Welcome to Covent Garden, London. I’m going to show you around and tell you what I know about this famous neighbourhood. Covent Garden is a popular place for tourists to visit in London, so I thought you’d like to see it. Native Londoners (like me) also go to Covent Garden just to walk around and to soak up the atmosphere.
Join me as we learn about how this area was in the old days. I will tell you a little bit about the history of London—how Covent Garden once used to be a very poor area and was considered to be a slum. You can now see how different it is—there are many theatres and expensive shops. I wonder what it would have been like to be a flower seller in Victorian London.
I had fun making this video for you—hope you enjoy it!
nice visiting the old london .
my skype_id is dev.pra .if anyone want to practice English i’m interested in .
I’ll add you there…
yes dear i am interest to talk with you online through Skyp
Learning a foreign language also means knowing about its culture.
Frankly speaking, this is the first time that I hear about this place, Convent Garden.
Thanks for sharing this video Jade.
ok. me i will search you username on skype when im on line , remember me if i contact you..regards
Thanks jade I interesting in your torn through london.
Great unusual lesson, nice tour. Thanks Jade!
Quite interesting. Keep it going.
Yes devandra I want to practice english. Can u tell me which time u will b available on Skype.
everytime .
im new one on english-vid, are you available for chating?
Different lesson, congratulation
AMAZING video Jade! Please, do more videos like this. Next year I’ll be there in London!
I wanna marry you <3 <3
I will visit London after watching your video; It is very interesting and informative;
Thanks a lot! Have a nice day!
Thank you so much for your time!
nice video
Thank you Jade. I wish I’d go to London someday :)
night London is more fascinating, especially when you walk around Jamaican drug dealers…….I even Love london more than fucking Moscow where there’s racism and unpolite n disrespect people… In Uk people are awesome…..THIS IS THE PLACE THAT’s WORTH TO BE VISITED!!! my advice…
Abdel Said
lol!!!! you are an lucky man traveling so many famous places around the world!! hope one day i could visit Covent Garden. you have to agree that it would be very interesting if we have a guider as Jade! so beautiful she is!!!
Nguyen Van Hau
Thank you Jade for your endeavoring to teach English. But I don’t know why it is not easy for me to understand your accent.
Lovely vid,Thank you!
Thanks a lot dear Jade ! It’ a great idea this short movie around old London. I get 100 :)) Thank you !
In 2:33 you say: It’s London poorest “slub”. What word is that? Is like a region of city?
Julio Lapertosa
The word’s actually slum. A slum is a very poor, over-crowded neighbourhood. Elsewhere, slums might be called favelas, barrios, ghettos, or shanty towns.
engVid Moderator
Ohh! When i did the Quiz i saw the response for my question. You say slum, and this mean “favela”, right? Nice entertaining video and you are beautiful and nice Jade. Thanks.
Julio Lapertosa
Thanks Jade.
This video was nice…Your accent is really strong, but i prefer british English.
Awesome city.
Jade, please make more videos like this one.
Thanks Jade. But I think it is not easy.
It’s a great idea to take a tour around London,looking forward to see other areas of London , thank you Jade :)
That’s an amazing place, thanks for the lesson ^^ .
Skype: bruno_-henrik ✌
hi there. are you still interested in practising english? ainda quer praticar inglês? eu falo bem kk
Thank you. Wish there was a subtitle for this beautiful video!
Thank you Sweety Jade <3
ı want to conversatıon in here but ı dont know
thank you Jade ,I like your video it’s so interesting, :) ,and you Devendra ,I realy want to practice my English ,so accepte my reqest if u don’t mind , M Skaype is ( Soufaine.Samy2 ) okay ,
it’s nice to short sight og London. Thank you so much Jade.
Nice place!
nice video, nice teacher, nice city. thank you so much
Thank you Jade
Thank you!
The Noble Knight
thanks Jade. i want to practice my english. anybody want to talk with me in skype? my ID arinmaulidy. thanks
siak aez
I would like see more of London,
please show a litter bit more.
Nice lesson, I love coffee shops
Thank you Jade. I found the video was very very interesting. I hope you to show another soon.
thanks jade
useful lesson, if I visit London one day, I will absolutely visit Covent Garden
That’s awesome ! thanks Jade
I enjoyed listening to Jade and her tour around London .
