The key to sounding like a native speaker is the rhythm of your speech. When trying to improve their pronunciation, a lot of people put all their effort and energy into learning how to say the individual sounds of English properly. These people don’t realise that until you understand the rhythm of English, you will just be speaking English with the same rhythm you have in your first language. Your English will be unclear and sometimes hard for native speakers of English to understand. That’s why you must learn as much as you can about the rhythm of English.
Word stress is one of the features that gives English its distinct rhythm. In this lesson, you will learn the grammatical rules of word stress. Importantly, you will see how changing the stress of the word sometimes changes the meaning of the word into something completely different!
Jade, Thx a million! Could you pls make a lesson on sentence stress as well? Greetings!
This is a great subject for a video because rhythm really is the most important thing to get a clear accent when speaking English.
Thank you very much Mrs Jade ,it was so useful.After doing quiz I had recognized that I remember this rules for a long time.I got 9 right .Thank you again))
Hi Jade, interesting topic for a video lesson.
Rhythm and intonation are difficult aspects of language to master, no doubt about it-especially in foreign language learning contexts where you do not use the language for survival purposes.
It is the use of language that makes the difference.
Sounding like an English native speaker? It takes hard work. I think the heart of the matter is communication.
Thanks for this video-lesson Jade.
thank you a very nice lesson.could you prepare a lesson for me on how to write an essay,please
cheikh sneibe
This is a great idea for a lesson. Stay tuned and I will see what I can do. :D
Hey Jade..thanks for the lesson..that was great..I have a said…”Stay tuned and I will see what I can do. :D”……What if I say….”Stay tuned and I will see what can I do. :D”….Ia that wrong…Thanks in advance..:):)
thank uuuuuuuuuu
Antonio Roberto Neves
I didn’t understand the exceptions
the stress is the same in verbs and nouns . but where is the stress in the first syllable or in the second ?
and thanks ^_^
The exceptions just sound the same for both the verb and noun. So you just say the word the same way you hear me say it.
yeah Mrs Jade I’m happy for listening
Mahmoud El Safy
I like her lessons, even better, I like all the Teacher on EngVid, but sometimes I can’t comprehend her speaking at all. I think this occurs for the fact of she being from England, and I’ve gotten accustomed myself at watching lessons led by Americans, but I make sure that by listening to her carefully I’m gonna be able to understand at least 90 per cent of the stuff that she speaks out during her lessons, after all, she takes after a good teacher!!!
Mateus Borges
You just need to hear me talk for a while by watching my videos. Often Brazilian students find me difficult to understand at first because you are more used to American accents. You will understand after a couple of videos.
No-native speakers have NOT any accent. This is a fact.
(Unless you start to hear English when you are in your mother belly.)
We sound like no native, no matter how well we speak.
But I prefer British way of speaking. English was born in England.
It’s the same thing in Spanish. Spanish was born in Spain. But in the other Spanish speaker countries people believe they speak THE GENUINE Spanish. In addition only in Spain we speak Galego, Euskera and Catalan.
Hi Jade I just wanna know that from which video shall I start learning as there are different teachers which teaches different stuff just wanna know from which teacher and from which video to kick off from ?
Hi Mateus, …so you are accustom yourself TO American English?
I think we have to get used to different accents and one way to do it is . . . Yeah… you’re right. . . to listen to the video carefully and on several occasions.
Interesting! Thank you, Jade :D
Thx jade, :)
Sharina koles
I liked this lesson very much. Thank you teacher
Thanks, Jade! Nice lesson!
Thanks Prof. Jade. I got the point that you wanted to explaine about!Very great!I really understood that pronunciation is absolutely important for English!! Yeah I am very happy now.
Pronunciation is important otherwise you can’t be understood!
I cannot understand this lesson that what happen in the lesson but I gave answers by estimate and got 40%.
Abdul Qayum
Thnak you.
Thx Jade! this lesson makes me correct my pronunciation of some words, sound more naturally.
steven ji
I corrected 90 % in this test. But I still don’t understand “polishing”. Why this word’s syllable is first ? Is it verb or adjective? If “polishing” is verb, It must stress at second syllable. isn’t it?
Me too. 90%. I think “polishing” is verb. Why not?
There is a mistake in that one. There are different vowels. The stress is in the first syllable. The words are still homographs – same spelling but different sound.
Hi, Jude! I’m sorry, I did not understand your comment. where the stress should be, at the end :)? Diring the lesson you said and showed the verb ‘polish’ has second syllable under stress. So, in the sentence ‘I’m poloshing my table’ the world ‘poloshing’ is verb. what the suyllable shoukd be under stress? in this case? I think second, but the system said I’m incorrect. And the my result is 90% :)
Hi Jade,
Thanks for a nice lesson i scored 90 :(
I too didn’t get why the stress is to be made in the syllable.can u please explain it clearly once again?
thanks for you and I hope from you to give us more lessons because your accent very clear for me
Many thanks
very nice lesson
I have learnt that ‘travel’ is an uncountable word so the second part of video confuses me a little bit.
We say someone’s travels when we talk about about the places / countries they have been.
E.g. Where did Sarah go on her travels?
Teacher looks great! :)
Thank you Jade. It was very interesting lesson. I didn’t know that before until today. I got 9 good answers out of ten.
Please, Jade. Tell me what is the different between practise and practice? If you look at the boad, you see two different ones, s and c.
Thank you again :-)
Hi Koubalondon,
As far as I know, both words have the same meaning. The difference is that… practice[AmE] and practise[BrE].
AmE=American English BrE=British English
In British English ‘practise’ is the verb. That means to do something. Like, I practise English every day.
Then, ‘practice’ is the noun. It is a formal name for an office. For example, a lawyer’s practice.
They have different meanings and different spellings.
Thanks a lot for your feedback Jade. I didn’t know that.
Thanks again.
Have a great weekend!!!
Very usefully. thanks Jade a lot :))
How many sounds are there in English?
a) 44 ; or b) 47
It was a meaningful lesson!!, many thanks.
Thanks Jade. Great lesson.
This is my first participation in your class
welcome to engvid, good wishes to you in this new challenge.
Hi Jade, interesting topic for a video lesson.
Rhythm and intonation are difficult aspects of language to master, no doubt about it-especially in foreign language learning contexts where you do not use the language for survival purposes. It is the use of language that makes the difference.
Sounding like an English native speaker? It takes hard work. I think the heart of the matter is communication.
Thanks for this video-lesson Jade.
You’re right. There are quite a few videos about intonation and pronunciation on my Jade Joddle YouTube channel. Check them out if you’d like to know more. :D
Oh! Yes. He/She It will do it, but in bold.
So annoying, boring…
Is there Internet in institutions for insane people?
But I must admit that it’s entertaining.
Please, don’t answer, it’s just a joke but I think you won’t get it.
(I meant Regino.)
By the way, miss Jade, did you know that in Santiago de Compostela, Galiza, in the nort-west of Spain(campus stelae) is there a neighbourhood called Jade since the VIII century? Well, it’s still there.
Did you know that jade is a quite dark brilliant stone? Did you know that the best pieces of jade are in that shops? Masterpieces.
Would you like going for a walk or going for shopping there?
I know you’re introvert, but you can travel. Don’t miss this exciting experience.
