How to a learn a language — stop wasting your time with methods that don’t work for you! There is no best way for everyone. The best way for YOU depends on YOUR learning style! People have different learning styles. In other words, they learn in different ways. Some people like to hear information, some like to see an image or diagram, and others learn by doing.
In this video, I’ll show you how you can figure out your personal learning style, and how you can use this information to your advantage in the future to learn English more effectively. Knowing your preferred learning style means you can learn more effectively. You will also see that these methods are the ones that you find most interesting.
Knowing how you learn best also means you can try new methods of learning English that you may not yet know about! I’ll share with you some ideas about new methods you can try out to help you develop your English.
Thank you for the class, Jade! You have an incredible way of teaching! Congratulations! Francisco.
All of us learn in different ways, however as far as I can tell language teaching methods used in language institutes/school and even universities do not pay enough attention to this issue.
In other words, in these places students of English are practically left to their own devices.
Thank you Jade , it’s a good lesson .
Thanks Jade, I got 100%. I am a visual(45%), auditory(20%) and kinesthetic(35%) learner :D
I’m a visual and a kind of auditory learner; I did not know that until I watched this video. Interesting quiz to find out your learning style.
Thank you Jade , its a great lesson.
100. I really like this video Jade. Very useful ande clear. Thanks.
Jade.. you are the best! :)
Yazeed Alsahafi
I got 8 correct out of 10. BTW I’m a visual(40%), auditory(40%) and kinesthetic (20%) learner…maybe. Thank you for your interesting lesson, Jade. Engvid is the best for me learining English :)
All of us learn in different ways, however it is a fact that language teaching methods used in language institutes/schools do not pay enough attention to learning styles.
Is it possible to get English training in CD?
Hi Prasad,
There are lots of English learning CDs and DVDs out there.
When she teaches ,i like to study
Hi anushanga,
greetings form India! It is good that you find her lessons motivating you to study :)
By the way, I am a fan of Germany as well!
Very interesting thank you jade
Jade. Great lesson! Thanks. A by the way.
Du You explain me and others, what mean sentences: “and the way your mind ticks”. I guess I’m not sure. With contest it is like “to glue” or “to stick” information to mind.
Hi eurokolchoznik,
the word ‘tick’ is mostly used for clocks. The way a clock ticks i.e. tick tock tick tock…
By ‘tick’, Jade means ‘work’. So, when she says, “and the way your mind ticks”, she means, “and the way your mind works/learns best”.
thankyou about your help
yaser ahmed ali
Thanks Jade. Very interesting information!
Good morning many thanks
Thank you. Actually I understand you more than all teachers here
basel crystal
I higly recommend that video, THX Jade. It shows you how to improve your english skill doing that is best for you. I got 30% visual, 10% auditor and finally 60% Kinesthetic. Please, continue doing this fantastic and useful job!
Hi..Jade! Great work! Can we combine the best of each and make the best module for learning a language?
Hi everyone.who wants talk with me for incresing level ,call me in skype : aliyev.yusif91
thanks a lot
thank for this lesson
thx jade great lesson , from your lesson I got that I was visual learner before but, by passing time I changed to auditory learner because I noticed that I have a lot of problem in pronunciation and understanding :)
I am not a particular type of learner. Thank you Jade.
I think I am a auditory learner. But, when i heard lessons or news on the podcast, I only can remember something a little. How can I improve my memory skill ?
i’d suggest you try to make an image in your mind, as you listen to podcasts and news headlines. Try to imagine whatever they are describing, as if it is really happening. You will find that you can remember more this way. It works for me :)
Thank you Jade, first time i see this way to separate people by group. I think it’s better method.
Jade you are awesome! Thank u!
Thank you! Jade. :)
Peter Jeon
Thank you Jad, that lesson is too helpful to try out a new methods of learning styles.
Thank you for this cool lesson.
I’m sure it helps me)
Excellent lesson!