I love London and wish to visit it sooner ,
any one is interested in practicing English , my email is stated below:
A very interesting video! Thanks Jade! I want to know London someday.
Valderí Andrade
great video, but I think that I must learn english very hard
Thanks for the 2nd tour in london..Benjamin visited to London English school last time. This time Ms.jade been to london..Charles dickens is famous author ..His story Oliver are still in school text books in India…convet garden buildings resembles me the old buildings in India where british people left those buildings in India in 1950’s..
Deepak workaholic
very nice
keep going…..make sum other places like tis….its bit different apart from seeing other welcome videos of london
gova sugan
that is amazing As if i have gone to London city
Thanks Jade,it’s great lesson
really exciting. it’s like being there )))
6/7. that’s ok for a score.
By the way, at the time (Victorian days), wasn’t Jack the Ripper, a inhabitant of that block?
Jorge Pedroso
That’s a very cool idea to show a city. I’d like to see more lessons like that!
This is a very special lesson that no one has used before,I like this lesson very much,very useful and interesting!
it is very different video. Great idea to teach English. I like it a lots. I hope all teacher will do video like this, it will be very interesting.Thank you.
Oh!! I just travel around London for 2 weeks at mid of November. And the nearl’s yard is one of my must-to-go list,but I did’n do it… It’s look so nice~
Thank you for introducing London.
I have gotten 71%. And this first time I see this vedio, so that’s great for me to get this mark, and that is mean I understood what you had said in your vedio, :) also I didn’t saw the subtitle just I depended on hearing. Even I am weak in listening. But I am glad. ;)
good my dear friend. keep it up
bhuvnesh kumar
My skype is minhtuanxd.
are conneccted frecuently mr. minhtuanxd. ? im willing to chat in english as most as i can…reply we can be chating once in a while and share culture information. im from mexico
Nice video…keep on making like this videos
Thank you, got 43% without watching.
Abdul Qayum
Hey Jade,
Thanks for virtual tour of Covent Garden.
I got 6 out of 7.
Nice Video.
Vinod Hire
Thanks, i got 7 out of 7
Tha k you
Dearest Prof. Jade,
I should like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a flourishing happy New year. It is important that it should be friendly and loving. I am so glad to know you, wonderful teacher. I pay my respect to you. Briklend
Briklend Handersson
Interest lesson
very cool.
Ops… I made a mistake. “Someday I want to visit London”. This is correct!
Valderí Andrade
Thank you, Jade. its very usefull and enteresting video.
Very interesting video. A good exercise for listening and, at same time, an extremely nice tour.
Rodrigo Vianna
Thank youuuuuu!!!!!
Can i know your SKype or Whatsapp ID ? i am also interested to learn Thai.
Eric Chan
Jade,, ummm…I have a question….
How old are you ? :)
it is interesting video,if i have chance ,i will go to london. when i see your video ,i saw london is the best place to visit. by the way ,my face is leenguyen(leomes232001@yahoo.com) ,can anyone practice speaking with me .
TKANS! Ilove London!
Nargiz Azimova
the good thing is, I got 100 out of 100…,
Wow, what a nice lesson, Jade! I wish you could make more lessons like this, showing a few of London to us!I just loved this video! Thank you! :)
Nice london tour thankx engvid
hello everyone,
i am bhuvnesh kumar . i stay in mumbai, india. recently i joined engvid and i watched some stuff and read comments on videos. really its so exciting. but guys as we know without comunication we can’t improve our comunication skill
so guys here i am happy to share my contact to everyone .Plz add me on viber and watapp.
bhuvnesh kumar
First of all I would like to tell you thank you so much for this different and pretty nice video.May I ask you to make more video like this that would be from different places and cultures if it is possible?
All my best to you
Great video. Your English is very clear.
dear jade
merry Christmas
have a good time with your family
Thank you Jade.I enjoyed your video
sofiane ofiane
Dear madem
I am beganing to learn English. And I am confuse how I strat first subject. Please help me how I start
Thanks ya!I wish to visit London once in my life
tks for teaching English, Happy new year teacher!
I very enjoy this video. I want to visit London and to see Covent Garden by my eyes. Thank you so much Jade! You are a great teacher!