Hi Jade, Thanks for this lesson. Is this applicable to all nouns, verbs and adjectives? You did not mention in examples the words with stress in first and second syllable. It was included in the quiz though.
Thank you so much teacher Jade. It was a good lesson. mmm I have to say that I love your accent.
Thanks Jade. You are very nice.
I am sure your English accent is characteristic also for a person from the South England.
hi, jade what is ( pronunciation )definitions between british english and america english
alam ansari
Thank you Jade;
can you talk about ‘Hood’ !
Brotherhood, manhood, childhood, …
Mehran Sky
Many thanks Jade :)
thanx jade
alam ansari
thanks a lot jade :)))
Thanks Jade. Great work.
How can I recognice the exceptions?
You just need to learn them. Listen carefully when you hear English. Notice when something sounds different to the way you expected it to sound, and then remember that difference.
Thanks Jade. Great work.
How can I recognize the exceptions?
Jade, I do and will always love EngVid and its adorable teachers.
I’m more into British accent, quite hard for sure, but I feel so excited when I understand a British news, conversation, or any speech.
I am from Morocco, and we barely receive signal from ASTRA Satelite, so I watch Sky one, two, Atlatic, or Showcase sometimes ;)
You can watch a lot of British English on YouTube.
True, youtube contains enough British accent videos.
Moreover, a tip that I use when watching Sky channels, is to enable subtitles in what is known as ‘Teletext’
Thanks Jade, verry useful lesson!
Thank you for your lesson.
Difficult but very interesting! Thanks! On the other hand your pronunciation is still difficult for me!
petitfelin, don’t give up! Turn the subtitles on and try again :-) As a French you are lucky, because almost every “-sion” and “-able” word you can recognize automatically ;-)
Thanks for your encouragement!
You just get used to it after a while. If something is hard for you, you know that you’re learning.
Hi Jade.
This lesson was great.
I have watched another English videolesson, the first one, about introverts and extroverts.
I also have a confession to make: I’m an introvert too, thus that lesson was quite useful.
I would like to request you a lesson about the development of English Language.
I’ve found a great article about the Scandinavian influences.
Stay watching and I will see what I can do. On my personal channel Jade Joddle I made a video called BEST ADVICE – Phrasal Verbs Where I talk a little about this.
A British documentary series about the development and dissemination of the most marvellous, incredible, fantastic, splendid, amazing language in the world.
I want to say I’m a little bit addicted to your videos lessons on your personal YouTube channel.
Jade I like your accent thanks for all when will you prepare a lesson about how to organize several adjetives the appropiate rules please do it jade
Very helpful lesson, Thank you a lot. I’m sure you will add to Engvid a lot of lessons that we need,even if they seem a little bit difficult for some people but we will realize later they are good for us because we don’t meet American speakers only. keep going . I like your answers on negative people comments of Facebook page. :)
I am pleased that those negative people stay on Facebook and don’t come here. :))))))
thank you my dear jade’ it is really wonderful leson
bassam mohammed
What about correct? this is an exception, isn`t it?
Thank you for the lesson, Jade. I love your accent by the way. :)
But that was a difficult lesson for me. I only got 6 out of 10. :(
As a Brazilian, it’s quite hard for me to notice those differences between stressed and unstressed syllables.
To me they sound pretty much the same on movies, music or video games.
Evaldo Mendes
It’s very hard to understand. Some people are very good at it. For me, it is also hard to hear. Just let it stay as an idea in your mind, don’t think about it too much, and then hopefully one day you will find that you suddenly understand it!
Excellent as ever! Jade, could you pls make a lesson about verb tenses? It’s my weak point.
Great lesson, love it.
Hi Jade! Great job! Your way of teaching is very professional! The examples are true-to-life and easy to remember. I adore the lesson. Thank you!
Thanks for the kind and encouraging feedback. :)
Many thinks Jade, and plz daily conversation ;)
Hi jade.Thank you for the lesson.
Hello Jade.
I have a doubt with the 5th question: I’ve selected “the second syllable”, because I understood it as a verb. But the correct option seems to be the first syllable, because “The word stress in ‘polish’ is irregular” (that’s what confuses me). Is this the correct cause? (all irregular verbs are stress in the first syllable? -like broadcast, forecast- What happens with verbs like “understand” and “become”?).
Hi Jade, thanks for the lesson. Really clear, apart from the Polish answer. I’ll have to listen to the lesson again.
Moreover I tried to listen to it again and again but your speed grew faster and faster at the end (minute . I know it’s obvious, but you said “and that’s all I’m going to talk about for now…” and then I’m not able to understand. For me It’s similar to a meaning like “Could I.. about I’ve said at all?” but I’m not able to cohomprend the words…
Thanks in advance
You can watch with subtitles if there are words you did not catch the first time. Although, realise that there are no subtitles in real life and you will not always understand everything.
Hi, thanks. I hope there wasn’t a misunderstanding. I didn’t pretend to comprehend everything! Only I tried to listen to your lesson and it was a little challenge to me understanding meanwhile your spoken language grew faster and faster in speed in the last part. Sorry.
I know I am not able to comprehend every words, for now understanding the general meaning is the best I can do. I went to Dublin to the Little museum and the guide was in a hurry… I couldn’t understand ANYTHING except “I’ve finished… have a nice day”. I felt really sad, then.
Hi Jade, thanks for the lesson. Really clear, apart from the Polish answer. I’ll have to listen to the lesson again.
Moreover I tried to listen to it again and again but your speed grew faster and faster at the end (minute 8). I know it’s obvious, but you said “and that’s all I’m going to talk about for now…” and then I’m not able to understand. For me It’s similar to a meaning like “Could I.. about I’ve said at all?” but I’m not able to comprehend the words…
Thanks in advance
(sorry for the double)
Excellent! How Can I learn more tips about Word Stressing? Are there any other secret tips you have to share with us related to this topic?
Wait a while and I’ll see what I can do on my personal channel Jade Joddle on YouTube.
Ok! Perfect! Thanks a lot Jade! God bless you!
dentash sudan
For me, the pronunciation and the word stress are the most difficult part of English language. It seems to me that there are no rules or too many exceptions, so that you have to learn every word with it’s pronunciation.(In French for example I think the rules are clearer)This annoyed me first but then I accepted the fact.
Thank you for the lesson!
The rule you need to know is de dum de dum de dum de dum de dum – that this is the rhythm of English we like!
Nice on… BTW Just think that the schwa sounds much alike the liason in french … Okay I’ll be back tomorrow for the next profitable lesson. Nite.
Nice one, that was a typo!
According to my opinion you have to get familiar with spoken language and to get this real you’ll have to listen to an huge quantity of dialogues… everyday!
Where is the word stress in the word ‘polishing’?
I am polishing the table.
the first syllable
the second syllable
POLISHING IS A VERB …. So why should stress on the FIRST and not the SECond syllable
The stress on polishing the table is in the first syllable.
Jade, but why the stress is in the first syllable? Which the rule you apply?
thanks jade,your lessons are very useful for me
Ahmed omara
thank u
Thank you.
Thank you very mcuh.
