Learn key English vocabulary and expressions to talk about water. Water is everywhere, but it is our most precious resource, and conserving it is becoming a serious concern all over the world. In this class, we look at words such as aquifer, desalination, and well, and even some idioms using water. After watching, quench your thirst for validation with the quiz.
Hi Adam. Thank you for this wonderful lesson. I got 9/10. Thank you so much.
palakshi nautiyal
great lesson for memory testing
Muhammad Abbas
Hi Adam, I don’t know why I could see your video on Engvid.com, I must see it on youtube, the lesson is useful for me, now i already know many types of water. thank you and please help me why Engvid.com doesn’t display the video (I’m lived in Vietnam)
nguyen van long
Hi Nguyen,in your laptop problably is missing some software.
Limage Brazil
Hi Nguyen,
I’m not sure why you wouldn’t be able to see it. Maybe clean the cache and try again.
Hope this helps.
Adam, thank you so much! Great lesson!
Hello….I’d like to brush my speaking up. Is there anyone who is interested in speaking to me on a regular basis?
My whatsapp number is +8801812788727.
Thank you.
Hi Sir Adam
Please make a video about conditionals 1st, 2nd & 3rd and also about tag questions please
Engr Aman Ullah
Hi Engr,
I’ll see what I can do. In the meantime, find the search box on this site and look for these lessons there. We actually have a few.
Hope this helps.
That’s a great test
Hello Mr. Adam. Thank you for this class I learnd a lot.I didn’t know all those types of water. :D
So short lesson and so many new information and new words. Thank you, Mr.Adam, it was really useful!
Hi Adam! I guess that in English you surely use the opposite of the phrase ‘fish out of water’, for example, in some situation somebody could feel like ‘fish in the water’, in spanish we do.
Hi Jorge,
We have some other expressions, like a pig in mud (very happy) or in one’s element :)
Adam, your lessons are always great, but I would appreciate it if you could sometimes deliver contents focussing on literature as well.
Kedar Mani Aryal
I’ll see what I can do Kedar ;)
Hi Adam unfortunately in Moscow we can’t drink tap water like you in Canada. It is unpotable. By the way thanks for new vocabulary, especially for brine, potable and desalination words. I’m very interesting in desalination plants. Can you give me some examples of it?
Hi DinDim,
That’s a pretty big topic. You can do a Google search on it. They’re becoming more and more sophisticated and spreading in countries with water shortages. Actually, pretty interesting tech.
Thanks for the good vocabulary lesson about water. I learned not only new words but also useful knowledge. :)
Insoo Yeo
Hi Adam, thanks for the lesson.
Thank you :>
Hi Adam, thank you very much this lesson was informative as general education and as English.
Hello Adam
Thanks alot
A great video as always.Thanks a lot for the great effort. Could you please let me know which app or website you usually use to make you quizzes?
Thanks in advance, dear sir.
Ismael Ibrahim
Hi Ismael,
To be honest, the EngVid tech guys take care of that stuff. I just supply the questions and answers :)
Thank you Adam! It is intereresting ,but we use the phrase – fish in the water-that is mean to feel yourself comfortable.
Hi Tjupa11,
Every culture has there own expressions. It’s good to learn different ones :)
I got 9 out of 10. I love your lessons Adam, greeting from Argentina.
thank you Adam.
shubham sengar
Great lesson! I liked it and knew a lot of new words! Thank you!
Hi, Adam. Thank you . This is my first class with you.
Very good explanation about water this precious liquid of our planet. I got the test too.
Antonio Carvalho
Welcome Antonio :)
Hi Adam, I got 10/10, great video, thank you, have a good day,
Thanks Adam.
My result is 10 of 10. I understood everything. Thanks Adam. Great video to know something new. It’s like a video about coffee.
Hi Adam. I got 10/10. Thank you so much.
Budoor Qasim
I got all correct.thank you for this useful lesson.
Thanks Adam
Thank you teacher, but I don’t understand earth 71% and human 60%?
Farah khalify
Hi Farah,
71% of the Earth’s surface is water, while the human body is 60% water. Is this what you meant?
