If you want to learn a useful formal structure, watch this writing lesson and expand your grammatical knowledge. It is expected that you will become a more proficient writer and speaker when you are finished!
Hi there,
Everything’s okay n I hope the same 2 u;
Tell u the truth,ever n never I’ve downloaded the site n I don’t know how un4tunately.
:) All of the Best 4 u!
Hey! i,m not Fatima but i can help u with this. All u have to do is to download IDM (Internet download manager) from Torrentz or anywhere else.
It is known that your lessons are great !
Thank you very much!
Very good lesson!!!
thanks Alex
I got 9 out of 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you but my grammar its terrible
I got 7.I realized that I should go back and study the word “THE”.
Thank you for your great lesson.I appreciate it.
you had several lessons regarding clauses before.I got confused about the difference between these expressions:subordinated clause,relative clause and adverb clause and also subordinate conjunction,relative pronoun and relative adverb.For example the word “when” is a subordinate conjunction or a relative adverb.Thank you again.
1.Interrogative adv. ” at what time ” :
e.g. When did u last see him ?
2.Relative adv. ” at or on which ” (referring 2 a time or circumstance ) :
e.g. Saturday is the day I get my hair done .
3.Conjunction ” at or during the time that ” :
e.g. I loved math when I was in school .
:) Glad I could help!
Thank you very much.I got It.It was kind of you.
Thank you for your lessonns.
nice quiz :D
Thank you, i really enjoyed your lesson.
I am Most grateful to u and to ur colleagues
Hi Alex!
May I say,-It has been claimed by Copernicus…instead It was…?
engVid is awesome
am happy to enjoy us
10 correct out of 10
great lesson
Thank you Alex,It is assume that your lesson is really useful :-)
9 :/ Great explanation! Thank you very much!
Hey teacher, how are you doing? Well, it turns out that we lived in a heliocentric SYSTEM instead of a heliocentric UNIVERSE. Greetings from Brazil ;)
Nice! That is it. I was looking for some comment about that.
i got only 6
wow i have got 9
I’d like to know the meaning of a few words.
(Not quite yet)
(I got you on this)
(Do some shots)
This word I heard from a British person,I don’t know if in America you guys say it.
(Could do with…)
Here’s the phrase:
A:Hey, nice shoes!
A:Could do with a pair like that myself…
This basically means “I could use a pair like that myself,” or “I’d like a pair like that myself.”
Good work Alex. Thanks.
Very helpful lesson ! Especially for IELTS but I think you could expand a bit more base on IELTS.
I haven’t seeing a video about IELTS in a while, though.
Thanks for the lesson.
:))) thanks Alex. it is a great GREAT lesson.
70 % no bad
thanks , your lesson really help me to translate english.
I’ve got a quick question for you. How come you use the Earth in the first question and then you use Earth later on.
thnks, it was good
Hello Alex, long time no see.
You gave the example: “It was claimed by Copernicus that we lived in a heliocentric universe.” — This remind me reported speech, and I think the same rules are applied. I mean the sequence of tenses. But when I think about the reported speech, I have to ask something.
Copernicus — nice English name for him :) — lived many years ago, and we live now. He claimed something years ago, and why is this connected to us — people who live now? I mean, shouldn’t be there something like:
“It was claimed by Copernicus that he/they/people lived in a heliocentric universe.”
The next question is — can we simply say:
“It was claimed by Copernicus that we live in a heliocentric universe.” — does it sound awkward or something? In reported speech, we can do such a thing, I know that it isn’t grammatically correct, but people use similar constructions in daily speech. What about “would”: “It was claimed by Copernicus that we would live in a heliocentric universe.” — I think they weren’t sure if that was really true, and actually the universe is slightly different. :)
BTW, should I use the past perfect in this sentence? — “I think they weren’t sure if that had been really true.” — I’m still not sure about using this tense, it’s really difficult to me. :/ But if so, how the original sentence sound to English native speakers?