Sunny London is brilliant like you. Tank you :)
Sorry, Jade, but “barrio” it doesn’t mean favela or slum in spanish.
A barrio can be poor or rich, worst or better.
It is only a part of a town or a city.
“suburbio”, “barrio bajo”‘ or even “barriada” can be better to describe slum in spanish.
Eh, I’m teaching you spanish!
I’m here to learn english.
Usted puede enseñame el español si quiere
Mokhtaria Abid
I sunny London is brilliant .
Thank you
Nehad alfahad
Wonderful London and great engvid!!!!!!
If you want to practise english join me to
skype: daniele.english1
thanks Jade,your lessons always interesting.I like your lessons very much.And this lesson is different and informative and useful.thank you. But i got a suggestion here for you, Can you set up a group on Wechat or Whatsapp or Viber,Skype,ect.. so give our learners a better chance to communicate with you and each other.Is that feasible or possible?
Eric Chan
what is your name in the skype؟ I YAZID BATRO
Is there anybody whose first language is English ? Please send email me to ericchan.tg@gmail.com. Also i can help you to improve Chinese if you want to learn.My Mandarin Chinese is in high level.thank you…
Eric Chan
thanks jade i love london
I used to live in London. I love London. Thank you!
Thanks for this Video. :)
Thank you for thi lesson
Thanks Jade… Thanks to you I’ve finally learned something about the past of Covent … I really don’t know it was a very poor place..
Thanks Jade. I am a beginner. It is a very useful information.
London is really nice place
she so cute when she sing a song.
thank for the video, i really love it.
Amazing video and simple clear presentation,
This is one of the awesome video I have watch .
Thank you.
thanks nice journey
alkhair amin
Thank you for your lesson :)
I like your accent.Thank you.
Covent Garden is like malioboro/yogyakarta in my country ;a lot shoping center/cafe and street performance.
chakim hamzah
was a great video, thanks
Wow.Got 7 Out Of 7.Isn’t That Interesting? Nice Video.Thanks Jade. If Anyone Want to Practice more Knock me here http://www.rhydom21@gmail.com/fb.com
So wonderful tour! Thank you so much!
you are a great teacher!
Thanks Jade I really enjoyed that video and I would be happy if you make another video like this, thank you so much
Tremendous! Awesome video! Learning a language must be fun, and it really is thanks to you, dear Jade!
It’s a great place to visit. :D
I got 6 correct out of 7.
Thank you so much.
Thanks Jade teacher
Charles Dickens adult film actor …brilliant (like you are afterall) :D
N. Ivano
Thanks. teacher
thank you Teacher Jade :)
I understand notinhg what that teacher say???
thnx jade we really appreciate your works
Excellent video,I expect such a video lessons jade
Hi Jade. Thank you for the tour. I was many times in Covent Garden ( because my daughter is a londoneer). One thing very amazing was Neal’s Yard
Hi Jade. Thank you for the tour. I was many times in Covent Garden ( because my daughter is a londoneer). One thing very amazing and surpring to me was Neal’s Yard with it’s little street with couloured houses. That’ a very nice place
Hi Jade. Thank you for the tour. I was many times in Covent Garden ( because my daughter is a londoneer). One thing very amazing and surpring to me was Neal’s Yard with it’s little street and place with couloured houses. That’ a very nice place worth seeing to see in London.
Hi Jade. Thank you for the tour. I was many times in Covent Garden ( because my daughter is a londoneer). One thing very amazing and surpring to me was Neal’s Yard with it’s little street and place with couloured houses. That’ a very nice place worth seeing in London.
i got 100…thnks jade for the tour
the video was very interesting. i love london!
thank you for the tour! :)
Im looking for language partners to talk English. my skype is smdcosta1.
i love london beside <3
Convent Garden is beautiful!! Charles Dickens I passionate about your books!!
Dani Mereles
thanks nice lesson!
is ther any suggestion for Indian english..
I like this video
OMG *o* Thanks for the tour, Jade!
Amazing video!
Jess M
Thanks for the informations,Jade.That was great!
Mokhtaria Abid
It was helpful, thanks.
Got 6 out of 7 good for beginner
Thanks Jade
Thanks Jade, it was helpful lesson
Mathew Martin
Such a nice place..