Excellent lesson!
And you are excellent too.
Thank you .. It’s very nice
8/10 the truth is I didn’t pay to much attention to the quiz this time the quiz was a little boring. But that’s ok because I’m a auditory learner.
Jorge Pedroso
Pretty good
thank you :D
Thank you Jade
All of yours lesson is extremely amazing
but i would like to remind you that you have mentioned in this video visual 30%,auditors 34% and kinaesthetic 37%
so the total is 101%
it’s a bit mistake or it’s a wrong
please don’t get me wrong. i am native INDIA and i am learning English engvid and some website…
i am just asking and don’t wanna put you down
please reply
Hi Sony,
It is just a slight calculation mistake. Don’t worry! It does not make a big difference and the corrected figures would pretty much be the same.
Thank you c:
Omg guys, You’re amazing!!!
Lara Lorentz
Thanks a lot. This’s a wonderful lesson.
I’m a visual learner. ^^
Thanks jada
redouane saied
Thank you …..nice
I’m a little bit of every type. So what way of learning is the best for me? All of them?
Thanks Jade.
Well done, Jade! This video really helped me to choose which tools I have to give preference to improve my English!
thx Ms Jade , very helpful :)
Jade, thank you so much! You are another brilliant in the EngVid crown! I thank your boss for getting such an incredible team and that everyone in the world has an access to you and it’s just for free!
Thanks got 50%.
Abdul Qayum
Thanks Jade!
I’m kinesthetic as you and slightly visual.
William Flores
Thank you Jade!!!
Hey guys if you wanna speak to other people to improve your English feel free to talk to me I’ll be happy to help you ^~^
Hi Dat, it is a good idea to practise your English on someone; as the saying goes, “Practise makes perfect”.
I’m sure you know of some reliable websites that can help us to improve a bit our speaking skills.
I’ contact you as soon as you reply to this post; hope you do not mind.
Death Devil !!!!
While I agree with you here, please don’t spam the comments, and avoid typing in UPPERCASE and using too many exclamation marks (!). It makes it sound like you’re shouting angrily.
engVid Moderator
Thanks Jade! I liked the clases! :) I’m very visual!
Thank you Jade, I am a fully visual student.
It’s very interesting lesson and helpful.
Thank you Jade, I want to follow three ways to learn faster.
Thanks a lot Jade! this one is really Helpful
Zup Tim
I want to know what is the importance of this lesson .just to determine my style on learning ???
mony omnia
of course.
Thanks for the class Jade! It was amazing!
I ain’t get much of it, though helpful.
Thanks for all lesson jade !!1
Thank you jade ! I got 9 correct out of 10 .
What a good teacher you are! You’re absolutely great ! Thanks.
JADE is delightful as usual! Very informative lesson. Over the lessons I got used to your terrific and fabulous London accent)
I’ve got a question. Should we concentrate on our strenghts or develop our weaker skills during our learning?
Useful video ! I’d like to practise my english and need partners, so here is my skype, feel free to contact me: queenhoudita
Oh God thanks you so much. really thanks
The future of these internet materials are going to be free for most people.
British always more polite, more cute than American. ;)
I’m so please to visit this site again.
I have again some other question which I hope you could answer them well
What is the deference between linguistic competence and linguistic performance?
What is the distinction between descriptive and prescriptive grammar?
What is the distinction between constitutive and regulative rules in English?
You are really awesome teaching, Jade. Thanks a lot! :)
Jade, you are so beautiful ^^ Thanks for your lessons.
The lesson is very helpful! Thank you so much!
Bo Cau
Thanks alot jade ❤️
Thank u so much Jade
i got 100%, i am a auditor, thanks
thank you.
very interesting lesson, thank you very much, it helps me a lot! I study english since I was a teenager and just now I have figure out my best way for learning!
Daniel Ferr
Thanks for your lessons Jade. I love your pronunciation.
