’m a new student in English and i want improve myself but i don’t know from where i start i want know more about grammar know when i use simple past or because i found soo difficult because i don’t know when i use simple past or present continuous and other tenses and also i want improve myself with pronunciation.
thank you.
thanks for the lesson..now i learned a lot
i am very happy when i saw that topic thank you!
hello teacher, i m new student of urs n i m very bad in English plz can u make more videos for grammar ? i m preparing GRE … my maths section is excellent but in verbal and non verbal section i made so much mistake…. plz help me for better in eng. section..
that video is very helpful for me i m always having doubt in was and were thanks a lot teacher….. n some day i definitely meet u… u r fantastic teacher … plz reply byee
Hi madhvi.. If u have any question ask me .. Now Iam clear with all there lols:))
Wow!!!! It was amazing I had been confusing about Was &Were and now totally understand it thank for your helping ~ ^^
Thanks Ronnie
My Best Regards
hai dear….
which one is correct? ex: the children WERE excited yesterday or the children WAS excited yersterday? can u explain it…
Were. Children are ALWAYS plural!!!
Child = singular.
<3 you teacher ronnie! you're amazzziiinnnggg :)
your way of teaching is good
Thank you Ronnie.
Thanks, Ronnie. ;)
5 correct out of 5 – Thomas from Poland thx
i dont know where 2 use could,would,should
thank u ronnie
Still don’t ! did she explained it ?
ooo my god > its cool ! thanks a lot
i have got only one incorrect answer))
thanks ronnie but i have a question:
it wasnt my bag or it wasnt your bag
Hi Ronnie,
I saw this phrase in one blog at Harvard Business Review: “I remember the day as if it were yesterday.” Notice the verb is here?! It should be “it was”!!
Thank you for your comment.
Thank you Ronnie! My Best Regards!
thanx alot
Hi Ronnie, how are you doing? I have a question for you. I usually apply the “to be” verb formula (sub + verb + etc) like everyone who studies English, that is quite mechanistic in my opinion, but I get confused while reading something in Internet I found phrases like “If I were President, if I were rich” and others like that that confuse me ’cause in my mind is too much predominant the “to be” formula, and I assume that the correct form is “If I was…” but, I’m afraid not. Can you help me with this problem? Thx.
Ronnie you are the best
I’ll do TOEFL test next week so I need your help please.
witch sentence is wright
1- I WAS GOING TO buy the book but when I heard what the critics said I changed my mind.
2- I WAS BUYING the book but when I heard….
Thank you so much.
Thank you ms.ronnie.. Now i can learn grammar with your help.. two thumbs upfor you..
oh my G! I got perfect score! Thanks…Love it! God Bless!
Hi Ronnie : Is it right to use she for female animals for example ” she was friendly ” she = queen: female cat ????
is it right way??? because American people use this way in their movies.
Very Clear…Thank you Ronnie…
that’s good
it’s very good
Ronnie you are the best teacher and i like the way to teach
Thanks you so much Teacher. :)
Hi teacher, i understand the video a lot and thanks. i have a question when do we use IS and ARE? like He is, She is, it is, we are, they are, you are. you said that was and were are past tense then is’t IS and ARE are present tense? whats the difference if you used it like this Ex. He is and He was?
thanks teacher. i just wanted to ask whats the difference of IS and ARE from WAS and WERE? if i used it like this. Ex. He is, She is, It is, We are, They are, You are, They are ?
Thank you again!! :)
I’m trying to leave a comment every lessons in English.
I like your lesson !
if there a verb after “was” it’s gonna change into “were” ??
when was change into were ?
yeah.. it is very useful i scored 10/10. thanks for your basic importance.
Thank you so much my teacher
Thanks a lot Ronnie, it’s better than thank you so much, because it’s a good noun :)
hi thankfulness
for the this lessons
Hi Ronnie!!
