Every language has proverbs, or wise sayings, that advise us about love, life, business, and everything in between. Learn the meanings of seven common English sayings or proverbs and take your English to a more advanced level. If you’ve never heard of proverbs, better late than never! Who said ignorance is bliss? Watch this lesson to understand these examples of proverbs, and many more! After you’ve watched this lesson, you can go study our list of 50 of the most common proverbs in English!
Proverbs or sayings are really interesting for me to learn; you express many things with only a few words. That’s great, isn´t it?
However, when someone wants to translate a proverb -in your first language- into a foreign language that’s when the problem arises.
Thanks for this great lesson Rebecca.
I need your help, Regino. I’m confused. I don’t know what these sentences mean: “John DOESN’T MIND TO listen to Pop” and ” Mary DOESN’T FEEL LIKE dancing.”
Hi LizaKolyadko, how are you?
I want to apologize for not answering your comment soon Liza. I do not really know what happened; EngVid did not notify me that somebody had sent me a message (comment). I noticed it when I watched Alex’s last Video on proverbs and remembered that Rebecca had made a video on proverbs too. So , I went over Rebecca’s video and it was only then when I saw your comment Liza.
Here there is some information that may clarify your doubts about the use of MIND and FEEL LIKE.
John doesn’t mind (LISTENING) to listen to Pop music = This means that . . .
. . .he can listen to Pop music or or perhaps any other, for example, classical music. Either (Pop or Classical) is fine with him.
Mary doesn’t FEEL LIKE Dancing = This means that . . . she does not WANT to dance; she does not WANT to do it.
Hope it still helps, better late than never.
All the best LizaKolyadko, Please don´t lose touch.
I got 100%, Thank you Rebecca!
it’s a real piece of cake
Good for you! All the best!
Love is money
chakim hamzah
Thank you, Rebecca,
Hello Nadacocio
oh, very good
My score was perfect! Ya~y :D I like “Time is money” best in your lesson. Thank you, Rebecca :)
Hi, Happy04!
I don’t think that “time is money”. For me “Time is time”… The conviction that time is money, it’s just a “american way of life”.
Hi, Carol3139 :)
BTW I like the word “Time flies,” too. Sounds like “Time is money.” “Time is time”…I see. “So many man, so many minds” isn’t it? Thank you for your reply :)
Hi, Happy04 =)
I prefer “Time flies” and you gave for me another perspective about it. Maybe when we say “Time flies”, we link also from a way too much capitalist… When we say it, we also link time and money… But money for me is much less than time…
Thanks for open my mind ;)
Hello dear teacher Rebecca, another of your greatest lessons! I really look up to your hard work making interesting and quite helpful lessons not only focusing on grammar but also in other skills that I’m sure really help english students worldwide. I would like you to know that I’ve been watching your videos for 7 months so far (I haven’t seen all of them yet, but I will) they have helped me a lot with my english, I’m sure that I improved my skills thanks to your videos and a couple more of other EngVid teachers as well. However, as a spanish native speaker, I’d like to suggest you make a video about the usages of “that” which in our language can be understood in many ways and as a result can be used wronlgy. So please teacher Rebecca, I would really appreciate your helping me and of course many other students. Best regards from Bolivia!
Thank you for your kind and detailed feedback. You express yourself very well in English. I am very glad the lessons on engVid are helping you. Thanks also for your suggestion for a future lesson. My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much for your interesting and informative lessons on engVid. I have a question to ask you and would appreciate if you could answer it. What is the question for a sentence like: Ali is my third child. or John is the fifth president of this club. Looking forward to the answer. With Regards, Ab Kam
Ab Kam
It’s a bit tricky.
The question could be something direct like this:
Who was / is the fifth president of the club?
It could also be indirect like this:
Is Ali your oldest child?
No, Ali is my third child.
Hope this helps and all the best to you.
Hello dear teacher Rebecca thank you so much i really learned a lot of from you keep it up don’t stop
Mrs,whats the meaning of “Life is a flowing river”? is it proverb?
No, actually, that is a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which we compare two things that have something in common and link them to convey a message. In this case the two things being compared are “life” and “flowing river”. We use metaphors quite often in English. For example, if you say:
“I’m an early bird.” It means you get up early, like birds do. Using metaphors is an excellent way to upgrade your English.
My best to you and thanks for the question.
love is blind
Love is Money!
Thank you for now! Time is money ))
Thank you for your useful lesson, Rebecca! This is my first time to leave a comment on this site. I’m a little nervous :-(
Welcome and thanks for your feedback.My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca,
IS there any difference between sayings, proverbs, and expressions or they’re all the same?
Saying and proverbs are almost the same, and relate to some kind of wise advice about life.
Expressions do not give advice; they are more practical and usually consist of common phrases or sentences used in the language. For example, “May I help you?” and “Bye for now!” are both expressions. All the best to you.