Thank you very much for a good lesson!
tank you jade , this lesson was helpfull
Thank you much Jade for your advices :)
*so much xD
when i need to find somewhere in florida we drive around main streets, where to go buses ,we follow yellow cabs. we use gps by smart phone due to every house are the same structure . long streets . south ,west, north , east.
thank you very much jade!!!
Thanks Jade, it’s very interesting! :)
Tiago de Souza da Silva
This was definitely an amazing lesson. It opened my mind in so many ways. Thanks, Jade.
hey everybody. If somebody wants improve your english and my, this is my skype: Kamilos93
Thanks for your class… by the way, i love your accent :)
Thanks jade for this lesson. a am brazilian and i need really enprove my english
Jose oliver
10 out of 10….thank you jade
thanks teacher a lot , it is very good
So helpful! Thank you Jade.
It’s a good lesson
Thank you Jade :)
Mohammed Naktal
somehow it’s always %90…
Do you have any suggestion to make this quizzes a bit more succesfull :)
Wow….90/100…what a performance!
Infinitely thanks Jade for this lesson! I wish we had more lessons like this to practice much. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!!!
I am a kinesthetic learner. I wish I perfectly spoke English.
That’s is a very good method. Thanks for that Jade. Please do keep up the good work.
Thanks, Jade, I have learnt much in your class.
wow I got 10 ! thank you a lot!
I got 100% it was very good and clear lucture thank you Jade
Maryana Keleman
I like you Jade .. I have learned all what I need in this lesson.
Thank you very much.
Ghalib Bin Talib
thank you jade
According to what you explained, I think I´m predominantly a kinesthetic learner. I usually learn better by practicing. I also have caracteristics of other kinds of learners, but in general I´m pretty much kinesthetic. That´s why I decided to leave a comment in this section. For me this is a useful way to practice english, along with the quiz. Thanks for teaching.
oh really it is easy for me to do for all of them .thank you so much for this golden lesson
nasteha mohamood
Thank you very much Jade.
Thanks for this Lesson.
Turay Steven
watching film I think two type of learning
visual + auditory? what do you think Deg?
and about subtitles readers is more visual because read is who blind can’t read
chakim hamzah
THank you very much. I am from Perú and i really feel happy to be involved in this project.
Thank you for the lesson I got 100 %
I loved the test, I´m 100% visual learner.. I got 10 out of 10 correct. tks for this !
Thank you for the good lesson
Just a question: according the video quiz I’m a 100% kinesthetic learner but I’m used to speak very fast, I love to talk and listen, I’m very good to remember faces but I forgot names, and I like to put down notes during lessons.
So, am I a freak of nature?
I love it so much . Thanks
thanks alot Jade
to evry body
if you want to learn english by speaking,
call me by skype mohammad61331
my E-mail is
im the visual one :D
Thank you, Jade. Great lesson.)
i got 9 of 10. Kinesthetic. Thnk Jade
thank you Jade.
Excellent video Jade… Thank you so much for your time…!
Thank you very much “Jade”, I hope i know this site before.but i think i can do better next days
thanks so much Jade, That lessons help me how to learn better with these skills
Jade, for me it’s such a pleasure to just listen to your accent!) even when I’m not listening what you actually talk about :)) thanks for your lessons!
In this lesson I didn’t understood much, maibe I have to repeat repeat and repeat
I had 9 of 10
Mohammed Hashem
Thank you Jade. :)
8/10 :D
I consider that I’m a student with auditory style!
Thanks Jade!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Thank you Jade, it was funny for me to consider that visual learners talk quickly. I’m a little bit all styles learner although the auditory is that one I prefer but I usually speak very quickly especially in my mother tongue :-)
thank you a lot
hepi cahyadi
Hi, this is my first step in engvid. I hope it is useful.
Mahmoud Tolou
Thank you for your lesson! I am a kinesthetic learner.
I will try to learn English for actual practice.
