How do you sleep? In this special video, you’ll learn what your sleeping habits say about you! You’re going to learn vocabulary to describe personalities, while exploring a fun and interesting subject. You’ll hear about seven different sleeping positions, with positive and negative personality traits for each one. These include: gullible, sensitive, suspicious, disciplined, fashionable, and more. We’ll have fun and you’ll learn how to describe different types of people!
That’s very good to realize personalities, but I’m not sure to know mine ’cause I can’t see my body while sleeping…
Johnny Phan
You’re right Johnny Phan, but you can see your body while started to sleeping and again you can see when you wake up :) i think you can compare two position and maybe you can understand how is your personelity.
you can ask someone of your family ^^ that can tell tour position sleeping
Johnny’s a nice name, cuz ya know… Johnny Cade…
first comment woww
thank you teacher
^^ hia wlid bladi la3lam
Uuuu Ronny! What an interesting lesson! i did not know about it, speaking of that…my sleep position is a combination of yearner and soldier but my favorite. is the first one. People who sleep like starfish and back snorer usually get angry many times because of their airflow is closed and their brains do not receive enough oxygen and when they wake up they feel exhausted.
By the way, thanks and bye for now!
Interesting lesson! Thank you.
Thanks alot!
i really appreciate… it was very interresting
Nice! Thank you so much!
Rodrigo Melo
thank you RONNY your lesson it’s so usefull
Ronnie, U are amazing??, Thank u very much for ur lessons… I’ve got 89 :) and I wanna watch more one time bcz I wanna controlling in it … We need those lessons and thanks for ENGVID too…
Hi, Ronnie!
Thank you for your lesson! May I ask you about how you usually chose the topic of the lesson? Is it always a request or you are following your own plan?
Thank you, Anastasia
Hi Repspected Educator,
Thank you very much, that you provide another fascinated lesson that rich in vocabulary as well as be aware about personalities.
Muhammad Abbas
very interresting lessen mam
know i want to change my position mam
Hell Ronnie . Thank you for this depicturing of personalites through how we sleep .
Personaly I am like you Ronnie , I sleep in every position and above all I snore a lot . That makes my personality complex ! ?
Thanks Ronnie!!Nice lesson ;)
By the way, where do you get so much information about these lessons about sleeping you like so much??Do you like psychology??
Maybe my sleeping position is fetal or log. Interesting and fun lesson! Thank you, Ronnie :)
Great Ronnie! As always
Hi Ronnie mam. Thank you for this wonderful lesson. I am kind of a suspicious person as I suspect my sister a lot. That means I am a yearned. But anyways thank you for this lesson.
palakshi nautiyal
I sleep in fetal position :) Thanks for interesting lesson…
I always sleep like a baby. OMG! I am a shy and sensitive person. But no…no…no. Everyone tells me that I am so crazy, like a party animal. My friends say : Don’t be crazier, please! Hahaha
Stephanie Lee
Thanks for your useful lesson. You are the most interesting teacher in the world. I love Ronnie and EngVid so much!
Stephanie Lee
Hi Ronnie can u tell us more about personality like what else relevant to personality lets say color …what else can anyone plz help me in that
Thanks Ronnie, I loved this lesson.. and I prefer never sleep looking up because I always snorer much …:)
marcos alexandre
haha it’s very vivid, from this vedio i could learn many strange words and the disposition or personality of people ,it’s so amazing.
Hellooo I’m Chinese too (even though my English is as good as my Chinese and I dunno why I’m here)
i’m a star fish =)
great! I like such a lessons,that was very interesting and useful)
I think I am a free fall sleeper but I find that I got the bad things about it like being nervous and don´t take criticism easily but i don´t have that self confident , anyway I am kind of don´t believe that so I wanna know If I based on science or not .
Mohamed Rabiaa
I think there is a mistake in the lesson in the describing of the position of free fall and starfish they are the opposite , I mean in starfish you sleep on your back while in free fall you sleep on your stomach .