I got only 80% =(
Good job! Watch the lesson again and you may improve. My best to you.
Thanks Rebecca.I got 10 out of 10.The proverb ‘Ignorance is bliss’ was new one for me.
In hungarian all of the exist :)
Good to know. Thanks for sharing and all the best to you.
Wow , 8 correct answers , i though i lose in it but i need more practice though for my exam , this site is the best , thx Rebecca .
I got ten, great for me, thanks for this big lesson
Hmmm…that’s a nice one! Seems to be warning us about people who gossip. Thanks for sharing and all the best to you.
Thanks, Rebecca!
Hi Rebecca.. It’s nice to know those famous proverbs. I really learned a lot from it and I enjoyed answering the questions. Thanks to you.. oh! I got 100. yehey! heheh :)
I got 9 out of 10,It’s was really good lesson for me…..thanks Miss.Rebecca. I really enjoyed with teaching method. keep giving some good lessons for us…..:) :) :)
Thank you rebecca ma’am! I got all of them correct :)
Hi, in Portuguese we have some of these proverbs too. Learn this is so cool. Thank you!
Yes, it’s fun when we find the common elements in different languages. It makes the world feel that much smaller and warmer, I think. My best wishes to you.
hi all,
thanks for everything,
the proverbe is verry really: love is bind,
i notice you: please replace time is money by Time is prayer Jesus !
best regards!
Thanks for good lessons…here is ones from my language ” ayağını yorganına göre uzat ” which means Live within your income.
Thanks for sharing. In English, we have an interesting one that means the same thing:
You should cut your coat according to your cloth.
My best to you.
Most of them are the same here in Brazil
I agree with you
Carlos Martinho
That’s good to know. Obrigado and all the best to both of you.
hmm… If you love someone and discover faults/shortcomings/etc. of him/her later on, doesn’t it make you love him/her even more?
*<( : ]
Interesting thought… I would say sometimes yes, sometimes no. We all have some faults but I guess it depends how big someone’s “fault” is! All the best to you in love and life!
Could you teache us a little bit about homophones?
Carlos Martinho
That was a great lesson! Thanks:-)
better late than never)
thanks Rebecca
Thank you very much Rebecca!
Excuse me Rebecca, what is promised the seventh proverb?
thanks a lot for this proverbs, teacher..
En Marlissa
Hi Rebecca perhaps my score Washington 100% I wish learn moré about proverbs. Enjoy your class a lot. Thanks
thank you Rebecca for this lesson.my score was 100, perfect.please tell me how can i learn leasenning
HI Rebecca i am the first time to join this web i am so happy to join b/c i want to know English very well thank you so much rebecca.
minas timerga
Welcome to engVid! Thanks for watching and learning. My best to you.
tasneemmohsen hamoda
thanks rebecca……i got 10 correct out of 10.
It was really a great lesson from that fantastic teacher!
Carlos Martinho
I’ve got 10
Carlos Martinho
I’ve got 10 thanks for these proverbs :)
Nishit Singh
Thanks for this lesson.But there are only 6 proverbs.
thanks rebecca in other time we need more
jose luis luciano
Wise lesson.
Hello, Rebecca !
In russian we have similar proverbs.
Some of them quite rude !
Please, go ahead with your lessons.
They’re useful and understandable.
Regards !
Good to know, thanks. I assure you English can also be offensive. Our personality and character is revealed through our speech, it’s true. My best wishes to you.
I am sorry I see only 6 proverbs
yeahh all responses are true thank you EngVid
Thank you very much for this lesson. By the way, in Russian there is a couple of proverbs exactly the same.
Thank you so much Rebecca for this lesson. In Viet Nam there are a lot meaningful proverbs, I hope that I can translate to English to introduce with people on the world.
Please feel free to share some of them with us. All the best.
Hi Tahnks a lot for this place ! This very nice class room , I understand very well thanks
The sound of your voice sends tingles of joy down my back.
Oh my goodness, thanks. That’s really original. Hope you continue to enjoy learning. My best wishes to you.
hello….lamhere, i’m from Bangladesh. English isn’t my native language. so, i didn’t understand what you said. could you explain to me what’s the meaning of your sentence??
So cool !!!
I love this class, than you
Once again one nice video from you Rebecca.
Thanks for that.I used to use this proverbs while writing essays in school exams,after watching this video i memorised my school days so thanks for memorising me that..(indirectly).;-)
I am looking forward for getting some more videos on proverbs..
I like this quiz
Hi Ma’am,
I am keen to ask you that the following are the examples I face many times there are no “MAIN VERB” (like is, was, have been, had been, shall be, etc.) between subject & object when some introductions and perusal are written.
1.Following bills raised by us are still unpaid.
3.Many cars parked at basement floor to reduce the congestion.
4.Smoking prohibited for healthy health.
Help in this matter will be very much appreciated.
In some cases, shortcuts are used to communicate quickly. In other cases, people use incorrect English!