Yuto Iida
thanks jade, Iam very happy with these class, I like very much
Bruno rivera
I found that I am a visual learner
Thank you Jade.
Hi Jade!
Thank you so much by teachings
Thank YOU!
Thank you Jade
Very good information, thanks.
I’m kinestetic too. But I want to watch your podcasts further. Thanks a lot, Jade.
thank you Jade
i can’t understand without subtitle your speak english so fluently i like you speaking english i want to speak english like you
Shams Mahsud
i can’t understand without subtitle you speak english so fluently i like your speaking english i want to speak english like you
Shams Mahsud
A good lesson ! Thanks a lot.
I love this video. It is very useful. Thank you Jade!!
Very interesting and helpful lesson. Thanks.
Thank you jade.
I am a visual learner. (-:
8/8! Thank you jade!
I got 100% too.
ı think ı am visual lerner
I got 90% thinks
Im a auditory learning and I love all Jade class.. tanks Jade I got 80%
Hellô. Thank you
Hi Jade, it is one of best informative lesson.I really enjoyed it. I am part of visual, auditory and kinetic learn. It depend on time and availability.
thank you jade. I am learning by having fun with you. again thank you
Thanks for the class :)
I took the quizz and got 100 yay!
Lady Oda
after watching this video I find out that I am kind of Introvert person. I am quite sure Your advice regard to this issue will help me a lot in order to improve my English Knowledge. Tank you dear.
I got 9 correct out of 10
Thank you for the lesson Jade
otmane abdane
Great sesson, now I know why I do or don’t use certain tools. I’ll explain my teacher ;-)
i really love the way you teach its very easy to understand
Thanks Jade.
excuse me , when I see you classification of leaner and the detail of each group I concluded that I am in between of them that to say some the features of visual, some others of auditory , some others of kinesthetic, it depends on what I learn. but for English in need some times to English subtitles to get what I hear. HELP ME!
Hi, obtuve 70/10.Creo que soy visual pero me gustaria ser auditiva, porque casi no entiendo lo que escucho, sólo algunas palabras y no logró captar una frase completa. No entiendo bien lo que escucho.
Beatriz Isaza
i’m visual learner
thanks a lot,Gade,hugs (Kazakhstan 17 Dec2o21:)
Hi Jade! Really, I ain’t learning English, I’m just trying not to forget it. Your lessons help me a lot to keep going for it. Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately, so it is. I’m not a native speaker, anyway, I hope to improve my skills with help of Jade and her lessons. Thank you so much, Jade!
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Thank you for the class, Jade! You have an incredible way of teaching! Congratulations! Francisco.
All of us learn in different ways, however as far as I can tell language teaching methods used in language institutes/school and even universities do not pay enough attention to this issue.
In other words, in these places students of English are practically left to their own devices.
Thank you Jade , it’s a good lesson .
Thanks Jade, I got 100%. I am a visual(45%), auditory(20%) and kinesthetic(35%) learner :D
I’m a visual and a kind of auditory learner; I did not know that until I watched this video. Interesting quiz to find out your learning style.
Thank you Jade , its a great lesson.
100. I really like this video Jade. Very useful ande clear. Thanks.
Jade.. you are the best! :)
I got 8 correct out of 10. BTW I’m a visual(40%), auditory(40%) and kinesthetic (20%) learner…maybe. Thank you for your interesting lesson, Jade. Engvid is the best for me learining English :)
All of us learn in different ways, however it is a fact that language teaching methods used in language institutes/schools do not pay enough attention to learning styles.
Is it possible to get English training in CD?
Hi Prasad,
There are lots of English learning CDs and DVDs out there.
When she teaches ,i like to study
Hi anushanga,
greetings form India! It is good that you find her lessons motivating you to study :)
By the way, I am a fan of Germany as well!
Very interesting thank you jade
Jade. Great lesson! Thanks. A by the way.