Thank you so much, Adam. Such a useful lesson. I need to talk to someone of engVid team to ask about sort of permission if it’s possible. How can I reach you guys?
Hi! I’ll send you an email.
engVid Moderator
Thanks adams i got bands 8/10. this is the new lesson for me and i’m so happy with this lessons. now ihave the new vocabullary in my books. thanks for this lessons,so happy for you
ILham Kasim
The lesson of Mr. Adam is very clear and the way he explains it is so simple that is why students can easily understand the lesson. Thanks Mr. Adam.
Thanks to the most amazing teacher, 10 out of 10
Hello Adam! How can I contact you?
Hi Dmitry,
You can ask me questions here.
hi adam thanks for useful lesseon
Ahmed alnour
thank you so much for the lesson you share to us, i got a perfect score 10/10.
Thanks Adam
The lesson was useful to me.
i like you adam you are agreat man
Thank you everyone :)
unpotable or impotable
and why?????
Thanks Adam. It’s good enough to know about various type of water.
Thanks so much once again for your videos, Adam!
@1:45, please, when you say “naturally made well”, do we write it with a hyphen (naturally-made…).
I ask that because “naturally” is an adverb and this got me confused!
Further, please, Adam,
@10:13 you say “ANY PERSON who is not in THEIR normal or comfortable place”.
I was exactly looking for it in grammar yesterday but could not find it!
It’s common to see “their” regarding to he or she (previously used in a sentence).
Any class on the subject on EngVid or anywhere else?! Have never studied it before, although very common to see.
Thanks indeed for your kind assistance!
alexandre toledo
Thank you Adam , its an intersted lesson as ever yours . God bless
Msgdy Alhaddad
Hi MR.ADAM How is it going, would you mind if you answer me??
Is it “unpotable” or “impotable” ?? <:
8/10! I like soda to drink. It’s good for health.
Jerry Gu
number 10 is WRONG. It’s called an aquiclude! Seesh
Thank you Mr. Adam.
mine date 27/10/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot, Adam
Hi Adam, you can find natural mineral water in many parts of our world, for example in Germany.
Anne BW
Great lesson like usual.
Very good Mr. Adam. When we think about water, we don’t imagine so many topics on the subject. And there are still waters used in the industry, for example, distilled water, demineralized water, reverse osmosis water, etc.
Water comes so easily to our homes that we don’t even realize how important this element is for the life of the world.
Congratulations on the choice of topic and the excellent presentation.
Thank you very much.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Hi Adam. Thank you for this wonderful lesson. I got 9/10. Thank you so much.
great lesson for memory testing
Hi Adam, I don’t know why I could see your video on Engvid.com, I must see it on youtube, the lesson is useful for me, now i already know many types of water. thank you and please help me why Engvid.com doesn’t display the video (I’m lived in Vietnam)
Hi Nguyen,in your laptop problably is missing some software.
Hi Nguyen,
I’m not sure why you wouldn’t be able to see it. Maybe clean the cache and try again.
Hope this helps.
Adam, thank you so much! Great lesson!
Hello….I’d like to brush my speaking up. Is there anyone who is interested in speaking to me on a regular basis?
My whatsapp number is +8801812788727.
Thank you.
Hi Sir Adam
Please make a video about conditionals 1st, 2nd & 3rd and also about tag questions please
Hi Engr,
I’ll see what I can do. In the meantime, find the search box on this site and look for these lessons there. We actually have a few.
Hope this helps.
That’s a great test
Hello Mr. Adam. Thank you for this class I learnd a lot.I didn’t know all those types of water. :D
So short lesson and so many new information and new words. Thank you, Mr.Adam, it was really useful!
Hi Adam! I guess that in English you surely use the opposite of the phrase ‘fish out of water’, for example, in some situation somebody could feel like ‘fish in the water’, in spanish we do.
Hi Jorge,
We have some other expressions, like a pig in mud (very happy) or in one’s element :)
Adam, your lessons are always great, but I would appreciate it if you could sometimes deliver contents focussing on literature as well.
I’ll see what I can do Kedar ;)
Hi Adam unfortunately in Moscow we can’t drink tap water like you in Canada. It is unpotable. By the way thanks for new vocabulary, especially for brine, potable and desalination words. I’m very interesting in desalination plants. Can you give me some examples of it?