I know that I write too much, but this is awesome exercise, despite all of those mistakes I probably made each time I write something here. xD
Take care :)
When I wrote “we,” I just meant humanity/people in general.
I kept it in the past because I wanted to focus on Copernicus’ time, though it’s definitely possible to say “that we live” since it’s a factual statement.
Your past perfect usage is good since you are referring to two different past actions. The first one is “they WEREN’T sure.” You then referred to an action that came before, so past perfect is just fine.
Don’t worry about writing so much. I’ll generally try my best to answer as many questions as I’m able. I may not always respond, but that doesn’t mean I’m not reading.
Thanks, I’ll keep in mind the past perfect example. :)
Hi Alex! Thanks for the lesson, but one thing in the quiz has particulary made me confused and it is “A great thinker said….. we ARE not alone ……”
What I always knew is in case someone said something in Past then everything he said has to be in Past as well.
F.ex. “She said that London WAS a capital of Great Britain.
So: “A great thinker said that we WERE not alone…..”
Thank you in advance.
Thanks alxe
Thanks Alex
hi Alex i hope you fine could i suggest to you explain the name of Basic colors and derivative colors in more details Sincerely .
Guys don”t you think it’s time to get a little bit serious! The first time that i saw this website i thought “Finally I found a great web which can correct me up in every way.” But you guys doing it in a wrong way! Enough with these childish fun staff.Let’s get serious,how about that? Most advanced learner are dying one by one by learning stupid academic worlds from stupid dics like Long-man and the other dics;sometimes they can’t even understand the real definition of words.How about a little bit explanation about how the hell we should understand em easier not deeper.Nobody in his language is William Shakespeare,but dictionaries are trying hard to make us one of that kind.This is stupid because i’ve seen the world assign (for example) in dics and yahoo answer ,I’ve even asked it from native people million times but looks like they don’t know the definition they just know how to use it in a stupid context.I MEAN,JESUS! when I think about a verb I want a simple definition in my mind to make a F””king sentence ,but it looks like I have to think about story and then i have to convert that to a verb. ALL-RIGHT :| That’s bull F”king S”T.You guys who are native don’t do this because you have a simple definition of that world and nothing more but it’s really stupid that you guys ( LONGMAN-OXFORD-CAMBRIDGE-SUPER STUPID M-W AND EVEN YOU) trying to tell us the hardest and deepest meaning of the world! BTW it nice to work in this way for people who need to get help .I mean there’s no benefits for you guys
in this situation but guys isn’t it better if you want do something do it right and different with F””king LONG MAN OXFORD CAMBRIDGE….They want to make this harder because it feels good for them they are unpleasant But you guys are not them because you doing this for free and want to help people not confuse them like those.SO, don’t stick this much witch easy and stupid subjects and try to make harder subject easier rather than making em complicated.If you are the good guys do’n act like bad guys( Long Man OXFORD……) LOVE YOU ALL
Hello!Thank you for the lesson….i have a query…
which one is right, 1.the thread is cut
2.the thread has got cut
which one is correct,1.I have a query,2.i have got a query.
so,basically what I am trying to ask is …when do you use “got” and when you don’t.
thanking you in advance!!!!
That’s a great question.In LongMan dic says ‘it doesn’t have any difference with be and it’s just use in informal spoken English ,and it’s usually used when you trying to say something suddenly happen to someone,’ therefore,don’t use it in formal English.Okay that’s classic because when you look this subject about passive in Betty Azar’s book she doesn’t say that such thing.She says ‘there is some expression with got, try to memorize them.’Again,weird as usual! At the end,yes my friend nobody knows that and nobody’s going to explain it.There is no clarity in grammar.But i’m pretty sure that I’ve heard it people use get and got instead of be in passive in formal speech.
thank you for the reply…agree that grammar is unclear and there are lot of things to learn in grammar.
