In this practical lesson, I’ll show you many ways to say you’re sorry in English. Lean how to apologize in simple and serious situations. Save face, save your relationship, and maybe save your job one day by using the right words and expressions at the right time.
Thank you for giving us such great explanation Rebecca, I want to ask you some help regarding the differences between even though, though and although, and i think you, as Envid, don’t have a video regarding conjunctions like first and foremost, furthermore, moreover and so on there are so many and more used than others right so i was wondering if you can make a video of these conjunctions would be very helpful for everybody, thank you so much
though and although is conjunction, they same mean. although+clause ; though+ clause/ adj/noun.
“though” also mean “but”.etc : i thought he’d been drinking, though i were not completely sure.
really great but i hope you can tell more about language functions
emad ashwal
thank you very very much !
thanks so much my teacher
sorry for interfering you but it’s explained by Adam already :)
It’s All right
thanks Rebecca
you did a great job
noura fikry
great job,thanks rebecca :)
you r such as great teacher. this lesson was freakin’ awesome. cya.
Efrain Dominguez
thank youfor this lesons
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebeca !!!
You are great teacher !!!
I like yor speaking style.. it really so obvious to understand you.. keep going!
Sanan Aliyev
Thanks Rebecca! Very useful lesson.
awesome explanation!!!! i really like it
thank you so much
makham piao
Thanks Rebecca.
I hope one day to talk on equal terms with you
Thank you very much Rebecca.
I would like one thing about “Sorry”
I have been in Toronto two years ago. It was my first time in abroad. The first time that I bumped into someone by mistake on a crowded subway, I said: “I’m sorry” and the other person said me “Sorry”. Several times and always same! Why? I don’t understand, I mean, if I bump into to you, why you say “sorry”. Is there any explication? Thanks a lot.
We tend to be overly polite! It’s a stereotype about Canadians and British people, but people probably do it everywhere.
engVid Moderator
I often want to meet those who reflect over politeness.
Hi, Rebecca. You are a great teacher and explains really clearly. What I like most about your lessons is that I understand every single word you say. I like your classes so much. Thank you for your great help. bye.
Daniel C Herculano
yeah,i really enjoy her lesson as well.
Thank you so much to teach us these useful expressions! Could you make a video about “Excuse”, “Excuse me”? Bye.
Thank you Rebecca.
Dear kind teacher,thank you very much for the great lesson.I have a question what is the difference bettween sorry for being late and sorry for comeing late.i wish you reply my.
Well! That’s a nice lesson Rabecca. And i got 6 out of 6 right answers.
Thank you Rebecca, your lesson is cool, I got 6 of 6 questions.. :)
I’m from Brazil and this is my first experience with this site and I’m very pleased with the content and the teachers.
Thank you so much!!!
That is ok.I scored 6 out of 6.The lesson and the explanation were great.
You bump into someone by making mistake on a crowd street.What could u say? Sorry
You arrive late for an important meeting with your boss.What could u say?
I apologize for the delay.You are taking a message for your colleague.You cant hear the person s name over the phone.What could u say? I m sorry.Could you please repeat your name.
You were tired last night and got mad at your friend when he asked you a simple question.
thanks a lot, Rebecca. Could u show us some methods to get high score in TOEFL Test?
mek bean
how good! i think you’re really great in english conversation with repeated all the question! :))))
Thank you for the lesson Rebecca
thank you for teaching :)
bakhtiyar ali
Hi Rebecca,
Thanx for teach us.
Abdul Qayum
Hi, Rebecca
what is the good way to reply in a sympathy situation?
good job.
Hi there,
I’m so grateful 2 u n I wanna know which 1 is right?!:
1.Apology accepted.
2.Apology is accepted.
Tx in advance.
6 out of 6.
2 is right
I would say 1.apology accepted.
hey dear rebeeca, aftar a long time i listen your lesson , u r too good
Thank you for this usefull lesson and for all you are doing. I want to ask a little question: What is the difference between: I’m told that… and I was told that… ?
Hello Rebecca.Thank you very much for your lesson.Good job.:)
tks for teaching
Thanks Rebecca :)
This class was very important to me!
Thank you very muth, Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca!
i am glad to join you
Thanks Rebecca,i appreciated this lesson very well.
a wonderful teacher, thank you very much.
thanx alot teacher. i like your way.
Thank you Rebecca.
I wonder the meaning of “lol”, I have no idea what it is. Thanks
It means “laughing out loud”. You can learn more about LOL and other abbreviations in our lesson on texting slang.
engVid Moderator
thanks rebecca, I think is very very useful
sorry I forgot to log in first.
this class was very important
thanks a lot
thanks rebecca you are a great teacher I want it to know the difference between all and everything .. thanks a lot and happy mothers day
all : whole of an amount thing or type of thing. use for things, people: all boys, all books
everything : each thing or all things.
everything can be a subject in the sentence.
all+(of) + nouns : all day, all girls.all can’t be a sub in sentence
hope it’s useful
All I want to know is what you were doing in my wallet. Isn’t that using ‘all’ as a subject?
My previous comment was wrong. What about “All is well”?
I am so happy! I can learn English with these good teachers…i like English so much!
thank u very much :)
Thats really attractive way bcz every body can practice through quiz.Really a good way you have to teach.
thank you very much Rebecca !!!
that was positively useful situations!!