Jade, you were excellent especially with the British accent you’ve got. But, I wanna make a suggestion(how about setting up an English club to talk about different issues?)as you know by this way, we’ll learn much better because we’ll gain many phrases we might use to improve the fluency. Please try to present this suggestion with the excellent teachers you work with. Thanks again.
Jade, you were excellent especially with the British accent you’ve got. But, I wanna make a suggestion(how about setting up an English club to talk about different issues?)as you know by this way, we’ll learn much better because we’ll gain many phrases we might use to improve the fluency. Please try to present this suggestion with the excellent teachers you work with. Thanks again.
Thank you Jade nice lesson and nice dressed
Thanx Jade,
First time I saw your video,it helps me alot.
Very usefully, thank you.
Wael Rashed
Thank You so much , greeting from Egypt!!!!
Mohamed Mahmoud Khalil
why we dont use double word when before constant comes 2 vowels ? for ex we gonna add ing or s . . meeting is true but quizing is incorrect . . quizzing and quizzes are true . . can you tell me the reason ?
thank u Jade
just exceptions are those to you say?
pleas can you set me rules in several word for that ?
Amer 2
Thank you very much , I really like you’re way during explain lessons .for me I found many new grammars and lesson for me . I have no idea about them before you explain . I need more and more .
Thank you very much.
Jody , you are doing very well.
Thank you very much.
Thank u very much.
Thu Won
When i heard your accent, it was a little bit difficult to understand what you said because i was used to American accent. However, i’ve understand what you say exactly now. Thank you, Jade.
Hello Jade what city r u from?london?
yuber hammond
I am polishing the table
Why the stress on polishing the table is in the first syllable??
Thank You so much , greeting from Egypt…
Thanks Jade!
Thanks for the lesson, jade. But I’ve got a question that is quiet essential for my job – in the VERB contact which syllable is stressed in modern British English? We were told that the first one and another variant is a mistakes.
Correction – thank you Jade.
Dear Jade
Could you simplify this lesson more? because it some how confused to me.
or at least let me know how to practice on it.
thank you a lot
Thanks Jade .. we want to hear more of you vedios
I love your accent and I can’t wait to take your next class :)
Thanks Jade
Please, Can you explain me 5th question? Thanks!
One of the best lessons I have ever had in more than 30 years!!!
i got 80, but why “polishing” in the 5 sentences, the word stress is the first syllable?
Thao Vo
I got 9, it’s a good grade!!!!!But I’ve missed the 5th question. I think I didn’t understand the meaning of polish in the sentence. Could you explain to me???Great class, congrats!!!
Polishing here means “lustrando/polindo” in Portuguese.
Sally S
I didn’t understand the rule she applied here to stress the first syllable, because she said we should stress the first syllable in verbs…
Sally S
thanks! and let me tell you that you’re so beautiful
great lesson! I am very glad u are teaching here now. It is a big chance to practice with different kind of accents. Maybe someday I will be able to watch Harry Potter on its own language x)
nice lesson,and you are so pretty,Jade~!
very nice lesson,thank you jade ♥
thank you for your grate lessons. they helped me very much.
Hi! Jade, I do love your voice and your English pronunciation. Great!
That’s good.
Ali Tuohidi
thank you very much.
Ali Tuohidi
How strange…
In the video the teacher said and showed that the sress in the verb “polish” is on the second syllable.
After getting a question about a confusing answer in №5 the teacher wrote:
“There is a mistake in that one. There are different vowels. The stress is in the first syllable. The words are still homographs – same spelling but different sound.”
So, she said “different sound” ( which means different sress) and in the same time she said the verb ” polishing” has the stress on the first syllable as a noun “Polish” has.
Why then different sound? The same sound.
I understood nothing. (
Are you still there? Jade.
Nice topic, and teacher!!
Thanks Jade, I,m learning more with your pronunciation videos than with books I had about pronunciation. Thanks a lot!!
your teaching let me swap american to English pronuntiation, It is a chalenge to face by me.tnks
Thank you very much
Thanks Jade, this is the first time that I listened and watched Engvid’s videos really it was wonderful and I ambitiously will follow it and hope to learn much more from you.
So difficult!
Sally S
very useful
What a great lesson! Thank u, Jade! So helpful!!!
Dino Huang
isnt convict a noun? why does it have the accent on the second syllable?
sorry, it is a noun, I check the worng answer by mistake and thought the test had something wrong
Thank you very much Mrs Jade ,it was so useful.After doing quiz I had recognized that I remember this rules for a long time.I got 9 right .Thank you again))
Hi mam , its a matter of proud for me to be ur new student Nice to meet u
thanks jade for this video just am wondering if these are all the exceptions for word stress
jade, muchas gracias por tus lecciones. Te he seguido ultimamente y me ha fascinado tu acento britanico. Muchas gracias por tu ayuda . Chao
I don’t understand why in the ask number five, with the verb “polishing” the right answer is that the stress is in the first syllable when in the video, at first, is explain with “polish” that the verb “polish” has the stress in “lish”
Please, could someone explain it to me?
Thank you Jade, wonderful lesson.
Dorian Garcia
ty so much, i leart many things from it.
I’m glad to have a british english teacher, good to hear you teacher i like your accent
Nice lesson!!
Thanks Jade for your outstanding teaching.
Can I say in general, verbs are stressed on the second sylable and nouns are stressed at the first sylable.
good evening
essam ali
thank for the lesson, actually i have a big problem with English because i used to be very good at it, but i haven’t used for a while and fell that i am very bad…i have started to prepare for toefl for almost 4 months I found it very difficult and work without consequences …Now I’m so confused and I don’t know from where should I start…… Do have any advice for me?!….. thank you and sorry for speaking a lot
Thanks for lesson and like your British Accent
thank you it was very usefull
I didn’t understood the seven question.
(d’ja) ??
how we can pronounce this ??
I can’t actually understand why the word ‘polish’ is in this lesson. As I see it, the difference between ‘polish’ as a verb meaning ‘to clean’ and Polish as an adjective ‘of Poland’ is not in the stress (it’s on the first syllable in both cases) but in the prononciation of the first syllable: in the first case it sounds as a closed syllable and in the second it’s open. So I don’t think it’s correct to use this as an example for this lesson, it causes confusion.
Thank you Jade, and I love your accent.
thanks alot
I immigranted from Poland. Currently live in Canada and work in Detroit so I have contact with two pronunciations American and Canadian. Therefore many times I am confused how to correctly pronounce a word. Sometimes I unconssiously adjust my words to the way the person I am talking to. That causes that often I am not sure what is the correct word or how to pronounce it. Your lesson and in particular rules you gave us are very useful. I greatly appriciate all of your lessons.
Great and very very useful.
Thank you so much
Thanks Jade, I’m sure those will be grate to me in future, practicing every day will make me speak better, I’ll not stop watching your lessens until I can speak like a British native speaker, Love you so much and all Engvid’s teachers….
Mohammed Shkur
BTW, i need to ask you a question about different subject rather this this ‘stress’ subject.
my question is that can i use gerund or ing-verb as an adverb by adding the ‘ly’ in the end of any gerund verb, can’t i?