I love your lessons.
so now i learned how to use was and were and i will never be confuse again..thank you teacher ronnie!loveya!
Hi Ronnie!! I confused about when to use was/were and do/did in sentences. thanks
You are the best teacher I saw in my life Ronnie
I have a question about fifth question in quiz:
In my language (Polish), I can say: Were you at the pool today? I didn’t see you! but also Weren’t you at the pool today? I didn’t see you!
What about English? Can I use both or only one (were) in this example?
Thank you so much, that was a very good lesson I understood the grammar better than before :)
I’m good at this lesson, :)
HI Ronnie,
Appreciate your patience to teach on this.
Could you please provide how we can use “was” and “were” .
Thank you
Thanks, Ronnie! I love your lessons!!!!
i love this! thanks for teaching us. my grammar was suck before
I want to ask why they used “This was” in this sentence.
Mum looked left and right. “This was the right station, wasn’t it?”, she asked. Across the road was a soggy field and a river, and not much else.
that’s good
It Was a Good Presentation Indeed. I’m Loving It!
Hi, nice flag :)
My dear Ronnie You are realy great person/teacher.
Could You tell me why many people use if I “was” you…. It. is correct? It will not be “série”. Sorry but my English is not very good . I would be very happy if you answer me. Thank you very much.
* “were”
Hi Ronni,
thanks for your lesson.
take care
Now I discover this website, learn English is easy as a pie!
Thanks Ronni!
100% Thank you :)
thanks ronnie for your explanations
Hi Ronnie! I am really feeling comfortable with your lessons.Can you please explain me which of these sentences are correct and why?
1.Cartoon serials are watched for a long time by the children.
2.Cartoon serials are watched by the children for a long time.
Please answer and I am very much waiting for your reply
Hi Ronnie!
I love your corrector and your body language during your teaching .It seems that you are very insensitive .
Thank you Ronnie
I like it soooo much
You were the best!
Thank you
Thank you!!!!
it was useful .
i love this site, it helps me to improve my english grammar
hey ronnie ! first of all the lessons are great… my question is, how can i learn the vocab..
Ronnie! I attend your was/were quiz. In this quiz, the one of the option i was saw, that is “Ain’t” meaning for Ain’t please?
I love you teacher thank you very much
I like your teaching
I like you a lot, I mean the teacher who teaching us here, you are so hilarious. Thank you so much too I’m learning well more.
You are one of the reasons why I love watching engvid’s videos.
5/5 :) … I was sad before, but now I’m happy with our teacher Ronnie ^_^
thank you !!
It was a good lesson.
Thank you teacher.
It was-They were as plural but can be plural-Those were?
Hi! Is this correct?
The pain had came and gone.
or is it
The pain came and gone.
Neither, actually. The first should be *the pain had come and gone* and the second *the pain came and went*.
im new here
and im a teacher
im from kurdistan of iraq
thanks for all videos you did
i shared many of them to our people
what happened friends ??
ronnie you are a good teacher
thanks dear
Hello how i start beginner from this site ? when i click open the same page. and in u tube have all videos ?
[Here’re all our beginner lessons](https://www.engvid.com/level/beginner/), and yes, all our videos are on YouTube.
Thank you Ma’am Ronnie the best teacher I ever had and thank you engVID… The Best! from the Philippines.. :)
thank you very much
can you teach me private
my Skype ( ha_am215 )
please respond me
it was good
Thanks So much! Your the way are teaching is excellent…
It was interesting lesson Ronnie.
Thank a lot, to teach us.
Best wishes
Thanks alot
thak u my teacher ,it was a verry good lesson
Hi Ronnie,
I am wandering if you would be able to make a video on the complex use of was and were. For example: If I were to win a lottery, I would buy a house. My question is would you use were in the above sentence even though you are supposed to use was with “I”. I am not sure if question is making any sense but I would really appreciate if you can enlighten me on this matter.
well done , need to more study :( !! THANK YOU!