Oh Jesus only 1 mistake. i wonder at my progress and understandings
Labraiz Bhatti
Thanks :)
I love the video
thx so much :)
thank you Rebecca…great…
6/6 Wow!
teacher please tell me that how can i improve my listening power and accent
the lesson is very good
thank you
I’m really enjoying your teaching, you are the best carry on, it’s very useful lessons from now on i’ll keep watching you every day
Thank you for your teaching for all ESL students. I did not know well in apologize before.I have known apologize to someone is really important and have to show our feeling as well as mercy. Now I know many way to apologize. Thanks Rebecca for your teaching.
Thanks a lot Rebecca for your classes. They are very useful for people who want to improve their english. Only a question. There are two ways to write apologise / apologize. Which of both is most commmon?
Thank you again, see you
thank you…it really help :)
I’m an Egyptian and in my country they respond ” I’m sorry ” with ” never mind ” is that a right thing to do , and would u tell me when ” never mind should be used ….. ???
Muhamed Yaseen
Hi, You’ve really done good job
thanks you a lot l alweys like how you expain the lessons, thank you again.ok
really very simple and easy when you explain any lesson also i like to show all your lessons.
Thanks Rebecca ,you’re teaching so good .God bless you.
Thanks Rebecca!
I’m writing in connection with the lesson above. You always know what it’s important for learners.
Take care of you. The world needs you.
It was simply great.
Thanks teacher
Thanks..very nice
Thanks miss Rebecca!
Thank you teacher. Your speech is really awesome and very useful.
hi my teacher rebeca for your teaching eng/vdo i’ll very usefull on that can you give me more ex gramma.thanks.
Thanks Rebecca mam for a good class
thank you you are a grate teacher , i did not know that there were so many ways to apologize
faisal saudia arabia
thank u
Thank you for all your help Rebecca. You are great.
thank u somich Rebecca
inow its clear to me thanks a lot ill practice everything i have learned thank you
Thank you Teacher Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca for you lesson. 6/6
Really great!!
Thank you Rebecca. I am excited.
thanks for you for all these efforts
ahmed zakaria
I thank you for this wonderful site
this lesson was great help for me. thank you so much teacher
the lesson and the quiz arre so helpful.Thank alot teacher.
very good job why BUT why i can’t see my result
Thank you rebecca
h i my dear teacher really i understood this lesson thank u for ur helping
Thank you very much for such good explanation!!
Hi Rebecca,
Is it ok to spell ‘Apologize’ and ‘Apologise’ ?
Which is formal?
Thank You.
“Apologise” is just the British English spelling.
engVid Moderator
I’m deeply sorry Rebecca, for making a delay to your class.I can’t listen your class last weekbecause I had a trip.
Thank you Rebecca!!!
Thank you very much Rebecca, i didn’t know the 5 ways to apologize, i always use only im sorry. thanks again .
Hi teachers, my name is Elias Moreno and I am from: Fortaleza a big city in BRASIL.I am so happy because I just found ENGVID.COM. Sorry my english it is not good yet.
Elias Moreno
great mam Rebecca
Thank You Very Much Miss Rebecaaaaaaaa
amazing.although i’m just begginer in english,i understand clearly every word that you say.i love your video.thanks anyway
ika prayanthi
Thank you Rebecca for your lesson. Contact me in face
Thanks so much Rebecca.and i have a quest ion how i can make my speaking,
Abdul hamed
thanks for your support
amir azab
Thaank you soo muuch Rebecca seriously you are the best teacher !!
Really im from Arabic and your lessons is helped me alot to improve my English
So thank you so much
Keep Doing the good work :) !!
Sorry there is a mistake :P
im Arabic **
Thank you Rebecca
I am from Yemen , When I listen To your lessons I feel I’m drinking water.
Thank you Rebecca for your lesson
thank u rebeka,i like your way to give lessons very simple but very interesting,you are just great;go on i like you so much
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you so much, Rebecca!
Thaaaank you very very much
Thank you, Rebecca!!!
Jane Morar
Hi Jane! I´m an advanced level student. Would you like talking and practice with me? See you.
Hi dear Rebecca,can you please explain to me this sentences
((I look forward to meet you.
I look forward to meeting you.))
I can not undrestand what different betwin these 2 sentences
why the first is wrong and why the second is right
thank you
Hi there;
Hope all’s well with u,
The 2nd is right bcoz “I’m 4ward 2(verb)+ing …” is an expression”.
Glad I could help!
Hi dear Rebecca,can you please explain to me this sentences?
((I look forward to meet you.
I look forward to meeting you.))
I can not undrestand what different betwin these 2 sentences
why the first is wrong and why the second is right
thank you
Sentence 2 is correct because the word “to” is a preposition. After a preposition a verb gets -ing. e.g. I’m used to getting up early.
Thanks teacher this lesson it is important for children and begginer person but still i intersten that lesson
Mr Right
you are a great teacher
Thanks a lot for such a nice topic and the way you have taught.
it was helpful. Thanks!
thx, very useful
thank you very much for your time. am very happy to learn with you.
john k hagan
perfect, thank you so much
Thank you a lots the lesson was easy
Ok, thanks for one more lession. It’s a very tasty way to learn.
Sorry, I mean lesson.
thank you Rebecca for this useful lesson.
Thanks for explaination.
I am so glad, while I waching your lesson with friends
thank very much,your lesson very usefull. could I have some lesson from mr. jon & ms.Emma pleas? if can then send them to my e-mail
nice lesson
Thank you Rebecca!!! I think from now on I know how to apologize in different situations.