Some of your examples include passive sentences but overall they are all missing something to make them grammatically correct.My best to you, Vishal.
100 %.Thank you Rebecca :)
What a charming lesson ! Rebecca, Thanks for your great work as always. I enjoy all your lessons and I´m grateful for your help in my English learning journey.
What a wonderful compliment and how well you express yourself in English. I am sure your love of learning, which is apparent here, will take you far. My best wishes to you, Jose.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! Really a nice lesson. Most of these proverbs are just the same in Portuguese!
Good to know. Thank you for sharing that with us all. My best wishes to you.
I get 90
Thanks a lot,Rebecca. It’s a great lesson ^^
thank you Rebecca,it’s helpful
bakhtiyar ali
Thanks you Rebecca, very interesting lesson
thank u , it’s useful :)
Nermin Diaa eldeen
thank you very much Rebecca, it is realy good
Ola Ka
may i know your personal infrmatin?
rayhan ahmed
Hi Ola Ka…
I’ll appreciate if we can make friends.
This is my skype [ ziyadmed1351 ]
Best Regards
Thanks so much Rebecca¡¡ very well explained :D
Thanks to all for your welcome feedback. Yes, there were supposed to be 7 proverbs, sorry about that. Now, try to use the ones you have learned here in conversation or writing so they come to you naturally. All the best.
I am incredibly happy for Rebecca replied my comment.
thank you ribecca
ebnat ayeshah
i understood ,If you have some time would you please teach us about metaphor.
Thank You very much. I like your way of teaching. Easy to remember, easy to aply and easy to understand :) i wish You all best.
Thanks a bunch, Tr Rebcca:)
Thank You for this lesson. I’m new here but I very like this site. Time is money. And my last 15 min was very valuable because of you. Thx
I like your teaching very much.
muok rath
Thank you very much madam for sharing this video with us.
fortunately i got 100. but it was an easy test. maybe you can ask more difficult than this.but anyway you are the best team to learn english ive ever known. thanks alot.
10/10 – And you know what? in life, you get late if you start running. And more, because, in land where nobody see, who’s got eyes is king. So, never is to late, to start learning English with Engvid. Greetings from Portugal
Jorge Pedroso
thank you very mutch for you lesson it’s interessting !!
Thank you !!!
Thank you very much!i didn’t know before if there are proverbs in english. thanks a million. hello my fellow students i need someone to communicate with me so that i can improve my english(rentcomba@yahoo.com)
Yes , i got one hundred percent!
Thank you Rebecca!
Positive vibes from Brazil!
Rafael Faria
I got one hundred percent.Thank you Rebecca.
I have to go…time is money.
Teacher Rebecca , may I know what is the different between good in and good at English. Thank you
Rebecca,i admire to you İ am a erasmus students and i will go to poland month later.
Could you contact me?emrey89@hotmail.com
I will keep practicing.Thank you.
Thank you I got a 100,!!!!
Awesome I got 100
Dear Madam
I decided to leave a comment on EngVid first time. I like your lessons very much. I have kept listening to them since the last year. But I am a bit disappointed by this one. I consider sentence order as the most basic not only in English, but I think in the most used languegaes presumably. You told us about common knowledge which every language child know, in its schoolhood, from the very begining. I aware you do it for every level, but strict sentence order exist on evry level. It is so difficult to express clearly. let me put ideas (questions) in a list.
Firstly How to build up simple sentence in affirmative, interrogative or negative form. It create base for more complicated forms.
Then one can add clauses, then add more clauses, then how joinin tem to base of sentence relatively or independently.
Then how to use clause order (especially interogative or negative form).
Finnaly how to put all that stuff in order e.g. adjectivs, propositions and so on. Of course Tenses should be added.
I know that it is pretty share of grammer, but I dream to have such a compact rules which I can build into my mind and let me make less mistakes in spoken English. I have to finish.
All the best
Paweł Mostowski (Pawel)
PS I look forward to see yours and others lessons.
Pawel Mostowski
Thank you so much !
thank you engvid,
Wow I got 10!
Super easy! Thank you teacher :)
when I listen your lesson I feel like listening my natural language. You speak very clearly thank you for your lesson I got 100
ıf I wrote wrong you can correct me. I am not good at in English
instead of ‘ haste makes waste’. we say it in turkish . if you do work very quickly satan is get involved
ıf you don’t mind . I wrote wrong can you correct me.
Ha! There is a similar-sounding English saying, “The devil makes work for idle hands,” that means “if you’re lazy, the devil will find work for you to do”.
engVid Moderator
It´s amazing your skill to explain¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡
Very good , thanks you for be my teacher¡¡¡¡¡
10/10 rebecca let me say like robert de niro
you got a gift Doc :D
100% Rebecca, why don’t you have another lesson about the same thing?
I’ve got 8… Thanks… It was great!
I got 100%.Thank you Rebecca.