Du You explain me and others, what mean sentences: “and the way your mind ticks”. I guess I’m not sure. With contest it is like “to glue” or “to stick” information to mind.
Hi eurokolchoznik,
the word ‘tick’ is mostly used for clocks. The way a clock ticks i.e. tick tock tick tock…
By ‘tick’, Jade means ‘work’. So, when she says, “and the way your mind ticks”, she means, “and the way your mind works/learns best”.
thankyou about your help
Thanks Jade. Very interesting information!
Good morning many thanks
Thank you. Actually I understand you more than all teachers here
I higly recommend that video, THX Jade. It shows you how to improve your english skill doing that is best for you. I got 30% visual, 10% auditor and finally 60% Kinesthetic. Please, continue doing this fantastic and useful job!
Hi..Jade! Great work! Can we combine the best of each and make the best module for learning a language?
Hi everyone.who wants talk with me for incresing level ,call me in skype : aliyev.yusif91
thanks a lot
thank for this lesson
thx jade great lesson , from your lesson I got that I was visual learner before but, by passing time I changed to auditory learner because I noticed that I have a lot of problem in pronunciation and understanding :)
I am not a particular type of learner. Thank you Jade.
I think I am a auditory learner. But, when i heard lessons or news on the podcast, I only can remember something a little. How can I improve my memory skill ?
i’d suggest you try to make an image in your mind, as you listen to podcasts and news headlines. Try to imagine whatever they are describing, as if it is really happening. You will find that you can remember more this way. It works for me :)
Thank you Jade, first time i see this way to separate people by group. I think it’s better method.
Jade you are awesome! Thank u!
Thank you! Jade. :)
Thank you Jad, that lesson is too helpful to try out a new methods of learning styles.
Thank you for this cool lesson.
I’m sure it helps me)
Excellent lesson!
Excellent lesson!
And you are excellent too.
Thank you .. It’s very nice
8/10 the truth is I didn’t pay to much attention to the quiz this time the quiz was a little boring. But that’s ok because I’m a auditory learner.
Pretty good
thank you :D
Thank you Jade
All of yours lesson is extremely amazing
but i would like to remind you that you have mentioned in this video visual 30%,auditors 34% and kinaesthetic 37%
so the total is 101%
it’s a bit mistake or it’s a wrong
please don’t get me wrong. i am native INDIA and i am learning English engvid and some website…
i am just asking and don’t wanna put you down
please reply
Hi Sony,
It is just a slight calculation mistake. Don’t worry! It does not make a big difference and the corrected figures would pretty much be the same.
Thank you c:
Omg guys, You’re amazing!!!
Thanks a lot. This’s a wonderful lesson.
I’m a visual learner. ^^
Thanks jada
Thank you …..nice
I’m a little bit of every type. So what way of learning is the best for me? All of them?
Thanks Jade.
Well done, Jade! This video really helped me to choose which tools I have to give preference to improve my English!
thx Ms Jade , very helpful :)
Jade, thank you so much! You are another brilliant in the EngVid crown! I thank your boss for getting such an incredible team and that everyone in the world has an access to you and it’s just for free!
Thanks got 50%.
Thanks Jade!
I’m kinesthetic as you and slightly visual.
Thank you Jade!!!
Hey guys if you wanna speak to other people to improve your English feel free to talk to me I’ll be happy to help you ^~^
Hi Dat, it is a good idea to practise your English on someone; as the saying goes, “Practise makes perfect”.
I’m sure you know of some reliable websites that can help us to improve a bit our speaking skills.
I’ contact you as soon as you reply to this post; hope you do not mind.
While I agree with you here, please don’t spam the comments, and avoid typing in UPPERCASE and using too many exclamation marks (!). It makes it sound like you’re shouting angrily.
Thanks Jade! I liked the clases! :) I’m very visual!
Thank you Jade, I am a fully visual student.
It’s very interesting lesson and helpful.