Love it Ronnie!
Thanks a lot
i got 4 out of 5. i hope you make much the quiz :)
100 :D
thankyouu Ronnie!
i got 80 XD
80 , hhhhh it was stupid mistake
thank you ^_^
Rommie, you are Best teacher! Tanks!
Ronnie is always amazing teacher hope u long life
Excellent Ronnie!
I got the perfect score, yehey! :)
Thanks Ronnie.
I stay awake all night to learn,i don’t know how to thanks y’all.
Thank you teacher Ronnie for teaching us.
Thank you!
hahaha great style of teaching! i enjoyed it…yehey 5/5 :)
Hey Thank you so much
You make me laugh haha
Thanks you so much
Hey Thank you so much
You make me laugh haha
Thanks you so much !
Thank you so much!!
thank you
it’s a great lesson, many ppl have this doubt between these words!! thank you :)
They were sad because the clown died ;(
Really very good TEACHER.
Fish and chips (is/are) ready to have.
What’s the answer and why????
Really very good TEACHER.
Fish and chips (is/are) ready to have.
What’s the answer and why????
fish are or chips are good.because that plural friend!!!there are diferent types of fish,so when you mean only chrimps ,for example,you just use is not are.and the same for chips
Hi Ronnie your a great teacher,but I’m still confused with the word were. You said we used it with singular subject but sometimes I heard people say ” if I were you, I wouldn,t done that blah blah blah ” Is it right?
that is right because you use i were (you) u know were when is use just for we. you . they . they and was use for i he she it so its true word
i love u ronnie you re a great teacher every day my teacher tech me i cant undrestand but when i see your video i see this so easy cause u can learn us easy tanks ronnie
Ronnie, thanks for teach me!
hi, good explanation, it’s very easy understand!! thank U Ronnie!!
It was really easy lesson 10/10 of course. I like you Ronnie very much, you’re great teacher and good people I think.
Hi ronnie did you know this lesson has a problem because it wasen’t working?
Thank you
Hi Ronnie. I used to think that Jim Morrison of The Doors was using bad grammar when he sang, “If I WAS to say to you…”. I thought the lyrics he wrote should have been, “If I WERE to say to you…”. Your answer to Mark mentioned a future lesson regarding the “Conditional”. I THINK the conditional might just apply here because of the word “If”. I hope so, because I need to salve my huge, wounded male ego. I’m keeping my fingers crossed and champing at the bit impatiently for that lesson to come up. :-) Best Regards Ronnie, Richard456
I am happy to study English
Hi, Ronnie! Which is correct? If I was rich, I would buy a big house. Or If I were rich, I would buy a big house. I learned that the second one is the correct, but some native speakers use the first one. Thank you! Júlio César from Fortaleza CE, Brazil.
thank you very much, the video is helpful
Your the best Ronnie… :)
You’re the best Teacher ever!
some time we use “were” with I
Eg: I wouldn’t drink that if I were you.
can any one please explain above sentence
Good lesson!
Tks Ronnie
Thank your very much Good lesson!
Hey Ronnie, I’ve heard from a lot of people who speak proper English that, when it comes to using i was and we were,it is more correct to say we was , not we were, even tough I use we were !
I did the quiz well. i did understand very well. thanks roonie :).
you are my best teacher
Thank your very much.
I’m happy to study English.
I love the way you teach ,you are amazing.
Ronnie i love you…. you’re the best teacher!
Thank you very much Ronnie.
Thanks you so much.
Thank you Ms. Ronnie! I love the way to teach. It was very clear on how to use WAS and WERE. As a result, I got perfect score of 100%. Thank you!