Thanks for this intristing lesons. I got more about English culture.
Tank you Rebecca. I have question. Are they difference between life and live?
Tank you Rebecca. I have a question but that has not to do Witz you lassen. Are they difference between life and live?
where is the 7th one???
kareem elgibeli
Thank you Rebecca… You helps improving my english a lot..:)
Thank you Rebecca… What about Like father … Like son is that a proverb ?
:D It was mine.
I like you Rebbeca, u r the best
Hi Rebecca
Thanks for you support with us. actually i will watch again and again to study well. let me know my teacher i liked in your videos because the way of teaching us. finally i appreciate you and your friend to Engvid.
asha a.mohamed
Thank you Rebecca, these proverbs are really important because they’re so usual in our lives. You seem to be a very nice person, that’s why it’s always a pleasure to watch your videos.
Tiago de Souza da Silva
it’s fantastic method for improve my English thank you very much Rebecca , I wish improve my level of my English on your hands .( on your hands , it’s proverb in Arabic language ).and I don’t know if it fits expressions English language or no .
omar gizani
thank you very much Rebecca , I wish improve my level of my English on your hands .( on your hands , it’s proverb in Arabic language ).and I don’t know if it fits expressions English language or no .
omar gizani
Hi Rebecca
thank you so much ı got 100 and am going to work on your lesson haaard :)
It was easy :)
Thank you very much Rebecca. You are great i like your lessons a lot.
Thanks for these great lessons, Rebecca! I don’t speak fluently but I can really say I understand 100% of your lessons… my best to you
Awesome, I like your voice and expressions rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca, I didn’t know what the meaning of bliss and haste was, so, as usual, this lesson was very useful, thanks again.
Knowledge is power! Thank you Rebeca.
i got perfect, my english is better now. tks a lot Maam Rebecca.
Thank you Mam :)
Aryan ferdousi
Thanks Rebecca .. it’s so enjoyable :)
ohhh, i apperciate very much your lessons miss <3 thank you for all
Bei dieser deutlichen Aussprache, wird das Verstehen der englischen Sprache sehr gefördert.
100% :'(
thanks interresting proverbs.
Lovely class and lovely voice! By the way, I love your style.
My congrats to all the engVid staff. You guys are doing a magnificent job. Thanks a lot. Best regards.
El Linguista
I got 100%.thanks
Mohammad Maisam
I got 100marks. thanks for your lesson.
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you very much for your lesson. It would be great if you increase quiz questions, it definitely more helpful and learners would indulge in using these proverbs
Better late than never .I got 7.
Six short sentences, but carrying in them a world
of wisdom.
Besides mastering the language, you have a delicate and nice way to explain the words we
need to know in order to understand the meaning
of the sayings.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca,
Here is the 7th proverb.
“Learn a new language, this is to acquire a new soul”.
Best Regards.
Thank you ma’am for this very informative lesson.I couldn’t agree more with haste makes waste.For instance As ESL students we always want to master English very quickly like proverb says haste makes waste we should not rush into.Mastering a languange takes long time in order to master English Languange we must live with it in our daily life …
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
I got 100 too .. I’m improve my english with engvid.com.. Is very fine studing here
I’m glad to be your student.
They are really helpful . I will try to use them!
I got %80 thanks Rebecca :)
I got 100% many thanks Rebecca
thank you for your informative lessons , i have a quetion please is it ok to translate the moroccan proverbs to english or each languges has its particular proverbs
Thanks Rebecca, my favorite proverb is Haste makes waste.
winfried koenig
I really enjoyed this lesson,thank you Rebecca :)
Thank you Rebecca.
your lecture is so helpful. i really love this one. hopefully you make more english lesson videos next time
suong mai
Thanks alot, teacher! :)
Aziza Munji
here in Jamaica our fourth parents uses a lot of proverbs
thank you,very useful information for me)
Really very helpful and interesting lessons. Thank you Teacher. Kindly provide the transcript of this lesson.
Thank you so much for making teaching that much easy to us, indeed very useful.Thank you Rebecca
I’m excited about getting 10.
Thank you for your useful lesson.
Young Kyung Lee
how to Integrate them in an essay task ?
Thanks in advance
Ahmed abdelmageed saad
so easy!!:)
İt perfect my note is 100.Because You taught exactly. Thanks
Thank you for your lesson Rebecca I got 100%?
I got 100% :D
Amany Hanna
ma’am i heard that idioms and Proverbs are quite similar. is this true? if yes than how much ?
Hi Rebecca, hope you are doing well. You are great teacher because you have very clarity in your pronunciation and your all lessons are great. Thanks and best regards
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you….
M kartal
Thanks Rebecca.
Wooow wonderful! I scored 100 out of 100
Thank you Rebecca, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 1_October2021);
Dear Teacher Rebecca thanks of your nice and effective teaching which you consider all interesting and necessary cases of English student should be known and learn them.Thanks of your kind efforts.