Thank you Jade, I want to follow three ways to learn faster.
Thanks a lot Jade! this one is really Helpful
I want to know what is the importance of this lesson .just to determine my style on learning ???
of course.
Thanks for the class Jade! It was amazing!
I ain’t get much of it, though helpful.
Thanks for all lesson jade !!1
Thank you jade ! I got 9 correct out of 10 .
What a good teacher you are! You’re absolutely great ! Thanks.
JADE is delightful as usual! Very informative lesson. Over the lessons I got used to your terrific and fabulous London accent)
I’ve got a question. Should we concentrate on our strenghts or develop our weaker skills during our learning?
Useful video ! I’d like to practise my english and need partners, so here is my skype, feel free to contact me: queenhoudita
Oh God thanks you so much. really thanks
The future of these internet materials are going to be free for most people.
British always more polite, more cute than American. ;)
I’m so please to visit this site again.
I have again some other question which I hope you could answer them well
What is the deference between linguistic competence and linguistic performance?
What is the distinction between descriptive and prescriptive grammar?
What is the distinction between constitutive and regulative rules in English?
You are really awesome teaching, Jade. Thanks a lot! :)
Jade, you are so beautiful ^^ Thanks for your lessons.
The lesson is very helpful! Thank you so much!
Thanks alot jade ❤️
Thank u so much Jade
i got 100%, i am a auditor, thanks
thank you.
very interesting lesson, thank you very much, it helps me a lot! I study english since I was a teenager and just now I have figure out my best way for learning!
Thanks for your lessons Jade. I love your pronunciation.
Thank you very much for a good lesson!
tank you jade , this lesson was helpfull
Thank you much Jade for your advices :)
*so much xD
when i need to find somewhere in florida we drive around main streets, where to go buses ,we follow yellow cabs. we use gps by smart phone due to every house are the same structure . long streets . south ,west, north , east.
thank you very much jade!!!
Thanks Jade, it’s very interesting! :)
This was definitely an amazing lesson. It opened my mind in so many ways. Thanks, Jade.
hey everybody. If somebody wants improve your english and my, this is my skype: Kamilos93
Thanks for your class… by the way, i love your accent :)
Thanks jade for this lesson. a am brazilian and i need really enprove my english
10 out of 10….thank you jade
thanks teacher a lot , it is very good
So helpful! Thank you Jade.
It’s a good lesson
Thank you Jade :)
somehow it’s always %90…
Do you have any suggestion to make this quizzes a bit more succesfull :)
Thank you verymuch Jade!
Yes, I got 70!
Thank you very much Jade!
My e-mail is this:
I don’t have this e-mail anymore:
Wow….90/100…what a performance!
Infinitely thanks Jade for this lesson! I wish we had more lessons like this to practice much. Thanks! Thanks! Thanks!!!
I am a kinesthetic learner. I wish I perfectly spoke English.
That’s is a very good method. Thanks for that Jade. Please do keep up the good work.
Thanks, Jade, I have learnt much in your class.
wow I got 10 ! thank you a lot!
I got 100% it was very good and clear lucture thank you Jade
I like you Jade .. I have learned all what I need in this lesson.
Thank you very much.
thank you jade
According to what you explained, I think I´m predominantly a kinesthetic learner. I usually learn better by practicing. I also have caracteristics of other kinds of learners, but in general I´m pretty much kinesthetic. That´s why I decided to leave a comment in this section. For me this is a useful way to practice english, along with the quiz. Thanks for teaching.
oh really it is easy for me to do for all of them .thank you so much for this golden lesson
Thank you very much Jade.
Thanks for this Lesson.
watching film I think two type of learning
visual + auditory? what do you think Deg?
and about subtitles readers is more visual because read is who blind can’t read
THank you very much. I am from Perú and i really feel happy to be involved in this project.
Thank you for the lesson I got 100 %
I loved the test, I´m 100% visual learner.. I got 10 out of 10 correct. tks for this !