Mohamed Rabiaa
Oh, you’re right, I can’t imagine that without your comment
yeah , you`re right .. good attention
Thank you Ronie for this lesson!
It’s a very interesting subject
Many new words but I can learn it more easily :D
What a curious topic! I´m curious now. I guess I toss and turn like teacher Ronnie, too. When I don´t wake up across the bed, I´m pretty sure I do in different parts of it and also in different positions. It´s insane.
Emanoel Pereira
Great lesson teacher Ronnie. Toss and turn is the position I sleep in. Thank you! <3
89 I’m Hapy !!!!!
This is my first test.
I feel good!!
Sori for my english :)
Anzor Dzhikiya
Hi, Ronnie. This video lesson was very interesting. Without a doubt, one of the best things that we can do is to sleep. Thanks!
Júlio César L Sousa
Ronnie! Thank you so much for your lesson.
Your teaching style is good
Thanks you, 100 of 100 corrected
thanks Ronnie !
Thank Ronnie
My viber number 01222118626 – Viet Nam
I want meet and chat people to improve my English
Khanh Toan
Great Lesson, Thank you very much and we appreciate what you guys do for us :)
Abdulelah S G
It’s a interesting video! I think I’m a yearner. Thank you Ronnie!
Many thanks!
thank you i got 9\9 it’s very easy , by the way my sleep positions is number 5 (star fish )
thank you for this lesson
I think my sleep position is a mix of all! hahaha
Maybe I’m in the tossing and turning team
I’m a yearner too teacher Ronnie.
Good and interesting lesson!
Eduardo Mattar
Thank you very much Ronnie!
You’re a marvel!
Best wishes!
Del Carmen
Hey Ronnie.
I liked this lesson a lot.
I totally agree with it. I’m star fish.
Leandro Cleber
Thanks Ronnie
Julyan Ashur
thanks a lot :)
very nice i liked this vedio ans especially Ronni the best teacher li loooooooooooooooooved you so much
hi ronnie how are you and ı wonder can you give me your email adress . ı want this because ı need to talk somepeople please can you help me ? :)
was a good video, i enjoyed knowing what my sleeping possitions say about me.
thank you
Thanks u teacher
I also like they way of your teaching :-D
mam i want to learn grammar for my competitive exams
anita pailiya
Thank you Ronnie, it was a good lesson :) I like your voice and your behaviour. For this reason i listen to you carefully and i hope my English is getting better in time. I think we have same personalities because i am a yearner and i am very very suspecting of peaople just like you :) Thank you again, see you next lesson :)
You got 9 correct out of 9.
Hi Ronnie
I love your sense of humor. And I wanna report you that I got the max points for the quiz.
THanks a lot
Rachel Dam
Hi, Ronnie. I had fun while learning this lesson. Very good material for a conversation class.
Am i welcome?
I like this . I think that I’m a yearned . Thank u
Really can`t stop smiling while watching your lessons, u have a good sense of humor besides being a good teacher… thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie. I learn English with you. Thank you very much for your teaching.
Shahmar Garagoyunlu
Hi ms.ronnie thanks for lessons , i enjoyed :)
im a freefall sleeper,thanks for the lesson, it was good i got 10/10 keep it up !
Hi Ronnie! Thanks for this interesting lesson.
I’m sleeping in the fetal position because it is so chilly lately. :) Actually, I don’t know what is my predominant position when I’m sleeping, maybe the yearner one.
Fabio Cicerre
Very interesting lesson, thank you!
Really interesting video and valuable information
Hello. I want to improve my spoken English. We shall talk over what’s app : +91 7075 239003 thanks.
Sweet dreams everybody… and be careful about POSITIONS.
thank you, teacher!!
Great lesson, Ronnie, Thank you !
I think that I sleep like a soldier lol anyway I want to improve my english so if you are in the same situation you can to add me on skype to talk about :
Have a nice day !