I really love this lesson, thanks a lot
Thanks you so much Rebecca.
yhank rebeca
is a good teacher
Very informative one. Thanks Rebecca. God bless you
I am from India and m first hit in this site. Thank u very much and I am reccomading this site to my daughter
Unni kalathiparambil
Thank you very much for lesson )
You really doing great job .we need your explanation for each lessons . Thank you so much
it is very helpful to improve my level in english. thanks.
thank you so much.
thank you…see you
nice one g
important lesson i like it so much thank you Rebecca
thank you teacher
thank you
thank you so much, its very useful to me.
Great lesson , Thanks a lot teacher
6 out of 6.. Thanks a lot! :)
What´s up in the question number 4 I´ve got a mystake , but if i have a conversation about my friend its probably that lenguage, its very common or no formal , could you answer me or tellme whats the diference? or why informal aswer in this case ,about friends its no the correct answer , like always thanks Rebecca I apreciate all the material that you include in class
Hi Albert,
If you get mad with one of your friends and you shout to him/her, the best way to fix that “issue” is saying “I’m sorry”. I think saying “whats up” doesn’t mean you regret.
thank u rebecca u are nice teacher.
Nul doute vous avez un talent remarquable pour l’enseignement.
Thanks a lot
can you tell me what do English people say when someone dies (to his relatives)
is it just I am sorry for your loss or there are other common expressions? and what would be their response? please someone answers me , thanks.
Thanks a lot , its a very beneficial lecture, Good work please keep it up
Love it!! As usual your classes are fantastic!
thank u Rebecca wish ya all da best
thank you. she helps me know clearly what I have ever said before
Thank you Rebecca for your lesson.
Wonderful lesson. I learned how to say “Sorry” to other, it’s necessary for our better life.
thanks a lot’s very necessary for us.
Thank you Rebecca!
thank you
thank you so much rebecca for all that
thank you so much rebecca for all of that
thank you very much rebeca
I got full mark. Thank you, Rebecca!
I don’t like apologizing because you did something not nice. On my 2012 birthday, I bumped into a girl in 6th grade named “Ashley” who plays with her glasses a lot. My helper was “Mrs. Friedman.” She told me to apologize to Ashley, but I would not, so I wrote down why I don’t like apologizing. When I wrote, I misdefined, “apologize.” I thought that it meant “you did something wrong,” but it means “you did something bad” like bumping into someone.
Jesse Corey
hi rebecca
you are so helpful , thank you so much, this lesson made things so clear for me .
All the 7 teachers r excellent. may God bless u all. I want to know why is there difference between the pronunciation of but and put. Please answer. If possible e-mail this answer at Thanks.
Amjad Hussain
thank you
Thank you Rebecca. I really like the way you teach.
verry good
Thank you for this lesson,Rebecca.Now I know to how to say sorry in different way and also how to respond to it.
thank you so much, I saw that you write apologise this way and “ao
pologize” that way!, Sorry but don’t undrestand the diferece betwen? thank you again.
Thank you Rebecca!
That was a nice lesson .
Thank you teacher .
thanks you very much!
thank you rebecca
¡Wonderful job Envid! Many people around the world, have improved the knowledge of the English language, me included. Thanks a lot for that.I hope this program will continue for ever. Regards to Ronnie, Rebeca and to the rest of execellet teacher.
thx now i can spell the word i need thx a lot for your lessonn god bless you
Thank you, Rebecca. Your lesson is interesting.
I’ve learned a lot from you.
Thanks Rebecca. I learned a lot form you, too.
This lecture is so useful for polite person to show their kindness.
Thanx for helping us learning more Rebecca. We really appreciate what u did for us! Thank you and thank you very much. I wouldnt know about 5 ways to apologize without u. I hope you will read this comment, Thank you
Thanks a lot. You’re great!
Thank you for wonderful English lesson…
Thanks for your lessons. They´re very usefull to me.
Thanks a lot! I’ve learned a lot in your site.
Thanks a lot !
wo0o0o000o0w I got 100%
I’m sorry about the notice. Please, add little more information about sympathy to the wall :)
Thanks Rebecca! I wish you all the best in your doing here.
thnxxxxxx this is the best for practice…
igot 100 points
thanks for this lesson.
syed hasan nabeel
bravo!!! I got 100 :D:D:D
thank you verymuch
Thank you teacher for the useful lesson!!!!!
its vary nice explication how to say sorry i like it so much thanks for that Rebecca mam…
What a nice exposure !
Many thanks Ms Rebecca I have understood each word I hear from you so I got full mark honestly you are very good teacher
thank you for you lesons .It is very helpful.
Thank you
i want you help me in the gramma cause i need to speak english fluent and i know that you are the person i had been waiting for writte me please thanks
thank you
Thank you so much.
Wow awesome, after i watch the video, i do quiz, do you know the result i get 6
Thanks :)
I like this lesson thank you teacher rebeca
can we use
“don’t need to apologise”
instead of “no need to apologise”
thank you teacher rebecca igot 100.
Thank you so much for doing well
thank you so much
Thanks a lot to help us.
im very thankful to u
I just today discovered these lessons it’s just adorable , I feel about missing lessons like I lost part of my life. Thank very much for your wonderful work.
thanks rebicca for teaching me
I love all your videos. Thank you!