Mohammad mostaan
I watched this video twice on December 17, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
These are wonderful proverbs. I love them.
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
Thank you so much! That’s great!
Natalya Malginova
Thanks for your wonderful teaching 🙏❤️
I am greatful for the lesson teacher Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca, you are amazing! (Azores Islands, 13Oct2024);
Learn English for free with 2159 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
I got 100%, Thank you Rebecca!
Proverbs or sayings are really interesting for me to learn; you express many things with only a few words. That’s great, isn´t it?
However, when someone wants to translate a proverb -in your first language- into a foreign language that’s when the problem arises.
Thanks for this great lesson Rebecca.
I need your help, Regino. I’m confused. I don’t know what these sentences mean: “John DOESN’T MIND TO listen to Pop” and ” Mary DOESN’T FEEL LIKE dancing.”
Hi LizaKolyadko, how are you?
I want to apologize for not answering your comment soon Liza. I do not really know what happened; EngVid did not notify me that somebody had sent me a message (comment). I noticed it when I watched Alex’s last Video on proverbs and remembered that Rebecca had made a video on proverbs too. So , I went over Rebecca’s video and it was only then when I saw your comment Liza.
Here there is some information that may clarify your doubts about the use of MIND and FEEL LIKE.
John doesn’t mind (LISTENING) to listen to Pop music = This means that . . .
. . .he can listen to Pop music or or perhaps any other, for example, classical music. Either (Pop or Classical) is fine with him.
Mary doesn’t FEEL LIKE Dancing = This means that . . . she does not WANT to dance; she does not WANT to do it.
Hope it still helps, better late than never.
All the best LizaKolyadko, Please don´t lose touch.
I got 100%, Thank you Rebecca!
it’s a real piece of cake
Good for you! All the best!
Love is money
Thank you, Rebecca,
Hello Nadacocio
oh, very good
My score was perfect! Ya~y :D I like “Time is money” best in your lesson. Thank you, Rebecca :)
Hi, Happy04!
I don’t think that “time is money”. For me “Time is time”… The conviction that time is money, it’s just a “american way of life”.
Hi, Carol3139 :)
BTW I like the word “Time flies,” too. Sounds like “Time is money.” “Time is time”…I see. “So many man, so many minds” isn’t it? Thank you for your reply :)
Hi, Happy04 =)
I prefer “Time flies” and you gave for me another perspective about it. Maybe when we say “Time flies”, we link also from a way too much capitalist… When we say it, we also link time and money… But money for me is much less than time…
Thanks for open my mind ;)
Hello dear teacher Rebecca, another of your greatest lessons! I really look up to your hard work making interesting and quite helpful lessons not only focusing on grammar but also in other skills that I’m sure really help english students worldwide. I would like you to know that I’ve been watching your videos for 7 months so far (I haven’t seen all of them yet, but I will) they have helped me a lot with my english, I’m sure that I improved my skills thanks to your videos and a couple more of other EngVid teachers as well. However, as a spanish native speaker, I’d like to suggest you make a video about the usages of “that” which in our language can be understood in many ways and as a result can be used wronlgy. So please teacher Rebecca, I would really appreciate your helping me and of course many other students. Best regards from Bolivia!
Thank you for your kind and detailed feedback. You express yourself very well in English. I am very glad the lessons on engVid are helping you. Thanks also for your suggestion for a future lesson. My best wishes to you.
Thank you very much for your interesting and informative lessons on engVid. I have a question to ask you and would appreciate if you could answer it. What is the question for a sentence like: Ali is my third child. or John is the fifth president of this club. Looking forward to the answer. With Regards, Ab Kam
It’s a bit tricky.
The question could be something direct like this:
Who was / is the fifth president of the club?
It could also be indirect like this:
Is Ali your oldest child?
No, Ali is my third child.
Hope this helps and all the best to you.
Hello dear teacher Rebecca thank you so much i really learned a lot of from you keep it up don’t stop
Mrs,whats the meaning of “Life is a flowing river”? is it proverb?
No, actually, that is a metaphor. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which we compare two things that have something in common and link them to convey a message. In this case the two things being compared are “life” and “flowing river”. We use metaphors quite often in English. For example, if you say:
“I’m an early bird.” It means you get up early, like birds do. Using metaphors is an excellent way to upgrade your English.
My best to you and thanks for the question.
love is blind
Love is Money!
Thank you for now! Time is money ))
Thank you for your useful lesson, Rebecca! This is my first time to leave a comment on this site. I’m a little nervous :-(
Welcome and thanks for your feedback.My best wishes to you.
Hi Rebecca,
IS there any difference between sayings, proverbs, and expressions or they’re all the same?
Saying and proverbs are almost the same, and relate to some kind of wise advice about life.
Expressions do not give advice; they are more practical and usually consist of common phrases or sentences used in the language. For example, “May I help you?” and “Bye for now!” are both expressions. All the best to you.