not hard or complicated at all; people who teach it make it complicated. They try to reduce everything that is unnecessary, BUT THEY EVEN CAN”T UNDERSTAND THAT PART IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THAT SUBJECT. Now , the question is ‘why they keep doing this’.They don’t care and believe everybody who is from US-UK-AUS-CANADA is just human. They see us as retarded people, who don’t need this much information. I’ll give you some example;
1.Take a look at ‘Conditional sentences” in this site or THE OTHER BOOK;Fine,they explain what is that and try to make it harder as usual-Native people can use was,but we have to use were,which is classic.They talk about ‘Conditional sentences’ about 3 hours,but they never talk about this,that native people use ‘Conditional sentences’ 99% of time as an implied conditional sentence.Maybe they point at it a little bit,but not completely.
2.They call English grammar subjects with billion names( that’s classic).
3.They try to give you a pattern which you can’t even see it in web news or hear it from native people in formal English.
4.They describe vocabulary like you are William Shakespeare,while some of them describe it like you’re a f”king idiot.CMON people! people in US-Canada even don’t know that definition,why should I know? I think that everybody needs just a simple definition of a word,which make it easy to understand the other usages of it
5.They not going to improve anything.
Alex what are you going to answer here! of course,you’re not goanna say anything .
You’re just goanna sit and call me crazy.5 days has pasted and nobody answer my questions.
I appreciate what you’re doing Alex
Hello Alex.
It is thought that your lessons are great and useful. I agree with it!
Your lessons are really very good as usual…
And also thanks to engvid for helping the world learn english without any expectation…
Thanks alot…
I got 7…ㅠㅠ
I’m gonna study harder than before.
Thank you very much.^^
Hello Alex! Could you plese make a video on Complex Object (He is thought to …., They are said to …, She is believed to…)? Thank you in advance.
Hi there,
Is there anybody who likes to practice English by chatting?
I’m from Colombia.
Thank you for teaching.
Thank you Alex for the lesson. I have a question about the “high level” verbs you wrote there. The verb that you skipped…fear???? What? means to be afraid of or…? Can you explain a little bit more about it and give me an example please?
Hi Alex.Thank you for this lesson especially.I think this subject is one of the main branches in English.I have a writing exam tomorrow so it was so useful for me.I’ll use this structure in my essay.I have a question too.”That” is optional there and it can be omited can’t it be?
You are a great english teacher and You have been help me to undestand better the grammar.
How about reverse structures like ‘Someone / something is thought / believed / to do / be doing / have done something’? Isn’t that an option? …
Hi Mr. Alex. I have a question. I’m confused by the tenses of those sentences. For example, “It is thought that Michole Jpordan was the best basketball player ever”. The first part of this sentence’s tense is present passive voice ( is thought) , but the second part of this sentence’s tense is past tense(was the best…). Could u tell me if it is correct, please? It’s not parallel. Thank you!
Hi, Alex! Can you explain me the passive voice in the sentence: “She thinks that she finished the project.”. I was told that the right answer is “It is thought that she finished the project.” but I do not understand why we use “it is thought” when it is about one person (she).
Thanks for this lesson Mr. Alex.
i got problem with english pronounce
Thanks Alex!.
It is thought that Michael Jordan was the best basketball player ever. In this sentence, the verb ‘thought’ is in past and the statement that followed ‘that’ as well. Then, why do the “to be” verb is in the present. Could you please elaborate?
Hi Alex, excelent lesson!
Hello Alex…
Your lesson was really useful..But I want a favor…Can you tell me..
Copernicus theorized that the earth go around the sun..Why is this wrong??
Thank you Sir
thank you indeed.
would you mind to help us by extra examples? due to i feel these wordes is complecaterd.
Thank you very much.
would you mind answer my question.
what is the difference between :
I’m sorry for being late.
I’m sorry for been late.
ahhh,5 of ten. could you give me another quiz about this topic so I can understand it more.
seven out of seven!hu,thanks very much!