Sozan Elsaid
Great London Thanks Jade
very interesting, thanks
Thank you Jade a lot)) It’s really very intresting
thanks a lot!! I guess!! just guess. there is where they film Harry Potter when he and Hagrid went to Diagon Alley
Nguyen Van Hau
Excellent video to improve our English and knowledge about old and newer London. Thank you !
Sólo 57 :(
thank you
Thanks for the video! It’s amazing to travel around London staying at home! That’s a pity Charles Dickens’house was turned into a coffee shop( It would have been great if it was left as it was.
English addict
well done my good teacher and excellent provide thx.
7/7. I would have love to see the coffee shop and the pastry they propose. Any battenburg pastry , mashmallow puff or regular scones there to be found ?
I have been in Convent Garden, It’s a marvelous place, whoever will visit London must go there.
Fabio Forne
Thanks very much Jade. A very interesting video. You’re very nice also! Bye, Robertino from Italy.
thanks it was so useful hope to see one day the place that you showed us in London
Thank you Jade for the visit
Thanks so much for this tour, Jade! It would be very interesting to watch more comprehensive tour around London.
Thanks for video, it is great lesson, a lot of new worlds ;)
I mean words :)
i enjoyed the video soo much keep going
mohamed alser
nice video! enjoyed it!
WOW!Wondeful and fantastic!
I like you Jade !
Syed Shahid Ali
You are good teacher
Syed Shahid Ali
Dickens, one of my favourite writers, along with Dostoyevsky. I will never stop reading their novels. Thanks for this interestig visit to Covent Garden, Jade.
I really want to visit London. Thanks Jade!
Thank you Jade
Hello I’m a new listener in this web and I an very happy about it , I really enjoyed this frist lesson and I hope to lesarn a Lot of English with you, thank you very much
Carmen Rabanal
street performers are strange :)
It is nice lesson, informative and mood stabilizer. I would like to request to bring more such sort of lesson in order to have more familiarity lifestyle in London.It’s can really helping in understand british culture.Have a nice day everyone.
Thanks Jade for nice Lesson.
Hey hi,
I want to know which English used across the lectures. Means whether it is US English or British English.
wanderful and interesting video, i hope to see more of this one. congrats and keep it up jade. thanks a lot you are amazing.
Thanks for the tour of one the areas in London Jade i hope. i can visit London or England sometime in the future and see what else that the city of London can offer to native English speakers from other countries
Carlsson Mikhael
WOW I hope I can travel to there haha
Thank you Jade
Ryan Lin
didn’t see any moustache shop!
al willis
Thanks Jade. I hope that you shoot more like this video.
I had a chance to visit London. One of my favourite city in Europe.
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
nice visiting the old london .
my skype_id is dev.pra .if anyone want to practice English i’m interested in .
I’ll add you there…
yes dear i am interest to talk with you online through Skyp
Learning a foreign language also means knowing about its culture.
Frankly speaking, this is the first time that I hear about this place, Convent Garden.
Thanks for sharing this video Jade.
ok. me i will search you username on skype when im on line , remember me if i contact you..regards
Thanks jade I interesting in your torn through london.
Great unusual lesson, nice tour. Thanks Jade!
Quite interesting. Keep it going.
Yes devandra I want to practice english. Can u tell me which time u will b available on Skype.
everytime .
im new one on english-vid, are you available for chating?
Different lesson, congratulation
AMAZING video Jade! Please, do more videos like this. Next year I’ll be there in London!
I wanna marry you <3 <3
I will visit London after watching your video; It is very interesting and informative;
Thanks a lot! Have a nice day!
Thank you so much for your time!
nice video
Thank you Jade. I wish I’d go to London someday :)
night London is more fascinating, especially when you walk around Jamaican drug dealers…….I even Love london more than fucking Moscow where there’s racism and unpolite n disrespect people… In Uk people are awesome…..THIS IS THE PLACE THAT’s WORTH TO BE VISITED!!! my advice…
lol!!!! you are an lucky man traveling so many famous places around the world!! hope one day i could visit Covent Garden. you have to agree that it would be very interesting if we have a guider as Jade! so beautiful she is!!!
Thank you Jade for your endeavoring to teach English. But I don’t know why it is not easy for me to understand your accent.