Thank you very much for your useful lesson, Mrs Jade!I’ve noticed that the difference between “polish” and “Polish” was misunderstood by many learners. So I’d like to give some explanations regarding this issue. Both these words actually have the stress in the first syllable and the same spelling, however they have different transcriptions. The letter “o” is reproduced as different sounds: [o] – in the verb “polish” and [eo] – in an adjective “Polish”. It can be checked in the dictionary as well. So these words have the same spelling but two different sounds. Mrs Jade said by mistake that the stress in the verb “polish” was in the second syllable.
Thank you Jade. I love your lesson.
Hi Jade.first of all i’d like to say thank you for all the effort you have done for us.And I NEED AN ADVICE FROM YOU.I need you to guide me how to start learn English.I am good at listening ,i have never take any courses or studies on English at all . All what i can say,i just wish to speak English like an a British gentile men or a British lady just like you. So help me. Ta Ta
Mustafa Muhammed
Hi Jade. Nice to hear from you. I love your style of classes, beyond your cute face.
In this video you wrote practice in both ways. Are they respectively English and American spelling or it was just a mistake? I appreciate your Britain English, great for hearing exercise.
Marcio de Moraes
thank u ı understnnd this class:)
Ok, 90 %. Thanks Jade.
Very useful video. Thanks a lot Jade! :)
thank u jade for ur lessons
wow, it is a great online class…It is my third class, and in the first one I have troubles trying understand your accent, now I can understand you. Thank you..
erratum: “I have troubles…” shall say “I had…”.
thanks .. but i’ve some confused about the last part of the lesson
So glad I came across these lessons at Youtube… Great stuff to improve my english with a charming british teacher. What else can I ask for? TEHE :)
Can you give me many other rules of word stress? I think your lesson is not enough. It’s quiet easy. Iam looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.
Thank you so much Jade. :) This’s a nice lesson.
Thank you so much, that’s really helpfull. Would you make some lessons about SYNTAX ! I will be appreciate . Best salutations to you .
Thank u so much it was very helpfull 4 me
Fantastic, i love your videos, you are so charming!!!! Great teacher
I am sorry.Because jade doesn’t understand her this lesson(how to sound like a native speaker ) to me.But PROMİSE ,I will much study your lessons.However,YOU are excited in this video. :)
Thank you very much
Thanks Jade! Finally I found a rule easy to remember :)
I am polishing the table. ‘polishing’ here is used as verb, however stress is on the first syllable. Is this also an exception?
hi jade im madjid from algeria
im happy because im hir With you
bezala abdelmadjid
Thanks for the video English lessons with native speaker Mrs Jade.It was helpful
Hi Jade! First of all let me tell you how much I enjoy your videos.I wonder which is the most suitable way of begining a teaching class for first time with kids and how with adults?? ths!
catualy I could get 10 of 10
because I am bare carless. so I got
You got 9 correct out of 10.
chakim hamzah
Excellent! You’re actually my preferred teacher without any doubt! Even if you’re an excellent teacher, during your lectures you look so normal, so nice. .. very good.. You makes enjoyable a thing like grammar!
Ah! One more thing. … Why not a lesson to explain the -ing form in cases like: “I go to swim” or “I go swimming”? This example is an easy one, but there are a lot of situations where the choice isn’t so clear. . What do you think about?
10/10 Thanks,Jade!
The word stress, it´s really difficult for me!!
Hey jade, I was watching your vid of how to make a word stress that is of importance to be understood by listener. And I truly understood what you were teaching on the video. Personally I think I understood it in that I was in leeds, UK for ten years. You are a very brilliant and illustrious teacher. I totally love British English accents, with that, I came to here for trying to learn it’s accent. Word stress to prounce, it is very careful to listen. Hopefully, there will be a lot of people who want to learn English accents!!
Hi iwant a leason of how to differentiate sound like s&c eg how to spell the word church,choke shantel etc also l&r eg look,run etc.thanks
That was so great jude thanks so much
It’s so great to be on this website.
Nickolas Nembhard
Jude pleases can you help me to pronounce two letters
please and thanks.
Nickolas Nembhard
thank you , you are the best
thank you.
Very useful…thanks.
Thanks Jade. I have a question: I don’t understand the difference you point out at the beginning: ‘polish’ and ‘Polish’ do not differ because of the word stress, they are spelled as
/ˈpɒl.ɪʃ/ and /ˈpəʊ.lɪʃ/ in BE (Cambridge Dictionary). The spelling difference is in the diphtong /əʊ/ of the adjective Polish.
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced with a cat gif.
Nadosh Ali
Just one question Nadosh,how did you manage to upload this video clip here in the comments section?
Thank you. Very useful lesson
Thank you so much!
Dear Mrs Jade
Thank you for this very interesting lesson
I totally agree with you in that pronunciation is probably, the most important part of speaking English
Could I see: I love you. I love your British accent since it is my first time listening the real British English accent. I have been studying English for many years, however no progress happened especially in spoken English. After watching your Vedio, I have to think about the way to study my English. As you know, A lot of Chinese teachers are teaching us in wrong ways and wrong pronunciations. So I am thirty-three now. Hope I can speak as a native speaker after studying in your ways…Thank you very much!!!!!!
jiangtao zhu
9/10 :)
Thanks Jane!
Isaias Menezes Silva
Thank you very much
it is a great lesson..
It is the nice lesson with interesting features in pronunciation. Thank you
Thank you Jade, I think being able to notice the stress on a word requires a lot of listening.
Very interesting lesson, as usual.
Thank you. Jade.
The word stress in usually on the first syllable in an adjective. The same with a noun.
Miles Shepherd
great lesson. thanks a lot.
I like your British accent. Closer to London accent. Real English lady!
Thanks Jade :)
I like your English accent. I want to sound like you!!
Super amazing lesson!! Really it is necesary to know where to put the stress word. Now It encourages me to pay more attention on this for better undestanding when I speaking to others.
Thank you very much,Jade
Winai saisud
the noun and the adj always is the first syllable ?
I’m listening to HOW TO SPEAK LIKE A NATIVE SPEAKER .Ican not catch part of the lecture .”polish is an adj.for furniture from Poland….we’ll look at these word.So just make it? ? .that’s verb….we are now going to look at ?? per stress.” Could you tell me what are the words in the question mark place ? since I’m doing dictation with your lecture.
thank you ,Jade
This lesson is so helpful to me, thank you ! Jade
Susan Yang
Thanks for your help ?
would you like to make another lesson on Word Stress??
i won’t understand..
i need to know the difference bet first syllable and second syllable
Esraa gad
In the last example the verb “record” must’ve been in the infinitive form plus the preposition “to” not with the article “a” – We have TO RECORD all… I think whether I’m right or not?
This is an interesting video. Thank you Jade.
Now i can sound like a native speaker…
Thanks jade.
Thanks a lot! It was very useful and motivational for me to repeat the words after you to get the same accent which you have!
Thanks a lot, I will keep studying!
Luis Alberto Mateo
this lesson has been one of the hardest that I have found from your chart….. but very useful one. Thanks.
Thanks jade , now i can teach my students not only how to pronounce the word well but stress also is important to understand the meaning ?
Thanks a lot Jade!
I got 9 of 10???? your videos are really helpful thank youuuu
Princess trinii
Thanks a lot Ms. Jade.