9/10 Thanks!
Hello Alex,
Is the use of “that” reserved to passive form ?
For example what is better to say :
– did you notice this man was about to leave or
– did you notice that this man was about to leave ?
By the way, thank you for the lesson. It helps :)
got 9 only.. tnks
Thanks Sir Alex, I got 60%.
Abdul Qayum
what a difficult quiz … woow .. the first two questions were false so i got 8/10 …. thank you sir :)…
Thanks Sir
om hanin
Hi Alex and ciao everyone!
First, I would like to say it’s ok for you to touch the microphone. Second, thank’s a lot for your sharing, it helps.
Fellis Seth
8/10. nooooo!
Great video. Thansk
Thank you.
Wow…tough lesson but very helpful, tks Alex
Ricky Fiebig
I got only 50 % again, need more study…
got60 .its terrible for me .and its cuz of “the”.:(
It is believed that you’re the best teacher Alex .
It is thought that this site is the most exciting in learning english .
Hey Alex!!! Thank you so much this is the best site i´ve found. But WE
DON´T live in a heliocentric universe, we do live in a heliocentric solar system (it´s probably redundant to say it like this). The universe has no center. Copernicus was closer than the rest of the humans of his time but he was wrong too.
I got 10 out of 10!
As I have already written to you, the second time I listen to an explanation with my eyes closed I understand it much better.
Of course I cannot do this in a classroom. People might think I’m sleeping- just kidding.
In a classroom we don’t have the opportunity
to listen to any explanation twice, at all.
Thanks Alex.
Hi Alex,
why the instruction of sentences 1 and 2 didn’t changed even though in first sentence we have past passive sentence and the rest of the sentence is past and second one the sentence is simple passive and the rest of sentence has not been changed?
I was alleged that this lesson was going to be difficult but you made it much easier for us
thanks ALEX
hi alex. thanks for lesson. i have got a question. i will be happy if you answer it.
a lot of time
when i read a story
i encounter with that words.
when i encounter this situation
my mind is confused.
i don’t understand this meaning.
please help me!!!!
how are??
I am searching for video about noun clauses
but I did not find..
fatma ghanem
It´s a privilege to learn with you, Alex. Tranks.
10 out of 10 again :D you’re lessons are great! thank you very much!
Hello Alex!
Thank you very much for your lessons! Actually, I’ve been your fan since I first found EngVid. :)))
Now, I’ve got a question concerning this particular quiz. In the task #8, there’s one point that really confuses me. I mean, “a great thinker… SAID” refers to the past but the second part, which is “we ARE”, goes in present. Why?
Thanks a lot.
Best wishes :))).
I got it perfectly all explanation.
Brunno Braga
Very instructive lesson, thanks guys!!!
Henri Joel
Hello, Alex. I don’t understand why there is an article “the” near Earth in 1 question and there isn’t article in 4. Could you also explain why in 6 question environment is written with article the.
Hi Alex..would you please explain when we should use article “the” for Earth? There are two questions with and without article for Earth.What is the rule.Thanks in advance.
Thanks Alex!
9/10 Thanks, Alex!
7 correct out of 10
Hi Alex teacher. TThank for all. I have no teacher teaching me English teacher now. I am an Advanced learner and i study myself. I have a question for you, so could you send me your email adress please? I’m begging. There is no one who can help me in my city. So please do send me your email. i woul be so happy!
Pirmammet Pirmammedow,
From Serdar city, Turkmenistan.
Thank you!!!!
Antonis Evdaimon
Congratulations Alex!!! Very interesting and nice job!
Greetings from Greece ..
Hello, thanks for the video. I was wondering, do we still call it a relative clause, even if it is in a passsive structure?
I watched this video twice on May 9, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10.
I watched this video one more time on June 13, 2021.