I really like to see you in class it’s very interesting how you can learning a lot vocabulary just in one lesson thanks Ronnie?
My sleepy position yearner???
Hi ….u r my all time favorite teacher . this is very Amazing lesson for me.
Hi, could you just tell me who your favourite teacher is (on the site) and why!
Well I’m also from INDIA.
Please answer if you read it!
Wish you a very good day or night ahead!
Ronnie is my fvrt teacher becs her way of teaching is very cool, easy and without confusing.
thanks for asking this question
I just spend hours watching these videos!! :)
Ellen Gomes
Thank you, so much teacher. 10/10 ^_^ I hope you are very well. See you, then.
Hi teacher thank you so much
I wnat to learn english
And i watch 2 viedos
I am so exited
I will watch all your viedos
awesome! thank you teacher :)
I love your teaching style ,I love your sense of humor!Thanks!
9/9. Very well thougt Quiz.
I’m a yearner.
I’m a yearner and I’m suspicious of others.
Thank you Ronnie for your lesson. I enjoyed it.
hi ronnie
i have been quite exciting when i listen and following your section.
take it easy!
Super cool lesson :)
again thank you so much teacher Ronnie all time favourite,god bless you
it’s very interesting. i’ve tried several times but still can’t notice what position i’m falling asleep. i suppose mine is yearner.
Roonnie, as always, you lessons are amazing. My most frequent sleep position is log. Coincidentally, I am easy going person, but sometimes I am very suspicious of others, like you!
Thanks Ronnie, i like the way you teach English. That’s cool.
By the way, i wanna have friends on Wechat to practice my English. This is my wechat id phoehappy
I’ve got 9 out of 9. You’re the best teacher!
Rodrigo Cabral42
Thank you, my position is soldier & yearner.
Thanks Ronnie! my sleep position is just like you tossing & turning ( sometimes I start swimming while I’m sleeping. Also to be honest Back snorer is my sleep position (sometimes).
Ali Alabdullah
Nice presentation. Thank Ronnie ;)
Thank you Ronnie! Your video lessons have always been a lot of fun!
I’m not sure what kind of sleep position I always sleep in, but I start with the fetal position every night, which perfectly describes my personality; a tough exterior but very sensitive inside. Sometimes, I start as a yearner too. However, after falling asleep, I keep tossing and turning all night. LOL
Thanks of you, I found out more about my persnality.
Very interesting lesson.
my sleep position is yearner and its description fits me
that’s interesting you know…
What a funny lesson!
I am yearner..
Yes yes yes!!!
I’m yearner! It’s CORRECT!
I can’t trust people easily
Thank you, Ronnie! I’m suspicious of others :D 8/9
Thank you Ronny! That was fun and I learned something new.
Thank you Ronnie, I am like you, “tossing and turning” because I sleep like the points 1,3,4,6.
i got 8 out of 9
yay Ronnie. we Toss and Turn. :D :P
Madhav Sharma
I like your lesson! thank you Ronny.
Susan Yang
Great!Thank you Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie. I think I sleep in Yearner position, I’m not sure. But I’m definitely not really suspicious, rather gullible. Everyone have a nice day :)
Thank you Ronnie.i predominantly a yearner
That’s amazingly true!
9/9. Thank you Ronnie.
ann ann
you’re the best
Wait, do you find out your personality from your sleeping position or learn your sleeping position from your personality? Is it both ways?
Great lesson.I learned a lot.Your lessons are
always interesting and funny.This is very good.
Many thanks.
Thank you, Ronnie!!! Great lesson as always!!
Interesting class, but she is covering the phrases.
Thanks, Ronnie! I´m predominantly a yearner too.
Hi Ronnie, It is so interesting to know different positions to sleep in. As I found out my sleep position is free – fall. It is quite true because I dislike a critisism unless it is constructive. Anyway, thank you for teaching us new things in a wonderful manner of yours!