I apologize you do not understand something
Thanks Rebicca , I’m the elder student in your class , and the most thankful
thank you
Thank you so much Rebecca
your lessons are very useful
thank you about the lesson.
Hi, I just wanna say Thank You so much for the lessons. God bless to all engvid team !
Dear Rebecca, you are teaching us the proper reaction . Thank you.
Dear Mam, How can i say if i didnt understand what the other person said to me. what can i say politely to repeat what he said .
Say, “Pardon?” It’s like “What (did you say)?” but sounds more polite.
engVid Moderator
I´m really enjoying these class! Thank you Rebeca!
Tanks all the teachers!
Lecture about The difference between ‘sorry about’ and ‘sorry for’ is extremely easy to understand.
At first,I thought this video was too easy..
But, at last, I could understand this video is greatest in this world.
Please continue your great acitivity.
Hello Ms. Rebecca,
I got 6 correct out of 6, special thanks for you as you learned me new things.
Hope to support me as I want to improve my English skills.
Do you know site can test my English level ?
King Regards,
Amr Aboul Enein
thank you do’s a great lesson.
surely going to use these ways
thanks alot ♥
I really got benefit from it!thanks Rebecca that is a great job! :)
hi, thanks for the lesson, I have a question about it, It is apologize or apologise? you have both in the lesson.. I think is Apologize.. thanks
Thank you very much! Your tips are always useful.
Thank you very much. your lesson is very good to me
thank you my teacher Rebecca you are great in ways of talking.
100% again! yes!! =D
Thanks Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca! My quiz score was 100%. Ya~y! I did it :D Also I’ve just said “sorry” or “so sorry”. I knew really sorry, extremely sorry, deeply sorry etc… at the first time. Thank you ;) They are different from the emotions and environments, aren’t they?
Can I ask a few question? Have you ever used deeply sorry,””really sorry” and so on? How often do you usually use “Sorry”? I’m not kidding you. I’m serious.
I’d heard that people didn’t use it so much, and instead of it, “Excuse me” or “Pardon.” Because “sorry” is deep emotion (as you know). I’d heard if I used “sorry” so much, I would be accused for something. Were they kidding me? Anyway I’m confused. Thank you :)
Thanks Rebecca
Thanx Rebecca, I got hundred percent!!!
Thank you Rebecca.
your lesson is very easy to understand!
It was good experience
Thank you, Rebecca!
Marcio R Santos
Can anyone suggest any website where anyone can practice speaking free of cost or any other related site
I had 83.thanks Rebbeca
I like this website.
Oserbaeva Arailym
I got 10 out of 10!! Thank you so much! Now I know difference between “Sorry for” and “Sorry about”!
thank you so much
Thanks 6/6
I am salar from iranian. one of the my best wish learn and speak english very soon. but i dont khnow how? my dear and my best teacher please help me. Thank you very much Rebecca.
salar salam
It’s really interesting to know different ways of saying sorry.
thank you,Rebecca
I enjoy that
Good lession.
Khairul Naim
Thank Rebecca
Phana Hem
Thanks got 83%.
Abdul Qayum
this lesson very amazing.I’m so excited
Thank you much for the lesson I got perfect score.
Tnx Rebecca, you’re a great teacher!
Thank u Reecca
anna rosyadi
Thanks Rebecca! I got 85% :)
Ho Tri Thuc
Thank oyu.Sorry,thank you.
Thanks Rebecca!SO useful.
SuYeon Kim 333
thanks … !!!
I think that lesson will help me apologizing correctly. Thank you Rebecca for teaching us how to express regret in a proper way. Thank you for the tips about the tone of the voice.
I love the lesson
Very useful !
Hey guys, if you want to improve your english at skype, please add me!
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for this lesson about apologies which clarifies the use of daily expressions.
Best regards.
Thank you for this great lesson.
Great job for special lesson.
Hey could you send me your watsapp no plz because u r taking English so that’s why I’m taking this purpuse.
Shahez khan
pleas, could you tell me the expression that the teacher said in 6:30 min? something with “well”. Thanks in advance!
Thank you.
Very very useful lesson. Thank you.
Thank you ms Rebecca.
ann ann
i am extremely sorry , I don’t know how to thank you for your explaination
Khaled Deiab
Thank you very much for your lesson.
5/6 wrong was about crowded street.
what means huh, Is it “emotion” word?
thanks a lot
Yey, thanks…
Harry Harun
it’s useful.
Very useful I agree, thanks a lot Rebacca.
Thank you Rebecca
I got 100! Thank you for the lesson!
thanks Rebecca.
I got 6 correct out of 6
You got 5 correct out of 6.
M kartal
As usual, Rebecca, your course has really been refreshing.
Good job Rebecca, you are the best!
Thank you Rebecca, very easy to understand??
thank you Rebecca for all your lessons its so beneficet for us.
Thanks Rebecca thats so very clearly for my students.
6/6. Rebecca, thanks a lot for all you doing for students! So sorry that i didn`t have such wonderful teacher like you are when i was a child.
Hi Alena! greetings from Argentina. I´d want to know if you´d like talking with me to practice and improve our english. And, why not, to be friends. See you.
I’m really appreciated regarding this matter thank you Rebecca for teaching us clearly
abubakar yunusa musa
Teacher Rebecca thanks, you are very fastastic.
Wilson Barrera
very good lesson,thank you!