Learn English for free with 2156 video lessons by experienced teachers. Classes cover English grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, IELTS, TOEFL, and more. Join millions of English learners worldwide who are improving every day with engVid.
:) Wish u luck every1 !
dear fatiima
how are u?
iam from Iran but i cant download the educational files from this site,can u help me plz
You’ll have to find a way around it.
Hi there,
Everything’s okay n I hope the same 2 u;
Tell u the truth,ever n never I’ve downloaded the site n I don’t know how un4tunately.
:) All of the Best 4 u!
Hey! i,m not Fatima but i can help u with this. All u have to do is to download IDM (Internet download manager) from Torrentz or anywhere else.
It is known that your lessons are great !
Thank you very much!
Very good lesson!!!
thanks Alex
I got 9 out of 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you but my grammar its terrible
I got 7.I realized that I should go back and study the word “THE”.
Thank you for your great lesson.I appreciate it.
you had several lessons regarding clauses before.I got confused about the difference between these expressions:subordinated clause,relative clause and adverb clause and also subordinate conjunction,relative pronoun and relative adverb.For example the word “when” is a subordinate conjunction or a relative adverb.Thank you again.
1.Interrogative adv. ” at what time ” :
e.g. When did u last see him ?
2.Relative adv. ” at or on which ” (referring 2 a time or circumstance ) :
e.g. Saturday is the day I get my hair done .
3.Conjunction ” at or during the time that ” :
e.g. I loved math when I was in school .
:) Glad I could help!
Thank you very much.I got It.It was kind of you.
Thank you for your lessonns.
nice quiz :D
Thank you, i really enjoyed your lesson.
I am Most grateful to u and to ur colleagues
Hi Alex!
May I say,-It has been claimed by Copernicus…instead It was…?
engVid is awesome
am happy to enjoy us
10 correct out of 10
great lesson
Thank you Alex,It is assume that your lesson is really useful :-)
9 :/ Great explanation! Thank you very much!
Hey teacher, how are you doing? Well, it turns out that we lived in a heliocentric SYSTEM instead of a heliocentric UNIVERSE. Greetings from Brazil ;)
Nice! That is it. I was looking for some comment about that.
i got only 6
wow i have got 9
I’d like to know the meaning of a few words.
(Not quite yet)
(I got you on this)
(Do some shots)
This word I heard from a British person,I don’t know if in America you guys say it.
(Could do with…)
Here’s the phrase:
A:Hey, nice shoes!
A:Could do with a pair like that myself…
This basically means “I could use a pair like that myself,” or “I’d like a pair like that myself.”
Good work Alex. Thanks.
Very helpful lesson ! Especially for IELTS but I think you could expand a bit more base on IELTS.
I haven’t seeing a video about IELTS in a while, though.
Thanks for the lesson.
:))) thanks Alex. it is a great GREAT lesson.
70 % no bad
thanks , your lesson really help me to translate english.
I’ve got a quick question for you. How come you use the Earth in the first question and then you use Earth later on.
thnks, it was good
Hello Alex, long time no see.
You gave the example: “It was claimed by Copernicus that we lived in a heliocentric universe.” — This remind me reported speech, and I think the same rules are applied. I mean the sequence of tenses. But when I think about the reported speech, I have to ask something.
Copernicus — nice English name for him :) — lived many years ago, and we live now. He claimed something years ago, and why is this connected to us — people who live now? I mean, shouldn’t be there something like:
“It was claimed by Copernicus that he/they/people lived in a heliocentric universe.”
The next question is — can we simply say:
“It was claimed by Copernicus that we live in a heliocentric universe.” — does it sound awkward or something? In reported speech, we can do such a thing, I know that it isn’t grammatically correct, but people use similar constructions in daily speech. What about “would”: “It was claimed by Copernicus that we would live in a heliocentric universe.” — I think they weren’t sure if that was really true, and actually the universe is slightly different. :)
BTW, should I use the past perfect in this sentence? — “I think they weren’t sure if that had been really true.” — I’m still not sure about using this tense, it’s really difficult to me. :/ But if so, how the original sentence sound to English native speakers?