Thank you
i got 8 out of 10 :)thanks Ms.Jade i try to get a perfect score
Thanks Jade. You’re very charm and smart teacher.
It is nice to watch such an amazing lesson which is a simple and short time.
Mansour Elsheikh
an inspiring woman
I really appreciate this lesson, it’s incredibly amazing and helpful. Thanks a lot. Before I watched this video on the word stress I had no idea about it but now, I have understood it. Your explanation was very clear and precise. I got 100%, thanks a million
I think you should present a different topic than pronounciation because your voice it too low and you don’t face the cam when you say the word … but anyway it was awesome watching your video
Learn English for free with 2164 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
Jade, Thx a million! Could you pls make a lesson on sentence stress as well? Greetings!
This is a great subject for a video because rhythm really is the most important thing to get a clear accent when speaking English.
Thank you very much Mrs Jade ,it was so useful.After doing quiz I had recognized that I remember this rules for a long time.I got 9 right .Thank you again))
Hi Jade, interesting topic for a video lesson.
Rhythm and intonation are difficult aspects of language to master, no doubt about it-especially in foreign language learning contexts where you do not use the language for survival purposes.
It is the use of language that makes the difference.
Sounding like an English native speaker? It takes hard work. I think the heart of the matter is communication.
Thanks for this video-lesson Jade.
thank you a very nice lesson.could you prepare a lesson for me on how to write an essay,please
This is a great idea for a lesson. Stay tuned and I will see what I can do. :D
Hey Jade..thanks for the lesson..that was great..I have a said…”Stay tuned and I will see what I can do. :D”……What if I say….”Stay tuned and I will see what can I do. :D”….Ia that wrong…Thanks in advance..:):)
thank uuuuuuuuuu
I didn’t understand the exceptions
the stress is the same in verbs and nouns . but where is the stress in the first syllable or in the second ?
and thanks ^_^
The exceptions just sound the same for both the verb and noun. So you just say the word the same way you hear me say it.
yeah Mrs Jade I’m happy for listening
I like her lessons, even better, I like all the Teacher on EngVid, but sometimes I can’t comprehend her speaking at all. I think this occurs for the fact of she being from England, and I’ve gotten accustomed myself at watching lessons led by Americans, but I make sure that by listening to her carefully I’m gonna be able to understand at least 90 per cent of the stuff that she speaks out during her lessons, after all, she takes after a good teacher!!!
You just need to hear me talk for a while by watching my videos. Often Brazilian students find me difficult to understand at first because you are more used to American accents. You will understand after a couple of videos.
No-native speakers have NOT any accent. This is a fact.
(Unless you start to hear English when you are in your mother belly.)
We sound like no native, no matter how well we speak.
But I prefer British way of speaking. English was born in England.
It’s the same thing in Spanish. Spanish was born in Spain. But in the other Spanish speaker countries people believe they speak THE GENUINE Spanish. In addition only in Spain we speak Galego, Euskera and Catalan.
Hi Jade I just wanna know that from which video shall I start learning as there are different teachers which teaches different stuff just wanna know from which teacher and from which video to kick off from ?
Hi Mateus, …so you are accustom yourself TO American English?
I think we have to get used to different accents and one way to do it is . . . Yeah… you’re right. . . to listen to the video carefully and on several occasions.
Interesting! Thank you, Jade :D
Thx jade, :)
I liked this lesson very much. Thank you teacher
Thanks, Jade! Nice lesson!
Thanks Prof. Jade. I got the point that you wanted to explaine about!Very great!I really understood that pronunciation is absolutely important for English!! Yeah I am very happy now.
Pronunciation is important otherwise you can’t be understood!
I cannot understand this lesson that what happen in the lesson but I gave answers by estimate and got 40%.
Thnak you.
Thx Jade! this lesson makes me correct my pronunciation of some words, sound more naturally.
I corrected 90 % in this test. But I still don’t understand “polishing”. Why this word’s syllable is first ? Is it verb or adjective? If “polishing” is verb, It must stress at second syllable. isn’t it?
Me too. 90%. I think “polishing” is verb. Why not?
There is a mistake in that one. There are different vowels. The stress is in the first syllable. The words are still homographs – same spelling but different sound.
Hi, Jude! I’m sorry, I did not understand your comment. where the stress should be, at the end :)? Diring the lesson you said and showed the verb ‘polish’ has second syllable under stress. So, in the sentence ‘I’m poloshing my table’ the world ‘poloshing’ is verb. what the suyllable shoukd be under stress? in this case? I think second, but the system said I’m incorrect. And the my result is 90% :)
Hi Jade,
Thanks for a nice lesson i scored 90 :(
I too didn’t get why the stress is to be made in the syllable.can u please explain it clearly once again?
thanks for you and I hope from you to give us more lessons because your accent very clear for me
Many thanks
very nice lesson
I have learnt that ‘travel’ is an uncountable word so the second part of video confuses me a little bit.
We say someone’s travels when we talk about about the places / countries they have been.
E.g. Where did Sarah go on her travels?
Teacher looks great! :)
Thank you Jade. It was very interesting lesson. I didn’t know that before until today. I got 9 good answers out of ten.
Please, Jade. Tell me what is the different between practise and practice? If you look at the boad, you see two different ones, s and c.
Thank you again :-)
Hi Koubalondon,
As far as I know, both words have the same meaning. The difference is that… practice[AmE] and practise[BrE].
AmE=American English BrE=British English
In British English ‘practise’ is the verb. That means to do something. Like, I practise English every day.
Then, ‘practice’ is the noun. It is a formal name for an office. For example, a lawyer’s practice.
They have different meanings and different spellings.
Thanks a lot for your feedback Jade. I didn’t know that.
Thanks again.
Have a great weekend!!!
Very usefully. thanks Jade a lot :))
How many sounds are there in English?
a) 44 ; or b) 47
It was a meaningful lesson!!, many thanks.
Thanks Jade. Great lesson.
This is my first participation in your class
welcome to engvid, good wishes to you in this new challenge.
Hi Jade, interesting topic for a video lesson.
Rhythm and intonation are difficult aspects of language to master, no doubt about it-especially in foreign language learning contexts where you do not use the language for survival purposes. It is the use of language that makes the difference.
Sounding like an English native speaker? It takes hard work. I think the heart of the matter is communication.
Thanks for this video-lesson Jade.
You’re right. There are quite a few videos about intonation and pronunciation on my Jade Joddle YouTube channel. Check them out if you’d like to know more. :D
Oh! Yes. He/She It will do it, but in bold.
So annoying, boring…
Is there Internet in institutions for insane people?
But I must admit that it’s entertaining.
Please, don’t answer, it’s just a joke but I think you won’t get it.
(I meant Regino.)
By the way, miss Jade, did you know that in Santiago de Compostela, Galiza, in the nort-west of Spain(campus stelae) is there a neighbourhood called Jade since the VIII century? Well, it’s still there.
Did you know that jade is a quite dark brilliant stone? Did you know that the best pieces of jade are in that shops? Masterpieces.
Would you like going for a walk or going for shopping there?
I know you’re introvert, but you can travel. Don’t miss this exciting experience.
Hi Jade, Thanks for this lesson. Is this applicable to all nouns, verbs and adjectives? You did not mention in examples the words with stress in first and second syllable. It was included in the quiz though.