Aurilene Bessa
I like this video, I learned a lot, Thanks :)
Sergio Perez
Thank you, Rebecca, for your best video lesson,
but I’m sorry I can not attend a class every day.
Thanks dear ?
sorry seems to be the hardest word!
Thank you Rebecca, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 27Sept2021);
I watched this video twice on December 03, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 6.
Learn English for free with 2163 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you for giving us such great explanation Rebecca, I want to ask you some help regarding the differences between even though, though and although, and i think you, as Envid, don’t have a video regarding conjunctions like first and foremost, furthermore, moreover and so on there are so many and more used than others right so i was wondering if you can make a video of these conjunctions would be very helpful for everybody, thank you so much
though and although is conjunction, they same mean. although+clause ; though+ clause/ adj/noun.
“though” also mean “but”.etc : i thought he’d been drinking, though i were not completely sure.
really great but i hope you can tell more about language functions
thank you very very much !
thanks so much my teacher
sorry for interfering you but it’s explained by Adam already :)
It’s All right
thanks Rebecca
you did a great job
great job,thanks rebecca :)
you r such as great teacher. this lesson was freakin’ awesome. cya.
thank youfor this lesons
Thanks a lot Ms. Rebeca !!!
You are great teacher !!!
I like yor speaking style.. it really so obvious to understand you.. keep going!
Thanks Rebecca! Very useful lesson.
awesome explanation!!!! i really like it
thank you so much
Thanks Rebecca.
I hope one day to talk on equal terms with you
Thank you very much Rebecca.
I would like one thing about “Sorry”
I have been in Toronto two years ago. It was my first time in abroad. The first time that I bumped into someone by mistake on a crowded subway, I said: “I’m sorry” and the other person said me “Sorry”. Several times and always same! Why? I don’t understand, I mean, if I bump into to you, why you say “sorry”. Is there any explication? Thanks a lot.
We tend to be overly polite! It’s a stereotype about Canadians and British people, but people probably do it everywhere.
I often want to meet those who reflect over politeness.
Hi, Rebecca. You are a great teacher and explains really clearly. What I like most about your lessons is that I understand every single word you say. I like your classes so much. Thank you for your great help. bye.
yeah,i really enjoy her lesson as well.
Thank you so much to teach us these useful expressions! Could you make a video about “Excuse”, “Excuse me”? Bye.
Thank you Rebecca.
Dear kind teacher,thank you very much for the great lesson.I have a question what is the difference bettween sorry for being late and sorry for comeing late.i wish you reply my.
Well! That’s a nice lesson Rabecca. And i got 6 out of 6 right answers.
Thank you Rebecca, your lesson is cool, I got 6 of 6 questions.. :)
I’m from Brazil and this is my first experience with this site and I’m very pleased with the content and the teachers.
Thank you so much!!!
That is ok.I scored 6 out of 6.The lesson and the explanation were great.
You bump into someone by making mistake on a crowd street.What could u say? Sorry
You arrive late for an important meeting with your boss.What could u say?
I apologize for the delay.You are taking a message for your colleague.You cant hear the person s name over the phone.What could u say? I m sorry.Could you please repeat your name.
You were tired last night and got mad at your friend when he asked you a simple question.
thanks a lot, Rebecca. Could u show us some methods to get high score in TOEFL Test?
how good! i think you’re really great in english conversation with repeated all the question! :))))
Thank you for the lesson Rebecca
thank you for teaching :)
Hi Rebecca,
Thanx for teach us.
Hi, Rebecca
what is the good way to reply in a sympathy situation?
good job.
Hi there,
I’m so grateful 2 u n I wanna know which 1 is right?!:
1.Apology accepted.
2.Apology is accepted.
Tx in advance.
6 out of 6.
2 is right
I would say 1.apology accepted.
hey dear rebeeca, aftar a long time i listen your lesson , u r too good
Thank you for this usefull lesson and for all you are doing. I want to ask a little question: What is the difference between: I’m told that… and I was told that… ?
Hello Rebecca.Thank you very much for your lesson.Good job.:)
tks for teaching
Thanks Rebecca :)
This class was very important to me!
Thank you very muth, Rebecca!
Thanks Rebecca!
i am glad to join you
Thanks Rebecca,i appreciated this lesson very well.
a wonderful teacher, thank you very much.
thanx alot teacher. i like your way.
Thank you Rebecca.
I wonder the meaning of “lol”, I have no idea what it is. Thanks
It means “laughing out loud”. You can learn more about LOL and other abbreviations in our lesson on texting slang.
thanks rebecca, I think is very very useful
sorry I forgot to log in first.
this class was very important
thanks a lot
thanks rebecca you are a great teacher I want it to know the difference between all and everything .. thanks a lot and happy mothers day
all : whole of an amount thing or type of thing. use for things, people: all boys, all books
everything : each thing or all things.
everything can be a subject in the sentence.
all+(of) + nouns : all day, all girls.all can’t be a sub in sentence
hope it’s useful
All I want to know is what you were doing in my wallet. Isn’t that using ‘all’ as a subject?
My previous comment was wrong. What about “All is well”?
I am so happy! I can learn English with these good teachers…i like English so much!
thank u very much :)
Thats really attractive way bcz every body can practice through quiz.Really a good way you have to teach.
thank you very much Rebecca !!!
that was positively useful situations!!
Could you please tell me when I use “NOT” “NO” ans “DON’T”?