I know that I write too much, but this is awesome exercise, despite all of those mistakes I probably made each time I write something here. xD
Take care :)
When I wrote “we,” I just meant humanity/people in general.
I kept it in the past because I wanted to focus on Copernicus’ time, though it’s definitely possible to say “that we live” since it’s a factual statement.
Your past perfect usage is good since you are referring to two different past actions. The first one is “they WEREN’T sure.” You then referred to an action that came before, so past perfect is just fine.
Don’t worry about writing so much. I’ll generally try my best to answer as many questions as I’m able. I may not always respond, but that doesn’t mean I’m not reading.
Thanks, I’ll keep in mind the past perfect example. :)
Hi Alex! Thanks for the lesson, but one thing in the quiz has particulary made me confused and it is “A great thinker said….. we ARE not alone ……”
What I always knew is in case someone said something in Past then everything he said has to be in Past as well.
F.ex. “She said that London WAS a capital of Great Britain.
So: “A great thinker said that we WERE not alone…..”
Thank you in advance.
Thanks alxe
Thanks Alex
hi Alex i hope you fine could i suggest to you explain the name of Basic colors and derivative colors in more details Sincerely .
Guys don”t you think it’s time to get a little bit serious! The first time that i saw this website i thought “Finally I found a great web which can correct me up in every way.” But you guys doing it in a wrong way! Enough with these childish fun staff.Let’s get serious,how about that? Most advanced learner are dying one by one by learning stupid academic worlds from stupid dics like Long-man and the other dics;sometimes they can’t even understand the real definition of words.How about a little bit explanation about how the hell we should understand em easier not deeper.Nobody in his language is William Shakespeare,but dictionaries are trying hard to make us one of that kind.This is stupid because i’ve seen the world assign (for example) in dics and yahoo answer ,I’ve even asked it from native people million times but looks like they don’t know the definition they just know how to use it in a stupid context.I MEAN,JESUS! when I think about a verb I want a simple definition in my mind to make a F””king sentence ,but it looks like I have to think about story and then i have to convert that to a verb. ALL-RIGHT :| That’s bull F”king S”T.You guys who are native don’t do this because you have a simple definition of that world and nothing more but it’s really stupid that you guys ( LONGMAN-OXFORD-CAMBRIDGE-SUPER STUPID M-W AND EVEN YOU) trying to tell us the hardest and deepest meaning of the world! BTW it nice to work in this way for people who need to get help .I mean there’s no benefits for you guys
in this situation but guys isn’t it better if you want do something do it right and different with F””king LONG MAN OXFORD CAMBRIDGE….They want to make this harder because it feels good for them they are unpleasant But you guys are not them because you doing this for free and want to help people not confuse them like those.SO, don’t stick this much witch easy and stupid subjects and try to make harder subject easier rather than making em complicated.If you are the good guys do’n act like bad guys( Long Man OXFORD……) LOVE YOU ALL
Hello!Thank you for the lesson….i have a query…
which one is right, 1.the thread is cut
2.the thread has got cut
which one is correct,1.I have a query,2.i have got a query.
so,basically what I am trying to ask is …when do you use “got” and when you don’t.
thanking you in advance!!!!