Hi DinDim,
That’s a pretty big topic. You can do a Google search on it. They’re becoming more and more sophisticated and spreading in countries with water shortages. Actually, pretty interesting tech.
Thanks for the good vocabulary lesson about water. I learned not only new words but also useful knowledge. :)
Hi Adam, thanks for the lesson.
Thank you :>
Hi Adam, thank you very much this lesson was informative as general education and as English.
Hello Adam
Thanks alot
A great video as always.Thanks a lot for the great effort. Could you please let me know which app or website you usually use to make you quizzes?
Thanks in advance, dear sir.
Hi Ismael,
To be honest, the EngVid tech guys take care of that stuff. I just supply the questions and answers :)
Thank you Adam! It is intereresting ,but we use the phrase – fish in the water-that is mean to feel yourself comfortable.
Hi Tjupa11,
Every culture has there own expressions. It’s good to learn different ones :)
I got 9 out of 10. I love your lessons Adam, greeting from Argentina.
thank you Adam.
Great lesson! I liked it and knew a lot of new words! Thank you!
Hi, Adam. Thank you . This is my first class with you.
Very good explanation about water this precious liquid of our planet. I got the test too.
Welcome Antonio :)
Hi Adam, I got 10/10, great video, thank you, have a good day,
Thanks Adam.
My result is 10 of 10. I understood everything. Thanks Adam. Great video to know something new. It’s like a video about coffee.
Hi Adam. I got 10/10. Thank you so much.
I got all correct.thank you for this useful lesson.
Thanks Adam
Thank you teacher, but I don’t understand earth 71% and human 60%?
Hi Farah,
71% of the Earth’s surface is water, while the human body is 60% water. Is this what you meant?
Thank you so much, Adam. Such a useful lesson. I need to talk to someone of engVid team to ask about sort of permission if it’s possible. How can I reach you guys?
Hi! I’ll send you an email.
Thanks adams i got bands 8/10. this is the new lesson for me and i’m so happy with this lessons. now ihave the new vocabullary in my books. thanks for this lessons,so happy for you
The lesson of Mr. Adam is very clear and the way he explains it is so simple that is why students can easily understand the lesson. Thanks Mr. Adam.
Thanks to the most amazing teacher, 10 out of 10
Hello Adam! How can I contact you?
Hi Dmitry,
You can ask me questions here.
hi adam thanks for useful lesseon
thank you so much for the lesson you share to us, i got a perfect score 10/10.
Thanks Adam
The lesson was useful to me.
i like you adam you are agreat man
Thank you everyone :)
unpotable or impotable
and why?????
Thanks Adam. It’s good enough to know about various type of water.
Thanks so much once again for your videos, Adam!
@1:45, please, when you say “naturally made well”, do we write it with a hyphen (naturally-made…).
I ask that because “naturally” is an adverb and this got me confused!
Further, please, Adam,
@10:13 you say “ANY PERSON who is not in THEIR normal or comfortable place”.
I was exactly looking for it in grammar yesterday but could not find it!
It’s common to see “their” regarding to he or she (previously used in a sentence).
Any class on the subject on EngVid or anywhere else?! Have never studied it before, although very common to see.
Thanks indeed for your kind assistance!
Thank you Adam , its an intersted lesson as ever yours . God bless
Hi MR.ADAM How is it going, would you mind if you answer me??
Is it “unpotable” or “impotable” ?? <:
8/10! I like soda to drink. It’s good for health.
number 10 is WRONG. It’s called an aquiclude! Seesh
Thank you Mr. Adam.
mine date 27/10/21 from Kazakhstan
thank a lot, Adam
Hi Adam, you can find natural mineral water in many parts of our world, for example in Germany.
Great lesson like usual.
Very good Mr. Adam. When we think about water, we don’t imagine so many topics on the subject. And there are still waters used in the industry, for example, distilled water, demineralized water, reverse osmosis water, etc.
Water comes so easily to our homes that we don’t even realize how important this element is for the life of the world.
Congratulations on the choice of topic and the excellent presentation.
Thank you very much.