Thank you for the good lesson
Just a question: according the video quiz I’m a 100% kinesthetic learner but I’m used to speak very fast, I love to talk and listen, I’m very good to remember faces but I forgot names, and I like to put down notes during lessons.
So, am I a freak of nature?
I love it so much . Thanks
thanks alot Jade
to evry body
if you want to learn english by speaking,
call me by skype mohammad61331
my E-mail is
im the visual one :D
Thank you, Jade. Great lesson.)
i got 9 of 10. Kinesthetic. Thnk Jade
thank you Jade.
Excellent video Jade… Thank you so much for your time…!
Thank you very much “Jade”, I hope i know this site before.but i think i can do better next days
thanks so much Jade, That lessons help me how to learn better with these skills
Jade, for me it’s such a pleasure to just listen to your accent!) even when I’m not listening what you actually talk about :)) thanks for your lessons!
In this lesson I didn’t understood much, maibe I have to repeat repeat and repeat
I had 9 of 10
Thank you Jade. :)
8/10 :D
I consider that I’m a student with auditory style!
Thanks Jade!
Thank you Jade, it was funny for me to consider that visual learners talk quickly. I’m a little bit all styles learner although the auditory is that one I prefer but I usually speak very quickly especially in my mother tongue :-)
thank you a lot
Hi, this is my first step in engvid. I hope it is useful.
Thank you for your lesson! I am a kinesthetic learner.
I will try to learn English for actual practice.
thanks jade, Iam very happy with these class, I like very much
I found that I am a visual learner
Thank you Jade.
Hi Jade!
Thank you so much by teachings
Thank YOU!
Thank you Jade
Very good information, thanks.
I’m kinestetic too. But I want to watch your podcasts further. Thanks a lot, Jade.
thank you Jade
i can’t understand without subtitle your speak english so fluently i like you speaking english i want to speak english like you
i can’t understand without subtitle you speak english so fluently i like your speaking english i want to speak english like you
A good lesson ! Thanks a lot.
I love this video. It is very useful. Thank you Jade!!
Very interesting and helpful lesson. Thanks.
Thank you jade.
I am a visual learner. (-:
8/8! Thank you jade!
I got 100% too.
ı think ı am visual lerner
I got 90% thinks
Im a auditory learning and I love all Jade class.. tanks Jade I got 80%
Hellô. Thank you
Hi Jade, it is one of best informative lesson.I really enjoyed it. I am part of visual, auditory and kinetic learn. It depend on time and availability.
thank you jade. I am learning by having fun with you. again thank you
Thanks for the class :)
I took the quizz and got 100 yay!
after watching this video I find out that I am kind of Introvert person. I am quite sure Your advice regard to this issue will help me a lot in order to improve my English Knowledge. Tank you dear.
I got 9 correct out of 10
Thank you for the lesson Jade
Great sesson, now I know why I do or don’t use certain tools. I’ll explain my teacher ;-)
i really love the way you teach its very easy to understand
Thanks Jade.
excuse me , when I see you classification of leaner and the detail of each group I concluded that I am in between of them that to say some the features of visual, some others of auditory , some others of kinesthetic, it depends on what I learn. but for English in need some times to English subtitles to get what I hear. HELP ME!
Hi, obtuve 70/10.Creo que soy visual pero me gustaria ser auditiva, porque casi no entiendo lo que escucho, sólo algunas palabras y no logró captar una frase completa. No entiendo bien lo que escucho.
i’m visual learner
thanks a lot,Gade,hugs (Kazakhstan 17 Dec2o21:)
Hi Jade! Really, I ain’t learning English, I’m just trying not to forget it. Your lessons help me a lot to keep going for it. Thanks a lot!
Unfortunately, so it is. I’m not a native speaker, anyway, I hope to improve my skills with help of Jade and her lessons. Thank you so much, Jade!