I got only 80% =(
Good job! Watch the lesson again and you may improve. My best to you.
Thanks Rebecca.I got 10 out of 10.The proverb ‘Ignorance is bliss’ was new one for me.
In hungarian all of the exist :)
Good to know. Thanks for sharing and all the best to you.
Wow , 8 correct answers , i though i lose in it but i need more practice though for my exam , this site is the best , thx Rebecca .
I got ten, great for me, thanks for this big lesson
Hmmm…that’s a nice one! Seems to be warning us about people who gossip. Thanks for sharing and all the best to you.
Thanks, Rebecca!
Hi Rebecca.. It’s nice to know those famous proverbs. I really learned a lot from it and I enjoyed answering the questions. Thanks to you.. oh! I got 100. yehey! heheh :)
I got 9 out of 10,It’s was really good lesson for me…..thanks Miss.Rebecca. I really enjoyed with teaching method. keep giving some good lessons for us…..:) :) :)
Thank you rebecca ma’am! I got all of them correct :)
Hi, in Portuguese we have some of these proverbs too. Learn this is so cool. Thank you!
Yes, it’s fun when we find the common elements in different languages. It makes the world feel that much smaller and warmer, I think. My best wishes to you.
hi all,
thanks for everything,
the proverbe is verry really: love is bind,
i notice you: please replace time is money by Time is prayer Jesus !
best regards!
Thanks for good lessons…here is ones from my language ” ayağını yorganına göre uzat ” which means Live within your income.
Thanks for sharing. In English, we have an interesting one that means the same thing:
You should cut your coat according to your cloth.
My best to you.
Most of them are the same here in Brazil
I agree with you
That’s good to know. Obrigado and all the best to both of you.
hmm… If you love someone and discover faults/shortcomings/etc. of him/her later on, doesn’t it make you love him/her even more?
Interesting thought… I would say sometimes yes, sometimes no. We all have some faults but I guess it depends how big someone’s “fault” is! All the best to you in love and life!
Could you teache us a little bit about homophones?
That was a great lesson! Thanks:-)
better late than never)
thanks Rebecca
Thank you very much Rebecca!
Excuse me Rebecca, what is promised the seventh proverb?
thanks a lot for this proverbs, teacher..
Hi Rebecca perhaps my score Washington 100% I wish learn moré about proverbs. Enjoy your class a lot. Thanks
thank you Rebecca for this lesson.my score was 100, perfect.please tell me how can i learn leasenning
HI Rebecca i am the first time to join this web i am so happy to join b/c i want to know English very well thank you so much rebecca.
Welcome to engVid! Thanks for watching and learning. My best to you.
thanks rebecca……i got 10 correct out of 10.
It was really a great lesson from that fantastic teacher!
I’ve got 10
I’ve got 10 thanks for these proverbs :)
Thanks for this lesson.But there are only 6 proverbs.
thanks rebecca in other time we need more
Wise lesson.
Hello, Rebecca !
In russian we have similar proverbs.
Some of them quite rude !
Please, go ahead with your lessons.
They’re useful and understandable.
Regards !
Good to know, thanks. I assure you English can also be offensive. Our personality and character is revealed through our speech, it’s true. My best wishes to you.
I am sorry I see only 6 proverbs
yeahh all responses are true thank you EngVid
Thank you very much for this lesson. By the way, in Russian there is a couple of proverbs exactly the same.
Thank you so much Rebecca for this lesson. In Viet Nam there are a lot meaningful proverbs, I hope that I can translate to English to introduce with people on the world.
Please feel free to share some of them with us. All the best.
Hi Tahnks a lot for this place ! This very nice class room , I understand very well thanks
The sound of your voice sends tingles of joy down my back.
Oh my goodness, thanks. That’s really original. Hope you continue to enjoy learning. My best wishes to you.
hello….lamhere, i’m from Bangladesh. English isn’t my native language. so, i didn’t understand what you said. could you explain to me what’s the meaning of your sentence??
So cool !!!
I love this class, than you
Once again one nice video from you Rebecca.
Thanks for that.I used to use this proverbs while writing essays in school exams,after watching this video i memorised my school days so thanks for memorising me that..(indirectly).;-)
I am looking forward for getting some more videos on proverbs..
I like this quiz
Hi Ma’am,
I am keen to ask you that the following are the examples I face many times there are no “MAIN VERB” (like is, was, have been, had been, shall be, etc.) between subject & object when some introductions and perusal are written.
1.Following bills raised by us are still unpaid.
3.Many cars parked at basement floor to reduce the congestion.
4.Smoking prohibited for healthy health.
Help in this matter will be very much appreciated.
In some cases, shortcuts are used to communicate quickly. In other cases, people use incorrect English!
Some of your examples include passive sentences but overall they are all missing something to make them grammatically correct.My best to you, Vishal.