That’s a great question.In LongMan dic says ‘it doesn’t have any difference with be and it’s just use in informal spoken English ,and it’s usually used when you trying to say something suddenly happen to someone,’ therefore,don’t use it in formal English.Okay that’s classic because when you look this subject about passive in Betty Azar’s book she doesn’t say that such thing.She says ‘there is some expression with got, try to memorize them.’Again,weird as usual! At the end,yes my friend nobody knows that and nobody’s going to explain it.There is no clarity in grammar.But i’m pretty sure that I’ve heard it people use get and got instead of be in passive in formal speech.
thank you for the reply…agree that grammar is unclear and there are lot of things to learn in grammar.
not hard or complicated at all; people who teach it make it complicated. They try to reduce everything that is unnecessary, BUT THEY EVEN CAN”T UNDERSTAND THAT PART IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THAT SUBJECT. Now , the question is ‘why they keep doing this’.They don’t care and believe everybody who is from US-UK-AUS-CANADA is just human. They see us as retarded people, who don’t need this much information. I’ll give you some example;
1.Take a look at ‘Conditional sentences” in this site or THE OTHER BOOK;Fine,they explain what is that and try to make it harder as usual-Native people can use was,but we have to use were,which is classic.They talk about ‘Conditional sentences’ about 3 hours,but they never talk about this,that native people use ‘Conditional sentences’ 99% of time as an implied conditional sentence.Maybe they point at it a little bit,but not completely.
2.They call English grammar subjects with billion names( that’s classic).
3.They try to give you a pattern which you can’t even see it in web news or hear it from native people in formal English.
4.They describe vocabulary like you are William Shakespeare,while some of them describe it like you’re a f”king idiot.CMON people! people in US-Canada even don’t know that definition,why should I know? I think that everybody needs just a simple definition of a word,which make it easy to understand the other usages of it
5.They not going to improve anything.
Alex what are you going to answer here! of course,you’re not goanna say anything .
You’re just goanna sit and call me crazy.5 days has pasted and nobody answer my questions.
I appreciate what you’re doing Alex
Hello Alex.
It is thought that your lessons are great and useful. I agree with it!
Your lessons are really very good as usual…
And also thanks to engvid for helping the world learn english without any expectation…
Thanks alot…
I got 7…ㅠㅠ
I’m gonna study harder than before.
Thank you very much.^^
Hello Alex! Could you plese make a video on Complex Object (He is thought to …., They are said to …, She is believed to…)? Thank you in advance.
Hi there,
Is there anybody who likes to practice English by chatting?
I’m from Colombia.
Thank you for teaching.
Thank you Alex for the lesson. I have a question about the “high level” verbs you wrote there. The verb that you skipped…fear???? What? means to be afraid of or…? Can you explain a little bit more about it and give me an example please?
Hi Alex.Thank you for this lesson especially.I think this subject is one of the main branches in English.I have a writing exam tomorrow so it was so useful for me.I’ll use this structure in my essay.I have a question too.”That” is optional there and it can be omited can’t it be?
You are a great english teacher and You have been help me to undestand better the grammar.
How about reverse structures like ‘Someone / something is thought / believed / to do / be doing / have done something’? Isn’t that an option? …
Hi Mr. Alex. I have a question. I’m confused by the tenses of those sentences. For example, “It is thought that Michole Jpordan was the best basketball player ever”. The first part of this sentence’s tense is present passive voice ( is thought) , but the second part of this sentence’s tense is past tense(was the best…). Could u tell me if it is correct, please? It’s not parallel. Thank you!
Hi, Alex! Can you explain me the passive voice in the sentence: “She thinks that she finished the project.”. I was told that the right answer is “It is thought that she finished the project.” but I do not understand why we use “it is thought” when it is about one person (she).
Thanks for this lesson Mr. Alex.
i got problem with english pronounce
Thanks Alex!.
It is thought that Michael Jordan was the best basketball player ever. In this sentence, the verb ‘thought’ is in past and the statement that followed ‘that’ as well. Then, why do the “to be” verb is in the present. Could you please elaborate?
Hi Alex, excelent lesson!
Hello Alex…
Your lesson was really useful..But I want a favor…Can you tell me..
Copernicus theorized that the earth go around the sun..Why is this wrong??
Thank you Sir
thank you indeed.
would you mind to help us by extra examples? due to i feel these wordes is complecaterd.
Thank you very much.
would you mind answer my question.
what is the difference between :
I’m sorry for being late.