Lovely vid,Thank you!
Thanks a lot dear Jade ! It’ a great idea this short movie around old London. I get 100 :)) Thank you !
In 2:33 you say: It’s London poorest “slub”. What word is that? Is like a region of city?
The word’s actually slum. A slum is a very poor, over-crowded neighbourhood. Elsewhere, slums might be called favelas, barrios, ghettos, or shanty towns.
Ohh! When i did the Quiz i saw the response for my question. You say slum, and this mean “favela”, right? Nice entertaining video and you are beautiful and nice Jade. Thanks.
Thanks Jade.
This video was nice…Your accent is really strong, but i prefer british English.
Awesome city.
Jade, please make more videos like this one.
Thanks Jade. But I think it is not easy.
It’s a great idea to take a tour around London,looking forward to see other areas of London , thank you Jade :)
That’s an amazing place, thanks for the lesson ^^ .
Skype: bruno_-henrik ✌
hi there. are you still interested in practising english? ainda quer praticar inglês? eu falo bem kk
meu skype é mauro.cyber .. mauro.cyber@hotmail.com
whatsapp é 11 9 8969 3953 .. vlw
Thank you. Wish there was a subtitle for this beautiful video!
Thank you Sweety Jade <3
ı want to conversatıon in here but ı dont know
thank you Jade ,I like your video it’s so interesting, :) ,and you Devendra ,I realy want to practice my English ,so accepte my reqest if u don’t mind , M Skaype is ( Soufaine.Samy2 ) okay ,
it’s nice to short sight og London. Thank you so much Jade.
Nice place!
nice video, nice teacher, nice city. thank you so much
Thank you Jade
Thank you!
thanks Jade. i want to practice my english. anybody want to talk with me in skype? my ID arinmaulidy. thanks
I would like see more of London,
please show a litter bit more.
Nice lesson, I love coffee shops
Thank you Jade. I found the video was very very interesting. I hope you to show another soon.
thanks jade
useful lesson, if I visit London one day, I will absolutely visit Covent Garden
That’s awesome ! thanks Jade
I enjoyed listening to Jade and her tour around London .
I love London and wish to visit it sooner ,
any one is interested in practicing English , my email is stated below:
professor i will send you an email, mine is englishchat40@hotmail.com
Thanks you
thank you * without s
thang you i would like the 85
Thanks Jade!!! for this useful lesson!!!
thank you it was great lesson
A very interesting video! Thanks Jade! I want to know London someday.
great video, but I think that I must learn english very hard
Thanks for the 2nd tour in london..Benjamin visited to London English school last time. This time Ms.jade been to london..Charles dickens is famous author ..His story Oliver are still in school text books in India…convet garden buildings resembles me the old buildings in India where british people left those buildings in India in 1950’s..
very nice
keep going…..make sum other places like tis….its bit different apart from seeing other welcome videos of london
that is amazing As if i have gone to London city
Thanks Jade,it’s great lesson
really exciting. it’s like being there )))
6/7. that’s ok for a score.
By the way, at the time (Victorian days), wasn’t Jack the Ripper, a inhabitant of that block?
That’s a very cool idea to show a city. I’d like to see more lessons like that!
This is a very special lesson that no one has used before,I like this lesson very much,very useful and interesting!
it is very different video. Great idea to teach English. I like it a lots. I hope all teacher will do video like this, it will be very interesting.Thank you.
Oh!! I just travel around London for 2 weeks at mid of November. And the nearl’s yard is one of my must-to-go list,but I did’n do it… It’s look so nice~
Thank you for introducing London.
I have gotten 71%. And this first time I see this vedio, so that’s great for me to get this mark, and that is mean I understood what you had said in your vedio, :) also I didn’t saw the subtitle just I depended on hearing. Even I am weak in listening. But I am glad. ;)
good my dear friend. keep it up
My skype is minhtuanxd.
are conneccted frecuently mr. minhtuanxd. ? im willing to chat in english as most as i can…reply we can be chating once in a while and share culture information. im from mexico
Nice video…keep on making like this videos
Thank you, got 43% without watching.
Hey Jade,
Thanks for virtual tour of Covent Garden.
I got 6 out of 7.