100 %.Thank you Rebecca :)
What a charming lesson ! Rebecca, Thanks for your great work as always. I enjoy all your lessons and I´m grateful for your help in my English learning journey.
What a wonderful compliment and how well you express yourself in English. I am sure your love of learning, which is apparent here, will take you far. My best wishes to you, Jose.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca! Really a nice lesson. Most of these proverbs are just the same in Portuguese!
Good to know. Thank you for sharing that with us all. My best wishes to you.
I get 90
Thanks a lot,Rebecca. It’s a great lesson ^^
thank you Rebecca,it’s helpful
Thanks you Rebecca, very interesting lesson
thank u , it’s useful :)
thank you very much Rebecca, it is realy good
may i know your personal infrmatin?
Hi Ola Ka…
I’ll appreciate if we can make friends.
This is my skype [ ziyadmed1351 ]
Best Regards
Thanks so much Rebecca¡¡ very well explained :D
Thanks to all for your welcome feedback. Yes, there were supposed to be 7 proverbs, sorry about that. Now, try to use the ones you have learned here in conversation or writing so they come to you naturally. All the best.
I am incredibly happy for Rebecca replied my comment.
thank you ribecca
i understood ,If you have some time would you please teach us about metaphor.
Thank You very much. I like your way of teaching. Easy to remember, easy to aply and easy to understand :) i wish You all best.
Thanks a bunch, Tr Rebcca:)
Thank You for this lesson. I’m new here but I very like this site. Time is money. And my last 15 min was very valuable because of you. Thx
I like your teaching very much.
Thank you very much madam for sharing this video with us.
fortunately i got 100. but it was an easy test. maybe you can ask more difficult than this.but anyway you are the best team to learn english ive ever known. thanks alot.
10/10 – And you know what? in life, you get late if you start running. And more, because, in land where nobody see, who’s got eyes is king. So, never is to late, to start learning English with Engvid. Greetings from Portugal
thank you very mutch for you lesson it’s interessting !!
Thank you !!!
Thank you very much!i didn’t know before if there are proverbs in english. thanks a million. hello my fellow students i need someone to communicate with me so that i can improve my english(rentcomba@yahoo.com)
Yes , i got one hundred percent!
Thank you Rebecca!
Positive vibes from Brazil!
I got one hundred percent.Thank you Rebecca.
I have to go…time is money.
Teacher Rebecca , may I know what is the different between good in and good at English. Thank you
Rebecca,i admire to you İ am a erasmus students and i will go to poland month later.
Could you contact me?emrey89@hotmail.com
I will keep practicing.Thank you.
Thank you I got a 100,!!!!
Awesome I got 100
Dear Madam
I decided to leave a comment on EngVid first time. I like your lessons very much. I have kept listening to them since the last year. But I am a bit disappointed by this one. I consider sentence order as the most basic not only in English, but I think in the most used languegaes presumably. You told us about common knowledge which every language child know, in its schoolhood, from the very begining. I aware you do it for every level, but strict sentence order exist on evry level. It is so difficult to express clearly. let me put ideas (questions) in a list.
Firstly How to build up simple sentence in affirmative, interrogative or negative form. It create base for more complicated forms.
Then one can add clauses, then add more clauses, then how joinin tem to base of sentence relatively or independently.
Then how to use clause order (especially interogative or negative form).
Finnaly how to put all that stuff in order e.g. adjectivs, propositions and so on. Of course Tenses should be added.
I know that it is pretty share of grammer, but I dream to have such a compact rules which I can build into my mind and let me make less mistakes in spoken English. I have to finish.
All the best
Paweł Mostowski (Pawel)
PS I look forward to see yours and others lessons.
Thank you so much !
thank you engvid,
Wow I got 10!
Super easy! Thank you teacher :)
when I listen your lesson I feel like listening my natural language. You speak very clearly thank you for your lesson I got 100
ıf I wrote wrong you can correct me. I am not good at in English
instead of ‘ haste makes waste’. we say it in turkish . if you do work very quickly satan is get involved
ıf you don’t mind . I wrote wrong can you correct me.
Ha! There is a similar-sounding English saying, “The devil makes work for idle hands,” that means “if you’re lazy, the devil will find work for you to do”.
It´s amazing your skill to explain¡¡¡¡¡ ¡¡¡¡¡¡
Very good , thanks you for be my teacher¡¡¡¡¡
10/10 rebecca let me say like robert de niro
you got a gift Doc :D
100% Rebecca, why don’t you have another lesson about the same thing?
I’ve got 8… Thanks… It was great!
I got 100%.Thank you Rebecca.
Thanks for this intristing lesons. I got more about English culture.
Tank you Rebecca. I have question. Are they difference between life and live?
Tank you Rebecca. I have a question but that has not to do Witz you lassen. Are they difference between life and live?
where is the 7th one???