Thanks for this lesson!!!
star fish
totaly true
It was great learning with you, but please speak more slowly. Thank very much Ronnie!!!!
You got 8 correct out of 9.
M kartal
Thanks Mrs. Ronnie.
I got all correct.
thank a lot, Ronnie, hugs (Kazakhstan 27 Nov2021:)
9/9! I come back! Long time leaving for working!
My sleeping style is yearner, I’m suspicious! So fantastic!
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
That’s very good to realize personalities, but I’m not sure to know mine ’cause I can’t see my body while sleeping…
You’re right Johnny Phan, but you can see your body while started to sleeping and again you can see when you wake up :) i think you can compare two position and maybe you can understand how is your personelity.
you can ask someone of your family ^^ that can tell tour position sleeping
Johnny’s a nice name, cuz ya know… Johnny Cade…
first comment woww
thank you teacher
^^ hia wlid bladi la3lam
Uuuu Ronny! What an interesting lesson! i did not know about it, speaking of that…my sleep position is a combination of yearner and soldier but my favorite. is the first one. People who sleep like starfish and back snorer usually get angry many times because of their airflow is closed and their brains do not receive enough oxygen and when they wake up they feel exhausted.
By the way, thanks and bye for now!
Interesting lesson! Thank you.
Thanks alot!
i really appreciate… it was very interresting
Nice! Thank you so much!
thank you RONNY your lesson it’s so usefull
Ronnie, U are amazing??, Thank u very much for ur lessons… I’ve got 89 :) and I wanna watch more one time bcz I wanna controlling in it … We need those lessons and thanks for ENGVID too…
Hi, Ronnie!
Thank you for your lesson! May I ask you about how you usually chose the topic of the lesson? Is it always a request or you are following your own plan?
Thank you, Anastasia
Hi Repspected Educator,
Thank you very much, that you provide another fascinated lesson that rich in vocabulary as well as be aware about personalities.
very interresting lessen mam
know i want to change my position mam
Hell Ronnie . Thank you for this depicturing of personalites through how we sleep .
Personaly I am like you Ronnie , I sleep in every position and above all I snore a lot . That makes my personality complex ! ?
Thanks Ronnie!!Nice lesson ;)
By the way, where do you get so much information about these lessons about sleeping you like so much??Do you like psychology??
Maybe my sleeping position is fetal or log. Interesting and fun lesson! Thank you, Ronnie :)
Great Ronnie! As always
Hi Ronnie mam. Thank you for this wonderful lesson. I am kind of a suspicious person as I suspect my sister a lot. That means I am a yearned. But anyways thank you for this lesson.
I sleep in fetal position :) Thanks for interesting lesson…
I always sleep like a baby. OMG! I am a shy and sensitive person. But no…no…no. Everyone tells me that I am so crazy, like a party animal. My friends say : Don’t be crazier, please! Hahaha
Thanks for your useful lesson. You are the most interesting teacher in the world. I love Ronnie and EngVid so much!
Hi Ronnie can u tell us more about personality like what else relevant to personality lets say color …what else can anyone plz help me in that
Thanks Ronnie, I loved this lesson.. and I prefer never sleep looking up because I always snorer much …:)
haha it’s very vivid, from this vedio i could learn many strange words and the disposition or personality of people ,it’s so amazing.
Hellooo I’m Chinese too (even though my English is as good as my Chinese and I dunno why I’m here)
i’m a star fish =)
great! I like such a lessons,that was very interesting and useful)
I think I am a free fall sleeper but I find that I got the bad things about it like being nervous and don´t take criticism easily but i don´t have that self confident , anyway I am kind of don´t believe that so I wanna know If I based on science or not .
I think there is a mistake in the lesson in the describing of the position of free fall and starfish they are the opposite , I mean in starfish you sleep on your back while in free fall you sleep on your stomach .