Nice Video.
Thanks, i got 7 out of 7
Tha k you
Dearest Prof. Jade,
I should like to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a flourishing happy New year. It is important that it should be friendly and loving. I am so glad to know you, wonderful teacher. I pay my respect to you. Briklend
Interest lesson
very cool.
Ops… I made a mistake. “Someday I want to visit London”. This is correct!
Thank you, Jade. its very usefull and enteresting video.
Very interesting video. A good exercise for listening and, at same time, an extremely nice tour.
Thank youuuuuu!!!!!
Can i know your SKype or Whatsapp ID ? i am also interested to learn Thai.
Jade,, ummm…I have a question….
How old are you ? :)
it is interesting video,if i have chance ,i will go to london. when i see your video ,i saw london is the best place to visit. by the way ,my face is leenguyen(leomes232001@yahoo.com) ,can anyone practice speaking with me .
TKANS! Ilove London!
the good thing is, I got 100 out of 100…,
Wow, what a nice lesson, Jade! I wish you could make more lessons like this, showing a few of London to us!I just loved this video! Thank you! :)
Nice london tour thankx engvid
hello everyone,
i am bhuvnesh kumar . i stay in mumbai, india. recently i joined engvid and i watched some stuff and read comments on videos. really its so exciting. but guys as we know without comunication we can’t improve our comunication skill
so guys here i am happy to share my contact to everyone .Plz add me on viber and watapp.
First of all I would like to tell you thank you so much for this different and pretty nice video.May I ask you to make more video like this that would be from different places and cultures if it is possible?
All my best to you
Great video. Your English is very clear.
dear jade
merry Christmas
have a good time with your family
Thank you Jade.I enjoyed your video
Dear madem
I am beganing to learn English. And I am confuse how I strat first subject. Please help me how I start
Thanks ya!I wish to visit London once in my life
tks for teaching English, Happy new year teacher!
I very enjoy this video. I want to visit London and to see Covent Garden by my eyes. Thank you so much Jade! You are a great teacher!
Sunny London is brilliant like you. Tank you :)
Sorry, Jade, but “barrio” it doesn’t mean favela or slum in spanish.
A barrio can be poor or rich, worst or better.
It is only a part of a town or a city.
“suburbio”, “barrio bajo”‘ or even “barriada” can be better to describe slum in spanish.
Eh, I’m teaching you spanish!
I’m here to learn english.
Usted puede enseñame el español si quiere
I sunny London is brilliant .
Thank you
Wonderful London and great engvid!!!!!!
If you want to practise english join me to
skype: daniele.english1
thanks Jade,your lessons always interesting.I like your lessons very much.And this lesson is different and informative and useful.thank you. But i got a suggestion here for you, Can you set up a group on Wechat or Whatsapp or Viber,Skype,ect.. so give our learners a better chance to communicate with you and each other.Is that feasible or possible?
what is your name in the skype؟ I YAZID BATRO
Is there anybody whose first language is English ? Please send email me to ericchan.tg@gmail.com. Also i can help you to improve Chinese if you want to learn.My Mandarin Chinese is in high level.thank you…
thanks jade i love london
I used to live in London. I love London. Thank you!
Thanks for this Video. :)
Thank you for thi lesson
Thanks Jade… Thanks to you I’ve finally learned something about the past of Covent … I really don’t know it was a very poor place..
Thanks Jade. I am a beginner. It is a very useful information.
London is really nice place
she so cute when she sing a song.
thank for the video, i really love it.
Amazing video and simple clear presentation,
This is one of the awesome video I have watch .
Thank you.
thanks nice journey
Thank you for your lesson :)
I like your accent.Thank you.
Covent Garden is like malioboro/yogyakarta in my country ;a lot shoping center/cafe and street performance.
was a great video, thanks
Wow.Got 7 Out Of 7.Isn’t That Interesting? Nice Video.Thanks Jade. If Anyone Want to Practice more Knock me here http://www.rhydom21@gmail.com/fb.com
So wonderful tour! Thank you so much!
you are a great teacher!
Thanks Jade I really enjoyed that video and I would be happy if you make another video like this, thank you so much
Tremendous! Awesome video! Learning a language must be fun, and it really is thanks to you, dear Jade!