I’m sorry for been late.
ahhh,5 of ten. could you give me another quiz about this topic so I can understand it more.
seven out of seven!hu,thanks very much!
9/10 Thanks!
Hello Alex,
Is the use of “that” reserved to passive form ?
For example what is better to say :
– did you notice this man was about to leave or
– did you notice that this man was about to leave ?
By the way, thank you for the lesson. It helps :)
got 9 only.. tnks
Thanks Sir Alex, I got 60%.
what a difficult quiz … woow .. the first two questions were false so i got 8/10 …. thank you sir :)…
Thanks Sir
Hi Alex and ciao everyone!
First, I would like to say it’s ok for you to touch the microphone. Second, thank’s a lot for your sharing, it helps.
8/10. nooooo!
Great video. Thansk
Thank you.
Wow…tough lesson but very helpful, tks Alex
I got only 50 % again, need more study…
got60 .its terrible for me .and its cuz of “the”.:(
It is believed that you’re the best teacher Alex .
It is thought that this site is the most exciting in learning english .
Hey Alex!!! Thank you so much this is the best site i´ve found. But WE
DON´T live in a heliocentric universe, we do live in a heliocentric solar system (it´s probably redundant to say it like this). The universe has no center. Copernicus was closer than the rest of the humans of his time but he was wrong too.
I got 10 out of 10!
As I have already written to you, the second time I listen to an explanation with my eyes closed I understand it much better.
Of course I cannot do this in a classroom. People might think I’m sleeping- just kidding.
In a classroom we don’t have the opportunity
to listen to any explanation twice, at all.
Thanks Alex.
Hi Alex,
why the instruction of sentences 1 and 2 didn’t changed even though in first sentence we have past passive sentence and the rest of the sentence is past and second one the sentence is simple passive and the rest of sentence has not been changed?
I was alleged that this lesson was going to be difficult but you made it much easier for us
thanks ALEX
hi alex. thanks for lesson. i have got a question. i will be happy if you answer it.
a lot of time
when i read a story
i encounter with that words.
when i encounter this situation
my mind is confused.
i don’t understand this meaning.
please help me!!!!
how are??
I am searching for video about noun clauses
but I did not find..
It´s a privilege to learn with you, Alex. Tranks.
10 out of 10 again :D you’re lessons are great! thank you very much!
Hello Alex!
Thank you very much for your lessons! Actually, I’ve been your fan since I first found EngVid. :)))
Now, I’ve got a question concerning this particular quiz. In the task #8, there’s one point that really confuses me. I mean, “a great thinker… SAID” refers to the past but the second part, which is “we ARE”, goes in present. Why?
Thanks a lot.
Best wishes :))).
I got it perfectly all explanation.
Very instructive lesson, thanks guys!!!
Hello, Alex. I don’t understand why there is an article “the” near Earth in 1 question and there isn’t article in 4. Could you also explain why in 6 question environment is written with article the.
Hi Alex..would you please explain when we should use article “the” for Earth? There are two questions with and without article for Earth.What is the rule.Thanks in advance.
Thanks Alex!
9/10 Thanks, Alex!
7 correct out of 10
Hi Alex teacher. TThank for all. I have no teacher teaching me English teacher now. I am an Advanced learner and i study myself. I have a question for you, so could you send me your email adress please? I’m begging. There is no one who can help me in my city. So please do send me your email. i woul be so happy!
Pirmammet Pirmammedow,
From Serdar city, Turkmenistan.
Thank you!!!!
Congratulations Alex!!! Very interesting and nice job!
Greetings from Greece ..
Hello, thanks for the video. I was wondering, do we still call it a relative clause, even if it is in a passsive structure?
I watched this video twice on May 9, 2021, and I took the quiz after watching it once. I got 10 correct out of 10.
I watched this video one more time on June 13, 2021.
Very helpful, thank you!