Oh, you’re right, I can’t imagine that without your comment
yeah , you`re right .. good attention
Thank you Ronie for this lesson!
It’s a very interesting subject
Many new words but I can learn it more easily :D
What a curious topic! I´m curious now. I guess I toss and turn like teacher Ronnie, too. When I don´t wake up across the bed, I´m pretty sure I do in different parts of it and also in different positions. It´s insane.
Great lesson teacher Ronnie. Toss and turn is the position I sleep in. Thank you! <3
89 I’m Hapy !!!!!
This is my first test.
I feel good!!
Sori for my english :)
Hi, Ronnie. This video lesson was very interesting. Without a doubt, one of the best things that we can do is to sleep. Thanks!
Ronnie! Thank you so much for your lesson.
Your teaching style is good
Thanks you, 100 of 100 corrected
thanks Ronnie !
Thank Ronnie
My viber number 01222118626 – Viet Nam
I want meet and chat people to improve my English
Great Lesson, Thank you very much and we appreciate what you guys do for us :)
It’s a interesting video! I think I’m a yearner. Thank you Ronnie!
Many thanks!
thank you i got 9\9 it’s very easy , by the way my sleep positions is number 5 (star fish )
thank you for this lesson
I think my sleep position is a mix of all! hahaha
Maybe I’m in the tossing and turning team
I’m a yearner too teacher Ronnie.
Good and interesting lesson!
Thank you very much Ronnie!
You’re a marvel!
Best wishes!
Hey Ronnie.
I liked this lesson a lot.
I totally agree with it. I’m star fish.
Thanks Ronnie
thanks a lot :)
very nice i liked this vedio ans especially Ronni the best teacher li loooooooooooooooooved you so much
hi ronnie how are you and ı wonder can you give me your email adress . ı want this because ı need to talk somepeople please can you help me ? :)
was a good video, i enjoyed knowing what my sleeping possitions say about me.
thank you
Thanks u teacher
I also like they way of your teaching :-D
mam i want to learn grammar for my competitive exams
Thank you Ronnie, it was a good lesson :) I like your voice and your behaviour. For this reason i listen to you carefully and i hope my English is getting better in time. I think we have same personalities because i am a yearner and i am very very suspecting of peaople just like you :) Thank you again, see you next lesson :)
You got 9 correct out of 9.
Hi Ronnie
I love your sense of humor. And I wanna report you that I got the max points for the quiz.
THanks a lot
Hi, Ronnie. I had fun while learning this lesson. Very good material for a conversation class.
Am i welcome?
I like this . I think that I’m a yearned . Thank u
Really can`t stop smiling while watching your lessons, u have a good sense of humor besides being a good teacher… thank you Ronnie
Hi Ronnie. I learn English with you. Thank you very much for your teaching.
Hi ms.ronnie thanks for lessons , i enjoyed :)
im a freefall sleeper,thanks for the lesson, it was good i got 10/10 keep it up !
Hi Ronnie! Thanks for this interesting lesson.
I’m sleeping in the fetal position because it is so chilly lately. :) Actually, I don’t know what is my predominant position when I’m sleeping, maybe the yearner one.
Very interesting lesson, thank you!
Really interesting video and valuable information
Hello. I want to improve my spoken English. We shall talk over what’s app : +91 7075 239003 thanks.
Sweet dreams everybody… and be careful about POSITIONS.
thank you, teacher!!
Great lesson, Ronnie, Thank you !
I think that I sleep like a soldier lol anyway I want to improve my english so if you are in the same situation you can to add me on skype to talk about :
Have a nice day !
I really like to see you in class it’s very interesting how you can learning a lot vocabulary just in one lesson thanks Ronnie?
My sleepy position yearner???
Hi ….u r my all time favorite teacher . this is very Amazing lesson for me.
Hi, could you just tell me who your favourite teacher is (on the site) and why!
Well I’m also from INDIA.