Thank you.
my e-mail:
thank you very mucht,god bless you
Thanks a bunch! Very useful!!!
Clear! Thanks!
Thank you for your teaching. It’s very useful
Oh Jesus only 1 mistake. i wonder at my progress and understandings
Thanks :)
I love the video
thx so much :)
thank you Rebecca…great…
6/6 Wow!
teacher please tell me that how can i improve my listening power and accent
the lesson is very good
thank you
I’m really enjoying your teaching, you are the best carry on, it’s very useful lessons from now on i’ll keep watching you every day
Thank you for your teaching for all ESL students. I did not know well in apologize before.I have known apologize to someone is really important and have to show our feeling as well as mercy. Now I know many way to apologize. Thanks Rebecca for your teaching.
Thanks a lot Rebecca for your classes. They are very useful for people who want to improve their english. Only a question. There are two ways to write apologise / apologize. Which of both is most commmon?
Thank you again, see you
thank you…it really help :)
I’m an Egyptian and in my country they respond ” I’m sorry ” with ” never mind ” is that a right thing to do , and would u tell me when ” never mind should be used ….. ???
Hi, You’ve really done good job
thanks you a lot l alweys like how you expain the lessons, thank you again.ok
really very simple and easy when you explain any lesson also i like to show all your lessons.
Thanks Rebecca ,you’re teaching so good .God bless you.
Thanks Rebecca!
I’m writing in connection with the lesson above. You always know what it’s important for learners.
Take care of you. The world needs you.
It was simply great.
Thanks teacher
Thanks..very nice
Thanks miss Rebecca!
Thank you teacher. Your speech is really awesome and very useful.
hi my teacher rebeca for your teaching eng/vdo i’ll very usefull on that can you give me more ex gramma.thanks.
Thanks Rebecca mam for a good class
thank you you are a grate teacher , i did not know that there were so many ways to apologize
thank u
Thank you for all your help Rebecca. You are great.
thank u somich Rebecca
inow its clear to me thanks a lot ill practice everything i have learned thank you
Thank you Teacher Rebecca
Thanks Rebecca for you lesson. 6/6
Really great!!
Thank you Rebecca. I am excited.
thanks for you for all these efforts
I thank you for this wonderful site
this lesson was great help for me. thank you so much teacher
the lesson and the quiz arre so helpful.Thank alot teacher.
very good job why BUT why i can’t see my result
Thank you rebecca
h i my dear teacher really i understood this lesson thank u for ur helping
Thank you very much for such good explanation!!
Hi Rebecca,
Is it ok to spell ‘Apologize’ and ‘Apologise’ ?
Which is formal?
Thank You.
“Apologise” is just the British English spelling.
I’m deeply sorry Rebecca, for making a delay to your class.I can’t listen your class last weekbecause I had a trip.
Thank you Rebecca!!!
Thank you very much Rebecca, i didn’t know the 5 ways to apologize, i always use only im sorry. thanks again .
Hi teachers, my name is Elias Moreno and I am from: Fortaleza a big city in BRASIL.I am so happy because I just found ENGVID.COM. Sorry my english it is not good yet.
great mam Rebecca
Thank You Very Much Miss Rebecaaaaaaaa
amazing.although i’m just begginer in english,i understand clearly every word that you say.i love your video.thanks anyway
Thank you Rebecca for your lesson. Contact me in face
Thanks so much Rebecca.and i have a quest ion how i can make my speaking,
thanks for your support
Thaank you soo muuch Rebecca seriously you are the best teacher !!
Really im from Arabic and your lessons is helped me alot to improve my English
So thank you so much
Keep Doing the good work :) !!
Sorry there is a mistake :P
im Arabic **
Thank you Rebecca
I am from Yemen , When I listen To your lessons I feel I’m drinking water.
Thank you Rebecca for your lesson
thank u rebeka,i like your way to give lessons very simple but very interesting,you are just great;go on i like you so much
Thank you Rebecca!
Thank you so much, Rebecca!
Thaaaank you very very much
Thank you, Rebecca!!!
Hi Jane! I´m an advanced level student. Would you like talking and practice with me? See you.
Hi dear Rebecca,can you please explain to me this sentences
((I look forward to meet you.
I look forward to meeting you.))
I can not undrestand what different betwin these 2 sentences
why the first is wrong and why the second is right
thank you
Hi there;
Hope all’s well with u,
The 2nd is right bcoz “I’m 4ward 2(verb)+ing …” is an expression”.
Glad I could help!
Hi dear Rebecca,can you please explain to me this sentences?
((I look forward to meet you.
I look forward to meeting you.))
I can not undrestand what different betwin these 2 sentences
why the first is wrong and why the second is right
thank you
Sentence 2 is correct because the word “to” is a preposition. After a preposition a verb gets -ing. e.g. I’m used to getting up early.
Thanks teacher this lesson it is important for children and begginer person but still i intersten that lesson
you are a great teacher
Thanks a lot for such a nice topic and the way you have taught.
it was helpful. Thanks!
thx, very useful
thank you very much for your time. am very happy to learn with you.
perfect, thank you so much
Thank you a lots the lesson was easy
Ok, thanks for one more lession. It’s a very tasty way to learn.
Sorry, I mean lesson.
thank you Rebecca for this useful lesson.
Thanks for explaination.