Thank you Rebecca… You helps improving my english a lot..:)
Thank you Rebecca… What about Like father … Like son is that a proverb ?
:D It was mine.
I like you Rebbeca, u r the best
Hi Rebecca
Thanks for you support with us. actually i will watch again and again to study well. let me know my teacher i liked in your videos because the way of teaching us. finally i appreciate you and your friend to Engvid.
Thank you Rebecca, these proverbs are really important because they’re so usual in our lives. You seem to be a very nice person, that’s why it’s always a pleasure to watch your videos.
it’s fantastic method for improve my English thank you very much Rebecca , I wish improve my level of my English on your hands .( on your hands , it’s proverb in Arabic language ).and I don’t know if it fits expressions English language or no .
thank you very much Rebecca , I wish improve my level of my English on your hands .( on your hands , it’s proverb in Arabic language ).and I don’t know if it fits expressions English language or no .
Hi Rebecca
thank you so much ı got 100 and am going to work on your lesson haaard :)
It was easy :)
Thank you very much Rebecca. You are great i like your lessons a lot.
Thanks for these great lessons, Rebecca! I don’t speak fluently but I can really say I understand 100% of your lessons… my best to you
Awesome, I like your voice and expressions rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca, I didn’t know what the meaning of bliss and haste was, so, as usual, this lesson was very useful, thanks again.
Knowledge is power! Thank you Rebeca.
i got perfect, my english is better now. tks a lot Maam Rebecca.
Thank you Mam :)
Thanks Rebecca .. it’s so enjoyable :)
ohhh, i apperciate very much your lessons miss <3 thank you for all
Bei dieser deutlichen Aussprache, wird das Verstehen der englischen Sprache sehr gefördert.
100% :'(
thanks interresting proverbs.
Lovely class and lovely voice! By the way, I love your style.
My congrats to all the engVid staff. You guys are doing a magnificent job. Thanks a lot. Best regards.
I got 100%.thanks
I got 100marks. thanks for your lesson.
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you very much for your lesson. It would be great if you increase quiz questions, it definitely more helpful and learners would indulge in using these proverbs
Better late than never .I got 7.
Six short sentences, but carrying in them a world
of wisdom.
Besides mastering the language, you have a delicate and nice way to explain the words we
need to know in order to understand the meaning
of the sayings.
Thanks a lot, Rebecca.
Dear Rebecca,
Here is the 7th proverb.
“Learn a new language, this is to acquire a new soul”.
Best Regards.
Thank you ma’am for this very informative lesson.I couldn’t agree more with haste makes waste.For instance As ESL students we always want to master English very quickly like proverb says haste makes waste we should not rush into.Mastering a languange takes long time in order to master English Languange we must live with it in our daily life …
my quiz rebecca:
You got 10 correct out of 10.
I got 100 too .. I’m improve my english with engvid.com.. Is very fine studing here
I’m glad to be your student.
They are really helpful . I will try to use them!
I got %80 thanks Rebecca :)
I got 100% many thanks Rebecca
thank you for your informative lessons , i have a quetion please is it ok to translate the moroccan proverbs to english or each languges has its particular proverbs
Thanks Rebecca, my favorite proverb is Haste makes waste.
I really enjoyed this lesson,thank you Rebecca :)
Thank you Rebecca.
your lecture is so helpful. i really love this one. hopefully you make more english lesson videos next time
Thanks alot, teacher! :)
here in Jamaica our fourth parents uses a lot of proverbs
thank you,very useful information for me)
Really very helpful and interesting lessons. Thank you Teacher. Kindly provide the transcript of this lesson.
Thank you so much for making teaching that much easy to us, indeed very useful.Thank you Rebecca
I’m excited about getting 10.
Thank you for your useful lesson.
how to Integrate them in an essay task ?
Thanks in advance
so easy!!:)
İt perfect my note is 100.Because You taught exactly. Thanks
Thank you for your lesson Rebecca I got 100%?
I got 100% :D
ma’am i heard that idioms and Proverbs are quite similar. is this true? if yes than how much ?
Hi Rebecca, hope you are doing well. You are great teacher because you have very clarity in your pronunciation and your all lessons are great. Thanks and best regards
You got 10 correct out of 10.
thank you….
Thanks Rebecca.
Wooow wonderful! I scored 100 out of 100
Thank you Rebecca, hugs. (Kazakhstan, 1_October2021);
Dear Teacher Rebecca thanks of your nice and effective teaching which you consider all interesting and necessary cases of English student should be known and learn them.Thanks of your kind efforts.
I watched this video twice on December 17, 2021, and took the quiz after watching it once. I got ten correct out of 10.
These are wonderful proverbs. I love them.
I got 10/10.
Thank you! :)
Thank you so much! That’s great!
Thanks for your wonderful teaching 🙏❤️
I am greatful for the lesson teacher Rebecca.
Thanks Rebecca, you are amazing! (Azores Islands, 13Oct2024);