Please answer if you read it!
Wish you a very good day or night ahead!
Ronnie is my fvrt teacher becs her way of teaching is very cool, easy and without confusing.
thanks for asking this question
I just spend hours watching these videos!! :)
Thank you, so much teacher. 10/10 ^_^ I hope you are very well. See you, then.
Hi teacher thank you so much
I wnat to learn english
And i watch 2 viedos
I am so exited
I will watch all your viedos
awesome! thank you teacher :)
I love your teaching style ,I love your sense of humor!Thanks!
9/9. Very well thougt Quiz.
I’m a yearner.
I’m a yearner and I’m suspicious of others.
Thank you Ronnie for your lesson. I enjoyed it.
hi ronnie
i have been quite exciting when i listen and following your section.
take it easy!
Super cool lesson :)
again thank you so much teacher Ronnie all time favourite,god bless you
it’s very interesting. i’ve tried several times but still can’t notice what position i’m falling asleep. i suppose mine is yearner.
Roonnie, as always, you lessons are amazing. My most frequent sleep position is log. Coincidentally, I am easy going person, but sometimes I am very suspicious of others, like you!
Thanks Ronnie, i like the way you teach English. That’s cool.
By the way, i wanna have friends on Wechat to practice my English. This is my wechat id phoehappy
I’ve got 9 out of 9. You’re the best teacher!
Thank you, my position is soldier & yearner.
Thanks Ronnie! my sleep position is just like you tossing & turning ( sometimes I start swimming while I’m sleeping. Also to be honest Back snorer is my sleep position (sometimes).
Nice presentation. Thank Ronnie ;)
Thank you Ronnie! Your video lessons have always been a lot of fun!
I’m not sure what kind of sleep position I always sleep in, but I start with the fetal position every night, which perfectly describes my personality; a tough exterior but very sensitive inside. Sometimes, I start as a yearner too. However, after falling asleep, I keep tossing and turning all night. LOL
Thanks of you, I found out more about my persnality.
Very interesting lesson.
my sleep position is yearner and its description fits me
that’s interesting you know…
What a funny lesson!
I am yearner..
Yes yes yes!!!
I’m yearner! It’s CORRECT!
I can’t trust people easily
Thank you, Ronnie! I’m suspicious of others :D 8/9
Thank you Ronny! That was fun and I learned something new.
Thank you Ronnie, I am like you, “tossing and turning” because I sleep like the points 1,3,4,6.
i got 8 out of 9
yay Ronnie. we Toss and Turn. :D :P
I like your lesson! thank you Ronny.
Great!Thank you Ronnie
Thank you Ronnie. I think I sleep in Yearner position, I’m not sure. But I’m definitely not really suspicious, rather gullible. Everyone have a nice day :)
Thank you Ronnie.i predominantly a yearner
That’s amazingly true!
9/9. Thank you Ronnie.
you’re the best
Wait, do you find out your personality from your sleeping position or learn your sleeping position from your personality? Is it both ways?
Great lesson.I learned a lot.Your lessons are
always interesting and funny.This is very good.
Many thanks.
Thank you, Ronnie!!! Great lesson as always!!
Interesting class, but she is covering the phrases.
Thanks, Ronnie! I´m predominantly a yearner too.
Hi Ronnie, It is so interesting to know different positions to sleep in. As I found out my sleep position is free – fall. It is quite true because I dislike a critisism unless it is constructive. Anyway, thank you for teaching us new things in a wonderful manner of yours!
Thanks for this lesson!!!
star fish
totaly true
It was great learning with you, but please speak more slowly. Thank very much Ronnie!!!!
You got 8 correct out of 9.
Thanks Mrs. Ronnie.
I got all correct.
thank a lot, Ronnie, hugs (Kazakhstan 27 Nov2021:)
9/9! I come back! Long time leaving for working!
My sleeping style is yearner, I’m suspicious! So fantastic!