I am so glad, while I waching your lesson with friends
thank very much,your lesson very usefull. could I have some lesson from mr. jon & ms.Emma pleas? if can then send them to my e-mail
nice lesson
Thank you Rebecca!!! I think from now on I know how to apologize in different situations.
I really love this lesson, thanks a lot
Thanks you so much Rebecca.
yhank rebeca
is a good teacher
Very informative one. Thanks Rebecca. God bless you
I am from India and m first hit in this site. Thank u very much and I am reccomading this site to my daughter
Thank you very much for lesson )
You really doing great job .we need your explanation for each lessons . Thank you so much
it is very helpful to improve my level in english. thanks.
thank you so much.
thank you…see you
nice one g
important lesson i like it so much thank you Rebecca
thank you teacher
thank you
thank you so much, its very useful to me.
Great lesson , Thanks a lot teacher
6 out of 6.. Thanks a lot! :)
What´s up in the question number 4 I´ve got a mystake , but if i have a conversation about my friend its probably that lenguage, its very common or no formal , could you answer me or tellme whats the diference? or why informal aswer in this case ,about friends its no the correct answer , like always thanks Rebecca I apreciate all the material that you include in class
Hi Albert,
If you get mad with one of your friends and you shout to him/her, the best way to fix that “issue” is saying “I’m sorry”. I think saying “whats up” doesn’t mean you regret.
thank u rebecca u are nice teacher.
Nul doute vous avez un talent remarquable pour l’enseignement.
Thanks a lot
can you tell me what do English people say when someone dies (to his relatives)
is it just I am sorry for your loss or there are other common expressions? and what would be their response? please someone answers me , thanks.
Thanks a lot , its a very beneficial lecture, Good work please keep it up
Love it!! As usual your classes are fantastic!
thank u Rebecca wish ya all da best
thank you. she helps me know clearly what I have ever said before
Thank you Rebecca for your lesson.
Wonderful lesson. I learned how to say “Sorry” to other, it’s necessary for our better life.
thanks a lot’s very necessary for us.
Thank you Rebecca!
thank you
thank you so much rebecca for all that
thank you so much rebecca for all of that
thank you very much rebeca
I got full mark. Thank you, Rebecca!
I don’t like apologizing because you did something not nice. On my 2012 birthday, I bumped into a girl in 6th grade named “Ashley” who plays with her glasses a lot. My helper was “Mrs. Friedman.” She told me to apologize to Ashley, but I would not, so I wrote down why I don’t like apologizing. When I wrote, I misdefined, “apologize.” I thought that it meant “you did something wrong,” but it means “you did something bad” like bumping into someone.
hi rebecca
you are so helpful , thank you so much, this lesson made things so clear for me .
All the 7 teachers r excellent. may God bless u all. I want to know why is there difference between the pronunciation of but and put. Please answer. If possible e-mail this answer at Thanks.
thank you
Thank you Rebecca. I really like the way you teach.
verry good
Thank you for this lesson,Rebecca.Now I know to how to say sorry in different way and also how to respond to it.
thank you so much, I saw that you write apologise this way and “ao
pologize” that way!, Sorry but don’t undrestand the diferece betwen? thank you again.
Thank you Rebecca!
That was a nice lesson .
Thank you teacher .
thanks you very much!
thank you rebecca
¡Wonderful job Envid! Many people around the world, have improved the knowledge of the English language, me included. Thanks a lot for that.I hope this program will continue for ever. Regards to Ronnie, Rebeca and to the rest of execellet teacher.
thx now i can spell the word i need thx a lot for your lessonn god bless you
Thank you, Rebecca. Your lesson is interesting.
I’ve learned a lot from you.
Thanks Rebecca. I learned a lot form you, too.
This lecture is so useful for polite person to show their kindness.
Thanx for helping us learning more Rebecca. We really appreciate what u did for us! Thank you and thank you very much. I wouldnt know about 5 ways to apologize without u. I hope you will read this comment, Thank you
Thanks a lot. You’re great!
Thank you for wonderful English lesson…
Thanks for your lessons. They´re very usefull to me.
Thanks a lot! I’ve learned a lot in your site.
Thanks a lot !
wo0o0o000o0w I got 100%
I’m sorry about the notice. Please, add little more information about sympathy to the wall :)
Thanks Rebecca! I wish you all the best in your doing here.
thnxxxxxx this is the best for practice…
igot 100 points
thanks for this lesson.
bravo!!! I got 100 :D:D:D
thank you verymuch
Thank you teacher for the useful lesson!!!!!
its vary nice explication how to say sorry i like it so much thanks for that Rebecca mam…
What a nice exposure !
Many thanks Ms Rebecca I have understood each word I hear from you so I got full mark honestly you are very good teacher
thank you for you lesons .It is very helpful.
Thank you
i want you help me in the gramma cause i need to speak english fluent and i know that you are the person i had been waiting for writte me please thanks
thank you
Thank you so much.
Wow awesome, after i watch the video, i do quiz, do you know the result i get 6
Thanks :)
I like this lesson thank you teacher rebeca
can we use
“don’t need to apologise”
instead of “no need to apologise”
thank you teacher rebecca igot 100.
Thank you so much for doing well
thank you so much
Thanks a lot to help us.
im very thankful to u
I just today discovered these lessons it’s just adorable , I feel about missing lessons like I lost part of my life. Thank very much for your wonderful work.
thanks rebicca for teaching me
I love all your videos. Thank you!