Thank you so much teacher Jade. It was a good lesson. mmm I have to say that I love your accent.
Thanks Jade. You are very nice.
I am sure your English accent is characteristic also for a person from the South England.
hi, jade what is ( pronunciation )definitions between british english and america english
Thank you Jade;
can you talk about ‘Hood’ !
Brotherhood, manhood, childhood, …
Many thanks Jade :)
thanx jade
thanks a lot jade :)))
Thanks Jade. Great work.
How can I recognice the exceptions?
You just need to learn them. Listen carefully when you hear English. Notice when something sounds different to the way you expected it to sound, and then remember that difference.
Thanks Jade. Great work.
How can I recognize the exceptions?
Jade, I do and will always love EngVid and its adorable teachers.
I’m more into British accent, quite hard for sure, but I feel so excited when I understand a British news, conversation, or any speech.
I am from Morocco, and we barely receive signal from ASTRA Satelite, so I watch Sky one, two, Atlatic, or Showcase sometimes ;)
You can watch a lot of British English on YouTube.
True, youtube contains enough British accent videos.
Moreover, a tip that I use when watching Sky channels, is to enable subtitles in what is known as ‘Teletext’
Thanks Jade, verry useful lesson!
Thank you for your lesson.
Difficult but very interesting! Thanks! On the other hand your pronunciation is still difficult for me!
petitfelin, don’t give up! Turn the subtitles on and try again :-) As a French you are lucky, because almost every “-sion” and “-able” word you can recognize automatically ;-)
Thanks for your encouragement!
You just get used to it after a while. If something is hard for you, you know that you’re learning.
Hi Jade.
This lesson was great.
I have watched another English videolesson, the first one, about introverts and extroverts.
I also have a confession to make: I’m an introvert too, thus that lesson was quite useful.
I would like to request you a lesson about the development of English Language.
I’ve found a great article about the Scandinavian influences.
You can see it (PDF file) on this website –
Thanks and be happy English Rose!
Oxford –
Stay watching and I will see what I can do. On my personal channel Jade Joddle I made a video called BEST ADVICE – Phrasal Verbs Where I talk a little about this.
A British documentary series about the development and dissemination of the most marvellous, incredible, fantastic, splendid, amazing language in the world.
Wikipedia –
I want to say I’m a little bit addicted to your videos lessons on your personal YouTube channel.
Jade I like your accent thanks for all when will you prepare a lesson about how to organize several adjetives the appropiate rules please do it jade
Very helpful lesson, Thank you a lot. I’m sure you will add to Engvid a lot of lessons that we need,even if they seem a little bit difficult for some people but we will realize later they are good for us because we don’t meet American speakers only. keep going . I like your answers on negative people comments of Facebook page. :)
I am pleased that those negative people stay on Facebook and don’t come here. :))))))
thank you my dear jade’ it is really wonderful leson
What about correct? this is an exception, isn`t it?
Thank you for the lesson, Jade. I love your accent by the way. :)
But that was a difficult lesson for me. I only got 6 out of 10. :(
As a Brazilian, it’s quite hard for me to notice those differences between stressed and unstressed syllables.
To me they sound pretty much the same on movies, music or video games.
It’s very hard to understand. Some people are very good at it. For me, it is also hard to hear. Just let it stay as an idea in your mind, don’t think about it too much, and then hopefully one day you will find that you suddenly understand it!
Excellent as ever! Jade, could you pls make a lesson about verb tenses? It’s my weak point.
Great lesson, love it.
Hi Jade! Great job! Your way of teaching is very professional! The examples are true-to-life and easy to remember. I adore the lesson. Thank you!
Thanks for the kind and encouraging feedback. :)
Many thinks Jade, and plz daily conversation ;)
Hi jade.Thank you for the lesson.
Hello Jade.
I have a doubt with the 5th question: I’ve selected “the second syllable”, because I understood it as a verb. But the correct option seems to be the first syllable, because “The word stress in ‘polish’ is irregular” (that’s what confuses me). Is this the correct cause? (all irregular verbs are stress in the first syllable? -like broadcast, forecast- What happens with verbs like “understand” and “become”?).
Hi Jade, thanks for the lesson. Really clear, apart from the Polish answer. I’ll have to listen to the lesson again.
Moreover I tried to listen to it again and again but your speed grew faster and faster at the end (minute . I know it’s obvious, but you said “and that’s all I’m going to talk about for now…” and then I’m not able to understand. For me It’s similar to a meaning like “Could I.. about I’ve said at all?” but I’m not able to cohomprend the words…
Thanks in advance
You can watch with subtitles if there are words you did not catch the first time. Although, realise that there are no subtitles in real life and you will not always understand everything.
Hi, thanks. I hope there wasn’t a misunderstanding. I didn’t pretend to comprehend everything! Only I tried to listen to your lesson and it was a little challenge to me understanding meanwhile your spoken language grew faster and faster in speed in the last part. Sorry.
I know I am not able to comprehend every words, for now understanding the general meaning is the best I can do. I went to Dublin to the Little museum and the guide was in a hurry… I couldn’t understand ANYTHING except “I’ve finished… have a nice day”. I felt really sad, then.
Hi Jade, thanks for the lesson. Really clear, apart from the Polish answer. I’ll have to listen to the lesson again.
Moreover I tried to listen to it again and again but your speed grew faster and faster at the end (minute 8). I know it’s obvious, but you said “and that’s all I’m going to talk about for now…” and then I’m not able to understand. For me It’s similar to a meaning like “Could I.. about I’ve said at all?” but I’m not able to comprehend the words…
Thanks in advance
(sorry for the double)
Excellent! How Can I learn more tips about Word Stressing? Are there any other secret tips you have to share with us related to this topic?
Wait a while and I’ll see what I can do on my personal channel Jade Joddle on YouTube.
Ok! Perfect! Thanks a lot Jade! God bless you!
For me, the pronunciation and the word stress are the most difficult part of English language. It seems to me that there are no rules or too many exceptions, so that you have to learn every word with it’s pronunciation.(In French for example I think the rules are clearer)This annoyed me first but then I accepted the fact.
Thank you for the lesson!
The rule you need to know is de dum de dum de dum de dum de dum – that this is the rhythm of English we like!
Nice on… BTW Just think that the schwa sounds much alike the liason in french … Okay I’ll be back tomorrow for the next profitable lesson. Nite.
Nice one, that was a typo!
According to my opinion you have to get familiar with spoken language and to get this real you’ll have to listen to an huge quantity of dialogues… everyday!
Where is the word stress in the word ‘polishing’?
I am polishing the table.
the first syllable
the second syllable
POLISHING IS A VERB …. So why should stress on the FIRST and not the SECond syllable
The stress on polishing the table is in the first syllable.
Jade, but why the stress is in the first syllable? Which the rule you apply?
thanks jade,your lessons are very useful for me
thank u
Thank you.
Thank you very mcuh.
Jade, you were excellent especially with the British accent you’ve got. But, I wanna make a suggestion(how about setting up an English club to talk about different issues?)as you know by this way, we’ll learn much better because we’ll gain many phrases we might use to improve the fluency. Please try to present this suggestion with the excellent teachers you work with. Thanks again.