Thank you
Great! :D
hi ma’m…
how are you doing… ma’m as a tense meanse time and when ever we want to talk about an event that happened in an iterval of time then we always mention that period as today yesterday in time to come…
i mean we give a refrence of tense that when did this action took place…
just like this was and were also show some states or existances or positions in past time so can we call it as past to be tense…
my question is just that can we call all tobe verbs as tobe tenses,,,
it was amazing I got 100%, thank you very much
thank’s Ronnie it’s was very useful lesson for me <3, i have request if you don't mind, i need to explain me some phrasel verb like ( look ahead / cheer up / bring up /dress up/down .. etc ) i confused for the meaning of them
Thank you Ronnie.., I like you so much,and I like how you teach me..! You are the best teacher.., I understand your lessons 100%…, I have much to learn about English language, but , you have made that for me very easy. And hopefully you will make it in the future…, thank you so much !
thank’s Ronnie it’s was very useful lesson for me <3, i have request if you don't mind, I need to explain me some phrasal verb like ( look ahead / cheer up / bring up /dress up/down .. etc ) I confused for the meaning of them
thanks Ronnie & you’r very funny too bless you
Thank you so mach. Mybtecher ???
Hello! Please i want to know if this is correct: “where were we?”
going to be better
wow.My teacher Ronnie is awesome.
great lesson,thanks.
thanks a lot
i din”t get the last answer
Thank You I make Doua For U
I am not sure that I have understood. It was the past continues or simple past (to be verb)?!
Thank you Ronnie i love your class so much
iam just join in this site, but i am so very happy, because now i can learned a lot of from Ronnie as my private englsih teacher, Please coreect my santenses. thank you Ronnie.
Thank you Ronnie
Thank you ?????
are these sentence right? (they are all in past):
it was raining.
it was’nt raining.
It was sunny
It was’nt sunny
thank you so much!
this was very helpful. thank you!
Very Helpful . Thank you Ronnie for teaching us ! :)
very helpful.. It would be better, to give much more practice exercises, under every session.
Hi Ronnie,
May I ask, what is the present tense of was/were?
Thank you
You learned that when you say “they were”
“we were”
“you were”
but then why is it right to say “everybody was?”
Because everybody means many persons. so why we use was with everybody and not were?
Thanks miss Ronnie. I learned a lot.
thankyou Ms.Ronnie ?
I do not like this teacher because she always laughs and does not approach the lesson seriously.
Thank you , I got full markes
Thank you Ronnie
Thanks Ronnie
Hi Ronnie. I have a question. is this correct .
“If I were you….”
thank you for the help
Came here after hearing a woman on television say, “We was going together.”
I was pretty sure that was incorrect.
Hi. Thank you so much.
you are just good Ronnie!
thank you!
You are a good teacher Ronnie
Good,Filing Good.
Ronnie. you are the best!
if any one want to improve
we can make a grop in whatup
if you interisted send me in emil
Ronnie is very nice teacher. I have learn english. Ronnie is easy and understandable English topic
Thank you Ronnie..
Thank you Ronnie :)
why we said
2. She were a good girl
ont 2. She was a good girl.
She was a good girl
The lesson was so buetuful. Thank you ☺☺
Hi teacher. What the different bring and take
Really really, you the best of them all, thank you
Really really, you are the best of them all, thank you
Really really, you are the best of them all, thank you
Thanks. Appriciate your support
You got 5 correct out of 5.
hey my teacher you are really best teacher because know how teach me so very thank you and also i hope i will became like you on the conservation,wright and all about on english language.
i got 4 .. but i could get it perfect as well if i’ve read it very well. haha i cant read it well haha
I got 5/5 it was nice lesson
Thank you Ronnie! : )
thank you very much teacher i got 100 at the quiz
it was the best lesson. Wasn’t it?
wow, thank you
Is one of my big headaches! Sometimes I´m confused! Tks again! You are Great !
thanks, I got 5/5
Superb Ms Roonie. Thanks for the lesson. ?
5/5! Great! Ronnie, I got this lesson. Thanks!
Hello Teacher
Thanks you
for the class
Thank you teacher :))
Thanks a lot Ronnie!
Thank you!