I apologize you do not understand something
Thanks Rebicca , I’m the elder student in your class , and the most thankful
thank you
Thank you so much Rebecca
your lessons are very useful
thank you about the lesson.
Hi, I just wanna say Thank You so much for the lessons. God bless to all engvid team !
Dear Rebecca, you are teaching us the proper reaction . Thank you.
Dear Mam, How can i say if i didnt understand what the other person said to me. what can i say politely to repeat what he said .
Say, “Pardon?” It’s like “What (did you say)?” but sounds more polite.
I´m really enjoying these class! Thank you Rebeca!
Tanks all the teachers!
Lecture about The difference between ‘sorry about’ and ‘sorry for’ is extremely easy to understand.
At first,I thought this video was too easy..
But, at last, I could understand this video is greatest in this world.
Please continue your great acitivity.
Hello Ms. Rebecca,
I got 6 correct out of 6, special thanks for you as you learned me new things.
Hope to support me as I want to improve my English skills.
Do you know site can test my English level ?
King Regards,
Amr Aboul Enein
thank you do’s a great lesson.
surely going to use these ways
thanks alot ♥
I really got benefit from it!thanks Rebecca that is a great job! :)
hi, thanks for the lesson, I have a question about it, It is apologize or apologise? you have both in the lesson.. I think is Apologize.. thanks
Thank you very much! Your tips are always useful.
Thank you very much. your lesson is very good to me
thank you my teacher Rebecca you are great in ways of talking.
100% again! yes!! =D
Thanks Rebecca.
Hi Rebecca! My quiz score was 100%. Ya~y! I did it :D Also I’ve just said “sorry” or “so sorry”. I knew really sorry, extremely sorry, deeply sorry etc… at the first time. Thank you ;) They are different from the emotions and environments, aren’t they?
Can I ask a few question? Have you ever used deeply sorry,””really sorry” and so on? How often do you usually use “Sorry”? I’m not kidding you. I’m serious.
I’d heard that people didn’t use it so much, and instead of it, “Excuse me” or “Pardon.” Because “sorry” is deep emotion (as you know). I’d heard if I used “sorry” so much, I would be accused for something. Were they kidding me? Anyway I’m confused. Thank you :)
Thanks Rebecca
Thanx Rebecca, I got hundred percent!!!
Thank you Rebecca.
your lesson is very easy to understand!
It was good experience
Thank you, Rebecca!
Can anyone suggest any website where anyone can practice speaking free of cost or any other related site
I had 83.thanks Rebbeca
I like this website.
I got 10 out of 10!! Thank you so much! Now I know difference between “Sorry for” and “Sorry about”!
thank you so much
Thanks 6/6
I am salar from iranian. one of the my best wish learn and speak english very soon. but i dont khnow how? my dear and my best teacher please help me. Thank you very much Rebecca.
It’s really interesting to know different ways of saying sorry.
thank you,Rebecca
I enjoy that
Good lession.
Thank Rebecca
Thanks got 83%.
this lesson very amazing.I’m so excited
Thank you much for the lesson I got perfect score.
Tnx Rebecca, you’re a great teacher!
Thank u Reecca
Thanks Rebecca! I got 85% :)
Thank oyu.Sorry,thank you.
Thanks Rebecca!SO useful.
thanks … !!!
I think that lesson will help me apologizing correctly. Thank you Rebecca for teaching us how to express regret in a proper way. Thank you for the tips about the tone of the voice.
I love the lesson
Very useful !
Hey guys, if you want to improve your english at skype, please add me!
Dear Rebecca,
Thank you for this lesson about apologies which clarifies the use of daily expressions.
Best regards.
Thank you for this great lesson.
Great job for special lesson.
Hey could you send me your watsapp no plz because u r taking English so that’s why I’m taking this purpuse.
pleas, could you tell me the expression that the teacher said in 6:30 min? something with “well”. Thanks in advance!
Thank you.
Very very useful lesson. Thank you.
Thank you ms Rebecca.
i am extremely sorry , I don’t know how to thank you for your explaination
Thank you very much for your lesson.
5/6 wrong was about crowded street.
what means huh, Is it “emotion” word?
thanks a lot
Yey, thanks…
it’s useful.
Very useful I agree, thanks a lot Rebacca.
Thank you Rebecca
I got 100! Thank you for the lesson!
thanks Rebecca.
I got 6 correct out of 6
You got 5 correct out of 6.
As usual, Rebecca, your course has really been refreshing.
Good job Rebecca, you are the best!
Thank you Rebecca, very easy to understand??
thank you Rebecca for all your lessons its so beneficet for us.
Thanks Rebecca thats so very clearly for my students.
6/6. Rebecca, thanks a lot for all you doing for students! So sorry that i didn`t have such wonderful teacher like you are when i was a child.
Hi Alena! greetings from Argentina. I´d want to know if you´d like talking with me to practice and improve our english. And, why not, to be friends. See you.
I’m really appreciated regarding this matter thank you Rebecca for teaching us clearly
Teacher Rebecca thanks, you are very fastastic.
very good lesson,thank you!
I like this video, I learned a lot, Thanks :)
Thank you, Rebecca, for your best video lesson,
but I’m sorry I can not attend a class every day.
Thanks dear ?
sorry seems to be the hardest word!
Thank you Rebecca, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 27Sept2021);
I watched this video twice on December 03, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got five correct out of 6.
I got 5/6.
Thank you!
Very good teacher! Thank you!