Jade, you were excellent especially with the British accent you’ve got. But, I wanna make a suggestion(how about setting up an English club to talk about different issues?)as you know by this way, we’ll learn much better because we’ll gain many phrases we might use to improve the fluency. Please try to present this suggestion with the excellent teachers you work with. Thanks again.
Thank you Jade nice lesson and nice dressed
Thanx Jade,
First time I saw your video,it helps me alot.
Very usefully, thank you.
Thank You so much , greeting from Egypt!!!!
why we dont use double word when before constant comes 2 vowels ? for ex we gonna add ing or s . . meeting is true but quizing is incorrect . . quizzing and quizzes are true . . can you tell me the reason ?
thank u Jade
just exceptions are those to you say?
pleas can you set me rules in several word for that ?
Thank you very much , I really like you’re way during explain lessons .for me I found many new grammars and lesson for me . I have no idea about them before you explain . I need more and more .
Thank you very much.
Jody , you are doing very well.
Thank you very much.
Thank u very much.
When i heard your accent, it was a little bit difficult to understand what you said because i was used to American accent. However, i’ve understand what you say exactly now. Thank you, Jade.
Hello Jade what city r u from?london?
I am polishing the table
Why the stress on polishing the table is in the first syllable??
Thank You so much , greeting from Egypt…
Thanks Jade!
Thanks for the lesson, jade. But I’ve got a question that is quiet essential for my job – in the VERB contact which syllable is stressed in modern British English? We were told that the first one and another variant is a mistakes.
Correction – thank you Jade.
Dear Jade
Could you simplify this lesson more? because it some how confused to me.
or at least let me know how to practice on it.
thank you a lot
Thanks Jade .. we want to hear more of you vedios
I love your accent and I can’t wait to take your next class :)
Thanks Jade
Please, Can you explain me 5th question? Thanks!
One of the best lessons I have ever had in more than 30 years!!!
i got 80, but why “polishing” in the 5 sentences, the word stress is the first syllable?
I got 9, it’s a good grade!!!!!But I’ve missed the 5th question. I think I didn’t understand the meaning of polish in the sentence. Could you explain to me???Great class, congrats!!!
Polishing here means “lustrando/polindo” in Portuguese.
I didn’t understand the rule she applied here to stress the first syllable, because she said we should stress the first syllable in verbs…
thanks! and let me tell you that you’re so beautiful
great lesson! I am very glad u are teaching here now. It is a big chance to practice with different kind of accents. Maybe someday I will be able to watch Harry Potter on its own language x)
nice lesson,and you are so pretty,Jade~!
very nice lesson,thank you jade ♥
thank you for your grate lessons. they helped me very much.
Hi! Jade, I do love your voice and your English pronunciation. Great!
That’s good.
thank you very much.
How strange…
In the video the teacher said and showed that the sress in the verb “polish” is on the second syllable.
After getting a question about a confusing answer in №5 the teacher wrote:
“There is a mistake in that one. There are different vowels. The stress is in the first syllable. The words are still homographs – same spelling but different sound.”
So, she said “different sound” ( which means different sress) and in the same time she said the verb ” polishing” has the stress on the first syllable as a noun “Polish” has.
Why then different sound? The same sound.
I understood nothing. (
Are you still there? Jade.
Nice topic, and teacher!!
Thanks Jade, I,m learning more with your pronunciation videos than with books I had about pronunciation. Thanks a lot!!
your teaching let me swap american to English pronuntiation, It is a chalenge to face by me.tnks
Thank you very much
Thanks Jade, this is the first time that I listened and watched Engvid’s videos really it was wonderful and I ambitiously will follow it and hope to learn much more from you.
So difficult!
very useful
What a great lesson! Thank u, Jade! So helpful!!!
isnt convict a noun? why does it have the accent on the second syllable?
sorry, it is a noun, I check the worng answer by mistake and thought the test had something wrong
Thank you very much Mrs Jade ,it was so useful.After doing quiz I had recognized that I remember this rules for a long time.I got 9 right .Thank you again))
Hi mam , its a matter of proud for me to be ur new student Nice to meet u
thanks jade for this video just am wondering if these are all the exceptions for word stress
jade, muchas gracias por tus lecciones. Te he seguido ultimamente y me ha fascinado tu acento britanico. Muchas gracias por tu ayuda . Chao
I don’t understand why in the ask number five, with the verb “polishing” the right answer is that the stress is in the first syllable when in the video, at first, is explain with “polish” that the verb “polish” has the stress in “lish”
Please, could someone explain it to me?
Thank you Jade, wonderful lesson.
ty so much, i leart many things from it.
I’m glad to have a british english teacher, good to hear you teacher i like your accent
Nice lesson!!
Thanks Jade for your outstanding teaching.
Can I say in general, verbs are stressed on the second sylable and nouns are stressed at the first sylable.
good evening
thank for the lesson, actually i have a big problem with English because i used to be very good at it, but i haven’t used for a while and fell that i am very bad…i have started to prepare for toefl for almost 4 months I found it very difficult and work without consequences …Now I’m so confused and I don’t know from where should I start…… Do have any advice for me?!….. thank you and sorry for speaking a lot
Thanks for lesson and like your British Accent
thank you it was very usefull
I didn’t understood the seven question.
(d’ja) ??
how we can pronounce this ??
I can’t actually understand why the word ‘polish’ is in this lesson. As I see it, the difference between ‘polish’ as a verb meaning ‘to clean’ and Polish as an adjective ‘of Poland’ is not in the stress (it’s on the first syllable in both cases) but in the prononciation of the first syllable: in the first case it sounds as a closed syllable and in the second it’s open. So I don’t think it’s correct to use this as an example for this lesson, it causes confusion.
Thank you Jade, and I love your accent.
thanks alot
I immigranted from Poland. Currently live in Canada and work in Detroit so I have contact with two pronunciations American and Canadian. Therefore many times I am confused how to correctly pronounce a word. Sometimes I unconssiously adjust my words to the way the person I am talking to. That causes that often I am not sure what is the correct word or how to pronounce it. Your lesson and in particular rules you gave us are very useful. I greatly appriciate all of your lessons.
Great and very very useful.
Thank you so much
Thanks Jade, I’m sure those will be grate to me in future, practicing every day will make me speak better, I’ll not stop watching your lessens until I can speak like a British native speaker, Love you so much and all Engvid’s teachers….
BTW, i need to ask you a question about different subject rather this this ‘stress’ subject.
my question is that can i use gerund or ing-verb as an adverb by adding the ‘ly’ in the end of any gerund verb, can’t i?
Thank you very much for your useful lesson, Mrs Jade!I’ve noticed that the difference between “polish” and “Polish” was misunderstood by many learners. So I’d like to give some explanations regarding this issue. Both these words actually have the stress in the first syllable and the same spelling, however they have different transcriptions. The letter “o” is reproduced as different sounds: [o] – in the verb “polish” and [eo] – in an adjective “Polish”. It can be checked in the dictionary as well. So these words have the same spelling but two different sounds. Mrs Jade said by mistake that the stress in the verb “polish” was in the second syllable.
Thank you Jade. I love your lesson.