It’s a great place to visit. :D
I got 6 correct out of 7.
Thank you so much.
Thanks Jade teacher
Charles Dickens adult film actor …brilliant (like you are afterall) :D
Thanks. teacher
thank you Teacher Jade :)
I understand notinhg what that teacher say???
thnx jade we really appreciate your works
Excellent video,I expect such a video lessons jade
Hi Jade. Thank you for the tour. I was many times in Covent Garden ( because my daughter is a londoneer). One thing very amazing was Neal’s Yard
Hi Jade. Thank you for the tour. I was many times in Covent Garden ( because my daughter is a londoneer). One thing very amazing and surpring to me was Neal’s Yard with it’s little street with couloured houses. That’ a very nice place
Hi Jade. Thank you for the tour. I was many times in Covent Garden ( because my daughter is a londoneer). One thing very amazing and surpring to me was Neal’s Yard with it’s little street and place with couloured houses. That’ a very nice place worth seeing to see in London.
Hi Jade. Thank you for the tour. I was many times in Covent Garden ( because my daughter is a londoneer). One thing very amazing and surpring to me was Neal’s Yard with it’s little street and place with couloured houses. That’ a very nice place worth seeing in London.
i got 100…thnks jade for the tour
the video was very interesting. i love london!
thank you for the tour! :)
Im looking for language partners to talk English. my skype is smdcosta1.
i love london beside <3
Convent Garden is beautiful!! Charles Dickens I passionate about your books!!
thanks nice lesson!
is ther any suggestion for Indian english..
I like this video
OMG *o* Thanks for the tour, Jade!
Amazing video!
Thanks for the informations,Jade.That was great!
It was helpful, thanks.
Got 6 out of 7 good for beginner
Thanks Jade
Thanks Jade, it was helpful lesson
Such a nice place..
Great London Thanks Jade
very interesting, thanks
Thank you Jade a lot)) It’s really very intresting
thanks a lot!! I guess!! just guess. there is where they film Harry Potter when he and Hagrid went to Diagon Alley
Excellent video to improve our English and knowledge about old and newer London. Thank you !
Sólo 57 :(
thank you
Thanks for the video! It’s amazing to travel around London staying at home! That’s a pity Charles Dickens’house was turned into a coffee shop( It would have been great if it was left as it was.
well done my good teacher and excellent provide thx.
7/7. I would have love to see the coffee shop and the pastry they propose. Any battenburg pastry , mashmallow puff or regular scones there to be found ?
I have been in Convent Garden, It’s a marvelous place, whoever will visit London must go there.
Thanks very much Jade. A very interesting video. You’re very nice also! Bye, Robertino from Italy.
thanks it was so useful hope to see one day the place that you showed us in London
Thank you Jade for the visit
Thanks so much for this tour, Jade! It would be very interesting to watch more comprehensive tour around London.
Thanks for video, it is great lesson, a lot of new worlds ;)
I mean words :)
i enjoyed the video soo much keep going
nice video! enjoyed it!
WOW!Wondeful and fantastic!
I like you Jade !
You are good teacher
Dickens, one of my favourite writers, along with Dostoyevsky. I will never stop reading their novels. Thanks for this interestig visit to Covent Garden, Jade.
I really want to visit London. Thanks Jade!
Thank you Jade
Hello I’m a new listener in this web and I an very happy about it , I really enjoyed this frist lesson and I hope to lesarn a Lot of English with you, thank you very much
street performers are strange :)
It is nice lesson, informative and mood stabilizer. I would like to request to bring more such sort of lesson in order to have more familiarity lifestyle in London.It’s can really helping in understand british culture.Have a nice day everyone.
Thanks Jade for nice Lesson.
Hey hi,
I want to know which English used across the lectures. Means whether it is US English or British English.
wanderful and interesting video, i hope to see more of this one. congrats and keep it up jade. thanks a lot you are amazing.
Thanks for the tour of one the areas in London Jade i hope. i can visit London or England sometime in the future and see what else that the city of London can offer to native English speakers from other countries
WOW I hope I can travel to there haha
Thank you Jade
didn’t see any moustache shop!
Thanks Jade. I hope that you shoot more like this video.
I had a chance to visit London. One of my favourite city in Europe.
I got 6/7