Hi Jade.first of all i’d like to say thank you for all the effort you have done for us.And I NEED AN ADVICE FROM YOU.I need you to guide me how to start learn English.I am good at listening ,i have never take any courses or studies on English at all . All what i can say,i just wish to speak English like an a British gentile men or a British lady just like you. So help me. Ta Ta
Hi Jade. Nice to hear from you. I love your style of classes, beyond your cute face.
In this video you wrote practice in both ways. Are they respectively English and American spelling or it was just a mistake? I appreciate your Britain English, great for hearing exercise.
thank u ı understnnd this class:)
Ok, 90 %. Thanks Jade.
Very useful video. Thanks a lot Jade! :)
thank u jade for ur lessons
wow, it is a great online class…It is my third class, and in the first one I have troubles trying understand your accent, now I can understand you. Thank you..
erratum: “I have troubles…” shall say “I had…”.
thanks .. but i’ve some confused about the last part of the lesson
So glad I came across these lessons at Youtube… Great stuff to improve my english with a charming british teacher. What else can I ask for? TEHE :)
Can you give me many other rules of word stress? I think your lesson is not enough. It’s quiet easy. Iam looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you very much.
Thank you so much Jade. :) This’s a nice lesson.
Thank you so much, that’s really helpfull. Would you make some lessons about SYNTAX ! I will be appreciate . Best salutations to you .
Thank u so much it was very helpfull 4 me
Fantastic, i love your videos, you are so charming!!!! Great teacher
I am sorry.Because jade doesn’t understand her this lesson(how to sound like a native speaker ) to me.But PROMİSE ,I will much study your lessons.However,YOU are excited in this video. :)
Thank you very much
Thanks Jade! Finally I found a rule easy to remember :)
I am polishing the table. ‘polishing’ here is used as verb, however stress is on the first syllable. Is this also an exception?
hi jade im madjid from algeria
im happy because im hir With you
Thanks for the video English lessons with native speaker Mrs Jade.It was helpful
Thanks for the video English lessons with native speaker Mrs Jade.It was helpful
I’ve got 80. Good lesson! Thank you so much Jade!
9/10 :) Thanks a lot, Jade!
This is great for me.
Thank you for your lecture.
I really admire the way of your teaching
Hi Jade! First of all let me tell you how much I enjoy your videos.I wonder which is the most suitable way of begining a teaching class for first time with kids and how with adults?? ths!
catualy I could get 10 of 10
because I am bare carless. so I got
You got 9 correct out of 10.
Excellent! You’re actually my preferred teacher without any doubt! Even if you’re an excellent teacher, during your lectures you look so normal, so nice. .. very good.. You makes enjoyable a thing like grammar!
Ah! One more thing. … Why not a lesson to explain the -ing form in cases like: “I go to swim” or “I go swimming”? This example is an easy one, but there are a lot of situations where the choice isn’t so clear. . What do you think about?
10/10 Thanks,Jade!
The word stress, it´s really difficult for me!!
Hey jade, I was watching your vid of how to make a word stress that is of importance to be understood by listener. And I truly understood what you were teaching on the video. Personally I think I understood it in that I was in leeds, UK for ten years. You are a very brilliant and illustrious teacher. I totally love British English accents, with that, I came to here for trying to learn it’s accent. Word stress to prounce, it is very careful to listen. Hopefully, there will be a lot of people who want to learn English accents!!
Hi iwant a leason of how to differentiate sound like s&c eg how to spell the word church,choke shantel etc also l&r eg look,run etc.thanks
That was so great jude thanks so much
It’s so great to be on this website.
Jude pleases can you help me to pronounce two letters
please and thanks.
thank you , you are the best
thank you.
Very useful…thanks.
Thanks Jade. I have a question: I don’t understand the difference you point out at the beginning: ‘polish’ and ‘Polish’ do not differ because of the word stress, they are spelled as
/ˈpɒl.ɪʃ/ and /ˈpəʊ.lɪʃ/ in BE (Cambridge Dictionary). The spelling difference is in the diphtong /əʊ/ of the adjective Polish.
Moderator note: This inappropriate comment has been replaced with a cat gif.
Just one question Nadosh,how did you manage to upload this video clip here in the comments section?
Thank you. Very useful lesson
Thank you so much!
Dear Mrs Jade
Thank you for this very interesting lesson
I totally agree with you in that pronunciation is probably, the most important part of speaking English
Could I see: I love you. I love your British accent since it is my first time listening the real British English accent. I have been studying English for many years, however no progress happened especially in spoken English. After watching your Vedio, I have to think about the way to study my English. As you know, A lot of Chinese teachers are teaching us in wrong ways and wrong pronunciations. So I am thirty-three now. Hope I can speak as a native speaker after studying in your ways…Thank you very much!!!!!!
9/10 :)
Thanks Jane!
Thank you very much
it is a great lesson..
It is the nice lesson with interesting features in pronunciation. Thank you
Thank you Jade, I think being able to notice the stress on a word requires a lot of listening.
Very interesting lesson, as usual.
Thank you. Jade.
The word stress in usually on the first syllable in an adjective. The same with a noun.
great lesson. thanks a lot.
I like your British accent. Closer to London accent. Real English lady!
Thanks Jade :)
I like your English accent. I want to sound like you!!
Super amazing lesson!! Really it is necesary to know where to put the stress word. Now It encourages me to pay more attention on this for better undestanding when I speaking to others.
Thank you very much,Jade
the noun and the adj always is the first syllable ?
I’m listening to HOW TO SPEAK LIKE A NATIVE SPEAKER .Ican not catch part of the lecture .”polish is an adj.for furniture from Poland….we’ll look at these word.So just make it? ? .that’s verb….we are now going to look at ?? per stress.” Could you tell me what are the words in the question mark place ? since I’m doing dictation with your lecture.
thank you ,Jade
This lesson is so helpful to me, thank you ! Jade
Thanks for your help ?
would you like to make another lesson on Word Stress??
i won’t understand..
i need to know the difference bet first syllable and second syllable
In the last example the verb “record” must’ve been in the infinitive form plus the preposition “to” not with the article “a” – We have TO RECORD all… I think whether I’m right or not?
This is an interesting video. Thank you Jade.
Now i can sound like a native speaker…
Thanks jade.
Thanks a lot! It was very useful and motivational for me to repeat the words after you to get the same accent which you have!
Thanks a lot, I will keep studying!
this lesson has been one of the hardest that I have found from your chart….. but very useful one. Thanks.
Thanks jade , now i can teach my students not only how to pronounce the word well but stress also is important to understand the meaning ?
Thanks a lot Jade!
I got 9 of 10???? your videos are really helpful thank youuuu
Thanks a lot Ms. Jade.
Thank you
i got 8 out of 10 :)thanks Ms.Jade i try to get a perfect score
Thanks Jade. You’re very charm and smart teacher.
It is nice to watch such an amazing lesson which is a simple and short time.
an inspiring woman
I really appreciate this lesson, it’s incredibly amazing and helpful. Thanks a lot. Before I watched this video on the word stress I had no idea about it but now, I have understood it. Your explanation was very clear and precise. I got 100%, thanks a million
I think you should present a different topic than pronounciation because your voice it too low and you don’t face the cam when you say the word … but anyway it was awesome watching your video